HomeMy WebLinkAboutGM 02/98.� •J � � �� OF p4 �0 �t W C� F � REPORT TO COUNCIL 17 � .;� f,� �j, �/�,� //��H✓�y�/ �/% '�': / r% FROM: T. J. Quinn DATE: March 26,1998 denerul Manager REPORT NUMBGR: GM 02•98 SUBJECT: Grcater Toronto Serviccs Boazd - Response to Proposed DraR Legislation - File: IG 3114 RECOMMENDATION: l. Report to Council GM 02-98 deuling with thc crcation of u Grcutcr Toronto Scrvices Doard (GTSE3) should bc rcccivcd and fonvarded io the Honournble AI Lcnch. Ministcr of Municipal Aft'airs and Nousing, and Mr. Alnn Tonks, GTSD rcvicw modcraior for thc Province. 2. Town Council sho�ld dcciJc: �) whclhcr it wishcs to maimain its oppositian ta thc cswblishmcnt of n;'fSD; OR b) whcthcr it can support thc cstnblishmcnt of a G'1'Sli, gencmlly as sct out in thc proposcd Icgislation. 3. Conccming thc crcation of a GTSD, Toan Council muy wish to ndvisc thc Province thnt lhe proposeJ legislution should cnsurc that Pickering, and possibly thc other lowco-tier GTA municipulitics thut abut Toronto, havc at Icast onc membcr on thc GTSD, to rccogniu thc uniquc rolc and locntions thcsc municipulitics play in thc Grcalcr Turonto Aren. OR►GIN: March 12, 1998, rclense by Province of draft Icgislntion conccming the crcntion of a Grcn►er Toronto Services Board. AUTHORITY: Requcst Gom the Honourable A1 Leach, Ministcr of Municipal Affairs and Nousing, to providc commcnts on proposed draR legislntion far a Greater Toronto Scrvices Boord by April 9, 1998. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Not appllcable •. .18 Report tc Council GM 02•98 Datc: March 26,1998 Subjecl: areeter Toronto Servlces Bonrd Pege 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Thc Province recently rcleused drnR GTSB legislation. Cammcnts are rcquested by April 9, 1998. A short consultation period is provided, os the Province intends to introduce a bill eslablishing a dTSB into the spring session of thc legislaturc. In luly 1997, Town Council provided comments on a Grcatcr Toronto Scrvices Doard, in response to n report prepnmd by Milt Fertow, Special Advisor to the Minister o1' Municipal AF�airs. Council's basic position wos that it did not support thc creation of u GTSD. As wcll, in rccognition of ihe fact thnt despite Council's �vishes such a Banrd may neverthelcss be creuteJ, Council nlso provided thc Province with u numbcr of rccommendntions on the possible mandnte, funding nnd organiwtion of thet Hourd. By crcating a GTSB lhe Province is going ngainst Council's previously stuled position. However, with the rcicuse of drnft Iegislation, better informntion is now nvlilable us to thc mnndate of the GTSB, in light of this new infortnation, Council shauld agnin considcr whether or not it wishes to oppose the crcation of n GTSD, and ndvise the Province accordingly. Furthertnore, should n GTSB bc csmblished, Council cauld again rcquest that thc Province nssurc Pickcring of a scat on thc GTSE3. Thc Town holds u vcry uniquc posilion in Durham Rcgion. It is the only municipality thnt abuts Taronto. Campared with other Durham municipalities, Pickering therefore lias perhnps the highest polentinl of being affected significuntly nnd on a regular basis by thc GTSD. Tluough this consullntion proccss, Council again hns thc opportunity lo rcquest lhnt thc Provincc recogniu thc Town's uniquc situnlion, and includc in thc Icgislation u provision thnt ensures Pickcring of at Icust onc mcmbcr on thc GTSB. This provision could also be extendcd to the othcr thrcc lowcr•tier municipnlitics in thc GTA that abut Toronto (Mississauga, Vuughan und Morkham). BACKGROUND: Un March 12, 1998, the Ministcr of Municipul Afiairs and f�ousing, AI Leach, rcicosed drnR lcgislution to crenle a Grcnter Toronto Services Doard (sce Atinchmcnt No. I, MMAH News Releasc and Bnckground Informntion). Municipulities end others in►crestcd in ihc legislalion huve becn givcn until April 9th to commcnt. Alan Tonks, fortner Chair of Metro Toranto und . fortner heud of Ihe Toronto Transition Team, was asked to moderatc the rcvicw of thc Icgislnlion. In 1997, the Province had consultcd on thc possible crcation of a GTSB through work undertnken by Milt Farrow, Specinl Advisor to the Minister of Municipul Af(airs and Housing. A draft discussion paper wns released in Februsvy of that yenr, and a final submission was rcleascd in July. Town Council provided commen�s on both reports. Council's position on Milt Fartow's final submission is attached (see Atmchment No. 2, Council Resolution �288/97). Counci!'s position at thet time was that a GTSB should not be eswblished. However, recognizing lhet thc Province mey sct up this Board in spite of lhe To�m's opposition, Cauncii ulsa made a number of recommendations lo the Province conceming thc mandnte, funding and organimtion of thc Board. 'fha recently rcicescd dmft legisietion sets oul two main msponsibilities for thc (3TSII: � to promote coordinated decteion meking; ond • to supervise the menegement nnd ailocate the costs of GT Tranait (which is the praposed new operating euthority for GO-Transit) '' Report to Council (iM 02-98 Deta: March 26,1998 19 Subject: C3reater Toronto Services Boazd Page 3 Coordiowted Deci�ion MoWng In tertns of coordinated decision making, the proposed legislntion gives thc dTSD a number of powcrs, including: • promoting coordinuted decisian making and developing edvisory strategics for the provision end use of inGastructure for GTA municipalities; • ndvising GTA municipalities on major infrasWcture investmenls; • acting as a liaison amongst (}TA municipnlities, und between thc GTA and other municipalities, tha Province and the Federel Govcmment; • fucilitating the resolution of mntters of intermunicipnl concem, if nsked to do so by tho affected municipulities; • providing u mechanism to coordinate economic development in the GTA; and • providing n forum for discussing the costs and administrotion of socinl assistance nnd social housing programs in the GTA. The proposed Iegislntion docs not give the GTSB power to tnx dircctly. GT Traoait Under the proposed Icgislation, thc rcsponsibiliry for the dny-to•dny opcmtion of GO Trunsit would be trnnsferted from thc Toronto Arcn Tmnsit Opemting Authority (TATOA) to u new authority known es GT Tmnsit. GT Transit would be separote Gom, but would rcport to, thc dTSB, The GTSB would bc responsiblc for thc ovcrall managemcnt of GT Transit, including opproving and modifying its operating and capitnl budgcts, apportioning the costs of GT Transil among the mcmber municipalities, bortowing moncy for capiml requircmcnts, cxemining the operatiannl integration of ihe rcgional tmnsit system with locul Unnsit systems, and cnlering into ngrecments with municipulities (within nnd bcyond the GTA) for Ihe provision of transit scrvices. CiT Transit would hnvc powcrs similar to thosc currcntly providcd to GO Transil. This includes powers to acquire nnd scll lund, trunsit vchicles nnd cquipmcnt, opernte pnrking lots, and enter into ngrccments in conncction wilh lhe operation of a regional transit syslem. Thc proposed objectivcs of GT Transil would includc: • operating n regional transit system which scrves the regionnl vansit areu and nQ�cr municipalitics by ngrcement; • opereting local transit systems, or pnrts thercof, within the regionel transit nreu under ngrcements with municipalities; and • proviJing ndvisory services to o►her transit systems, Initially (until the year 2000), GT Trensit would comprise the current members of TATOA, and a chair uppointed by the Province. After 2000, when the member municipalitics nppoint thcir members to the GTSD, they would also appoint one of lhose members to GT Transit (in totnl, there would continue to be six members, ane from Toronto nnd one from cach af thc five Regions). After 2000, the GTSB would also elect the cheir of GT T'ransit, which could be a member of GT Transit or uny other person. Sfructure o(the CTSB The GTSB would be mudc up of 28 members, plus a chair, who would act as the chicf cxccutivc officer of thc corporation. The tcrtn of ofTice for a OTSB member would bc one, two or thrce ycers, dcpending on the decision of thc individual mwicipnlity making the appointmcnt. The cheir would be elected by the OTSB, and could not be a member of any municipai council. •• �•� 0 RepoR to Council (iM 02-98 Date; Merch 26,1998 Subjcct: Greater Toronto Services Boazd Page 4 Membership would bc based on population, and over timc, couid chungc (et the discretion of the GTSB) to rellect population shifis. The proposed legisletion scts out the initiel membership on the GTSB es follows: Region of Durham 3 members Rcgion of Nalton 2 members Rcgion of Peel 5 members Region of York 4 members City of Toronto 14 members . Hnmilton•Wentworth would have 2 membcrs on the GTSB only when matters rclating to GT Transit are being considered (bringing the totni mcmbership up to 30 for transit mntters). The GTSB would be permined to establish standing committces as rcquired. It would bc ablc to appoint to such committees not only GTSB mcmbers, but uiso members oF upper or lower•tier GTA municipal councils. Under thc proposed Icgislation, cnch GTSE3 member would hnvc onc vote. Thc chair woulJ votc only to break e tie. Matters would bc decided by majority vote, cxcept Cor appartioning the costs of GT Transit (including the costs of any GTSD bortowing) which would requirc a 2/3 mnjority. Boundary of the GTA The proposed legislation provides thnt the GTSD include mcmbers from lhe Ciry of Toronto, and thc regional municipalitics of Durham, Hulton, Pccl nnd York (and for trnnsit issucs, Hamilton- Wentwarth). In ef(ect, this mcans that thc lower•ticr municipnlitics within Durhum, Halton, Pecl and York would bc considercd pari of thc Grcntcr Toronto Arca. This includcs nll cight municipnlities in Durham Rcgion, rcgurdlcss of their locatian from Toronto, or thcir intcrest in being pnri of the GTA. The Provincc is olso ucccpting comments on thc praposed GTA boundary. Flnence and Sta�ng of the GTSB end GT Transit The aTSB wauld havc thc powcr to levy ugninst Toronto and thc four rcgional municipalilies (Duthnm, Hniton, Peel and York) nn sunount which is sufiicient to puy the operoting costs of the GTSB. 7'hese lavies would be apportioned on thc basis oC total weightcd asscssment in nccordance with a provincial regulation defining "wcightcd assessment" (which has not yet been relensed). Opernting costs would include otlice, sta(iin� nnd ndministrntion costs. Gxcept for the chnir, the dTSB would not reimburse its members, otF .'w,a� �or expenscs. To the end of 1998, the chair's rcmunerntion, including expenses, would be paid by the Province. For trans(t matters, the legisletion proposes that thc GTSB would be able to imposc two ievics egainst its member municipalities. One Icvy would be for GT Transit's opemting costs, nnd thc second Iery would be for ihe cost to the dTSB for capital borrowing for GT Transit. Thc levies for GT Trnnsit opemling costs would be detertnined by the fortnula set out in Onlario Reguintion 481/97�. This formuls may be amcnded by the GTSB by a 2/3 vote, With rcspcct to Ihe levy for capital borrowing, the proposed legisletion allows the GTSB to allocntc the cost of capital bortowing ngainst one or more member municipality (again by u 2/3 volc), but nn inilial aliocation formula is not proposcd. The proposed legislation also sets out that the dTSB mny dircct its mcmbcr municipalitics to make payments for GT Transit cupiwl rcquircments. Thc legislation nlso givcs the membcr municipalities tha povrer to borrow to mnl:e such paymenis. � OnWrio Regulatlon 461/97 would epportion co�U for opereNng aT Tran�it u follows: IO.G S� lo Durhun, 9.6!S to Helton; 3.1'h tollemllton-Wentwonh; 13.6 Y.lo Pttl; I 1.2 °/.lo York end 49.9 S4 �o Toronto. " RepoA to Council GM 02-98 Date: March 26, 1998 21 Subject: Greatcr Toronto Services Board Page S STAFF COMMENTS: StafP heve the following commcnts on a Greater Toronto Servico Board. These comments are provided to assist Council's consideration of this matter. a) Council's prcvious oppositiun to thc establishment of a GTSB was providcd in July 1997, in response to Milt Farrow �nal submission. Tho dreft legislation sets out a GTSB lhnt diflers in some important respccts from lhc GTSB recommended in the Fnrrow report, • Under tA� draQ legisletion, for non•transit matters, the GTSB would functian primarily es an edvisory or coordineting body. It would not have the power to resolve, implement and apportion costs relaled to interregionel servicing disputes (as was rccommended by Farraw). A more limited mandate for thc GTSB is more in keeping with Council's previous position on the mattcr. • The proposed legisletion esteblishes a 28 mcmlxr GTSD (plus 2 membcrs when GT Trensit issues are discussed), and the creation of standing committccs at the discrotion of the GTSB. The Fnrrow report set up a more elaborate sWcwre so thal all GTA municipalitics could have membership on the GTSD. Thc Fertow structuro included an Gxccutive Commitlec, end Urbnn Issues Advisory Cammiltee, and e Rurel Issues Advisory Commiltce. • In the Rcg(ons surrounding Toronto, rcpresentetion on the GTSB would not automatically be through ihe regional chair end onc or morc mayor (es recommended in the Ferrow report). Rather, any rcgional council member, including Ihe choir or eny meyor, could be appointed to Ihe GTSD. • The proposed legialation gives thc GTSO Ihe powcr lo bortow anly wilh respcct to GT Trensit. Thc Fartow repoA also rccommcndcd that thc GTSB bc ebic to bortow lo finance Ihc mainlenance or cxpansion of exisling or new infrestructurc, and encouragcd bortowing Gom municipal rcscrvc funds. • No mcchanism has becn esteblished to give Ihc GTSD Ihc ebility to cxpand its mendate bcyond whut is specified in the Icgisletian (whereas the Fanaw rcporl recommended that the GTSB bc given thc discretion to change its mandatc over time). Accordingly, under thc proposed legislelion, tho GTSD's mendate cauld be expanded only through the introduction of new provinciel legislation. This would ensum that any chenges to the GTSU's mandate would bc subjcct to e public consultation process. • The proposed legisletion explicitly identifies sociel essistence end housing es discussion metters for the GTSB. The Farrow report did nol explicitly identify these maners as issues before the GTSB, but it also did not precludc the GTSB, at its discretion, from dealing with thcse matlers. As well, Ihe Fertow report was prepared before sociel service pooling was introduced in lhe GTA. Council should consider whether or not it wants to continue lo opposc thc creation of e dTSB, now that thc drafl legislation hes bcen rcleascd. b) Because Pickering is thc only municipality in Durhom Rcgion that abuts Taronto, the Town could find ilself being much more significantly nfTected by dTSB decisions than other Durhem municipalilics. Councii nguin has thc opportunity to requcst that lhe Provincc recognizc Pickcring's uniquc rolc and locetion in thc GTA, end include a provision In the proposed legislntion assuring the Town of et least onc member on the GTSD, This provision could be extended lo include thc other (3TA municipalities thnt ubut Toronto (Miss(sseuge, Vaughan and Mnrkham), •• ��eport to Cowcil aM 02•98 Date: Merch 26,1998 Subject: Greater Toronto Scrvices Uoard Pagc 6 c) Although not a level of govcmment, Ihe potential is therc for the aTSD lo exert a significant amowt of influencc ovcr the actions end expenditur.�s of mwlcipal govemments in the dTA. And ovcr time, through legislative chnnges, the dTSB could rcceive powers that go beyond merely providing recommendations end ndvise, and being a forum for dispute rcsolutian. Eventually, the GTSB could evolvc into another level of govcmment. d) Considering this potential, it is noteworthy that the proposed legislation creating a(3TSB eppears to emphasize and strengthen the role of thc upper- ticr regions compered to ihe lower-tier municipalitics (ns noted curlicr, ihc legislation does not guuranteo any lower-tier mwicipalities uutomatic membership on the GTSB). This lack of explicit recognition may bc of concem to the lowertier mwicipnlities, especially if the GTSB becomes a key fonun for discussing future changes to regionul govemance structurcs. e) The proposed legislation allows the GTSB to considcr and make recommsndutions on virtually any issue of importnnce to GTA municipulities. Mnny of ihese issues havc becn, and will continue to bc, of grcut intcrest to thc Town, including (to mention e fcw): • wesie menagement (ag, GTA wastc disposel); •�vater supply (e.g. York Region's Long Tcrtn Wntcr Supply Projcct); • transit integrntion (e,g, trnnsit linkages bctwecn Pickering and Toronto, and Pickcring and Markham); • economic dcvclopmcnt (c.g. cmployment growth rciatcd to the fulurc Collcgc Ncighbourhood, and in Scuton); Occausc of thcsc and othcr issucs, it mny bc vcry imponant for thc Town to hnvc n strong voicc on the G7'SE3, if cstablishcd. ATTACHMENTS: I. Ministry of Municipal Afl'uirs nnd flousing News Relcase and Dackground Information on n Grealer Toronto Serviccs Board. 2. Council Resolution N288/97 passed on luly 22, 1997, in response to Milt Parzow's finai submission on u dTSB. Prepnrcd By; Approved / Endorsed By: � � i , T.E. Melyi uk, c cutive rdinutor `-- �,1� uinn, G n ai Mnn r TM: � ���L1p1����R . .� •�New� �ielease Co�munaq�e O Ontario 2g � of MlnittM dn Munklql AH�In AN�ka municipdn md Houdnp �t du lop�m�nt Merch 12,1898 Greater Toronto Servlcea Board would improve aervicea, reduce conts Draft leg(slatlon to create a Greater Toronto Services Board (GTSB) was released for public review today by Municipal ARairs and Housfng M(nlster AI Leach. The province plans to create a GTSB to promote better coordfnation and IntegreNon of Inter-regional serv(ces. Aian Tonks, former Chair of Metro Toronto and former head of lhe Toronto Transilion Team, wi�l moderate lhe revfew of the legislatlon. The praposed GTSB, if approved by the Legislature, would be able to d(scuss and provide advice on infrastructure and important services for the people of the Greater Toronto Area. It would also set the pol(cy direction and allocate the cost af GO Transit, help coordfnate economfc development (n the GTA, and prov(de a forum for municfpelfttes to dfscuss lhe edministraHon and costs of their social services and social housing programs In the GTA. "The Greater Toronto Services Board could move bayond artificlal boundaries and become the focus (or coord(nated development and decislons to prov(de befter qual(ty govemment services at �ower cost to the taxpayer,' said Leach. 'The GTA municipalitfes govem a common communiry of fnterest. Development decisions in one municipality often have a profound impact an the (nfrastructure, housfng and env(ronmental protections needed in neighboudng municipalities. GTA- wide discuasion will bring the broader focus thet is essential to good govemment and a strong econamy," said Leach. The GTSB would not be anolher level of govemment and would not have d(rect taxing authority. The proposed IegislaUon follows e�ensive study and consultat(on with municipaiities and other stakeholders. Studies done by both Anne Golden and David Crombfe supported the creation of a GTS6. Libby Bumham consulted an several GTA issues, Including the need for a GTSB, and found that peopie were concemed about gfving such a Board too much authority. Spec(al Advfsor Mflt Farrow took the consultation a step further and proposed principles to guide a GTSB. „.�24- .. . � -2- 'VUe've reflected the findings of conaultetion done ao far in our dreft legislation. Alan Tonks will edvisa us on the comments and aubmiasiona he receives over the next month,'said Leach. "I want to be ciear though, that this (s not anolher study. We have done lhe work, and we now have draft Iegislallon so peopie can see exactly what we're ptanning, and comment on it. We pian to introduce tegislatian in the spring.” Commenls on the draft legislation will be eccepted unUl April 9. At the same time, Tonks will also consuit on the need for a reviow of the extemal boundaries of the GTA. -30- For more information contact: Christ(ne Burkitt Hal L(nscott Lynn Morrow Oflice of lhe Mfnister Office for lhe Office oi the GTA Moderator (418)585-8932 Greater Toronto Area (498) 338-2990 (418)585-8941 Please visit the Ministry of Munlc(pal AHeirs and Housing's World Wfde Website at http:l/www.mmah,gov.on,ca • ;. • ,'. e .� . .. Background Infortn�don P�opoaed Oreator Toronto 3�rvic�s Board Maroh 1Z,1998 The draR legislatfon to create a Oreater Toronto Servlcea Board (OTSB) followe the report o( Milt Farrow, Spedal Adviaor to lhe Miniater of Munidpel AHalra and Houeing, and exteneive ' conauftaGons with mun(dpaliNea and other stekeholdere. The provfnce Intenda to introduce Iepialatfon fn the next session of the Leglslature. Mandate The OTSB, N approved by lhe Legislature, would be a foNm for promotfng better coordinaGon and IntegraHon of inter-regionai services tn the Greater Toronto Area (GTA). Its key roles would be to: • set lhe policy direcUon and allocate the cosls of GO Trensit • promote coordtnated dedslon-mak(ng and use o( Infraslructure • provide advice to GTA municipalilies on key inhastrudure investments • be a dlscussion forum and liaise with all levels of govemment • when requested, acl as a facilitator to help resolvo inter•municipal isaues • provide a mechanism lo coordinate economic development in the GTA • provide a forum for munldpalit(es to discuss the adminfa!�atlon and costa ot their social services end social housing programs in the GTA. The OTSB wouid not be anolher level of govemment and it wou�d not have direct taxaGon authority. Some isauea the GTSB rtiight involve itself in during ils first lerm indude: • develop(ng criteria for the GTSB's fntereals in various GTA Inlar-regional matters and how ils role might be expanded or changed � preparing an advisory document on an infrastructure coordfnalion strategy, including e grawth manapement/countryside plan • preparing en advisory document on the integralion of Inter-regtonal tra,iaiL Repreaentation and Memberohtp The Board would be made up of 2B membere appointed by the councils of each region and lhe C(ty of Toronto hom Ihair own coundl membership and a chair selected by the OTSB who fs not a member of any counal. The chair would only vote to breal; a tie. Membe�ahip would be baaed on papulalion with seats allocated as followa; Region of Durham 3 members Repton of Helton 2 members Region ot Peel 5 membera City of Toronto 14 members Region of York 4 members �5 . �� c • wU •2- The Repion oi Hemllton•Wenhvorth would aleo have two membero who would be enlitled to vote end olhervvfse act es membera o� the OTSB only when matten relaled l0 00 TrenaN wer� under conaidereNon. SWeturo • The GTSB would be pertnitted to establish standing committees ea required. It would be able to appoint to such committees not only GTSB membars, but also members ol upper or tower-tfer GTA munidpal coundls. • A GT Trensit authority, repori(ng to lhe GTSB, wouid be establiahed to operate the GO Trenaft ragional lranak system. Finance �nd Staffing • The operations of the GTSB would be funded enUrely by ka member municipaliliea. � • Borrowing would only be partnitted to finance GO TrenaN operaHona. • The OTSB wouid be pertnkted to hire ataH as neceseary. OperaUon and Management ot GO Tranett • GO Transft, currently operaled by the Totonto Area Trensk Opereting Aulhorfty, wouid be tranaferred to the newly establiahed GT Transk euthority. GT TransR would be e corporation wilhout ahare cap(tal, separete from but reporting !o the GTSB. • The OT Transk authoriry would have !ls own Board of Directors reaponelble for dayto-dey operations. For the In�ial tertn, the curtent GO Tranefl Diredors and Chalr would be the GT Tranak authority's Boatd. For subsequent tertns, esch member municipalily, including Ham(Iton-Wentworth, would appoint one member hom amonyst ila GTSB members. The chair of OT Transft would be chosen by lhe GTSB. • C3TSB would be responafbie for approval of GT TrenaiPa budget, detertnintng a funding ailoeation formula and system planning. �t <. . n ,► � eeolu ion N288/97 Pnesed un Julv 22, 1997 z% AITACIMIdYT N.�1� �� q 8 Moved by Councillor ltyeu SeconJed by Cowicillor Drcnner I. TEIAT Cowicil adviso q�o Ftoruureblo AI Lcacli, Ministcr uf Muuicipal AlTeirs anJ Housing, Iliel il does not support lha eslablislunenl of e Orcaler'I'uronw Scrvices ISuarJ for Ihe purposes of managing, deliveriub or gencreting capilal fur service inGasUuclurc and in essence, funelimung es a form of government, bul if Iegislaliou clecme it tu be appropriatc, lhc following are tiia wuwicnta of tho 7'own of Pickcriug: (a) That Pickering, being Taronlo's only euslcrly abulling tuunicipalily, assureJ of a aeal on lhe Cxecutive Conmiillce of lhc G'1'SD; (b) Tliat consiJereliun be given lo ellowing Durham Region ouc adJilioual tnember on the GTSD Bxeculive Cauunitice; (c) TIIUI UIC GTSU �C �IVCII BII IIIIIIBI IIIAI$IBIC III�( PUCIISC9 IIIC UUAfII OII ISSUCS of "hard infraslructure" as recommenJeJ by Uie I�arrow rcpurt, miJ Ihal Uus roanJale not be exlcndcJ lo iucluJc issues relaled tu "sofl infraslrucWre' such as social assislencc or social housing; (d) Thnt lhc Province nol transfer responsibilily for CO-7'ransil lo Ihc G7'SU unlil ell outslenJing finaocial obligalimis and other wnccrns rcleled to llus ngency are edcquately aJdresseJ; end (e) 'Iliel Uie Province assume tha initial admiuislrative nnd support costs of operating Ihc GTSB fur a perioJ of 18 months, unless olhenvise rcyucslcd by lhc GTS13, 2. THAT Cauncil request the Province to provide the 7bwn nnd uther a(TecleJ municipalilics in ti�c GTA with Ihc oppurtwiity lu revicw Jrall Icgislation o�i Ihc crcatiun of e Grealer Toronlo Scrvices lluarJ. 3, THAT Plenning Rcport No. 20/97 bc forwarJed lo Ihc I ionourablc A1 Lench, Minislcr of Mmilcipal AlTairs enJ Housing, lo Mr. Milt I�arrow, Spccial AJvisor lo thc Minister,lo Ihe Region of Durhnm, auJ lo alher municipelilics, ebcncies and iuJiviJuals, es mey be interested. 4. TtIAT werc a membcr nwnicipelily of Ihe OTSI3, Ihrough ils Councii, fcel that e decision of Uie GTSD is not in Ihe best inlcrest of its resiJenls, thut Ihe Province eslablish a mechanism la appeal thosc decisions Ihrough an appointeJ Conunissioner whose mandale would 6e lo provida a process of erbitration for sucli decisions. 5. TFIAT a business plen bc sBared wilh the tnmticipality to show Ihe wsl savings beforelhisendeavouris undertaken. CAItI21EU Recorded Vole: Yes: Cauncillora Dre�mer, Dickerson, Pislrilto, ltyan, Seuis end Mayor Arihurs. Absenl: Cowicillor Jolmson W�i Alan 'Ibnks, Moderator , 1000 Murray Ross Parkway, Downsview, Onlario M3J 2?3 • Phone: (418) 338-2989 Fax.: (418) 338•2894 O July 14,1998 � Bnice Taylor - . Town Clerk Town of Pickering 1 The Esplanade P(ckering, ON L1V BK7 Dear Mr. Taylor: ,.,� ��,� �. ��, RECEp��i3 REoE�VE TOWN OF pICKERING SEP 2 5 199� JUL 1 7 i99b CLERK'S DEPAqTMENi CLERlCS DEPAqTMENT �CC����;� JUL 1 7 1998 . TOWN OF NiCrir�:�. PICKERINO, p�;i,;;; u This is to acknowledge receipt of your submission on the Proposed Greater Toronto Services Board Act, March 1998. Thank-you for your contribution to this revlew. I appreciated your comments and consldered them in forming my advice to the Minister of Munlcipal Affa(rs and Housing. Yours truly, � � Alan Tonks