HomeMy WebLinkAboutCL 54/98'. ;,,, , ��N� . . 7J � � REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Bruce Teybr, AMC7', CMM DATE: Ikcember 2,1998 Town Ckrk REPORT NUMBER: CL 54/98 S[JBJECC: Juty 16,1998 Storm RECOMMENDATION: That the Council of the Corporation oP tl�c Town of Pickering hereby requests the Minister of Dfunicipal Aff'airs and Housing to providc "General" funding to the Town of Pickering to :ompensate thosc homeowrers end ihe Town oC Pickering who incurred dartieges to thc'v rrcoperty during the slortn ofJuly 16,1996. ORIdM: Correspondence ro the Minkter oF Municipal AfCnirs encf Housing datcd Juty 20, 1998 and response from the Minister dated Scptember 28, 1998 AUTHOR(TY: Provincinl0rder-In-Council FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Minimel funds would bc spent to either assist the Disaster Relief Committec if Council gets involved in the Ontario Disoster RelieF Assistance Program or coordineting funding from thc Province to the property owner. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: To request the Provincc. ro provide general funding of some sort to nssist privete property owners to rcpair dazmges to tluir property as a rosuh of the stortn on July 16,1998. BACKGROUND: Pkase be advised lhat Council pacsed the Pollowing resolutian at its regulaz meeting of August 4, 1998: That Ihe Report ot 16e Cener�l M�orger �nd Town Ckrk d�fed Juty 29, 1998 providiog �a overview otevente t6�t hrve hiceo pl�ce eince the etorm ot July 16,1998 �nd fundieg optione �vai�bk to t6e Torn �od (te re�idente be received; and Th�t �tatt be dirccted to meke �ppllalloo to fhe Minbtry of Mu�kipd Affidn �nd Hoo�lag for IhndtnQ rader the 9pecl�i Aabt�ece for Ma�klpailtks prognm. . n�; ! � �. . . - _ . � . � . .. il" .. �� . . . . . . Ct.r� r ��� '3 M''.�".�?�", ��.i i , . _. .._ . , . .._ . <.,,. . „ .. ., . . . . . � � . ; '76 �� B�vically, Repon CL 36/98 scts out the i�uwance coverage for Town properiy that was dan�eged end descn'bed the two Provincial Funding 1'rogramv thet are available to municipalities end their residents that sufl'ercd damages aa the rosuh of a stortn or other disest:r. The Speciel Assistance to Municipalities (SAI� Program pro�•ides grents to the Town to cover the costs incurred of restoring the municipel infrast�ucture to pm-disaster condition. As noted above, Council d'vected staffto mnke an app6cation for funding under this program. I understand that all costs incurred by the municipality are just now bcing fuializad end the appGcation will be mede startly. The Onterio Disaster ReGef Assistence Program (ODRAP) provides assistence lo privatc hortxowners whose property was damaged in ihe storm It was recommended in Clerk's Report CL 36/98 tlwt Council not request the Onterio Cabinct to declarc a disester area until more infomiaLen is received. The following conditions eppiy to ODRAP: l. 'fhis Progrnm will not cover losses that could be covered by i�uunuice. [ understanJ ttmt almost all of thc clairt►a received by Ihe Town for damages on privnte property could Iwvc been covercd lry a homeowners insurnnce policy. 2, ODRAP requires that Cauncil appoint o Disnster Relief Committee who will act as en autonomous body to reisc funds, arrengc for tlk appreiwl of losses and settle clnims. One of the fust end most importunt dutics of the Committce is to rnise funds thruugh cenvessing, cummunity eveNs, rnflks, advertising, ctc. All contributions must bc in ca5h and must be unconditional. I belicvc it will be vcry difTicult for the Committce to raise any significant omount of funds for this typc of evem becausc the demnge occurred in fameowners buements with very IitUe visabk appearance wxi a(fccted only a vcry smnll portion of the population. Based on the foregoing, it would appeur thet ODRAP would not appiy to most of our privete property owners end Por the few tlwt it may epply to, it would no► be worth getting involved becausc of the problems that would bc fnced by thc Disaster Relief Committee due lo guidelines of thc Program involved. The July 16th storm hit only a very iselaled area of thc Town end as noted below, the Town tias only received 137 claims to dete. The vasl mejority of claims received to datc are for wmpensation for dwnages to basements es a result of n sewer backup end to landscnping features, including fencing and driveways a9 a result of floading on roeds. These types of demeges ere not covered by ODRAP becnuse they arc eGgible for insurence coverage, As of the date of this Report, the Town tias rcceived 137 clnims from residents w�d busincsses of which 60 heve bcen denied by our Insurance Adjusters and 77 ere sti� pending. Bosed on the understending that the Town is not elig�ble for ODRAP fw�ding, Council may sti� went to request some considcration from the Province for compensating homeowixrs for the damages they incurted to the'v property during the July 16th stortn. Such fw�ding could then be administered by thc Town possibly based on the recommendations of ow Inaurw�cc Adjuster or some otlKr kiwwledgeabk body. �+ ��l �• 1�l$f�f� �tf �-Y 7 �'�� �Y�.it'i�t; ..rv....�n ,. . . .Y .. .. . �t � � r . � i . �,r � . . .. . . � . .. . . �g�.,�'�x,;*,�'1��j� .- x.s�1r���lF�f°'"� 4"N1' s{d �.' � r� �; '' . k '�G � . J �. ,�, �_ �l `( + h � 3` aC t �rv���^� y ' 4 �T. .t E �P �7 r ��� � y w� - d ' ' �� . -3- � t� � , Prcpered BY: . . .Pl. i(snnn�A� . � . �Bruce Teybr, AMCl', CMM Town Ckrk . Attachrtxnts Copy: Director of Financc Recommended for thc consideration of Pickering Town Co il , � o J. u' C.A. �. }, t. ,-' : � `� �" . � $ ��H z, , +`� , �h�r � 3�..5 5 �Ly -- r . ' 3� �F� �i af � rf r � �r r � . . ���.�,, u � t h � .+e�. 1 i .. � ,. • .... . . ., l5 . �. i�` 5�.�.,* h x z:! n T i v; ��.0 � r:�'.,. t\$�2r �,r�.il� ,t _ r. <•.. , t.,. , i .. . 3._,T , '� , _