HomeMy WebLinkAboutPF 01/994' �'1� . . . �� 1r... . . . � 1•r' in4 o'�N �F P� � REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Everelt Buntsma DATE: 7anuary 21,1999 Director of Parks & Fucilities REPORT NUMBER: PF Ol - 99 SUBJECI': Brock West Landfill - Lnndscapc Plan - Filc: PF 6000 RECOMMENDATION: 1. That Town Council npprovc ihe landscape plan for Ihc Brock Wcst Lnndfill Sitc (dated July 1997), prcparcd by Victor Ford nnd Associatcs for Thc City of Toronto, nnd atlached ns Attachment # 1 to Report PF Ol — 99. 2, That Town Council endorse Ihe gencral plan�ing conccpt nnd implcmentation phasing of the plan, ns set oul in Attachmcnls I unJ 2 to Report PF 01 — 99. 3. Thnt Town Council recognizc that compiction of thcse IanJscapc works salisfics Section 2G of tha Minutes of Sculemcnt dateJ April 4, 199G bctwcen thc Corporation of the Town of Pickering and Melropolitan Toronto (now City of Toronto) and idenlified ns Court File No. 94-CU-80485. ORIGIN; Closure ofihc Brock Wcst Lnndfill Sitc. Implemenlation otcondilions conlained in thc original landfili ngrccment betwcen Metro and Pickering datcd February 19, 1970, and Minutcs of Setticmcnl between Metro nnd Pickcring datcd April 4,1996. Ai1TFI0RIT1': MinutesofSettlement Courl File No. 94-CU•80485 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Therc are no financia� implicntions to tha Town of Pickering related to the opproval nnd implementation of this plun. i - . ;�� Report to Council PF 01-99 Dntc; January 21, 199� � 5 Subject: Brock West Lundfill • Lundscnpe Plnn Pagc 2 EXECUTNE SUMMARY: In 1997 the Town of Pickering, Metro Toronto (now City of Toranto) und the Toronto Region Conservution Aulhority (TRCA) commenccd Iha negotiation of n planting und restoration plan for thc closed Brock West Landfill Site. The establishment nnd implemcntation of n landscape pinn for the sitc, following lhe site closurc, was n condition of both the original landfill agrecment between Metro nnd Pickcring (Jated Februnry 19, 1970), and the minutes of settlement bctwcen Metro and Pickering datcd April 4, 1996, Section 26. The recommended plan (Altachment #1) nchievcs the aspcets of restoralion which will improvc the aesthelics of the site and assist in lhc longer lertn transition of lnnds to a pleasant destinalion for residents who wish to enjoy nature and a panoramic vistn of Pickering nnd Lakc Ontario. Il is recommendcd that Council upprovc the landscapc plan for the Brock West Landfill silc, prepared by Victor Ford and Associates for the Cily of Toronlo, atlnchcd to this report (daled July 1997), nnd endorsc thc gencrul pinnting concept nnd plan implcmentation contuincd on thc landscnpe plan and accompanying detail sheets. The rccommcnded plan was created through a co-opemtive effort of stnfT from the City of Toronto, TRCA, nnd thc Town of Pickering. BACKGROUND: Town staff from the Planning and Parks nnd Facililics Dcpartmcnts along with Toronto Works Dcpsulmcnt nnd TRCA havc bccn dcvcloping thc attached plan ovcr Ihc past ycars lo cnsurc thal the objcctives of thc Town nrc protcctcd with rcgarcl to Ihc rcgcncration nnd restoration of Ihc landfill site. The plan is now finnli2cd by slnff but rcquires thc cndorscmcN of Council to allow Toronlo to implemcnt thc pinn und commencc plantings ut thc sitc as carly as possiblc. Thc initial plantings will occur on thc southcast nnd south slopes of Ihc sitc in thc "ycar I" arcas to ensure restoralion al those locntions most visiblc lo Pickcring's buill-up urban azca. Future years plantings will bc phascd in undcr n thrce ycar program, following thc planting ycaz idenlified on the plun. Ench "planting cell" is notcd to be planted in un ordcrly sequcncc nnd in a planting dcsign shown in Attachmcnt 2, Typical Planting Ccll. The plan also ullows for the uddilion of n vicwing gazebo on thc upper clevations of Ihe sitc should tha Town wish to instnll such n structurc in the futurc. This plan rcprescnts thc nnturulizalion of tha site and Joes not providc for any active sport facilitics on the site, Toronto has commilted ro tha planting plon os submitted subject to yearly budget approvnl of the program. The total estimutcd cost of implementution is approximntely 5700,000.00. The plan will elso accommodnte fuwre site improvement arcas. Improvemenls may be carriecl out by the Town and/or TRCA bascd on communi►y nccds. They could include jogging/wulking trails, bikc tmils, mountain bikc areas, and a toboggan run. Thc Rcgion oCDurham, in rcvicwing thc Town's proposcd of(icial plan amcndmcnt for the Easl DufTin neighbourhood will bc rcquiring thnt thc Innds comprising thc Brock-Wcst Landfill sitc be dcaignatcd es a°deluiled revicw arca" und mnking it mnndalory thnt °devclopmcnt guidelinea" be prepercd for thc nrea prior to pertnitting nny "mojor dcvclopmcnt" in the mm�, Region staff udviac thut a revegctution plan und Irnil dcvclopmenl would not constitulo "majar developmenP' for the purposc of Official Plun policy. � • �e t . • �i�°: ;+� Rcport ro Council PF O1-99 Data lanuery 21,1999 � in� Subject: Brock West Lendfill - Landscape Plun Pagr, 3 RECOMMENDATION: 1. That Town Council approva the landscape pinn for the Brock West Lnndfill Site (dated July 1997), prepared 6y Victor Ford nnd Associntes far The Ciry of Toronto, and attached as Atlachment N I to RepoR PF Ol — 99, 2. That Town Council endorse the gcneral planting conccpt and implcmcntntion phasing of thc plan, as set out in Attuchments 1 und 2 to Rcpod PF Ol — 99. 3. That Town Council recognize lhat completion of lhesa landscape works satisfics Seclion 26 of the Minutes of Settlement dated April 4, 1996 between the Corporation of the Town of Pickering and Metropolitnn Toronlo (now City of Toronlo) nnd identificd as Court �ile No. 94-CU-80485. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Landscnpc Plan from Viclor Ford & Associutcs 2. Typicnl Plnnting Ccll 3. Originul 1970 Landfili Agrccment 4. MinWes of Settlemcnt - 199G Prepared By: ConcurrcJ by: . Evcrett Bun sm Ncii Carroll Director of Purks & Facilitics Dircctor of Planning EB:mld Attuchmenls Copy: ChiefAdministrationOfficer Recommandcd for thc considcration of Pickering Town Council � , _�� �. . � �� �/ Th maa J. 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OS�pa�l m: 4�� ��k�d to- �ppror�l of ch� �oqu:dslor. t:o� :F� :ovr.tk:y �t th� loe�l su�lelp�lit� !n u::e� tF.e l�r,d :� �lcvi:�i ,' � �r.d • I � H'�,i!i.A3 t.� fo�-�tip hn ��rnA to sr�nt �ueh �7:'or�: o: i 1 �:F� t�r. ��r.4 ea^d4!lani �Sr��d a,oi bj t:e y�:tiu u h�r�lr.�!':•: i ; � �1: OL:. � . � .... ::-,.C?0,r .r.:A Aai--;:7t^ ut:: •!s?T;+ ek�c 4, t � q0�1S{t�ItIC� Oi L�1 rirt af ^7.�� nn� y�tA b� tF.a pe�eAt�, •r.�• � � � [:� :: o:`�r, �!ec:;: o: vt:et fa terE;• �e�rno�•1rA,:a�t, t:•r srp:'�r i , •`.+r+:: r�::^:1C eov.nire r,.! ��ru �e lrllouet S , � 3 S . . .. . . <•:. . � • � 2366 0 _ i i I i � i i I� j 0 . i . � 1. .:^ ;pvaadli hr,�b; eppror�a� �urauer.� tn Lta prnr4.tnea t of S�e:fon 7)� o: TC� ?:unief,�ltt; o! Y.eera�ol:u� �er:•:e !c. �.5.0. 1?60� e. :6C� i� ta•.nd�d, of tA� �equi:ltlnn E; ti:o :!ne�o' � pe::ur '��poNt:on ot 1�r.A� r�q+l:�4 tor ywrpai�� af na�:�ir.C, 4 lnapin/ md di�podn, of w�nt� Sn ch+ �ru� o: ck� To�rat:y o! t lfeWr!r.5 �Eow� �; trte:lr; ��0 aueliz�e Sn ar��a aa t!� ���ceh istre�ed �nd a��hG .�� Se-�du1� 'A" to t�1� r;nr��r.e rT.:ek lrr�:� . rra Sz Lh� r:e:vl:,• o: :l�� :�s�ro�eolor. af :oneude' 7 �nd E Liw:yool �o�d �n! r.orxF. �r.d eo�t` of �o-e��dor 5, Sn tF.� Tow,.�}!;'o: s Plek�rl-$ �pp�o�lz�t�lY on� h�l! R:le �u: of 'roek �o�l, �11 oe � cE� a'ci �•.! eor.EStSaci kr.:r.�tt�� ue ov:. S � r t. ^:� � �tsr,ol::�r. Co7or�tior u:ll y�ni: t�� o�T�-� o: . 1r+G� yr����[:7 uuA n naa p}t� !n tl:� ��+rt r�iu::�! :o: r.Scr� ` l:ipoul to rr..ow u cuet o: t:r ur0 u pa�!!1� n:� or..- ; �:i:�r.: r:t« �� ui� o: c�� :+aG !o� nfui� d:�poul. � l. ;.� :»:a::� vlll ��e-d !t� :o�l:.: :S-l�v ��! o:::e:�l i _:�� x!:f'� r.�eur�^ to p��:t th� w� ot t!e ��rla� �'u� � :�G�:.�d :or :d�i� l:iyo��'. :a �eeordme� v:t.`..tk� t�:-� o: :`:i � � � �-r�r. r..:. ��i I. ;;� y,r.eo-ol:pr. .^.arPore::or vill auv�a �r.! :Sl: e�� i ��� � �' �::u �ea•�:r�d C�����:1; Sr. �ecopt�ae� v:e. ::� eer..i oS :k� :�;e^e� I � les+! :�aa=�r lo::, r.�0e :: J. F. %�e.�nn L:r.:t�d :e o}r i••�:ropolit�r. Co:po'�::an �t tk� r��uut ot Sn T�rW �r.! E�:r��::or. ICr..a:t:�e r..d tF� %�tropol:pr. So�oaeo r..d i�tlon Coa�eraK:oa j i 7 i x;sto:le7. " i ettt ,ry;� ;;�tropolfun Coqo: �elon �531 eoe�cruee �r.d aperr:� � *� -cta�e dU7ot�1 fitu :r �eee-d�aa� vit4 r��uLtieo� of :Le Trovire+ of Ort�rla �ov�rnie5 eF.� op���tion ef nN�_�a_��= � � i::1L �r,E rF.�r� �r �ueb ap�r�.ion !� not dor�n�d Dy r�r�1�LSem i e tt� �:ov:oee, :t ad�ll 6� ei��i�d ove !n �ccordrne� vfe!� er� � E aea�::e!o�� :or op�r�:en e" �rnin�rs 1�ndt111�_f =Fe 1 F �'•,-rnrnl�:�r. Torm:o G•.prrtr.•r.: e! Aoni�, r ao_�!' a�_�f1a� ae�- • � r,•::o-i �n �eti�F�Q Mneo 1^.d F/��fA u 7e`�dale "7" s.• t•U t 0 --� . r,r�ee�.r.. � �. ... v � . 2387 itz �i! 112 i � iriti.a .. : .� 1 /.��':,•'.�xt.;•i:' 2368 '7' • y. . So helliq:� t:n Gova+r.t :: �:�:fle lr. :�•. v:alnic� ot :t• retunn A:�poe�l dau, �Nf�h vill .� !^^ru��d co �r..+ vaa: 1 e;r :ka r�:�+� d:�paul r�Aielu o: et� H�:ropo1:4� �o�por�:ler., t.� toua�hl� vilt r�k t!� C�p�risrne o: _:�rv�:i ef tC� lrovine+ ot On=��io :o aon�eruac �n Snc��ehini� e- 8ieev�y 4oi �c nroek Ho�d� ��d s!� Y�Cropa:lt�n Carpo��tlea ttro�jL :=s i:+n::ai �nd cr�llSe { otfiei�l�� vill �upyo�t th� iovn�«ip�� nS����� ! � j. 1t� :on�A:p vlll uk tor � iubiSl� troa tA� Y.:r.ii:r. + o: NS�Cv�7� to� tC� Iroviaeo ot On��rio on th� {�ou ae�: of '� eon�trvotlon o: OE• :ollwSn� ro�d�q�, �ha�a 1n ��d m! r�+��ct- t :r�17 p�rk�d "�', b' �na �Q' on tE� �WCeh �K�al�4 u Seh�Eul� '. "A" to th:� �i���m�n:, �F.:ok �511 0� r�C��r�O so f�e:llf�t� t`_• ' aov�z�ne o: tr�:tle �nd r�fun Al�yon: ��k:�lu �nE eo ndue� � pury e»t110 en loo�l ro�Eif ' p (�) Cone�u:on ) ln t!� To.:.�::i ot }SeY�riap, fro' � HraeY Eo�! to t'� �ntr�r.o� to tk� Llvapool Ro�d �St• � u�t o: L:r�:�aol Ro�l, to 0� Lv:lt u � Luo•l�n� y�v�d i ro�da�y :or tutl lo�d 7�i: souaE sr�e.� tr�ttia � (bI Cor.aw:on ]!n th� 7wn�•`.L7 0: lSokaSeG, :e D� ; � �ulS�n�! �aA OuSlt on th� orl{la�l ro�d ollouine� } [ � D�:w�m tE� mtnna� to tk� 1rr.pool Ilo�d Indt111 dt� � � �; uti a! G!r�rpool 11e�d �nd LSw-pool Ao�d to 0� i i �ollin�d md Luilt D�twun Conaudan 3�td th� � ��l�tirv= ro�lvq fo� tull lo�d p�r round trveN er�ttle• � � (e) Cona���ion 5 1n Lfi� Ta��Aip of tiak�rlryt� b������ � F track Ro�E md th� �ntrona� to tE� propo��E Eroek S South �nd Droek 11orC:� 3�n0 fill �SS�� for full 10�0 F ���7 teun0 tivak L��l[So. 1 f 1 � Q, Ts� fom�hty wlll oon�truet th� u!A ro�d� �i pror:d�d s } Sa p�r�tr�p} "i� �hor� n nWSr�d to hatlitis� th� �ova�ne o: � � srolf:o �n! r�Nu El�pa��l vehialu in aaalunaolon wltT. eM r 1 � G�wlofier,t at aR� ��fuo� dicpoul �St�a �nd th� N�tropollun � t( Ro�por�tlen ul11 p�� �o �h� 7own�hly Ck� noune o! th� Tevn�hlp�� j f th��� a! !h� ee�t ot een�truation. . � � i E m ;. S N e 2369 11.3 � �� � . �o. � �-e ?o�r.eMp will �nda�roar to �ro��W� u_tF. R.�:c�r:a :a:ne; � fo� �R�� ro�nd tall ttuc': lo�Ei on 1ro�u lo�! lrr. 41r�ur, �•n: te Co�e�u:on 5 fa� tti :eaea�n: ot r�iuu l:i�osQ ���l�lu tA' � � �n! l:oe t4c retuco d:�poul �Stu. 10. tk� ::�trepslltm �e�yor�tl�a rl31 �ro�lM-1tM�up� �r.a �� tlr�l ��acwr yLr.� �hwlr3 t0� ��u u b Un1��r��� �ad cCf � p�«�..�. �� ��ecour� ter ueh �t�e� �it�� �n1 e�c�ln te� � �yprev�l eC t�� �l�n� OJ.tE� 'hvtuhly �a1 t6� fiKreyo::bn�'eronto � �nl ��p:ea OM�ltlt(�A �utlerlq Prf�r te uarp�m�at d � 11113t� �tin�.�a� l�t�l� tA�t ��� b•dh�p/ y tp� ol�n for � . tSn�l eontaur�.� � :3. fi� ��c�oyollc�� Corpo��ttor. vl11 pq to tE� Saur.ik:� , k F?:Y T.?073:".? DGLLA:J (t�50,000.00) on Ki� l�t, 1a70 �p2 � lurtR�r �ua ot FrT! TNODSAxD DOLGiS (�$0�000,00) or. l'�; 1�:, laTl to� t.� au: of �rloe�tin` �ad plufr.� ovt tE� �sS�f:r.a !l�ponl o;���cion� ot tL� Tovnihip. 17. :'�� F:�trapal:ar. Co�por�t:or. w:ll yr, to tL� 2o.mF.1, 6;f� or t`� �r.ovat d�t�rin�d ir. ia�ord�r.a� w:ek�t„� �E;v�x�e; . y:er:l�! !or !n p�rq��yh 1) k4ou, p�r ton ot ntuu, pa�pa !or tk� )50�000 ton� troa tt� to�etblp ES�poud o[ �ecord:r.Z to ����pr�;k 15 Y.�r�ol� d:�pouA ot-�t the dt�� eon�t:�e:�0 �r.d o,��ri:�E uad�r tE� Nnu ot tE1� �`r�mr..t n aosp�r.utSea to tt� Lmm�tfp ior th� eoic of rn�E u:nt�nine�, polieia�, t:�:f:a eontnl, la� et �i�uia�ni, lou ef inao:� froa due,Sr.( u:rleu, � lou of � auSNEl� �ru !or low ao�t v��L� ES�youl tor C6� f 7own�hip4 futu» nud� �nd �n+ Sueonrmlma du� to �at-r tr�e'+. � trrtfJo �r.d tt� diipoi�l oC r�[w� vfthln t:e :b+n�hi? o[ '� ` . !la��Ho�. 1:. Y=� y►;x�rt of 6,i y�r ton rd�rn0 to !a P�rrtrr,F. 'li" Rav+ �k�ll b� !n �fhat tor t�� r+�r ln7o �re �E�11 A� �d'atted �crurll; tttro�tt�r Dy �ppl�lnt eh� Southra :on�tn�etfon Ir.Ar> ! (:r..po�it�) o n�b11�h�0 !n :Es finClaurlep �r.1 CorCnet �etord. f t 11•• 11:a Y.�erapalfe�n Corror�Non �EA1 Ervt O::a � ot :te rr�� t (.rr.tr.:l� ovee! L; bn To��etlp WtFln Lhe bour.d�rle� of ttn 11.9 ,. •ri....i�. —� �,__� `_.: as�o , , � . • ' � S- . � i:e tN X�eropolf Nn Carpor�eSon oik�� tkm n��t torttr Sr. :?:s „ :�grua�nc nd eh� ►:�sropollar. corpo��eioa d�ll pro�lN � SSre • ' ��er� �lt��Sa tA� huth7 �irip ��ound on� ot tC� O:�pa�: �r+ct . i • tor uu hy ct� 2o�itip tn yl�e� ot tC� 7��d pn��nel� lee�c�d ; ti �on th� Lnd� ovn�A !� tb� ?o'vr:�E:y vleC:a thr �ru oC or.� of tl:� ` t 1 yy.sw. 17 � �1�. 7u 7o+r�t17 i��ll h�w tk� rl�4t to t»� s�Nu OS�po�d 1' ��rrie� ot )50,000 ton� so ui� u ic ��u f!n !n tk� iS:�e ep�rr.�d Z by ch� Y.�troyolit�a Co�n,or�tSon yu��u�at to tEi� ����w�a: ��! �ueA C 7 ' rru rdu�� lLpou� �h�ll 0� hll oosy�nutloa to !c !or t:� lou • o: lu p�u�r.t r�tuu /S�pou1 i�ellltSu. , � 18. 1T.�a )50�000 ton� ot ntuu traa tM Tows�hip 4n Lan - � tlS�po��C o: !r. th� ��r.d fill �ltu o��r�Hd E� tp� Y.�tsopol:t�� . ' CCOn,or�t:ea Sa �oeo-dma vic�a y�r��r�yb ll• �Oo��� tt� Y.�tro- ; • '�rol:t�n ."0:7o��t:on vill �ae�pL lurtLr. eur.Selp�117 ee11�n�0 � � ' �r�:un :ro� tk� :or_iElp �t tE� l�u�e o: LE� :�t� or r�tu � ' : . ie`er,�! tro� t:a� :a t:�• so �:�� eur.ie:y�litlu vl:tir. tk� f}:�.:o,�ol::ia :oror.to An� tkrou,;C t„� 2:�:-o�o1lt�a 7oro;:o :�i . • �l�vy or t:� r�:� o: ��:u ek�r3�G to yr3r�:� hn+l�ri. . �17. ^Si ��r��c�ne �h�ll r���Sr. !n loro� ur.t:l �11 r�tu�� e ��� al:�po��l �:tu so E� �e5uir�d t� tt� 8r.royelft�a Co:yar�.:oa Sa i ' :k� �rut `or��a�d b7 ttls ��r��emt C�n eun aecyl�t�l. � i i . • 12. AR�� Ok� urlS�r ot �SCF.�r 20 �un or th� eocpl�t:oa of � � . tk� r�N�� dLDoul Ntu unA�r eb� N:a� ot tdi� ��r��R�r.t, t.� � �� SY.�ero,olitm Ca:por�tion �ae th� Sovmhip rlll �nhr p��otl�tioa� � � �:or tk� ��t�bllOumt et �n �uChorit� to p�ov10� ter Oitpoul of � � t �avr.ialp�ll� eoll�et�d ntu�� t�oa t6� Towmhlp �nd td� M�era � � �polf Gn Wryo��tion oe �a �SulN61� OuU. !' jly. Tn� Y.�troyolitm Corpontion w111 ue�pt Ilqu:d �w�p� � � ;�lu4s� f;on tE� 7oun�hlp4 uw�g� Cruca�ne plrnt �t tp� K�t:a- �poifNr.'oronto ��In uw►S� cnoLe�nc pLnC �t A�bLrld,u !�� � � • • ' i r� . � I f i ! • � � r c � E t 3 ' ' j o� �: ��:et e:•s+ rtr�.:n .-ta : 7�,1r'. .. ..... :o . � • ;••� • ••:t�"" "•� .. �T`::'.^.. ^n�;n•7:�M a�Oe1^ t: :�e ^,vr,e"t .+i ar2utH�' 7'til•f� i:::::a�e. 1: "1:! ::co�e �1�E'� e�r, t� Cru.�G :� � aerr.i: ' . ai::+"�e:ar; :o t=o::e:ro�:114a :..rL�e:r_e� o: :d�'u, �: !:s . e::r:it :e'�r..: r: S:f ::r.� at d:erasQ .^or A:ip:��5 0: �'=v�ct'. eo:S�eteQ �1�:.�, :.� e.*.�r;� �c ::� l�t� e! t_G� �,--�a:�r.: :o • i � "t.00 iar 1,COC 1'p�r:�: pii:aa�. , i I:• �n'�r.ln:�a �t.i4� rel�u I:q�u1 �:xn, eL� �ru� ` � �erie �ual� sk� :r.awe: t61� ��nr_ri . . � " � eva�1 � '.^�v«�hS , ue�pc tA� S��n ��rf, rl13 b aiscU.�r�� to �=:'er��Myo:lt�n T�na[a al ��:l�p Nn���+�t:en :��t:or:t± Cer . r �nruei�s ?��u� E f %:• ... :F.� ���r..: t��: prr: o� :�e �•Fol� c: t:� :r-aY:p o: ; ?:e't�:i:� L�:or.�� pr:e of :c�:;na::)��l:c; o: ;:�tro;o:C:r.. :::oe• ; . o' � :=s D�:���: p�r to- r�ttrrn Cc :r. prrr'r�:k •ly� .. . �:a•� �. c:� e'�tr��� :a ;r•�••rat lo �low. vlll E� e�ee�:1�0 !r, ��:r::r.. :0 4 7 � ar.� ne:: s- :�e r!:ol� r. r:`� ::�:�oi?51:rr. Cor,o:r::or. �:il j A 177.�7 �:? COt:t C.; :�1 17.^.f :Ii:f 1`: : � � -. � 7.:1 i1.:� %I���` I/ �)��:�. :t{ :I�:S �.�. �:l�0[l� 2:Ct � :C ?p�yi�� 0! � I .•�7:p7 � 1 .�'�.^.._� Yr=.i_C' tt� 7i:::�� k�r�:a k�v� k�: e.r.:o ` �:::a�d :k�:r t�a_ �tant�! b; tk� F�ab o: t}�:r :•��e:::r� :a��rj or::o.:a s, :r.�n e.:rir a: � r 7 �ut.or:i�d. � � i}S COi?7g.i:;p• �c• �� j W P:Cr�::3 :C^•S�'P i ( t 1 � �. � I ��� � ' s.'.rN:t:na.t^r e�,:�v�:,a..•.,z � �wAairra h 1rrn No_A1� ^31f*::e " •. • d iA� l�r�Y b� CeRntnre edeo�d � ,� Cw�aYt�f�_.I�L'h !nd ' { ..lJrui...}av _ 19 :� r••�n 1 ! E r _ ..� �. , ; '""' C�'� �Cire l Ca. � . t,' �I^I��r, u � � rF�r..or �r ---••—°^_-- ' ■ � v. 2371 11.5 t i 1 !.6 237Z � . , • • 1ek�lul� 'A" to �n �QT��s�nt . • � O�tW�q 1� IIYIISOSOIiSC) OC Y.�:1"4� „,,., • ' • polit�n 7oronto'�nd'R� Carpor�tlor. • . . o! t!� Tovrokfy ot }loY.�1a� d�:�d 7.erv�rY 19�e, 191� . � � :f � � � " • . � � . �. __..,: i� , 2373 A1 11.7 .. ST_ A_NDpRDB L•'OR LP.NDFILL S1TE$ ' � + � 9chedule �" to �n OF METROPOi.IThN TORCPt:O �gr�emenL b�twe�n The ' Nunlcip�lit� of M�Oro= . DEFARThi�NT OF WORKS Pollt�� 1'oronto �nd ' . • The Corpor�tion�cf tha • - Town�hip of Picksring • ' d�t�d Febru�rn lo/1a70. � • . . j7en ¢n ( Daafgn shall b• !a gan�ral as axhlblted !n the Haar� Road and Thecl:�ray Lar.dIIll Slt�s and w111 bs ��t aut on preLminary� �und.. seape ur,d flnsl plans ihotvina both pre-S�:ins and paat-ylUr.e Ioontours. Theae p)aaa w111 �be aubmltted to ��a Mcnlclp:U:y for tppravel ( and shall lnclude the following dakl:s whars appUca�tc:- . (1) Hutler atrlp lncluding any roadrrays� watorcouraes, ete. (2) Ex:sttng surface teaturas to be preservud whara poeitLla and rscorded on plans, (3) 1'erimeter dltching lneL:dl�g potnts of dlachar�e ta wsta:- courne, Desf6n !o lntercep: ground, water and contaL� eurtace runoH, Invert lliing and eroalo; protectlon i�ill be provlded where necassary, �4� F anclaQ (acluding locsdo� ot gates and su:ho:lie3 points • of entrance, . i5i Pre-IIllini co�tcure ahall ba �a:abllshad ualn� borewolcs� walercourse lnforoetion and aU other avallabla g:ound . water abaa:vatlon� so as to ensaro placomer.! ot reh:ut aboro eround watar level. The pra-ffUlr.e surtess ahap be cor�piet� Irea ot depresalon and 6ra�ied ao as to , mWmlza p�rcoktlon and direc! any IIoor to unde:Gratcttga �ystam, � (6) Underdrelnags ayit�m ;radad so !t may b� dt�ehargad to • aanl4ry s�wer If avapabla or traatment pond. Mars}�o�ee wlll be provlded for samplin6. (�) A ground aad surface �;���r monitor(ng pco;ra�me �h�il b• commeac�d and carrt�i on at :��ular lr.:�rval�, Saop1�+�B ��Uona shali Includa perimater dttchoa� we:�;� � 1.L 8 � �3,4 � Z .... couraes�'underdralrtxge aystem� exlnting local wans and ,� , a�ditloml wells that may 6a deemed naeaasary, botF. up • snd downntraam !o !he stte wilh ros, act to ground waler ' reglmc. Report ahall be mnde to the Departman! of Hanith, Munlclpnl Englneer and Medlcal OtDcer ot Hcalth. ' (8) Poit-flllin6 ilopea nhell nct be generaUy �r�ater than ona . verUcal to'four horizontal ar�d not lass that l.sft (9) Fiml cover �hall be minlmum of q R. o! compact�d alean '• enrth Sll and Anlehed wlth a good turt, v . . Ooerntlona . , Operadon shaU ba !n ganeral such aa to maink(n clean� neat� nulaanaa'•l:ae sita an3 nhall lnclud• th� followlnt datalls: • .(10) Landlfll will be opan to the publlc within hours to be �a:ervinad wlthlh• Munlcipeltty. • . .(11) OyarsQan ahall be conAned at any ane tlm� to minlmum ' aroa practicable, . , . . (12) All o�arattons shall be adequately afaffad and eupervtsod ' at all tlm�n. . ��3� Stls bulldln�s ar.d water supply,�anitasy LcUltlea ahall , mae! requlraments of Munlclpality. Elactrlc powar and ' ' •' telephone aervice wql be providcd. ,(14) Duat and Aytng paper nulssnce abaU be controlled. � (15� Ucily caUs shall eonelst of max(mum 2!c, ky�rs compaetad , wlth(n a tolnt helght ot 8 it, , (16) Dally cor�r �hall ba g�� ot compact�d 011 mst�rlel. Covcr • mat�rlsl ihaU be appll�d ai ■oon a� posdbl�. Any 'orackin�� �atllL:ei •rodln� ot cover aheU be promptly ra- patrsd b� minlmlze parcolatlon. (1�) No r�las• ihall ba d�po�!!�d ln �fandin� wat�r or !n un-• draln�d d�praaslons whar� wat�r m�y cop�cl. (18) No burnlne �hall b� don• on th� �It� and to control accld�n�sl !!ru th�r� shsil alwayi bs avallabl� In or adJao�nt !o th• worWn� ar�a, a stoakpll� of �arth which can b� ue�d to ��,o�4�r ��r�. Sultsbl� IIr� �xtln�ulih�r� �hall b� kept and maln- 41nod In worklnQ ord�r !n all �truebru and �qWpm�nt, � 119 _. _ . .. , ,. Z373 • • � f+3 ' � 8mokin� will be prohlbltsd on the dumpin` araa. (19)' The slta �hnll ba inap�ctad by profes:lone: �xterminator at I la¢at onca a month and a copr of the sxtarminator'a raporC shsll bs isnt to the Munlclpal Engtnear and Madicel Oificer of Heaith. ' (20) No �alva`Ing or scavenQing ahall bn permltted on the tita. � (21) Non-putraacibla materiala such a� clndors, a�hea (axc�pt fly aeh), rubble, atc, may bc plac�d oa th• �It• provlded they ara neatly piled for Ister uie or lovelled to prevent unalghtly appaarance and pondl�g of wat�r. I(Z�I .411 aamplinc polnta ahall be monitorad prlor to commanca- m�nt of and durinQ tha fiilint operailon. Samyiea �hall ba I t�sted for quality aad the report ot such teata ahali ba sa^t to the Ontarlo Dap�-tmert o! Haalth and a copy cf ths roport shall be fcrwarded to the Munlelpal Englnear and IMedlcal Ctfiacr of Y.ealch. i23) Ar.y leaahata or seaps�� collectaJ L� th• yarlmatur di•alnc �hall be teoted. 7f th� llquld la unpollue�d, !t may ba dlr- j charZod to loeal o�a:e; coura:, If tha Ilquld ia pollu:e:, � It ahell ba dlecha:gad L�to a sanlrary sew�r cr cen:ained for treatment. I(24� As each part o: tha area 1� bruught to tta flnal Iovel, Ie ahail be ilnally cove: ed ar.d t(nlaha� aa prcvSd�d In thess condklons. (25� �xoevaticns made on slt� for clacn earth fiii �hall bo carried out 4� aach a mav�r as nct to caup �Ilppaie or eava-In. (26) Th� contou:s durin� op�ratlons w:ll provids for ■urfaca dr�inas� to a propar outlst. (27) On-slt• roads �ha11 b• dulRn�d and conttructtd •o that traftle wlll tlow amoothly. �r.d not 6e Intarrupted by ordlnary Inalament weather. (2B) Sulflcl�nt �qutprr.�nt �F.all b• provlded on Lh• �Ita to �pe�ad , comyect •nd cover rafuue and tor aaclllary op�ratlons, In acoord�ac� wlth th��e aendltlonr, �nd itaad-yy aqulpnant ihall ba avallnble :or use durin` p�t4: p�riod� cr oqu�?- m�nt breekda:�a�, (Z�) Any preund wat�r latoreep;od ln �xcavatlon� cn tho elto �hall ba ���I�d fooR, tii• :III and oondua:�d to a prop�r outl�t, izo � �776 . . - o a, � (90) No Ilquid wsstns sha11 be dlaposed o! on or In ths tlll or ' anykh�ro on ehs ■Ita. (31)'`No h.e:ardaus, mat�r(als shall be dlaposod of on the alto. H�z�rdou� meterlals, Include but are not UmRtd to, ��p�ic tauk clsanings, s�wa6e dudge fQxcept d�water�d digssted aludg� wlth not leas thsn twenty par esnt iollds), nctive waate ahamfeala, axploslvas, pathological waatas �nd radloactive materlsla. Melr.tenence i32i �^lhan the �tt• or any part th�r�of has b��n compl�t�d� It � ahall b� Inip�eted monthly by th� M�tropollian Corpor�tlon tar a parlod of two y�ar� att�r the compl�tlon of tha whoi� alte. Y�arly i�sp�ctlons �hall te mcde !or an addltlonal three y�ars. 6uch Insp�ctlona shall be eo dlacov�r any craaklna, �sttlir.a, •radlna or tur! fallur• or any oth�r conditton whteh affscts th� flll. Any d�ticls��y shall b� ' correct�d as aoon as potsibla, 133) Monitor's.g cf Praund and ourfa:• water quallty lncludir.g any lesctate and asepe�s shall contlnue untU, In the opir.lon o! tha On:arlo Dapartment of Health, they are no longer naceanar�. er s (34) Vehlcl�e ent�ring the slt• ahall be covereZ by Ild, tarp�ulln or othor eftectiva means apprcv�d by M�tropolltan Corperatlon ao aa not to cauae nutaance a� local or alf• roads. '(35� All D1ur:lclp�l r�fua• v�hlcl�� and prtvrt• :�aul�rs �hr11 ure th� d��lanated rout�s proc��dln6 to o^ lrom th• aft�. Any p�rson or corporatlon vlolatln� Chl� provlslon shall not ba , p�rmltt�d to �nt�r th• slta for tha purpo�• of d�11��riaa rafus�. (36) Loc�l Munlelpal and Provlaeial authoritl�� luv� the rl`ht to ant�r ehe �Ib� at any tlm� durlr� hour� of op�ratlon ar.d, In th� •v�nt thst th• M�tropollt�n Corporatlon ha� fA11�d to comply wlth � aondltlan of op�r�.tlon, ihall �Iv� aotic• lrs ' Mritln6 of aueh non-compll��e• folle.:lna whleh th� M�:rcy;llt►:i Corporation �`ull proa��d to r�ctify t1i• condltlons wlthla iuch ttma ss m�y 6• r���on�hly n�cec��ry• ur.dar th� clrcu:n�»aa:cs. I: i _'; 12Z , � � `x ;k ,,:�• �, . aa�� � �" . � _ 5 . AS , ('y�) Th• MctropoUtan Corporatlon shall 4k��what�v�r at�ps ar� , .'nic�ssary !o' control th� �scap� o! pi�t and odours trom 1, tLe alt� aad to'abal�, any nulaanc• durin� the op�ra8ons a�d � thersaEer durinQ t6a two rurn matntenanc• p�rlod. r. . : . . , ', , .� , ' . ` '; i'. r y ` '?7 ? i :s ' (, � • s;� � _ I� _ • .� . � y. f _ 1�'y ' F{ . , 'r i � .. �- :�� � . . � . .. •4�"� I'� , . � . ••�f� ; � ' � . �. �.. . . . .. •� �! .l� . .. . � .. �!' 1 r: �pp q'� let.y fFVH flll 1ETP0 LECN. [EPi AITACHMENNTk�Tp���i TO F:0?•la`d6a$� iilA'c.W;•011 . J. ' • , ' Caurt E11� Nos fA-CU•iO4aS ONCARIO CO11RT OF NS'I7CE .. . ' . �c�rtetw, nmsiotv� BETIVEENs • THE CORPORATION OF Tt1E T011'N OF PICKERING � Plvntift • and • i: , ,�y ' THE CO[tPOTtAT10N OF 1HE bIUMCiPAL11Y OF I�t6'TROPOLiTAN � • TOROfVTO aod HER A(A.lES11"Cf1E QlJ6EN , ' • IN 1R1GHT OF OKfAltIO � .� �": Dctendants �yF�RE.AS �he landfill siie ('Brock 1YeaC) ts owned by'ihe Municip,iliq� of Meuopoll�� Toronto ('�teuo') wd comprises pans of Lois 20, 21, 22, 23, aod 2�, Concaisioo 3, pan of the road alluµynce benccco Lou 20 and ?1, pon of �be roed allowance Conceufom 2 �od �• 3 �nd put of �he ro�d �llowanca ben��ecn Lols 2? and 2.�, within �he twundarics ot ihe To�m o( Pickering (n ehe Regional rtunlcipaliry of Durh:un; �WD 1;�FIERE.4S the C-0rporation of �he TuN•n uf Pickering ('Pickering') has commenced an actioo (1he Action') in the ontarif Court (Genoral Di�iston) beuing Coun File No. 9a• CU-SWSS against Dletro and Flet A'iajesry lhe Qutcn in Fight ot Oniario ('Gn�ario") in respcet ot mauers sct ou� in �he :�randcd Statemen� oF Cltim daud Ocwber :0, 1993; A,ND 1YF�RE.AS Onrrriu anJ Altlro 6a�•a defcuded againit tht .�cuun by Sleiemeou o( Deteoce deli�•ered oa or �bouc Kove�ober 30, 199J and De�tmber 6, 199�. respeni�•ol}: ;;/WD 1Vt{LRE.AS � SC�'en•waak utal of �he Acdoo is stheduled to praeed lo blay and June ': of 1996, �nd sppeuls (rom an�' decision at the Trial Judgt may tunher delay 1he retolution •, of the issues .moagi� the panies; • !' ' ,,;' �►ND ��7iEREA51be panies Nish io rtsolve �II differcnccs bctN•ccn thcm uts(ng oui of Ihe '�� operation of Brock ��'ust and �hc Acdon; :t; � • . ���;•��, • . '. ,:'sq� ,S. . , 'r'.:r:• - �. • • .. ., . *J .Cr, r;.:���e • '�.'. . , .. • �!i' • �i ;l ' . ` .•t . � ,• '� s.� ��•..,,,. � � .. '1 .�'. 'ii.W: �1�, Y �,• • � ,t! :� ;� � �:;r:�,�;q; .:����] . . : . � . . 1.3 �".i•i r�Y'k}..�r� � .i�iQ 'r t+;.'�•� . , :`{ �.. ..t•'�z,,��1,'i" • •.. iPP a'� lS�dd .'.• fPCtl �UI 1ETP0 LEGiI. [EPT TO 9EO�'.�It?cQtl PiCE.00: 011 •�•ii:;:��;:i.; . . ,.`�. . : ;�+,+'tx�: ••';'.i�t;,�, . � •�'�t:1t°.�!ti �::. . • :.? ,,i::r }��M : - _ -, AND WHEREAS the puties understaud tbe conttnutnj requtreinents ot �he Inhabiwott of tLe Region o( Uurhun for land4ll d[sposal fndl(�tes a� Brock Wesi; � AND �VFIF.RE�S lhe Brock Non6 landfill si�n ('Brak Nortb') Is o�med by �leuo �od eomprisa �pprodmately 12 heaues locued on puu of Lou 12, 1), 11, !3 �nd 16, Coneession S within the boundarfu uf ihe Town of Pickering; AND WHEREAS t6e panies reccgnize aad �ekno+vledge the poteu�i�J bene6u of tru�sferriog Drak North waste io Brock 1Vest prior io �he final closure of Broek Wesr NOW TNEREFORF, lor goaf �nd v�luable coastdendun, ihe �eceipt tnd suHicienry of ' whieh is dereby ukno���ledged by the puties lo �hese blinutes of Seltlement, ihe pulies 6ereto herebY covenant �nd �yree os follows: • h ; •. ' "' '• � ��>; °' � DIlNV1'ES OF SE7'i'LfIUEM' , .i';I' . �:t4�'��'� .. C7osure of Brock {1'est for Ihe Publlc ��Recetpt �nd Dlspoi�) of Solid �1'atte 1. - bfatru uill cr.ase to «celve o� dispose ot am� uaste (Etrtinafitr 'Operadom') �i Brocl; \Vesi on or before Novembet 30, 1996; pro�ddtd �h�r (a) �II necassaq• maintanance activiiies ma;• conlinue, includin�, uit6out limiiing tht generaliry� of the (oregoing, gu exuuiion leachaia eonirol, and �6e pl�:eruem ot imeruu xnd 6na1 cover material; (b) �he operatiun of ihc huusehuld h:uarJ:us u•ssm (a.ilirr cu:reotl� las�ed on . t6t siie, ma� continue: and, --•+� (e) :. �.,.sub en �o the pro�isiom xl out hereunder Meiro may «ceive and dispose •?:�';: •. -.i•_ . . , . . . . ..��; .r, .; ; of waste transferted Gom Brock �'or�h w B�ak 1Vai. � � <�•5i.� •.t•:���p. . ,•, . • , ,I•ii:.j�'' . '�.'"'�;� .•:.'• ,.:J1?'�'���',� . •. F;.�'l i .i . � ,=!!�v't:. •` "71F: SF 'r•. . r' �y' ;.+�L ��'. . , . J•r 'J`.� '�'` . . . ��:• . . , '1I�•' • • i . .. � .li��.�:� . .. .. • .1 ,:�.. ' . f '.t� •1��••12 •'S�'•, •�''• � w •Y ] L. j .�� �Jfj ���� � , • • � . � y . i . i'1i1'i�fi{n ,y� , "i• ' , i' � , =;:1�Q iFR 1 '� ►•`•�.o+ �..�. � FFtH Flll fETFO LECiI. [fFT i'� � •t; ,, TO PiYS1.V;0o•1 Fi�E.O�}1 011 . `. . . ... .s� .. 2. Mauo x�71 pay to Pickerfng �be sum o( SJOU;000.00 ou or before December IS, 1996, unleu Oper�rioos �l Brock Wut are termioated by w Order o( � Court prior to November 30. 1996. 3. Metro will provide Pickerin; Wiih copies of Annu�l Montloring Reportt for Br«k 1Vest u roay bt requGed by Omario for �he lesser of twenry years or a perinA in which �hey ue so required by Ontar,;o, 1. N(etru will pay lo Pickering up io SS,OOO.00.per ��ear for the purpose of re�aining � . •�• .. , rnnsultant to re�ie�v �be Repons descn'bed in pu�g�pl� 3 above, pro�ided �h�i aU work plans, invoices, and repuru prepared u a resul� u( �his review ue copied �o t�le�to. �leuu wiU poy oal�• those amoun�s N•hic6 aze �sho��v oo in�•oices hom�consulianu which ue reodered for �he re�iew desaibed in puagraph 3 �bove. I.and 7Yansfers 3. �leuo will com•ey �o Pitkeriag in fae simple fot nonunal considenduu ihe parcel of IanQ now ouned by �feuo aod leased ia Pickering loesied ne,v Pickering's D�rsan Sueet 1Vorks Yud. • . : . ' . 6. '•, i�te�ro wil! eom�ey to Pickering in fea simple for comin�! consideradoo nine acres of � lind (tbe'Muuwn I.ands7lowted on Brxk Ro�d �djuent lo the Pickerin� Museum wEtch t� i,-. ' � ti.•.. . �.. • �!�' . _, ..._�� :�. • • �'• 'yL'` � ',i: :� . ��3��'�' .e`�'. ' � ��' . IJ•' '{ , . • � '•Y�.'.r .I . 1 ��Y.:�'�;'.:� 1 • ' ' ,�. � � 1 '.'�' �''� , � ,�, �' ' ' lry5 _ ••.t:�� � ��? ' • � ��.� � .�. ��4. � � ��pp � � � ���.Y,' fPOH 1�1 fETfV LEC+1.�fEPT . TO 4?0'!�It0E4da PNCE.00+ 011 .r.: . . M ' ' - . _,�_ c•: :z :.� � o(ue aeres s6T11 eomptise those I�nds �djaeenc to Qu Picke�in; Museum cuRendy lased by �. :�t.:: * Meuo to Pielcering �o;ether aith contisuous uble I�nds. 7, �. h(euo vn71 pro�ide to Pickertng and repiscer ��ainst dtle lo Brock Non6 � restriatve oovenant for �he benefit of the 1�(useum l�nds io ihe ef(ea tha� no part o[ ihe land �hat B oow Brak Nunh an be used u a landtill si�e for �ht disposal of ��•aste. . .�,.,r' ' I :��: � ...i, =4'. 8. . Pickering Nill com•ey to Meuo in taa simple foc nomin�l considera�ion Ihat ponion .;�.+.' c-i�,, ,, . � of the lands referted �o u iLe 'Nonb Pickecing' I�nds in �he Sutemem of Cl�im in �he , , �.•.• • •. �,i��(i.' , - ;iW4�.; • . . � Aeuon which is now owned by Pickeriog and w�ich is �djaceot lo Brock ��'est enJ west ot .Y �� � . Ganusei�agon Cteek �� . . g, : �� Pickering will fonhui�h pro�ide tu cunsent �o t�tetro to uqufre an easemen� o�•er ihe kGller Paving property (ihe psniculus of whith �re set oul in Atetro drn�ing oumber B.16T0�111 md Clause n'o. 4) o[ Ttan�Lemem Comminee Re{wn t3o. ?.tt adapied 61 Dleuo Counn7 ou Oaobtr 13, 199a) io �ondu:� an;� raquired moniioring. 10. ' Pickering ��ill fonhNi�h pra.ide i�s conseni �o an eazeraeot xnd grant w easemeui forloominal consideradon to allou• Tteuo to use suc6 Pickering lends u ma�• be required • � ti�t; . . to pbutn access �o �be D�iller Ya�ing property teferted to in puagr�p6 9 above tor ihe � ''`�'���'of conduning any required monitoring. .�:��� ' ' ' :},�,'�:' ,. `{:"� t • •'°'::�:. � •T t � •� . -,�4�,v4��II„� +' ��� �• �. , .#J �: ' '.l;�.yRr.'�. • � � ; �: . ;';':;;•'�`�' ' • • ' ' : ' •, �, , .. . .: , ., , •�,' t. , . ;r'� '�. , .;f • •. . � ♦� � ' i .} � � . �% .` ,��.. �'N . : ?.•� f . '?• � , . 7:'r��r: •'�4.��,",�,.��, ' , : �i r� , : ,' +: � . .. �. 1'� jpP 4':b IS»^ FFLY1 II,A1 FET(� LEii4. [EPi . �: . : r:. i � TO 9:d!Ja1pEAy.! Fi4E.(A1i 011 •5• 11, The trantfars o( land and the restriceive covenant whieh are ouUined tn paragrap6s 6 and 7 are contingent upoa the succeutul trrcufer o( all Brak Nunh wuca to Hrak West Brak Norih YandQll Site 1Yansfer 12 MCtru wlll, µithtn four mooths of the appro��al o[ ihese Minwts of Settlament by Omuio anA hy t6e respaYi��e Coundls of Picke�ing and Meuo, intilate appl(ez�lons for all approvals rtquired tn order tu remove tht retuse dtpusited u Brock North and transfer it to Brak �Yest. ]3. Meuo ��ill use i�s bes� efforts to obkin Ihe approvals required (or the «anster ot Brak Nonh ��•aste io Brak ��est. � ld. t�ieiru «ill establish a public consul�aiion mechanism, tha purpose of µ'hic6 ��ill be to «viea• �he technical issues regarding ihe pro:ess and proiocols in respea of the proposed vanskr of ��yste from Brock Nunh ro Brak 1Vest. 'Riis mech3nism «ill pro�idc puhlir ooufieation of tha prucoss a�id proto:ols, a publi� meaing w disass �6e pro:ats xnd protncols, a�id a m�chanism tur uccipi by t�fetro of xny ��'riueu ronuneou on ihe �echnicJ iuues reguJu�g ilie proteu and proturuls. Th� comrnrnts rece(ved by Meuo ihroug� public consuliaJon µill be pmvided io �he appropriatt of6cials a� the Oncario M(niscp� of ihe ' Emironment and �ny othtr asenty or entiq• that must grant approval for i6e lransfer. .� . , . . - +. ' • • '( _-.;:.r. . • A_�:��: ti.r... . . _ •• ' � ;ilwi•=i�f . .. � . � .� .. . . . � . �,w . . � . ._ 1��1{�j�� .I • .. ��5�� . . . � . . _ - �, ..r ;;. . . , .. , :;. .,., : �;, ' . . ;;` ` . ;, • ' � � � ' 1' 7 •w • • � � • .. '4' �� . � �.. �Fp J`:b I!ta? fFYll 1�11 IEfRO LECi< IEPi TO «�0'!-laly'.d;.l Pil,F.pp: 011 S'<: . . .• � .. �� � � , . . ,6, iS: htevo Niil consuit aitb Pickeriug and Omario rtgarding tht praau and protocols of the Brock Nonh transfrr to Hrock Nes4 fncludinE, but not ILnited to, haul rouies, tlmLig ravictions, odour and i(tter eonuol; �ir qwliry (ssues, and sampline iuues. Any dfHerenee respeMing such process or pro�ocol aill be resolved by direnion of ihe Ontado h(in(stry of Uu Environment and Enargy. 16. �Non�ithstand(ng paragrap6s 1? and 13, hieiro may wi�hdraw iu appNcadoas in .,�„ . re.spect of the u�nsfer, or if an appto�•al has beeu gaatect nol impltmtnt tbe uansfer. lo ,•����;:�'f-,'. ^ . � elitier ca5e,.l�teuo Nill then begin fonhwith final closure of Urak \Ves� Nonviihsianding �, _ • . ,,�.�;� . . . an� oi6er pro�ision of this �greemem, i( hltuo beg(iu lo ramove u•aste from Brak Nonh i�n�a:cordance uiih the terms of ihis ayetmem, il aill cumplde remocal o( a•ule Gom Brak Nonh, wJass prohibiud by laa• from so doiog. ' 17. I( rtetro obi�ins appro�•sl of the Urock Nor�h ironsfcr to Brak �1'cst on oc bcforc Seplember 30, 1?97, i�ietro ��•ill compittt, subject ro paragrapli 16 xbu�•e, all such removal and transftr no Iseer th`n April :�1, 19aS. Yickering and 1,tetro nia�• b} munral a�reem;nt eMead ihe time fur s.vd trantkt. ' 18. I(, despice its besi efions to obtain such approral, Metro is unabk io obtaia approval •' , for �e Brock Nonh Iraruftr tu Brock VVrst by September 30, 1997, Atetro ��iU complete, .�. • .:.���,.� i.f : .. . .• �'sL6�8ct to paragrapb 16 abo�•e, aU ranoeal and tr�nsfer olwute !rom Brak Nonh w Arak ' � tN�K,t i1• • — . .:u�' '.. •i� ,� ,,�f;��L''� . � � ' � ..1��•;Jj . ,:.ri? r;,�; .��•..: , ,' . . �'� � . ��� f j,.,.: . • . , , ,ti : ,�� f : . �;'r i� • , i � • ��._�•�•�.w '�q .*'•,'s � .�, {,. t�:• •' i;,. .�:� r' �+r,�s• �i��� . t• ' ' � . .. . ' , � • .�_ '^� . . '+�; • ' �PP. J'oi IS��9 FPLfI t111 fEiFil LECiI. [EPT TO $:O'!Ji17t0o-1 P�+CF.W3 011 , �:. � . .�, , Wes4 no later than April 30, 1999. Piekertng and t�teuu may by mun��l agreement enead the time for said transfcr. ' 19. It is uodtrstood and agreed thnt onee Drock Nonh wutt hu bean removed Gom Brock Nonl�, c6e �and upon which Brak Non6 is simaied, aill no longer cons�itute a refuse disposal site as re(eRed �u in puagaph 20 of ihe Aueement bea�•ean the C'orporatlon of the Township af Pickering and T(etro da�ed Febrvaq• 19, 1970, and tbs� Dtetro subject w paiagraphs 7 and 11 above, and tecJon �6 ot the Enr'vonn�enra! Prolerrion Acr may use or ': dispose of �he s�id Isnd in any u•ay u•hich it sta fit. 20. Mevo µill pay to Pickering the sum of 51.50 for every lonne o( waste transfarted �om Brak I.'onh io Drak 1Ves�. in substiNUOn [or �6e royalq� payable pwsuane �o an agretment dated February 19, 1970 benveen Alelro �ud the �Lau TuuTUhtp o( Pickering. 21. � ln the t�•ent that, sfter the commencemtot of t6e Brock \'onh transfer, Aleuu u prohibiiad bp Ontwio or o�hen�ise by Is�e or Coun Order, trom unasponing tunl:er .materials to Firock �1'ast. Afetro ��ill pay io Pickerin� tAe sum of 50.75 ior ecery ionne ui materi�l remuved aher such pro6ibi�iun froro Qrock �onh whic6 is transfarted io a landfill sfte o�her chau Hrock \Vesi. ; • : �:,h �: , ' ' 22; •, Dazcd on i�s NRt7tt infortnaiton, Pickering, das no� tniend �o oppuse or ;♦;�y��, . . . ,;auwiud��aea opposi�ion io the Bruck Nonh irons(er. 'i:, ,�. . , • ir' , ' . �� F: . . . . ' " . . � � 1 . r/,' `. . � .. . • , . . +� i=• S. � . . ' . , . . . . . . iYF • ,'' i �w r '� �s�� ,,. 1?9 FFa, r�ui fercu �w. t�r to 4�r.r�o-a P:.f.w� o�i -e• Z!, Puagrap6s 6, 7, 2� and 2l �twve w�71 not apply if Pickering, ar tu of5eers uid empioyees io i6e pertormance uf their duties on behilf o( Pickering, oppose or coovourJcaie �ny opposidon �o �he Brock h'orth �r�nsfer io the budy ot entiry c6erged wi�h decidlnQ w�haher to �pprove said Iran,atar, or i[ Meiro deddus lo N�thdrnw its applicaiioas for appnn�al or not to (mplement any uarufer of waste from Brocl: Non6. For greaier clariry aud ��i�huut Ilmidng �he grut�aUty oi �ht foregoiog: � •(�) �his clause applies in rapcct ot ang and all proceediogs telated ro �he .' proposed uansfer, including, uiihout limiiing the generaliry of the (orogoinE ,� minislarial approvils, direciors �pprovals, �dministndve hearin3s, Judicial «�iew, appeal.c, or dvil acdons, regacdlest of who Wtiates any such proceeding; (b) Pickeriog ��iU noi be contidered io hevc opposed lhe IIrock North uansfer U it, or its oUicers or employees in �he par(ormance of Ilitir duties on behal( of Pickering, eonunent upon, r�ise concerns or issues about ar seek cluification of manen relat(ng w U�e Brcek ho�Ui uans(tr regardiug acvons to provem, miugaie or remed�• effecu of cht iransfer on the envirunment or tLe roei6uds of earnin¢ out ihe uans(tr in �he conscl�.vi��e mecb�nism sei out in clauses 14 �i IS; and, (c) Pickaring will be :on�idered to 6a��e opposed i6e Rrak �onh uansfer ii it fails io pro.idt a�i}• mnsenu u�hi.h msy be raqu'ved by lau•, or io pus anp byla�.s ss may be nscessary to trsrufer the Brak Nonh wastt lo Brak 14'esc or elseN here. ;� . '''.;+. ::�.� • y �� �� ' �, � �+ '••' r7rjf , ' • � � . . � f���, � � . ' . . � , • . ' .. � . � � , , 1 � O 6FP �1 •� IStJ? � fFUll fAll tETFV LE�r/. [EPi N 9:O!Ja�l}'s.l Pi�GE.p10 011 -9- 2i. Meao ��ill pay �o Pickering up to SS,000.00 upon complddoo ot �he B�ock Nonb traatfer to assisl Pickering In ra�ie��ing and assessing any repon prepareJ by or tor A(euo in respen of ihe ciosura of Broek Nonh, thc actual amouat of Ihe payTnent to be asseued in accordaace with tha protocol oudined tn paragraph 4 above. 25. Subjcct io paragtaph 16, Dfctro ��ill tommence Ihe 6na1 ciosure of Brak 1Vest und Hrock Nonh fonhxi�h upon tha complaBon of t6e Brak North transfer ro Brock \Yest. 26: `,`:; Metro �tiill uek diltaen�ly Picl•erio;'� approvai ot the lu�dse�pe plan for Brock Wost at 16e earliest reuonable opponunin�, and �ill obt�in Pickering wd Ootuio's opproval of the laodtcape plan (or Drock �Vesi prior to implemeniwg any portion of that plaq such approval aoi �o be uareasonabl�• µiihheld: Cenenl 27. 'Iiie panics a3ree tbat thes; \finutes of Setdement ue on a��it6uut prejudice or precedeui b:uis and �hat upan iht e�e�vtion ot thesr t�•(inulas of Sr;tlemeui, t6e p�rues t�iU txcbangz mwual ydaa.ses ('the Rela�su') ui a form satis(actory io iheu respecii�•e soticiiors. : � 23. Upon ihe appru�•al of Ihe i�(inutcs of Setdemenl as described in paragraph 32 belo��•, tbe panies µill �change �be Relaues tn a form s�dsfactory to �htir respecd��e solici�ors. �, , � d � . . . � 13Z iFf a'�i 1:•t.�? FFp11 fl.11 fETFO LECiI [fPT TO 9:0!-li^Ot4�.1 f►l.E.OtI 011 •10• 29. Upou exchaoge of �he Releases, the parda ailt issue a Joim preu rdease regud(n� the ut�ement of the ditferences ben�•een �hem raferred to herein. 30. '(tie p�rties agree tbat �6e Aaion ��ill be disml,csad withow cosu. 3l. 'iliese Atiawes of Seulameoi are subjen to tLe IaMS of Oncuio and Canada, 32. 'ITiese i�linutei olSeulanem are subjen to �pprova! of Ontuiu and by Ihe rospecdve Couneils of t�feuo and Pickeriae, and it approved, �hae b(inutes ot Seitlement shall be btnling upoo �teero. Oo�ario and Pickering and Iheir respeclive succeuors and asslgns, as the cue may be. If noi appro��eJ, these Alinules of St�tlaroenl uill be of no force or eUea u•6a�soever, � Executed this 4ih da}� of April. 1996. ' � ll�lG.�� Timoth�� Snetnda � Por tue Cor{wrauon ol the Toun uf Pickerine ��� y��/,�,,,�� linda McC�ftrey �" '� For �he Atcomey� Genual of Ontario r'� /(��P/ �I. , 7Lo e Fot 'Iht I�funicipality o! Aleiropolilan Torrmi) ,� � ' � � TOTi1. FiiCf.011 � �