HomeMy WebLinkAboutCL 36-98. _ . .,., , ..., _ �:. ..,. �:. ., i . '; :: ti; , ,. .... _, � . .. .,.. ,. . ,. 'f` i. .. . . ".. � �� OF p� � . . � , � . . - .a � . . �. . . , � REPORT TO COUNCI� FROM: Thomas I. Quinn, RDMR, CT9M DATE; July 29, 1998 General Manager REPORT NUMBCR: CL 36-98 Bnica Taylor, AMCT, CMM Town Clerk SUBJECT: Status Report on Dameges Caused by Storm on July 16, 1998 RECOMMENDATION: That tha Report of the General Manager and Town Clerk dated July 29, 1998 providing an overview of events ihat have taken place since ihe storm of luly 16, 1998 and funding options availablc to the Town and its residents ba received; and Thal staff be direcicd make an application lo :he Ministry of Municipal A�'airs and Housing for funding under tlie Special Assislance for Municipalities progrem. ORIGIN: Report Prepared at Dircetion of General Menagcr AUTHORITY: Pravincial Regulation F[NANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: See Background section below BACKGROUND: GENEI�AL OVERVIEW The following is the status of events that have occurred since July 16, 1998 when the Town was siruck by a severe reinstorm. l. On luly 16th at 4:15 p.m., the Acting Mayar declered a ilood emergency and directed that the Town's emergency plen be put in motion. In a releace dated luly 17th, the press was made eware of the declaration. 2, ln a press release deted July 20th, the Acting Mayor advised thet the Town would be seeking Provincial assistance to aid the Town and its residents with the clean up costs. Also, a Hotline was esteblished and published to coordinate calls from residents who had suffered damage from the storm. .,../2 . ,; �.:= �, _ _ �' __ ' - Kn u . t; _, ,,�,�, — ,....,5 . - . ... � .2" 3. In a lettcr dated ]uly 201h to the Miniater of Municipal A�'airs, the Acting Mayor adviud him of the declaration of the emergency and formally requcsted (lood emergency assistanca 4. On July 21st, the Town's Insurance Adjuster, Lloyd Morden of L.V. Walkcr and Associates, met with senior steff to edvise of what the Town's insurance will cover and how to handle claims Gom residents. 5. On July 24th, representatives of thc Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing met with scnior stafito advise of programs available to the municipality that could assist the Town and its residents to restore damaged property. 6. A consultant has been retained to assess those areas along the watercourses that sumcred damages and they will recommend remedial work ta those areas. 7. Staff have already begun to restore damages that occurced to municipal property and the Finance Department has been directed to ensure that a complete accounting of all costs incurzed by the municipality with respect ro the�storm be undertaken in order to ensure that any future claim to thc Provinca for financial compensation is complete. TOWN INSURANCE COVERAGE With respect to insurance coverege for Town property that was damaged, our Property Insurance states: I. The policy docs not insure loss of or damage to the following praperty: a) retaining walls, walls, bridges and tunnels, not forming pari of a building, land, dams, roads, sidewalks, paving, monuments and installed roadside fencing. b) street lighting, road signs, tralBc control devices. 2. The policy does not insure against loss or damage caused direclly ar indireclly by: a) flood; b) seepage, leakage or influx of water derived from newral sources ihrough basement walls, doors, windows or other openings therein, foundations, basement Ooors, sumps, sidewalks or sidewalk lights c) the entrance of rain, aleet or snow through doors, windows, skylights or other similar wall or roof openings. Most of the Town's infrastructure ihat was damaged as e result of the storm such as lhe washout ofthe culverts in the Vistula Ravine or the bridge on Sandy �each Road ara not covered by iasurance end the cost of restoration of these facilities a•ill be extersive. The only damage Ihat will be covered are damage to the telephone system at the Recreation Complex duc to a lighening strike, damege to the dome in the Council Chambera and possibly damage to the walis in Ihc Library. Council should also be aware that aome of the infraatn�cture that was conslructed many yea�s ago that was demaged will have to be restored under modern reguletions end this may add to the cost of damege ropair. ,../7 !." ' t t' t .{.. . � , _ _ :$ 1 .3.. With respect to private homeownere, most property insuranca policics do nat havc flood damagc riders and therefore therc is no coverage or help to most homeownera Gom their own insurers for mitigating costs dua to leaky basements cr sewer backups. Even if lhere is covcrage, the homeowner is looking to the municipality to pay their deductible. Our In�uranca Adjusters have advised that so long as e storm sewer is constructed properly and has been inspected within a reasoneble time period, the municipality would not be liable for any claims due to e sewer backup. Regerdless of this fact, wa have been advising all residents who call in on the Hotline to submit n claim and their claim will be fonvarded to our Insurance Adjusters for either inspection or compilation iFthe Town receives Provincial funding that would cover damagc to private property. As of the dete of ihe writing of this Report, the Town has received 77 claims from homeowners for campensation as a result of storm damaga. Claims ere still coming in on a daily basis and I suspect this number will exceed 100 in very short order. PROVINCIAL FUNDING PROGRAMS PROVINCLAL ASSISTANCE TO MUNICIPALITIES (SAM) The SAM Program providcs for grants to the Tawn to cover the wsts incurced of restoring municipal infrastructure to pre-disaster conditions. With respect to the storm that occurced on July 16th, this would involvc thc following costs: I. Clean-up costs involved with clearing and removal of debris 2. Overtime for stall'that worked on cleaning•up aRer ihe storm and after normal working hours. � 3. Salaries and benefits for temporary stafithat werc hired for storm related matters. 4. Repair and restoration of municipal facilities such as the Civic Complex, Library and Recreation Complex. 5. Repair and restoration af municipal infrastructure such us roads, bridges and culveris to pre•stortn conditions. The cost of the consultant that has already been retained is not covercd by the SAM Program, however, staffare currently investigeting other programs that may cover this cost. Council is required to pass a resolution requesting special assistance under this Program and 1 would recommend that such a resolution be passed on August 4th because expenditures hevc already been incurted in regards to the storm. ONTARIO DISASTER RELIEF ASSISTANCE PROCRAM (ODRAPI The purpose of ODRAP ia to alleviate the herdship sufTered by the privete homeowners whosc property wes d� •neged in thc storm. In order to be eligible for ODRAP, Council must pess a resolution requesting the Minieter of Municipal Af�aira and Housing to recommend to Cabinet that a disaster erea be declared. ..../4 ,4 j `� .s� _.4_ If the Cabinet does decisra a disaster area, the Provincial contribution to the fund wili be thet amount necessery to settle all eligiblc claims, up to the amount guara�uecd by Cabinet. !n disasters of e similar nature thet hava occurted over tha past few years, Cabinet has been guarantteing nn average of 52.00 for every doller raised locally. ARer the declaration by Cabinet of a disaster area, Gouncil will ba required to appoir �, a Disastcr Relief Committec who will act as an autonomous body to raise funds, nrrange for the appraisal of losses and settle claims. One of tha first and most important duties of the Committee is to raise funds through canvassing, community evants, reffles, advertising, etc. All contributions must be in cash and must be unconditional. Contributions in the form of volunteered time or donated services will not be valued and matched by the Province. It is essential that the Committee treat all claims submitted to it equally. The maximum setticment allowed per claim is 90 cents for each dollar of eligibla losses. The following is a list of cligiblc and ineligible claims: Tha vast majority of claims reccived to date are for compensation for damages to basements as a result of a sewer backup. As noted above, these types of damages are not covered by ODRAP and thercfore it is ques►ionable at point in time in applying for funding under ODRAP. Ste(f are continuing �o meet with the Province to determine if there is eny specific assistance for homeowners who experienced damage due to a sewer backup. A disaster area can be declareJ ut any time and therefore it is recommended that Council not request the Onterio Cebinet to declare a disaster area untii more informetion is received in this regard. ATTACHMENTS: i. Press Release dated luly 17, 1998 advising thet the Town had declared a Oaod emergency. 2. Press Release dated ]uly 20, 1998 advising that Provincial assistance had been requested for the storm clean-up. 3. Letter dated July 20, 1998 from the Acting Mayor to Minister of Municipal AtCairs and Housing requesting emergency assistance. 4. FAX dated July 22, 1998 from Ministry of Municipel Alfairs and Housing selting out the criteria for funding under SQecial Assistence to Municipalities (SAM). 5. Provincial Guidelines for the Onteria Disaster Relief Assistence Program. Prepared By: � � , Bruce Taylor, CT, C Thome l. Qu' n, RDMR, CMM Town Clerk Genarel Manager �-��` / , � . �N OF p� ,�O � MAURICE S. BRENNER Acting Mayor ' July 17, 1998 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE At 4:15 p.m. on July 16,1998, Acting Mayor Maurice Brenner declared a flood emergency in the Town of Pickering. Immediately thereafter the Town of Pickering's emergency plan was put into motion. Between 3:30 nnd 6:30 p.m. Public Works staff coordinated an estimated 250 calls pertnining to flooding conditions. Public Works, Police and Fire Department staffresponded and all available staffwere requested to assist in the situation by nttending to the priority areas first. The areas of Frenchman's Bay and Bay Ridges were the hardest hit. Several streets had to be temporarily closed where water had exceeded 2 to 3 feet over the roads. San�y Besch Road remains closed south of Parkham Crescent due to a washout At the Krosno Waterway bridge. At around 6:30 p.m., the second downpour further complicated the situation. At this time Regional and Town staff were still available to respond to storm and sanitary sewer back up calls. Additional information will be made available as staff continue to assess the level of the amount of any damnges. The level of precipitetion that fell with�n that amount of time is still to be confirmed. For,additional information,,contact: Maurice Brenner Regional Councillor, Ward One 24 Hour Prime Line (416) 201-1230 Oftice: (905) 420-0605. -30- '�N�� qECE1VED � 70WN OF PICKEqiNG JUL 2 2 i99t; MAURICE S. DRENIVER ��ERK'S DEPpqTMEN7 � ACTING MAYOR �� EOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE JULY 20,1998 �� PICKERIIYG TO SEEK FLOOD ASSISTANCE FROM THE PROVIIVCE Hnving tourcd many af those communitics that wcrc subjccted to flood condi�ions, Acting Mnyor Muurice Brcnner (Ward One Regional Councillor) is uekinE Provincial assistance to aid the Town and the pcople af Pickering wiih clean up cosu. Brcnner said that many oFthe homn that he hu visited had serious damnge lo bascmenls nnd contents. Brenner nateJ that, in one situalion, a homeowner nn Arcadia Squore, in a twayear old house, saw her basement floor crack and IiR from Ihe prcssurc of water below. At this point neither the New Home Wartanry nor the owner's perxonal insurance hos agreeJ to usist. Brenner noted similur prablems lhroughout the Amberlea North community. Of major concem to Brcnner is Ihat many of thete home9 hnve suffercd ihousands of dollurs in dumnges nnd unless specific insurance has been purchueJ, a largc numbcr of these fumilies will have to bear the costs themselves. Brcnner also points aut that the Town will experience similar financiul losses due to damage to ils own facililies. 71ie Municipel Council Chamlxr, the Cenhal Library und the Recrcal(on Complox nll experienced varying degrces of water damage. These, along with the costs to rcpair and rcbuild washed ou: areas including sections of ihe Walerfront Trril, arc yet to be detertnined. Having declarcd on Thundny a cammuniry flood emergency, Brcnner undcrstands that therc moy be an opportuniry for Provincial assistance to help offset the cosls of Ihe Town and iL rcsidenb who werc efkcted. Brcnner has consulted with lanet Ecker, M.P.P. for Durham West and will be requesting finunciul assismnce from Ihe Honouroble A1 Leach, �he Minister rcsponsible for Municipal Affain and Housing. The Town of Pickering has alw set up a dircct telephane line through their Customer Carc Centre at (905) 420-4666 to co-ordinate all calle from (lood victims. For further infartnntion, please contact: Mauriee Brcnner Regian�l Councillor, Wud One 24 Hout Prime Line (416) 201•1270 O�ce: (905) 420-�1605 � emuiermaau�.o.lnd.war.a �O�N OF pi�F s� �� lon ring ern July 20,1998 The Hanoumblc AI Leach Ministry of Municipal Affairs & Hausing 777 Bay Street 17th FloOt Toronto, Ontario MSG 2E5 Dear Mr. Leach r,nunr,ii �:Lf.I1N -�. ..,�����. I•�1\�Ff�-., -��i. '_.—';. .. a �o•�eaa As you are nware, the Town of Pickering has experienced a majar flood as a result of a q.�ypp major rain storm on Thursday, July 16,1998. As u result, I was forced to declare n o°061 flood emergency ns of 4;15 p.m, on 71�ursday, luly 16,1998. During the days that ����� followed, I hnve had the opportuniry to tour my municipnlity nnd inspect many of the �osi's private homes that were dnmaged. mD��Bma As a result af tha e:ctensive damage experienced to our municipal facilities, bridges und rouds ns well as to rcsidents' propertios, I am hercby fonn¢Ily requesting emergency llood ossistance be gmnted. It is interestiag to note t�at complicating the major impact this storm lind on residents is that a Inrge number of residents nre unnble to seek assisinnce from iheir persanai property insurance companies who have smted thnt damages were a direct act of God nnd the environment. At this point in time, we huve not yet estimatcd the towl financial impact on the Town und its rcsidents. We , have, however, set up an inComiation hot line number through our Customer Care CenUe, (905) 420-4666, to co-ordinnte all calls from flood victims. � I thank you in ndvnnce for your immediate nttention on this mattcr. Yours tculy Maurice S, Brenner Acting Mayor Copy: The Honour�ble lonot Ecker, M.P.P. Durh�m West Mayar Wayne Arthurs, The Town of Pickering Members of Council, The Town oFPickering Mr. T.J, Quinn, General Manager, The Town of Pickering 1:6rcnneMaKlu9l0720 0 YunlelpN AM�Irr Afhl�� �n��le1P�N� \ V/ U�tC y� r• F Md Mowlnp �t du Lep�rtl�nt \.:./ •• � , 004�.rR.nc�Arw�wWnt. lmr.163 NanM1 Yark ON M6A lA! T�MpMn�t (� 10) 717�au I7 TaY►...� I�oo-ae�aite IA]Ct(1161777-09tU FACSIM2I.E COVER PAGE � 70: — /�iYJ cYG!/.tJ�V 1'EL: F.aVCe FROM: JOSEPQ NfiWTQN ARTHVR ANDERSON 'fOM GUTFREUND PAT LEGRIS KATIIRYN MILLD MARY tRZANTAFILLOU DA7'E: / O / D % / OZ� PAGES(S)t �'�,(QJCLUDQJa'i'FRSpAOE) SUHJECT: , COMMEIVI'5: �� JAIYETANDREWS _ RU'I'H MELADY �_ AHIVIED SHARqF _ rE,uu, RosErv GENERALM pECEIVEO cILE NO.: n.o. uu �n.00 n tryau en,.,�.n�. ,�r d�m��ht....uh �m. �r.n�mww�. �s w�a 0 �ms�rwwn.rsrtnwnerunt la�.� THI017 A �INAL RGOORT (U�1�� 11 JpK� IOOr� /! m�uRkl�nf. �OMbnll Mpmi�lbrl m�YOS �R/NM IO 1�1 ApoR. I C�rtily Ihet 1. All thn Inlormatfon provlded In ttie ropoR wae a t�ue expantlllulc Of my muniGpalily for flood•relatotl q�mapa� 2. That reeorOS will be melntaineC for a peNOd of 1 ye�n from t�� Aate ol thle appileatlon �. Tnat all eo�n reponea hareln wen not allplbie lo ba elaimW for undar any Ineuranee provlCer �. Th�t Nie repon hae been raUfiad by munlelpal oounell mo6oNresoluUon. � (Clerk's sipn�turo) (O�u) �, � CRITBRIA FOR FUNDINO UNDER BPECIAL A381STANCE TO MUNICIPALITIES (SAM) )� Catspory Ellglhlo Itoma IVOta: 111enrtMnt�1 COQ� ar� �Klraoidlnory munlclp�l co�l� ovor �nC �bov� nomlel munlelpol aupenalWr��, Co�u br �Ilylbla i��ms mu�l h�w b��n mwrrW duNnp, ar aflar, Ihe tll�ut�r 8v�eu�tWn �n0 �h�lUr EWeu�tlon af p�oPl� 9h�iUn • IneluOmq ineromantol oporntmp a�poneas antl mom�mwnco lm�rq�ney rou�1 FOOCA4��Cf IOf VOlY11INO eflC OI�O/IB! fBllO� WO/kUlO Em�rpancy rallel aupplies e.p. �antlhags Inenm�nul �qulpmenV Equlpmant renul �e.p. pump�) equipment rental Incramental openllnp �Mpen��t fa� own equipment Equlpmant repalr • pro•nbd CI��n.uP eo�b Clurinp mu nmov�l o/ tl�brb, wr�ek�p� �nd sanA, Inelutlinp ramov�l of bulltllnp� �nd ramovel of Iraoe antl Ilmb� If Oublle sYf�ry ia endanyared Ov�nlmUEmptayaes hlretl 1.7r Ineramental ovenima for em0loyeas tllanatet rollef eflort Solanae, beneAts antl axpentes for emplayeaa hrted far tha tlleaeter retlel elfon So�aMes, bonelltr antl �vpenaae lor boeNflllnp aeconded emplay��� Increm�ntal adminielratws coe�e relotetl to tllsasler reh�f Emerpenry eommunlraUons Rtntal of aOCitronal wmmunicnllon equlpment � Maitionsl ucudry coU� Adtlivanal �aeuriry rtwa�ura� Repalr/roatoratlon a( public Pubtic hadlly inelutlea, 6ut nol llmqod to: hcilillea to pre�Clsuter wntllNOn Municipal bulldlnp0 Raeraatlonal hWllUes PorMe Fen�as O�alneqe hclliUes Rapalr/rostoraUOn ol mun7elpel MunluOal Inf�aftrualur� Includee. but nol Ilmlted lo: Infraatrucluro to preElaastor Munleioal roatli eonalUon Bnafles Culverte Indipihle costa Raqular �a1ory Municlpol aQUlOment eo�U (oN�r tt�on ae Ceeenhed obavo) Lo�t rw�nu�s e.p. eammuniry convoe or waste Uppinp feea ..-1 � .. RHOIONAL OP6RATION3 BRANCH MINISTRV OF MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS AND HOU8INO 9pUTMWEgTBRN�, Orml 0�0 Ex�1�T Rd.. 3nd Floo� Orue� london ON NE8 tL7 Elpin (519107J-�020 Esee� Toll Fne N' 1-E00•ZB9�17�0 Oroy PA%: (O10) B7J-4010 Heldlmand•Nadolk � Huron Kent Lamblon Mltltll�pr Ox}ord Parth W�Urlao W�Ilinpton ClNTRAL: D�fl�dn . 700 Lawnnee Ava., Sulte JB2 Ourhsm Nonh Vork ON M8A 7B� Halton (atE) J27-0077 Hamllton•Wonlwortll . Tall Frae N t-800-888•0270 Toronto � FAX: (416) 327•0800 Muekoka �. Nlapan Peal Slmeoe Vork EA9TERN: Fronlanae B Eat9te Lene H�lihurto� fioekwoad Housa Haetl�iBe • Poatel B�0 4600 � Lansrlt Mngeton ON K7M BAB Leal� 6 Orenvllla (813) 34B-4304 lonnox 6 Addlnpton Totl Frea +a: 1-800497•9438 Nort�umberlana FAX: (B13) 54B-0B2] Ottowe•Carlalon Peler6oroup� Proseotl-Ru�aell Pdnct Edwortl Renffaw 9tortnont, Ountla� and Glenporry � V�UOrio NORTHEA9TERN: Alpam� 18B Cetl�r 6veat, 9ulle 401 Cothrene � Sutlbury ON PJE BAS Maniloulin � . (706) 681.0170 Nipbdng TWI Free M: t•800�81•1109 Parry 8ou�a FAX:(705)684�8883 R�pbnol5utlbury Sutlbury 7lmisk�m�nq NORTHWE9l'ERN: Kenote �J6 Jam�s 31. 3., Sulte 427 Ralny Rrver ThunOar Bay ON P7E 887 T�unEV 9ay (E07)�78-1891 Toll Frc� N: 1-800-188•8077 F/1X:(B07)476-1798 . � . � . . . � . � , !.. .. � . . . 1 '� . Speelal Asal�taneo for Munlelpalitles for Dlaaeter Recovery Publlc Damaga Roport � . In�trualloro: . 1 Pl�sf� 1111 m oll aPProPn�n �naw�n on Iniu fqrm. Piinl Gewly 7, Attaeh all nse�USry ne�l0���4�umanlaUOn la eompio�oq form on0lorworG fo your iocal Reglanol Op�reuon� Br�nch. 7. Atl�en onptnal rewtutlon roquoeUnp e�wcml ouiftnnc� lo tnu form. �, II you nqwn usl�t�nee or h�va puoatiane ahout �hle lorm, eonmat your loul oMe� of R�p�onal Operolion� Oroneh ol lhe Minlslry ol MuNGpnl Alfoi�e antl Houanq. 1ee11 MVn�aO��hYlCIlY. 1bwn. TOww�nro. Nn�WI e.��n�w.aw� a•m�p wanu: e+n.n naan.v. Pen�i Cew: 7��.anon� nume�r 1 1 v�x nume•r t 1 eom�a omon �m mu� •MOUMT 01 t�[CIAL A�lIlTANC! 11lCCIVlO /OR 11�ClNT ILOOD-1�lLATlO DAMAO! � PJlV8N�8D INCVRR80 OUPINO AHO APTCR ILO00 019A6TlR CVGNT (aunlqNtlNti C07TlINCUPRlDfOR'. D8TI11L8 ��uinu AMOUNT �ONYMienlv . . . .. VesNO 9PENT u58oHlv Br�w�lqn aM �n�u�r 6mrtp�nry nirol Inv�rMnl�l Muipm�nl Cb�n W m�u ownen.�amn�ev... mna ror an.aim nirr enon 8m�qm%cammunluuons Menwn�� Newnr w��� p�O�Mr�tta�lbn olO��Ma hti��N� l0 0����1�/ rnnCNron qp�Yln�lenlqn nl munM'p�l Inh��buGtul� 10 pnd W�NI WnOtlbn THIe I! AN IN7l111M 11�►01171W iNlf I! A IINAL qQPORT (0 W I TOfl1L 1/ iP/�� �OOr/ Is MauTrn�k. bdfNn/I In/Mm�fron m�Y M�II�NiM b Ili� npal. I C�ftlfy U1�I 1. All Ihe inlortn�UOn provltl�tl In Ne report we� e trua awp�ntlituro of my munlUpoliry lor IIOOC-rolated demages 2, That rocordt will D� maint�In�G far � MnoE of 2 yeers from tha Cat� of lnls app��utbn 1 Th�t all eoel� rsportsd henin w�n not �Ilplble to De elalmed far und�� any Insunnee provldar �, Th�l tnls npon h�a been nulfatl by munidp�l eounUl moUan/resolutian. (Ci�rks sipnNUrel loaro) ++ TOTaL P/i�iE.00-1 •• � � . Ontario Disaster Relief Assistance Program Provincial Guidelines � . Table of Contents Provincial Guidelines . . , . , , , 1 Purpose ofthe Program ................................. . 1 Definition of a Dissuter , . , . , , , � , , . . . . ; 1 Declaration of a Disaster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 .,. ......... Provincial Involvement . . . , . . , � � � Provincial Financial Assistance . � � � � � � 2 Extreme Financial Hardship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 . ....... 2 The Disaster Relief Committee . , , , , , , 3 SettinguptheCommittee ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,��������� 3 AppraisalofDamages ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ���������"' Fund Raising Suggestions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Settlement of Claims . � � � � � � � � � � � � ' ' ' 4 EligibleLossesandCosts ,..,.,,, ������������'� 4 Ineligible Losses and Costs . , , . . , , , � � � � � � � � � � � 5 ......................... 5 ProvincialPayments .............................. 6 Application for Grnnt . . . . . . . � � � � � � � � � � Advance Payments ........................................ 6 Interim Financing .................. ...................... 6 AdministrativeExpenses,,,,,,,,,,,,, �������������"�' 6 AmountufGrant ... ������������"""' 6 ...................................... 7 Appendix A Responsibilities of a Disaster Relief Committee , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , g Appendix B Responsibilities of the Treasurer of a Disaster Relief Fund .....,..,9 Inquiries .... . . ........... 10 Ontario Disaster Relief Assistance Program Provincial Guidelines Purpose of the Program The Ontario Disaster Relief Assistnnce Program is intended to alleviate the hardship suffered by priva�e homeoivners and jarming and sma!! business enterprtses whose essential praperty has been dxmaged in a netuml calnmity, such ns a severe windstortn, flood, or forest fire. No assistance is nvailable under this progrnm to cover damages to public property or to privately-owned, non•cssentinl property. In the event of such a cnlamity, the individual is expected to benr the initinl responsiblliry for his losses. If the losses nre so extensive that tha individunl cunnot cope, it is anticipnted thnt the rnunicipnlity nnd the communiry at large wiil step in and provide support. When the damages nre so widespread thnt they ure beyond the financinl resources of both the affected individuals nnd the municipulity nnd community ut lurge, the province may make assistnnce avnilable under this program. The program is no� tn�ended �o be an aJlernative or a su6sti�u�e jor adequa�e insuraitce coverage, but n source of emergency financinl uid to those who have sustained hcnvy losses and to provide assislnnce for basic items such az shelter. Definition of a 1lisaster M areu mny be designnted a"disaster nren" far the purpose of this program ady by Il�e Ontarfo Cabinet In determining whether n disaster has occurred, the Cabinet cunsiders both the cause of the damages and the extent of the damages relative to the finencial resources of the nffected nrea. Declaration of a Disaster The council of the atTected municipaliry, by rcsolution, requests that the Minister of Municipnl AfTairs end Housing recommend to Cnbinet that a disaster aren be declared. The resolution should indicate that, if a disaster nrea is declared, council will immediately appoint a disaster relief committee. The request may be supported by newspaper clippings, photographs, nnd other documentary evidence and should include an estimate of the number and nature of properiies involved, the number of people afTected, and the cost of the tote{ damages suffered. If two or maro municipalities have been affected by the sa�ne disaster, one disaster nrea mny be declared to cover ell the affected communities nnd the council of each municipality affected must pass the resolution rcquesting the disaster arca decleration. in areas without municipal govemment a request for designation of a disaster aren may be made to thc Minister by a locnl services board, local roads board, a locnl school bonrd, or a representntive group of the individuals affected. Provincial Involvement The Disaster Relief Assistance Progrnm is administered by the Regional Operntions Branch of the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing. The Ministry provides advicc both in setting up a local disnster relief committee and in establishing its guidelines nnd procedures. The locnl committee, ho�vever, has substuntial &eedom in interpreting the guidelines but must remuin within the terms of thc provincial guidelines. Any request to the federnl govemment for assistnnce is mndo by thc Minister of Municipal Affairs nnd Housing. Finally, tho provincinl contributions to the disaster relief Pond are mnde through the Ministry. Provincial Financial Assistance CabinePs declnrntion of a disaster areu inciudes the metching formula to be used tn determining the provincinl cantribution. The contribution will nortnally match dollar for dolinr the funds rnised by the disnster relief committee. It is important to note that the Cabinet declaration will nl�vnys state up to one doller for every dolier contributed locally. The provincial contribution to the fund will be that amount necessary to settle all the eligible claims, up to the amount guaranteed by Cebinet. Thus no sutplus funds ure creuted. Extreme Financial Hardship In very limited circumstances vistims of a natural disaster may sufter extreme finencial hardship becuuse of losses or expenses which do not qualify for assistence under the Disnster Relief Assistance Program and far which other sources of assistance are unavailable or inadequate. The local committee may, if it wishes, provide for defined assistance in these cases, A sub-committee must be established to deal with ihese cases, Guidelines far membership on the sub-committee, qualffication critcria and assistance levels ere established by the Ministry of Mwicipal Affeirs and Housing and are contained in the Procedure Mmivaljor Local Commi�leea, The Disaster Relief Committee Setting up the Committee As soon as possible after a disaster azeu has been declared council shouid, by resolution. appoint a disester relief committee. This committee ucts as nn autonomous body operating within the provincial guidelines to raise funds, appraise losses, and settle ciaims, Cauncil appoints the committea members Gam among its citizens, usually from the unaffected area, and should choase persons with varying backgrounds as it is desirable to obtain a variery of cxpertisc for the committee. The committee members should not be members of council and, ifpossible, should have no potential contlict of interest in the coliection or distribution of funds, If nvo or more municipalities are involved, there should be equitnble representation on the committee. In areas without municipal govemment, the committee should be nppointed by the gcoup which mnde the applicutian for designation as u disaster area. The committee's first task will be to appoint a chnirtnan from among its members, A trensurer, who should not be n member of the committee but may be the municipal treasurer, a secretary, and nuditors will olso be appointed, If sub-committees are set up, one for fund raising and nnother for the apprnisal and settlement of clnims, vice- chuirtnen shouid be selected. Tho responsibilities of both the committee nnd its tte�urer ere summnrizcd in Appendices A and B. Appraisal of Damages In the case of disasters for which insuranee coverage would normally be available, the committee should have access to !he reports prepared by the insurance udjusters when determining the extent of an individunl's losses. In cases where insurance coverage would no: nocmally be available, the committee mey wish to consider appointing a competent apprniser to view the damages, interview the claimants, and assess the losses, The hidng of nn appraiser should be done by public tender or by requesting at least three written quotations. In order to meintain abjectivity when reviewing appcaisal reports and damage claims and when approving settiements, the committee members should attempt to avoid direct involvement in essessing the damnges, Fund Raising Suggestions The committee should begin its fund raising efforts as soon av possible while the disester is still Gesh in the public's mind. All people in ►he affected area anJ all municipalities ix� Ontnrio may be canvassed directly, and advertisements placed in newspapers throughout the province to solicit funds &om the public at large. Major carporations ac; nss Canada and all companies daing business in ihe communiry may also be contacted. In addition, other fund raising activities such as dnnces, raffles, or sales may be planned. A sepnrute Lank uccount should be opened for deposit of contributions either directly or through the committee, and signing authorities should be establishcd, If it appears that fund raising or apprnisn) may teke some time because of the numbcr of peoplc or the size of the area nffected, short term investments of the contributions to eam ndditional interest should be considered. The interest eamed will be considered a donati�n to the fund for the pucpose of determining the provincial contribution, All contributions must be in cash nnd must be unconditional. Contributions in the form of volunteered time or donated services will not be valued and matched by the province. Settlement of Claims It is essential that aU clnimants ngainst the fund be treated equally, The mazimum selt/ement allowed per claim is 50.90 jor each doflar oje!lgt6le fosses. Given the fund avaiiable and the settloment rntio, the committee distributes the funds emong the claimants in the same proportion as ench claimanNs eligible loss benrs to the total eligible losses. Items which are eligible or ineligible for assistance arc listed below. The committee may, if it so desires, establish an appea! procedure for dissatisfied claimunts. Before muking a final payment, the committee may rcquirc each claiment to sign a wuiver ncknowledging receipt and acceptance of the settlement and stating that no further clnims against ihe fund will be made. 5 Eligible Losses and Costs - restoration, repair or replacement to pre-dlsaster condlNon of a principle, year round residcnce including principal Fazm residence and fazm buildings nnd principle business enterprise building - essentialfumishingsofprivate home-owner including refrigerator, fumace, stove, clothes washer, clothes dryer, tclevision nnd antenna • tools or other items essential to the cleiment's livelihood, including fnrm machinery and equipment - for farms, orchard trees - for business enterpdses, replacement of inventory at cost - restoration, repair or replacement to pre-dtsasrer condi�lon of churches, cemeteries, pdvate schools, private clubs, and other associations Ineligible Losses and Costs - lasses covered byinsurance - secondary residences - landscaping,fencing,drivewnys� - recreational vehicles (eg, cars, sno�vmobiles, bouts) - non•essential fumiture (eg. stcrcos, rec, room fumiture) - antiques nnd coliections - loss of revenue or wages - personnl injury - nccommodation expenses - public properry - losses recovetable at law Provincial Payments Application for Grant � Certain documents and information must accompeny the application for thc provincial contribution. M independent nudit report must be completed before the final application is submitted to summarize the revenues and disbursements, including the administrative bxpenses ofthe fund. Advance Payments In cases where ihe committee is ready to mnke the settlements but cannot npply for the provincial contribution becnuse of delays in finnlizing the sudit report, the province may make an advar�ce payment to the fund. When requesting such a payment, the committee treasurer should submit a report npproved by the local committee certifying the status of the fund to date and the vulidiry of the settlemenu being made. The final provincial payment will be made upon receipt of the audit rcport. . Interim Financing If necessary to meet administrative expenses or to settic the clalms before the provincial contribution has been made, the committee may arrange for short tenn financing. The province will pay the interest charges nccruing on this barrowing in addition to its nortnal contribution. Administrative Expenses Some adminishative expenses may be incurred by the committee in raising funds and in scttling claims and may be paid from the fund beforo settlements ere mede, Eligible expenses include: mileage costs paid to committee or staffmembers; se�retarial e�d other steff fees; nppraisal fees; audit fees; stetionery, printing, advertising, postage; tentel of oflice space and fumishings; bank charges. The committee may, if it wishes, make an agrcement with a caordinating agency to provide certain administrative • assistance such as issuing receipts and coliecting funds, W►irn such an agreement has bern made prior to the agency cazrying ont the function, the agency's eligibla expenses aa dcfined above may be reimbursed &om the fund as if they had been administrative expenses of the commipee. � � Expenses which may not be charged to the fund include: salary or other fees paid to committee members; cosu, such as prizes, entertainment, or meals, reiated to a specific Pond raising event (these are to be deducted &om the proceeds of the event fr ;: the ' purpose of determining the net amount raised for the fund), Amount of Grant In other words, the provincial grant will match, as far as is necessary and at the rate set by Cabinet, the total raised by the committea inciuding donations, interest on short term investments, and the proceeds of fund raising activities after deducting the costs of prizes, entertainment, etc. 7i�ese letter costs are not considered administrative expenses. This means that in cases where the fund ruising cumpaign has been successful, and the total raised by ihe committae when added to the provincial contribution exceeds the amount rcquired to settic the claims at 50.90 on the dollar, uli or some part of the administrative expenses of the commina mey also be roimbursed, ;� , . . � � �.. :r;: .. . . . . . _ . _ . ;'_ , _ . . . . . . . ' 8 Appendix A ResponsibiliHes of a Disaster Relief Comrnittee l. To appoint from among its members a chair and vice-chair and, if sub•committees ere established, ►he appropriate number of chairs for the sub-committees. 2. To appoin[ a treasurer, who should not be a member of the committee, end, if necessary, a secretary. 3. To set up a disester relief fund. 4. To appoint auditars to review the activities of the fund and prepare an audit report. 5. To solicit donations to the fund and to organiu fund-raising activities, 6. To establish guidelines and procedures for the receipt, apptaisal, nview, and settlement of claims for losses and damages. 7. To advertise the existence of the fund, the availability of assistance, and the tertns on which assistance will be provided, 8. To distribute claim forms, 9. To appraise the damages end sedle claims in accordance with these guideli��e� and the commIttce's own procedures. 10. To submit an audited claim to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing for payment of the pravincial contributlon. � • 9 . Appendix B Responsibilities of the Treasurer of a Disaster Relief Fund 1. To set up a bank account for the fund, 2. To make arrangements with the bank for the deposit of donations, the shart term investmenf of fund receipts if warranted, and the availability of interim financing. 3. To maintnin adequntc records of nll the financial trunsactions of the fund. 4. To make periodic reports to the committee describing the status of the fund. 5. To obtnin &om Revenue Canada an income tax rcgistrntion number for donations to the fund and to issue ceceipts acwrdingly. 6. To p�y edministrative expenses and settlements to ciaimants when so instructed by tnc committee. 7. To instruct the auditor to review the activities of the fund and to submit the auditor's report to the committec. 8. To make application for nn advance payment &om the province ff so instructed by the committee. 9. To make applicntion for the provincial contribution and submlt the audit report and all necessary infortnation to the Regional Operations Branch of the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing. . ' r' ,� . ' io Inquiries For more information, write or call any of the regional ofl`ices of the Regional0perations Branch. They erelocated ettheseaddressu: Regtonal Operationa Braoch Sout6western Regional Oflice Head O�ce Ilth Fioor . 2nd Floor 777 Bay Street 659 Exeter Road Toronto, Ontnrio London, Ontario MS(} 2E5 N6E 1L3 (416)585-7296 (519)873-4020 Centrol Reglonal pllice Suite 362 700 Lawrence Ave. Wes� North York, Ontario M6A 3B4 (416)327-0017 1•800-668•0230 Northeasteru Regional OlYice Suite 401 159 Cedar St. Sudbury, Onterio P3E 6A5 (705)564-0120 1-800-461-1193 1-800•265-4736 Esatern Regional Oflice Rockwood House 752 King St. West Postal Bag 2500 Kingston, Ontario K7L SS3 ' (613) 548-0304 1-800-267-9438 Northweatern Regionai Ofl1ce Suite 223 435 James St. S. Thunder Bay, Ontario P7E 6S7 (807)475-1651 1-800-465-5027 '