HomeMy WebLinkAboutIDT 7/98ti8�,a � � REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Interdepartmental Development Team REPORT DATE; October 2, 1998 IDT REPORT N0. 7-98 SUBJECT: York Region Long Term Water Supply Projat via Durham West RECOMIvtENDATION: 1. That Council advise the Region of York that it is pleased with their responsiveness to the Town's concems with the York Region Long Tertn Water Supply Project via Durhart� West, including Region of York's formal commitment to the development ot' �',, Community Benefits Agreement with the Town, and that it wishes to continue its• significant role in tha Individual Environmental Assessment process for the Leke Ontario Water Supply via Durham West altemative; 2. That Council endoru the "Town of Pickering Comments on the Environmentai Assessment DraR Terms of Reference for the Lake Onterio Water Supply vie Durhem West", atteched as Appendix I to IDT Repon No. 7-98; 3. That Council seek continued financial support from the Region of York through ihe provision of pecr review suppon services to ihe Town during thc preparation of the Indivirival Environmental Assessment and the Community Benefits Agreement; and 4. That the Town Clerk fonvazd a copy of [DT Report No. 7•98 to the Region of York, and request that the Region of York advise tha Town of Pickering as to how the comments contained in the report will be addressed in the Terms of Reference submitted to the Minister of the Environment for this project. ORIGIN: Request of the Region of York for Town of Pickering comments on ihe Draft Terms of Reference for en Individual Environmental Assessment - Lake Ontario Water Supply via Durham West AUTHORITY: The Environmentel Asussment Act FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Not Applicable EXECUTIVE SUMIvtARY The Region of York/Consumers Utilities ere prescnAy preperng e Terms of Refercnce for an Individuel Environmental Aauasment rcspecting the Long Tertn Water Supply Projxt --- Lake • Onterio via Durham Weat. The Study Area for tha Durham West Project includes signiflcant lenda in thc Town of i�ickering. The Town, with the assistance of Mr. Derek Doylc, P. Eng, of [JMA Engineering Ltd, he� participated (n this process, providing comments on interim mT REPORT NUI�ER 7-98 October 2, 1998 � Subject: York Region Long Term Water Supply Project vie Durhem Weat Page 2 87 documents released by the Region of York and ettending public information untres and workshops. In latc August 1998, the Region of York released a'Draft Terms of ReCcrence' document for the EA, and have requested the Town's comments by October 16, 1996. Town statl' and Mr. Doyle have reviewed this document and are satisfied that, with certain revisions and clarifications primarily of a technical neture, ihe document is well cra(ted end adequately protects the Town's interests. Of speciel signiflcance is the Region of York Councii's formal commitment to develop a Community Benefits Agreement with the Town, to be concluded before the submission of the EA to the Ministry of the Environment, scheduled for April 2001. It is recommended thet Council endorse the Staff comments on the DraR Terms of Reference and request that the Region of York provide continued financiai support to ihe Town though the provision of peer review support services during preparation of the Environmental Assessmer�t and the Community Benefils Agreement. BACKGROUND: In July of 1997, the Region of York/Consumers Utilities completed a Mester Plan to identify a strategy to meet the Region of York's future water demands. This Plan identified a Great Lakes water supply through Durham West as a key solution to York's long term watcr supply needs. Considering the potential magnitude oP ihe Durham West Project and the inter-regional water supply issues involved, the Region of Yark determined that subsequent plenning for the Durham West Project would be undertaken as an'individuel Environmental Assessment' (EA). On September I5, 1997, Pickering Town Council considered IDT Report 5197 and determined that Pickering Council does not support thc conclusions of the Mester Plan dacument end requested tnat thc Region of York not proceed with any funher work on the project until verious mattars had been examined and addressed (see Council Resolution N347/97 - Attechment No. i). Despite Pickering's position, the Region of York continued to move fonvard wilh the IndiviJusi EA process. For an Individual EA, the Environmental Assessment Act requires that a proponent prepere a Terms of Reference to define the scope of a proposed Environmental Assessment Study. Tha Terms of Reference is intended to provida certainty to the proponent and all stekeholders thet the EA will be prepared to an acceptabie level of detail. The Tertns of Reference require approval by the Minister of the Environment and the subsequent EA is then prepared in accordance with the approved Terms of Reference. In January of 1998, following discussions between the Town and ihe Region of York, it was determined t��e Region of York would fund an independent consultant to work with the Town of Pickering to oversee Pickering's interests in the preparation of the Terms of Reference for the Individual EA. This offer was accepted on a without prejudice basis and a clear understanding of Pickering Council's opposition to the undenaking. In June of 1998, Mr, Derek Doyle, P. Eng. of UMA Engineering Ltd. was contrected to act as the Town's peer review consultant To date, the Region of York has run two sets of Public Information Centres, while developing e draR Terms of Reference for the EA, one set in February 1998, and a second set in September 1998. Pickering staff have ettended open houses that were held in Pickering. Mr. Doyle has reviewed infortnation produced by the Region of York on this initiative, discussed the Tertns of Reference with Town staff and politicians, snd hes provided associated reports. In June 1998, the Region of York released a document titled 'Dralt Tertns of Reference•• Materials far Review' which was a precursor to an actual draft torms of reference. This document was reviewed by Mr. Doyle end Town staf�and comments on the document were sent to the Region of York in early September,1998, The Region of York responded in a letter dated September 25, 1996, that addressed and accommodated all of our issuee (see Region of York's letter - Attachment No. 2). The Region of York released a further document entitled 'Dratt Terms of Reference for an lndividuel Environmental Assessment' in late August 1998, and set a deadlina of October 16, 1998 for comments. The final Terms of Reference will ba submitted by lhe Region of York to the Minister of the Environment by October 27, 1998. Thc Region of ,;, �T REPORT NU[�ER 7-98 Oclober 2, 1996 bject: York Region Long Trnn Weter Supply Project vie Durhem West Page 3 York acpects a decision on epproval from the �Ainieler, in February, 1999. The proposed schedulo to complete the Individual EA is from April 1999 to April 2001. DISCUSSION: DraR Terms Of Reference The Draft Temis of Reference document (August 1998), has previously been provided to Council under separate cover (additional copies are evailable from the Planning Department). The document addresses meny of the concems noted in the Town's earlier correspondence. Mr. Doyle and Town stefl'have reviewed the Draft Terms of Reference and ere satisfied thet, with certain revisions and clarifications primerily of a technical nature, the document is well crafted and adequately protects the Town's interests. In fact, Stafiaze pleased with the responsiveness of ihe Region of York, to our concems with this project. Staff comments on the Draft Terms of Reference document are attached to this report as Appendix L It is rewmmended that Council endorse these comments as the Town's comments on the DraR Tertns of Reference, and fonvard them to the Region of York, Ona key requirement of the Terms of Reference recommended by Steff and Mr. Doyle is the commitment by the Ragion of York to the development of a Community Benefits Agreement with the Town, to be concluded before submission af tho EA, scheduled for April 2001 (see item 7.0 of the Region of York's letter - Attachment No. 2). A Community Benefits Agreement will detail all levels of compensation that ihe Region of York will grant the Town of Pickering in exchange for tho Town's support of the undertaking. Staf� were pleased to note that et a meeting of the Council of the Regional Municipality of York on September 24, 1998, unanimous endorsement was given in principle to the sirategy far negotietion of a Community Benefits Agreement with ihe Town of Pickering during the course of the EA. A future report to Pickering Council will deal with the atructure of who will undertake the working of the agreement end the process which should be followed. The support end advice provided by Mr, Doyle through this stage of the EA (preparation of DraR Terms of Reference), and funded by lhe Region of York, has been very beneficial to the Town. It is recommended that Council formaily seek the Region of York's continued financial support through tha provision of peer review services to the Town during preparation of the EA and tha Community Benefils Agreement. CONCLUSION: Stef1'are pleased with the cooperative relationship that is developing between the Town and the Re�ion of York. To continue the Town's signi6cant role in this process, Staff recommend that Council endorse the "Town of Pickering Commcnts on the Environmentai Assessment Draft Terms of Reference for the Lake Ontario Water Supply via Durham West", attached es Appendix I to IDT Report No. 7•98. The Region of York should also be requested to advise thc Town how the metters outlined'.n the report will be incorporated in tho Terms of Reference, submitted to the Ministry of the Environment. Further, to assist the Town's participation in this process, Staff recommend that Council request continued financiel support from the Region of York through the provision of peer roview eupport eervices to the Town during the preparation of the Environmentnl Assessment and the development of e Community Boneflts Agreement. ;v : }`.` �,_ . 1 . ' � �. . . � . . � . ! IDT REPORT IJ[Jl�BR 7-98 - Uclober 2, 1998 $ubject: �'ork Region Long Term Water Supply ['roject via Durham Weat Pege 4 , _ . A9 . ATTACHWIEENI'5: I. Council Resolution N 347/97 2. Region of York's Letler 3. Appendix I- Town of Pickering Camments on Tha Environmental Assessment Draft Tertns of Reference for the Lake Ontario Water Supply Via Durham West Ric azd Holbo P, Eng. D' ector of Pub ic Works /bo'c Auachments eil Ca � Directoro nning : , �. , � � .-..-.: , . .: �Y..?.' ':�.: , .", ' , -.', . �.- . .. �: ..: �. '�'; % , . . . t / ' ' ATTACHMENTM�rTO 9� ` I,D,T,REPORTM �/fB INTER-DCPARTMCNTAL MCMORANUUM CLCRK'S DCPARTMCNT DATE: Scplember 18, 1997 T0: • Neil Cerroll, Director of Plenning ✓ • Richard Holborn, DireclorofPu6lic Works FROM: Eiruce Taylor, Town Clerk Please be advised Ihal die.Council of the Town of Pickering pessed ResoluUon N347/97, Ilero N4 at a Regular Council Meeting of Septem6cr I5, 1997. �. Thnt York Region be ndvisnl Ihnl lhe Town of Pickering nl Ihis lime does ,_, nol support Ihe conclueimi� of Ilie YorWConsumers Ulililtea Lmig Term 1Vnler Project Mns�er Plnn Documem dn�ed .hdy, 1997. 2, Tlmf York Region !�e requeslcd nol lo proceed �v(Ili nny fm•Ibcr work on Ihe YorWCmuumcn Ulililics Ldug Tcrm 1Vnlcr Projecl, 6�dudfng nny InJividunl environmenlnl asse�smenls, unlil Ihe long lerm pinnning objectives nnd infrnetruclure requireme�ds of nbulUng GTA mun(cipnliliw nre nlso exnmincd, nnd miless relnled infrn�truclure issucs, such es scwnge dispasnl, nre niso nddressed. The eznminnlion nf Ihese mnllers shoulJ be canducled cilhcr: (n) jointly by Ihe nl'kcted G'I'A numicipolilies witli Ihe nssislnnce of Ihe Provintc,nnd/or , (b) by n Crenter Toronlo Servicca Donrd shoidd Ilie Province eslnBlish _, such n body. 3. Thnt Ihc vnrious cmicerne of tlu Town of Pickerhig Ue iucarpornlcd hUo nny furlher revicw of Ihit issue, Intluding Ihc following: r.. < +r r, . .. . . .. . , . \4�, tl ' t i 91. Z ATTACHMENTN��TO IA,T.REPORTM 9/9A (e) Ihe polnHta) (mpecli on Ihe Roubnnk, WoodlnnJt, Mnberlen, �nJ Rouge Pnrk ndghbourhood� of Ihe Town; (b) Ihe poteWtnl impecls m� Pickering's rurnl nrea, tncludiog Ihe handel� of Cherrywood, Whilevnle end Grocn River; (e) the polenlinl ImpneU on Ihe Town'i welerfrant nnd vnlley ry�lemr, the Petifcont Creek Contervrtion Area �nd Nouge Pnrk; (d) Ihe potcntinl fmpncl� on Ihe developmenl af Ihe Ea�l Du�n� An� of the Town; � (e) Ihe polndinl impncl� on Ihe provbiclnl Sealon Inuu� nnd Ihe kdernl nirport IanAa; (Q ihe retommendnlions of Ihe Pickering Rurnl SUidy; nnJ (g) ihe retommendnlions af Ihe Mnyor'e Tnsk Force on Ihe Pickering Wnlerfront. 4. 7'hnt IDT Reporl No. 5/97 be forwnrded to Ibe Rcgian of York,l6c Regfon of Durlinm, Metropolilnn Toranlo, ollier inleresled GTA rounidpnlilies, Ilu OlTice af lhe Grenler Toronlo Aren, Ilie Ilanourn6le AI LencU, Minisler of Munidpnl Affnin nnd Ilousiug, Mr. Mill Fnrrow, Spednl Advisor lo Ihe Minisler, r.nd Ilie 111inislry of Environmcnt and Energy. S. Tlml copies of tbis resuhilion Ue fnnvnrdtd lo: Tlie Ilonaurnldc Jnnel F,cker The Ilo�wurn6le Normnn Slerling 7'he Ilonournble A1 l.ench This resolulion is sent lo you for your informntion. : � U Taylor, Town Clerk �` �. • Tom Quinn, General Maneger `i i,€;a . ,. _ _ � J ,.��� ���.. ATTJ�MENT� TO �, LQLREPORTI� ,. � r�sa�rMrw�r,wo Nbw. an�nnrMr �. .�. � 1 rn: j�QS) eYS• �100 17?10 Yaar 8nrrr, Baar iq � IVe�wwrtr,Qmwn ! r.� . �,.,ti �)7QI�AJ13 WY6Zl '� (7071197�21 VIaR us d our iwb dfs on fM MNmse hffpJMwwroplon.york,on.a Town of Piekering I The Espl�nede Plckering, Onlerio '�'� � � [ !' � �� �� � '� LIV 6K7 • 25 September t996 (� �, ;' 't,; ' Attention: Neil Csrtoll — Direcmr af Plenning 1 Ui � i. , RicherdHolbom—DirectorofPublic Works N�����+�����aui:i,;�,�u �° Dev Mr. Certoll end Mr. Flolbom: Re: Terms of Reference for Ihe Durham Wcst EA Thank you for your letter of Seplember ), 1996 provfding us with Ihe Town of Pickering's input relating to issum �hat should be addrased in ihe Terms of Reference. We are pleesed to note thet most of Ihe issues oullined in that corresponJence have been included in the draft Tetms of Re(erences nnd ApprnJices. This response eddresses your cumments poinl by point and provides Jirections to Ihe relevanl seclions of ll�e Jreft Terms of Re(erences end Appendices. 1.0 Purpou of Ihe Underl�klnR 1.1 Tde full purpo�e shoulJ be oullined In �hr Terma of Rcference (TOR), even Ihough many �apeet� or del�ils may be only coneeptuol (e.g. �upply lo Scoton I�nJ�, feJeral airporl I�nJ�, �nd economlee for ReRlon nf Durham rv41er IIlVlI0�1111l01�. ' This matter is incluJeJ. '� Refer to Sectiun 3.2 of tlw dreft Terms of Reference. Issues relnling to Durli�m Demand ere further elaburnlcJ in AppenJix ?— Summary of Teclinienl Repnrlx end Memornndn (Potential Dorhom Demand f3rie�. 1.0 A�lernrlives tn lhe UnJerlaking !,1 1Vhile exten�ive work hus heen dnne In ►he Ma�ler Plan for York Reginn, Ihe TOR �hould laclude � rcquirement to: ■) Update or rceonOrm Ihe magnilu�k und probable Hming nf York Re�ion'e wrter nced�, gfven onRoinR �tudie� euch a� 1he Jafnl OpNmizalion SIUJy wllh the Cily of Toroam. continued... TNE REOIONAL MUNICIPALITY Of YOqK � , 93 ATTACHMENT 1�,�T0 I�QT.REPORTM z�9e This m�ner is included. The issues of t(ming end seale ere addreased in Secl(on 2.2 "While the timing of the Durham West solution is dependenl on growlh �nd the extent to which other eources of supply c�n be u�ed, ft is :xpected Ihel the Greet Lekes component could be requtred u euly �s 2004". We will meke it cleer in the final Terms of Reference thet ihe liming and seele of water needs will be revisited during Ihe EA. b) Summ�rize cleorly In Ihe EA Ihe baalt for prekrrfng the Durdam West �oluHan over other rlternalivb�, (ncluding Ihe Surborough opNon, and IdenUfy what, If �ny, faclora would w�rrant revbltfrtQ Ihe Durh�m Weat aotutton. This metter is included. This has been summerized in Sectian 4.1 of the draft Terms af Rekrence end is furlher elaborated in Appendix I— Relionale for the Selection of the Lake Onlerlo vie Durhum West Alternetive for Ihe Great `— Lakes Supply. Similar wording will be used in Ihe EA. � c) Bxamine any benefits or �Isbeneflla to (uture opNmizalion of water �upply �yaleme'by, having the Intake, Irealment plant, �nd reeervolr located In different municipal jurladlellone. Thi� malter is incluJcJ. During the investigalions lo Jetcrmine Ihe Potentiel Durhom Demonds for wa�er from �he proposod York [)urhnm Wat�Wnter Suppiy, poientinl benefits lo York ond Durham tiverc identified. 7hese included benefits ' resulting Gom an inlake,wcst of PicV.cring NGS, interconnected waler supplles, a woter Irealmen� pl�nt in Uie vicinily of Ihe Cherrywaod l.. Reservoir and trealed watcr Ripelines lhrough Norih Pickerinp. Il i� proposed to updnte potenlinl burhem Demends Juring Ihe Environmenlal Assessment and Guthcr eramine benef(IS or dishenafits to oplimizntion of the water supply syslems. 7his commitment is included in Soction 2.3. J.0 Study Are4 The TOR �hould clearly Indicele Ihe proponenl cammitment ta: J.1 Invatigale, doeument, anJ develop a protectlao or aalvage alrategy far any �rchoeologicai naaurees thot are at risk from Ihe unJerlaking. ��r' ,. . • �>'; t , �d" _ . .. . . . �fi�� e a r �: +; id r . . � . � ���r X �l��i x i ,.+1_ ' ' � , . - r T�'Y 1 ' � u!��'3 z ��� , �� a' 7��{2i� t � . . . :; k��� g � Y .- � . . . . �. �'yati,:t ° . . . . . .��., , s- ., _ .. . . . .. -. . . . .. _ . . ,...,,, �. .;,-.. -: ..' , ... . . , 94` �.� ATTACHMENT N_E,,�TO , I�p,T REPORTN 7�/9R This matter is inbluded. Appendix 5— Culturol Herit�ge Environmmt Component of the Environmental Assessment Wark Plon identifies the mheeologice) work Ihet wlll be undertsken. This include� investigeting, documenting and developing protection/selvage elr�tegles in accordence with the Minislry of Cilizen�hip, Culture nnd Recreation's Guidelines. J�2 M�p and lodicale tiie Importaace of wlldlife eorridors �ad h�bllat t6�t fallt Nllhin Ihe atudy �re� for wildllfe epecia. This metter is included. ' Appendix 3— Nalurol Environment Component of lhe Environmentel Assessment Wark Plan idenlifies Ihe natural environment work thet will be undermken. At ihe elternative generation stage, we wil) mnp Ihe localians of wildlife corridors and determine the significance of each corridor (based on habitet po�ential and wildlife species use) from air pholos, secondary sources end reconneissance level field assessments (see pege 4 af ihis Appendix). ` 3.3 Exrmine lake circulallon p�lterns by aerson that eould Inllueoce Inlake loertion, including varlatlonn In weter quality rnJ,rl�k faclare related to Onl�rlo fiydro nuelear plant dischargea. This metter is included. Lake circulation pattems thnt coulJ inlluence iNake locntion aa a rendl of pollulant irensport Gom shoreline discharges, including t6e Pickering NGS, h�ve been sludied a� part of modelling work which wns unJerteken during the Terms of Reference phose. Daring the EA phnse, sampling end model work will be undertoken lo eonfirm Ihe moJelling results (see page 4 of Appondix 6). ),4 UnJerotanJ Ihe ilabillly and seneilivfly of VnlueJ Environmentnl Componenu auch u Ihe Rouge Esluury, ESA'�, anJ Frenehman'a Dny Ihal m�y be Impaeled by tome �epeel of Ihe undertaking. \. • This mauer (s incluJed. � The stobility and sensilivities of nelural fcetures will be identifieJ during Jnln collection. The evalualion crileria, outlined on pages 8— 10 of Appendix l, will adequately assess Ihe impacl of Ilie allernative an "Valued Environmenlal Componems". 3.5 Map agriculturol lond use �nd cropping praclicee ao Ihal value aJdeJ onJ other ■llributea art known when raule and aile allernallva are being atuJfed. This me�ter is inciuded. e; . ' _.• , f: , : ' : , , k4:: a��� �� 1, � � � ',��'�,� � �i�� 't � '. • , e, � � i ' t �tJ P ..r _ . . f �{y, � ! �..� � r r _ . . . �r�y�_,f�� Jtl�tf fj`'k I Y . q,i;k"'�I y }j, � �` . ,s�����r �k �,_4� � .. : ' i . . _ , . . . . . . . S �. g... ..r<.,.�� �wf`t"";r- r:: " . � 95 .�� ATTACHMENTI I• QT REPORT M� _ ' Appendix 4- Socio•economic Envirnnment Component of Ihe Environmentel - Assessment Work Plen, identifia ihe agricullural ossessment work Ihet wil� be underieken. This work includes identifying agricultural land usc (i.e. buildings end capilal investment) und cropping praclices (see peges 2— 5 of Ihis Appeodix). This informetion will be oblained from secondery sources (e.g. OMAFRA mapping), eir phatos end field invesligetions. 3.6 Ineorporale new informafion contalned In Ihe Town'� Runl SIuJy (April 1998), on naturol featurea and ecmy�tems, which �re not currenlly re0eeled in Ihe Pickering Offlelal Plan. This matter is inciuded. . Informetion collected as part of the Town's Rurel Sludy (April 1998) will be edded to the project dalabnses. 4.0 F�clllly Siting anJ Pipelfne Roule Selecllon The TOR ehoulJ Indieate lhat: 4.1 The polenlial exlus for u eignifiennt proparlton of Impncta (lempnrnry anJ nel�, as well ae fulure rfeks lo occur wllhin Ihe Town of Pickerfng. The evduallon crihrfn for aelection of Ihe preferred route nnJ Iheir weight� �hould reflecl Ihe relalive preferencee of the Town and ils reslJencee. The Town of Pieker(ng rrlll be �pecffically caneulted for input and advice on Ihe find rreighl(ng� seelgned td •Ibe evoluqlion crlleria for evaluallon of �Ilern�tive methoJe of carrying out Ide unJerlaking. This matter wil) be included. The lwo proposeJ evaluntion mc�hods are oullined in Section 6.1.2 of the drafl Ta:ns of fleference. Within tl�e ari�hmelic evaluelion melhoJ (see pnge 20) we w:!( expnnJ Ihe num6er of weighling scensrias m include n weighling specific lo the Town of Pickering. , `,. 4.2 Plpeline routee will tnllially be selecled In minimizc adverec Impncls during canelruclion, anJ from thl� baefs f�rlhcr mlllgallon anJ amelforallon wlll be fdenl(fieJ. This malter is included. The proposed criteria for Ihe genern�ion af Transmission Mnins nre shown on Cxhihit d1E, The primary enJ secondary gcneration critcria werc developed to nssisl in the generatian uf alternalivcs Ihal min(mize adverse nffecls durfng conslruction. 4.3 `, i' ,EI ?� � �-: � . �`i� �w �. , y€ i 7 ..�,� . .- , . .. , � .' . . . . � . . �� ATTACHMENTI.�_TO I,D,T. REPORTM�.,,�,� F�ellily dtla� of Ihe pump d�Non, tre�tment pl�nl, �nd re�ervnir Nill fully eon�ider Ihe dl�ruptlon c�n�ed to the eommunily duAng camlrucllon, Includin�, bul ool Ilmlled to, �dety, t�affic, health, anJ qulet enJoymenl. This matler is included. Disruption impects, including noise, dus�, vibrel(an, odour and visual conditions, as well es tra(fic disruption, are addressed in ihe Socio•economic Component of ihe Environmental Work Plan (see pages 7, 8 and 10 in Appendix 4). , The generation criteria for the pump station, treatment planl and reservoir (i.e. sll: selected criterie) and the analysis end evaluation crilerie that will be used lo compare candidate siles in order to select a prekrred site, heve been selected to minimize parmonent displacement effects through avoidance of o brood range o( signifieant socio•economic fentures (e.g. residentiel buildinge, institutional, recreational and communily builJings; cemcleries; ctc.) In oddition, the generation, nnalysis and evaluntion crileria for the pump stelion, Irealment plant enJ reservoir heve also been selected to minimize temparary disruption efkcts or relating to naise, dust, vibration, visual intrusion end access by minimizing .. Ihe number of socio-economic ketures or the area of sensitive lands polentielly affected by construction enJ operations activities. Pipeline, pump station, treniment plant nnd reservoir construclion and operations ectivities are not considered to be xignificanl publie heallh and safety Issues, Neverlheless, heelth and safety issues sre eddressed by minimizing the number of peaple polemially living, working nnd/or using properties in llie vicinity of Ihe pipeline, pump station, lreatment planl and reservoir who may be e;eposed lo hazards anJ through �he iJenllficetion of appropriale mitigation measures. Traffic issues will be addresseJ during sile selection by idenlifying sites thot minimize disniplion of access to inJividual properUes und minimizing nccess to the siles through residential streets ond local roads, if pos�ible. In edJition, a specific Iral'fic•rolnteJ annlysis and evaluetion criterion has been Jefined lo help select �ites Ihot will minimize the disruplian lo Iraffic pntterns, schaol buses and emergency serv(ces tl�rough road closures, restrictions or �, increaseJ rand congeslion Juring cans) ruction. The issues of quiel enjaymenl of property are also addressed in Ihe soclo-economic work pinn hy minimizing the number of people living, working and/or using properties in �he vicinity of routes ar sites. 4.4 E:I�ttng rfghle•af•way be favourcJ. This matler is incluJed. Use of rights-oGway ere idenUfied as e Primnry Generntian Crilerin on Exhibit 4,2E. 4.5 The ewse anJ magniluJe of reelarallon be conalJereJ Juring alling aud ronle aelectloo. {, +,t� �. `3'? � � � �,. a; a ��� �' ,� _�� ;� { �;+ � f. 2 S 4 �f {,�. . �}1 � , a4.' ; � .. � . . . , ... . . : , � . . . �'(1 - . . . . . . . . � q� ATTACHMENT A_Ti�TO I.D.T.REPORTII �'/9A This matler is included. Cost eslimates far site end rouling alternadves will inciude estimates for lendscaping �nd restoralion, es epproprieta (Restoralinn is considered a mitgetlon measure associeted wllh ihe conslruction of the silernetives.) Costs ere eddrcssed in the Technicel Considerations componenl of ihe EA Work Plan (see peges I I— 21 in Appendix 6). In addition, aesthetics of ihe fecililies will be eddressed during the preliminery design of the preferred elternative (see page 26 in Appendi:c 6). � 4.6 Choagce tn elormwater qual(ty and quantily anJ the Imp�cli on w�tereourses and estuary areaa will Intluence eiting of facllflfce and pipsline routes, This melter is included. AvoiJance and minimizing impacts to nolural fealures, including watercourses, I velley lands and weUands have 6een included as primary end/or secondery Generatian Criteria for ell componenls of the undertaking (see Exhibit 4.2). " /.7 ValueJ historlc reeourcea, unique nelghbourhooJa, and the viaual amenity of lhe rural IaaJecape wlll be conalJered. � Thia malter is included. Avoiding buill herilage fenlUreS, cultural lendscape feawrcs and known erchneological sitcs are idenlified as Primary Generation Crilerio for nll components uf the underroking (see Gxhibil 4.2). Addilionnl delails nre incluJeJ in AppenJix 5. S.0 Deneflt�, A�verae Impact, anJ h11tlRalian � The TOR �hould clearly InJicate a commllment to: S.1 Seek beneBl� Ihut Arc wilhin Ihe prapnnent'� capabilpy lo provlJe, lo Ihoee _ communittn or inJiviJuaia lhat may be adveroely affecleJ Sy Ihe aiHnq, canatructlon or operalton of Ihe� undertakinR (e.g. rnnd anJ bridge improvemenls, lralla, ployfng fielJs, aeelhetic deelgn nf faeill�ics, pror•lalon of rAw water far agr(cultural uee unNl requlred fnr community uro). This maticr is includeJ. Miligntive meosures will be idrntified during the analysis anJ evaluatinn of allernolives in an effort to reduce impacts and me:eimize benefils essacialeJ wilh the projecl. The analysis and evaluelion of al�ernatives will consider net impacts, Nel impacis erc those that remain eRer mfligetion. The wording of the Work Plan componenls will be revised to clarify this commitment. '�', � � ��. �.Yf.` . .. .. . . . - .. . . � � � . . . . .. .. .. . . , . . . ��'� � " , � . � . � .. .. . . ��:,A � � .. � . . � . �NL� �� l� i' i_ .., . � . .. � � 9$ �� ATTACHMENTN LGT REPORT r� The Soc(o-economic Componrnt of the EA Work Plen elsa addresses development of eppropriete mitigaUve measuree for the preferred alternntive (sec page 12 in Appendix 4). 3.2 Seek benefit� Ihrough eomplemenling and pccommodaling communlly inlllalive�, �uch ■e Walerfront Tr�ll C�leway, future commueily Infnstructuro neeJ�, aaJ sheller aloog p tr�il. Thts metkr is included. As noted above, the Region will investigale means of ineximizing the benefits associeted with the proJect. � S.J Conefder t6e uale of proJect activily �o as ta evaluale the duralioo of community dlarupllon during construclion. This matter is included. Appendix 4— Socio-economic L•nvironmenlal Component of the Environmental Assessment Work Plen outlines how communily disrupUon ef(ects will be — e�sessed (see page 1 of Appendix d). The scale of project ectivily is a function of Ihe �iype of facility being consiructeJ, Ihat is, whether it is o pipeline, waler treatment plent, pump station or reaervoir. Eech of these facilities will be evalueted separalely Ihroughout the EA to ensure that effects are direc�ly comparable. The scale of project ectivity Iherefore, will be Ihe same for ench allernative. Cumuletive efkcts on communities/neigh6ourhoods Ihnt may have several fecililies locnted in close proximity (e.g, pipeline, pump studon and treelmenl pinnl will be considered). The scale of project eclivily will he included ns part of Ihese cumuletivic effects. S.1 Cle�rly Inform londowners, reaiJenle, organizallone� bualneeaca, anJ local ofOclal� what Impacts, mlligntinn, and beneRt� Ihey crn anlicfpale. This metter is included. ` Public Informntion Cenlres and workx�iops will be held during Ihe course o( U�e environmental essessmcnt. Informaiion on impects, miligation end benefils will be presenled. Nolificalion will occur vin advartisemenls in locol pepers, dislri6utinn of brochura vin Cnnada Post, anJ direct mailings In Iliuse un ilie ptoject team mailing lisls. Deloils of this ere included in Chaplor 7. S.S Document irhah If any, offect �he unJerlaking eould huve In Increasing prc�surea lo expanJ urbonizalion beyond Ihat determined In the Tawn'e Offieiol Plan. This metter will be inciuded. ::« ! ��:_ � di�' .. .._.. . : . � . . � . . . . .. . � ' � . . ; t .._-'i :;,. . ...�: , .. ....... . .. . . . . . . . .�. _ : y, � A8. � ATTACHMENTM TO I.D,T, REPOH't1� Pressures for Ihe expnnsion of urben communhics will be edded as �n (ndioelor for evelwting elternetives within the Sacfo•economic companent of Ihe EA Work Plen. 5.6 Documenl whal, If any, �tfect Ihe unJertoking could have on tha�e who curreally enjoy a rural Ilfestyle and qualily of community Ilte. This metter is included. Quelily of life issues end impact to rursl lifeslyle will be essessed as defined in Exhibit 6.1. These concepts ere more fully described on page I I of Appendix 4. 3.7 Idealify aoy passible direcl or InJirect financial impltcallons to Ihe Town from the uaderlaking bolh ehort-Icrm during constructfoa, and long•term during the Iife of the undertakiog. This melter will be incloded. It is our intention to identify financial impacls lo Ihe Town (bolh posilive and negative) which result Gom Ihe unJetteking. Tlie need to identify both short ._ term end long term financial implicntions will be included in Ihe Socio• economic component of Ihe EA Work Plan, 3,8 IJenlify matlero that will warrunt environmenlal manitartng during eonsiruelion ■nd/or operation (ag. �cnallive �reaa, raw water qu�lily eoncerning hervy melab 'and triUum, �nd Imp�cl lo agricullur�l proJuet(vlly), ' � This matter is included. All componenls of the Environmenlol Work Plnn (sce Appendices )• 6) incluJe a seclion on work that will yc unJertoken during Preliminary Design. Commitments to moniloring will be belter identifted during the consullelion ihat will be unJertaken al thnt time. _ ki'lNf�?Q!liC��ilr/�Q�' x`, Fi 2 � � '�;^ 4 t i x � � �°1�" ty . . . '. �y� ]� ,` } � � ' . ��Ok " � � f i. ?R�t�k. i.�.� . . . . � , � 100 �� ATTACHMENT N_a,....Tp I,QTREPORTM �/9R 6.0 Coniull�lloa • The TOR �houlJ indicate thak 6.t Open, euy, anJ conlinuoue �cceea to InformaUon wfll be rv�ibble to'the realdenle of Ihe Town durin` the preprnlion of Ihe EA. This metter is included. One of the intentions of the Consultation Plan prcsenled in Chepter 7 fs to provide open, easy end continuous access to infarmetion to all etekeholders. In eddition, a project otfice will be eslablished in Pickering to facilitale informalion exehange. This commitment will be noted in the TOR. 6.2 A aerlea of aimple open houacs rrtll be held In the Town of Pickerinq to eollect 'Communily Euvironmenlol Knowledqe' whleh wlll be used In proJecl plaanlog, elnce much of th(e loformatlon Is nol to be found In reporl�, government (llca, or Ilbrarlee. �- This metler is included. � Following the first Public Informotian Centre a set of follaw-up aclivilies (i.e. workshops) will be helJ (see page 70 — 71). One of Ihe purposes of Ihese workshops is to verify Ihe dela that Ne heve collected and obtafn informetion from knowledgeable locel indi'viduals. The text in Termf of Reference will be clerifieJ lo incluJe this purpose. 6.J InJivlduob, aeaoclAllone, enmmunlly groups, �nd other orgentzallons will be entouraged lo IJenlify V�IueJ Environmenlal Componenle Ihal w�rranl apecl�l altentlon In projeel planning. ' This mauer is included. � Commatt Shals et Ihe firsl sel of Public Informnlion Centre will incluJe o i _ place for noting "VdueJ En�ironmemal Components". One of lhe purposes of Ihe firsl set of workshops will be ta idlmify these fentures. 6.4 Technical reports will be summarized In a newelelter or ehorl form Ihat grrphlcally and aucclnelly presenl� re�ulle, conclu�lons, anJ Impllcnllons. This me�ter will be included. Chepler 7 wili be �menJed accordingly to include �his commi�ment. 6.3 From the ouleet of the EA, the proponent wlll estnUlt�h a Table of Commltments to reeord all commifinent� eo Ihat parliciponla cqn know Ihal � probtem or eonccrn ha� been addressed, Such � Table of Cnmmllmenla woulJ form a chapler in Ihe EA and Jemonstrale lo dl p�rllctp�nle Ihe eommltment ot Ihe proponenf. This mener is included. �_����.i�,..:-; . � . . Y �' : 1 . _ . . . .. , . . . . . . . Y;3.i� �' , i . . . , . . *s.�� �,` . , _ . . . Y.�j} . . . . . +"�4 : , . . . . . . f . � . - . . .. �. . � M ' •, � y+fH 1 . . . . . � � . � . _ .�{d)�J :::i . . . _ . , . ' , . . . .. � 171. ATTACHMENT /.Z�TO IA.T. HEPORTM_.�(� This exercise ha� elre�dy begun end is included (n lhe dnft Term� of Rekrence �s Exhibit 7.2 — Summary of Issues end Concerm Identified Through Coneultdion. This effort will continue during'the EA end wiil be ineluded es put of Ihe ReporL 7.0 Commllment� The TOR fn Ileelf, repreaent aommitmenla of l6e propoaent. la aclJllfou, the Regloo of York ehould eommit fo negotl�lia� a Community Deeellla Agreement with the Town'of Pickering during t6e prepontioo of Ihe EA, ao t6�t �o tgreement la in pl�ee �t tde conclualon ot the EA. At a meeting ofThe Council oFThe Regionnl Municipelity of York on Thursday 24 September 1998 endorsement was given,in principle,to the stetegy for negotiation of a Community Benefits Agreement with the Town of Pickering during ihe course of the Environmental Assessment for Ihe proposed Dutham West water supply. A copy oF Repart No 8 of ihe Regionel Commissloner of Trensportetion and Work� is enclosed for information. , �, We hope thet this letler ha� addresxd all of Ihe Town's issues and we look fanverd lo meeling with you to discuse the contente, jf rcquired. Youn very lruly, �l(Q(�lw Debbie Koroinek, P.Eng. . . Long Term Water Project M�nager � , ii� Y �j,` � Y; : � . . . . . . Yj � �;* h `� � . � ' . ��{� � 4 � ��, i t�.:.� . . . . . � �f . . � ..K� � . ; � ��; � 10� APPENDIX I TO IDT REPORT NO. 7•98 TOWN OR PICKERING COMMENTS ON THE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT DRAFT TERMS OF REFERENCE FORTHE LAKE ONTARIO WATER SUPPLY VIA DURHAM WEST The Town of Pickering, assisted by a peer reviewer, hes conducted a review of: • Draft Terms of Reference for an Individual Environmental Assessment, and • Individual Work Plans set out ss appendices to the above. As a result of our review, we request that 22 specific wording chenges be made to the Draft Terms of Referencc, and a further 43 specific wording changes be made to the appendices. The requested changes are set out on the following pages. Each requested change is numerically referenced to thc appropriate section of text, and a copy of the text is attached for convenience. d,fc { . ({ ;� � 'w=• .; r' , 103 REOIONAL MUNICIPAUTY OF YORK LONO TERM WATER PROJECT LAKE ONTARIO WATER SUPPLY VIA DURHAM WEST DRAFT TERMS OF REFERENCE for �n INDIVIDUAL ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT Suggested Amendments 1) The advantages and disadvanlages of Durham cooperalion (Including fmplications tor local municipalitiea e.g. Town oi Pickerinp) are proposed to be invesligated during lhe preparation of lhe Environmental Assessment for consideration by lhe regions of York and Dufiam. 2) Avofdance of unslable areas (e.g. lhose subjecl to erosion such as sleep bluff areas, stream valleys and ravine alopes, or shoretines subJecl to sedimenl removal by lake currenls). 3) Avoid displacement of relail, commercial and induslrial bufldfngs and hfgh value farm buildings and structures. 4) Avo(dance of unslable areas (e.g. those subJecl lo erosion such as steep bluff areas, stream valleys and ravine slopes, or shore8nes subject to sediment removal by lake currenis). 5) Avoid dfsplacement of relail, commercial and Industrial buildings and high value farm buildings and structures e) Avoidance of unstable areas (e.g. Ihose subJect to eroslon such as sleep blufl areas, stream valleya and ravine slopea, or shorelines subject lo sedimenl removal by lake curtents). 7) Avold displacemenl of retail, commerGal and induslrial buiidings and high value farm buildings and atructures. B) Avoidance of unstable areas (e.g. Ihose subJecl lo erosfon such as sleep bluff areas, stream valleya and rovine slopes, or shoreiines subJect lo sed(menl removal by lake cuROnls). • 9) Avoid permanenl watercourses. 10) Avoid displacement of retail, commercial and Induslrial buildings and high value farm buildinqs end atructures, 11) Mlnlmize requiremants tor privately owned lands In agricultural production. 12) Avoldance of unstable areas (e.p, thoae subJect to eroslon such as steep bluH areas, stream valleys and ravtne slopes, or ehorelines subject to sediment removal by lake currents). 13) Avold displacement of relail, commercial and tnduslrial buildinps and high value farm buildfngs and at►ucturea. 14)Avofdance of unslable areas (e.g. lhose subjecl to eroston such as sleep blutf areas, stream valleys and ravine alopea, or shorelfnes subjact lo sedimenl removal by lake curtents). ;. . , :_, ; . . ....., .. ,.... ,. . .. . _ ,. 1.04 , 16) The ►rede-0Ife Ihtt pukled lhe dedeion to favour one eet of edvanlapas and disedvanteges over mothsr witl be clee�ly deecrlbed end lncnbb fn lhe EA Report end proeenled at PuMb Inlartwtbn centroa ror commenL 18) The eeeond wlll uee a welghtinp ecenedo developed by the penerel publk, Inlereet graupe endmunlClp�OIIN� Indu.iin9 }he Town ef Pickerins , 17) The preliminary dasign of the pretened altemalive, when complete, w(il be reviewed by ell intereated paAbs and any inpul on lhe preliminery desipn will be consldered and doeum�nbd le Iha PreparaUon ol lhe EA Report. 18) Avold deMed hamlel areas. - Use as e Pdmary Criteda 18) Specify lhe distance nowl 20) AvoM environmenhliy dgniflcant are�s, provinciaily eigni0cant ANSIe, snd wetlmd�. 21) Avoid�reuotdpnilicanlgroundwolerrechupeord(scharge. 22) AvoM lands designaled "Roupe•DuHine Wildllfe Corridor" In Ihe P:. •^•�ng Otlicial Plan. ' . . .: . . . ;k . • . . ��{,-t . . '�r°�' ! _ " r ,# : . � potenti�l beneDu to Durhun Re4ton that could Durhun Wat tolution, Some prellminuy brnef t exitting operatlonal problems in Durhtm Region need for expanaion of D�:tum Region w�ter �upp ' otaupply for Durham Reglon. Beneftts to York Region ot Durhun co•operati etficiencies associ�ted with optimizing infnstru Durham fecilities and nddidonel tlexibility in con The advantages u�d disadvantages of burham w-o � tUrther during the pnpuaHon of the Environmen Regtons o[York aad Durhem. 3.0 I'urpose of thc Undertaking I 3.1 Geaeral betcr(ptlon of tha UndettaWnQ ihe undertaking ie de6ned as a Lake Onterio Wet The infrutruet�ue components wiU consist ot the f� Section 4.2): I . Raw Wate[ Intake: The intake pipe will exlen� . Raw Water Pumping Station(s): One or mor the mw water from Lako Ontnrio ro a water h . Water Treatrnent Plant: At ihe treatment p1� pro�'��-: � poteble water. . Wat ,.itorege Reseivoir: Treated weter will intc �ne water aystem. . 7ransmission Water Main(s); Water mains spect6c facilities, These mains will carty pltnt, �nd treated weler from ihe trntrnent p1 of uae. � . Treated Water Pumping Sution(s): One or m convey the treated watu from the water tra poiab of use. It ie ncognized that, due to the varied nature o I �Itemativss wili in�witably ereato e,rovironmeat+l ' eomponents of the undeitaking will be considered i 3.2 Pucpo�e eud ReHopele for the Undertikin Tha purpose of the undenaking is to provide up t pl�nt proceases) via the Durham Wat Comdor need�. These needs ue identified in the York Re Supply M•ester Plen. Further, the undeneking provides an opportu t requiremrnts of Durham Region. The Durhem W' ; t,loeonwiew.urs�pptyr�,wrn.mwut .7. Onrt Tmre ef Mhrcnc. achleved through coaperatton in th! ns to i)whun Region lnclude: dlcviating ater supply infnstructure, deleying the ' � infreshucture, utd improved secut{ty ' � include: operationel benefite, coat ¢e wmponrnts through the use of ;tion steging. ratlon ue ptoposed to be investigated Assessment for wne(dentton 6y the vla the burhun Weat Conidor. (futther details are provIded in linto L�ke Onlario. nw w�ter pumping atations will pump atrnrnt planL nt, tt�e rew water will be processed to be stored in a reseNOir for distribution wilt be requGed to connect the site- w weter from the lake to the treatment snt to the nservoir ur directly lo points ro vated wattt pumping station(s) will nwt ptmt to the reaervoir or diratly to he InhuWcNre Corridor Study Area, ipacu. The impecta auociated with all � the environmrntal assessment. approximately 80 MIGD (excluding in- o meet York Region's long term water 'on Olt'icld Plan and L.ong Tertn Water to eutat in serving the lopg tem� solut{on couid be advantageoua to the Aupn� 199t . .io6 N�tunl • .o�o �.��......� ,...... _. _......-- -�- Eaviroemmt' .20 ���o�. • Awiddisplaemn�totroidentidbu Eedronen�nt • A�otddbpl�temsntotlnadtudond.i • Awid ametule� �nd knoWn burld � • Avoiddtipluemeneotreuil.comm� • A�old h�urd luid� � . pwldduntionoh roved I�nsa Culmnl H�rita�� • Awfd built hcrivae fe�rorc� p,ovironm�nt • Avold d{nificant cultwd I�nda�pa . Awld knovm �rchuolosteil sitet Tac6nlal • �°����billiy otsuftkfcnt nw wiu i Coosid�nllom • Oeotechnkd�y wtubk �reas tor mi • ConMCtivllY lo Dumpin� fulion id �nd :ommunity butldinp Induttrid buildinas md Fidh vdue tum bulldin�f of cha im�ke N����� . Minimize diaurb�nce to habim (or fish specfes u�ill:in; the nurshore of l.�ke Ontuio for kedina, Eorironrmnt tp�wniny.orrcaring ' • Minimiza disturb�nce to piim or �nimd ��aies considercd to be re�ton�lly or Ixdly tignifiuoi i • . Taheleil Awld�nee ot uniuble vas (e,a. those subjea a uosion such as tuep bluUuas, ar thorelina Cantfdenttom �+ubjcet to udiment removal by like ourtepu) . Sui�,biliiv for �ooliutton for diemuive cpnswcUon me�hods i , , i , � . Tt�REGIONALMUNtCIPALiTY0FY0RK- NGTEAMWA7'ERSUPPLYPIt0,1ECi • /� i.���. PROMlEDPIWiARYAKDSECOtfDARY �101DIT Wh$jime%i �Or� e•i:ii::i�i I GCA'LMiIONCRITLIIIA— IJA j%ll�lll'25.:,� ,� o••• R,�wWemtltrt,�xc ;i - ,,. N��w • Arolddlpaman�ncwaWeeune� � Eerlroem��t • Avoid em mn nuilr tl�nlfk�m un� provincAlly tljn:fiuM ANSG. wnl�nd� md lu�e � ' uuc 1+ . ��qo� • Avoiddt�pl�cementotresidenddbuildl {i fio�itonmtnt • ArolddifpluemantoflnttlwUaul,rcc t�ond�ndcammunicybulldin�� • Avold eemuericf �nd known burid �ro s �A�:Sd di�plaemcnt of rcuil, eommeal �nd Indutvid bulldinp �nd hijh vdw (arm bufldin{i • Avol4h�tW Itnd� • Aroid �ItenNon oh ved Imt of tu Ivlilon Cullunl H�dute • A�rold buih heduae fuwru Eerironment • A�old tljnlfieanuuleuni I�rduape ta� ea • • Avold known �rch�eolo kd �l�es pKy�� • Siu ere+s o[ suiuble siiei �Hb�y��a� • Aacu to �he tiu for eonnections to tha ndka �nd tr�rsmisston mdnt • Acais to �he �fu (or eonstrucdon �nd Inten�ncddell�e veNcles � N�tunl • Minimluencro�chmentontunpuary trncourw En�4onmeot • Minfmiu Impicu to �iQnlfiunt or tensl i�a vegcution • Minimf:e encrouhmenn on h�binu for spaies of pl�nu md �nirtul� n risk • Minimi[e encro�thment an wooded s Soelo•�coaomfe • M�Rimi:e the use of exi�dnj Ilne�r I�nd uca md vaeant Imds toned (or Industrlal purposet Earlroortxnl • Minimtudi�pltcementofinstitutlonal, aratlond�ndeommunliyk�eures • Minimtte displ�cement of uvu used fo businu� opu�tlont • • Minimicenumberofidj�ceneraidenc + Minimhe numbcr ohdj�cen� bmtness aGons • Mlnimi:e numberol�djuent In�titut(o 1, rare�tlond �nd mmmunity futurc� ineomp�dble wi�h proJect development , • Mfnimlceuasofminent�adrc;ue urces • Min(mise dlsNlacement of u�hu eaistin fum build(ngs md svuciure� w(�hin ROW • Minimi:e �rcu w(th tile drdniQe � • Miniml=e ua of Clui 1- S I�nd up�b Ilty solls O�� � • Miniml:e number o( municipal dr+iru/d es peuntl�lly dfccted � �9 S • M(nimite ueu wiih tpeeidiy erop or � iilry �7riculewd we arc�s (e.s. orch�rds) /��,��pna �• Mfnimtu numbcr of exis4ns f+rm bulld n�t �nd feeElou on �dJuent property wl�hir�neten � iA • •. Miniml:e fr+{menution of (um p et , �.� � A�oid de0ned h�mlet ueu • Minlmize ucess to tBe tite duoush rcel entf�l ttrcat �nd lail m�d� (it defined in the munlcfp�l pl�m) • Minfmiza r ufromeMS for ri��tel ow landi In i eulturd roduedon Technial mAroid�nea of un�uble vai (e.a. tho�e ubjat to erotton wch �s �tcep 61uff uas, or �horellne� ComldenUont V tubf at a sediment removd by lake e nn) •� : . Awidanceo(ktwwnueuofcoN�min edwll � • Minimf:adon of disunce to rv�ll�ble sourte Tf� REGIONAL MUMCIPALITY OF YORB- NG 1$RM WATBRSl1PPLY PROJ6CT Consumers �Or� ��iu: �I ���S��AYANDSLCONDARY Ep10R e�.rv�u.� G[N[RATIONCMLRIA- �3B UIiIlhCS �+- ,� o•• • RAw WA'RRPUARMG SiATIONif) N.�..� � a • Arold ul pwmuMm wiucewra . g�H • Avold nnliy d�niflant u�u. a�tair ni�n��M,wsu. wul�ndt �nd Iv{e woodW wu Soclo�eenamic • Awid displ�cementof taldendd buildl Eedronnwnt �• A.oid dbplK�rn�m of in�dwtiond. ra �doml �nd communi�y bulWinp • Awid amewrles md krown burid pou s �AvoW d'uplenmentof reuil, comm�rcG md Indwvid bultdfnp �nd hi{h v�lue 6rm buildin�� • Avoid haurd Ionds • Avold �Itenilan ot� ved Im� of w ivition Cultunl Neritye ' Aro� ���� heriu�e fe�turo� , Enrironmml • A�roW si�nifiunt eulna�i I�nda�pe fe�t a� • Aroid known ueh�w Ial tita T���y� • Siteunsottulubtet{u� CoruW�ntioes •�s ��+ie for eonnat(ons io the ipake �rid uwmlulon rtuin� • Aeuts to the �ite for construcQon �nd mllmuuncddelive vehlcla N�lunl • Minimtu encro�ehment on temporur w tercounet Envlronment • Minimiseimp�eutoti6nifiuntortensit�.�evajeution , • Minimfze entroathmcros on lubinu for puiet of plann and animdt at risk • Minimizt encroaehmem on wooded uu Socb•economic . Mazlmlu tAe use of ecbtin` Ifneu I�nd �es and vu�nt I�nds ioned (or industdd purposes Enrlronment . Minlmlu displaement of Innlmtiond, r�crc�Qon�l �nd communiry (awra • Mlnlmiu ditpl�cement of �rat used for usinest oper��ions • Mlnimlu numbu ot���cent rc�ldences i • Mlnimlunumberof�dJ�centbwlnes�oI�ndan� � • Mln(mize number otidJicem Instfrodond, rarudond �ed communiry fe�wra Incompuibie wi�h proJxtda�elopment ' • Min(mim uas of miner� �`pes�m resource: • Min(mfu displ�cemem of othet exlstin; um buildin;� ��d svucturet within ROW . Minimlu ueai wiih dle dnim�e . Minimiu uu ot Cl�u i— 3 I�nd c+p+bl liy wilt ' I$ • Mlnimiu number of municip�l duin✓di�es potentially �ttateA • Minimiu uas wiih ipectdiy aap or ip�citliy ��rieultural use ue�s (e.`, orchud�) � • Mfnlmiu number of e�lnfna fum buildiha�.nd feedlou on �dJ�cen� property wiU�in x meun 1�'e .� Mlnimlu (n�menadon of Grm propeni�s � (j�`' Awld defioad himlet uat • Mintmlu �aa� ro iha �lu throu�h rald nAd tvan �nd Ioal ro�d� (u defined In the munlclpal P�W) � Minimi:er u(rcmenufor Iv�tel o I�ndsin� icultunl oduetlon T�e6n1ul . Avoldmee of unfaEle ua� (a.�. �hose � bject �o erosion weh �s s�ap blu[f ua�, ot shoreltnes Cemid�ntiom subJeet to sedimant remov�l by like eurt nu) • AYOld�nce o(known ucu of com�min�t soil • Minimiradon of diivace to wail�ble po r source • Minimlution of disunce w end usen ' � MinimluHon o(dtiunee to e:is�ing or piopo�ed awer f�eilicies for wute diuhvga • SlteelevaQon i THL RLGIONAL MUMCIPALITY OF YORK— NG TERM WATIR SUPPLY PRO)ECT Consumers ����'�' �OtOSLDPRAGRYANDS[CONDARY EJ�DR 'l.I OZ'� e.,,.,,�:i Guvea►novC�rttw►- IsC 4/IUI�I��� �! s •r WATLR?R[AiMItITPLA1fi N� • Awid dl pmuMM �nlawwM� Endtentetnl • Arold aulty �i�nitk�m uw pro�inei.11r �ttnifie.m ANSIi. weil.nds.nd lary• woodeE u�u 4 bxbaeoneadc • Avolddbplu�m�n�ofraid�n�dbuiidl �i EnNronment • Avoid ditpl�ummt of Instlwibn�l. nc tioiul md communhy buildinjt • Awtd cemeteria �nd kiawn buri�i �ro �dc �Aroid dbpl�eement of roull, commerci 1�nd Irdu�uld bulldlnjs ud hl`h rduc fum bulldin�t • Mroid huard ludf • AK Id 4ta�Qon of � ved I�m of � ivl�lon Cuitunl H�dap • Aw�d builc 6alu�e fu�wu . EnHronment • Awtd tijn(finnt cultutai ludu�p� fu � . Avotd known uchuolo lal �liat 7aMled • Slteuwtohulubie�l�a .. CoroM�nlloro • Ikcut to �he tits forconncctions a the �mmiuion m�ins • Attesf to the ilro fot consUUOdon �nd �inunmcddelf�er rehicies N��� • Minimiteencrouhmentonumporuy �urcouaa Eodromient • Minimite Imp�cts to il�nlfie�nt or scnfi ive ve`endon • Mtnlmi:e encro+chmena on habiuu f tpeclu of pl�na ind �nimslt �t risk • • Minlmi:e encraehmcnt on wooded ae s ' Salo•economla � Muimf:e the uu of ezl��inQ ilncu I�n uses �nd v�an� lerds zoned (ar indwrti+l purposcs En.lroomeat • Minlmi:edfipi�cemento(Instiwdond, arutiond�ndcommunityfeature� • M(nlmi:e ditpl�eement of uas uscd fo buAnus opentlons � Minimiu numbtr of idjuent rc�idene • Minlmi:e number of �dJuent bwlnen pa�dona • Mlnlmlu numbtt of ��uent InsQtutlo d, ra�udond �nd communlry futures fncompufble wi�h proJect da�elopmeM • Mfnlmi:a ucu of miner�l ��erepie re wcct . • Minimf:e di�pl�cement of o�her exl:dn fum buildins� �nd �wccures wiihin ROW � Minlmlae arus wi�h dle dnlnaYa � Mlnimite uu of Cluf 1— 31md up+ iliiy so(Is • Mlnlmltenumberolmunieipaldrdm/dkatpotcntldlr�ffated • Minlm(m �rc.f wi�h speci�l�y erop or � IA�y �jrteulwnl use ue�: (a`. orchuds) � • Minlml:e numEer of ex(:6nd fum bull in{� �nd feedlou on �dJaent propeny w(�hin x metu� • • Minlmiu fnymenadon of fum prope ia . A�roid defined h�mke uea • Minlmize �ccut to �he ti�e throu�h tul cntl+l fueeu �nd lad ro�d� ps defined in �he munidpd pl�ro) • Minlmi:e rc uiremenu (or rivuel o I�ndi In � cutwrd roduedon Te4hatul � Awid�nce of unsubie uw (e.�. ihou ubja� w eroslon �uch �s �eeep blutt+reas, or shorelfnes Coroid�nqanr tubJece W sedlment rcmav�l by lake c enu) � • Awfd�nca of krawn uw oteonnml ted toil ' • Simelevuion T!� REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF YORIC — LONG TEAM WA'CER SUPPLY PROILCT �+„�,u�� I.r��. PROTO4EDPPAtAAYANDSECONDAIIY �(SR W �� �����• � GEI�M'[IONC�JTERL�— o��re��..�� I 1.]D U�(�(�(Q�� �•• tiYATLRSTORA6EItESLRV0IR 1.�\II ��\�I N�� '* • Avokenvlronm�ouliy�l�niflnnla Bnrine�n(a�o �.�po�� • Avoid di�plKementof rc�Idemid bi EnWroenNat • Avoid dGpliaemem of imtilutbnd. • Awld ameterla �nd knawn burid , �wfd ditpl�eement of rcnli, commi • Avold h�t�rd I�nds • Avoiddmi�donot� roved I�nsc Culmni Herltqe • ��id �ufli Aulu�e fa�wa ga������ • A�oid�iQnifie�ntcultunll�ndsc�pe • AvoW known �rcAuolo (ul sites iaMicd � Use of dahtsaf-w�y wasememt w Wmldmpom • Compli�nce wUh conrixdon requlre N�mnl Emlronment Bn•ironment ConiWmttom nlond md communtiy buildin`t d� �nd Industrid buiidtnp �nd hidh v�lue fnm bulldin{t �uch u uke o(f �nd dellvery pofnu • mmt�ettwsm;w�vuKycomaon • Minlmze crostinat otwuercourus wi� slanificane or sen�(il�e tish spafcs • Mintmxelmpuatoi(gnifiantarunsl4veveQenQon • Mlntmik eroe�inaf or eneroechments oh h�bluu for spafa of plints �nd mim+ls n iisk • Mlaimi:e encro�ehment or erossin s o wooded ueas • Mulmita ihe uu o(esistin; Ifnw i�n uses end veant Imds zoned for Indusvlol purposes • Minimi:e di�pl�cemem of in�iiwtionel, arudon�l and eommunity (ntures • Minimi:e dl�pl+cemem o(uu: uud fo businw� opentions • Mlnimite number of �dj�cene ruidence • • Miniml=enumbero(�dJ�centbue(�t penUons � Minimiu number of �dj�cent Imiim�io �, recreidanal �nd eommunlry feilures Incomp�tible with prof ec� development • Mfnimixe �rc�� of minud isgregue re ources • Mfnimi:e df�plicementof a�ha eKlstin fum bulldin4s �nd tauemru wi�hin ROW • Minimtza tteu wlih Ule dnimge • MlnimlzeuaofCl�ssl-3ludnp� ili�ysolis • Minimi:e number ot municipol dnind ku potendelly dfeeted • • Minimf:e mn with �peci�lry crop or s I+Ity �gdeultunl use �rcu (ae. orchuds) • M(nimi:e number of exi�dn� fam bull inas �nd f lou on ��uem propetty within x metus • M(nfmi:e fn menntion of (um ro iet 1 � ' •' Comp+Gblllty wf�h exisitnj ud tuture rvitts �n udlidu • SlmpUcityofdai;n (' • • SuinDifltYfor�oellcttlonotdurtudve nswcQonmethads �� . 0 . 7RE RtCtoNet Mvrr�ca�tn o►Yoruc �b.Otf6'ItAM WA7LR SU►�LY PRA)LCf W/�lume� �Or� ��;":� .I PRO�OSEDPpAfARYANDS[t0`IDARY E1011ER UI1�lilCS�:- o..�.�..: � Ga+[rt�noNCamnu- IsE � o �. . I TturrsnttsstonW�rcaDi�t(i) NiMrd • Awid dl permanent w�weourw 6nrtrnnmmt • Mroideyrjron�uilyitjnllk�mu ve�c (v�� ��,��y��� � Avoid dl�plecament o(tttfdanti�l bt F.�vironmmt� • Avoiddi�plrcmen�otlmQwdon4, � Awid cemneries �nd kiwum burid �Mrold dbplaement of rctdl. comm� � Avold h�ard I�nds • Avold d�uulon of � roved luu c Cnlmrd H�dhse • �roid buil� hed�qe futurcs Eoritenment • Avoid ilgnifiunroulmr�l l�ndse�pe • Avo(d krawn uch�eolo lul �fus T�d.niul • Siieuasotsuiabie�i:es Condderalfon� • Aaass �o �hn ilm for wnnadons w . Aeeeu to the siro [or construetion u provincl�lly d{nifiant ANSI�. wplmdt �rd br�c utbnd �nd communhy bulldlnp udt il �nd indurtdd Eulldln�s �ad hish vd'ue tum build(nas �nd u�nsmiselon m�ins N����� • Minimize encro�chment on temporuy �ureounes Emironment • Minimi:e imp+cu to sianlfiunt a te iQvn regeution • Mintmite encroachmenu on h�biuu f tp«in of pl�nu md mimds n risk • Minlmize encraehment on waodad u i Soclo�eeonomle • M�aimi:e the use of e:isting Iineu li d ucei ind v�unt I�nds:oned for indusvid purposet Enrironmmt • Minim(:e diepl�cement of irutitudon� rccrmtion�l �nd wmmunlry fatures • Minimf:e displacemem of ueu used r businus opcndoni , • Minimi:e number of adJ�esnt reside • Minlmisenumberot�djicentbwines apentiom • Minlmice number of �dJicem imtitud n�l. recrc��ion+l �nd community fuwrea Incomp�Able W(th pro)ect developmtnt • Minimi:e uea of minenl �ySrcaite r ources • �� Minimi:e dlspl�cement of o�her e�is4 a Grm bulldinas �nd suuctures within ROW • Mfnimlie uus wlth iUe drdn�;e � Miniml=eueto(Clnsl-3t�ndapbilitytoil� • Min(mi:enumbero(munidp�ldnin ikespo�enddlydfccted • Minlmlie uut wi�h specf�lty crop ar pecidry ipfeulwnl use uas (e.g. orcherds) • Minimise number o(exl�ti,i; fum buf din;s �nd kedlots on �djecent propmy Wi�hln x mecen •• MI�ImIte h�gmenutlon of Grm pro nla . • A�old defined h�mlet trca • Minimice �ccui eo �he ilm �hmu�h r idendd sueeu �nd laai roads (a defined In the municip�l pl�nf) • Minimlte uirements for rintei ned Imdf In � cultur+l roduction Tahnlul •,�4vo(duxe of unsuble ueu (a�. tlw iubjat m erodon �uch �s steep bluff aras, or chorelines CoosidenHam V'tubJat to sedimenc rcrtwwl by I�ke e enu) . Avold�ncaotknown�rcuoteonumi �udsoti . Minimlucionofdisuncetoav�(I�ble wersource � THE REGIOYAL MUMCIPAL(TY Or YORK LONC TERhI WATlR SWPLY PROIECT. Consumers �""' PRO►OS[OPALNARYANDS[COWARY E70(IE�T �� a �• �• • GFl.iAAT10N CRITIIIIA— e..���r. Y� I I.1F v�(�(�(Qf��— �� TR[ATEDI��A7LRP11Dt?1N0$TATION(S) B . i� L�put 5om Iheie sourcei wiil be collated to idenl fy the prc[ccr�d dtem�tive. The trade• �1 oRi that guided the dai�ion W fivow ope tet f adv�nUQer uid ditadwnta;et over mother witl be eieuly dawibed in the EA Rep ct rnd pruentod et Public Intortmlion Cmtres for eommenl. ' AHthmet(c Ev�luatioo Component The Arithmetle Evaluition comp6nent will incor evaluetion eriterion (refemd to u the welghr) u usociated with an altmmative (refared to u the both the lavel of impu�tence of eaeh eritaion, s w{th euh altemativa. (The megnitude of a buu for the purposea of the following discussion, it Imputs an also be epplied to any benafits provi� The weight is multiplied by the awre to obtain total is eonsidered the Prefetred Altemetive. Seorfng , The acore assigned to each criterion is relative to can renge from those thet are positive (benefit the the envirohment). Scores will be usi�ed basi impaets rxetving the lowest scoro, and the greates The assessment of impacts will be derived from f models, aeeondary data sourcas (a� appropriatej a Source/Method of Aasasment in the EA Work Pla The Project Team will assi� each criterion a acoi to uslgn a apaifie acore to uc4 crilerion will be appcndlx otthe Bnvironmental Aasasment Repot Weigh!!ng Generelly, moro weight is usi�ed to �hosa criur essessing impeeta generated by eltemativas, md le ue considered to be less important. 1Wo weighting scenazios will be used for thi� ev� weighting acenerio developed by the Projat T� scenario developed by the genent public end intn publie consultation utivitia end a random sarnp used to establiah tha relative weights that panicipa This approach provide$ ihe Projat Team wi�h an of each evaluation criterion. If the publie weighting acenerio and the Project T� 'preCcrred alternative, Uils prcCerred alternative wo Imput Asseesment camponen� If the two weigh� dtemntivea, both altematives wiU be compared to eomponent. Vk� Q+o�1e WHa Supplyvl� Durlum Wnt Dn(i rmn otRcRrona •za ate both the level of impoAanee of each he magnitude of the impact (or beneCt) ora). Numerical valuas ue dedvcd for the magnitude of the impact azsociatcd can also be expresaed numerically, and sssumed thnt the method of addres'sing , by an altemative.) The altunstive with the highest : impact generated. Relative impacts vironment) lo negativa (detrimental to on a sliding acale, wlth the highest mefit rceeiving tho Mghest acore, d measuremrnts, results of prediction other mems u described under Data The assumptiom end judgemants uscd eumented in detail end included in the wh3ch ue felt to be more important in weight is given to lhose eciteria which ��component. The 6rat wlll use e e saond will use a' weighting t groups. Ques6onnaires dishibuted at survey of atudy uea residents will be t feel should be given to each criterion. iderstanding of the relative importance weighting scenazio identify the same be compared to the resulta of the Net• acenarioa grnerete difCerent pro&aed rosulte of the Nel Tmpact Assasment Av�un 109t � Implemenhtiao 7'he hvo eomponenb of the cvilwtion procus wi Wtunple, lhe Projat Teun'� u�umptlons �nd ntii o[ impoA�nee of � edtedon will be documented � v�lue u�igned to uch witerion. In �dd(Qon, input coordinried Ihroujh public infonnuion erntrea �nd meetings, �votkshaps) to ensuro lesues, concems m propttly identi6ed �nd understood by the Projat T� The results of the Tr�de•Off Ev�luation component Atithmetic Evaluation componont. If the two coi diftttent proferted �Item�aves, the differeneu 1 identified. The ruults of the Arithmetic Mcthod weight•scon combinations in the Arithmet(c Ev�lu trade-oft decision wili be revisited, to' determit appropri�te. Ifthe rationnle suppocting ihe Tradea preferred altemativa identIfied by the Trade-o!f ine of ihe Arithmetic Evaluation lead to modiGcations Ttadaoff inethod pre&rted altemative may bo rc� Project Teun's daisions will be cleaziy daumrnte� 6.2 Prelim(n�q� Deslen sud M(tigation Measui T6e pre&rted ahemative will be eemed fonvu detailed development, resolution o! impact n Comments received from review egencies and mtu in the process will be censidered in the refinement tde detailcd plans and mitigation shetegiea. Deui activtdes to be underteken during the EA ue prov Work Plui in Appendices 3 to 6. QThe preliminary dasign af the prefeRed altemative, \ intaeeted perties and eny iaput on Ihe prelimii prepantion of the EA Repon. 7.0 Consultation 7.l Consulutlon Undertaken In Preparatloo a The primary goil of public consullation during th wu to raeive eommcnts and obtain Input to h aubsequent EA and the proposed consultation plan The following outlines the method� used to consu � of the Tertns o[Reference. 9.1.1 Publlc Caneultetio¢ Discussion Paper A discu�s(on paper was prepued at the outset of consultat(on to be carried aut to develop the ' eomultation plm to be implemented during the avdlible to interested individuals at the Fint : Ukc Onoiie W�ur Supply rb Pnlum W��t DnrtTm�u ef Rdamn .2 �. 1 t.3 be implemented simult�neously. For tle behind ita usesunent of the level ng with the eorteaponding uithmedc �m ���lceholdert uid the public will be 1hw public consultation �ctivitie: (e.g. ;he magnitude ofpotent(el impacts ue +ill be eompared to the resulla hom the ponents result in the idrntificetion of itwern the two altem�tives will be vill be enalyzed to determino the key tion. Similarly, the rationele for eneh � it the Project Teun decia(on wns 'dccisions is valid and appropriate, the iod will stand. However, if the resulta o the'Trade-oCf decision rationale, the sed. 7ttis pracess of reconciling the and pasented foY comment, to tha preliminary design pheso for igadon issues, and documentatioa ipal, technical, and public periicipants � Ihe pre&rted altemative as well as i¢ of preliminnry design and mitigadon ed in thc components of tha draR EA n complete, will be reviewed by all de:ign will be considered in the e Terms of Rekrepee rmulation oCtho Tem�s of ReCerencp develop the proposed scopo oi the tho EA. with the public duriag the'Preparation � study, witich outlined the proposcd ms of Reference and the pmposed �. The discussion paper wss made of Publie InComiation Cenhes. In Au�un1991 ��� if.4�� REOIONAL MUNICIPAUTY OF YORK LONO TERM WATER PROJECT LAKE ONTARIO WATER SUPPLY VIA DURHAM WEST DRAFT TERMS OF REFERENCE tor an INDIVIDUAL ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT INDIVIDUAL WORK PLANS (APPENDICES) Nole: suggested changes appear fn bold lext in Ihe numbered paragraphs below. PROPOSED WORK PLAN FOR THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT 3. Generatton ot Alternative Allgnmenta and Facility Sites Primarv Generalion Crileria for Raw Water Inlake t. existing informadon as noled in lhe Technicai Memorandum — Nalural Envfronmenl and collected during Ihe EA phase (Nalural Herilage Information Cenlre, ESA, ANSI repo�t, naturalist and local spoAsmen's data, universilies) Secondary Generaqon Crileria for Raw Weler Inlake 2. exisQng informalion (MNR, TRCA, Onlerio Hydro , DFO naturalist and Iocal sportsmen's data, universitiea) 3. existing informalion as noled in the Technical Memorandum — Natural Environment and collected during Ihe EA phase (Nalural Herilage Information Centre, ESA, ANSI report, naluralist and local apotlamen's data collacted during lhe EA phase). • local OHicial Plans and pendinplplanned amendments (e.g. Pickering Rural Study) Primarv Generalfon Criteria for the Transmission Waler Mains 4. A crossing of or encroachment on lhe area may inler(ere with unique habitats or species. Secmdarv Generation Criteria for Ihe Transmfssion Water Malns 5, existing informal(on (e.g. fish colleclion records, naluralist and aportamen's data, Rouge River Management Plan),.... 8. existing informalfon (e.g. ESA and ANSI reports, municipa� sources, welland records and naturalist and sportsmen's data) 7. existing informalion (e.g. Natural Herilage Informalfon Cenlre, welland records, ESA and ANSI reporls, municipal sources, and naturalist and sportsmen's data) e.. ...11� Cdtedon ReQonete Data Source M+�xlmi:� The Potsntld . the cra�tion of ■ . exl�tlnp infarmatlon (e.p. to Enhmee Existinp psrm�nen! ROW for the ESA and ANSI RepoR, Eco�oplcal Cortidon pipeline h�e the Officid Plens and md Li,ik�{pe potentiel to secure pendinplpi�nned edditiond lend� that will amendmenta, Natural serve to etronpthen He�itege Informatlon ' and/orenhenceexistinp Centre,andnaturallat ecolopicel Ilnka md and spoRamen's data) coMdora in the area . air photo Interpretation • fleld level reconnaissance Pdmarv GeneraHon Criteria for the Water Pumaina Slaqon. Water Trealment Planl and Water Slorane Reservofr No commenls Secondarv Generalfon Criteria for Ihe Waler Pumalna SlaQon. Water Treatmenl Plant and Water Storaae Reservofr 9. exisling Informalion (e.g. Natura� Heritage Intormalion Cenlre, welland records, ESA, ANSI reports, naturalisl and aportamen's data) colleded during the terms of reference and Ihe EA Phase 10, eaisting information (e.g. Naturai Herilage InformaUon Cenlre, wetland records, ESA, ANSI reporls, naturaiist and sportsmen's data) collected during lhe terms of reference and Ihe EA Phase 11. Criterton Ratfonaie Data Sourco Maxlmize The Potentfal . the creation of e • existinp informatfon (e.g. to Enhance Exiating permanent ROW for the ESA and ANSI Report, Ecolapicel Corridors pipeline has the OHicial Plans and and Llnkages potentlal to secure pe�dinglplanned addilional lands that will amendmenls, Natural serve to strengthen Heritage Intormation andlor enhance existing Centre , and naturalist ecolopical Iinks and and sportsmen's data) corr(dora in lhe area . alr photo interpretation • field level reconnaissance 4. Analysis and Evaluation 12, exiting fnformalion (e.g. ESA, ANSI, NHIC, Breeding Bird Atlas, Herp Allas, Naluralist and Sportsmen club records) gathered during lhe Tertns of Reference end EA Phese. 13. rteld aurvey to verify area boundaries , - 116 � ' 5. Pnliminary D�sipn and Mitipation Mwsuns 14. local municipalitia� 15. tocal municipalitla� 18. local municipalitia� 17. local municipalitlee SOCIO-ECONOMIC COMPONENT OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT WORK PLAN 3. GeneraUon of Altemative Alignmenta and Facility Sites Primarv Generatfon Criteria (or the Raw Water Inlake. T�ansmisslon Water Mains and for the Pumoina Station. Water Treatment Plant and Water Storaae Reservoir 18. Avoid Displacemenl of Retail, Commerdal and Industrial Buildings and High Value Farm Buildings and Structures 19. Hiph value farm buildings and structures represent a maJar capllai fnvestmenl in a fartn operalion whose displacement may aHect Ihe viabflity of lhe farm operatfon. 20. local municipal plannen Secondarv Generation Crileria for ihe Raw Water Intake. Transmission Waler Mafns and tor the Pumainq Slation. Water Treatment Planl and Waler Storape Reservolr 21. Minimize Number of Adjacenl Business Operations and SpecialtylSensitive Agricultural Operatlons 22. Business operalions and speclaltylsenaitive epriculturat operations (e.g. horse farms and fresh produce) adjacent to the ROW/sile may be disrupled during conslruction by dust, nolse, vibration, and access. 23. Business operalions and speclaltylsensitive agricultural operatlonr� (e.g. horse farms and Iresli produce) adjacenl to an operaling site may be disrupled b;� nolse, trafifc or vfsual iniruslon. 24. Inlervfows wilh business and farm ownedoperators 25. Agricultural operations and land lenure In the north portion of tF�e Town of Pickering has been severely impacted from past and ongoing (ederal and provincial government land management initietivea (e.p. Seaton lands, P;ovfncial Agricultural Assembly, Highway 407�. Frapmenfation analysts ahauld include an anelysis of parcel size, ownership and future plans of farmers. 28. aasessment data interviews wilh fartn operators ' „�, ...;�.� ,_........ _-__ . ... .., ._. .. , .. _ . . ..__.. .. . . . . 117: 1. Andytb and Evaluation Analvsis and EvaluaQon Criteria lor lhe Raw Water Intake. Transmiasion Water mains. and for tha Watel Pumo1�10 Stetbn. Waler Treslmenl PIan1 and Water Slmm�� Araa 27. Disrupdon of Commercial, Induslrial and SpecialtylSeneitive Apricultural Businesses 2B. Busfnesses which have an out door component (e.g. merket puden, produce sland, greenhouse) end rely on environmentel quality (e,g, pick your own, horse eteblea, children's pettfnp (arm) (or Ihefr business success are likely to be more sensilive lo Ihe consln�ctlon and operation of fadliNes. 28. A ROW/sile may require all ar partfon of an exisling farm operation resulting in: loss of soils and/or soil capab(lity, capital investmenl in buildings and strudures, Gle drainage or a larm woodlol and asaociated decrease in producNvity and income 30. Inlerviews with potenttally aHected tartn ownersfoperators 31. Impact on continued farm viabllity 32. Dtsrup:lon of farm operations can continue for years tollowing ROW conslruclion. 5oils may be depraded by compaction and other fmpacts assoclated wtth construction and maintenance, adversely affecting crop ylelds on aHected portions of tiie right of way where cropping is permitted to conNnue. 33. Interviews with potentfally affected (arm ownersloperators 34. Area of ROW easement where cropping will conlinue aRer construction 35. Development in the Town oi Picke�ing has been severely impacted from past and ongoing federol and provincial govemment land management Initiatives (e.g. Seaton lands, Prav(ncial Agricultural Assembly, Highway 407, airport lands �. The provision of water and sewer has the potential to facilitale growlh Is these end olher undeveloped areas. Growlh has potentfal cumulative environmental and socioeconomic (mplfcalions. 38, pending or planned Of(fcial Plan Amendments 5. Prelimtnary Design and Mitigation Measurea Preliminarv Consultaqon Aclivilies lor Preliminarv Desian and Mftiaation 37. Survey of farm owners and operalors regarding polential milfgation and monitorinp measures and preferences CULTURAL HERITAGE ENVIRONMENT OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT WORK PLAN 4. Analysis and Evaluation Analvsls and Evaluation Criteria for the Raw Water Intake. Transmission Waler Mafns and for the_Water Pumaina SlaGon. Water Trealmenl Plant and Waler Storene Reservoir 38. Locel ImpoRance ot feature 39. Local Importance of feature 40. Local fmportance ot feature ` , ..... : . �, .:r ,..,_ .,.. . �. :, ,._ , -.,.,.,. ,:.,,.. _ i�a � 41, Locd importmca of fa�turo TECHNICAL CONSIDERATIONS COMPONENT OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT WORK PLAN �.0 Andyale end Evaluadon ot Altem�tive� Raw Water Pumalna Stapon(sl. Water Treatment Plant Treated Water Pumnina Stations. and Water Sloraae Reservo(r A2. Prepare architecturel and landacepe renderings to present various architectural and landscape lrealment to miUgate visual Impacls. PUBLIC CONSULTATION DISCUSSION PAPER 43. Documentatlon It is important tor people Involved in public consultalion progrems lo understand how they are heard and to receive responaes to suggestfons made and questlons asked. In addition it la ImpoRant for decisions made hy the project team and reasons for those decisions to be traceable. To achieve lraceability, a record and documentation of commenls and suggestfons made by the pubifc during fhe EA Phase and reaponaes lhe project team, and how comments and sugpesHona were consideredlincorporated into the EA document, will be complled. ' ' INTER-REQfQNAL GONSULTANTS aROL�? . 1�g • The tive elemenn of the underuking Inelude, � nw w�ur tnuke, nw wuer pumpin: �utlon(�), � w�ur trcaancnt pl�:t, � wua iron�e teservoG, Nd awmbdon w�tet mdn(f). E�sentWly the �un� �et oleriurta w(II Iw �ppUed ro Ua wua pumpinj tutlon(t), wu�r naunent plm� wd wttu itonp r�wn�olr beauu �hey h�ve �imllv iputd rcquiremen� and aaro �Imilv rypet of (mpuu. Crltcti� whlch do no� apply tommonly b all ot �hex tlu�e elemenn Fuve bean noted tn �he ublet. Tha nw wuer tnuke and trunmitdon wtter mdn(�) will h�ve �helr own tpeellk odtata forWa senetadon of �Itcrtutives. 7wo �ypes of erited� for the `enemlon altem�Uve� wlll be devoioped: Primary Criteria; Criteri� thu must be observed beause non•adherenca could preclude project d�vtlopmenG Ccna(n eon�tninn impofed by physleel k�mrs may define cemin toniwctlo� techn(qutt (e.e,,. tunneling under � myor commeicid ueu �nd m�or uwponi�ion rou�et weh u , • H(;6wiy101orCNMllw�y�). Setond�ryCrltar(�: Criteriathu�houldbeobserved,w�heezrencpostible. 7}ie followin` ehw outline �he e�iuria, the n�ionile for tAe crieerfa, the deu foumes. O�her complimeeury . e�iteda, sY�h u tdae pertalntn� to groundancer md erodon ue found In the Tahnlal Can�identlonf Work Pl.n. Ptim�ry Generatlon Cdtert� for t6c Retir Water Intnke CNteNon Rulonale Daro Sourc� Arold N�bint for • h�biat fa ipeel�t of plmu a�ntmW • fIIItIIl1` �II�OIIII�fI011 L IIOItA IO 7lCIIIIIHI Pl�ntorAnlmilSpaln (�.�., Bl�ek Tan) u rit4 ae limiud md Memonndum • Nwnl Enwonmmt �nd .WbkhinCemldm� mry be Irtepu�bly dunijed hy Owllatcd durin[ � phm (NwrJ Vu�aen6lqThrcn�eld conmuedm�nlvlAnonthethonitne. fl�dujelnformnlontenve,ESA,ANS� �r[�d�n{�nd . EndNsaed Spetin Ae� prween tha� repom.n�nmlind�yunt�miikQ. r « leti . �iro «ifie field �adie�. • S.ecoadary Ccaerotlon Cr(terl� tor the Raw Nater Intoke Crp�rlaa Aatiandr Drta Souree MIu�mW Dltturb�ea •� numba of IW rpaia uH Ua �horetfne of •�i�dnt informubn (MMt, 71tC�, to A�lint f�r FIfL Spule L�k� OnWo fa tp�wnin�, kadin� �nd rtdn� OnWo Hydro ud DFO) u noted in Udtl�ln� th� NnnAore of yovn�. Thw �pKla u� �minily �bund�nt � Tahniul Mema�ndum - N�NnI ef L�lu OuUrfo ' md A�bitm a� no� lim(rint aecpt fa nulv� Environmm� +nd �o be eollcaed forFeedlaG6pavrotnj, sdmonld ipa.mina. It b Impotw� to mfd�ue durina �nd Faphua orltaNa im unco�heh�biunfa�hae in •�iu Ifleiubiuiu�e��mm� �lfnimq�Dbturb�nnto • h�bl� for thete tpteia ls oflm limirin{ ud • nictlnd Informnlon (e.e., Nwnl P4nt er An(mN Speelu eon�wcdon m+y In�elae �+ith th�ir eonfinu�d Nwl�y� Inform�don Gnv�, ESA Coe�ldered lo b� ' d�b(Iiry ��nd AN51 tcpoN, nuunl(�t du�) Rqleoillror LouUy alleued dur(n� Fi� phase SI allieant . du eet0o tertetWd field invp�to YMrR� Ia1T.'ww.v►qa� 3 DNI.�urvnlKl Ted.kal�/«k►W MhNiwYLMbwn�u INTFR•REGfONAL GONSULTANT� •ROUP !24 n Prlm�ry Genaratlon Crlterl� (or the Tnn�mtalon W�ter Mdni CNhrton Ratfande D�I� Soum A�ot! [nHronmmully • �hete �na hwe bean uuued by � w1�ry of • abdn� Informrtlon (e.�., ESn, SI�n�lluntMw, {ovemmem �endn �nd tand io h.�e ANSf rtponi, wed�nd rtcads) �rorinNdly chv�etaiftia th�� ue wonhy of praadon colleaed durine Tertni of Rekrma SI=elllunt WHLndi ttouln; o( tha ue� mry Intafm wlth un e �nd EA phue �ndANSb F.�biuuor ia Seeondory General3on Criteria tor the Tnnsin(sston Woter Mains CHNtlon Itationil� Dua Sauree Tltnlm�a Cretdn=� • �he eomweUon of � pipcline within � vdlcy . dr photo+, reconndumee levcl field of V�II�y Cerddon m�y tuult in the erwfon of tlopa, deli�ry of weomcnR ��d uid fill line iedtmm� to wiercaurte� and removal of m�ppinj ve;eurion prorkiny �t�nlfian� h�biun; •�colo�icaVhydro�eolojlol asa�mcn� �rovedwia OoW prnem� miy be dtuad; �hese u put ot Englnu�ina Smdln In EA tyumu ue rypinlly well Ilnked �nd covld be phau . xvacd or d'urvpud u �he raul� of � anuint, or developmm[ a!a cort(dor . wuefmunn Whlch hrva�yar•�ound Ilowln� auar h�ve � jmta po�rn6�1 for fith h�biut �nE �o mul� In Impuu to habint dudn� contaveion MIoImU�Croufapof • ao�ilnf�ofWUacounnwl�hknormh�bintfor . al�iln` Infortn�don (c`„ ash Wnueounnwt�h �peeln �hu v� �msitir� m fi�nifieu�t, (n / ulleetion «cordt, .Rouge River SI�alflaMerSen+itir� pvriculv tap prcduon, ue I�mi�ed In �he D FI�heAei M�n�ement Pl�n) no��d in F6h SPaln w�a�hed� o( tA� audy vu Tha� ap�ciu ve Tahnfad Memorvidum • Nomnl na w�ll dbaibuted uid m�y M�Ra+ed by Emironmen� �nd wlleeted durins EA conitrudlo�. Slgnlliant tpaln, ach u red�ld� phu� dw, occur in the wuenhed ud a� �ta ��� Ibh wrvey infortn�tion eollcaed �nuiov� to �Ae cradn of �h� wuweovrte durin fidd invento I�llalm�� Imy�ep vn+ ot d�nl0cm� m�meiu�e ve�enriai may �/' �ui�6ns infomudon (�.`., ESA �nd IoSl�niflaetor • be imp�aed.bY ammuiian �al�lda, ei�her �[�rNS( rcporn. munlcipd �ourca, Sro�Uh� ve{euqon �hrw{h rmav�l of ihe veaemlon a chN�e� m`/wnlmd record�) eollated durina �he w�tar rcdim� In �h� va Tm�u oCRefecrnea �nd EA phne . drpAowfntapmetion . 6eWinvmt dttaofve eueion MNImheCroulupor • tpcciH u tisk v� ryplcilly Ilmfi�d in thdr • edstln{ in(ormuion (a�., Nnunl Lenei�6meeu on di�albudon In the un �nd m�y be rJfated by HMt�a Infomudon Cence, Wedmd H�btnnforSpdrof oon�truaion �«cordi, ESA �nd AN51 reporu. Phob �ad Aolm�b tt IWk mualdp�l �ouras �nd mcunlis� d�n) mlleaed dutint Tum� of Rekrcea uid EA phua . Ileld tmmlary dua of plmn �nd ' L�diee�or ies r«tb�4ntwT��w�vtpa � . �^�•�"'��n� Twwk� Nw�►r. MOw Wwd 6+�Maww _ INTEk•REGIONAL CONSI/LTANTg GRO �P 121 Secondory Genenllon Critetlo for Ihe 2'nntminlon 1V�ter Maim C�(teNon RatienUe D�ta Saura MIeIm��Enereachmenter • aoulnp of woadd wu mq nwl� In the . drplwtolnurpmwloa Creulap o/ Woed�d Am� mnov� o! aeet durin� md iha contwcJon . field Inv�n�ary dra to mns qudiry op�ning �he faat Intalor, meroachm�nt m�y ofwood�duw � rauh in �RKU to tha rootfnf �� ��ainj �he lonj nrm curvivd o( �h� wood� �nd apom �A� Prtmvey Generation Criler(e for the Waler Pumptdg SmUon, Water Tratment Plant and Water Storoge Reservotr Cdtedon RaNatul� D�h Sourn AvoldAllhrm�neot • pl�arnanc of the Geiliry �hould M remaely . drphoto� Wnerceuna pot(tioned from pertn+nendy Oowing kuurn �o . reeonnuiunee levd Odd uia�mm� ��roid impun to O�h W fith MAlut, h�rud ro fupplanmt obtemrion� In I�ndiu�d mapAolo�Iwl �hanaes �o ehmnel 7ahnlal Manwuidum • Nwni Environmmt • eKlalnjfi�hcol�adonneordf • Oood �nd 011 Ilne mtppfn� or huud lud dcfmiiion wdenJcen u put of En Inea(n Studin In EA hue AvoidLnvlronm�nt�lly . mmy of �ho� veu h�ve been usuud �nd • axt�rinj Inform�don (�.6., ESA, bl�nlflnnl Arui, M/SU, lound m h�w d�u+nerima �hu ue .onhy ot ANSI npon�, wnluid rteordi) no�ed W�tl�nA� �nd L�t{� proceetlon. Thae ve fM� o(�hea (�wm in �he In Achnlul ManoMdum - N�anl Wood�d Ana� ttudy vet Th� plwmmt of a Gailiry on vr Envlronment rnE to be collened adjwnt to J�ae veu m�y nmow or (mafae durin�E/. phw Wl�hunl utA�bhuia ale • a(r haolme reudon 3ewndaty Genenqon Crtteri� far 16e Water Pumptng Station, , Water Treatment Ylent aad Witer Storage Raervotr Criurlon A�Uonale Dat� Source MInIm6�Eaonuhmoten .�nero�ehmenl on �wonJly Oowfnj dnin�e . drpAmw TMpmry W�nrceunn mry nquin nroutty ud q� teiult Impau • reconnJ�unu levd fidd mry be en{rd downicam to mon tlIInlflunt usenmm� ro �uDD���� � a��ereouna obim�tfoni durina Tam� of Ref�rma � Mlulm�� Imp�rn a . pliammt o( � fuiliry ihould be ouulde the . eafstint tnfomudon (e,`., Nuunl Sl�nfllust or S�mlth� limlu of ucu ot �i�nifirnt m unsldv� Hattye Infamadon Gnm, Vqeutloo vt�tWioe ro rdua imp�eu from rcmovd, Owetlud reeordti ESA, ANSI raponr, eontdueeioa. a dunjn a �Ae a�ta re�ime fn anunllu dw) eolleaed du�lns �� � 7amt of Refircna �nd FA phw • �rp6aoi • field invrnto d�u r«e ���« �w n�. w�wrAJ•�� a�n-��.n im t■� w�e nr k.�. w�r�x uaa.� ,; INTER•REG/ONAL CONSULTANTS CROUP 122 Mtelon R �n�l��Lncrouhmenuen •�peeln u d�k v� rypiully limltd In �h�ir H�bh�t� for bpulw dl�oibudon In du ue� u�d m�y be �(Rcwd by •r�l�nu.ne eleuine, eoe�waiM or ehN{u ro dN laal Anls�b �1 Al+k mvlronmmt. Avo�Laa of Iv�er d�nifiant vw thouW ratuca �he potcndd to mwumK �Flerinp Infmiwion Gnati wiUnd reoord�, ESA, AN51 rcOat�, mmnlia dm) eollecud dur(n{ Temu of Refaenn rd Fi� pAw aurn in • uaa mrena aro nlmitt Entro�ehment . encmachment of tha fKilitie� on wooded �reu . dr photot eo Woed�d Arn� mq ruuh In dnin��� ch�nje�, e1fKn ro �M • IIeM tnvmary du� rooNnd tone, uid openin� of d�e edje, �hw Pr000ud Aaencr Comutntion . At aeh euge of the proeas, it is imporunt �hot the �;eneies who will uldm�tely be revfewin� the Env(ronmrnul � Aues�ment hrve the opportuniry to commen� It b proposed w review wt�h them the altemuivas Qenenud euly In � the prousf, w detartnlnt tb�t, through appifation of the dencntion ariteriq ueu of major coneem hwe been rvaided. Al�houph ioma of the altemuivu mey ch�nge u �he praw procads, �Qenay iuues wrtoundinQ a given ' route or laadon �hould be unden�ood urly in order io adequuely evdu�m luer ehaa;e�, 7he oaaneles who w(II ro�tew thf� Ew from the namnl environmen� pcnpati�a ue: • t�eMinhcryotNatunlRecourca � • �he Toronto �nd Region Coruerv�don AuJ�oriry • �he Deputment of Fbheria md Oeew • Mtnlstryo[�heEnvironment • laal munielpaifticc • • Environment Cwdi • Gntdlen Wlldlifa Servtee O�her �atne(e✓tpecid inurcst group� who m�y h�ve m Imerest, but who do not hive eny reguliary eonvolt inelude the Wuerfront Rcganentloe 'Irun md Rouac Puk Allience. They �hould da be oonsulted fot �heir inurotu In the dtaniNvet Qenmted. Orha Inteast �roups or �jencla mq be Ideotlfled thtou`h U�e consulution praai u�d will ba lacluded u approp�ia�a 4. Analy:ls and Evaluatton The followln� erlterit will be used to usat the net impacts of �he vuiow dtenutivet on �he mmral environmmr. CrGrrtue 1 Fl�h �nd Aqwtle H�bltsu �g'tcv onJlrh ha67rer andfpafu ur!!(riny rh�ahorallne ojLakr Onrario o� enha6rd ni6uraMet • Construction of pfpelina t�n rault In Ihe d'ututbuica o! the bottom subshatet of � �{ver or I�ke, rnd dthou=h af t� temporary aewe, moy rauli in m Gnpaet �o epzwnln;, rtuing or feedin` lubinn duciny the eontauedon pedod, a+ well u contribudng to Increued eedimrntaQon tn the downsaew or :djaeen� w�eed. The awmi��ion pipeltne eros�in� wlli rc�uli tn u,s losi af YatMt� lalimn wucr►mk<� Onll-A■{w� IMI Tddol vM1Y. M M NwY Ea•4wurM 0 INTER•REGIONAL CQNSULTANTS aROUP ' + A� 1/ Crlterlon 2t Effeeb on Wtldilte S� ecfe� md Hobil�t � IndicUer Raqoe�b pau6oandM�ihedof Mw�ura Ai�wnent ttfuuen • The�psciorweladwld . e�i��in�lnforrndrn(�.�..ESA, • numMrof�pecl„udtk WIIAIIf� ih�h�,h(ntlm�ordue0on ANSI,NHIC,Br«dinjBW pnum.rrylondlyrw, SO�eiu mrybeal'fK�d�emparily �a, Ada,HeryAtlu,Nwnllu provinddlyd�nitlnnt apam�n�ntly, clubraord�)�uhmddwina numbaollndicuor�pakt Tmn�ofRdeenu�edFa praeM phue lleldimenary(bnedin;birAr, • • hapula) �o Idmtlry Indicua Crlterlon 3: E[feets on Wedand Specles �nd Hablut Indlamr Ratloml� UiuSeuree/Methed Me��uro o(Astmm�ul Efkelien • urnland�Aiwlimfied idemilyw+edmdtd�rou�hdr • bnphofenao�chmmton, WetLa'd prnenuln�heiady� phoeolmapretvion,durinjEA uidlenphofesvennceot H�Dlut uidwh�nthryoccur�n phu� weNndh�blt�� uiudlyuefqueh�blu�oriih 1:10,0006wm�p� • loallyslanlliunt wafueEfpain. • fielduteummiofM6iutrype� . provindulyitanifiun� Conmuedonthrou�h uid�ftnlfianoNqwlirydudn{ • o�her w�iluidimiyMditiicui�w EAphw . louotwnlmdvalnm�ues mifs�tti Pviicvlvly fn ululn� informulon on tquved sWunpiwhfchuscecd eluiifiedwetlmd�abWned • nvmbet�unDt�ndmueh�s, CAuy�tto�dJneotluiduu durin�Te�m�ofR�f�r�naud no���d mry imp�eion th� Warc EA phue Ienjth of rdJ�unt I�nd uu lon funnfon of �he Wetl�nd by Fydrolo�ic�I / hydro�eolo`lal � by rypa.�b�ndoned (vm fldd, romovinjidJren�hiblru uwumm�uPmo[ u�bui.�vivefumfield, ud�eerin`6ydrolop Enjfneer(n�StudialnEA foretred hw LrtKU oo 'ryKiu wal�ud wi�h aG�in� fnlommdon(e.s., ESA, numberof�psclu u rlfk Wee1�nA WnlmdimryEe uwfdw nNSI,NF(IC.BnedinjBird pmm�•re�to�Wiynn, Wqdllb roeA�n�einh►btiwlnNe AJu,�fleryAUu,Naunila provineldly�I�nlflunt Specia �mlindoriodJwnt clubrtwrd�)eollecteAdurin� numberotindicuw�pecla lubiuts Turru of Refnna md EA • psrene Phw . • • field immtory (brra7inj birdt, heryMu) w Idenriy Indluca edet du�1n EA 6ue ' Ya41udMWTaswwrhoka Dnfl-A.pa1M1 � TwMid Na►11a H dt Nwnl FwWamwn , � .. � . . . � � . � , i .. � INTER•REGIOkALGONSLlLTAMSQROUP ' i2! ; Cdtedon �s •BHecU on V�eet�don Indk�Nr R�Ueod� D�U6wredMMhadot Moww A�uu�m� • Llfecu en • fi� Indkuor facwq m .(dcntlty ve`ewlonunlu �m{m of encro�chment on uid Vetelul�n faenmv�r,uwoodlou �hroudhUrOhaolntapnwion Im;�hofwvcrmuby Conmunlda h�wlimhrdditaibutionln durin�EAphw w�„ulonunh �h� �mdy anw Lvj� unlu I:10,000 bue m�q • fomn > I00 ht m.y wppoa �ignifiun� m fidd waanmt otA�biui ypet • (�4 �O b 100 h1, �emitWupeeia�. •ud�l�ntllanaefqndlrydwlnj . foaro20to40h4 Gonteualon Nroujh wood� F�1 phn� • farrn S io i01u, wlil ruuk In fi� lo� otaea • forcfu <3 b� uW �ha audon of . old Oeld pamuum opminQ� fn �he Im� of ereti by veEeuclan unlc fomt [f@tU ea � �ome of �h� �peelas �tiain{ informkion (ESA, numb�r ohp�def �t dfk Vepudon meowrcredm�yhm �ANSI,NHIC,Nwrcri(ttclub prermrlaally,rc�londlyor SpaW Ifmfuddism'budon(nthe raad�)colla�eddurinsTmm� provincidly�i�nifieN� �mdyuaorrc�tonudm�y ofRetmnu�ndFilphw numberofindlaioripaia bedi�proponionuely Iteld inventmy durins EA , pnan� �(K� pfiue te idemlfy Indlo�or '� lu Effauon wmeuathav�6aen . �al�JnjinfmruuonESA Im`thof�ncm�enmmtonu�d Sl�nllinnt Identi6edu repattiANSlnpautollated ImpAofuvmneeofESA Ami EmfronmenullySlanllluni durinjTmn�afR�Rrenamd mdANSI Mu w Anu of Nwnl EA phw tnd SClmufiC Intercit Thes�untm�yMw� � concmc�don of si�niflwnl pl:nt communiries a �peeia ufaiated W�htAevaa Proeosed Aancr Comututton � ]t u tmportan� th�t �h� �t�nda who will uldm��ly M rwiewioe the EnvironnlanW Afu�sment contfnue W hwe the opporanlry to eomment u aah �ute of d�e procnf. It,is propaad Ilut onee t6e Inldd ev+lu�don i� uoderoken, thos� �jenciu or inurest EA jroup� wlw hw� indiated �o ioterat durinQ atller eonfuludon wlll be oonsulttd tor d�eir iopu� • 7be �`meia wtw will contfaue to review �hb EA Rom �he mmni environmrn� penpecuve ue: . • UwMlnlstryofN�wnlltaourca • • • iha Toronto �od Ra�ion Caourvuion Authoriry ' . the Drywneot of FL6etiei �nd Oaans . Mlntsayot�EeEnvfronmp�t • loed munieip�lide� ; • EnvLcnment Gmda• Cuud(�n WiIdU(a Servica . . W�tnfiontRegeoaadon7Nn . kou�ePukAlli�na ' , Y.Y I��tW T.s wwr hd� Q . . OM-A�1uu lffl TKMtdMdllrMirtaw�l.�6..rr � I INM++•REGIONAL GON�ULTANTS QRO /� s�s S. Pre1[m�nAry Det(¢n and Mlti�atton Measures Once �hs profund �Inm�tiv� hu baan alaud, we wlll davelop th� dum��(ve In peuer deuit and Identify the pounttd mvironmenul Impau �nd rcwlun[ effecu u�aLted wiih �Ae coruwedon, opindon md mdnunuice of �he proJat �nd �h� Nmro work w M und�ruk�n dur�nj �b denll daf�a plu�e w�ddrctt envlroammully �I�ntfiunt inM �nd u�ua. . . ide followln� nur+Qve detcdbes bric0y �he eapeeted �ge of a6videi �t �he prcliminuy detiQn suQe. 7he proliminuy daljn tn�a provldw �n opporan(ry to explarc, ln moro deull, the potentld Impuu from the erof�inrt or encro�ehmenu, io develop �ppropri�ce mltiaative meuurei to avoid or reduee Impaen, or to u�mt the net raidu�l etfecu whtoh m�y require additiond �ppmn4. Crot�inge would be uutsed In mars denll u thli �nae, �he speeifie hiblui faNro� �nd spec(es Idenci0ed ac � la�cfon whlch is moro prccfiely depned �h�n In the previous suQa of the usestment. Imeraetion w1U� �he projat engincen would uke plaee to tdentily miiigacive mwurct, such ts Nrmelling, �hlhs In �IltnatenS dnlnope dee(¢n, `roundwuer 4rva, erottinQ la�daro md teehnlques, +nd ton�wetlon tim(n/, unong othtt th(ngt. 7�61e 1 outlines etpected work in more deuil. Asenry eonsuluUon would be, canQnued tn �hfs sa`e w(dendfy �he t�nya of ineuures propoied and IC ihey ue ut4famry w meet �heir concemt. Proliminuy approv��t needi would be �coped �nd tr+nslued into documenu for eonsfdention during the denll dalan ind rnnswcdon pAue. Table 1. Ybteuttal Scope of Work at Preliminory Deelgn Stage - Nalural Enviroomcnt Acqviry AddiUon�l DalilFldd Work AQeney Comultallon AQuuic . daWl�d•Nbint m�OD�^E+� p� �a aouinj of �h� tm�mi��fon Ifna �o •• �FO H�bltat uieu faeuw, imp�en �nd naded mt�ijuion mwurc� or laaion • MNR • ro0nemennofd��ln6arweturc MOE • . d�ull�d h�bi�u wemnmt of �he Inuk� �aalon utint �ubttrue dw . TRCA of6hon to uuu potmQd ute, impau �nd n�dd midp�im m�uurn or O IoaUon rcfinrm�nu olthl Infi�uaurnae ueu potcnrid (or ditehu�n of ananmt proua byproAun� �o ilhu puuie h�blut uieu po�aNi�l forarwndwua dttntlom by eon�uucdon of Inhunucmfe io �fkn dinedon u�d volume to lonl W�tereounei W�UmA . deulled m�ppia{ whers kroaln{ a�naoduneN B �o oeeur a wu� . MNR x.eiu� . wnMe �,e d���� r��,, Gnp�rn �nd neaded mldjulon meuum ot • DFO u rtqulrod laulon rcOnemmu of �h� infnfarucwe TRCA • uw� pmcndA for uulw ut �round.u�r Jimdont by coniovcdon of I�i inkuavemn ro dfea dira�ien �nd wlua� �o lant walud if � Ifuble V�putlos . d�ui��d mrppin� wh«r crouln� a mao�ehmem i� ro oaw eo wui • RetionofYak fewm, A�DIm vdus, lmpkn ted needd mld�alon mwuro or IonBon • MNR nflnemenu �o tl�e infruwrnm • Durhun Retion wat In deull, pouodd �Rau to �i;nlfie�nt veu vd dJ�cmt Imdi 7orun[o Ra`lon • uua ve� lou md needt (m pemiin undaTm ByLvt Conimadon Au�hort fb Wlldlife • wannenl af potentW fa impaet w indicatar a tpeciu tt rldc wTich mry • MNR Sp'de hwe bern Ideatlllad In �he uea. Siu tpalfle (nvw({�tirns m�y be • Gndin Wildlih rcquGed In eonsulu6on wi�h ��mdeZ or modifiacloro �o loncion af �he Servlu, u rtd (nGuwcmrotordunim �wwhenmid utonmewromin�uffieient TRCA v.�at�t«in�.ww►�a� w+n-�w..lni r.www«rrwaar+�u.�. i ,. � . INTER,REGIONAL CONSULTANTS GQOUP � 1�6 The 6w elcmenu af the undeNk(nQ Include, � nW wuer Inuk�, nw waut pumpin� �udon(�), � w�ur ttatmrnt plant, � w�nr itory� narvofr, u�d vwmusion waur mdnp). EoemGlly the iunc �e� of edud� wfll be �ppl(cd to th� w�ter pumpfn� iudan(t), wuer vean�nt plant �nd wuer aon�e rotrnofr beaua ih�y hrve iimilv tp�dd roqulmmena uid atue �imllv rypn of Impuq. Cdtaria which do not �ppiy eommonly W dl ot thcte �hrce elemenb hWe ban noted in the ublef. Th� nw w�tat Innka �nd tr�mmff�len w�tar mdn(�) wlll htv� �heir own �peoiRc cdteda for the senrndon of alumu(ves, ' Two typa af ctlroda for �he `anention dtem�dves will be M�eloped: Prim�ry Crlleri�: Ctiurta Uut muit be observed 6xauu non•tdhcrcnea could pteclude proJect developmeat Certain eoaa�tnu impoted by phy�lul huurei m�y define wuin eamwotfon technlqua (e.s.,. mnnel(n; under m�Jor commerct�l ueas �nd m�jor awportadon routes tuch u � Hi;hw�y �01 or CN 1W lw�y:). • Suond�ryCdlerfs: Crited��hetshouldbtoburved,tothee:tentposslbie. 2he ubla below outline �he primuy md ucondary etiurfti the ndonile for �he erimriy and the antieip�tcd daa � �ourcas. Ha�use dtn obtained during Ihe TaR tuge may becrome outdated, �II �ha dau �ourcet lismd fn the nbles w to be eonmkedlo6uined durinQ the EA tn�e. Pdm�ry Geoentlon Cdtada !or tb� Raw W�tor Ietake, Tno�micdou Woter Maln� aod for the W�ler Pumplo� Sf�tlon, Watcr irntment Flant tad Wder StoraYe Reservofr Cdl�den Rniond� DauSeuredMnAodofMie��ment AroldDliplaammtof • ThcuRuumrepmtimt priv�ie r WindihleldSurveys I:aidee��il BnqAlnp aphd (nvnvnmi �nd ra �h� homa . Munfeipd m�ppin� io midmn. A�oldDlip6u�meelo( . Tfiaefewretrrpnnmpu6liaapiW • N'ind�hieldSurvry� Imtlrvtloo�I,R�srotlonalmd imatmtnr,uepenenitydiRleuhto • Munlelpdm�pp(n` Cemmunlrybu�dlntr nlonuudxrvetd�Mrd ' o utuion. Arold Cemetain �nd • Canmrin md AbaijinJ hurid • Areheologlul iurvey� �nd mappin; Nna+rn Bnri�l Crouodt �roundt ue `enenliy eoni(dered ros� . Munlcipil m�ppinj . . rpl�tud a aa�d pl�w dut ihocid W tat�d. ' AreldDi�ptacemmtof • Tha�bufldinprryrumlDdvue • Wind�h(eldSurveyi ReWI,Comm�nldud npiulinvqanenewlththe6winasa • Munidpdmippin; Iedurtrid Bulldlajt mA Ht�A oontr�'budn� ro �h� loal uNa � VdutFuwBetldln�i n(la�d�moomy�ndemploymml � • Nt�h wtue fum tuildin6s reprc+en� � q ya aplul fnvucnm� fn � fum • openrion whose dityl�oemeni mq i(fat Ne W�bliiry of tha fvm � Yd14�IwW T�wMrinjst 1 . Aerva1M1 1p�M1 WM � MfwMfe.wk Inhawun �((jfR�RE010NAL CONSULTAfJTS GROUP �, � AddlUond Pdmaty Gener�qon Cdted� for 16e W�I�r Pumplo4 Stulon, W�ter Tn�tment Pl�nt and W�ur Ston�e Reervolr Ctlteden lUilond� Du�SawadMuhodofAiiaimmt Arold NanrA L�ad1 • F�dlfry tt�a thonld na ba �oated • Munieipd m�ppin` Wi�hinhuud INdid�Anedby • MInl�ayofEnvlronmeni,N�nud Conwrvuton Au�hoddu Reaureet m�pp�na u�d Ole� • Conurv�Gon Area m� In md Ola Aroid Alunllon of Approved • Approved tubdivl�loni �nd DnR • Olfid�l Plin doeummn Pl�a� of Subdlr4ion Appmvd Ind uia farfumro � R�p�taed �nd dnh �ppro�ed pl�m of home�,uAoolsndlu�inuu� tu�blon rcpramc �u6swdil pu611a end piwu uctor invaanm� TAen b� tod� ewt of chmaln6 �PProvrd lmitouYOmmodue�he roett Seeondary Ceueration Criterla fot Ihe Tcansmission �Voter Mafnt and for lhe Water PumpinQ Stotlon, W�ter Treatmeat Fimt aad W�ter Ston;t Reaervolr Cdtedoq Ratloode O�USourtt/Fl�IhodefAfuttment Mu1mlz�th�U�eo( • Tholocaionof�Aepip�lindiiiem�y • MuniclpJm�DV�^6 LihdntLlnarL�od ba�compuiW�uwwiAo�herllnnr • WindthieldSurveyt U�a �nd V�nn1 L�od� Zoned eortidon wcA u oµlarod� Ilydro forindnnH�llnryoin truianls+loncarridat,nilwrtWon or othu pipellne Rl�hubbW+y � (ROW�). . TA�lowlonof�wtapumpin� iudon, Wuer anonent pluu ind ttonaereservoUw(Ilbucompaible , uw wld� vaam Iud� toned !or ' Induttrid u tu. MInImWDbplutmentaf : InsdmUoed,rcaeuion�md � Airphoiolmerprcutfon InitlWdond,itetrcallond commw(ryfc�nne✓IMd�o�hu�hui . Munldpdm�pyine �adCemmunlryFalurn bulWinp(ns,Pufd^{lou,milf, • WindthiddSurveyt naJ m�y na nprneni � iijnlfianc publla (nvesanen� mry not be diRlal� �o rclourelw � � detlnedelim�bua DirpDcanunot �Ew femva mry urv� ro�ftea the �thfnivmeu, �eenribiliry to, or ccanomleN�bili ofd�e[unus. MInlmlxeD�pl�nmeot • Sanebus(neuopention�anuka • AlrDhowintepnuiion ' of Areun�MforBudnat Dhcar'tthwuprnnuimtbulldfn� • Munidpdm�ppina Op�nUoni (e�. fn+it sund). DBplKemm� of . Wlnd�hfeld Survnyn �hewwamryowe�tkcutod�e ' lopl eeonom ud dn I ent Y�kM L�rli�iwW�who�n Mpat1f91 wM IW RrSxb6eron4 drinuuu INiER-REG►ONAL CONS((LTANIS OROUP 12�.. . 9eeonduy GenmUoo Cd�ed� for the inntmifdon W�Nr M�fn� �nd for Ihe Wuer Pumplc� Sufloh,lVater 1Yatment Pl�nt �nd W�hr Sfon�e Reservalr (conrinurt) CNndon R�qood� Dw Soure✓ M�WoA of Aummm� MInIM4�Numb�rof • Ilaidmuadj�ccruro�h�ROWl�ita . Municip�lm�pp(ni Ad��ceotRaldmcu mqapetlmceHtaurctaed[oduq . Wind�hleldSurvey� nola. vlbruion, �nd vl�uY condtriom durinj conttruedon of the pip�lin�. • Raldenu �djKen� w �n opencin� du mry bc dluupted by noits, mHle or vltud Intrution. ' . Dltruptionafretldeeuwuldmtlfld by ra�Aenu arendin� U�� lln� �a of Publto la(am�cton Centra (i,e., dun �Reett In U�e Ambaln V�ley commueiry, vbu� Impuu on n�ijhbauhoodi, uid pacntld im utt on mfdmdd ro'n . Mfolmis�Number • BYtIqWOplNI0f1{�fKMIIOfIN . Mu�ic(pJm�pp�nj ofAAJ�nntHufin�, � OW/�item�ybedimiptcddurin� . Wlnd�hleld5utveys , OpealfoalV eo�swctionbydus�nolsa,v�bodan., • Inurvl�wtwlthbutineN uid aon�. �wneNopentas Burinns open�iam �dj�cenc to m opmtinj �iu mq ba dirtupted by nolu aaflte ttvitud intru�ion. ' Mlnim@�Numb�rotAdJauM • Theeoniwcdono[�hepipelinend � Munidp+lio�pping Inidtm(ond, R�ttnilomi nl�wd tailicia mry cwu nol�q • Windihtcld Survcy� �sd Commudy Fnwre duq vibiufon inA retnictd �eea� � IM�NI�w/ w�(j� �����Nt100��, Intomptdbb wllA ProJM which mq d'urvpt tha uu of Ae tttradonJ md mmmunlry fe�mrc Dadepm�nt iUNRI.. OPMfOfI . Opendonc a uh� m�y cw�e noita Wlla or viwJ inwdon Mhfeh m�y direuptwe w� of �h� fuNn.. • Som� pro)ect 6elllda m+y ba � poddve lneua wAae �hey on bt uted for utive nantiaul u�n. � • GkeOmuio�honline�cni6ould . nNMmmpromiud�i�htespectro artenl or (uam reanrioiul wa Mlnim4�ArwofMlo�ni • Rou�uudu�um�r�uriliz.Pomn . OnurtoMlnlscryofNamnlRecouru� A{�npu Rereurca �npn Iu�Ei �iven Pm�indd m�pDtnl roteaion. Mln(mlt� Dbpluem�ot of Otdv . Fum 6ulldln;f weh u baati • Oeld wrveys Ld�qa{lamEulldlettiad elenan,luj�sllmu�djr+lndryen . drphaolnteryreutlon StrveturnWle6IaROW repreuntimiJaupiulinvytrnmt . in � Grtn operulon wi�ou dlrylxzment mey URa �h� vhb0iq ofU�afumo on � MkImI��Ara�wi�6 • tll�dnlnua�ynansrcprs�mem{ja . OnurioMlnlmyofApiwlwe,Food TUeDniny� apiullnvestrnmtfor�fum u�d Runi AKJn (OMAfRA) opaulon. miDD�L • Ilddfwv � YrkM�iwyy t�w�IRM, Arpaltlt tnpw�WM►�r M f�e�Yew.s [T:em� . INTER-REaIONAL CONSULTANTS GROUP 1,� SuonE�ry Genenqoc Cdted� for the TnnimUclon Water Mdn� and for t6e WNer . Pumplo6 3taUoa, Watar Yreatmept Plant �nd W�ter Ston�� Raetvolr (condw�d) Addttioo�l Seeoodary Gmer�tiou Cdlerf� for Ihe W�ter £umptnQ Sblton, W�ter 7reatmmt Plaot and Water StoraQe Reservo(r y«kl�dnl�yTm�WwMJa AMm�IM{ fn/wd N�h IW fw fwl►6aw�k ta�w.�ww ((�(/,�R-REGIONAL CONSULTANTS GROUP 130 � ��CtlN1ilU(�fY1fMt(�ffll�li0n1�/I14�O�IMYII�y/��t1YIf7 , ' InHater iGtleed� DaudeurulM��hsAef Mu�um M�oimml pifpl�ament • Di1pI�ClmN10�IMI1NII0MI,nauiien� • MunldpNm�pp(n� • Numbuofteuurei ef Intdtutien�l, ind mmmuniry fntunf m�y �dveneiy . WInd+Aldd Survayt diryl►ecd, Raraqeod dfm�h�wmohh�faaun,D��plK�mmt • Inutvbwtwl�h • TypeofFature �ndCemmunity m�ychm`etheuceuwmdupnimaof operaar✓mNN�n Famn� thawmot�h�fan�ni, San�mmm�y bt unibl� b Ond dtetoiov� �cdvi�l�f. • • Th� d4plu�d feuun(i) mq 6e �bl� io � rcloat�wf�hinthdratsrin{�minerc� rcducin thecftcaofdi IKanmtonusm. Dbrvp�lonof Innitu�iond,ratauondandcommvniy • Wtndthleld5urvryi • Numbere(futura (nnl�a�bni4 fatumueimpaUntteemployeer, ui«t • MunklpdmyPlnt. adJ�eent�oBOW/da R�rnatlond�nd otAefummmdto�haeanmunlry.The . • Typa�offamre� Communlry conmvcdon�ndopaulonof�h�pipdima � • Fntura tiin(orwuapumpin�,trnuncntu�d tronaem�yuuwnoiw,dut4Hbntionud • odourt Which mry dimipt tM w� of th� kwrc�. Fa uanpla u ilw 8ra �N of N61iolnformulonCmaaconeetmwm • • apnu�d �bouc th� diuup��on �e �cdvs md , pau(vepvkaun(Lt,>euroand . . nd�hbourinj raidrnt was) 6om �he . um in l4tion. ' ,6ffietr oe dwlnatu IaAiaar Ra�lon�le DauSouredMHhoEof (rteuuw Nuttmmt Dlipi�mnent • Adufor�heaGeilidamtyreQuirc�la� • M�pi • Numbarafbv�ina� of Cemmenid ponion of �h� dn of �n u(rtin� budnel, • Wlndthleld Surveyi opeulom di�plaed tndlndenri�l Bufinmte�provldelailudrt�looJ . Inecrvler.twi�h . NumbnofPolldme Builnai �mploymeM oppatuotda ud {enen�e burineu po�i�loro loa md Opmllon� pmandineoma Th�dirplaYmentoh own�rc�opmton p�yrollloadue�o 6wlneu mry reduu employmrnt dltp��nment opponunitla�ndlavd�ofpnwndlneome • Losiofula(f) • Somc6winntamrybnbl�wrclouu pouibly wi�hin �hdr aitMnl P�^h' amfn uis Ditrvpdanof • Butlnatoperuiom�dj�centbthe • Butlna� • Numbuottentitive Commadd FOWhirom�ybedittupieddurinj ownafopmtor bwineuopentions �ndhdu�ul�l wnmunlon�odlaopefuionbydw4noiw, Imm(rri �dJuan<<o�hs BWIOp! vibruion�nNerodour. • WledsAlddSurvryi R01Vhitc Opmtloo� • Bwinnus wh(chh�w�nomdoor � Numbao(bu�inn� camponmt(a`.,6vltmnd,�rcenAane) opmtlau �dJ�centa a� drclyonenv(ranmcnulqu+l�ry(e.{., NeROW/�ite � AtWren'iparin�fem)for�hairbv�innt . tuoew ua lilcely ro b� ma� wneidvr w th� mn�wcdon�nd enolthe(silicla. Y�R�d� Lav tm. wwrhqa� �•Nn �M� 1i Wat �M M 3alKtaemk E�Waw�el INTF.R-REGIONALCONSULTANT50BOUP • I31 l,Qicn�eliu4�nu (mndn��Q • ' Indfaler Radond� �mSe�rcJMnhedef Mtnun� Mieumee� DppUnmtnt • A ROWf�ite m�ynqulndlor�ponione[ . WlnddJdd6urvry� . VJw(f)ofGpiW ofl�rmla� �ncatntn{hrmopendannruldn�ln�lou . At�yhao Invrivnem Opmtloei (� t wIU u�NOr wll ap�bflfry, �nd upl�d (nceryraWOn • Areu �nd Type of nvaon�nt In 6uildin�✓iuucmm, 61e • Indivtdu� Pmperty Sofl� • dnim�e� u� fum wood�ot Auaanmi . Iua �nd typ� of • • OIAAFM Mypin� Cropr Lai ►iunteipdM�ppin� �/ ort(S)ofrelas�ion Dl�rupttonof • Pipelin�comcruufonmryrequincuNnsor . OMAFMMrypinl • �.uuiN✓+M�+drype • hrmin� �Ituuiona(ri�edr+int�0.trtiIIUion, . NwidpdM�ppins oftilednimje Opmtfon� dikddlmhryeemiu;�ndm�ym�uiet�em� W;�dtAteldSurveyi dtmtlon w fum p�op�tcy, rorkinj Iield� or rciain O • Numbc� of mvnfcip�l livetackmovnnerit Th�pramc�of� 33 dnin✓dyka pipeline m�y requin � ehu+�e (n ipieuleunl poemUdly �1Rcred by ptac4ca �lonp the ROW • ROW/slte • Lira�akudpeoplemiyapericnee . Proximiryoffum ditn�piae frotn pipelina eonttrve�ion � bulld(n{t �nd occivhfn �hu ause nolK, du�4 �•�brol�on, Ilvarak Aoilida to Q�m�;� ro fmn finelns, etc The piaenu �i�e of�p(poln�m�yr«victapwlonof 3 4 alntn� (um openrions or rquln �h� Ce�npadbllldMii GedUieand M�naf�weniP/ani ladlnlor RaUan�b Dd�Soura✓M�tdodof Mu�urrt . � Aua��oeot Comp�dblUry • Therci��nadbinle�ruepipelineROW • Munieiyr101RaiJ • Afwimentof wl�b Apprond �nd bciliry tiu laulon wtA muntclpd �and Pluu ud Sxonduy eompul6Uiry wt�M1 Munleip�t ute ob)ectiva. u uublltAed duou;h Piw muaielp� Iwd uu L�nd U�e� J Ofild�l Plw. 5«ond�ry Pln� ud Zoninj .. MunlelpJ mnins by. ob)ettivet Fl�aief bylawu�haurpaiy�hi�o�lifalud I�+n • Af�atmentof Snld�vUloe wa�upportdbytnidmu,mwicipiliod .• Luidutedevelopmmt eomputblllrywith ind Ihe Prorinee of Ontuio. papoul� luid w� devdopmrne • Thrymviilonofrvauduwahu�Ae • A�mqGonn�ludon propoubmdplmsof potmtld �o hclllme �rowA In wdn�ebped � ivbdivi�ion . c�a, n.� �c«�a� �mt�� 3 S �nrlrmmmhl �od weioeeonomie Im lfadom. Camp�liDlllry . ThaP�vvineld6ovmunen�Audatu�dd�e .. RoutePak • Auenmmtof ri�hRou�� Rou�ePukuthwlndJPuk W«kb M�ayemrntPl�n eompufbllfrywt�h P�rk underwryinfiiulirin`mmr�anmtplw . RouqPrkNonh I�ndu�ewd �M�nq�mmt for�hepulc. : Mn+�anmtPl�n mw6ement Plae � Rnv{� P�rk Nuunl obJcedvn � ��N � �:OYj�PY� Vt tf1t100 P�711 YakM� LwtUmWwrinj.n 9 NywiMl ►n�e�ed MiA tY M Sals 1m�wJ� tn4onM , 1NT R•R �IONAL CONSULTANTt �:wnric � � !�� S, •• Prellminaty besign and Mitigatton Measures Onea the proferted �lumaive roun or dro hu been wlen�d, the dtem�dv� will bt daveloped (n srau� deLLll �nd • the potentfal �aloaonomte Impuu �nd rosulunt elfccn esal�ud wl�h �he comauctton, opcntion uid mNntenince af tAe proJal wlll be idemified. '[he Nturc work w be underukan durina Ihe dett�n phue to �ddre�� environmenWly �t�nlfiunt ercu �nd Issuei wl�l dw be idendtied. Inune4on wl�h �he I�ndownen, both priv�te �od pu6Nc, �nd proJect en�laears w(II uke plae w Identily mirt�dvs mersurcs, �uch u mnnel(n�, shifu in di�nment, aonswedon dminr, ROW �nd �fie rciwn�ioe meuuro .mona o�her �hfn=s. Coneulution w(�h munieip�l of(iciils w111 dso be underukon rcgWin; the need ind mturc of municip�l campenat(on. Asency consulntion will be wntinued in thtt sta;e w idrndfy the ruipe of inearures propo:ed and I( �hry ua t�Ashetory to mat �heir eoneem�. Prclimiaery �pprovil� need� will be scoped md aany�aed (nto dauments for cronsidmdon duridQ the consauction phue. , PreUmin�rv Coosultattou Acl(v(de: for Prelimin�ryDe9en aod Mltlastion Critertan Addltlend DatilField Work A�enty Cantulnilon [rteeuon . Imervfcwtwi�hntldmupacntfdly • Conwlurion wi�h property oWncn �nd , Rald�au ditpluedioobWnrcla�tianJen ntidmu . Swvey� o(Individu� homelwld� � • POft111IIJIj'dlWpltdRjlfdllld ' potenrid mirij�don mewm uid rcfarnea Eff�tuonlonllulloeol, lntmiew�wl�htxiliryoycruonl . Consvindmwl�ht�elllryow+en�nd Aeemtlon�l�nd mmqenofditpl�ecd epernmi Commualry Fumrn tallldmrkuum ntadin� Itma h(unlelpd phnnin; depuanrnn nlued io ntocuion • hlunlcipd fira chteh Intmiew� d�h openwn otGriliQa . Municlp�l puW md reerculon potmddlydluup�ad.boum�, �pon depuonrnu ti�hin� e�ub�, cluner bou openton . Municipd uhaol boudf udToromoHubourPolicr. . Toronto{IvbaurCou�GwrdPolia. dfa�� on • Imervlew� w��h m�m<<n of . Consuluelon whh buflnqt �nA fum BUlines�n di�p��ad butinwa n{udln� I�sun oynin �nd opentan • rciued a nloadon Minl�rty of Ag�ieulNrc, Food �nd Runl Survey� of individud bu�Na� • ARdn . opm�ttt pamdUly d(trvp�ed . . Dwhun FMention of A�rfaleun njvdln�paa+rid midrdm . YorkFedrtulonofAarleulnua meuuro tnd pr�fu�ocn Intaviewi rri�h fvm owim md openton �o demmim .ylae uid ' tepixemmlpaMe� uiE laun ' rerrdin� nleaeion pamdJ ' Survry of frm oMnm ud open�an 3; tejudin�poomdd m(dpdon mama md pre(atott� � Ttlednln�em�ppin;�ndaonomte vduuion, • Fam woodla m�ppina mE aonomie v�lwtlon • ConRrm�dm of �jricultunl wa �nd Iw for I�mrc tro s r«►R.p.. u.�rn. w.wt�� t aea �m ►p��N Mw1►Wi MfrMlua�i� GnYaww� araFr.rnNa�. CONSULTANTS GROUP 1 ?� iL1F ...__. _ , Pronoud Auncv Camultulon At e�eh �u�e of the proeess, It fs (mpomm Uut �'rnc(u/or{m(:utont who will uldmuely be rcvlewin� �he Env(ronmenul Mwunmt h�ve �n opponwiry to oommrn� I� ts proposeA �hat fie routa �nd �fta eenemed be revtewed by �hefe ��enela/ord�n��tions ro confum �hn 1ha dencntfon tr(terit hwe In Get, been �blq to �vofd ueu ot m{jor eonemn, Al�hou�h �oma of Ne mute �nd tite alteru�ivst m�y eh�nde u the EA proeeu proeeedt, it will be imponant thtt t6a WII tanje of eonumt �nd iwuu ue known euly, to u to be �blt w�ddrttt Ihem tn Ihe malyab u�d cvdwtion m�a. 7h� aeenelesloremix�dons �h�t will rcview thi: EA from � eulmnl heriu�e peRpadva ue: . • Mun(tip�l he�inya pl�nnlo; �ullordafanica • i,ad Architeeanl Conserv�dod Adviwry Comminex (LACACS) • Ontuio Mintstry of C(titenchtp, L11mro uid Rattatloo • Scv�o� Ffnt Nuton . Conurvuion Au�horiUa • LoedHf�roriedSaieda 4. Analysts and Evaluation The followina ublte define thc eritm� th�t will ba wed to usa� thn impuu of the vuiaus altamuives on �ho eultunl derfn{e envGonaienw Thae ubla dso outi(ne �he tndivaR, meuurcs, ntionde and dau eourcdme�hod ot wacmant thrt wlll 6e used [o quuuly (or qwlity) (mputs. Denlled evalwJon of siu spalfic resources m�y be tur(ed aut whera wamnted or taommanded by key �rakehalden dutinj �aenry wmulndon uAvitlee. These critcrie ve; J, ifftcb on Huilt Hetlt�Qe �nd Cullurol Landtt�pe Fntu�e�: lou af, or disruption co buili heritase and eulanl I�nduape faNrc� due a efkeu of tsolrtion �nd tnmoduetlan ot phytiul elemena �nd/or vi�wl, �udible or wnosphcric elcmrnu on bull� herluge Ratums 7. Lffecu on Arch�eoloy(ed Sita: lo�f o(, or disrupQon w uchcologlcil fuNrcs eftecn of isolnlon �nd inaoducUon of physle�l elemenu on ueheolo`ial fe�mm' Analyii� aod Evalu�tion Criteri� for lhe Raw Water Intake, iran�mltston �V�ter Mrin� and for the W�ter Pumplu; Slatfon, W�ter Tnotment Plmt aod W�ter Ston4e Re�ervo(r LOktt on Bullt Nntmti and CLlmrof landteep� fam.0 YaY1� IMtTe�M�eulnj�e� 7 A�nnIM/ NM►W 16rdrC1lnwdHeAUpInYo+mw . . . . . . . ..,''.- . . . r. . _ . .., _ _ �/J1ER-RECalONALCQNSULTANTSC�ROUP � � 134 F,�iettenRulltXalmjeandCulrvralLaediropP�amru ' � Indluter Radond� DnaSonradMnhodefMu��mem Mu�ura Dbpdum�nt • Ala�otcvlmr�t+ndsap� . Flddrvryryt • Numberof �fCaltunl �MNf1141tY0CCYfdY�lO • MualclpQH�n`�Pl�nnin�Suffer Fn1�raDfiplued Gad�wp� comauttlon Dml�mta • �fFuan lurora LaulArchlroaudComemdon 3 � • AdvltoryCommirtea(LACACS� • OnwtoFllniiayofCtu:m�hlp,Culmrc rd Reanfion -'� • HlnaieM�pD�t • Hatu�eS�udietrnAReporo • Nfnaial Saictia bimtptlooto . Isol�danmd/orinrtodualm • Fleldwrvey� • Numberof ButltH�rluCe ofpAytial,vlNil.wdbla • MunlcipilHMn`aPlmning5pffor Fe�mrel fMlnm oranofphaieelanrnum�y Daipuui poien�idly dimpibuihhai�qskuuru . La�ArchluctunlWntervuion dtvupted AdvltayComm(nw(LACACS) • T ofFcnan • OnutioMin(�vyofCiA:m�hip,Culn�te 40 ud R�andon . HinaleM�ppin� . Httlu=� Smdfa �nd R�poca . HinafalSoeleQn DGrnptlaelo • Imluionandlalnooduedon • Fieldnnveyt • •• NumMrof Cnitunl otphydcd,Wad,wdibie • Mwle(pJHaiu6�Plmnfn�Su(tor Famret Laedinp� aummphericdemrnumiy Detianues potenii0ly ►amrd dlmipcwlmnlluidinp� • I.a�Archftaw�IConuivulon dinupted feuum Advi�oryCommitkn(LACACS) • Typ�ofF�wn • OnurioMinl�tryofCidtenrhlp,Gulturo G' ud A�cnuion . H(uorleM�ppint • H«iu�� Siudia vd Reporo • Hinoriul Soeierin F(jieu on Archa�olotical Siiu � Yat Reda lay it� MurinjM ANet IMI ►wprM KM tlr MMMrN Hcriop Grveersw V . !3S � � s � � � � �� s � a� � �'�� � � � �� ��� ��� 0. L 6 � � � D � O „ p p � � � � � � e � `o � o�o� �� �o � �� ��� F�.�[ t`'��� � �� � �� �`�� 6�oG � ����n �°� �o . �� �� �����,"��;�a o � ��r�qe�� �r�e �r��p �.s�a �rQ�p��r.`�!��g ��� ��a�F-< i�x �d 'Ed �dl-�dhdFtr�aF V t . �� ���� � � •� �'� � �� �� � � •�Q 's� � �� � o � � � � � � ��'� � � � � � �n ` 9y �` � '��u� � � ��E� �� .� ��4� � � V zn � o e '�8�� �� �,� �sr ��� •�� � � g.��� �s ��:� �a� � �tiF o , � n��r� � �N � E T7 » ^ � tl I� L1� �'c � ��y�fo �� ��1�� �� �3 Y��� t�{y o R ' •-9 •� 9,�c���c �� i111 " Y � ���� � �BC� � 2S a��.� �� a,� ��� � a <�A� � ������� ��. �������� � �' ��� � � � � � � � � �' � � � <� � � � � � 6 �1 o� [� � �� fNrrR,Rro�aut Cowaw.r�Nn OROw 1�s 3. Seleetion ot a Preferred Alte, ropve The evalu�tlon criuria wiil be n�+plied to ellow the selection ot a prekrted elkmative, ineluding � specitic pipeUne route and tullity �Ita. The publ(e wlll be uked to comment on the enalys(s, evaluetion and the ntfonale for the prcfecred el�emetive. A. Mllf�alion ot the Preterred Alternative This flnal step will addrcss specific feetures ot the preferted altemative that will requice mitigation during minor (propertylevel) route adjustments, construction prectices. The subjats to be addressed during th(s stege will include public comments on such issues u landownv communication and public lfeison during eonslNCtion, vafCc management and sefcry plans. Pub)ic consultation will acur in relation to each of the steps listed above and input will be sought on the evaluation criteria used to nerrow the ronge of altematives and project choices to a preferred alcemattve. • Wlthln the environmentai essessment study, public consultatfon will involve reviewing, eommenting and providing Snput to the environmental assessment studies, the technical analy�is and the ongoing commendinput to the public consuttatton process. The consultetion plan eneourages upfront, proactive eonsultation which wili allow the eommenu and. v(ews o( the �3 public to help intluence thc study and its rccommendations, . OPUHLiC CONSULTATION METHODS . Pubiic IqformaHon Cenbe.r It is proposed that three series of Infortnation Contros will be held as patt of the envfronmental essessmen[ study. The Jnformation Centres wili co(ncide with: l. 7he altemative route and facility siting stege; 2, The enelys(s and evaluation stage and; 3, The preliminary design of the prefcrred altemative. Eeeh Jnformetion Centre will be widely �dvenised to potentially atkcted stekeholders in the seme menner es the ToR stage. The lnformetion Contrcs wi)I ellow the public to hear about the status of the proposal and exehenge tnfortnedon. In eddi�ion, the Informetion Centrcs wiil ellow the members of the project teetn to ask important questions of the pubiic. The Public Infortnation Centres will be augmcnted by follow•up ectivities (workshop, field Uips nnd lnfocmellkltchen table meettng) similar to those described in SecUon 3. I� is anticipated that thae will aeur following the 6nt and second aet of Public Information Centrcs. WuwiwN`►'wrf.7M7•uo•ti�w„� S ' �.Nnitn pn�MWC�nwWdwd�nnuahp , • 1 .. . � , _ . � . . - . , � .