HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAO 18/99i rt. . t' � 05G �OJ1�1 OF p�� j . ��� �,,� � ItU'.POR'I' '1'O COUNCIL !' '� fROM: 'i'homus J. (�uinn UA'I'E: Ucccmbcr 7, 1999 Chicf Admiuislr�divc 011iccr Itlil'Oli'I'NUMIIGR: CAU IR•99 SUUJGC'I': Yurk Itcgion Loug'I'cnn 1Vtilcr Supply I'ro,jccl -'I'owu of I'ickcriug - Cuuummily Warking Ciruup - f�ilc:l'I.51150 ItGCOMMENUA'f'ION: I. 'fhal Report to Council CAO IR•99 conccming lhc York Kcgion I.ung'I'crm Wnlcr Supply I'rojecl bc rcccivcd by Co�mcil. 2. 'I'hal a copy of Rcparl lo Cauncil CAU IS-99 bc fiirwrirJcJ ta York Rcgion, Ihc Oulario Minisiry of Ihc I'snviranuunl, und Ihusc iu aucnd;wcc al Ihc community ntccling uf Novembcr 25, 1999, Ihnl signcJ Ihc aUcudnncc shcet. ORIaIN: Novcmber 25, i'199 conmiuuily mccliug. AU'PIiORI'I'Y: 'I'hc Isnvirunmcnlal Atisc~smcnl Acl fINANCIAL IMI'LICA'IlON5: Nal ripplirnblc EXECU'TIVC SUMb1ARY: Il lins hecomc incrcasingly cvidcnt lh�il many resiJcnls in lhc'fown nrc nut s�ilisficd with York Reginn's EA proccss fi�r Ihc "I)urhnw \Vcsl" cumpuncnt of lhc York Long'I'crm Wnlcr Supply Prajccl. Rcsidcros nrc looking lo Ihc'Pown for aesislnncc, lu hclp explain nnd clorify thc proccss, nnd providc responses lo thcir qucstiuns. AcwrJingly, on Novcmbcr 25, 17�)9, Ihc 'Pown hoslcd n wnunuuily mccting lo givc inlcreslcJ residcnls nn oni,��iU�,;�y i� ���a;,, ;,,r„�,,,n,;�„ �,,, Ihu projccl, proviJc commcnts, und nsk qucslions of '1'own slnff nnd our consultnnls. In nJdilion, ihc mcrils of cslnblisliing a "Communiry Working Croun' wcre cousidcrcd, �utd pcoplc �vcrc invilcd to voluntccr i'or lhc Working Oroup. 'fhc mecting wus n succcssful lirsl slcp in apcuing lhc lincs of comm�micalion bclwcen Ihc'I'own anJ thc communily ou Ihis vcry imporlmrt projccl. Morcover, Ihe conununily expressed nn inlcrcsl in maintnining n closc mid an-goiug working rclnlionship wilh Ihc'Ibwu. 1'o adiicvc Ihis, Ihc conmmnily wns inlcreslcJ in cslnbl(sl�ing n"Communily Workiug droun" '17ic Working (3raup woulJ apernlc inJcrcudcnl of Ihc 'fown, but wuuld wccl rcgulnrly wilh 'I'uwn staf� ond our cmisultnn�s during Ihc cuurse of York 12egiuu's IiA process, lo slmrc iJcns, informnlion aud concems nboul thc projec6 I J � ���� Rcpod to Council CAO 18•99 ' SubjecU Dnte: Deccmbcr 7,1999 rA�� z 057 The Town has had a grcat deul of success in thc past working with residcnis in addressing lorgc- scule projects thut have thc potentiui to cause significant communiry impacts. Gstnblishing n similor working rclationship with thc community on York Region's Long Tcrm Watcr Supply Project should again prove to be an cxtremely effective stmtegy, Mcetin6s with the Communiry Working Group will bc attanged through Ihc CAO's officc, by the Division }Iend of the Corporute Projecls and Palicy Division. A meeting schedule will bc estnblished, and a first meeting with the Working Group held early in the ncw year. iiACKGROUND: [n Mny 1996, York Region in pnrtncrship with Consumers Ulilities begnn nn examination of thc long tertn waler supply rcquirements for York Region. In July 1997, u"I.ong Tcrm Water Project Mnstcr Plnn" wns approved. The Mastcr Plan idcntified n number of allemativc wntcr supply options for York Region nnd recommended a preferzed solulion. Thc prefcrccd solution compriscs the following components: I. Expand Watcr Supply from Toronlo (joint sludy) 2. Implcment Wntcr-usc GiTicicncy Program 3. Construct Lakc Simwc Walcr'Prcutmcnt faciliry 4. Continuc Usc of Groundwulcr Supply wilhin York Rcgion 5. Lakc Ontario Supply via Durhum Wcst The Durhnm Wcst componcnt of York's stmlegy involvcs laking watcr Gom Lnke Ontario through the westem part of Pickering. It is ihc most capitul intensive of thc four componants of thc stmtegy, nnd includcs mw watcr intnkc, mnin mw watcr pumping station, imnsmission mains, water lrentment plant, sccondnry mw wutcr pumping swtion, and rescrvoir. Thc wst has bcen estimated to bc betwcen 500 and 900 million dollars. In Seplembcr 1997, thc Town of Pickcring formally slntcd that it did not support the conclusions of York's Mnstcr Plnn (Council Resolution H347/97) nnJ rcqucsted dint York not proceed with an Individual Environmental Asscssment (f:A) of the Durham West componcnt unlil thc long- tertn planning objcctives and inGustructurc requircmenls of abutting GTA municipalitics arc exumincd, and only if relntcd inGaslructure issues such as scwage disposal nrc also denit wi11i. Notwithstnnding the Town's resolution, York Rcgion Jecidcd to praceed with thc GA. In 1998, the Town rctaincd Mr. Dr,rek Doyle of UMA Engincering LtJ. to rcprescnt thc Town, on n without prcjudice brsis, during the drnfting of thc Tcrms ol' Rcferenec. A numoer of impartant modificntions were made to the Terms of Reference. In addition, n comroitment wns n:ceived from York Rcgi m to pay u0 the nccessary costs for having Mr. Doylc continuc as ihe Town's Peer Reviewer for the EA. The Environmenlnl Assessment study was initinted in thc spring of this year, and is expected to bc completed in late summer of 2001. At thc complction of thc study, York Regian will formnlly submil an EnvironmenWl Assessment Report to the Ministry of the Environment for considerntion. The process will proceed through six stages, as outlined bclow: Stnec I; DcvclopAllcmntives (Pebruary to September 1999) StARC Z: Refinc nnd Selcct Prcfcrrcd Altemalive (October 1999 to April 2000) Staac 3; Prepnrc Prcliminary Design (May to Octobcr 2000) ,� Report to Cauncil CAO ! 6-99 '�058 sub����; Staac 4: Prepurc EA Rcport (Mnrch 2000 to Jnnuury 2001) Staec 5; Ministry of Environment Revicw Proccss (Rebrunry to August 2001) Datc: Decembcr 7, 1999 Pogc 3 Stnee 6: Ministcr Decision • Rcject • Approvc with conditions • Refcr ull or part lo EA Board or Consolidatcd DonrJ Ficarings) The proccss is now in Singe 2. It involves the rcfincment, annlysis nnJ evnluation of altematives, and the sclection oFu prcfcrrcd altemativc. To datc, York Region has hcld onc rounJ of Public (nformution Centrcs (in September) wilh follow-up aclivitics, and hns distributed two Newsletters. A sccond round of Public Informntion Centres is scheJulcd for enrly next ycnr. Notwithstnnding thcsc nnd othcr communicntion cfforts, many Pickcring residcnts arc 6ecomiug inerensingly dissalisfied wilh York Rcgion's GA process. In ordcr to help address thcsc conccrns, Wurd One Rcgionnl Councillor Maurice [�rcnner nrcangeJ for Ihc To�m to hold u Community Mceting on Novcmbcr 25, 1999, in Ihc Cauncil Chambcrs of thc Pickcring Civic Complex. 'I'he purpose of �:�e mceting wns lo hnve 1'o�m staff und our consuhnnis expluin Ihe [:A process, und provide an updalc on current activilics and fulurc nctions Ihal the'I'own and residcnts cnn inka 'fhc consullants wcrc nlso avuilablc ta responJ to residcnt qucslions nnd comments. As well, the conecpt of eslnblishing n"Communiry 1Vorking Cirou�' was JiscusscJ by the community and staU. Approximntely 60 pcople nucndeJ the mccting (see Aunchmcnt No. I). A number of exccllcnt questions werc askcJ, and relevant commcnts wcrc madc (scc Altachmcnt No. 2). At lhe cnd of thc mec►ing, I1 rcsidcnts indicatcd an inlcrest in voluntccring for a"Community Warking Group" (sce Attachmcnt No. 3). Over thc ycars, thc Town has workcd closcly with many resident groups anJ orgnnizations, in addressing large-scale issues und projccls of significnncc to the community. Esinblishing a similnr strnlcgy to denl with thc York Rcgion Long Tcrtn Watcr Supply Projcct will nlso likcly prove to be very beneficial. Thc Community Working Group would operatc inJependent of thc Town, but wauld mcet on a regular nnd omgoing basis with To�m staff and our consultants through thc durution of the EA proccss. The purpose of the mcetings will be to exchnngc information, sharc insights and ideas, nnd provide tcchnical udvise und assistnncc whcre possiblc. Meetings would be coordinuted lhrough thc CAO's office, by lhe Division Head of thc Corporalc Prajects and Policy Division. lt is anticipated that Community Workins Group mectings will initially be hcld on n monthly . bnsis, commencing in January 2000, . �: , � � Report to Council CA018•99 Subjcch ATTACHMENTS: Datc: Dccembcr 7, 1999 rAb� a 059 I. Meeting Attendees — Community Mceting of Novembcr 25,1999 2. Summury of Resident Questions und Comments — November 25th Mceting 3. I.ist of Community Working Group Voluntecrs Prcpnred By: Approvcd / Endorscd By: / / �, � Thomns E. ly Corpomtc Project and Policy Division Head TM: Attuchments ✓ � ' iomns ui Chicf AJministrativc Ofliccr Copy; Dcrek Doyle - UMA Gngineering Ltd. Andrew Biggart - Rcblc, Ritchic, Grccn and Kcicheson Neil Cunoll - Director of Plnnning and bevclopmcnt Richard Holbom - Municipal Propeny nnd Gnginccring Division I IcaJ RecommcndcJ for lhc considcration of Pickcring To�m Council �� � � o J. Qui , Chie dmi ' tivc iccr r;: ' +, • Apprndix No.1 � , R�pott to Counell CA018•99 n s� Town of Pickering Community Meeting — November 26,1989 York Reglon Long Tartn Water 3upply ProJect Meedng Attendaes I,. ' AFWndlx No, Y - � . , fc�port to Councll CA01B•99 ost Town uf Pickerinp Community Meeting — November 26,1998 York Reglon Long Term Water Supply Project Summary of Resldent Quesdona and Commenta • York has neglected to wnsider thc associnted impacts on thc sanitury nnd storm scwer systems, including 6he cost. A study is necdcd. • The issue of tunneling also hosn't been addressed sutisfnctorily. Il cuuscs a gmnt Jenl of disruption, tha enrth that is cemoved must be tmnspoRed aut of the areu (trucking issue), und there is n concem about wnter accumulntian in the tunnels. • York's workshop was poinlless (idiatic altemntives). There is n credibility gap. • If the Town hos known about this praject for so long, why has a Icgal firm bccn brought on boord only recently7 [A: Pickering hasn't always bcen kept informed by York.] • This is onc of thc Inrgest in&astructurc projects in Cunadn. Thc Town shoulJ loak bcyond Canada to get infocmution on olher similor projects in ordcr to assess community bencfils. • What do we do to get the Region of Durhum on our sidel [A: Write Ihcm.j • Can the community rcceive funding for a Iegai challengel If the Town scts up n Community Working Group, will it pay membcrs of the community with icchnicnl / professional expertise lo bc involved7 [A: Intcrvcner funding no longer uvailuble for mtcpayers or groups. Council would have to make u decision on paying community residenis for cxpertisc. York Region could ulso bc approachcd.] • Will the water linc scrve dcvelopment in Ihc Oak Ridges Morainc? Is thcrc u hiddcn agcndn7 [A: We will nced ta write to York and nsk Ihcro spccific qucstions in ordcr to test Ihc rumours. Also, if ihe projcel changes (e.g, to provide watcr lo service gro�wh in thc moruine) lhe EA Temis of Refcrence woulJ also havc to bc changed.j • Is thc TRCA prcparcd to give up conscrvalion lunds for Ihis projccl7 [A: As ycl,'fRCA has not madc nny fortnal decisions on Ihis. In any casc, cvcn if thc TRCA docsn't ngrcc, thc Innd could be cxpropriated if it is ncedcJ to implcmcnt thc appravcd nitcmativc.] • Minutcs taken by York at onc of thc mceting do not rcllcct �ti�hnt actually happcned. What can wc do7 [A: Inform York in writing,] • What givcs York Region tho right ta scarch for wntcr outsidc Ihcir Rcgion? (A: York Region's officiul plan idcntifics gro�Nh Inrgcts, anJ Ihcy havc the right to investigotc altcmntivc wutcr supply sourccs, so long ac Ihcy follow Ihc prescritxJ process os sct out in thc applicublc provincial Iegislation.J • The Town hns been awure sincc 1998 of York Region's interest in Innds at ihc foot of Whites Rond. Why didn't lhe Town Ict everyone now whnt was going on, since York didn't do a good job communicoting. [A: The legislation rcquires the proponent — in ihis case York —to notify pcople. The Town also requcstcd that York rc-notify pcoplc nnd hold anothcr meeting. In addition, the Town is trying to do every�hing it cun to kecp pcople informed (which is onc rcason why this mecting is being helJ).j • The routing of ihe pipe is the muin cuncem. Why must it go Jown Whites Road? Why cnn't thc pipe run down lhc Hydro Cotridor on Ihe cast side of Town to Lnkc Ontario [A: York must explain why it selccts cettain routes. York has undcrtnkcn to providc n written �esponse on this.] � York Region's litcrnture docs not givc people thc impressian thc projcct uffec�s Pickering. It says "York Region" on the front, not "do you wunt a pumping swtion on Whites Road." This is why therc is not a bigger tum out at public mcctings. Pickcring should undertake to kcep pcople informed oCfurther mcetings. • Can n simple vcrsion of thc Tertns of Rcferencc bc madc uvailable7 [A: This could be done.] • The IMter thnt went out to the communiry about today's meeling wosn't cicur cnough. If it had been, you would hnve filled the council chambcrs. • There is n lot of misinformntion out ihcre, nnd cven the experts cnn't agrec on thc answcrs to same basic qucstions (c.g. height of stack). How do wc get the right answcrsl [A: Put thc question in wriling to the right cxped.] � App�ndlx No. 2 (conNd) . �'�,n fi R�poR to Councll CAO 18•9Y 7 Summary ot Realdent Queedons and Comments (cont'd) • Has anything bcen decided on the Dunmore Park siles7 [A: These sites havc becn dropped nnd wiil not be considered further.] • On nvernge, whnl will huppen to propetty values7 Should I huvc gcl my properly nssessed7 [A; Property values are very location dependent, so on nverage changc in vuluc cnn't bc detertnined, Propedy value prolection could ulso bc nddrcssed to thc Community Denefit Agreement.j • Has the location of the wnter treatment plant �een scl.cted7 [A: No. This would comc latcr in the process.] • The public is getting the feeling thst York's project is n done-deul. This has tnade us lose hopc. Pickcring necds to be crcative, nnd rebuild our hope. • Can pcaple still comment on the Terms oF Reference to cnsurc the sewngc issue is covcred? [A; The Terms of Refcrcnce arc npproved nnd can't 6c rcopcned. However, wc will continuc to mnke the point with Yark that the scwage issuc must be addressed.] • The sewngc pipe is nlrcady in Ihe ground (the York-Durhnm pipe) and therc is plenty of cupncity to nccept additionnl ilows from York Region. The issuc, hmvever, is sewage treutment. Whut assurnnce do we havc that thc additional effluent won't niTcct watcr qualiry7 [A; This is a vnlid point, nnd needs to be adJressed fuhher by York Region.] • In defense of York Region, the community has becn aware of this project since 1997. If you write to York Region you do get nns�ccrs. • Therc is a big concem nbout ihe impact the project will have on the safery of students unJ staff going to Dunbnrton und other schools on Whitcs Road. 7'he Whites Raud nnd Kingston Road intersection is alreaJy vcry busy anJ has n vcry high tmffic accidcnt ratc. • Is il rcasonnble to assumc that if Rcgionnl Works kncw about this projccl, thc informntion would be brought buck beforc Town Council. [A: "I�al's n rcusonnble ussumption.j • �or thcrc to bc u'net positivc bcnefit' for thc To�m, lhc project would havc to show a bcncfil in muny arcas, including: snfcty, inGastructurc (ronJs, sidcwulks, lights, IunJscupe); environmcnt (ccosyslcm, wildlifc); air, noisc and walcr pollution; und property valucs. • Wc necd lo go to thc Rcgion, not jusl Pickcring lo opposc thc projcct. � .:, ' +,` ! APWndIx No. � rr �' R�poR to Councll CAO 1l-9i n� Z Town ot Pickaring Communily Meednp — November 26,1999 York Reglon Long Te►m Water Supply ProJect List of Community K'orking Group Voluntearo , , , . ,: i �: