HomeMy WebLinkAboutMPE 02/99�8 �O�OFP 6 ~ � REPORT TO COUNCIL � FROM: Richard W. Holbom DATE: November 1G,1999 Division Head, Municipal Property anJ Enginccring REPORT NUMBER: MPE 02/99 OES 02199 SUBJECT: Raihvay Crossing Gates St. Lawrencc & Hudson "Belicvillc' Subdivision Raikvay Line RECOMMENDATION: I. That Town Council pre•approve ycar 2000 Operalions and Emergency Scrvices Capilal Budget funding in ihc amounl of 550,000 to provide for tlie Town's sliarc (12.5%) of Ilic total cosis to install railway crossing gates al Ihc Dixic Road anJ Fairport Road Icvcl crossings of thc St. Lawrencc & Hudson Rail�vny Linc; and, 2. That Town Council requcsl that Ihc Region of Durhnm cndorsc Ihc Town's invcsligalion of nn nrrangemcnt to prohibit locomotivc whislling at thc Whites Road (Regional Road 38) levcl crossing of Ihc St. Lmvrcncc K IluJson kail�vay Linc; and, 3. That Town Council rcqucst that Ihc Rcgian of Durham fomially invcstigatc with Transport Canada Ilu inslallalion of railway crossing gates al tlic Altona RoaJ (Rcgional Road 27) Icvcl crossing of Ihc St. Lawrencc & Hudson Railway Line. ORIGIN: Stnff invatigation af "Qualiry of Lifc' noise complaints alung thc St. Lawrencc & HuJson "Bellevillc" Subdivision Railway Line wilh Transport Canada and St. Lawrcncc und Hudson Railway. AUTHORITY: Ralhvay Snjery �ct (RSA) FINANCIAL IMPLICATION5: Thc installation of automated gates nt the Dixie Road and Fnirport Road levcl crossings of thc St. Lawrcnce nnd Hudson Rail�vay Line arc cstimatcJ lo cost approximatcly 5221,150 and 5171,400, respeclively. Transport Carmda has offered grants for Ihese instullations lhat will fund up to n maximum of 80% of Ihc totnl cost. Thc remaining 20°/a ol'the total cost must bc split at ratcs of 7.5% for the Railway und 12,5°/a for Ihe Municipality. The cost lo the To�vn of Pickcring will thcreforc bc $27,G43,75 for Dixic Roud nnd �21,425.00 for Pnirport Roud, or a lotul of $49,OG8.75. Thc Town will aiso 6c responsible for un equul shnrc of tho incrcascd nnnuul maintenance costs ussociated with crossing gutes and for n third party liabiliry insuranco premium should u futurc By-Inw be pusscd unJ ncceptcd by Tmnsport CanuJa ollowing for un nnti•whistlinq urrnngement nt cach crossing, 1'he Town's shurc of tl�c mnintenance wsls for euch crossing is cslimntcd to incrcasc by opproximntcly 5500.00, ovcr whut is currcnUy paid wilhout � • Report to Council MPB 02/99 Dotc: Novcmber 16,1999 • OES 02/99 Subjecl: Railwuy Crossing Gutcs Pagc 2 � 9 gates. Thesc funds nrc budgcleJ for unnuully in uccount 2320•2409. Thc third party liobility insurunce premiums will cost ll�e Town approximately $2500 unnunlly for each crossing. Should Transport Cannda also confirtn that the Whites Road crossing mects with lhc nppropriate safety critcria for nn anli•whistling arrnngement, lhe Town will also 6e responsible for an cqual shure of ihc third pnrty liability insurance prcmium nt this locution. The cost of insurance to the Town is cslimated to be approximately 52500.00 per annum. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Transport Canada and SL Lawrence & Hudsan Rail�vay are ofTering granis tolaling 87.5°/a of thc total cost ta inslall automated crossing gatcs at the Dixic Road anJ Fairport Road Ievel crossings of the St. Lawrencc & Hudson "Belleville" Subdivision Railway Linc. Thesc gates will improvc crossing safety at cach location as wcll as provide an oppoAUnily for an improved "Quality of Life' in lhc ncighbouring residcntial arcas. Pollowing Ihe installalion of thc crossing ga�cs th;; Town may pass Municipal ByIm�•s thal may prohi6il the sounding of Ihc locomolivc whistic's at each crossing. In kccping with Ilic requcsts of the ncighbouring residents this reporl also Jiscusscs othcr opportunilies in which to improvc thc "Quality of Lifc" in thc residcntial arcas ncar thc Whitcs Road and Altona Rond Icvel crossings of thc St. Lawrcncc & HuJson Railway Line. Thc Town will bc rcquircd, howcvcr, ta fund 12.5 % of tBc lotal instullation cosis for Dixie Road nnd Fai�port Road as wcll as nnnual maintcnancc and Ihird party liabiliry insurancc to initiutc ihesc improvcments. It is rccommendcd that To«�n Council prc•approvc thc ncccssary funds to suppoA this projccl, in ordcr that Ihc Town can confirm our financial commitment thereby Icading to Ihc inslallation of thc gatcs in Ihe ycar 2000. BACKGROUND: Thc sounding of tlte locomotivc whislle's nlong thc St, Lawrcnce & Hudson "Ocllcville" Subdivision Railway Linc has becn a major conccm to thc ncighbouring residcntial arcas in Ihc Town for many ycars. As n result of thc growing numbcr of tlicse conccros, Town staff iniliatcd discussions with various of(icials Gom St. Lawrcnce & Fludson Railway anJ Transport Canada carlicr Ihis ycar. The main Ihrust of thc discussions rclateJ to the possibiliry of improving quality of life issucs for Ihc adjacent ncigBbourhoods and thc rclativc safcty of cach crossing locution. Transport Canada completcd reviews oCeach crossing location with thc cooperetion of Ihc Public Works Department in April of lhis ycar. Ench revicw assesscd a number of cxisting and fulurc conditions incluJing tra�c volumcs, collision history, railway linc geomclry, doublc track configurntions, limited crossing visibility sightlines, higli mainline maximum train specds, futurc incrcazes in rail line usage and the continued encroachment of adjacent developmenL During Ihcse reviews it was cicarly indicated by St. Lawrence anJ Hudsan Rnilway anJ Transport Canadn lhal crossing gates would nol be supported for Ihc sole purpose of improving qualiry of liCc issucs. Thc expensc to inslall gates must rathcr be based on the evaluation of the previously mentioncd fnctors and u minimum wurrant substantinted, In late Octabcr, official nolifiwtion was rcceived from SI. Lmvrencc & Hudson Raihvay and Transporl Canadn advising that minimum warrants wcrc mcl anJ that grnnts would bc providcd to install automateJ galcs at thc Dixie Road and Fnirporl RouJ Icvcl crossings. Thc gmnls providcd by TmnspoA Cnnadu will fund up to u mnximum of 80°/a of the total cost to install galcs . at these two Iocalions. Dcsign cstimatcs provided by St. Lnwrcnce & Hudson Rnilwny confimis total installation wsts of approximalcly $221,150 for Dixic Rond and $171,400 for thc tairport Rond crossing. The remaining 20% of thc totnl cost must be split at rates of 7.5% for thc � Repori lo Cpuncil MPE 02/99 Datc; Novcmbcr IG, 1999 8 o OES 02/99 Subjcch Ruilwuy Crossing Gnlcs Page 3 Railway und 12.5% for thc Town. The cost tu thc Town of Pickcring will Ihcreforc be S27,G43.75 for Dixie Road nnd $21,425.00 for Puirport Road, totaling $49,OG8.75. The origin of ihese invcstigations tcsulteJ frcm Ihe camplaints about lhc frequenl sounding of Ihe locomotivc whis�lc from ihe neighbouring residenlial areas. With the insinllation of fully uutomated crossing gntes at Dixic Rond and FairpoA Road, the Town will have ihe future option of passing u By-law to ullow for tlie cessation of thc irain whistle ut each crossing. If Trnnsport Cnnada nccepts the By-law, subjecl lo lheir further review of existing safety conditions, Ihe Railway will be directed to discoNinuc the locomotive whistle approaching Ihesc crossings. Since inhcrent safety risks will remain at each crossing following the discontinuance of the Irain whistle it is thc Policy of SI. Lmvrence & Hudson Raihvay that the Municipality be requircd to sh�rc the costs oFthird party liability insurancc. These costs nre an annual operaling expensc and are eslimated to run approximately 52500.00 per crossing. It should also be notcd that crossing gales require additional nnd more costly mainlenance ��hen as compared to Ihe standard artay of Oashing lights and bclls. A 50% share of these costs will also be required in accordance with fedcrally mandated regulations, Thc mainlcnance costs arc c.epected to bc approximately 53000.00 per crossing per year which is an increasc of 5500 over ��hat is curzently paid wilhout gates. The Whites Road (Rcgional Road 38) and Altona Road (Regional Road 27) Icvcl crossing locations af thc St. Lawrencc & HuJson Railway Linc arc undcr lhcjurisdiction of thc Rcgion oC Durham. Auromatcd Railway Crossing Gales curtently cxist at thc Whitcs Road Icvcl crossing, howevcr, lhe sounJing of thc train whistic has not bcen JisconlinucJ. Similar lo thc position of the St. Lawrencc & Hudson Rnilway, lhe Region of Durham regarJs anti-whislling as a"quality oC life" issuc nnd as such thc Town will bc respansiblc for passing thc ncccssary Dy-law lo providc for thc prohibition of Ihc locomoti��c whisUc. In orJcr lo providc for cffectivc covcragc of futurc nnli-whisQing along thc St. Lawrcncc anJ Hudson Railway Linc it is rccommcndcd Ihat thc Rcgion of Durham 6c requatcd to cndorsc thc Town's im�estigalion of nn arrangcmcnt to ptohibil locomotivc whistling a1 thc Whitcs Raad (Rcgional Road 38) Icvcl crossing of thc St. Lmvrencc & Hudson Raihvay Linc. Again, if approvcd, third party liabilily insurancc valucJ al approximatcly 52500 per ycar �vill bc requircd and must bc assumcJ by thc Town of Pickcring. The Altona Road Ievcl crossing of the St. I.awrence & Hudson Railway rcmains un-gated. Although long-tcrm plans may providc for a gradc scparation of tlic two facilities, it is recommended that the Region of Durham bc requcsted to investigale Ihe installation af gatcd crossing protection in thc short-tcnn. Thc curtcnt cxposurc factors al Ihis crossing are similar lo Whites Road in thal a minimum warrant for gatcs is likcly satisficd, Inilial discussions with oflicials at Transporl Canada indica�cs that full support will bc givcn lowards thc instnllation of crossing gatcs al this location. Thc two other level crossing locations of thc SI. Lawrence and HuJson "Bcllcvillc" Subdivision Railway Line being Rosebank Road and lhe Toronto/Pickering Townline Road will remain un- gated at Ihis time. Existing wartants ut these locations do not curtently mcet thc minimunt criteria for improved crossing safety as determined by Transport Canada. As such, thc Town of Pickering would have to fund the entirc cosl of the installation of crossing galcs at tliesc locatians. The associated costs lo the Town would have to be justificd to solely provide for only lhc possibility of improving thc "Quality of Life" issues rclated lo Uic sounding of thc locomotive whisUe in the area of these lwo crossings. Staff will, howcvcr, continue to work coopernlivcly with Transport Cunada nnd Sl. Lnwrencc and Nudson Rnilway as u mcans lo altain Ihc fulurc funding ncccasary for thc installntion of crossing gnles at Ihcsc locations. Thc opproval of thc Raihvay's 7,5% slmrc of Ihc funding has bccn confimicd to complctc this project. In order for St. Lawrcnce & Hudson lo procced with ordcring thc ncccssnry matcriuls and to instnll thc gntcs nt thc Dixic Road nnJ Fni�port Road crossings ncxt ycar, thc prc•npproval of funds will bc rcquircd from thc ycar 2000 Operntions nnd Emcrgcncy Scrvices Capitol and Operating 9uJgets. � Repod to C,ouncil MPB 02l92 - Dato: Novcmber IG,1999 • OE5 02l99 SubjecL• Rnilway Crossing G�tes puge q g 1 ATTACHMENTS: 1. Location Map 2. Cortespondencc Gom C.P. Rniiwny dated June 9, 1999 (Dixic RoaJ) 3. Cortespondcncc Gom C,P. Railwuy dated lunc 9,1999 (Fairport Road) 4. Federal News Rclease dateJ Octobcr 21,1999 Preparcd By; Approved / Endorsed By: ��— C. Stephen Brake L. Dunlsmn, Dirc or Traf(ic & Wasle Managemcnt Coordinator Operations & Gmergency Services Dept. Ric d W. Holb n, Division Hcad M icipal Prope y nnJ Enginccring SB/W.M. � Altachmcnts Copy: ChiefAdministrative0fficer Director, Operalions and Emergcncy Scrvices Dircclor, Corporntc Scrviccs anJ Trcasurcr Customcr Carc Ccntre Town Clerk Recommended for Ihc considcralion of Pickcring Town Council �� . � o as J, Q' n, C ef Ad '' rative O i cr a:; ',,. ,.:� i,: ; ,, � �„ . � ' 82 � rc " O 0 9 u � i CF04�SIN0 PoIM t � TM��o � ea�cnvo+ �un � . 9 �r CR SINi � g r„�. NT 8 `� � �"' pT CR09 0 � � LEVEL p'�"M'+ i o Sw CROSSINf � � OINT 1 � ....o. � � � �, ` 8 �I ��� � CROS�SINO r�° �y � � CROSSIHO PoIHf J �` _. POINTI /'� Q \�_ ���.__. Level Crossing Poln11& 3 The installalion of automaled gatas at lhese crossing palnls remein unwananted al this Ume. Town aleff will wntinuo to work cooperaUvely wilh Transport Canada end Sl. Lawrence end Hudson Railway in nn ettempl ta oblain fulure funding towards ihese Insteilaqons. Level Crossing Point 2 It (s recommended Ihat lho Region of Durham be requesled to formelly investigate with Transport Canada lhe Inslallatlon of aulomated raihvay crossing gates at lhis locetlon of Ihe St. Lawrence and Hudson Reihvay Line. Level Crossing Potnt 4 It Is recommendad lhat the Regian of Durham be roquested to endorse lhe Town's inveslfgalion of en arcangement to prohibit locomolfve whisUinB et this IocaUon of lhe SL Lawrence and Hudson Railway Line. Lovel Crossing Point 5& 8 Transport Canada hes designated these laapona as being warranted for the Installatlon of aulometed rollway crossing gatea. Granis wlll be provided by Transport Canada and St. lswronce end Hudson Raihvay covering 87.5°% oi the totai Inslallation costa. The Town wfll be required to fund lhe remaining 12.596 of lhe costs or $27, 843.75 end $21,425.00 for Dixie Road end Falrpart Road, respectively. M anli•whisAing errangement may be InvesUgated following al each crossing point following the Installatlon ot the getes. TOIIN OF PICKERING TRAFFIC REPORT I-�- YIO�\ Iq01� W Of�Y1 Mi� � � �� � �� RAILWAY CR0991N0 OATE9 � sva uro we �uo9 8i. IAWRENCE 8 HUD90N'BELLEVILLE' 9UBDIV910N MILWAY LINE �, , C�C'' ,,. _ �� ✓ , . ��� r � ' • CANADIAN �1}�y � PACIFIC Re(�u�iwryAtfoin �„��,+ � RAILWAY �o�� ��' Glp� � ��;; � .,. File: X-146-189�3! ,�iS Juna 9, 1999 i1°; Terry M. Burtch, P. Eng. ___.__. DirecCor General Railway Safnty Transport�canaaa � [;{� F ��/ [ (� � Place de Ville, Tower C, 10 Floor J70 Sparks Street JUN 1 7 1Sf9!1 OTTAWA, Ontario K1A ON5 . TUWIJ UI� I'ICIU:I IIiVG � PUBLIC WORI(S DEPT. Dear Sir: ' Re: ara:�t toward the cost of addinq qates and constant warning time control to the crossinq warninq eignals system at Mile 189.:18 of the Belleville Subdivision and Fairport Road in PioF.er�ng, ontario. On April 1], 1999 Transport Canada�s Reqional offica racommandad improvement of the croasinq warning system at the above location by the additien oP gate barriers and constant warning time control equipment. A� this railway work would improve tha safety of the crossing, St. Lawrence and Hudson Railway Company Limitad (StL6H) concurs in tha proposal and in an application for a grant toward the cost oP the work. This concurrence is conditional upon: 1. A grant af 803 of the cost of the work being authorized; 2. Tha Town of Pickering agreeing to contribute 12.5t of the cost of the work and to continue to accept 502 of the cost oP Puture maintenanca of the crossing warning syatem. The cost of the work is estimated to be $171,400 and the cost of annual maintenance is estimated to ba $6,020 in accordanca w:th the National Transportation Agency�s Schedule �A� Directivea, as datailed in the attached estimate dated April 15, 1999. StL611 is prepared to contribute 7.5t oP the cost oP the proposed improvemants and will pay 50t of the maintenance. � .../2 �;�` �1 , !i '� � - � . . ;-�_; . , ; . ... � .. 84 ` : _Z_ . StL6H will carry out tha work aftar the above wnditiona have been fulfilled. ' Yours truly _ D.M.Thomap , . D.M. Thomas Regulatory Assistant DT . Encl. cc: Mr. Thomas J. Quinn Chief Administrative OfEicer The Town of Pickerinq �—y' 1 The Esplanada Pickerinq, Ontario L1V 5K7 A copy of the eatimate of cost is attached. Please adviae this oPEice oP your acceptance oE 12.5t oP tha coat oE installation and 50% of the cost of Putura maintanance oP the crossinq warning system. Ms. Linda Hoffmann Regional Director, Ontario Ragion Transport Canada - Surface 20 Toronto Street, Suite 600 TORONTO, Ontario M5C 2B8 �:� ., ` } . ; 85 St. Lawrence & Hudson Railway File: XC 402,189-78 Siqnals & Communications Road: Fa�rport Road Ddte: 99-04-15 ESTIMATE of cost to ADD and maintain gate barriero with Conatant-Warninq-Time control equipment at the crossinq of Fairport Road in the Town oE Pickering, ontario at Mileaga 189.38 Bellaville Subdivision. MATERIAL CWT Control equipment with accessories $ 28 800 Gata assemblies, gate arms 13,900 Relays, plugboards, etc. 2,200 8attery Cells & Chargers ' 7,100 Housing,Foundations 8,100 Wira and Cable 3,300 Miscellanaous Materials 1,900 �'�_�_� MATERIAL .............. ............. SUB-TOTAL: S 65�700 Material Handlinq (PST embpdded) 45.0 � Sched A 29,400 LABOUR & EQUIPMENT� ETC. Labour (Installation) $ 16,000 Lahour (Statutory Leave) 20.0 $ Sched A 7,200 Labour (SUpervision & Administration) 80.9 g Sched h 15,600 Contract (Shop wiring of housing) 7,000 Travel & Expenses Sched A 5,J00 Enqineering Design servlces 5,000 Tran3port & Rental oE Equipment 5,000 Hydro Service 4,000 continqencies lo t 15,600 e=�n=�e ESTTMATE ........................................ TOTAL: $ 171,A00 Annual Scheduled Maintenanca Cost, Standard Rate Type 2: $ 6,020 Estimate is subject to Schedule A rates in effect at tima of construction, otherwise valid for one year from date oP issue unless suparseded. Estimate ahows present known material prices and anticipated labour afFort required. Final billing will show actual price paid and actual labour effort expended. Manager, Design & Development Siqnals & Communications Canadian Pacific Railway , II. . 4 . . � . . . .. � .. � , . ' GANAOIAN I�j PACIFIC �S i � RAILWAY � �C: 5�3e,�r.� ✓ _ - ' --- Safaty 8 Ra�uliwry Miln !i•ey.��i� r,rn�nr.i� —j"'�i . i��. :. urc ctn,� �.._ F�10: X-146-188.•77'�^nr`" —: iir.:�,:r j I ,�. W�.n..: �t �-C:.; . —�-r � ici' ... .. June 9, 1999 -,;-._._l._!1!` __ ... '... �� ���� ----• Terry M. Burtch, P. Eng. ._ ... Director General Railway Safety (�E(',[�U[Q Transport Canada Place de ville, Tower c, lo Floor JUN 17 19D9 330 Sparks Street OTTAWA, Ontario 1'OWN Oi= PICI(LI111JG K1A ON5 • pUBLIC WOf IKS UEPT. Dear Sir: Re= arant toward the cost of adding qatea� constant trarninq time control and moticn sensing coatrol to tihe crossinq xarninq aiqnals system at Hile 186.77 0! the Halleville eubdivisian and Dixie Road in Pickerinq, ontario. On April 17, 1999 Transport Canada�s Regional office recommended improvement of the crossing warninq sy�tem at the above location by the addition of gate barriere,, conatant warning time control equipment on the main track and motion detaction equipment on the siding track. As this railway work would improva the safaty oP the croseing, St. Lawrence and Iludson Railway Company Limited (StL&H) concurs in the proposal and in an application for a grant toward the cost of the work. This concurrence is conditional upan: 1. A grant of eD� of the cost oP the work being authorized; 2. The Town oE Pickering agraeing to contribute 12.5� of the cost o[ the work and to continue to accept 503 oE tha cast oP Puture maintenanca oP the crossing Warning system. The cost of the work is estimated to be $221,500 and the cost of annual maintenance is estimated to be $6,02o in accordance with tha National Transportatian Agency�s Schedule �A� Directives, as detailed in the attached estimate dated June B, 1999. StLSH is prepared to contribute 7.5% of the cost oP the proposed improvements and will pay 5oR oP tha maintenance. .../2 � ,: Z _ , 87 StL&H will carry out the work after the above conditions hava been fulfilled. Youra truly '�.;n. Thomas ` D.M. Thomas Raqulatory Assiatant DT � Encl. , cc: Mr. Thomas J. Quinn chief Administrative ofPicer The Town oP Pickering �1 The Esplanade Pickering, ontario L1V 6K7 A copy of the estimate of cost is attachad. Please advise this office oP your accaptanca of 12.5t of tha coet of installation and 503 of the cost oF future maintenance of tha crossing warninq syatem. Ms. Linda HoPfmann Regional Director, Ontario Ragion Tranaport Canada - Surface 20 Toronto Street, Suite 600 TORONTO, Ontario M5C 2D8 ,, r , j . . ,� � . . . , , , , � , . , s�. ! ,� .�:: .:,-.. ..... , ���.: ; . •.,.. i- ' .�.�: . � . , . p' . � � . . . . . . . 5� . . . � V � • � . � � .. � . � . . � . St. Lawrence & Hudson Railway File: XG,402,188-77 Signals 6 Communications Road: Dixie Road Date: 99-06-08 ESTIMATE of cost to ADD and maintain qate barriers with Constant-Warning-Time control equipment on the main track and motion detection equipment on the siding track at the crossinq of Dixie Road in the Town of Pickering, Ontario at � Mileaqe 188.77 Helleville Subdiviaion. MAT�RIAL CWT Control,motion sensing equipment with accessories $ 47,8oU Gata assemblies, qate arms 13,900 Relays, plugboards, etc. 5 600 Battery Calls & Chargers 7,900 Houaing,Foundatians 8,200 wire and Cable 4,000 Track material,insulated joints,atc. 1,600 Miscellaneous Materials 2,700 ' �a'=�=' MATERIAL .................................... SUB-TOTAL: $ 87�700 Material Handling (PST embedded) 45.0 3 Sched A 79,500 LABOUR & EQUZPMENT� ETC. Labour (Installation) $ 16,000 Labour Statutory Leave) 20.0 t Sched A J,200 Labour �SUpervision & Administration) 80.9 1 Sched A 15,600 Contract (Shop wiring of houainq) 7,000 Travel & Expenses Sched A 5,300 Engineering Desiqn Ser�rices 7,000 Transport & Rantal oP Equipment 5,000 Nydro ServicQ 15,000 Contingencies lo t 20,200 esa�nee ESTIMATE ........................................ TOTAL: $ 221,500 Annual 5cheduled Maintenance Cost, Standard Rate Typa 2: $ 6,020 Estimata is subject to Schedule A rates in eFfect at time oP construction, otherwise valid for one year from date oP issuQ unlese superseded. Estimate shows present known material prices and anticipated labour efPort required. Final billing will show actual price paid and actual labour ePPort expendad. Manaqer, Design & Develapment Signals & Communications Canadian PaciEic Railway :'�t�innn�rAnni^nnT�r�mn��nV��rnnnnnnrnn�nnnnnn��r�n� . n...l.e� ` ` � • . . �� News Releases'�,1 89 Allealion Nervs Edilors: IMPROVED SAFETY AT RAILWAY CROSSINCS ACROSS CANADA OTTAWA, Oct. 21 /CNW/ - Traneport Mlnietec David Collene[te today announced that the federal government will provide 51,17],200 to improve aafaty at 1B railway croe0inga acro0a Cenada. In the paat eix yeare, Tranaport Canada hne contributed eome S50 million [o SSB projecte acrone Canada. A1[hough accident rates and croaaing fatalitiee acrosa Canada have reached their loweet levele in 10 yeare, accidento at railway croeainge have reeulted in 27 fatalities and 24 injuries acrone the country thie year,�� eaid Mr. Collenutte. "Thia Einancial ae0letance will help communitiea and railwayB improve the eaEety oE railway croeeinge in Canada.�� Under Traneport Canada's croeeing improvement program, eligible railway crossinge will be either upgraded, relocated or closed. Improvemente may include the inetallation of flaehing lighta and gatee, the addition of gateo or extra lighte ro exieting eyeteme, the interconnection oE croeaing eignala to nearby traffic lighte, the modification of operating circuite, or the addltion of new circuita or timing devicee. The department will finance up to 80 per cent of the total cost of the improvemente. The balance oE funding will be provided by tlie railwaya, municipalities or provincee� "Motoriete and pedestriane can take action to reduce the riek at railway croseinga, "'eaid Mr. ColleneGte. " 6ven croseingn equlpped with automa[ed warning dovicen - auch aa belle and 9ates - demand caution and prudent driving." For thia reaeon, Tranoport Canada eupportu two other Snitlativea to improve safety at railway croseingos 'Operation Llfesaver,' a public education program of tMe Rallway Aaeociation oE Canada that hae promoted eafety at railway crooninge nince 1901, and DSrection 2006, a partnerehip of governmente, railway companieo and thelr uniona working towardo a goal oE raducing collieiono and trcepauaing incldentn by 50 per cent by the year 2006. Thesa projectn will improve the uaEety of railway crooningo Sn omaller urban and rural areao� Through tlie Federal Rural Policy, the Oovernment of Canads ie working to build etrongcr nnd nafer rural communitie¢. . Punding for thc Smprovementa announced today wau provlded for Sn the fedaral budget and io thcrcEore 6uilt Snto the exioting Eiacal Eramewark. A backgrounder and a liet of the cronoinga acheduled for Smprovement followa. OACKOHOUNDER RAILWnY CROSSINOS FAC'fS - Traneport Canada haa a permanent aafety inupectian program to monitor railway croeainge, to eneura atandarde are met under the Railway Safety Act, and to identify areao far improvement. - The Traneport Canada Orade Croaeing Impravement Program contributee approximately 5��5 million over thc couroe oE each year to improvA rail croeeing safety acrono Canada. Funding decioione are baoed on pre-eetabliehed regional accldent and serioue-injury criteria over a five-year period, and Eunding ie allocated to vacioua regione at different tlmee oE the year. - Although rail-related accident ra[ea and cronning fatalitieo have reached their loweat levele in SO yearn, improving saEety a[ rail croeeinge Se one of Traneport Canada�e top prioritiee, as accidente at croaeinga account for half of thc railway-related deathe and injuriea each year. " - Theze were 276 croeeing accidente acrose Canada in 1998. Theee accidenta reeulted in a total of 42 fatalitiee, 2] oE which took place � at protected cro001nge equipped wlth automated eignale eet off by trains (such ae bella and gateal, 14 at unprotected croaainge (which � �t »�nnrnrfinn r.rnrv � ���t�v�arnnnnot�r n�nn non�u t�� n.�.n.a+ • are iaentiLie� �y croeebuck eigne�'end fiva at pr�vate or [arm ' , croeeinge. ,,,._ -,Paaeenger.traine-travel�up to,160 km/h and lreight treine 105 km/h. �, n O - It can take a train more then ona minuta [o come to a complete atop. .7 For example, in perfect weether, an Be-car freight trein weighin9 13,000 tonnee and travelling 96 km/h would cover about two kilomatrea before etopping. - In addition to funding up to 80 per cent ot improvemente to eligible crosainge, Traneport Canada worka with eha Railway Aeeoclation of Canada on "Operation LiEeeaver,'� a public education program. - Tranaport Cannda aleo participatee in Uiraction 2006, a partnerahlp among all levele of governmen[, railway companiea and unlone. Thc objective of Direc[ion 2006 in to reduca grada croeeing colllaiono and treapaeaing incldenta by 50 per cent by the year 2006. ------------------------'----•--------•--------------------------°------ PROVINCB LOCATION ROAD FBOBRAL CONTRIBUTIO!! "" " " " "'-'------------'-" " " "...'---" " " " " " " " " " " " -c'--- Brltiah Columbia near Rosedale Old Yale Road $189,�00 ---..-.._--'-----------------'----^--"---------'-'-----"-----._•----'- Alber[a Calgary 7th Avenue, N6 $5/,400 - -.-________�---------------'-...___...._..-....--'---'-'----..-.-..------ Saekatchewan Tomkina Eaet Acceae Road 596,000 ______________________________'-'---------..-_.-.-__--.._..__-.........__ Saskatchewan wenE of Qull Lake Municipal Raad $62,400 -'----"-'--'--•__-----'-'---'-----------'^---'-----"-------^--^----- Manitoba RM Wallace Highway B3 556,000 ..............................'----...----"-----.__-----.._-..........__ � Ontario Pickering Dixie Road 5177,200 .............'-------------'-------------__._____...._.__.__...........__ ' Ontario OLter Lake Otter Lake Road/ $2A0,)00 Sand Dust Lane ____________________�____._...._........._..._._..-.._._.--_._.....----._ ontario Ramara Conceseion Road 2 5175,800 _..°'---'-"----'--^�_-.-.--• .......................................... Ontario Orockvlllc Laurier Boulcvard S67,900 '•" " " " " " " " " " " " "' ............." " ".._..."'--'._.._..----.. Ontarlo Orockvlllc Centennial Road S96,700 -'-----------------------------------------------------•-------...._.._.. �F Ontazio Plckering Falrport Ro�d $1]7,700 � ----.-._--� .............................................................. Ontario Sand Point Sand Point Road $5,400 '-----'-'--•---'--------------------•------•------------------'---'------ Ontario Sunrldgc John 6trect 5110,400 --"---'---------------'----------...-'--^-._...----'----^'---'^----'- Ontario north of Sunridgc fioruc Stable Rond 5159,200 "--•----'...-" " " " " " " " " "'•" ......................" "'-...'-•' Quebec 5t-Norbert Ilighway ]47 $111,700 ---------------------------------------------------------------'-'-----.. Quebec St-Norbert flighway ]17 $2],100 ....................'--'--_"-'---....-----•----..--.-.._._-._.......___- puebec St-Pnul-de-Jollettn Foreat 9treet $2]9,600 -•-----'-------'-'--"--'--...-^---------'---'-"--'-'-'•--------•---'-- Nova Scotia Enfield Iiighway 2 $86,000 """"""""""'... --"... ---"'--- -------' -' -----' ----"""..."" �$],12],200 -JO- Por further information: Peter Oregg, Communicatione Advioor, Oflice oE the Mininter, OGtawa, (617) 991-0700. Traneport Canada !e online at http�//www.tc.gc.ca/. This newe relaaee may be made available in alternative formate for pereone with vieual'ifiaabilitice. , To view olher releases (rom this minislry, li �