HomeMy WebLinkAboutCO 1/98� � a�,�r���t r�� r` � ` ' p • 6V _ d�� � � � REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Doug Dickeraon DATE: May B, 1998 Regional Councillor, Ward 2 REPORT NUMBER: CO I-98 SUBJECI': Town of Pickering Position on Public Alerting and Public NotiBcetion in a Nuclear Emergency RECON►MENDATION: That the Council of the Town of Pickering hereby recommends to Regional Council: i. That the Town of Pickering position for public alerting and public notification, as set out in Councillor's Report CO 1/98, be adopted. 2. That Councillor's Repon CO I/96 be forwazded to the Solicitor Generd and the Ministcr of Cortection Servias for approval end direction thet ihe Town's position be incorparated inta the Provincial Nuclear Emergency Plen (PNEP). 3. That Counciilor's Report CO I/98 elso be forwerded �o each Member of the Provincial Legislature representing Durham Rep,ion. ORIGIN: Dceision of Emergency Meawrea Ontario dated November, 1997 that it is not prepared to extend thc atated thra kilometre requirement for public alerting. AUTNORITY: Provinciel Nuclear Emergency Plen F[NANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Not AppGcable EXECUT[VE SQIMMARY: To request the Solicitor Generel end the Minister of Cornctionel Servicea to increese the mne for dMing the public of nuclear emem,enciw from thra to ten kilometres end to provide atenderds fur public notiflcation and direction. ..../Z .� :,� , ..s-- f7.0 . : �.1.I� ln wrtmt Provincid nuclear emergency plans, the public in the 10 kilometer Primery Zone ie to be derted by meane of "eounds aignala" in the evrnt of a nuckar emergrncy. The Provincid Nuclar Emergrncy Plan (PNEP), which hes been issued in intaim form, atipulates nuclear inetallations shali provide resources end assistance for the establiahment of a public elerting ayatem. However, the proposed public elerting system is required only for the 3 km zone uound the nuclear stetions. 'i'here is no provision for public alerting in the remeinder of the 10 km Primary Zone. Additionally, there is no stendard for public notification end direction. PUBLIC ALERTING AND PUBLIC tiOTTFICATION Public elerting is defined es warning the populatiun, by means of an approprieta signal, thet n nucleai emergency has occurted or is about to occur. Once the public has ban elerted, a message murt be conveyai via designated medie, which provides information end direction on what actions or protective meawres to be underteken. This is called public notificetion. As a�i example, the public may be derted to a situation by means of sirens and then tune in to television or radio stations to be noti8ed es what has occurred and what directions to follow. PNEP STANDARD FOR ALERTING AND ��OTIFICATION For Durham Region, the new PNEP directs thet the nuclear installations in Pickering and Newcestle shall provide resources end essistana to enable the esteblishment of a public elerting syatem - but only for the 3 km Contiguous Zone around each station. This system must provide, within 15 minutcs of its iniliation, weming "to prectically 100% of Ihe people in the Cantiguous Zone", whether they be indoors or out, and irtespective of the time of the dey or yeer. ►n the PNEP, the responsibility for providing public notification and direction in the Primary Zone rests with the Province. Public direction is to be carried out through designated broadcast medie. CONCERNS While a more speciflc standazd for public alerting is welcomed, the limit to 3 km neithcr mats the practical reality of preperedness nor satisfied public confidrnce. M emergrncy planning zone (Primary Zone) of approximately 10 km hes ban designeted around each nuclear station, within which deteiled emergrncy planning preparedreu shall be cartied out. To achieve a setisfactory level of preparedness, public elerting mur extend to the rntire Primary Zone. The issue was raised nt the steff level with Emergmcy Measures Ontario (EMO) in November 1997. EMO raponded that the Province is not prepued to extend the stated (3 km) requirement for public alerting end cited the Onterio Nuclear Sefety Review snd the Royel Society Report es the besis. Town or Regionel etaPFcan find no ba�is in any of the report� which limits public elerting to 3 km. In the United Stetes, public elerting ryetems wver the entirc Primary Zonc. While the threat mey be more immediete for thoae living in the 3 km Contiguous Zone, it ia vital that the public in thc remtinder of the Primery Zone aleo be given the aemo early waming so thet thry can be given appropriete direction. A prioriry evacuedon of tho Contiguous Zone, for exemple, could not be aucaeefully aceated without eleAing, end then providing public direction vie the medie, to the remeinder of the populetion in the Primary Zone. ,.../3 69 � ;>> �; ,�iya} 3";'"rt�`P�iF''o:JS r �—__�:� u �:,-r+ ,..�- � -,,- `''' �� . ; 70 _ --�-- With rupect ta nod6ution, thero ia no atendud for timinge or tcchnic�! procedures by which pubGc notiHudon �nd dircetion ue to be deliver. The duty fdle on the Provina to work with the munidp�lides to chenge thdr (the Province'a) position. PICKERING'S POSITION The raidrnta of Pickering must be eswred that in the evmt of a nuclear emergency, they wili receive timely alerting, followed by eccurate and timely information on the event as well es what measuresthey should underteke. In view of the importnnce of this issue and the concem expressed to date, the �esponaible action for Council ie to endoroe a formal position end forward it to Clarington, the Region, the Ministries and the membero mentioned. It is therefore recommended that the following be adopted es the Town'e position on public derting end public notification in e nuclear emergency: I) that the standerd for public alerting in the new PNEP be chenged to apply to the entire 10 km Primary Zone and not juat the 3 km Contiguous Zone. 2) Thet Regional locel wnruniry input be sought when the process of implementing the Hi8tld8fd IS II11�18IGd. � )) thet a more detailed atanderd for public notification and direction be included in the new PNEP. ./" --_ J_ �� Doug Dickuson Regionel Councillor, Wud 2 , :r� 1. - „ ., ` 'y .-�a ;