HomeMy WebLinkAboutCL 12/9978. �N OF p� � . REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Bruce Teylor; AMCT, CIvIIN DATE: Merch 17, 1999 Town Clerk REPORT NUMBER: CL 12/99 SUBIECT: Appiication to Ministry of the Environment by Miller Waste Durham Inc. to Amend Certificate of Appro��al for a Wasto Disposal Site RECOMMENDATION: That Town Council recammend to ihe Ministry of the Enviranment thet proposed amendments to Certificate of Approval A680205, submitted by Miller Wasle Systems Ltd., on lands known as 1220 Squires Beach Road, Town of Pickering, be; i. Conditianally approved as it relates to Phase I proposals for solid non•hazardous industrial, commerciai, institutional and domeslic waste, and a household hazardous wastc depot, subject to the following: a) thc applicant receives site plan upproval for thc Phnse I operations, and entcrs into a site plan agreement with thc Town; b) lhe applicent makes sntisfactary arrangemenls with lhe Town respecting the provision of funding to relain a qualified consuitant to ensure that n comprchensive environmental monitoring program has bcen implemcnted, and to undenakc environmentel audits ofthe operation on a periodic basis; c) detailed design of thc household hazardous waste faciliry is prepared to the satisfaction of the Ministry of Ihe Enviranmcnt, Regiou of Durham, and Town of Pickcring; d) spccifications regarding the nature and thickness of paved storage areas is provided to the satisfaction of the Minisiry of the Environment, and Town of Pickering; e) the site does not accept Domestic Solid Waste that has been generated oulside of tha Region of Durham; � appropriete financial assurances for sile decommissioning and rehabililalion are provided to the satisfaction of the Ministry of the Environment; g) the applicant confirm that Squires Beach Road can be urbanized at a reasonable cost, within the existing right-of-way, and can accommodate upstream extemal drainage end road drainage. The applicant to contribute a proporlionel sharc of the cost of these works; h) the epplicant to provide details on ultimete queuc lengths end times on Squires Beach Road end provide recommendations to accommodste such qucucs; ..../2 �� Z � 79 i) the epplicant to wntribute a proportional share far traBic controls at the intcrscetion of Squires Beach Road and Bayly Street; j) the applicant select the Household Hezardous Weste depot option, during the CertiBcata of Approval application process; k) the applicant determine and provide ali details of the composdorganic, wood, construction and demolition components of tha Phese 2 operation at this stagc of the process; I) the applicant provide additionel details and justification for the increase in thc proposed daily tonnages for each component. 2. Denicd as it relates to Phase 2 proposals for composting, construction and demolition debris, end wood waste, until appropriete technical and operation information is proviJed to the Town's setisfection. ORIGIN: Letter from the Ministry oFthe Environment dated January 18, 1999 request Council's comments AUTHORITY: Environmental Protection Act FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Not Applicable EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Conditional approval is being recommended for the application to amend the Cenificatc of Approval for a Waste Disposal Site by Miller Waste Durham Inc. et 1220 Squires Beach Road. BACKGROUND; ' Please find attached to this Report a letter from the Senior Approvals Ofticer of the Ministry of the Environment requesting Council to meke comments with respect to an application submitted by Miiler Waste Durhem Inc, to amend their Certificate of Approval for a Waste Disposal Site at 1220 Squires Beach Road, The lettar states thet comments are to be sent to the Ministry by February 22, 1999, howaver, [ have had that e�ended to after the March 22nd Councii Mceting. Also attached are the comments and recommendations of the Director of Planning, Director of Public Works and Acting Fire Chief with respect to this epplication. Bcak Corporntc Environmental Services were asked to undertake a peer reviaw of this applicntion thet their repon dated Februery 24, 1999 is atteched to the memo from the Diractor of Planning. .,,./3 ,._ '� : . ,. �_ 8� -3-- DETARS OF APPLiCAT10N: Tha site currently operates as a waste transfer and processing fecility for solid non•hazardous industriel, commercial, institutional and domestic waste. Miller haa applied to the Ministry of Ihe Enviromnent to expend its operations in two phases. Phase I includes expansion of the curcent weste trensfer facility, anhancement of the meterial recycling facility, and the establishment of a household hazardous waste depot. Phase 2 includes the development of a composting facility, an outdoor construction and demolition receiving/processing area, and an outdaor wood waste receiving/processing area. The curtent MOE Certificate of Approval establishes restrictions to tha type and amount of waste permitted at a waste handling facility. Under Phase 1, the meximum volume of material permitted to be received daily would increase from 299 to 1,020 tonnes/day, and on•site storaga would increase from 780 to I,185 tonnes at any given time. If Phase 2 is fully implemented as proposed (Phase I and 2 combined), these numbers increase to 1,410 tonnes/day and 12, 328 tonnes respectively. PLANNING COMMENTS: The Director of Plenning supports the Phase 1 expansion subject to a variety of conditions that are o�itlined in tha recommendation. Thc primary condition is that Miller provide the Town with funding to retain an independent environmental cansullant to undertake ongoing monitoring of thc waste management operation, as recommended by thc Town's peer reviewer. With respect to the Phese 2 expansion, ihere does not appcar to be cnough information supplied in the proposal to suppor: its approval. PUBLIC WORKS COMMENTS: The Director of Public Works also support the Phase I expansion but notes that there nre a numbcr of issues that must be addressed with respect to Phase 2. The issucs that must ba addressed are Stormwater Management and Roeds, Traf£c, Nousehold Hazardous Waste, Hours of Operetion, Daily Waste receipts for Solid Waste and ComposUOrganics, Wood, Construction & Demolition. These issues are reflected in the above recommendation. FIRE COMMENTS: Tha Acting Fire Chief has no objection to this application but notes that more information will be needed to comment on Phase 2 of the expansion. ATTACEIMENTS: 1. Letter from MoE dated January 18, 1999 2. Memo from Director of Planning deled March 5, 1999 3. Letter from Beak dated February 24, 1949 4. Memo from Director of Public Worke dated Merch 5, 1999 5, Memo fram Acting Fire Chief dated February 4, 1999 .,,,/4 4 1 "4" 8� ;% = ' ,. .. ; cc: DirectorofPlenning ';'-` Director of Public Works Acting Fire Chief Prepared By: ruce Taylor, AMCT, CMM Town Clerk Auachments •ation of TI omaa J. Qui i � � Chief Administrative 0f£cer ;; ' ;, �:1 = _ � f� e`� . . . � , .r �_ An � 1q����99 ��Ilnistry oNha Miniet�re de � Ontario Environmont 1'Environnement . � Envhomn�nt4 N�u�mml md Dk�ction dn fvdu�pon� � ' � ADWov�li Bruwh � �nWronn�mmWo �t d�� �ulodoUon� � ' 460 Dnvlavlito Avemm, 3" Flom 260, nvenue Devl�vllle, 3' dtepe TelRdl N181 714•B71B � 7oronln tlN M4S 1117 Tomnto 0N M46 1HT F�tRdldc 1410131M8462 January 18, 1999 Clcrk 'fown ul' 1'ickering ( 7'hc lispinnndc Pickcring, Outurio L1V (>K7 ' .. :i RL: ApplicuUon for an amendment to Cerliticalc of Approval NA680205 for a Wuslc 1)is�wsal Sitc (Processing/Transtcr) Millcr Waste Durham Inc. 12211 Sryuires Beach Road, Town of !'ickcring, Ontario Tiw Approv;ils Dranch Office of Ihe Miuislry af thc 8nviromnenl has rcceivcd un epplication from Ihc abovc company for an umcuJment lo Iheir Provisioiuvl Cerlificate of Approval for a Wasle Disposal Sile (Procrs.ring/fraujer) localed al 121U Squtres llench Rnud, Tmvn ojPJckerfng, Onrarlo. The applicetian (forw�uJcJ liy pro�wnent) provides dclails as lo Ihc naWro uf thc aperalimi to bc carricd out nt the sile. Il is requc.elcJ that Ihe Works DeparUncm make curoments with rcspecl lo Ihe applicadan. In Ileu of a Couucil N�.suluQon, plcase ensurc thc rcpod is signeJ anJ Ja1eJ by lhc Commisslontt af Works or equlvalent. I'lease writc dircetly lo GroJ/Cnrycnlicr, Supen�lsar, Em�tro�uuenra! Asreaswent and Approvals drnn<h, Mini.rlry njCnviroiunenr, �'� Ffoo�, 250 Dnelsvllle, Ta�atro, Ontnrio, Al4S 1 N2 by February 22, 1999. Aa yuu are awnre, Ihc Uircclor has Ihe Jiscretiun unJer Section 32, Part V of the L•nvimnmcnlal I�ro�ecllon Qc{ (I;I'A) lo holJ a public licaring rcgarJing applicalio�u for wasle dispasal facllltica, Municipalitles or affcdcJ mcmbcrs of ilic public h�vc Ihc rigld lo rcyucst Ihal Ihc Uirector cmuiJar call6ig a hcarh�g wilh respcct la any npplication submiu�d unJcr Part V af the G'A. Any submissions lu this ragard uwst be accompanfcd by vnlid reasuns anJ suppotling Iccludc;il juslifica�ion. I'Icasc refcr lo filc nuwlrer A6A0205 lu all relalcJ correspondcncc, Sho�dd yuu havc nny qucslioi�s, plcasc cuntacl Guy I'ulter at (416) 314•8)19. Yours Im y, l Cuy Poucr Scnior Approvals Officer ' cc: p, Ocach, Districl Manager, Yotk•Uurham Dislricl Officc ll c����:.�/f1 / ,i 1' `���/�r� :. +/�,�% oi�N 1 ��, � ��`�<i�y4�;�, '�I„� �l ��h�•�irti%li� ;,�. s. �' 11, .� :k . �;, ,i J' ' '�•il . , �� � . . '� . ; , ;. r ,; r f t;; '�#,, ; � , , ' . �, ', . z¢i,' , ;� .�: ;, ��; �:, s�• ' �, ,: . .+,y .:� , , ;i .y � .4� � . � .�'� . �j r � .. �����, . ��t � . . �. .. . . . :�r . . � . � . . , •l�_. , _ . . _ . �t, ', . r. � ' A1i��RM1�10MnI1T#�� ��/! 1 Match S, 1999 83� 1NTERDEPARTMENTAL CORItESPONDENCE 1'LANNING UEPAItTMENT 'I'U: Bruce'I'aylor �ROM; Nc11 Currall 9'own Clcrk Dircctor of Plenning IiE; Applicalion to Ainend Ccdificnle of Approval MiUcr Wnste Syslems Lld. 1220 Squires Eicuch Roed (wesl sidc of Squires Eiench Roud, soulh of Bnyly Slrecl Prum Ihu information provided, it is our undcrstanding thut Milicr Woslc Systems Ltd, is secking nn amcuJmcnl lo Cedifcalc of Appruval No. A680205 lo permit an expunded wastc processin� und trunsfcr fiicilily on thc lends locatcd al 1220 Squircs Beuch Roud. Thc followiug are our comrocnts on Ihnl applicndon. Pru sal '17ic sitc currcnlly opi:mtcs us a wnslc tmnsfcr nnd proccssing facility for solid non•hmnrJuus inQuslrial, cowmcrciol, insliluliounl (ICI) nnJ domcstic wastc. Milicr hus npplicd tu Ihc Minislry uf the Gnviroumcnt lo cxpnud ils op�:rolions in Iwo phases. Phasc I incluJcs expansion of thc curccut wasle tmnsfcr facility, cnhuncemenl of the malerial rccycling facilily, and the eslablishmenl of a houschold hauudous wnslc dcpol. I'hosc 2 includes lhc dcvclopmcnt of a composling fiicilily, im ouldoor cunslruction anJ Jcmolilion rccciving/proccssing nrcn, and nn oitlJour wuoJ wastc rccciving/proccaving urcn. An MOG Ccrlificotc uf Approval cslablishcs rcslriclinns lo lhc lypc und amount of wnsle permiltcd al �i wasle hanJling fucilily. Undcr 1'hase I, thc mnximum volume of tnalcrial pcmiiticJ to Iw rcceivcd duily would incrcasc Gom 299 l0 1,020 tonncs/Jay, and on-site slomgc woulJ incrca,ec from 780 to 1,185 tonnes nt nny givcn limc, If 1'hnsc 2 is fully implcmenlcd as pru�sed (1'hi�se I miJ 2 wmbincd), lhcse numbcrs incrcasc l0 1,410tonncs/dny und 12,328 tonnes res�x:clivcly. A mble is aunchcd to this mcnio which campnres Ihc nmount of materiul Miller has npplied la hnndle, with thc ¢mount currcntly pertnittcd undcr thc cxisting Cedificnle of ,! pprovnl. With thc applicalion lo amcnJ thc Certiflcate of Approvnl, Miller idenlifies Durhem Region ns the sourcc for domcslic waste. �or all oUier organics, construction anJ demolition, rccyclablcs, aid ICI wastc, thc sourcc is identificd as Onturio. t . , i'{;, ,i, 'i � � . . " .. �i; � . �. �� � . . . . : �.it . . . . . . ' . � , .I.. . . � � . . , Applicetion lo Amend Cedilicaro of Approval �..rr��N���N �� �al�'Agc 2 . iller Wnsto Syeleme LtJ, Al Ilw�*w^• .• il 8�220 Squirca Ucach Roud Silc Infurmation 'I'hc pro�xrly iy dcsignulccl "Lmpluyment Arca - acncral LmploymenC' in Ihc Pickcring Officiul I'Inn. Tlie site is currenlly zoned "(H)M2S" Yonl Slornge and Heavy Manufucluring by Zoning ISy-law 251 I, ��s amendcd by I3y-law 61/74. 7'he (fl) Etalding symbol is decmed to be rcmoved ns thc cxisting building on thc propcdy is connectcd to full municipal scrviccs, 'fiie zoning nllows fi�r yutd sWrogc and hcnvy mwiufncturing. from lhe Jcscription of Uie proposed expandcd operutions of Phnse I anJ 2, il wauld appear lo Ix u pcnniUcd usc undcr lhc currcnt mning. Sile 1'lan Applicution SB/98, whicl� alTecls thc subject property, wes submilled lo the 7'own in April 1I9R by Millcr Waste. 'fhe upplicalion propases two phases, wilh lhe first involving lhc wnslruclion of u ncw 1,025 m� mainlcnnncc shop, 4,185 m2 of addilions lo lhc cxisling rccycling fncilily, �wJ olher minor revisions. 1'hasc 2 includes tlie construction of n ncw 5,8G0 m2 composl fucility, a conslruclion/dcmolilion dcbris processing arcu, nnd n wood waslc �mccssing nn:a. '11ic sile plun appliwtion is currcnlly undcr rcview. Purtiai npprovnl for Phasc I hns bccn granled for thc muinlcnnncc building nnd IouJing doors, nnd full npproval of ihc rcmaiuing cotnponcnts is �mlicipulcJ in thc ncur futurc, Phnsc 2 slill rcquires rcvicw, and u rcviseJ sitc plau upplicnlion. I'ccr licvicw 'fo assisl lhc 'Town's rcvicw of Ihc proposnl su6mitled lo thc MOG, �cuk Intcmotionnl (nn cnvironmenlnl cansulling fimi), wns rclained lo underlakc a pcer revicw uf Ihe Jocwnenl prcpured by Uartncr I.cc, Ileak was rcqucstcd lo providc thcir opinion on lhc complcicncss of �hc npplicalioii, anJ lhc appropriatencss of Ihc mcasurcs cmploycd to avoid/mitigatc potcntial ncyntive environroenlal impacls. AJJilionally, thc wnsuUunl was nskcd lo iJenlify exactly whnt components of Phusc I anJ 2 woulJ bc perniiticd lo opcmlc, unJ whal would bc Ihc subscqucnl proccss lo implemcnt thc remaiuing cmnponcros, if Ihe Ccrtificalc of Approvnl is approvcd as pruposcd. A copy uf Dci�k's rcport is altachcd to Ihis mcmo. Its conlcnts are summariud as follows: Gcncrnl Conuncn�s • ovcrnll, lhc proposcd pinn for the sitc has bccn rcnsonably wcll oWlincd • dctails cunccrning ll�c composling fncilily and houschold huzurdous waslc dcpol nrc abscnt • infonnaliun cuncerning the design nnd opernlion oClhc proposed conslruction and Jemolition mntcrinl, nnd wastc wood rccycling processes arc not sufficiently detailcJ • thc pm�rowl Joes nol includc a dccommissioning plun; if Ihis is not rcquired by lhe MOB at Ihis timc, Ilic proposal should as a minimum rccognizc thc nced for n dccommissioning plan cansislenl with MOG requiremcnls t, .��,� �. ., . ,.I : ;; I�i;. ;'tj . ',; � ` 1 : . i� "f :}� 4 , �, 1 } � � F.,, . ' A ' r. ,� Applicutiun 10 Amend Certiflcate ofApproval �n�►�N, ����N�4�tpege 9 Millcr Wiula System� Lld. 1220 Squiros l3wch lioad � J • thc financiul assumnce calculated by Milicr to bc payabic lo lhc MOL� is S34,000 for Pl�esc I, . whidi is inudcquotc; thc amount should bc ut Icast cqual to thnt required far thc exisling operntion (SSO,ODO), but should uiso accounl for lhe operations proposcd in Phase 2 • it up�xurs Ihat Milicr has applled for n Cedificule of Approval for air emissions; il is Deak's expericnce thal such an opemtion also rcquires n Cedifiwto of Appravnl for dischurges lo surface waler; it docs nol appcar Ihal Cedificnte has been epplied for ('olcntiul linvironmcntal Impncts • if Ihc mca+ures proposcd by Millcr to mitigate environmental impacts nre implemcnted, Ihc poteulinl for sile operalions lo significanUy impncl the environmenlal condition of Uic silc arc Iimilcd • addilinnnl information is rcquireJ for Ihc pavcd sloroge areas (c.g, nuture und thickncss of pnving malcrinl); the sitc should be evulunteJ as to thc intcgrity of thc paved surface on u regular basis • Bcak is uot familinr with the composting technology proposeJ by htillcr; fallowiug discussions bctwcen Dcuk unJ Uiose familinr with n similar opemtion in Nova Scolin, it appcars Ihc wmposting tcchnology is ef(eclivc, and thc potential for significnnt cnvironmcntal conccros orc generully low � • lcucliale Gom thc compost curing pilcs [{'hasc 2j can coNnin cicvatcJ purnmcicrs of environmcntai wnccm; thcrcforc, a wutcr qunlity monitoring progrum should bc fnirly extcusive, parliculady iu the cudy stngcs of thc operntion; options shoulJ bo considercd prior lo tho dcvclopmcnt of lhe composling fecility in thc cvenl that runo(T from Ilic wetland lo Qic stonn scwor excccJ acccplablc paramcicrs • lilllc Jclail is proviJcd on thc wood waslc, wiJ conslruction and dcmolilion dcbris rccycling arcav; therc is u polcNinl for Ihese areas lo hnvr, an impuct on thc quality of surfacc wntcr runoff; nJJitional infommUon is rcquircd, including moniloring procedures • Millcr hav idcntificd a groundwotcr moniloring program with u list of parwncicrs lhcy propose In nnulyzc in lhc groundwulcr samplcs; mcrcury should bc addcd to thc list of �11(pU1C�Cf4 • it is rcwmmendcd that Ihc 7'own rctain a cansullant to undcrlukc inspcclions of lhc opcmling focilily lo cvuluutc its environmcntal mano�cmcndmonitoring systcros, as wcli os compliancc wiUi Ihc Ccrlificate of Approvul Phasc I aud 2 Developmenl Scqucncc • it is licnk's opinion that thc NU8 can only issuc a Certificntc of Approval for thosc operations which huvc sufficien: Jcsign/munogcment dclnils incorporntcJ into the application • conscqucnUy, thc composting facility, houschold hazardous waslc dcpot, ns wcll as Il�e wood waslc and construction/demolition debris recycling operetlon would nol likely bc approved by Uw MUG - . • , . .�5i . � , � t;. � ' .. ' .:�}�7 � 1� . �,, , �; , ;,;��' ; 'if , ;, 1, . � . �', ;�: ,,. !j; f; � ti ,��, �,,. ` ;1 . r'r, �� . xi .,, • �, �; � ,': ; o` � .� � i 1' r. , Applicnilun lu AmcuJ CcMllicalo of Approvnl 1'ngc 4 MlllcrW+ulo5yslewaLid, ATfAdN�NTk Z TOREPORTk�� ��I��� . i i $�20 Syuims Ucach Road • subjccl to'I'own rcqulrcmenls (sitc pian and building permils) Millcr coulJ procecd with thc conalrucdon of facililics for bath I'hasc I and 2, bul cuuld not begin opemtions unicss pemiiltcJ by u Certificalc of Approvul 1'hmnine Slnff Commcnls 'fhc Millcr proposnl for u fully inlcgmlcd wnslc/mulcrinl mnnagcmcnl fucilily is, in principic, a desimbic o�x:r�ition. A significwit componenl of the proposed operation (nvolves Uic rccyeliug af a varicly of mulcrinis, whiclt is of bencfit lo any wnsle rcducUon slrategy. 'I'hcre are howevcr, im�wrlwd informnlion gaps Ihnl musl be aJdresscd prior lo sln[f cndorsing cvcry componcnl of Miller's npplicaUon lo amenJ ils Ccrtificate of Approval. Witl� respcct lo Phnse I, slalT support the expansion of the currenl waslc lrunsfer facilily, enhancement uf the material recycling facility, nnd the esmblishment of a huuschold hmnrJous wnsle dc�xri, subjcct to n vnriety af conditions. 77ic primury condilion is thnt Millcr providc lhe 'I'own willi funding lo rclnin an indepcndent environmcntai consullnut lo undcrtakc ongaing munitoring of U�c wavtc monagcmenl apcmtion, ns rccommended by tl�c 7'own's pccr revicwcr. '17iis cauJiliun is Juc lo aur concern wilh Ihc IimilcJ resources aJailablc lo ihc Ministry lo nJcqunlcly monilor lhis and similnr opcmtions. As for 1'hnsc 2, wc concur with ffcak's commcnts lhai not cnougli infonnation has bcen supplicd in thc propos:d lo comfarinbly suppod ils npprovnL Aguin, in principlc wc supporl such u�x:rulioi►v as composling, and thc rccycling of construction and dcmolition dcbris, i lowevcr, nl Il�is timc wc arc not ablc to dcicnninc Qic impucl of Ihcsc uscs on thc cnviromncnt, sitc fuuclioualily, roud nclwork, and surtuunding dcvclopmcnL 9licreforc, sInIT do not support Ihc componcuts propased for I'hasc 2 al Ihis limr. Acwrdingly, stnff recommcnJ thc following lo Council; �llA7' Tinvn Cuunc!! recommend !o dre MlnJslry oj IGe lirivlraintenl Ihuf /�ropared nmendnte�us !u Ccr��rale ojdpprovul d680105, submilred by MUfer IVnslc Sysfems /,Id., on 1nnJs knoirrt us l210 Squlres Ueacd Roud, 7own uj !'(ckeriug, bc; I '. � �,. • �•.r , . i.. l. COND/710NALLY APPROVF,U as i! relafes Io l7rase 1 proposals jor sofld itnn-huzardous lndusfrlul, contmcrrJal, fnsrin�Uo,.ul and donies�tc iva.sfe, and n Ito�uehold Guzurdoi�s tivasle depol, su6Jec! lo the jalloiving: (a) !he �,nnn�pnr recel��es slle pfa�� appruval jor Ibe Phase 1 operu!lau, and enlers Jnlo a s!!e plan agreemen! ividi d�e Town; (b) Ihe uppllcmU mukes saUsjucmry arrangernen�s �vllh the Tow�� respecfing Nie provLsJon ojfi�nding fo retaln a qtral �ed consuffanf (o cruure fhal n cornprelte�ulvic eirvJronmenlal niaitforLig prograni . �: . r, ', • � •', �. � •,'., � ��. � i i • ��. . .,� �d � :t . • � ,.. ti' • {_. . . . . �- ii f . � t . Appl(caUun to Ameud CcrUficate of Approvai 1'agc S MillcrWnstoSystcrosLld. ATTACHMENTq Z TOREPOpTp� �'-1�'j�� 1220 Squires Deuch I:oed 8� h�u 6cen implemenfeJ, and !u unJcrlake envlronmenlal uudfls oj fhe operalinn o�i a perlodlc 6a.si.s; (c) dclaJled deslgn oj Ihe hutuehold hazardo�u wusre judlUy Lr prcpared !a fhe sallsjacflai oj fhc M!nlslry oj fhe Env(ronmenf, Regta� ojUurham, and Town ojPlckering; (dJ speclfica(lans rcgarding I/te nalure and fhickness ojpaved smrage ureas Is provlded fo die sallsjucflon oj tlie Mlnlsfry uj die Gnvlrannienl, aud Toivn ojPlckcri�ig; (e) Ihe slle does nul accept Domesfic SoHd (Vasle d�af l�as Geen gencrufed oufslde ojfMe Reglon oJDurham; (/J approprlafe financJal assurances jor slle decommissloni�tg and reliablllla!!on are provlded fo 1he saflsjacllon ojlhe Minislry oj!/te Bnvlrunmen�; and 2. DENIED as !I relules m 1'hase 2 proposu/s jar composling„ ca�slrucllat and deum!!Ilun debrls, and woud irasfe, tmffl approprfufe fedinlcnl a�d uperallonnl !� jormaflon !s provide�llo flie Town's sntlsjacfion. lf you huvc imy qucstions or requirc additionui infottnntion, plensc cnll me al exlcnsion 2025, � � Ncil 1 . (iM y�t4AlihY�MiIW4M1 bt Allachmcnl Copics lu: Cl�icf Administmtivc Officcr Dircctur of Public Works Firc Chlef `�"14 � - .'��f - % . � � . �li� . . '' .. .. . \, .. ���' � �� 'Y � . ,�+t , l.t� r .. . � r . ;gl � �i.- ��' �.. � . . . . . ,? r .. . �. �. . ' i; -�. . . . .a� . . ..n . ,,r .� ;,. ' � . , �!l . . tf' �i 'I. 1 1 � 1, . . ' o� TO REP01►TN�I ) Ir�rl .� .•� 8 � AnACHMENT N_.— Compe�i�on ot Propoeed Ve. Permitted Tonnepe r+aa�: f. Translcr SlaGon rexAroa edid wasle endprocossos �aalduels, end Gans/crs fhem lo e pormarrenl disposelleu7ily. Z MaladolRecovaryFeci7nyreceAres,aorls,arMahfpsoulrecydeWes. �, Caiposfing lecd�7y rocehres nm�harerdous arpanfc wasfe, processes fhe malodd, and ah�ps oul producl. �. Wood Recycl6x� feciity racoPoes wesfe wood, processes fhe mafedal, and ahips af producl. 5. Construcllon ar�d Damddlon Recycl'np fecaityreceh�es wasfe maleriel, processes the mafertal, aM shtps ouf producl. 6. IncomG�g MalodaGDay is Ihe quanGTy d malerial eech canponanf recetves/ships each day, es pertnBled 6y a MOE Cerlificalo of Approval. 7. Malorfnl on S�To is Ihe emaud ol proceued a unproceued mafertel ol each canponenl fhal cen 6e slored on a8e el any 1lmo, as pamAlled 6y e MOE CeAiflcefa dApprov�. 8. Under fho edsling Cedificafe of Approvel, Ihe lofd daiy fnlal�e !a Ihe Matedel Recowry Feciny musf reme7n wilhin Ihe lolal daAylnlake /a fhe enfire feul�Ty of 2891onrres/day, . ^ (t, . . ;' .` ;� �:1�� t� � . � :j � �:. �� � . ,.i: . .. . . S. "� j''• ' :� ` , � . 1'. y,, t�' . �' . r., >�'T . ,�', . ��� . . . i.' . . . . %r.,k . .��?�� . .� ,. .. _ : ;�f .. . . 'i�•: . . . � . . J`�� Envlronmental ����::�-. Services /A Specldly Servke of 0eok Inlemollonol Incoipoialed february 24, 1999 V!o Factlmtlt (9Qf•410�7648J ond Mail ATTACHMB�RN�1��gORTq« �/�99 Mr. Neil Carroll Direcior of Planning 7'hc Corporntton of the Town of Pickering Onc Ihc Gsplanade Plckcring, Ontario L1V 6K7 Uear Mr. Carroll: •'h'. Rel'erence: Miller Wnste Durham Inc. '' Amendment to CertiRcatc-pf:filpprovnl A680205 ' 1220 Squtres Deach Road, Plckering, OnWrio IN'fI20DUCTION � -.�:.�,��;,J,=i'� 1 . . 1: . ' i ���j :�,',.; 1 : i9S9 J' rc�,��r� or• �icKeRir�o r�crer,ino, or�t,���io RECEIVED MA4 1 0 1999 .. , -+�r:r•�vn ..wT Deak Inlcmational Incorporated (°BEAK") has prepared thls letter to provide The Corporaiion of the Town of Pickering (�he "Town") with a summary of BEAK's peer review of the amendment application to a Provlsional Ccrtificate-of-Approvai ("C-of- A") Waste Disposal Site (Trancfer/Processing) No. A680205 for Miller Waste Durham Inc.'s ("Miller") facility at 1220 Squires Deach Road, Pickering, Ontario (hercafter refcrced to as the "Site"). 7'he objcctfve of DEAK's review was to provfde �he Town with DEAK's opinion, concerning the following mauers: • thc compleleness of the application; • thc appropriatcncss of the measura employed to evoid/mitfgete potential ncgalive enviroiunenWl impacts; and • Miller is requesting a provisional certificate for ail components of the integrated si�c. If thc C•of-A is approved as proposed, exactly what components of Phasc 1 and 2 would be penniited to operau and what would be Ihe subsequent process to implcment the remaining components. . The Applicat(on for q�e amendment to the C-of-A was prepared by Canner Lee Limiled ("GLL"), on behalF of Miller, and summarized in a ropon entitled, "Applicarlon jar Amendment �o Cerl�care oj Approva! N A680105 -{Yas�e Processing and Transjer Facility, 1210 Sqrrrres Bead� Road", dated Dccember t998, ln additlon to [eviewing this document and its associated appendices, HGAK reviewed Miller's C-oFA for Iheir . .'',; ;i !; � �' . , � � t't : ' . %' . , d•„ .. .... . .. .:`'.�. � . . .. 14 Abacuf Rood. &amplon. Gnlono LCI SB7 iolBP�wne: (41(� J61•2401 • 19D5) 7V4•1J25 � Fa� (41AI J61•2410 •(COS) 7Cd•pJJB , ^�' . • ,�. .�' .f . �t i �;. �. �;�, i .� �i �� 1, . :s� �� - �� 1CORf�OflAli /� ENVpONMENGI �'-��SERVICf7 � Mr. Neil Carroll The Corpor�ilon of Ihe Town of Pickerin� ATTACHM ENr a��p ��a � q 7 '2' Februory 24, 1999 BEAI: Ref. 21427,1 ex(sting wastc management facil(ty at ihe Sile, dated August 27, 1997 as weq as an amendment dnted July 2, 1998, BACKGROUND The Site is curronlly operated for the lransfer and processing of solid non-hazardous industrial, comnurcial, instilulional and domesQc wasles. In order to mcet,growing demand in ihe area, Miller 1s proposing lo expand the faciliry and enhance the operation inro an (megrated waste/material management faciliry. The development of the proposed intcgraled sitc has been diviJed into two phases. Phase l o[ Ihe development is to include expans(on of the current waste transfer facillty, construction of a maintenance garage, enhancament of lhe material recycling tacllity ("MRF"), expansion of oftice and sta(f facilitios, enhancement of the public waste drap off area and establislunent of a huusehold hazardous waste ("HHW") dcpot. PBase 2 of the developmcnt (s to include development of a composling facility ("CF"), establisl�n�ent of an outdoor conslruction and demolition ("C&D") waste receiving/processing area and estabiishment of an outdoar wooct waste receiving/ processing facility. As outlincd in thair covering letter to the appiication, GLL has acknowledged that while the application ts for all companents of the integrated site, the appiication does not include thc dctailed design submissions for the CF and HHW depot. GLL has sta�ed that the prefcrred HHW approach would be detailed in Januury 1999, but that the details on lhe CF would be provided as Phase 2 of tlu development proceeds. In die application, GLL has provlded the typical brcakdown of daily material which is to bc rcceived at Ihc expanded facility. Thc proposed breakdown is as follows: Solid Wnsle and Proccss Resiauals gpp Recyclnbics ZZ� Organics 160 Wo°d 115 TOTAL � 1,410 GLL has stated that the maximum waste flow that is to pass tluough the trassfer facility for flnai dtsposal off-Site is 800 tonnes per day, Under the current C-of-A, the permflted amount of waste leaving the Site, wh(ch includes res(duai waste Crom the proccssing operation plus waste aristng from the transfer operation, is 299 tonnes per I ` �: , ,. . �% f� _ � ; ir' . .1,�. ;.�:� ,�' , s,,� w '�; ' ,,;{ . t; ;i` .,,: ;;: ::�. ,�i, : �, •� �. . ,�. , �,;; .,� ;, <<. { ,; .� , �, i �CO(7P0(1AR ENVq01NiNIAL. � . +.�a_�•,SEAVICE! . Mr. Nell Carroll The Coryontlon of the Town of Pickerfng ' �nApp�Iq�fTTNS 1�OMORTNc!-�(`��l •�• Februuy 21, �� 91 BEAK ReL YI427.1 day. Thc curtont C•of-A also has a conditlon that Iimlts the amount of waste generatcd Gom Ihe processing operation that can leave Ihe Siie on a dally bas(s to 199 lonnes per day. This waste from the prceessing opetation is to be included (n Ihe Site's overall o(FSile wasie disposal limit of 299 tannes per day. Under lhe curre�t C-of-A, Ihe Site is perm(ited to have a toial of 780 tonnes of unprocessed, processeJ, and res(dual material stored on•Slte at any time, 'fhe folluwing tabie summarius the amount of non•processed and processed waste and materials that GLL has estimated for �he Sitc in �he amendment application. Mnter(al Descr(ptton Non•Processed Mnterlal Processed Material On- On-5(te lonnes Site tonnes Waste Gom Transfer 400 (50� of daily intake) 210 Facility Recyclable 220 (50� of daily intake) 355 Compost 40Q (25096 of daily intake) ' 9,592.9 W�d 575 (500% of daily in�ake) included in nun-processed C&D Recycling 575 (50096 of daily intake) inciuded in non•processed Bazcd on these amounts, Ihe total amount of non•processed and processed material which could be present on Site once Ihe facility is in fuli operation is 12,327.9 lonnes, of which approximately 78% would be curing compost material, When comparing only tlu current type of waste/material �hat is permitted to tx present at �he Site (i.e., Uansfer waste material and recyciables), ihe proposed amount of this type of material would bc t, I85 tonnes, compared to the currcnt C-of-A's Iimlt of 780 tonnes. GEN�RAL CO1VII1-IENTS ON APPLICATION Bucd on DEAK's review of the application, il is DEAK's opinfnn that averall, the proposed pian for thc Site has becn reasanably wetl outlined. However, 1he details concarning some aspects of the proposed facility (e.g., the design of the CF and the HHW depot) are not included. GLL has acknowledged that the appiication document (s intended lo meet all Onlario Ministry of the Environment ("MOE") information requests for a Provisional C-af-A, subject to submission of further des(gn delails for the CF and HHW depot. In addition to �he outsmnding design details identified for Qu CF and NHW depot, it is BEAK's opinion that the (nformation concerning the design end operallon of the proposed wood waste and C&D debris recycling processes are not sutficiently detailed in Uie application. Neither of these two proposed operations appear to have been discussed in detail within the appiicallon. It is BEAK's opinion that lnfonnatian should I � 1��,.... � . '; . � .�, .:r , . ;, `' , ;j. � �• �,:� {: 'r � �. 4 y. "i : F; I. (t ir �.. 4 �� :92 �� �I COfri�WtAiE )/ E�N�r��Ai MTAGIlIB�RM�,.ID�ORTM�a q`� %: �—s[avKu Mr. Ncll Carroll -0• Fabnury 24, 1999 The Corpuratlon of Ihe Town of Pickering BEAK Ref. 21427.1 .., ' ;;. • . � '., .�5.:. j�`_ '�:� havc becn incluJed in the applicaiion to explain the construclion details for Ihe arca proposcd to accommalate these two activit(es, stormwater control/sampling meazures for tliis oren af 1he 5itc, Eugitive emisslons monitoring/suppression (e.g., dust) to protect workers and surrounding properdes and moniloring for unsuflable matedals (e.g., asbestos). lt is BEAK's opinlon that details concerning Ihese and other aspccts of Uu proposed wood and C&D operations need lo be specified in order to evaluate tlie potentinl for environmemal impacts from thcse ncdvities. Rnother nspect of the application which has been omitled is a decommissioning plan for the Site. This is identified as a requirement by ihe MOE for C-af-A applications of this nature. In the appiication, it appears that �he positiun laken by GLL and Miller is thal since the facil(�y is to serve the community for several years, submission of a decommissioning plan is premature. They have indicated ihat in the event that the faci�ity must be closed, a decommissioning plan consisient with MOE requirements would be dcvelopcd and carried out. It is �EAK's opinion that if the MOE das not require a decammissioning plan, I�aving Uie applicalion recognize the need for a dccommissioning plan consistent with ASOG rcqufrements, should be sufficient at this tlme. (n rcgards to the financial assurance ("FA") outlincd in the application, it is IIEAK's opinion Uiat Ihe amount of money proposed is inadequate. The FA calculated by GLL and Miller is bascd on waste/material volumcs of 450 tonncs for waste and 355 tonnes of balcJ or separated recyclai�les (No1e: Uiay have acknowlcdged that Nrther FA would be provided upon MOE acceplance of the detailed CF and HHW depot and upon commenccment of the C&D and wood waste receipts). GLL utilized a cost of S75 per tonne Cor the Iraiufer and disposal of waste material and SS per ionne for an overall managemcnt fee. Consequcntiy, � total of 534,000.00 is bein� offered as FA for Aic Pl�ase ( aspecls of tlie Site expansion. The waslc and recyclable lotals u�ilized by GLL appear 10 br, comprised of ihc amount of unptoccssed waste estimated by GLL to be prescnt on Ihe Site at any one time and U�e maximum amount of processed recyclable material estimated lo be stored an A�e Site at any one time. Thcse totals do not include the amount of processed waste which GLL estimated to be on ihe Site at any one tlme (i.e., 210 lonnes) or the amount of unprocesscd recyclables estimated lo be on the Site at any one timc (i.e., 220 tonnes). [f liiese tolals are faclored (nto GLL's equatian, addilional FA of 517,900,00 would neeJ to be provided. In addition, ihe MOE requires that FA must be suflicient to provide for the analysis, Iransponation, site clean•up, monitoring and d(sposal of all wastes, Consequently, it is BGAK's opinion that Ihe formula utillzed to calculate t1u FA in llie application is inadequate. In Ihe existing C-of-A, the FA is set at SS0,000,00. Given Ihat Uds application is an expansion to the existing facillty, it is BEAK's opinion ihal the FA should at least be equal to, or greater �han, the current FA for the applicable waste/recyclable material operations, Funhermore, allhough the +; , , ;'; 4 • ��. � 1 '� � • , i '' {. � 'r' ' � �r�' '! • . ' � 1'. . . � � , ��r . . . .� j � ;,'� �; a ����E Ji/. f�ry�p�[NUl / '� I` . : 00 �`4�` ���� 94 �,� fNV�70rA.1f111A1 ,�v•-i �•SfRVICES � Mr, Neil Carroll The Corporatlon of dM Town of Pickedng •6• ATTA�FIMENTp � TO REPORTN c. �' � a�9� Febroiry 24, 1999 OEAK Ret. 21127.1 environntenlal conditian of Ihe Site area are limited. However, BEAK recommenJs diet informalion conarning the specificalions for the paved storage areas (e.g., nature and thickness of paving materiap be provided In order to evaluate the potentlal limitations of the pavem�nt materiai. Procedures should aiso be impiemonted al the Site to evaluate the integrity aF thc.se paved surfaces on a regular basis. As part of the application, data un the quality of leachate from a compost curing pfle at enolher Miilor facility in Lunenberg, Nova 5cotia was provided, Based un the da�a, GLL concluded that the leachate met ihe saniiary sewer use limits for the Region of Durham (ihe "Region"), wilh the exceptian of one parameter (i.e., kjeldahl nitrogen). Based on Ihe information contained in Ihe application, it appears that the (eachate from the proposed compost curing pile at the Site is to be direcled to two ponds, Gom which it will be discharged to the sanitary sewer, with an oplion to discharge to Uie stortn sewer if Provincial Waler Quality Objcctives ("PWQO") are met. Once tlu compost is cuted, it is to then be moved !o a second pad area for storage before shipping. Runo(f Gom this storage area is to be directed to Ihe welland. From d�e wetland, Ihe waler Oows to die slortn sewer system. Bascd on the leachate quality data provided In the application, it appears that there ere uveral parameters whlch excced the PWQO as weli as the Region's stortn scwor by- law ;imits. Whfle this is data representative of a highly concentrated leachate sampie, it �ues indicale that the compost leachate can contain elevated parametcrs of environmental concem (e.g„ cadmium, copper, lead, mercury and zinc). Given this, it is BEAK's opinion that the water quality monitoring program for lhe ponds end wetland should bc fairly extensive, particularly in the early slages of operation, and options should be considcrcJ prior io development of Uu CF in the event that thc nmoff from ihe wetland to the stonn sewer system cxcceds ihe applicable criteria. Furthermore, as GLL and Miiler wcre proviJing optionc for liners to the retention ponds !ar Uie runoff fram U�e compost curing area, BEAK recommends U�at the least pertncable lincr opt(on should be the preferred option, particularly since groundwater at the Site Is relatively shallow. Dascd on ihe information provided in the application, ihere is little detail on Ihe design oF tlie wood waste and C&D debds rccycling areas. G(ven the namrc of ihe materials that would be managcd fn lhese areas, thcre is the potential for (mpact to the quallty of surfacc water runo(f. DEAK recommcnds tha� delails be obtained on tlu design for thesc areas and Ihe proposed material management system. This should include informalion conceming the mcasures which will be in-place to monitar runoff water quality. In order to monitor groundwater quality at the Site, a series of groundwater monitoring wells have been instalied end are proposed to be sampled on a scmf-annual bas(s for the first three years alter which tlu monitaring program will be re-evaluated. aLL has :� . �i. � ., �: . x, . t, rY � "•1 . B ;i I !4` c�. �ti�9`1 �f/camoann ATT�M�N 3 —TOREPORTN.�• ✓ EtN110N�XNUI �� � `,•"..: –uav�c¢s 9J Mr. Neil Cerroll •7• Fe6ruory 24. 1999 The Corporailon of ihe Town af Pickering� . BEAK Rcf. 21427, I included a list ol' several organic and inorganic parameters they propose to analyze in the groundwater sampics. One parameter af note not included on the list af proposed chemicals Is mercury. Given that the compost leachate sample hed an elevated mercury cancenication, UEAK recommends that mercury be inciudeJ In their Ust ot parameters. PHASC 1 AND 2 DCVGLOPMENT SGQ(JENCE Whcn issuing C•oF•As for wastc management systems, the MOE seems to only issue "Pruvisional" C-of-As. Based on lhe application presented by GLL and Miller, it is BEAK's opinion tliat Ihe C•oFA which would be issued by the MOE could only be for those operations which have su(ficient design/management details incorporated into the application. Consequently, the CF and HEiW depot, as well as, in BEAK's apinion, �he wood waste and C&D debris recycling operation, would likely not be approved, unlcss under condition, until the delails concerning the design far these operations is provided. Exclusive of olher permiuing requirements (e.g., municipal), it is BEAK's op(nion that Miller could proceed with devclopment of both phases; however, until Ihe Pi�ase 2 operations are included on the C•of-A, they would not bc in a position to begin Ihesc operations. Consequently, a further amendment would be required once th(s additional documemation is forwarded lo ihe MOE. COMPOSTING T�CHNOLOGY BEAK is not familiar with ihe composting technology propased for use at the Site by Miiler, According lo their application, it appears that Miller holds the distribution rights for the EBARA composting lechnology and that the system is currently in use in Lunenberg, Nova 5cotia and another is being commissioned in Halifax. In order to obtain same insight into ihe success o[ the technology, BEAK conlacted Mr. Pierre Brow, thc Town Engincer wid� thc Town of Lunenberg. According lo Mr. Drow, Uu EBARA composling facilily was commissioned in the summer oF 1994 and has been aperating ever since this tiroe. He informed UEAK lhat in his opinlon, the system has been work(ng well. Tlu community it serves is approximately 40,000 in s(ze and that the system is operating at about 5090 capaclty processing approximately 6,000 tonnes of compost a year. He indicated to �EAK that the only issue they have encountered is that tlu vontilation system capacity was slightly underestimated, However, he attributcd this to the (act that they process a high percentage of cardboard which requires Iliat a greater volume of water be added. Consequenlly, higher humidiry levels are generated within tiuir composling building. This has apparently resulted in more corrosion on Ihe steel stnicture. He informed BEAK that it was his opin3on ihat if Utere was higher air eachange rate in-place or if the building was constructed with tiit•up concrcte panels, this issue could be addresscd. Given the comments BEAK obtaiued from Lunenberg's Town Engineer, (t eppears that the EBAItA composting technalogy appears to be effect(ve and that there have been no : �; .. - �.; � r�r,. ' . •r i , '` . f!, •�, • I �' �r: . r. '�'I • . ;'! �, . � �� ;�5� � . • 1, ' . . �. � � y; "i '��. �� �. �% ' . �( .1 `lr,; 96 . , � �fl ,+ca+vaua ATT�� � TO REPORTM � t!a I49 ����..�INICO�AENIAI . . . . .. MG Nell CuroU •8• Febnury 24, 1999 '1'he Corponilon af ihe Towr, of Plckedn{ BEAK ReL 21427.1 signifcant environmentel concerns ident(fied with their faciUty. It is BEAK'x opinion that if the system proposed for the Slte is installed and monitored In accordance to the MOE's applicable guidelines tor composting faciiltfes, �he potential for aignlficant environmental conarns with its operation are low. GENERAL BEAK recommends that in whatever approval the Town issues ta Miiler, ihe 7'own include a condition that Ihey be allowed to undertake, or retain a consultant to undcrtake, an inspection of the faciliry in order to evaluate the facility, particularly as it relates lo environmental managemenUmonitoring systems as weil as compliance wilh the C-of-As. We trust that tliis latter provldes lhe infocmation you require. If you hlve any questions concerning this lettcr, please do not hesitate to contact md at 905-794-2325 ext. 313. • Yours truly, � BEAK INTGRNATIONAL INCORPORATED �� , Tom Thomsan, B.Sc. Corporate Environmenml Services • ,:,;. ,' . , , �t, : j �': }, ) ;,: j . . � . � ' ,�•h �� . ... ...I . u i . � ��. , . . � �. . .y � . . ... .. �:r1 .'1, '� � � , ' .�]�.' . � ��... .. .. ... . � • � . . . '.V . .. . . . %•� .. . , t' 'i,. :{� j! . 'r' . •r�r. FItOM: ItC: INTRI2DF.1' A��M�CO��°ai�rivcr � r�'�IVED - 7nwr,ino o��vFRINQ ruui,ic woitKS u�rn�t'fMFN'P ' hil�Z 1 0 1998 CLERK'8 DEPARTMENT Urucc'i'nylnr UATL: Mnrch 5,1991 Town Clcrk Richard flolborn Dircclor of i'ublic Workt Applicntian lo Amend Ccrtiticntc of Appruvnl NA680205 Millcr Wnrlc Uurhntn Inc. 1220 Squires Ucnc6ltoud 1'ickcring, Ontario I�urlhcr lo yuur circulnlion Julcd lununry 22, 19gg, tiic I'ublic Works Dcpurlmenl proviJcs thc I'ollowing commcnls lo bc induJcJ iu Ihc Itcporl lo Couucil, 'I'Iw conuuculs nrc bnscJ on Ihc inlonnalion conliiiucJ wilhin thc rc�rl pnparcJ by GnrUicr Lcc Limilcd on bchtdf of Millcr Wavtc I)udimn Inc., nnJ our knowlcJgc of lhe exisling operntion nnJ surcuunding conJilions. Genernlly spccikiug, Ihe 1'ublic Works Uepnrlment does uut liuvc a cyncern wilh Ihe Applicntion �o n��,����i �i�� c«��r�,��� �rnnr«����i �5 �, «ialcs ln i'hnsc I. 'I'hcrc nrc howevcr, sanu I'husc 2 issucs Ihnl nccd lo bd II(IIIfCSSMI, �hc oWcome ul' which nuiy nllcct ur id�cr Ihc muounl af wnslc rcccivcd, siored unJ proccsscJ. Sumc of Ihc conuucnls nrc prnvidcJ lo bring lo Ihc nllculion nf Council tlic mugniludc af lhc prupus�il or llic bcnefils/disbenefils Io Ihc'Ibwn, us u resull of Ihis proposnl. I. 5tomnvnlcr Mnunecmcnl nnJ Ronds 'I'hc mngniluJc miJ layuul of thc I'hnsc 2 composling opern�iun docs not ncconnnodulc % Iho slurmwnlcr munagcmcnt und ovcdunJ Ilow liir Ihc upslrcum properly Ihul wus suggcxleJ by n lunctionnl scrvicing rcport prcpnreJ in 199U. Il must bc confirmcd by u CunsulUng G�ginecr lo thc'I'own's sutisli�clion Ihnl urbnni•ruliun of 5quircs 13cuch RanJ liotn ils oxisting north limil to Ilnyly Slrccl ran tx complcicd ut n rcnsouuhlc cosl nnd can +icwmmoJalc storm drninugc within lhc right of wny, withoul rcquiring lhc conslruelion oPmajor swnicy wilhin cascmcnls on privnlc pro�xrly. 2. 'fmllic Il hns nol bcen confirmcJ whctlur Qicrc will bc ingress/cgrcss yucuing thul spills oul onlo Squircs Ucuch Roud, Juc lu Ihc magniludc of qic opernlion, cnusing a Jisruption to thc iwrmol ilaw uf lraflic, Syuires Ocuch IionJ nccJs lo bc urbaniud lo n widlh Ihul cmi nocaromodnlc slorngc for yucuing purposcs. AUhough it is ullcgcd tliut trn0ic gcnemlcJ by thc expunsion is nol signilicnnt cnuugli lu mccl signal wurmnts far Uayly Slrcct at Squires Ucach RouJ, lhis applicntion incrcases the desirabilily mid percciveJ nced to inslall such Irof(ic conlrol. , :� � : �: :� •;� Y' �. "x ' :� � ,.,. t ,�:� ;r; . ;���� -: � .. a. t I .� t a �. � � �i ,. , �; A ; ;: 9r tit ,.. . �. `�� . ',�t . �, ,, 98 Mr. Drucc'I'uylur Itc: Applicntlon lu Amcnd Ccrlilicule ufAppruvnl lIAb802U5 N e�, �a (q� ia�b� a nTTA�FY�IT��l��� — � Mnrch 5. 1999 �� 3. I IauscliolJ I IaTnrJous Wuslc 'll�c appliculion is for 300 tonncs annuully. 'I'his rcpresenls upproximutely IO,UOU custumcr lrips, bascJ on a comparison to thc 199G slalislics for Ihc I IouschulJ I IurLrJous Wuste Dcpot ut llroek West IunJfill sitc, (162 lanues, S t90 cuslouicrs). 'I'his is twicc Ihc vulonw Il�ul Ilrock Wcst cxperionccJ imJ accummudules muru Ihal wluit is royuircJ lo scrvc I'ickcring und Ajux. '17ic appliralion provides for onc of two possible opemlions, cither n lcmpumry Jrop a1T tietup or a permm�ent dcpol appronch, to be dcicrmined nl a Intcr datc. l:ilhcr provides a much necded scrvice for Pickciing. It is ccrtuinly hencficiul to have the IlouseholJ I luturdous Wi�.slc bc�wl ut Ihc samc silc us Ihc public drop oll' for wnslc unJ rccyclublcs. Il hus not hecn indiciilcd whelhcr Ihis is a uscr pny scrvice or one IimJeJ by Ihe Itegion ol' I)urhnm, who is responsiblc fur wwlc disposal costs. 4. I lours of Oncruliou 'I'hc applicution is fi�r n 24 hours n Jny, 7 dnys n�ti�cck upernlinn, which is on incrcasc uvcr Ihc existiug opernlion huurs of 7n.m. lo Gp.in„ Monday Ihru SaturJuy. 'i'his is nol milikc olhcr industrics in Ihis zuca, tiUl'II iL5 Illl` SC\Vi16C IrcnUncnl pinnl und thc nucicnr gcnending slolinn. 5. bailv Wnstc Itccci�ls fiir SoliJ Wnslc 'llic currcnl Ccrtificalc af Approvul is fi�r 299 lunncs per J,ry and Ihc npplicolion is lo incrcnxc that to RUO lonncs per J�ry fiir solid waslo anJ proccss residimis. I'ur comparison purposcs, qu '1'own of Pickcriug g�uhagc collcction slntislics for 1998 nmomd lo an uvcrngc of 102 lonncs per colleclinn day of solid wustc lo Ihis silc, 'I'lic iippliauinn howcvcr, inJicatcs Iliut thc siic will nol nccept "t)omcslic;" SOIIII lt'ASIC 6CIICfAIC(I OUl51lIC lhc Rcgion of Vurhnm. 6. ComnusUOre,wics. Wood. Couslruclian & bcmolilion Phasc 2 of thc applicntion dcols wilh thc com�wst fncilily, wood proccssiug facilily and consUucliun unJ Jcmolilion wnslc processing fncility. 'fhc coml�incJ Joily wnstc Ilow proposeJ is )90 tonncs, Il is imporlant lo nolc thut compusUorgunics includcs wusle SI1CI1 0.5� grass clippings and kitcheii wnste from residcnlinl soarces. 'I'hc'I'own of 1'ickcrin6 hns hnnncd thc collcction of grnss clippings I'rom ils yurd wnslc progmm, 'I'liis typc uf waslc is NU'I' in Ihc cutegury uf "Uumcstic Wnslc", which mcaus il is possiblc that this typc of residenlial woslc could bc imporlcd Gom oulsidc of Durham Rcgion. An exomplc would be a municipalily Il�at hns udoplcJ a "wcUdry" scpnralion nnd colicclion process. For comparison purposcs, Ihc 7'awn of � i� , � Li . . , :I •' a ; ���' • .�;� J. i r. . 7 ' t, . � � �t,� , :t''. ' i �', '�� � it� . � ,.i � .., � ,� . � Mr.Ilnicc'fnylur MTAdN�li��1b�ORTN�,.,� �a�V�j Itu: AppiiaiUon lu AmenJ Ccrliliculc ol'Appruvul lIAGBU2U5 I'�igc 3 9 3 Mnrcli 5� 199�) i'ickcring proviJeJ 24 cullcetion wecks af yurcl wastc nuJ Christmns Irces in t998 und col Iccled I G]4 tonncs (an avcrogc of 17 tonnes per collection Juy). Summn I subecst Ihc following rccummendalions/conJitiuus bc im�wseJ on this Applicutiun lo AmcuJ Ccrtilicnlc ofApproval t1AG8U2U5. I. 7'he opplicnnt confirm llml 3quires Ileach Izond enn be urbnnizcd at n rensounblc cust, wilhin q�e cxistiug righbof-wny, unJ cnn uccommodnlc upstrcmn cxlcrnnl dminngc aud road Jminngc. 'I'hc applicanl canlribulc a proporlional shure of Ihc wsl of thcsc works. 2. 7'hc npplicmil pruviJc Jetails on ullimalc yucuc Icugtlis and timcs on Squires UcucB RouJ and providc rccmnmcnJations lo �ccommodntc such qucucs. 3. 'Phc npplicanl conlribulc n pro�wrlionnl sharc for Irullic cuntrols nl Ihc inlcrseclion of Syuircs I3cueh RonJ und llnyly Slrccl. 4. '1'hc npplicant sclect lhc I IouscholJ I InLirJous Wuslc dcpol opliou, Juring Ihc Ccrtilicnlc of Approvul opplicaliun proccss. S. '1'hc upplicnnl detcrminc unJ providc idl Jc�nils of tlic cmnposUurganic, a•uod, conslniclion mid Jemolition componcnts of Ihc operalion (I'husc 2) ul Ihis stagc of Ihc proccss. G. 7'hc upplicnnl proviJc udJitionol dctuils nnJ jusiificotiun for Ihc incrcose in Uic propuscd Jiiily lonnuges for cuch componenl. �' Ri uvd I lol urn Uds Copy: Ncil Cnrroli, Dircctor of Planning 1.4isimn4��ilkrca.dK I. .. .. � . . . . . . . � . .. . :. �,;:' . .�. . . � - .. � � � . . .. . . t(. � . . . . . . . f. . - . . . .. . �t�7 . . . . . - . . _ . . . ;,',. . . . . . ,� . . �. � ,:a, � .. �.i . � .. ���i . . i . . . . . .V � . . ;54 . . �,f . 1,' . . . ��,11 �� •1 ,; i�' � . . i'�1,. ,�r � .. � .. :,:r. . � . �7 . . �r ' ; , 1 ,t'• . • , t .` . '1, } � S 7"'� e . �. �� - , . . ... � . . , .. . . .1t . .. . .. •Y� . - �� . . .. . � lOO , ATTACHMENT# S^ TOREPORTq� Y% f . PICKERING FIRE DEPARTMENT Inter•Depirlmeot Memorandum TO: Brucc Taylor Towa Clerk FROM: W. Douglos ' Acling Fire Chief DA'fE: Februaty4,1999 SUUJECf: Mlller Waeter Dur6am Inc. -1220 Squtre� Beach Road - CcrllOcute of Approval NA680105 Ae per your requcst 1 huvc atlached n report dateJ Jenuary 28, 1999 from Fire Prevenlion Of(icer Rcx Hcalh which indicnlcs hc has no objcctionablc commenls ut this limc, Aa roorc infortnation is revicwcd by our Firc Prevention Divisiort conceming Phnsc Two dcsign of Ihe Silc Plan applicalion lo this fncility, we will provide furlher comment Io you. • ��. ��- WD:nnn W. Dougins Acting Firc Chicf Alt, COPY: Rex Hcnth, Firc Prcvcnlion Of(iccr Matthew Scwurd, Acting Firc Prevention Officer 1:�•����kkuoao�orrc,�,�voiaai.u« ;� � ,' S ;� ; ti' f ' :� ;7•.. � ;� � . � �. :,�. - .. ! .. . . � . " . �,. `�'ti , , , . .. ' �i. �' • �, . +�; T.' ' . } � ,;�; , :i , �.,� � : S � � . i�.. . . . � . . . � .. �' i�, � i�, ' .. � �.r�� � ' . ' , ATTACFIt�#ITN,h _TO REPORTN c ti w(49 ' InterdcpartmcnlalMcmorand�un ��1 Fire Preveulion Division Date: Thur�day, lanuary 28, 1999 � To: William Douglas From: Rex Heath Dcputy Chicf rire Prcvention O(�ecr Re: Applfcntlon for Ameadment lo CeNiRcale af Approv�l N AG80205 Wnate Proce�sing aad Transfer Facilily,1220 Squfra Beach Road, SubmilteJ To: Mini�try ol' l4e Environment ' ' Further lo our discussion of January 28, 1999 ,( hnve peniscd the above noted dacument on behalf of the Fira Depnrtment and provide no objectionable comments at this time. Arcas that were revicwed on behalfoFthe Fire Department were as follows: t.2 Regionnl NeeJ for an Integrated Waete Procaeing Facflity 3.2 Firc Control Meaaures 3.9 iloun of Operallon 3.10 Sitc Securtty 8.43 SIaRTraining and Protective Equipment 11. Coutingency nnJ Emergeney Plnnning Buildine Profiles I would recommend that the firefrghfing staJf altend the above noted property and conduct a building profile, Special attention should be paid to everything that is noled wilhin 3.2 of the attnched document, '�': . ;: ' 4�� �;, , , {. � ; � , i � ',� �i, , � �, : , t ( ` t�, ,, �''�, � � �; ij! � ;, . �. r t ts.�� � � ..I �' � . � � ' �• `.� �... " �!: . 7 � �� + �7 `I �' �� � — '�, � . I I � ( I 1 � ' � ' � � � lO�^, ATTACHMB�RN � TOREPORTqc� w�q9 �pplicallon lor Am�ndm�nl lo C�rll!Ic�l� of Approval NABA070S l. Introduction 1.1 Miller iVVaste Systems r � Miller Waslc Syslcw ie part of thc Miller Group of companies which operates across Cnnada providing road constNCtion uid pavin� `Uans(t operations, waste calleclion and wute processing and recycling services. Tlic Miller (3roup wa� �sla61is6ed in 1917 and havc becn working (n Durham Region �ince lhe cnrly 1960s. � • � ••.�.� . Miller Weste Systems 6u awued end opet�ted the 1220 Squires Beach Road waste manngement facility since 1997. 7'his application con�a p�bposed expansion of thls facility to incrcase lomogc capacity, expand processing capabilities and iacrease,the waste management services available lo Durham residcnts. % , i : j� 1.2 �te`gionallYe�d for an Int "`rafed_�Yaste Pr_ocessiiig�Faeility'/ � ' Millcr Waste hu idenlified a nad for enhanced wasle lransfer and processing capacity in the Region of Durham. Several Cactan aze contributing ta this naJ, incluciing:� a) closure of Durham'a Brock West Landfill� d�anl cipated closure of Keele Velley Landfill in Ihc Town of Vaughan; . b) lack of integraled waste management facililia capable ot aspanding to wasle managemcnt necds for the fmurc; 1 � c) lack oF processing facilitles to e(ficiently mect Regional needs'anJ nssist in roeeting the Proviucial target of 50% diversion Gom landfill by ?000; � d) absence of appropriale facilitiee lo process organic material, parUculatly kitchcn organic wastc and IC&1 org�nic�, into useful compost product; und.' e) insufticient facililics for residcntial drop off of waste, recyclables and Houschold Elazardous Wastc. [n additian lo these general faclon, Miller Waste has curtent long term contracls with Durham Regian lo collect, process and transCcr residential waste. The curtcnt Squires Beach Road facility has insulficicnt capacity to manage ihis service in an efficient and environmentally sowd manncr. (n panicular, the htinlstry of Environment haa rccognizeJ that the curtent Certificale of Approval limits Miller Waste's abilily to praperly manoge Ihe peaks of residential waste collecled a(ter a holiday period. �muu�nnimi � iW/�NrYoMfn� feqtk� IIM � . .�, �,{' ; t1 �17 , ouln�r� � Les j • • � ATTApIMENTk� TOREPORTN�'A�aI��I Appllcal�on for Am�ndm�n! la C�rtlflc�l• ol Apprav�l MA810206 � 10;3 3. rACility Operations and Management Plan 3.1 Site Tha facilily site pl�°" mc(i�dinQ Phase One end Phase Two proposals, as submitled lo Ihe Town of Pickering, Is provided IgP�gi13. Key featurea fnclude: a) conlrolledfaliy� T�d security fencing; b) paved Iraffic ioutee for ck�, pusenger vehiclee, end fudemergency vchicles; c) paved parking �t'T��lage vehicles and sta(f parking; d) new Free standing l,0$!'m= vehicle maintenance building to service nnd rcpair Miller's Ileet of wazte end cecycling collection vehicles; e) newstaffbuildiingprovidiu$officespacenndshowerfacilitia; ' � cecessed loading dock area, wU three dooro and a raised rooF lo accommodate intemel loading of all recyclable materinl;) , a) 1,907 m� expansion of the MRF builditrg at �reue oper�ling capncily, imprave e(liciency with modified inlemal malecisi tl �pattcros and provide adequatc atorage areas for processed recyclables; r� ��., ' h) 1,254 m� expansion to U�e Iran�&r station; ,L�� ' .� f) new composting building and usociated btofilte� md compast curing areas; J) wood waste rcceiving and processing erea; and � k) Construction & Demolilion (C&D) raeiving and procasing area. � •.:� ) Each of Ihe site companents subject to GPA Cmificale of Approval are descri6ed in further delail below. ,i j . i , ' . ' ;�3:2�Fi`rc:Con�rollVlea�s"�"�1 �' ;✓a , �� The Tawn oF P(ckering Fire Prevention Divisian has detertnined Ihat the existing building and oxpansion �' m�y be considered a high hazard occupancy far Ihe purposes of fire fighting. Wa1er (low requirements '�` for intcmal yard hydrants are Ihercforc being reviewed and e report wlll be submined to Ihe Town for �•� their consideration. Enhancemcnts to the water eupply wlll be undeAaken if required. In addition, the ei�e plan rellects Ihc fo�lowing fire prevcntion and control measum� as recommendcd by Pickering's Firo Prevenl(on Divieion (see Appendia A Interdepartmenlai Memorandum dated October 8, '� 1998): (1�I111N11111.11� TH� pMrY o41ru r«r�w ron 5 1 •,. 1� •: � t, i� ��: '�' �, r t. ;i• ;i O�dner� /0 Lu M � M � M � ' � 1 1 ' ' � r i I I I I � �: �.�I e, .;, „ ` 4 ,�h 104 MTACHMENraS roRePORra�a�4`) Appllcstlon for Am�ndm�nt lo C�rllfle�l� ol Approvol NA8E0108 a) appropriale intemal fire roules as noted on the si�c plan; '�� b) firc route signage (as per Ihe Firc Prcvenlion Divislon'a specifical(ons); jk� c) ou•eita firc hydrants (m per Fire Prcvenlion Division spccificationa); �{ d) 'the plestics storege area will have a dou6le sprinkler system; and ut e) a siutco gate operating es lhe slortnwnter orifice ta ntaim m�off from fire 'j^, fighdng oper�tions on the site. . . +� 3.3 Waste und Material Streams Accepted �' .. � '►t�c facility will accepl non•huard�gu�municipal wazte, �idusUial, commemial and inslimt(onal (IC&O waste, and municipal or IC&I generated � rccyclables. Source separated recyclubles and processablc mnterial streams may include, but ta not limited to, glass, metal�, piaztia, fiben, separated household kltchen orgmics, yard waste, IC&[ grnerated orgmic material, wood, and, consWction and demolition materials. The specific list of curtently acceptable and unacceptable wazta is included in Schedule A of Appendix G. • �� . Hnusehold Flazardous Waste (HHN� will only be accepled by raidential drop off at the designated HHW Depot. No cammercial hazardous waste or liquid�industrinl waste will be accepted. These rcslrictions will be clearly marked on Ihe entrance signage: � . � ) . � \ The eite enhanccments and expanston 6ave been designed lo receiye at Cull operat(ng capacity an average of I d10 lonnes of waste, recyclables, and organic muterial dally. T6e maximum waste flow which will pass through ihe transfer facility for final disposal off•site is B00 lonnes/day. All oihcr incoming materinl will bc processcd for sale lo end markete, be transported far fuAher processing (such as Io Miller's C&D pracessing facilily in Markham, ON) or composted �o produce markclable compost product. The S00 tonnes/day iransfcr includes residuals Gom the procesaing aclivilies. A typical brcakdown of daily material receipls is noted in Ta61c I. , Table 1. Typlcal Dally Wa�lc and Btalerial Recetpl�`, Tonnes � Solid Wasle and Process Residuals 800 ��Rccyclables� �� ��_ 2?p �y� • Or�anics ..�� ���_ �.160 �. .� Wood 115 .�.C&D� _ -_.......... "IIS µ Total 1,410 The aclual volume and mix of malcrial wi�l vary depending on market condilions. S 114nNr4witifry� Iqlnl rrmw� m� •�'. • i� . ' . . � f; , �' tt, ' ;,. ll . .,,( . . . Y • �r�� . � � - "�J ,1; ;• �' � ` � ;1�..,�. � S.• � ' ', r'_ • ; . ,. ,�r,, r � i. � ,. ;.„�., . ';�,. ,{ ��. dulner� Le� �� }: ;. ' � 11TACHMENTit� TOREPORTM �A �aI`�� Appl�caflon (or Am�ndm�nl lu C�Illlic�l• ol Approvol NAAA040'S �0� 3�a'�0 CB.S�1; �1p a�l0tlr� The proposed opetat(ng haurs are 24 hours/day, 7 days/week for genaral receiving and aperalions. Rcsidential drop'u[FWill be available from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. datly. Specific hours for the HIIW depot will be eon8rtaed when the ope�ating method hm been selecled. � f� . �'�3.�;'�,tO�,Site Se�fir'. �r ' '+� ;'�1 7'he aite will be seeured with cLdin liak(encing arowd Ihc enlire perimeter of Ihe propMy at the point in time when Phase Two develoynent commences. The curtent fencing aecuring the Phase One area will rcmatn until that time. 'llie gatc�tl �o [�ked when tde facility is closed. The Landscape and Surface Treatment concept is provided in Figurc 5.1,, � / � , Y 3.11 Record Keeping Proceddres > Daily weigh scule recorde will be mainlained for all ycl�icles entering the site, nnd be availeble for Ministry of Environntrnl inspeetion. Fi}1W Dcpot rccordt�w'ill comply with Minislry requ(remenls far these facilit(cs. � � � � r.. � �r �� 3.12 Stormwater Management '� . �� A slortnwater managemcnl pinn Cor Phase One of Ihis property wa� prepered by W. Gordon htille. Septembcr I5, 1998, nnd submitted lo Ihe Town of Pickcring. This teport (providcd (n Appendix K) addreases dra(nage runaff Gom a generol qualily and quanlity perspective. Stormwater discharges 1'rom Ih(s properly will Ir�vel through Ihe Regional storm management systcm and enler a large unmanicured grassed swale, then diecharge directly inlo Lake Onlario. The proposed slormwater pl�n is provided in Figure 6. The Town's Engineering DepaAment has indicated that they havc no concems with Ihis over�ll design. ' ..� �_..- Stormwaler runoCf from Ihe compost curing arcas to be dcveloped in Phase Two of the site development will be dealt wlth separ�lely Gom thc rost of the site. The conceplual approach lo stortnwaler conteinmenl and Irealmenl for ihis �rea is discussed in Seclion 9.6 of Ihis application, A eomplete report an Phasc Two stom�waler managemenl will be submilted to the Town oC Pickering during ihe Phase Two site plan approval process. With Ihe eaception of Ihe wring pad arcas, lhe stortnwater quolity generated from the site should be no differcnt than what cauld be expecteJ I}om most oiher industrial facilities wiih stabilized surfaccs for TYI� p�n Y u:!'li{,��q �mi rK)�W IUn .', �. � i , . . . �.',��-'.. � . �i •��. i � t '�+ ' r t f\ j' . �i ;' .. : •' �•, . . ui , s � ,' ff1 �; i t } i� \I � 1 O s ATTACHMENT H� TO REPORTM ��' ��I�� Appllcallon for Am�ndm�nl to Cartllleot� ol Approv�l NA8e02p3 8.4.L Recelv(ng Facillties All IiHW m�terial will bc iranspoAed to Itcenced receiving facilitiea for disposal ar procesaing. The speci�c f�ciliUea"will,6e idcnlified in associntion with the Region and included in the oper�tions plan submission. � ' ,' � : � :� 8.4.2 Record Keeping�� � �. Records will be meintained on ihe type and volume oC each meterial held in storage at the facility at the end oF each day of operatioq: Malerial iransported to rcceiving facil(ties will be ma�iifested in accordance with Provincial rcgu(a�a� . %� ) By�.�;t;31"a_ft',Traliiing �rid Piotecifver``�'qu�pment'� � M altendant will be evaileble during ell oper�ting houn to assist rcsldenls end to ensurc proper managemcot of materials. Staff will receive aIl rcquired training In azeas including: . � a) persanal heallh and safety; ,,> b) use of protective equipment; �% ; {� c) Durhem Regioo's policies and procedures regard'wg receipts of FiFIW materinl; d) fiazarclous mnterial legislation and regulations ( Provincial Regulation 347 and TranspoAation of Dangeiaus Goods Aet); nnd, ..'•� e) cmargency and contingency ptoccdures. ; ., ,� . , . 9. Compostin� Facility • . , • ...:. A state of the art composting facilily will be developed to process the organic Gaction oF ihe municipal waste slrcam and selected IC&I wa�te, The proposed wide bed channel approach utilizes advancad process controls and sturdy, «liable equipment Io provide excellent composting capabilil(es in an economic manncr. The 7,180 m� composting building and associated biofillen and compost curing pads �re noted on ihe Sile Plnn, Figure �. Gutner� rw �.r.r �.:� i�.: ui iMi 2S Lw nn�w n�,. ti . ' .t !�; ,' ;; ; i, . . . � . � � � ';: � � . ' � . � ;i: . . �� li� , '�; . j , t' �' ,,• r. i � `i A 1'� , a, : � � ;,' � , ,•.. r . ,," a;, j: . ��.�� � .� ' � . . ' �� � ��' l ` �� ' ?' '' , 1• �t � � � ' � � � � � � � � �� � � � � � � . � � ( i ATTACHMENTN = TOREPOKTM�`����`�� Appllcallon, for Am�ndm�nt lo C�rlifiaate of Apptoval MA9l0705 10'I 9.9.2 hiarketing: Prlmary and Secondary Markets The primary markett for finished compost �re antic(pated ta he umendments to soil I'ur landscaping anJ agricullural pwpose�, ;Small amounls of product will be made available directly to Durham res(Jen1s. �, i , + � ,� 10. Groundwater,Monitoring Plan `',.�j Gnrtncr Lee Limited 6as prepared a gtoundwaler moniloring program to be phased in us Phase One and Phase Two components of the sife dcv�lopt'�ent are implemented (see Appendix n. . � 11. �Contiifgency�and?Etnergency<Plarining'1/ . , � • . � Miller Waste will train all employaa ia the appropriate contingency measures to be followed in Ihe cvent oCemergencies or an interruption in normal operating procedures. � '�\� 71w fa�lowing cortcctive and remeclial actions will be tnkcn under the noted circumstances: � Conlingency Response i Fenl�lock Dellvered lo • Maierial rerouud to �he trans(er facility for diepasil: IheCompo�llneFacllily , 1 b O(f SpecfOeation ' Equfpmml Oreakdo�rn • Temporuy siahge of material umil capaeiry i� reazlmd;'ovarllow mauri�l In Ihe hiRF uleen afF�iie io �Itemaiive Miller processing f�cility i( applicable or sent to disposal if necessary. Equfpment �reakdown • Temporary storage of an•site material for up l0 48 hours, rerouting of In Ihe Trarofer Facility incoming material to al�ema�ive (aeili�ies i(rcquircd. Equipment Breakdown • Rerou�ing of matcrial to aliema�ive fatilities i( pr�ctic�ble, yard wute could in the Compo�l Facilily be received m ihe htiller fxiliry fn Mazkham for example. Material would 6e rerauted �o the innsfer faciliry for disposal if necessary. Odour, Nolu ar Olher • All complainu will be recarded. Appropria�e actian will be uken u quickly Air Related Complafnts u pas�ible io miiigaie �he impact if possible. The Eeolo deodoriter spray by Ihe Public or Slaff nn be manu�lly dispensed at requircd. Personal adauddust minimiting cquipmant will be available io all employees upon requcst. Unuceplyble 1Vule Dellvered • Wum from owside die service area or loads con�ain(ng unaccepiabla to Ihe Faelllly Cate maierials will be IumeJ away at weigh sution. ��:ni:u�nqba� T�b p�n Y ��4 fu� re��tM� Ipn r: � i ' . ;�;: r� 'i� ,!' . i� Cutner� �� �Co C � ! 'r. ' {i, . . �'iy . � �(�. . :��, . � �j, � , �'�` � � . ' . . � . . � ,� . >;.: � �. . :� t5,' I�t ' • ,. �:' . . , ;°r M ��� ATTACHMENTN � TOREPORT�I�R�a�99 Appendix D ( �'�b11c�Qn�iil�atio�i ,�:r% ; .� Nelehbou�in4 Propertv Ownerffenant htaillnfl Lfst I � r�•. • Purolator Couriv Ltd ,. �s Waye-Mar Products Limitcd . 591658 Onlario Ltmited I 5995 Avebury Road'� ,'� 1910 Clemems Road ?20 Duncan Mill Road. Sui�e 3U1 Mississauga, Ontaria t, Pickcring, Ontario North York, Ontario LSR3T8 � �LIW3V6 M38315 . "� 1 • Exal Aluminum [nc, �• ,�Jnilpck�,id. . 388270 Ontario Limited 1850 Clcments Road 287 Armstrong Avenuc 1051 Tapscott Road Pickering, Ontario Georgetown, Ontario Scnrborough, Ontario WW3R8 L7G4X6 MIXIAI . • Record Toole fnc. • • t920 Clemenls Road , ' Pickering, Onlario � L+W3V6 , �, � ' . � { � , .. O�Anar.� p, �w,liwin� � / � , lee ���. pNrY..bTn� �n�Ir11iM . . . .. �. . ' .. . . . .. :.i�r. . . . ' . . . . . . . . `'. �' ,' . . �•� ��i.'. � .. � . , �^: ` . , . ... _.. 'i 1! � : i' � � •'t:' '�� . .0 : � ��' ''� j` + . . !' �: :r r; ; i . . i? . y ' , . �i'. '. , , ATTACHMB�RN�TOREPORTq�!- ���4�1 10� � Insoections Inspections will ba arranged for and conJucted annually on the building by this diviaion with our first inspection scheduled for April of 1999. Rex llenlh, �/ V-r.,.� 'I' I7re PrevenQon O�cer . � � : ,. < c . � � �'i , %'� ;�,• >, j .. . . .''�`� •;�' _ ., . it�. . ��� :�� . i� � i A„ 1+; ;1,' i. r�; +�I' �, " ; h � �. {1. �;; y, � , , r y� � ,� ,r,•i � , - Sr,: t` �. ' � � . ,. , .'i r . .'"?� _, ; , > . . i` _ ,