HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR 12/98 (2)�N OF p� ,�O � REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Gillis A, Pnterson DATE: April G, 1998 Dircctor of Financc REPORT NUMBER: TR 12/98 SUBJEC'f: Provincial Downlonding RECOMMENDATION: (t is rccommended Ihnt this Rcport No. TR 12/98 bc reccived by Council for infortnation. ORIGIN: Dircctorof�innncc. AUTHORITY: Not npplicablc. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS; Unccrtain, but potentinlly mnjor nnd negative for Pickcring over thc longer tertn. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: This report is nn updute to Report number TR 26197 submilted to Council in December, 1997, which dealt with the Provincial duta nvailnble at thnt time. The Intest informntion shows n chunge from n shorlfnll of $676,000 to a gnin of $410,000 for n total positive chnngc of $1,086,000, almost thc samc ns thc currcnt negative impacl on the To�m of changes to Payments in Lieu of Taxes. In summary, while the msidentinl education tnx burden will dccrease by 50 per cent, the Region's costs rccavered from Pickering will incrcuse by approximntely 85 per cent, thereby almost ofTsetting each othcr, Pickcring's taxcs will incrcnse by some 16 per cent, more thon offset by Ihc residential educntion tax rcduction, Loss of pnyments in licu of tnxes, whilc still to bc determincd, wiil huve the finnl negativc impuct of approximntcly 12 per cent on Ihc Pickcring portion of thc tnx bill. Report to Council TR 12/98 SubJccl: Provincial Downloading BACKGROUND: April G, 1998 I'agc 2 On Deccmber 12, 1997 thc Provincial Govcmment rcicased thc first "Downloading" numbers to municipnlities. Rcport number TR 26/97 wns proviJed to Mcmbcrs of Council shortiy therenfler. On Tuesdny, Murch 31, 1998, Ihc Provinciul Govemment released reviscd "Downlonding" numbers to municipalitics. The Intest relense of data contains not only rcviscd numbers, which morc closcly approximntc thosc calculatcd by Town stnff, but a revised format. Thc information prcscnted in this rcport will first compare to Ihnl presented by the Provincc in Dccembcr, 1997 in the original formut. The formut changes will then be explained. Town of Pickcrin¢ The latest Provincinl datu as coninined in Auachment I, compnrcJ to that previously rclenscd is indicated below:• CateQOry Property Asscssment Trnnsit - Operating & Capilnl Grants Septic ]nspections Mnnaged PorcsdConscrvulion Lnnds Rcbatc Partn Tox Rcbntc Gross Rcccipt Taxes Municipal Support Grnnt Gros� Incrcaae in Funding Requiremenis Decembed97 AnriU98 Difference a s s 800,000 - (800,000) 1,389,000 1,3R9,000 - - J2,000 32,000(I) 33,000 R,000 (25,000) 68,000 53,000 (I5,000) 4G9,000 191,000 (278,000) 940,000 940,000 3,699,000 2,613,000 (1,08G,000) Residcntial �ducntion Property Tax Room (2) 3,023,000 3,023,000 Net Increa�c in Funding Requirements 5676,000 $ 410 000 S I 086 000 NOTE S: (I) Most likely recovemble by fces. (2) Provided by the Province in December, 1997. According to the latest infotmntion, Pickering will no longer be "rcyuircd" to rcducc ils budget by $676,000 to produce the "rcvenuc neutral" pasition put forth by the Provincial dovemment. Furthermorc, thc reviscd downloading total of 52,613,000 will be morc than offsct by Pickering's share of thc residential educotion propeny tax rcduction of 53,023,000 resulting in a net rcduction of costs to Pickering rcsidential taxpaycrs of 5410,000, a chunge of S 1,086,000 from December,1997. Reporl to Council TR 12/98 April 6,1998 Subject: Provincinl Downloading I'uge 3 The Provincinl releuse then provides, Pickering's share of Upper Tier Net Cosls, which we cannot confirm. Pickering's share is stnted os 516,650,OD0, offsel by the Regional shnre of residenlinl educnlion property lnx room of 519,179,000 leuving a net gain of 52,529,000 on "Regionnl Downlonding". The totnl net gnin for Pickering's residentinl laxpuyers is, therefore, 52,939,000. However, Pickering's shaze of the "suvings" the Region must renlise lo produce "revcnue Neutrnl" is 52,040,000 resulling in a nct cost shifl benefit of 5899,000. This informution was presentcd lo Regiannl Council on Wednesduy, April 1, 1998. The Regional downloading estimntes of npproximntely 5100 million nnd cost savings requirement of somc 511 million do not appenr to take into consideration $I 1 million of transporlation capiml funding from the Province nor some S4.3 million of PIL shuring from the area municipnlities. As discussed in n scpurate report in this Agcnda the net effect in Pickering of changes in Pnymcnis (Grants) in [.icu ofTnxes could bc $I.I million in 1998, which could bc offset by the above mentioned $899,000 resulting in an all in net effcct on Pickcring of a 5200,000 wst incrcase. We nre unnble at this timc to ascerinin the coincidcntnl nuture of thc foregoing. Municipul Capital and OperetinR Restructurin� Fund (M.C.O.R.F.) Included in thc infortnotion from thc Province is transportation cnpilal funding in thc amounl of S554,000, a chequc for which was rcceivcJ last �veek. This funding, prcviously unanticipatcd ut this timc, is bascd on n rnthcr complicated formulu to assist in funding futurc bus purchases, if nnd when underlaken. It reflccts the siu nnd age of our curtcnt Oect. All possiblc uscs of ihcsc monics will be considcrcd and recommcndations madc to Council, most likcly ot thc timc thc 1998 hudgcl is prcsentcd. Ontario Feir Asacaamcnt System (O,F.A.5.) In a press release from the Provincc, providcJ lo you Inst weck, it wus indicated thut lnx increases, due to implcmcntation of O.�.A.S. on commercinl nnd industriul properties and commcrcial•residential propertics with 7 or morc units, would be limited to 2.5% unnunlly. In addition to some other nnnounccments, which will nccessitutc a complete rcthinking of O.F.A.S.implementntion and computer modcling undertnken so fur, the rctum of thc assessment rall nnd the appeul period have been extendcd by one month to thc enJ of Mny nnd lhe end of July, respectively. Euch change or revision nppears dcsigned to lessen lhc property tax impuct whilc mnintaining the integrity of the O.F.A.S. In other words re-assessmcnt with as littic as possible chunges in toxntion. 1998 DudRet Given lhc foregoing, it is appropriate to specuinte thnt Council mny not wish to finish Budget delibemtions until )une or July. In such a case, the first installment of thc final tax billing could bc due in Inte August, as opposcd to on or around Junc 25 in prior ycurs. This wili ncgotively affect the Town's cash ilows, rcducing inicrcst incomc or incrcnsing temporary borrowing costs. Howcvaq wnsidcmtion is being given to accomplishing thc foregoing in a more timely manner und a rcporl will be put fonmrcl in due course. Report to Cauncil TR 12/98 April b, 1998 ' SubJect; Provincial Downloading Pngc 4 ATTACHMENfS: (1) Local Scrvicc Renlignment CoSt Summury (2) Rcgion of Durham Report "Provincial Updatc on Downloading Cost Estimntes" (3) Provinee of Ontnrio News Releuse - Smnll �usiness Tax Solution. Prepazed By: A pr ecUGndarsed � � Gillis A. Paterson 'v— dAP/md AtWchments; Copy: (icncrul Managar L'or.al Services Realignment (LSR) � Community R�investment Fund (CRF) -1998 Allocation Total for all Municipalities within the Geographic Area of the Region,of Durham : S Thouu� . SorialAssistance - - � �.3� � Ch�d Cara 1,480 PubGc HeaIN � 8,720 Ambulancas 9,204 Soaial Housing 36,338 ChOdren's Afd Soaetles (2,472) GO Tronsit 11,275 Property Assessment 4,780 Transk • Operating and Cep&il 5,377 ar�o�u o SepUc Inspeciions 186 PoGcinp 0 Provindal OBencei Net Revenw (1,658) Grosc Re�eipu Tattes 3,483 Managed Forests / ConsemGon Land� Rebate 418 Ferm Tax Rehata 3,138 Municlpat Support Grent 18,467 Less Sevings /3,A36 2 NET COSTS 1o3,t e 3. RESIUENTIAL EDUCATION TA% ROOM � 103, 4E 4. 70TAL CRF FUNDINO I,4B1 (fine 2 minus line 3; zero N negatne) �Community RelnvortmeM Fund 3,80�— Speeld Tnn�Rlon Assi�tince I 474 a er es en a uca on ax oom 4,892 and Totai CRF Funding � � (line 2 minus line 3 minus 6ne 4) MCORF Tnnsportation CapRal Funding 14,647 Highw�ys Fundinp 6JB A��M�# 1 ��� TR 12/98 QmrioMsi4tryolFiuna m Local Services Realignment (LSR) Community Reinvestment Fund (CRF) -1998 Allocation S Thousands Region of Durham Child Can 1,480 PubGe He+kh 8,720 AmbuWnoes ' 9.204 Soeial Housing 38,338 ChOdreds Nd Socleties (2�41�) GO TransR ���z�5 PropertyAssessmeM � , 4,78D Transit - Operatinp end Capdal � Airports 0 Septic Inspections 0 Policinp 0 Provincial Offences Net Revenue (1,658) Gross Receipb Texes 1,578 Menaped Forests / Conserv�Uon Lands Rebele �? Farm TeY Rebele 1�5�9 fdunicip�ISupport Gront ��� Less SavYigs �4� 2 NET COSTS 89,464 3. RESIDENTIAL EDUCATION TA1( ROOM 89��� 4• TOTAL CRF FUNDINO 0 (line 2 minua line 3; zero H ne atNe Communiry Re nveatment und 0 Speelal TnnaRion As�l�tanu I 0 a er es en a uca on ax oom � and Total CRF Funding (line 2 minus line 3 minus line 4) MCORF Transportation Capkal Fundinp 71,700 Hlghways Fundinp 679 . �". OM�iu Mn46y olFruna Local Services Realignment (LSR) Community Reinvestmenf Fund (CRF) -1998 Allocation S Thousand� Town of Pickering Region of Durham Socfa�Assistance � 0 Child Cee 0 Pubuc HeaAh 0 Ambulantes 0 Soelal Fiouimg 0 Chtldten's Aid Socielies 0 GO Trensk 0 Property Assessment 0 TransR • Operatlng end Caphal 1,389 a�o�s o Septic Inspe:tions 32 Politing 0 Provindal Oflenoes Nel Revenue 0 Groas Rece'ryts Taxet 191 Maneged Farests / Consarntion Lands Rebate 8 Fartn Taz Rebate 53 Municipel Support Grant 940 Less Savings 0 Snare ot UDPer Tier Net Casts 18,850 2 � NET COSTS 79,263 3.1 RESIDENTIAL EDUCATION TAIf ROOM 22.Y02 4• j TOTAL CRF FUNUINO 0 � (I�ne 2 minus line 3; zero ll ne ative) � Cammun!ryRelnve�trtwntFund p � Speal�l Tnnsitlon As�ictonca p � a er es en a uca on ax oom p�939 ; and Total CRF Funding � � � (line 2 mmus line 3 minus 4ne 4) MCORF Trm:portatlon Caprial Funding 654 GuarbMNpry of FYUnu � � ' April 1, 1998 T0: FROM: RE: ATTAidN�IEM'N? TOREPORT# TR 12/98 "HANDOUT" Finance end Administratian Committee R.J. Clapp, Commissioner of Finance REPORT N98-F•29 PROVINCIAL UPDATE ON DOWNLOADING COST ESTIMATES That the Finance nnd Administration Committee recommend that Regional Council reccive lhis report for infortnation. BEPS2HT: 1.0 iNTRODUCTION � ' • On March 3l, 1998, thc Provincial Ministry of Financc, rcicased updated finnncial dala rclatcd to their pownloading of responsibilities, or the Who Does Whut (WDW) initiative. � 2.0 HI .H .1 .tITS OF R . . .ASF. 2.1 Chanp,�s in Co�t Estimate� • The Province has released anothcr series of rcviscd cost estimatcs for the WDW downloaded responsibililies for cach local and upper ticr municipality. • The Impact on Uurham Regton increased by approximately 5600,000 to 511.0 million, from the December 11,1997 Provinc(al estimate of 5103 milifon. The Provincial estimates far Durham Region and the local municipalittes are delailed In Attschments #1 and N2. • 7'hc Province is still insisting that the Region can find significant savings to offset the new downloaded costs. The Provincial cost estimates reFlect the assumption thnt the Region will find savings of approximately S I I.0 million, or epproximately I I% of the 1997 Reginnal Levy budget. • Further, the Province has changed its method of presentation for the new WDW amounls by alloceting the upper tier costs to lhc local municipalities, In so doing, the Province assumes that the Region will achieve the estimated snvings calculated by the Province i.e. approximntely 51 I million. Accordine�y. the S Provincial ectimates for the imoact on each Iocei m�nlcipJ�y e�r ��nder.tated by Ihese Provinelel�y salc�lated and erbitrarv eavinec ��hich c�p nat be achleved w(th(n the conOne• of the ReQion'�xi.tin�gntrollable co�tc. I ' REPORT M9&F-39 IIANDOUT PROVINCIAL UPDATE ON DOWNLOADING COST ESTIMATES PACE 2. � 2.2 omm �ni�y Reinvestment end Special Transltton F�nd. • The Province has increased the funding available from the Community Reinvestment Fund to municipalities by S30 miliion to 5600 million. The Cammunity Reinvestment Fund and the Special Transition Fund werc established by the Province to provide essislance to municipalities with regurd to the WDW initiative, • Two municipalities in Durham Region will be receiving a contribution from the ` Community Reinvestment Fund - 53.2 miilion for the City of Oshawn end 50.6 million for the Township of Brock. � 'fhe P�ovince has also indicated that the City of Oshawa and the Township of Brock will receive 5404,000 und 570,000, respectivcly, from the Spcciol Transition Fund. 2J Residential Education Tax Roam • The education tax room has becn updated to reflcct the latesl Curtent Value Assessment data, 71�is educatian tax room reflects thc diffcrencc betwecn Ihe 1997 residcntial education luxes and thc lower 1998 residentinl education taxes to • the taxpaycrs in each local municipality. • The cducation tnx room will be rcplaced by ihe new downlaadcd costs of both tha Region nnd thc locul municipalities. 2.4 Provincial Invoices for WDW Rcrvices • The recent announcement indicatcd that Municipalities will not be required to make payments to the Province for the new WDW downloaded services unNl September 1,1998 (rather than June 30,1998) with the notable exceptton of soclal asslstance and child care. The Province has been adjusting since January 1998 its monthly payments to municipalilies for general welfarc and child r�re to reflect the new cost-sharing arrangements for family benefits and child care. • The promised monthly Provincial statements regazding each of the downloaded services has not been received by the Rcgion. � ,, • • REPORTN9bF-29 IIANDOUT PROVINCIAL UPDATE ON DOWNLOADING COST E5TIM1tATES PACE �. • 3.0 IMPACT ON TAXPAYF.RS • The revised Provincial estimate indicates that the Region of Durham will be faced with a shortfall of approximately Sl I.0 million in funding for the downloaded scrvices in I998, an increase of epproximately E0.6 million over the previous Provincial estimates. This estimated impact would require an increase of S55 to S70 per household for Regional purposes. • ]t should be noted that the recent update to tha WDW downloaded cstimates does not consider other potential costs which have not been clearly identified by the Province, such as the edminisUation of social housing by the Ministry of Municipal AfCairs and Housing. 4.0 SUMMARY � Regional staff will continue to monitor the Provinciol WDW inilialives and Provincial cost estimates end will repon to Commiuee and Council as further details become availnble. � These estimates will be incorporatcd inlo tha preliminary 1998 Regional Generel Levy Hudget revicw and outstanding concems will be pursued with Provincial . staff at the appropriate Ministries, R.J. Clapp, CA Commissioner of Finance RJC:dik i�11�8Ch. � � � � . . � OLK�REPORT96�FINWDW3 � � REGIO�DURHAM IMPACT OF D0IYNLOADING ON DURIIAM TAXpAYF.R BuMonAl�rch.ifNBProvincl�l0ovemmmtAnnounc�ment, IneludlnpPO011�olSa415nv1aaAcmnOfA (�Ll i ARFA 11tUNICIPALITIFS p... PROVINQALDO{YNLOAUFDCQSI9 � j Nu BrocM cWhpAOn O�Mw� Mclalip Ocupop UaOAdp� MTtlpY ' 9or1�1 Auhuna � ('+SI Ltii1 Can 7 i PiOOe NwN j MibiWCn � 9atlY�bskq I CUiOrenYA10 Sati�ly I GO irw� R�WMNtnfm�M Tnnil•Opx�hqwtlGWtl � t,�H u tsu �aee �� eoe s.qc uYO.��+ � 7e e t� ss at e r w PmNncLY oner¢n Na� R�rwv� 6mu fl�cMpU T��q i tS/ SE I7E !)1 1D1 B9 17 7B5 Marup�OFanblCaranNmLUWR�WN i s �� a� i e m u 7 Fum Tu RM�4 SE ]'7 �:A 171 57 70E 710 EA AIVYCIpYSippMCrw j �A! l/E 1.IDB 7.tE= Y10 �b 181 BII 8 Sl7BT0TAL: PROVINCtAL001YNLOAD3. ... . � �.u� +aw �.nr e.oe �.��� �n m :.mo � PYn'NwfonM1omUpprTln.PmrYCWN�Ipro�EatMOnTURoanplWl) '. 17.E05 70]1 10.001 71pA tE.650 ].1�1 7651 15.150 � sU9'tol'Abi .. ._ ._ . . .� u.rn Lm ���a aau n.xe� �.u� �.au na7E ww� �rauonnomuv�*�r�r.tiaa�awcannauoa.an�v�o.hc.p�d.p �, txu t�o i.pu �.ar z.ao �u ue i.ex pTOTAi.i i'ROVINCIALDOWNIAA�6UCOS18AI.I.00A78D . I 11,3f1 7Afl. t1,T10 ��,- I7,W � 11,707 6A11 I,NO 11,101 .. _ _�. . . '� -- . .' - .. -__ .. .__ ... _._ ..._ .... _ E LBS9RB9tD8M1ALEDUCA710NTA%ROOM ��- �,. ..I...j17.ut) . f�l (1��1 (�Aw) 1�7) N.�1 �I�MQ lilen �� F IAIPACI'TODIlI11iAMTA%PAY6R PROM PROVINCIA4 UOWNI.OADINO t11'ilA77V69 . .. � , � � tA01 � Iit 1M -1Mt �� I�MI � . � ut - � 6f� I,tif " ._..... . .. . _ '_'�._�-.� � ..`_� �_�_�"__."__.... . <__'___- ___._.r�__ _._._ LaC CanmuWrReYnnMMFwd 0 1'+�I 0 p,bQ 0 0 0 0 Lma: SpetlYTnml�on/u�4WU ; 0 (J0) 0 (161) 0 0 0 0 p I(FT IMPACT TO DURII.Uf TA%PAY�d .. PRUMfltOVINCIALA0WM.0AD1NG1�IT1A77V83 : '-- j-� � tAG .. ` .310.. . .t/! IA1f . j1M1 .. . Mi �� �671 � � 11l7 _ ... _.____ ___._.�_.-- - —._:..__ V I--�_.»._t'- -.___ _...._- -'..._ ._ ___.�:._...--" AEEUaW Reploiul Cofb nq AbtJlad Naa Mu�kWM &+Yq� �4�qnad W We P�ovYre N�rllAlln�d��MvinMil�IMfT W{bmy111HAnmwnn(FAMU /,589 t19 1,789 7.61E 1,010 �SE I/E 0 1071 0 �t.7ot) 0 0 101) 1A0� 110 f1! 6,t7] (IM) Nt 07t N�w)t N�IMNIb�Mm.Nqnrn��.mfM6h.�iwil&Nh4+ I�1 I 0 � 0 ; D j 0 0 i 5.717 iei i 0 . 0 I.EEO I �w � t.SSE i ).109 �e,a� � e�.�w � I �oe,io� �o.ae� , � . DUHIIAM1t RP.GION I 7'OTAL 1 i7A0! I.IEO O,170 9.7W 78.�]E 12.1/71 n zrs 1.7p1 0 (1.55A� �,ve ns 1,579 e.eco �oo.�:s (A9A61) �o.�� ,�a.�„ __ .__e t7.1l0 1,40 1,7t0 I,I01 71.111 a.0t) 11,tt3 �.100. �an ttt �I,t31� f,�u �u 1,111 t1.W u 0 h.�) (/71) - �] %ai _ a _ � p.rn� -I �o.�ui (t.Y15) r�. Attachment N2 DURHAM TA7�AYER IMPACT OF THE � PROVINCIAL FUNDING TRANSFER ANNOUNCED BY THE MIMSTER OF FINANCE ON MARCH 31, 1998 a�. �+� t99! FUNUING A.Y10l1�CE\IE.\T C�11 U1 onwn�cnowa.cosrs ,. rmrdwn�w� 6aaYNw�r�o smr � OoTrrM MA TeW . �oe4d fmkn f. Non{oGW1NYW� v�w.i�awMw ✓rm. iaau { W�ureo� Wk Tu NeM� Orw Rw.�pl TY bW Cn� VuekMWN /unNarn ar. _�—_�_�__..---.� � .._.. w�Tan;�+.ewa�«.w. 1. lw� ol YunkqY WOOOM1Orr�l • taalLetMMrklbWpmrm (B) OTt1ERIMPAGTS t u..R«a��uutawmnr..�.�w (�I TOTAI: HEAL IMPACI' 7 A .. �. �.,•.,� { � 1998 FUhDING AN:10U.`iC&11E.17 CNI _._i� _. fDtcreau) u�.ca� :u '. x7� p.c� or> >e� uo� n� n� ao ,__ n, �_.__�'__ TOA _._—�7.1�. u �e o0 IS �. 13 lio� .. )1 ]S O1 11 IS 0.1 er er o0 10� 91 (171 i� i. o0 ___---- — _ ---- — ------��.n u.� w.� ._----- '---.._.__ ___....– --` --------- u.s +as a.o � uofe� polq �a a .- � i I TOR ' I�. °rr�v, 1b.9. � 13.3 � (2.6)i F7NANCE DEPAR111tE1V7': A(erch 3l, 1998 , HVES ANNOUNCES SMALL BUSINESS TAX SOLUTION Pagc i oF2 AITACHMENTq? TCiIt9�011TN_T$.12/9e New� Release � Communiqu� lJ Onta Mtnittty of FYunce Nki46iro des Fln�noet FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: MARCH 27, 1998 EVES ANNOUNCES SMALL BUSINGSS TAX SOLUTION TORONTO -- Finance Minister Emie Evcs today followed through on his commitment to protect small business from large property tax increases by announcing furthcr measures that local govemments can use under ihe new Ontario Fair Assessment System. Today's announcement includes a provision that would allow municipalities to limit tax increases, to no more than 2.5 per cent for each of the next thrce yc;v:,, on business properties with historically outdnted assessments. "Many municipalities have assessment bases that are relativcly up-to-date and may not need to use this ceiling on tax changes. We arc making it available to municipalilics to ensurc they have every necessaty means to protect small business and the jobs thcy create," Eves said. Some properties in arcas where ihc nssessmcnt basc is badly out-of-date, such as Toronto, could have faced large shiRs in property taxes. Thc province has been working with �ocal govemments and small business groups to develop a package of additional measures to makc the new property tax system feirer and more manegeable, including: • limiting, to no more than 2.5% annually for the next 3 years, municipal and education property tax increases resulting &om the new tax system for commcrciai and industrial properties, and commercial•residential properties with 7 or more units. • making availeble new classes: o(tice buildings, shopping centres, parking lots and vacant land, and large industriel properties as well as related subclasses for vacancies; • permitting tiers or graduatcd tax rates to be applied to both commercial end industrial propenies, egain to help protect small business; • allowing the 8-year phase in for all property tax changes rclated to the Ontario Fair Assessment System; • allo,ving municipalities to provide tau rebates to business, especially smell business, that need further protection; • extending the retum of the assessment rolt by one month to the end of May; • extending the assessment appeal period until the end of July; Municipalities can choose to use the measures that are fairest to their small business communities to implement the Ontnrio Fair Assessment System at a pace that suits local needs. Where a municipelity adopts new assessment classes end/or gradueted rates to assist small business, the Province will parallel these measures for business education taxes. "I said three weeks ago thet thera is no way ►his Government would allow the tax horror , EVES ANNOUNCES SMALL BUSINESS TAX SOLUTION Page 2 of 2 stories that were circulating to happen," Eves said. "The changes 1 am introducing will mean that no small business in Ontario needs to face e tax increasc of more than 2.5 per cent as a result of the new system. Wo will always stand in support of smell business, thc economic heart of communities across Onterio." -30- For fuHher information: Rob Mitchell J��$ Tomksinon Minister's O�ice Communications Branch (416)325-9566 (416) 325-0545