HomeMy WebLinkAboutCL 18/99��NOF, 289 � � REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Bruce Taylor, AMCT, CMM DATE: April 13, 1999 Town Clerk REPORT NUMBER: CL 18/99 SUBJECT: Application by Pickering Nuclear to Amend Certificate of Approval A 390203 Closure of West Landfill Site at the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station RECOMMENDATION: That the Ministry of the Environment be advised that the Council of the Town of Pickering has no objection to the application submittcd by Pickering Nuclear to art�end �he Provisional Certificatc of Approval No. A 390203 respecting the closurc of the West Land811 Site at thc Pickcring Nuclear Generating Station. ORIGIN: Letter from Minisiry of the Environment dated February 4, 1999 AUTHORITY: Environmental Protection Act FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Not Applicable EXECUTIVG SUMMARY: To advise the Ministry of the Environment that the Town of Pickering has no objections to the application submitted by Pickering Nuclear to amend the Provisional Certificate of Approval No. A 390203 respecting the closure of the West Land611 Site at the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station. BACKGROUND: Please flnd etteched to this Report a letter from the Ministry of the Environment dated rebruary 4, 1999 enclosing an application from Pickering Nucicar to amend its Provisional Ccrtificate of Approval to ellow for the closure of the West Landfill Sit- at the Pickering Nudcar Generating Station. Alw attached is a memo 1'rom the llirector of Planning deted April 6, 1999 commenting on this application. ,Y, ../2 ,, 280 -Z-- The application proposes Iho closuro of !he Weat Landfill aite which Is a licensed lendfill area loceted south of Alex Robenson Park. The original Certiflcete of Approval ellows for tha deposition of non-hezerdous, aolid wastc which originetes from an on-aite watcr treatment plant pre-treatment clarifier settliug besin. The site waa most recently used in tha Spring of 1998 to dispose of solid weste removed from the setUing basin. Tho closure and post-closure plan proposes to leave the lendflll in its current state and to allow naiural re�;eneration and succession of plant species/cover. The sita is located in the general aren of a possib�e future boat launching facility, as identified by the Mayor's Waterfront 2001 Task Force report. However, closure of the landfill site should not preclude any future ection to remove the fill if it is determined through analysis that this is the eppropriate site for a boat launch facility and that fill removal is necessary to accomplish this use. The Pickering Officiai Plan identifies the need to give consideration to providing a municipal boat launch on Lake Ontario, either at the foot of Montgomery Park Road or in a futurc conscrvation area at the mouth of DufTns Creek. ATTACHMENTS: I. Letter from the Ministry of ihe Environment dated FebNary 4, 1999 2. Memo from tha Director of Planning daled April 6, 1999 Prepared y: � Bruce Taylor, AMCT, CMM Town Ciark Attachments Copy: Director of Planning Directar of Public Works Acting Fire ChiaF Recommended for the consideration of Pickering Town Council � homas J. Qu n, �• ChiefAdministrativa OtCcer :r: (; _ ' MlnhtryollM Mlnutk�d� � � Enr4awnmt 1'Enrkonnrmml � . � 250DaMtvlleAvxiue 250,�wnueDevl�NU . ToronloON M�91F12 TaonlaON M181HY ENVIRONMEN7'AL AS5E5SMEN'f ANU API'ROVALS DRANCH 'Ccl.(416) 314•8317 fax (41G) 314-8452 Clcrk 'fhc'fown of Pickcring I 'I'lic Csp�nnndc Pickcring, Ontnrio LIV6K7 Dcnr SirlMndam: ATTACHMENTp�TOREP01{TM=.i ��1�� A �i / �0 , � �Ontario C� ��:r° ��fi���t�� , � zgi FI_i1 i; 1959 ; , : �. ;, . T04YP10FI'IC;sl=1?IIIf,; ,„ .. ria�cmrtu,u��inuw . .. . - ., J�,:;��. �ebruary4, �g99 RE: Unlurio IlyJru Nucicar Annlicnllun lo nrocnd Provtetunul cr110cutc of Annrovnl No. A 390203 Thc Minislry of Ihc Giviromncnt hns rcccivcJ nn applicalion from Ontudo HyJru Nudcnr lo nmcnJ tlidr t'rovisioual Ccrllficalc uf Approv�l No. A]9U207, IocalcJ nt Ihc I'ickcring Nucluar Ccncrullnn SluUun. 77u appflculion is for thc closurc of Ihc Wcsl Lnndfill and Ihc atinchcd copy of Ihc proponcnPs n��n�n�to�� proviJcs Jclails as to thc naiurc of the applical(on. It is rcquatcd thut Ihc 7'own iu�kcs commcnls willi respccl !o tlic opplicalion. In licu of Cuuncil Rcsolution, plcnse rnsurc thc revicw commcnU ore signcJ m�J dulcJ cilhcr by thc Commissioncr of Planning or the Cmnmissioner of Works, or tlicir respcclive equivalcnt. Please send the signeJ revlew commenls Jircclly lalun Pu�rutr, !'.Eng., Senlnr F.nginrer, 11 usle Unil, Alinttlry ojdiu Grvirouuien�, 3rd l7oor, I30 Davl.tvlflc Avc., Toruntn, On�urin, AlJ,S 1!!1, by 1lfarch 12,1999. ShoulJ you rcquirc Porlhcr Jclnils of Ihc sitc's o�xrnlinn, plcasc conlact A/r, Hu�� Ui�Gi,ofic ajOn�arinll�rlro at (d16) 39I-7l56 dircclly. As you arc nwnrc, lhc Uircctor hns Jfscrclion undcr Scciion )2, pnrt V of Ihc Lnvironmcninl I'rolcel(an �ct (GPA) lo hold n public hcaring regarding npplicalions far wusic dis�wsul fncilil(es. Muidcipalitfcs or alTcc�cd mcmbcrs uf Ihc public liavc Il�c rigln lo rcqucsl Ih;u thc Dircctor consiJcr cnlling n hcnting witli rcspcct to any applicnifon submilicJ wtdcr Part V af thc �I'A. Any submissions 6i this rcgard must bc accompan(cd by vnlid rcasons nnJ supporling tcchnical,juslificalion. Plcasc rcfcr to filc numlxr A 3)020) In nll rclalcJ cnrres�CmJn�cc, Should you havc any qucslians ubout Ihis Ic��er, plcasc du nal haitnlc to conlnct mc a1(4I6) J I A•6317. � , Youn Iruly, • ia�� c. rA«ou, r.e�s. II'/s1 Seniar Enginccr Gncl. . cc: D. Dcach - Dislrict Managcr, Yotk•Durham Dislricl0flicc R. Uiclnskic - Onlario Ilydro � aene�auwl • IroxIM�M�aMrfnau�abCrW� � � � ; .. t ' . � . �. L ._�'�.,' . .�� . ll' . ;;�, �rt � � � y:. . . . �} 7 • ' t ' �ti it.`. ' ' , . � ri . ,i, ,�, ir�: � t;;. � . ,, • � r , �t � �, � � � � ' �� �'�Y'� � + . ' � � � � ;� � !r ��� ., 5,4,; �� �, � 13 I ti 1 � ' .� . . � ' � � .. 1. � � �j{ •' �i � r� � . t : . , .. j ,, . ' t ' r S �i�j; i !s Sir���l t'i'. . .. <k', . .. . �ip. a ��I°1' '� ha.s . �}�' , , ' J;. i�l��f � = a � ±.' 1t . ,ir � , . i � r. � ( r t iI �� S _ - � . . ., -� . ' , '.l�;� . . . . � . ''.` ��92, ATTACHMENTriLTOREP01lTq�t �•��9f . �.r,�,'""'"�',,,,�,,, Application (or Approval . �•��«ar of a Waste Diaposal Site ~ !+C.Y'iY�eK(�;7?:S:�sLCS';vP%"�d�f011. rRCltlflONLY�.;��r:7'Sd" � � . ie � C�bt�4h�nlditpenlbl��oh�nqah �N���+) ��NumMr P�ymenlF�nMd DW g 3� a� 3 $►�w,�° .� 4�birtr/an fpwfled 6y Ns (am h wlecbd uder IM wthairy d Iha Erniawmr�fd PrafeclimAd, RS.O. 1990 (EPA�, Ch�pta� E-IY, �N rd b Em�ivxrcd� Oo1dR'qki, c2E, SlaMes ol OnW b,199], (EBR) �rd wi be wH b avW W�ppfiatqn� la �pqw� d wnM Cupq� tNn �omrdYq Ic M teq�iraronb d IM EPA. Oua6a'a +houN b� dwecfad b M Appwds &nch, 250 Owi�viAa Avenua, Ld Fba, Tpwb, Qqrb, M�S 1F1t, Tabplara No. I�18�N0-]717 a t-AM-481 •6i90, a b yw bcY Miii�try o1 Em4amant W Errrpy Ub4kt Olpo�. 1, yNwn oonpblYq N� lam, plaue rater b IM'GUide Fa /�pplyirp br AppwY ol wuM W poW SXa', sa�uo�s z�, ao, ai rm s, er� (�rnd b u M Guide�. S. Thb lorm muat bs caMbfad whh �apeci b atl tla �equireme� d Ua Guids h adm br M b b� ebur���in 6ar INCOMpIEfEMPLICA710NSNALLBERETURNEDT07HEMPLICANTORDEN�EDMPOtOSL�F�!'�[i_`: ':1'/ .I1'i1 �r, � � � J �, � 1 Aconp�.Mwvic+tknlor.�pwrc«uhnol; (1) � oonpMld �1 sipixd �pp6e+Gon brm; m a.�vpew �«�+.aa, n�aw.�ea ey nb w�.�,a ey n. r.�a.; .�,a D= i. 'l. 3 1�53 (7) . aeru:ee drcque a maay «an br a�..�pprw.� ks, M.ppee.n�e. ' TM Mii6b �Y �M�s �ddtlad inl�nudon blowYq � �aiew d M oompbM �. Tiro (� aplu d M �ppie�tlon bpae�er wid� Ew wppaurip Wam�tlon mu�l W wM�Jned b �{�nHy,',nv F A��I� �NT Ons wq b: Diacla d Appwd� Ornr.h �+tiY d EmkarnuM rd EnerQy� i���'��'� 250 DwhWla Avaiw�a, �rd Fbor, Taonb, Ontrb, MaS iH2 Ofi • RryiaW DMxbr in Na req�on In whkh M�ib b kca�adMi b� bubd A y.pinN rnopy mte� bs tenl b Ihs Oetrki ORte htvYq �uiidNm wer M ru In wfikh M wk7 wi bs bulad. S HanMlnn oonl�kMd h Mib �ppkatbn b nd eoroid�red wrdldrA� rd w� M m�d� �vY�hl� b Iha pibl'K upon �sque�l Cavh Yibmrfan nMihbd n nppa&q Mam�6an mry W c4had n w�AWwiA� 6u1 w� 6� sub�M b M FrN.dan d Irdmrrfbn �hdProfecfbn d PrlvcyAci (FOIPOPA) .rd EDR. II you Jo not cWm m�ida�A.iry tl IM Wn� d�uMJK.q M Mam.eon, tl» Minbhy m.y m.ka tln kbrnWlan wd�bM b da pAic wiC�wl lutlKf rotice b yw. L APPUGU(T Nam� (�Grh pool d iwna M,ppGnMe) Pickerin Nuclear AdM� (Yr.4ds �t�al nuniber� oacassbn� bl e�e.) Ciry / P�ahica P.O. Box 160 Pickering, Ontario ppy Cod� TsMphaw NunbM Fa Nunber L1V 2R5 (905) 839-1151 (905) 837-7240 Q�nMrd lad � Ye� � No Opr�tw � Yea � No N7b'�lrchrwa�ddr�s��ndmrcurmad0a�ppopriWo«nK. tl'No'rtbchtinw�Whn��nda�xnncedtlr�pproplW Opw�br. 7. CONTACT FOfl TECHNICILL AHD �ESION pIFOflMNTION wnr Ilroe Ray Bielaskie, Technical Sup ort Division Aetra� �My 1 P�m�Mica 700 University Avenue, fl16-825 Toronto, Ontario Pmbl Cods ' Takplana Nunbm Fu Numbet � M5G 1X6 (4161592 7156 (416) 592 2466 �n�p�nqrrol .� ..��.`.•, ..�1i' . . . � t• .� .;�` '' � • :;.; `�� � t ,� • `'i ..ti 1 . 1 f � �; �, � +�'�, ..,4 f „`; '�S � r �r . � .:; — ' i �! . , i`�i, , j'r , ' . �'�t.R,t . . 'i ., ,�� ; '; :�K��'�� , � . ,�� � ,� � ,i ' �' ` C�. i I � � 1 . _ 1 AITACFN�1B�tT'M � T1Q�TY « /9�49 .... _ . Block A Reaistered Plan F7n ,�nd ,rt �v�� road aliow�nce b w n Lot 21 Range 2 B.F.C, and Lot 21 Range 3 B.F,C. Plckering, Durham b M prqind wuM dM bukd 6 n ra� d dwabpn�l oaitrd �s 4Md by Mr Nip� Ettrprwnt plrn}p sdpewkprwl�y �ppNt � Y�� � Ho (M Yn, u�ch capy d NEPDA pNmiq fACIRY�ESCRIPTpN- OrMldeiabGonolNan�uradbw4in�a�civWrdtledeN..xs. .. -- ------------ osed Landfill (�) V'�nl tai9 u�Y (� Pin�rR Ird ins ol J dWinkq pcW�Wf b bs povldsd m� landfill Site bei°°'""A' (•) Modi..n nb �1 wlidi dr an r«eM wuw ' �u�ip�l Commerda� P�oceafad OrpuJC Wula � �°'nr' N�A ❑ �°"'a � LWes � cu. mehas � w. m�trn -- �diM kbwkq wut� nMporMa w Maded b b� �eaFnd d M tIM� tlhch � dapplfw� M erh� ►z4d'r4 prir wua� b M T d Wnte Tawi Cu, Maya Upy Ll�ld 4�dW W Nan-Nrafdqs "did InAn41d Fiatrdo�u �« er ppro a 0203 pr w�wdr�prtoa4tr�bne.«vea�yr+��w. , �' Pickerin Nuclear �' s a � �. ToWH�.dSh� 2.6 �hxtrnaQwalU�dnunainWRle�H7y��+PK�Mw�layeoYirJry(MMandad Mwbb�LrdNM 0.65 �McirnaQ�o�a la�brp��. N�A ❑�bmee ❑ a,metrn ❑ Liha� T:P�dIr�MkPm�Lan . Q% IrdfJ � bwla � Vrooe��irq QoY�a. �pstlfy pJ Usl Y 6fpofY tMM W�Ila CafMfub Nim�Mn (la Md dfV�rl i. �. z1390203 (Hest Landfili) °' �• e. ( 0. TYPEORMPLICATION • . ❑ Naw Ce'ti&a4 0l Apprwd Q AmndnrM b� w�eM CaNfiuM ol AppwJ uua�nr.�.�a� �� " 1 � '�:f, .. •��, .��. � 11. � �`i � �. ,; ,1 . ��,' ;�,.. . .. '�': � ' i,i' � . 'i':. . . ; ��' •'�„'. , ��: � t'' ' 1{;�'�• �i � �: , 1�. , ,;�.'. . ,y cu�.�c.n�r�ewN� 390203 owdi:.�. June 29, 1982 . � •P . S � .� • � 1 ���". i ,� 1 i . :� � ,t' f. t� • ' �294 � � �rr�MeriraL��a e�iJ/y9 � �����a � ��vtwN- eeA�n.r.a�aMawpi,nan.aw,W ( Th1s application is for an amendment to Certificate Of Approval /390203, to allow the closure of the Mest Landfill at Pickerin I Nuclear, The application includes a Closure and Post-Closure Plan. i � � a een neane�rrrs I ----.,.....,.,.,4.�.�,a.�� q r.,,cw�auw�rr_ I I G No a. Pr.,ab.a Irow,;,,t 6 M..apl,e k,n, vuhlo ro1Ae�a�,r p ry � No N� 4 o¢ep�d kom EBR, pwide rsuan ❑ E'"KY�Y � P� I - 0 EMaTrA�ID«bbn N°'"q�wao�.��ti.�onae,.�raa.p�,�,iaa�nd.e. � M'q�,,,� �a�dnrd a rwoe�6On I _._.........,��..��n�tinm��ricAnoN- Sp�fyMqNe��tlon��uchnvuNcmw MW hn Msn eompMl�d a b b M poea� d M4p oonipypd,�� �tlik.tla� d FM fW4s �k.) Nat applicable � I IL OTHER oMwr rrharirnW �PV�a'�lpurNb �pplMd kt r�Nd b Fb po�,1 a �eulwd urN�r IM rG� b dr� wnM mrupmf�M, s�rp� �Y�lam, Hc.) W M OnWb W�br Raouca Act jjj'''"""���� V MWr r.ab. o�rmN e laie �vwr �te 1 I� Not a licable � Ifia oao.�crscHeou�e 1117(IIAQPp�]M� ' � .��1 � ... .r � . r�; � ti � , � ,� , `�' � ;�. � ',�f .. ,s.. Itl' •j• ' I � n t ��f��` ,�• .� �I`�; � . h. � � t . t t . , �,� � ' '. . ,,• .�, . . � t �� , t �J� � ' } . � � ��. , � � . 1:•. � . i . jj1 .0 . � � 1 �� � . r ��; �� �.1� . a: . ' � �. . ' � .�. . I :� � .`': . • 4� . . ' � . .'� ,:j . • . �.5:,, � '; � ;, -- — , • � , ' � C ` ATTACHMENT# � _TOREPOIITTkc� �9��f 295 . � ». Fec EsnwnTe-n,.•ro.r a�..a a..iM.0 s» a.n�ww. d�a�+w�+^�� °°"•n"+`" `°"' anew. �a�wd. �.d � w�e,.�d�w«• ..rvk.+ ma ca.0 ol �Ki�uu br wN�n n. vHmM «wawr r wPMO ar urd� ori« s«!ar a �n. EvA a h. omiAa �WWopW�I�luwawllb�pdd.lMln.h.Inol6�MUNntS0.a7ama�IwiloOA�.00.6amonManrfon I " nHr b tlM Ouidel .�--�— r�� W� wuY dMpoul �iY dw Nn • (�) 7�y M PW�hls upon rv6mbsbn ol �n �PP�°d0^ wdx Satlon 77 a M EPA wha�� rr �VDkv°^ ydfiiiq tib h: t�rd wn�bucUon rolald b IM �DV�O^• bss t W 2%0l IM eml o11M W�P^�^ a reusr b tM bW rroud d N) �n amoinl eW�d b tlw Wopohbn al tha wul� Uul h rxdwd d IM � h���� rdb�ad b in�dau�a �1� � wule �ecsMisd M IM �Ne. cakulaled W weqM a M vdune� mulCpGed Y (e) wheia �ddtiond WP�wd� vs requMed uder WMr Sectlom ol lhe Ac1. sapnu� Nn w Wa iequMed. (nFatlrNP�eoleWnallel��ecY�� i�«���f��notkKAdewubinkndedWbsufaAu�dufltupp/eSeanlpY�lwla Fla�dad b M dspoeed ol �1 � WdfdGn9 � uan uder Sation 27 o11M EPA wtaa M�PP��tlon relde� b� W+dfilirq iHa h/ can� per cubk me4� d tlw � � d IM IvdM1lkq sMe. � A OO CMqus u Moray Ordet Atudied � Ya+ ❑ No Estlm.�ed Fee Itsa.ao minlmW n. itoo.aoo.00 ms Mim) f'_-- (see attached fee schedule) a «��,y,�,,, NRan �n �PPk'�'"^ b aulmitled b tla Minbtry la rwiaw ttw lae mint ba h tla lam d� certi&d rlb9w �bY 'TM M'nl+tar d FMwKe'. , W NOT SEND CASH Flam�tlon �tlrlid b tlJs �pp�c�Mon �nd b�ubje�.i b ta FOIPOPA ttlUPPORTINOWFORW�pNCHECKLIST- �E��IoId��7D°�0 CpNBE �'� ATfACHEDt � PEFEflFNCE p15CLOSE� WFOflIlAT1ON OEN2RAL VwIFe���ion ol Wr Nune ol Appic�n� ����'"'��. Copy d NEP�A _ yrYkalbn d EBR Pu61k NoNIUUm E�ertptfon Prod ol PuhNe No6AUtlon Cauulutlon TECHNICAL Slu Pl�n ��� N�e����� __._------- �� NQ �pl1�1{011f iie� �--- p.wye saay Fiw+dJ Nsawia 07HER ATTACHE� INFORMIITION � Y„ � w ❑ yN � W �---- Q rh � w. � r„ � w � yn � W � Y„ � w --- O y„ � M � r.� p �. n ru Q w � r« � YM � � 1"1 Yh � Yn � r.. o Y� � Yw 0--- � Y� � w ❑ rn � N^ � rM � we � �„ � n. IO.SiATEMENTOPAPPLICAHi _���—��— her declrs th.t � to Ins bari d rtN kriowbdGe, tlie Inlamauon conut�ed Meln �nd IM Inlam.6on �uhmined In suppal d I��M �tlon b camWeu�ind �cax+ta in ew�Y wW rd CW tlx Cadr.f la TacMed �nd Daqn Inlofm�tlm fda�6fad In lum 2 d Ihh lam Wra rMialt�d b�cl m mY beluM la Oa PuD�'s ol �9 �CW�� urdm SecNm 27 o11M EPA 1a IM wuu dhpos� �N� Na�lifiad Mrdn. " Bob Strickert � -- , ` _._i�� -�,,��,......._ .;, ;�,,: :�f�; ����:; �,� , ; '�� .,�,;-; � I' . : 'i;� � .,' Y ��' I ' � .' , ' : i},' � . � � t�. !. � �� ' . i�� . . , . -.l 4 • � }�r . i� �'' • . ' }i,; !,` , ti'` ` t .�i' � ..t . Site V1ce-President � �'_,-��-- ;,t ...:4;. . .; . , ,. •�I �� M t •:;. . �. .� ; i i � .5 �i .i �: , `_�.�<< . . _ . J� � �z96 . ATTACHMENT#�TOREPORT#.=` �p/��RECEIVELI , TOWN OF PICKERINft April b, 1999 APR - 71888 lNTERDEPARTMENTALCORRESPONDENCE ��RK'&DEPARTMENt PLANNINC DEPARTMENT T0: Brucc Taylor FROM: Neil Carroll Town Clcrk Direclor of Planninb RB: Applicnlion to Amcnd Cerlificnlc of Approvnl A 39020) Closure of West Landfill Sile at Pickering Nuclear Station We have reviewed the information alteched to your March 5, 1999, memo respecting Ihis Certificate of Approval and have the following comments. We understanJ that this applicalion applics to tlie Wcst Lnndfill sile on Aie Pickcring Nuclenr Station (PN), IAnds which was permiucd by thc MOE through Certificate N390203, The appliculion proposes lhe closure of lhe West Landfill sile nnJ includcs a closure nnd posl-clos�re plan. Thc IanJfill site is IocnteJ nt Ihc soulh•west corner of thc PN Innds in an aren thnt was reclaimeJ from Lakc Omerio during conslruclion of Uie Pickering A slation betwecn 19G5 and 1971. 'I'he licensed IanJfill aren comprises O,GS•hn and is IocateJ soulh of Alcx Roberison Pnrk tvithin n 2,G ha fenced enclasure. Thc MOE issucd the Cenificate of Approval lo operntc n G388,4 m' Inndfill on the reclaimed lund in lune 1982, allowing tlic dcposilion of non-IinzarJous, solid wnsle which originntcs from an on-site wntcr Ircntment planl pre•trcntment clnrificr settling basin (coegulant nnd lime used in process residting in rnrbonntes nnd insoluble mnterials). The sile wus most rccenUy uscd in thc Spring of 1998, lo dispose of solid wnste removeJ from tha sepling bnsin. PN docs not inlend to use thc landfill ta dispose of any funher waste lhnt is gencralcd in the future. The cover of tlie landfill site consists of a mixture of gruvel and sandy soil supporling a mixturc of nntural succecding vegctation (low-lying grasscs nnd shrubs). Thc closure and pasl-ciosure plan proposes to Icave Ihe landfill in its current state nnd lo allow natural regencretion and succession af plant spccics/cover. conlinued... ,, .. } , ,;• �� , ; � t t� , ; • �,; i . ' � . k, l � i. • i ,'� t t, . • � ' �,;. .� ,� . n, ' , �,�. r: .' � � .}, r ^: ' i;. � . c . i, �' F ' ' i ��. r� •€•; . �1, : � � `x. : ,� ����•�_� � ��' � �