HomeMy WebLinkAboutApril 28, 2015�� _� ,�,,.,: _ �������� � - , � � � � �;� Attendees: Minutes/Meeting Summary Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee April 28, 2015 7:00 pm City Hall, Main Committee Room Tanya Ryce, Supervisor, Cultural Services Vince Plouffe, Supervisor, Facilities Operations Katrina Pyke, Coordinator, Museum Operations Joan DeGennaro, Clerk/ Typist C&R (Recording Secretary) Jim Calder, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Laura Coulter, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Rose Ann Cowan, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Karen Emmink, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Don Hudson, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Graham Lowman, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Paul Savel, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Greg Oakes, Chair, Pickering Museum Village Foundation Absent: Laura Drake, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Pam Fuselli, Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee Item/ Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items/Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) 1. Welcome T. Ryce welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm. 2. Approval of Minutes and A enda The following changes are required to the March 24 minutes • Date change to March 24 • Item 2- Moved by L. Calvellli to be changed to L. Coulter • Item 3- Bingo money is accumulating faster than- add- the Foundation has projects to spend it on • Item 7- Terms of Reverence to be changed to Terms of Reference Motion: To accept the March minutes with the above noted changes Moved by: P. Savel Seconded by: K. Emmink Carried Page 1 of 5 Item/ Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items/Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) Motion: To approve the agenda for the April 28t" meeting. Moved: P. Savel Seconded: L. Coulter Carried 3. Report b PMVF Chair G. Oakes delivered the Foundation report. • Started planning for fundraising for this year • Waiting for feedback on the Temperance House cladding project • Foundation is waiting to hear when the money is required for the Visitor Services Centre Feasibility Study G. Oakes asked if there are more projects for their funding consideration. Potential projects are with V. Plouffe to consider. A discussion took place regarding the Feasibility Study and PMVF fundraising plans: Regarding the TRCA Lands, T. Ryce advised that there is an agreement between the City and the TRCA with the intent to purchase and sell the land in question; the purchase to take place at a later date. There is are recorded minutes from the TRCA indicating the intent to sell the lands to the City of Pickering; and the use of the lands by the museum are also noted in the TRCA's master plan for the new Conservation Area. Currently the land purchase is in the long-term capital purchase for 2018. The Director, Culture & Recreation recommends that the study T. Ryce to discuss be deferred two years, or until the Visitor Services Centre with City Treasurer building project has been prioritized by Mayor and Council. timelines to be considered for the Discussion occurred surrounding the appropriate timing of the Feasibility Study. feasibility study. 4. Action Items Out oin Committee T. Ryce noted that there were some action items from the previous committee's January meeting for the new committee to consider. Letter to the Foundation: Item 7 Strategic Plan January 14, 2015 minutes: • Committee members to have input on letter to Foundation regarding motion from January meeting Page 2 of 5 Item/ Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items/Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) • Discussion around the letter took place • There is a cost sharing expectation with the Foundation Motion: T. Ryce to draft letter That a letter be drafted to the PMVF from the PMV to the Pickering Advisory Committee requesting a short term (2 year) and Museum Village long term (5 year) fundraising plan. The short term plan to Foundation on behalf include plans for reaching a$90,000.00 target for the PMV of the Advisory Visitor Services Centre Feasibility Study. Committee. Moved: P. Savel Second: R. Cowan Carried Motion: That Terry Arvisais and/or Greg Oakes be invited to share a presentation provided at a fundraising / feasibility study workshop attended, to the PMV Advisory Committee at a future meeting. Moved: R. Cowan Seconded: L. Coulter Carried 5. Sub-Committee Reports: All members arrive at Collections Committee: the Recreation Complex on April 28 • 10 more artifacts have been prioritized. at 5:45 pm to assist and to mingle with Volunteer Recognition Committee: the guests. • No report at this time. • The committee could benefit from a list of inemberships T. Ryce to provide G. to affiliated associations. Lowman with a list associations / memberships. Facility Improvements Committee: • Forecasted 2016-19 expenditures T. Ryce to distribute • Finalized the 2016 projects all subcommittee • Drafted and reviewed forecast for 2020 reports with the minutes. V. Plouffe will provide an overview of the Oddfellows Hall project at the May on-site meeting. V. Plouffe to provide Tanya with PDF on Oddfellows Hall. Page 3 of 5 Item/ Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items/Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) 6. Annual Work Plan Work plan tasks were brainstormed and charted (refer to Sub-Committee attached documents). Chairs to take prioritize tasks for It was suggested that Volunteer Recognition Sub-Committee this year and for the members attend volunteer orientation sessions to get to know term and submit final volunteers, welcome them, and to act as ambassadors to the work plans to K. volunteers. Pyke by May 18. The next five year strategic plan will be included in a future meeting agenda. K. Pyke to prepare the final draft work plan for the May 26 meeting. 7. Desi nate to PMVF T. Ryce asked for someone to step forward to be the committee's representative at the PMV Foundation meetings. Motion: The Pickering Advisory Committee request that the minutes of the Pickering Museum Village Foundation be forwarded to the Pickering Museum Village Advisory Committee monthly. Moved: P. Savel Seconded: D. Hudson Carried 8. Dele ations 2015 The following list was compiled of potential delegations to attend future meetings: • Planning Department: Seaton Development update • Durham Region Transit: Route Changes and the potential improved access to PMV • Go Transit: Routes and Access to PMV • Federal Park: Partnering Potential with Rouge Park • Western Front Association: World War 1 and 2 partnership potential • Legion: Partnerships • U of T: Programing Partnerships • First Nations: Programming Partnerships The first half hour of the monthly meeting would be allocated to delegation presentations when scheduled to attend. Page 4 of 5 Item/ Details & Discussion & Conclusion Action Items/Status Ref # (summary of discussion) (include deadline as appropriate) 9. Other Business A Cultural Plan Advisory Committee will be formed in the fall, to assist in implementing the 10 year cultural plan endorsed by City Council. A member of the PMV Advisory Committee would be an asset to this committee. D. Hudson congratulated staff and volunteers on quality of "The Old Lady Shows Her Medals" production and recommended that the new members attend some of the events offered at the Pickering Museum Village as soon as they can so that they are broadly informed. J. Calder advised that members review Heritage Pickering monthly minutes to be more informed about architectural conservancy issues in the municipality, particularly Seaton. These are available on the City's website. Motion to adjourn: P. Savel Seconded by: J. Calder Carried Meeting Adjourned: 8:50 pm Copy: Director, Culture & Recreation City Clerk Page 5 of 5