HomeMy WebLinkAboutIDT 3/99;, . , , � � � � �. �N OF � � � REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Neil Carroll DATE; luly 23, 1999 Director of Planning REPORT NUMBER: IDT 3/99 Richard Holbom Director of Public Works Bruce Taylor Town Clerk SUe]ECT: Host Benefit Agreement and Amendment to Certiflcate of Approval Miller Waste Durham Inc., 1220 Squires Beach Road REC0119NENDATION: 1. That Interdepartmental Team Report IDT 3/99 regarding a Host Benefit Agrecment with Millcr Waste Durham Inc., 1220 Squires Beach Road, be received. 2. That Town Council adviso the Ministry of lhe Environment that it supparts Phase i of lhc applicetion for an amendment to Certificate of Approval A680205, submitted by Miller Waste Systems Limited, on lands known es 1220 Squires Beach Road, Town of Pickcring subjecl to, a) the Ministry of the Environment include a restriction in the Certificale of Approval prohibiting the eccaplance of domestic solid wasta Gom oulside of Durhem Region. Domestic solid waste is defined es mixed waste collected at curbside from residentiel sources but does not include blue box recyclables and olher source-separated material which can bc diverted from landfill. b) the Ministry of the Environment include a restriction in the Certificate of Approval establishing a ma�cimum of 40,000 tonnes per year of industrial, commercial and instiwtional wastc reccived from outsidc of Durhem Region. 3. That Town Council advise the Ministry of the Environment that it supports Phase 2 of the application for en amendment to Certificate af Approvul A680205, submitted by Miller Waste Systems Limited, on lands known as 1220 Squires Beach Road, Town of Pickering subject to, a) the Ministry of the Environment including a requirement in the Certificate of Ap�roval that Miller provide 48 hours notice to the Town of Pickering of the commencement of thc • wood chipping operation on the subject lands. b) the Ministry of the Environment including a restriction in the Certificale of Approval prohibiting the on-site crushing of construction and demolition materials. 4. That the staff'�be directed to prepare a Host Bencfit Agrr.ement based on the issues set out in this Report;and That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the said Host Banefit Agreement. ORIGIN: Resolution M60/99 passed on March 2'_', 1999 ...J2 .' � • --2.. 3 AUTHORiTY: Section 210.135 of►he Municipal Act respecting inspection fees Environmental Protection Act FINANCIAL IMPL(CATIONS: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: To recommend a Host Benefit Agreement with Miller Waste Durham Inc. as requircd in Resolution #60/99 passed on Merch 22, 1999 and to epprove Phase I and Phese 2 of iheir proposal as set out in thc application for amendment to the Certificate of Approval subject to conditions. BACKGROUND: Please be advised that Council passed the following resolution at its regular meeting of March 22, 1999: That Town Council recommend to the Minialry of the Environment lhat proposed amendmenW to Certificate of Approval A680205, aubmittcd by Miller Wasle Syateme Lid., on lands known as 1220 Squire� Beach Road, Town of Pickering, be; 1. Conditionally approved a� it rclales to Phase 1 propoaal� for aolld non-hazardoua induetriwl, commercial, inatifutional and dome�tic wa�te, and a household hazardous wa�te depot, aubject lo the following: a) the applicant receives aite plan approval for the Phaee 1 operationa, and entere into a aite plan aareement with the Town; b) the applicant makea aaliafactory arrangements with the Town rapecting Ihe provialon of Nnding to retain a qualified canaultant to en�ure lhat e compreheneive environmenlal monitoring progmm hae been implemented, and la undertake environmental audila of the operation on e periodic 6asis; �1�] � �4 --3.. c) detailed deaign ot the houuhold h�urdoue waate Gcilily fa preprred to the aaU�f�ction of the Mint�try of the Environment, Region ot Durham, and Town ot Pickering; d) apeciRc�lion� reg�rding the nAture aad thieknes� of p�ved storage areaa is provided to the a�UaGcUon of lhe M(nietry of the Environment, and Town of Pickering; e) the eite doe� not accept Solid Waele that haa been genented ouleide af the Region of Durham; Q appropriate financtal aseurances for site decommiseiontng and rehabilitation are provided to lhe aatisfaction of lhe Mini�try of ihe Environmenl; g) the applicant confirm that Squires Beath Road can accommodate upslream e:ternal dninege and road drainage �ubject to confirmatian by the Town. The applicant to contribule a proportional share af ihe cost of ihe�e workg; h) Ihe Applicant to provide �fetails on ultimate queue Irngths and limes on Squires Desch Road and provide recommendation� to accommodate such queua; i) tbe appitcant to contribute a proportional share for tralTic controls at lhe ioteroection of Squires Derch Road and BAyly Street; j) the applicant aelect the llouxhold IluArdous Wa�te depol option, during the Cerlificate of Approval applicAlion procesa; k) Ihe applicant delermine pnd provide ail detail� of ihe compa�t/organic, wouJ, con�truclion and demolitfon cumpanente of the Phau 2 operatlon at thi� stage of Ihe procWr, I) lhe applicant provide add(lionpl delails and juslification for Ihe increase in - the propoeed daily tannaga for ach component. m) the appitcanl enter into a flost Benefit Agrcement w(th the Town. 2. Defer a� it relates to Pha�e 2 proposala for compo�ting, conelruction and demolition debris, and wocd waste, until appropriate technical and operation informaUon is provided to the Town'e aatisfoctian. In tha letter to the Ministry of the Enaranment infortning them of the above resulution, the following clarification was mede: Secdan 1(e) of fbe resoludon stalu fha� cnndifional approvo! be gtven to t6e oppltcalion on condi�ion that "fhe stte dou nof accepf Su1id Waste fhat hns been genera�ed outsfde oj �he Regton of Durham." CauncJl clearly is opposed ta �he Jmporfnfion oj Domesflc SoHd Waste thaf is genera�ed aufstJe of fhe Region oj Du►ham, however, fhe tmpor�adon oj►ecyclable maferials jrom aufstde fhe Rcginn would be accepfable su6fecf �a fhe acbtevemenl of an appropr7ale Hort M1funfclpaliry Brnefi� Agreement, ru set ouf ln Sectlon 1(m) ojlhe rualudon, and su6jecf fo specific ruMctlona ru fo the rype ojrecyclaAle ma�erlals fha� can be imported :; , . ..,./4 . � � � • � � A7TACHMENT ti Z cc TOREPORTk�/��99 70r� r, � DISCUSSIOIV: ..q.. The premise of the Host Benefit Agreement is to ofl'set any costs for improvements to the infrastructure and other impacts that an inlegrated weste menagement facility may have on the municipality. Dcforc dealing with the Host Benefit Agreement, staff looked at the benefits such a facility will have on the municipality such as: • The creation of employment in lhe Town. There ere 55 people curtently employed at lhe existing facility and tha completed integrated waste management facility will create a further I S to 20jabs. • Miller curtentiy pays approximately 593,000 for property taxes. With the addition of the new shop, property taxes will increase approximately SI0,000 to $15,000 per year and will increase again when the composting facility is constructed. • Miller has ofPered to establish a Household Hazardous Waste Depot on its site for use by ull residents in tha Region on a no•profit basis. • The Town will realize reduced garbage collection ws►s because delivery cosls to the waste management facility will be low. • The local business community will benafit from having an integrated wasle management facility end its attendant services available locally. It is also important to note that Miller has indicated an intcrest in pursuing a liaison committcc with Ihe Town with the membership to be detcrmined by Miller and thc Town. The follawing is a brief summary of Millcr's current operation and what is proposed in Phases I and 2: Curcent Operation: The sita currently operates as a wasle trensfer and processing facility for solid non- hazerdous industriai, cammerciel, institutional (ICI) and domestic waste. The maximum volume oFinateriel permitted to be received daily is 299 tonnes and on- site storage is a maximum of 780 tonnes et any given time. Phase I: Phase I includes tha expension of tha current waste transfer facility, cnhancement of the material recycling facility, nnd the establishment of a household hazardous waste depot. Under Phase 1, the maximum volume of matcrial permitted lo bc received daily would increasa from 299 to 1,020 tonnes/day, and on-si;^ storage would increase from 780 to I, I SS tonnes et any given time. Phase 2: Phase 2 includes the development of a composting facility, en outdoor construction and demolition receiving/processing area, and an outdoor woad weste receiving/processing area, Under Phase 2, the maximum volume af malerial permitted to ba received daily would increase to 1,410 tonnes /day, and on•sitc storegc would increase to I2,328 tonnes at eny given time. Beak [ntemetionai (an environmental consulting firtn) was rctained by the Town to undertake a peer review of tha documents submitted to the Ministry of the Environment by Miller with respect to ihe Phaae 1 operation enJ concluded that su�icient detail hed been submitted to approve Phase I. liowever, additionel deteils were required for the Phesa 2 component. ....rs 5 6 --s-- !n addition to thc originel report submitted by Miller in support of its application, they have submittul a fuAher report dated Juno 25, 1999 detailing tha construclion and demolition, end wood chipping operations that are part of Phasa 2. The details of thc wmposting component of Phasc 2 were included in their original aubmission. Staf� have underteken e review of ihis materiai end are generally salisficd with the proposal. Town staff have concaatrated its roview of the application for emendment to the Cerlificate of Approval on operational and site plan issues. The Town will be relying on the Ministry of tha Environment to cover the technology and environmental aspects of Phase 2. Similarly, because of concems about the protection of wetlends, the Town shail be e:,king the TRCA to confirm its satisfaction with Phase 2. Based on tha March 22, 1999 resolution, a list of ihe conditions has been set out in chart form below including a comment section on how each condition is or will be satisficd and the benefit ihat could be derived through a Host Benefit Agreement. Based on Council's concurrence of tha benefits, a Hast Benefit Agreement can then be prepered. I(e) the applicant receives sile plan approval The applicant has submitted a.site plan for the for the Phase i operations, and enters into Phase I operations and epproval is anticipated A i1fPlflnn onranmen ..��1. �L� T�.._ _� .. I(b) the applicant makes satisfaclory The Agreement will provide for a contingency fee arrangemenls with the Town respecting of 55,000 to be held and maintained in reserve by th� provision of funding to retain a the Town in Ihe event that Ihe Tawn determines e qualified consultant to ensure that a nced to rctain a consultanl. Millcr has agreed lo comprehensive environmentel monitoring supply iha Town wilh all infortnation that is program has been implemenled, and to required by the MoE including, but not limited to, undertake environmental audits af thc aimual groundwa�cr monitoring rcports, air o eration on a eriadic besis monitorin data and ennual o cratin re orts. I(c) detailed design ofihe household hazardous Detailed plans havc bcen submiltcd ns part of waste facility is prepered to ihe salisfection Miller's backup materiel to its applicution to the of the MoE, Region of Durham, and Town MoE for the amended Ccrtificatc of Approval of Pickerin which are satisfactory to the Town I(d) specifications regarding Iha nature and De!wils of pavcment in material storage arcas are thickness of paved storage areas is provided on Ihe "Landscape & Surface Treatment provided to tha satiafactio�i of tha MoE, Drawing" submitted by Miller and are satisfactory and Town of Pickerin to Ihe Town. I(e) tha site does not accept Solid Waste that Miller's current Certificate of Approval allows has been generated outside of tha Region them to eccept waste from anywhere in Ontario. of Durham However, Miller has egreed ro a restriclion in the revised Certificate of Approval prohibiling the receipt of domestic waste from outside of I(� appropriate financial aasurances for site The Agreement will provida for Miller to submit decommissioning and rehabilitation are sufficient finencial assurances to the salisfaction of provided to the satisfactian of the Ministry the MoE prior to tha Town giving support to the oftheEnvironment CertificateofA roval. I(g) the applicant confirm thet Squires Beach A consulting engineers report & prcliminary Road can accommodate upstream extemal design has satisfied this condition. Sce Item I(m) drainage and road drainage subject to far details perteining to contribution. conflrmation by the Town. 'fhe applicant to contribute e proportional sherc of thc the applicant to provide details on ultimate Miller hes provided a traflic study performed by queue lengths and times on Squires Beech Cole Sherman end Associates dated ]une, 1998. Road and provide rccommendations to This study confirtns thet queuing will not impact eccommodate auch queues on Squires Beach Road even when thc site ..../6 t _ ._6.. 7 ITEM CONDITION STATUSBENEPI'P 1(i) the applicant to contribute e proponional The project cost of tra�c signale et Beyly Sireet shere for trafFc controls at the intersection end Squires Beach Road is estimated at S 100,000. of Squires Beach Roed and Bayly Sireet The Agreement will provide for Millcr u� pay SI6,700 towards ihis wst prior to the commencement of Phase I. I(j) the applicant select the Household Tha Certificate of Approval prcposes to gc� Hazardous Waste depot option, during the approval for the permanent depot design of the Cettificate of Approval application process Household Hazardous Waste depot. Miller has provided u"Design & Operations Report" for a permanent Household Hazardous Waste Depot es en addendum to their application. The level oF service that will be implemenled (temporary or permanent) will be detertnined ihrough ne otiations between the Town and Ihe Re ion. I(k) the applicant detertnine and provide all Details of the composting component of Phase 2 details of the composdorganic, wood, are provided in the backup material to the MoE. construction and demolition components Details of the wood and consiruction/demoli�ion of the Phase 2 operation at this stege of components have been identificd in an addendum the process dated lune 25, 1999. This addendum confirms ihat adjecent properties will not be e�'ected by dust or noise from the wood chipping operation or thc sorting/transfer of canstruction and demolition waste. I(1) the applicant provide additional details and The capacity of the numerous companenls on the justification for the increase in Ihe integrated wasle management facility are sized by proposed daily tonneges for each daily capacity. The daily capacity has to 6e component sufficient lo meet peak delivery periods (i.e. aller halidays, spring clean•up, etc.) but the averagc daily wastc reccived will 6e much Iess than the deily capacity. With respecl to the composting facility, it is sizcd to handle a maximum 50,000 lonnes per year which is eppropriale lo the needs of Durham Rc ion. I(m) the applicant enter into a Host Benefit Othcr benefits that havc will be added to ihe Agreement with the Town Agreement are: I. Infrasiruclure improvements for ihe upgrading of Squires Beach Road, storm uwer improvements and upgradcd strcet lighting have been combined for a total project cost of 51,274,000, Millcr will bc required to pay S32,560 upon commencement of Phase 1 and 579,920 upon commenccment of Phase 2 for a total direct contribution of S112,460. Miller and other indusirial area developers wili also contribute indireclly towards these costs through ta�ces and development charges. 1. A royalry of S1.00 per tonne on ICI waste that is received from outsida of Durham Region for transfer to a disposal sitc. AI present, almost no ICI waste is being receivcd Gom outside Durham but Miller edviscs that this could increasc to a maximum of 40,000 tonnes in the future besed on market conditions. .,..n �� � I� �D:- . _ . f t 6 Q " 7 " Prepared By: . / � /� Neil C 1 Ric d Holb Bruce Taylor, AMCT, CMM Director 'ng ' cetor of blic Works Town Clerk Recommended for the consideration of Pickering Town ouncil • � ,�ZC �� MA v h f1189 �. M, . . � .. . Chief Administrative 0fficer � . ,, ,,. � , � � � i "k 4 . � ' ./! � �. . . �� � t � ����r�i .< £ �4 . s.ta 't` _ .,. .. ....