HomeMy WebLinkAboutCAO 02-99�. , p'��OFp� . . - �5 � � REYORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Thomus J, Quinn DATE: March 2, 1999 Chief Administrutive Officer REPCIRT NUMBER: CAO 02-99 SUBJECT: Nuclear and Non•Nuclear Emergency Prcparedness • Status Report and Rcvised Emergency Meusurcs By-luw - File: CA 4324 RECOMMENDATION: 1. Thut Report to Council, CAO 02-99, rcgurding thc status of Nuclear and Non-Nuclenr Emergency Prepnredness ut the Town, bc rcceived. 2. Thnt o new Emergency Mcnsures DyInw be ndopled by Council as set out in Attachment N 1 of this RepoA. 3. That a copy of Ihis Reporl and the Town's Emcrgcncy Rcsponsc Manuul bc fonvarded to the Ministry of the Solicilor Gcncral and Curtcctionnl Scrvices, Region of Durham, Durhnm Emergcncy Mcasurcs Officc, and thc municipalitics of Ajax, Whitby, Osha�vu, Clarington, Brock, Scugog, Uxbridgc, und thc City of Toronto. ORIGINt This updatc is bcing brought forward by stnff to advisc and providc informntian to Cauncil with respect to the slatus of Gmcrgency Preparcdncss planning at the Town. Changes to Provincinl Nuclenr Plans hnvc warmnted chnngcs to both regional and municipal emergcncy plans to provide consistency and standarJization throughout the Provincc. AUTHORITY: Section 3(I) of the Provincial Gmergency Plnns Act, R.S.O. 1990, allows the councii of a municipnlity to pnss n by-law for the fortnulation of n plan goveming tho provision of necessnry services during un emcrgency. F(NANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: There are no finoncial implicntions with the receiving of this RepoA und adopting the Emergency Measures By-luw. However, ongoing expenses will bc rcquired to maintnin the Municipal Opcmtions Centrc (MOC) at the Claremont Communiry Centre, Thesc expenses will be prcsented to Council undcr the 1999 Opemting and Capital Budgets, Account # 2241. (Emergcncy Operntions Cantrol und Emergency Control Room respectivelyJ The initinl cost of setting up and fumishing the MOC wus approximntely E54,000 and was wvered by Ontnrio Hydro, :', �� �;� �i ��.. . _..:; ..., _.,; � . ;; . , : . ' _ ,` _ � Repod to Council CAO 02-99 Morch 2, 1999 �V i� Subject: Nuclear und Non•Nucleur Emargency Preparedncss Slatus - Swtus Raport and Revised Emergency Mensures Bylaw Page 2 of 5 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: ' This Report is bcing providcd to update Council with respect to Emergency PreparcJness issucs within the Town of Pickering. The foilowing items will be discussed: l. Town of Pickering Emergency Measures By-Inw, 2 Emergency Response Manunl, 3. The Municipal Operations Cenlm, (MOC) 4. CANATEX 3 Exereise, 5. StnffTrnining, nnd 6. Public Aleding. Also attached to this Report is a new Town of Pickcring Emcrgency Meusures By-law, which is rccommended for Council's ndaption. The Town's existing Emeregency Mcasures E3y-law, adopted in 1990, is outdated nnd needs to be replaceJ. The Town of Pickering Emcrgency Rcsponse Manual will be distribuled shortly to Mayor and membcrs of Council. BACKGROUND: During the last 2 yeurs, the Town of Pickering hns significuntly upgrnded its Ievel of emergency prepazedness. This has included ihe building nnJ fumishing of u ncw Municipal Opemtions Ccnlre (MOC) wilhin the Clnremont Community Ccntrc, upclating 'Po�m Emergency Plans nnd Emergency Mensurcs By-Inw, ns well as most rcccntly providing un incrcnsed Icvd af staff emergency preparcdncss training. To imptove communicution betwecn Ontnrio ffydro, Durham Emcrgcncy Mcnsures Otlicc (DEMO) and thc Town of Pickcring, a Public Intcrest Notification document wus nlso produccd. This document provides a protocol for natification of the To�m of Pickering CAO and senior stnff by Pickering Nucicnr Genemting Station (PNGS) personncl aficn vurious cvents nrc occurting. The following informution provides the status of various emcrgency preparedness mutters. I. Town of Pickerina Emerecncv Mensurcs liv-law: The Emergency Mensurcs By-I¢w allows the Town to formulate nn emergency plan goveming the provision of necessnry scrvices during nn emergency and the proccdures undcr, and thc mnnner in which, cmployees of the municipulity und athcr persons will rcspond to thc emergencies. A new Town of Pickering Emergency Measures ByInw has been prcpareJ and is uttached to this Report. The new By-law should bc adoptcd and the existing By-law rcpeuled. Thc existing Town of Pickering Emergency Mensutcs By-luw, has outduted tertninolagy and necds to be replaced. 2. Town of Pickering Emerecncv Responsa Manuals: The Town of Pickering Emergency Response Mununls nre n compilation of emergency prcparedness documents that inciudes thc By-law, Nuclear Emergency Plnn, Emergency ' Mensures Pien, MOC Procedures, Depnrlmentei Emergcncy Messurcs Pluns, Provincinl Nuclear Emergency Plan (PNEP) nnd Regional Nucleur Emergency Plan. 'fhesc pluns will be updnted on e regular besis to rollect any orgnniwtional changes nnd / or revisions ot additions. _ �::4 j . .. � . - f, � f�� } Report to Council CAO 02-99 Subject: Nuclwr end Non-Nucleur Emergency Prepnredness Smtus - Stutus Report nnd Revised Emergency Mensurcs By-Iaw Merch 2, 1999 17 Pagc 3 of S The Town of Pickering Nuclenr Emcrgency Plan and tha Town of Pickering Emergency Measures Plan are pinns thnt were developed to providc nccessury supporl serviccs to deni in nn organiud manner with nuclear emergencies or nnwrnl emergencies within the Town ( such ns an ice storm, flooding, enrthquake etc.). Thesa pinns covcr ihings like sinff rcsponsibilitics, resources lists, emergency declarution forms and procedures, primary wne mups, evacuation routes, reception centre locatians, media contacts, definitions, manual distribution lists, MOC floor pinn and lists of requircd equipment, to namc a few. Thc Town of Pickering Municipal Operations CenUe Procedures were developeJ to define staff roles nnd respansibilitics within the MOC and help sinff to opcmte thc MOC in an organiud munner. These procedures support both the Nuclear Emergency Plon nnd Emergency Measures Plans. Other supporting pinns, noted in the manual, dealing with issues such as Evacuntion and Recovery pinnning, will be ndded at a later dnte. A formnl Gvncuation Plnn will hopefully bc completed ihis summcr. The Emergency Recovery Plan is still in lhc very carly stages of planning and development. The Town oP Pickering Emergency F.vncuution Plun nnd The Town of Pickcring Emergency Recovery Plans are bcing prcparcd to providc suppoA to any To�tin cmcrgency cvucuntion of rcsidents or to nssist with rccovery ulicr a disastcr. ARer nny majar disaster, a Recovcry Plnn is necessary to retum the Town to its normal woy of lifc as soon ns possible. This may include such things as returning pcople to their homes ufter nn cvacuotion, ihc reslomtion of ulilities, or rccovering expenses incurmd during u disnster. 3. Municioal Oncmtions Centrc IMOCI Clarcmont: Thc MOC is now functionnl with only minor itcros rcquiring completion (hnnging mnps, instulling de��aAmental identification signs, etc.). Thc MOC was olTicially opcncJ on Muy 12, 1998, wilh reprcsentation fram Omnrio Hydro, DEMO und thc To�m. This moves ihc MOC out of the Civic Complex nnd outsidc of the Primary Zonc ( a 10 km. radius from PNGS). Thc Civic Complex however, will still nct ns an altemntc MOC for non•nucicar emcrgcncics only. An nitemate nuclear emergency MOC faciliry has not becn cstablishcd at this timc. 4. CANATEX 3 Exercisc: A joint Federol / Provincinl full scalc nucleur cxercisc bused on the Dazlington Nuclear Generuting Station, hns becn scheduled for April 27, 28 nnd 29, 1999. This cxercise, known as CANATEX 3, is designed to evaluute artangements for responding lo a nucicar cmergency in nccordnnce with the revised Provincinl Nucleur Emergency Plan. As n preparntion to this exercise, lhe Town paRicipnted in n Durlington "pre CANATEX 3 exercisc" on Jnnunry 21, 1999, at the Regianal Operations Centre nt Regional hendquarters. Although Pickering's involvement in CANATEX 3 exercisc will be minimnl, it is the inlcnt thnt recent chnnges to the Pickering's Nuclear Emergency Plans and MOC Procedures, are to be validated where possibic, at the cxercise. Debriefing notes from the CANATEX 3 cxercise will also be provided and may furiher assist the Town with the vnlidation process. 5. StaffTrainina: Town staff identified on the fanout lists in Annex "A" of the Nucicnr Emergency Plan, havc '�'. pnrticiputed in verious Nuclear Emergency and MOC Procedural tmining programs sincc thc spring of 1998, (A fanout list is a list of Town emergency and ultematc suppod personncl who would be called to slaff the MOC and act in the cvcnt of a Town cmergency.) Eyk + �,�. <., . . . .. ` Report to Council CAO 02-99 Merch 2, 1999 i Subject: Nuclear nnd Non-Nuclear Emergency Preparedness Stetus - Status Report and Revised Emergency Measures By-law Pngc 4 of 5 Senior staff just completed ndvanccd tmining in Janunry on Town Nucicar Emergency Plans and performed mock disosler exercises in the MOC. Two scssions on Radlaffon Awureness und Operaliott ojan MOC were offered to senior swff or thcir altemates in Febmary of 1999. The bourdroom nt the MOC, and the MOC facility itself, are both utiliud from timc to timc as a tmining facility for both pnrt time firefighters and Town staff participating in thc emergency preparednes:+ progrum (funout). 6. ublic e(j�: Notificntian of n Nuclear Emergency Public Alertin�; is defined as wuming the population, by menns of an apptopriute signal, that u nucletv emcrg�ency has occurted or is about to occur. In the current Provincinl Nuclenr Emcrgency Plans, (Interim Plnn, lununry 1997), the genernl public within thc Contiguous Zone ( u 3 km. radius of the Pickcring Nuclenr Genemting Stntion) is to be uleried in thc event of an emergency "whethcr they bc indoors or outdoors". Thc pinn nlsa slipulntcs thut the nucicur instnllntions °shnll ptovide resources nnd assistance to their dcsignnted municipalities to enable them to estublish o public alerting system in their Contiguous Zoncs'. As rcsult of u rcsolution by Durhum Regionnl Council, n working group was set up to examinc thc issuc of extcnding Pubtic Alerting into the 3 to 10 km. arca of the 10 km. Primnry Zone. Councillor's Rcport to Council CO I-98, ("Tnu�n oj!'lckcrfug PosJflon on Pi�hllc Alerling nnd Publlc Nolificaflon !n a Nrrcicnr Emcrgc�try ) oudincs thc Town position. Thc Town fcels thc public alcrting should be extendcd to a 10 km. rndius Gom PNGS to ensurc timely alerling for thc rcsidcnts. At n mecting with thc Provincc on Dcccmbcr I5, 1998, sc��cral options wcrc idcntificd by atTected municipnlitics to rcvicw the public ulcrting system. Thc costs and bcncfits of thcsc options are currently undcr rcvicw by thc Provincc nnd arc lo bc furthcr explored in 1999. In Conciusion: A copy of thc Emcrgency Rcsponse Manual, once completed, will be fonvardcd to members of Council, senior statT and other municipnlities nnd agcncics for emergency planning. This mnnuul, nnd its vnrious components, will be finaliud shonly nnd updatcd ns oflen as rcquircd. Additionnl status reports for Council informntion will be prcpared on a regular basis. �. a ,-� 1� � S �;a ��p'� � �I , � t ` ���L � : iTVif`',�..'1.5:'/_.�.. . -. _... . .- . . . 1 . e . . . � . . .. - �. ; Report to Cowcil CAO 02-99 Merch 2,1999 SubjecL Nuclear and Non•Nudoar Emergency Preparedness Status i 9 - Stetus Report end Revised Emergency Mensurcs By-lnw Page 5 of 5 ATTACHMENT: 1. Town of Pickering Emergency Meacures Municipni By-law. Prepared By: G o �dt P ect Co-ordinalor Approved / Endorscd Dy; Tom elym k Cxecutive Co- inator Th mas J. Quinn, Chief Administmtive OfTicer Recommended far the considemtion of Pickcring Town Council � ..r� 2 omas J. Qui , Chic Admim t ive 0 icer JGRyBr Attachment n�yi.wi.d� � " �} ` .:�� � '° � ` �- � °, � j ,, ' - � <' '` - �` ; t �p�`: i t Y l': �e.r f -i F} J�� 1`y tiJ� . r . ���y � 3" V'�hK�l� '' i ' t t } . 1 y� =W b��({�� �� � 4 '� r i r . d : �Y't.r �. a?7. a.�l�'? K � � ' . . . . ,.., . . . . k� '-. � YO. ' ., � .�. � '., _< . .. .�_ .�. i: �� ' , ix ' b�:. - _ .. . . '•:.` . -�� �,' , r '- � .. : _: ' ^�, . . ,' . March 1,1999 EMERGENCY MEA5URES BY-LAW CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF PICKERING EMERGENCY MEASURES PLANNING AND RESPONSE ..� BY-LAW N• . :"..1 - . ...- ' . � .. . . . .. . . i�'� . . . , ,. .. .. .. .. . ,_ . . . . 21 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF PICKERING BY-LAW q A By-Law to provide for a prompt and Co-ordinated Reaponse to an Emergency Whereas pursuant to Section 3( I) of the Emergency Plans Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.E. 9, as emended, the Council of e Municipaliry mey pass a ByLaw fortnulating or providing for the fortnulalian oFan emergency plan gaveming ihe provision of necessary scrvices during an emergency and the procedurcs under and thc manner in which employas af the municipelity and other persons will rcspond to the emergencies. NOW, THEREFORE, THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF PICKERING HEREBY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: Short Title I, This ByLaw mey Ix: cited ns the "Emergency Measures ByLnw" Inhrprotation 2. In �his ByLaw, (n) "AcC' means Ihe Emergency Plans Acl, R.S.O. 1990; (b) "egent" means a person, persons, company or any olhcr organization employed to act on behalf of ihe Town of Pickcring; (c) "Council" means �he Council of Tho Corparotion of thc Town of Pickoring (d) "Cauncillor' means a member of Council; (e) "Dircctor' means thc Dircctor of a Town of Pickering department; (Q "emergency" means a present or imminent event in respect to which ihe Town of Pickering believes prompt co-ordinetion af action or regulntion of persons or property must be undeAakon to protect property or Ihe health, safrry ot welfare of people in the Town of Pickoring; (g) -"employee" means a person employed either part or full time by Ihe � Town of Pickering: including Part•Time firefighters; (h) "Fire Chicf' means the Firc Chief of the Pickering Fire Depattment; (i) "CAO" means the CAO (Operations O(ficcr) of the Town of Pickering; (j) "Mayor' means ihe Mayor of ihe Town of Pickerina or a Councillor acting in the suad oFthe Meyor, (k) "Minister" means ihe member of the Executive Council to whom is essigned the administration of the Act end rcguledonr, (Solicimr General) 1t , a`� ,': ;: Y 4 ` ' ` � Ai� ,.,.r 34, ,. .N �.�i , . .. . � .. �. .n .,., �,.. �, _., . .. .. , . . . . ii . . .. 22 IeterpretaHoa (cont'd) (I) "Municipal Emergency Measurcs Plens" meens plans, programs or procedurcs prcparcd by the Tawn of Pickering, thet ere intended to mitigete the eflects of an emergency or disaster and to provide for Ihe sakry, healih or welfarc of the populelion and the proleation of propeAy in the event of such an occurrence; (m) "Municipal Emerger.cy Measures Co-ordinatoP' means the person appointed by Council punuant to this ByLew (Fire Chie�; (n) "Municipal Emergency Meusures Orgenizetion" means the orgenizution established pursuant to this ByLaw; (o) "Municipnl Control Group" means the control group established pursuunt to this By-Lnw; (p) "Municipaliry" means the Town of Pickering; (q) "State of Emergency Regulations", means reguletions npproved by the Govcmor in Council us amended from time to time; (r) "stnte of emergency" means a sWte of emergency declarcd by the Town of Pickering pursuant to the Act or renewed by Ihe Town of Pickering pursuant to the Act nnd regulations made pursuent thereto nnd this Eiy- Law; (s) "Part•Time fircfightei' means any individual who gives of their time, skills and knowledge by providing emcrgency serviccs in nccordance with regulations (or the Pickering Fire Departmcnt; Municlpal Emergency Memures Organlulion 3. (I) The Council hercby establishes a M1lunicipal Emcn;ency Measures Organization. (2) The Municipal Emergency Mcasures Organizalian shnll consist of thc following committees und persons: (a) a Municipal Emergcncy Measurcs Executivc Committee; (b) a Municipal Cantrol Group; and (c) a Municipal Emcrgency bteasures Co-ordinator (Fire ChieQ. Municipal Emergency htemura E:ecWive Committee 4. (I) The Municipal Emergency Measurcs Executive Committee shall be nppoinled by Council for such a tertn as the Council deems necessary. (2) ' The Municipal Emergency Meuures Executive Comminee shall at aIl times consist af the Meyor, Acting Mayor, no Rwer than two Councilloro, Municipul Emergency Measures Coordinaror (Fire Chie� and the CAO, or their dcsignates. (3) The Municipal Emergency Measurcs Executive Commiltec shnll: (a) advise Council on the development af municipal emergency measurcs plens; (b) present municipal emergency measurcs piens to Council; (c) bdef Council on developmen� during n state of emorgency; , "(d) prcsent Nndamentel emergency prcparednesa proposels including '' fecility moving/upgrading to Counci) if neceuary; end ��.L ...,,,,s�.:.i,... .. . . , . - . , , , ii- ... . � � Municlpal EmerQeacy Mmurd E:eculive Commlltce (cont'd) �3 (e) perform other such dmies ns moy be required by the Council. Munklpal Control Group 5. (I) The htunicipul Control Graup sholl bc appointed by Council for such a lerm as the Council may prescribe. (2) The Municipal Control Group shall consist of the CAO, the Emergency Measures Caordinator, nnd the department head ofevery municipal department or egency which is assigned emergency reluted funclions under municipal emergency pinns and, whcre no dcpartment ot agency exists, a quolified person ro represent that group. The CAO will chnir the Municipal Comrol Group. (3) The Municipal Cunlrol Group shall include, but not be limited to, persons responsible during nn emergcncy to pravide or caordinate: (a) luw enforcement (b) search and rescue (c) firc conlrol serviccs (d) haznrdous matcrials coNrol scrvices (e) transportation (� enginecring scrviccs (g) watcr (h) �cnstewatcr caNrol scrviccs (i) soliJ waste control scrvices (j) lelecommunications (k) financial scrvices (I) legol services (m) administrative serviccs (n) human resourcc mnnagcmant (including health nnd safety) (o) informntion systems . (p) purchasing/materials manugement (q) physical, soeial and environmental planning infortnetion (r) public information (4) T'hc Municipui Canlrol Group shall also includc persons responsible during an emergency to co•ordinate the following Nnclionr. (e) income assistancc � (b) sociei scrvices , (c) health services ' � �, ��.'.i�u�� ,.,.� . , . , � . r . . - 24 _ Municipal Conlrol Group (coot'd) (5) The Municipal Control Group shall: (a) assist the Municipai Emergency Measures Caordinalor fn the preperntion and caordinetion of Municipal Emergency Measures Plans; (b) advise the Municipal Emergency Measurcs Executive Commiuee on the development of Municipal Emergency Moasures Plans; (c) upon request, essist the Municipel Emergency Meazures Executive Committee in the presentation of Municipal Emergency hfeasures Plans to Council; (d) following activation of the municipol or depnrtmental emergency plan or a declaration of stete of emergency, prescribe, as necessary, dulies to be fulfilled by employees, agenb, and Part•Time firefighters of the municipaliry; (e) perform other such duties as may be required by the Municipal Emergency Measures Executive Comminee or the Council. (6) Each member of Ihe htunicipal Control Group shall prepare nn emergency plan for the emergency functions assigned in municipal emergency plans to Iheir department, ngency or area of responsibiliry. Members will submit pluns to �he Emergency Mcnsures Executive Committoe for approvol. Plans includc Iraining and exercise programs. Municipal Emergeocy Mea�ure� Co-ordlnator 6. • (I) The Municipal Emergancy hleuures Caordinutor shall be appointed for such a term as the Council decros necessary. (2) The Municipal Emergcncy M1icnsures Caordinaror shall: (a) co-ordinate and preparc municipal emergency mcasures plans, uaining nnd exercises; and (b) be responsible for on•going public sclf-hclp educntion progrums rclnted to amcrgency prcpuredness; (c) follawing activation of a municipal emargency plan or n dcclaralion oF stute of emergcncy, prcscribe, as necessary, duties to be fulfillcd by employees, ugents, ond volunteer firefighters of the Town of Pickering; and (d) perform oiher such dulies as muy be required by the Council. Agreemen� 7. (I) Subject to proliminary approval of Council, the Municipal Emergency Measures Contro) group muy, as part of municipal emergency measurcs plans, ncgotiate an agreement to be approved by ihe Councii or person designated by the Council with the Govemmcnt of Canada, the Province of Ontario, Durhem Regional Municipaliry, a municipaliry, city or town, ur eny other agency or any peaon. (2) Any agreement negotiated under subsection ( I) is nol binding unUl it is epproved by Council. - - , NN�aU.y .. .. .. i. �� .. � � .� .... . �� . ...- . . . . � ii . . 25 DuNa ot Council . 8. (I) Thc Council shall roview and evaluate Munic(pal Emergency Measures Plans prcsented ta it by the Municipal Emergency Measuree Execulive Committee. (2) The Councii mey speeify edditional duties to be fuifilled by the Municipal Emorgency Measures Exewtive Comminee, lhe Municipal Control Group, and ihe Municipal Emergency Measurcs Caordinetor. (3) The Council mey appropriate nnd cxpend money. (a) to pay rensonable oxpenses of inembers of the Municipal Emergency Measurcs Executive Cammittee, the Municipal Emergency Measurcs Co-ordinator nnd the Municipal Control Group; (b) to Polfill Ihe terms and conditions of �n ugreement approved by Ihe Council pursunnt to Sectian 7. (c) to support cmergency preparcdness proposals. Dalaratloo of a State of Emer�ency 9, (I ) The Mayor, acling under Scction 4(2) of �hc Act shnll declare a state of emergency by completing the rcquired documantatian in nccordance with current regulntions. (2) With the npprovnl of the M1tinister, the Council may rcnew a smte of emergency by completing the requircd documenta�ion in accordance with curtent rcgulntions. O) The Council muy Ierminale a stale of emergcncy by completing Ihe requircd documenlation in accorJance aith curtcN regulations. (4) A copy of n declaretion signcJ under this Seclion slmll immeJiatcly be delivered or fared lo the hiinisler (Solicitor Generaq, the Director Emergency Measures Onmrio, anJ �hc Din�ctor of Durham Emergcncy Measurcs Orgnnization. NoUce 10. Following the signature of a declaratian under Seclion 9, the Council shall immedinrely cause �he dctails aF�he declnration or termination to be communicated ar published by such means as �he Council considers Ihe most likely to make the contcnts of Ihe declamtion or lemiination known to thc people uf the arca affected. Dulies durfag an Emergency I I. (I) Following the ac�ivation of any �lunicipal Emergency Meosures Plun(s); (n) every employee, agent, and part-time fircfighter of ihe municipality wha has a role in such cmergencies as assigned in the Mu�icipal Emergency M1teasures Plans, und departmental plans, shell fulfill such repotting duties as may bc prescribed by those plans and any additional duties os may be prcscribed by ihe plans and the Municipal Conlrol Group. (2) Following the issuence of a declaration under Section 9 and for ihe duralion of the state of emergency (a) every Councillor shall keep �he Executive Committee posted rospecting their whereabou�. , �'1 '�i.°M1,{`� .,�k.'"�w"4i�".,f , . . .r _ .. -, � . , . , . .. .� , .. . � :.. 26 : Reped of Proviow ByLaN :2, By�Law NJ372/90 te hereby rcpealed. By-Law rcad e Rnt, seeond, and third time and finally pused ihis _day of ' 1999. , Wayne Arthurs, Mnyar Uruce Tnylor, Clerk F 3 . � ,,. ' ¢ } �4 � 2 �� r i �. 7 " } .. . . ;:t � _ . y:i _ _ j1 i� - .. .. ... �� . � Zi�•`^ .h(:...•5�:.,�. � r..— .a � P � f ��: .r�i 4.. -'a}., � ,.E. .. -_ , . . . . ,. .. . YlnlpryollM YInI�Undu sakn«o.�.�.i.�a sam�a.�����.i.�a� qECEIVED Cometlaul Sarvltn S�rvla� COfneUOnMI/ olr¢sol�hs Bureeueu TO���NOFPICKSRINO MWSter miniatre MAY - 3 1999 25 Orwvenor SI 25 rue Ormverar 11M Floor N• Ataqe Toronto ON M7A tY8 Toronlo ON M7A 1Y8 CLERK'S DEPARTMENT TebpMne:(/t8)92&5075 T61Aplwne: (/18�92&5075 Feaimik: (/t8�92&5085 T616mpieur.�<18�92&SOBS APR 2 71999 Mr. Bruce Taylor Town Clerk The Corporation of the Town of Pickcring Pickering Civic Camplex One the Esplanade PickeringON LIV6K7 Dcar Mr. Teylor. Thank you for your Icttcr dated M1tarch I I, 1999 rcgarding your Council's resolution of March 8, 1999 dealing with emergency prepareJncss. I apologize for Uie dclay in respunding. I would like lo express our nppreciation for the timc and effi�rt tliat lias gonc into developing both nucicar and non-nucleur cmcrgency prcparcdness. 1i'c arc confident thal ihcsc arrangements will scrve to enhance lhe level of response in Ihe Town when ficed «•ith an emergency. Should you require assistance in the development of plans, the conduct of training nnd exercises, und in emergcncy response, please feel free to call Jim Gllard, Director of Emergency Alcasures Ontario nt (416) 314-3723. �� "'1..r� pRUb � i.��� . 2 � i�3� __: Once ngain, thank you for your correspondence. Sincerely, 1 ��'11 1 Robert W. Runciman, MPP Leeds-Grenville Solicitor General and Minister of Correctional Services