HomeMy WebLinkAboutPL 28/98'� '�,� ° ' : � �'� �F REPORT TO COUNCIL � � FROM: Neil Cacroll DATE: Decembcr 2, l998 Director of Pleaning RECOMMENDATtON REPORT NUMBER: 28-9B SUB]ECT: Draft Plen of Condominium 18CDM-98002 Discovery Place Limited The Miilennium - West Tower Part of Lot 21, Conccssion 1(Part 3, Registered Plen 40R-15318) (South side of Kingston Rond, eest of Glenanna Road) Town of Vickering RECOMMENDATION; That Town Council recommend to thc Region of Durhnm that Dratt Plan of Condominium 18CDM-98002, submitted by Discovery Place Limited, for the cstablisiunent of condominium tcnure on lends being Part of Lot 21, Concession l, Town of Pickering, bc APPROVED subject to ihe condilions outiined in Appendix No. I to Recommendetion RepoA No. 28•98. ORI4IN: Draft Plen of Condominium npplication 18CDM-98002 submitted to thc Region of Durham and forwarded to the Town of Pickering for comment AUTHORITY: The Planning Act, R.S.0.1990, chupter P.13 FINANClAL IMPLICATIONS: At ihis time no additionel costs are nndcipnted beyond tho5e nortnnliy attributed to develapment of this neture. EXECUT7VE SUMMARY: This application is required to pertnit the esteblishment of condominium tenure for 253 apartment units whl;h are currently under construction on the south side of Kingston Road, east of Glenenna Road. The project is merketed as the "Millennium". A future apwtment towor ` east of the subject tower is planned to be constructed in the future, compleqng tha phesed developm.nt within iho subjcet erea, A propctty location mep end reductions of the subm(tted draft plen of wndominium are attached for yaur information (srs Atwchments HI to k3, nspectively); The proposal conforms wlth the pollcies of the Durhem Regionnl Otiicisl Plen, the Pickcdng 'O�cief;Plen, end Amcnding Zoning By-1aw 2349/87, as verled. The proposnl, through thc ' revlew of Site Plen Applicadon 3 8/97, was grented Finel Site Plan Approvul on 7una 25,1998, � a .� �t' `� �"f � t fi,t"rts !1 �rc x � `r tl' �: T � 1 �wii.� .....�n.Fl :3 v-�. .. t .m .. .� - , , . , . _ . - _ i.. . . . � , . , � .. , � . � � . . � � •� RECOMMENDATION RflPORT NUMBER 28•98 Date; Decembcr 2,1998 ` SubJect: Draft Plen of Condominlum 18CDM-98002 Page 2 ' , _ • �� The: ownor has oatcrod iato e Sitc Plen Agrcement with tho Town, en,i the Agreement has been ngistcred on dtic. This'Drnft Plen of Condominium epplicaUon is tecommended for approval, aubject W the conditions ouUined in Appendix No, I to this Report. BACKdROUND: 1.0 Discussion The proposed development is in the early stagcs of conshuction, and in accordance with the registered site plan ngreement executed bettveen the owner ar.d the Town. The owner/developer should be required to enter into a condominium agreemcnt with the Town pricr to the registration of the proposed condominium plan, ensucing U�et the future condominium corporedon and awneddeveloper are awarc of their obligutions and responsibilides aRer regist�ation of'the condominium plan. Typically, the condominium agreement would require conflnued co�npliance with the Town-approved site plen, and that eppropriate arrengements be made with the Town regerding such mnttcrs es refuse collecdon, snow storage, and driveway entrance maintenence (sec Recommended Conditions af Approval outlined in Appendix No. I to lhis Report). These conditions oF approval include ihe stendar.' rcquircmcnts thnt the condominium developer and future condominium corporation would encaunter, prior to the Region's final apnroval end registration of a condominium plen. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Property Location Map 2. ApplicunPs Submitted Plnn - dround Levcl Plan 3. Applicants Submitted Plan - Underground (iaroge Plen Prepared By, Approved / Endorsed by: � � � Ron Tuylor Neil Carroll Planning Technicien Director of Planning � nCm�✓a� Lyn e f or Meneget, Current Opemtions Uivision RST/ab Atlachraents Reconunended for the conslderadon of ' Plckcring Town Co • � _ . /7ec � �`i: :.., .�� omes l. Quinn, aen M�naqet !� ��. . , � �s� : , .. � � F_; �' ' `!', � � r:s j i� I !d r � �',,y z �t t �. ,l .. � ¢ t t ��� � �: ( �F'&.'fi!l� � _ _ .r. ,. s , .._ , ... . .. ,_ .� . ! �, r _. . _ : . . _ _ � . ,� _ � �•, � s . , APPENDIX NO. I TO RECOMMENDATTON REPORT NO, 28-98 $�COMMENDED COHDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR ARAFT PLAN OF CONDOMiMUM 18CDM-98002 1. Thet this rcwmmendation apply to the Draft Plen of Condominium Plan prepared by : L M. Paatushak Limited, Ontario Land Surveyors, signed end dated August 27, 1996, and bearing the Town Recommendation stemp. 2. TBet prior to thc final rcgistretion of this Plen: a) the applicant sha11 submit a DraR Condartiinium Plan to be approved by t�e Town's Plenning Department in ordar to ensure consistency between the condominium plan end the approved sitc plan; b) the Town must be satisfied that thc site ;s in full confo�miry with ihe Sitc Plan Agrecment dated June l8, 1998, ar.d registead as Instrument 1Vumber LT857513 on June 26,1998, and that all of the general on•site works, includin� lendsceping, fencing, lighting, and surface treatments, have becn or will be completcd to the satisfaction of thc Town's Planning and Public Works Departrnenis; c) the applicant shull enter into an appropriate condominium agreement wilh, end to the saUsfaction of L�e Town, which shall inciude, but not nececsarily bc limitcd to thc following requirements: i) the condnued compliancc of the subject property with the Town-e,oproved aite plan; ii) cooperetion with the Town in such areas as snow stomgo, refusc collection, and drivewey entrana maintenance, �, i� � ` � r, , k:. � t 4 l�r 1 1 t` '��� ��� '�' } t � . /i. 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