HomeMy WebLinkAboutGM 07/989 � � sa �O N OF p� ~ REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Thomns J. Quinn DATE: June 7,1998 Gencrnl Manoger REPORT NUMDGR: GM 07-98 SUDJECT: Ontnrio Spott Legends Hall of fume (03LHF) - filc:8D1000 RECOMMGNDATION: I, Report lo Council GM 07-98, dealing with the Ontario Sport Legends Hnll of Pnme (OSLHP), should be rcccivcd. IL Town Coimcil should deciJc on uny of thc following courscs of nction with respcct to thc Onlurio Sport Lcgends I lall of famc: (i) Continue to support the pcdestal program in nn nppropriate location to be detcrmincd; (ii) AJvisc Ontario Spurls Lcgcnd i lall of Pamc thnt usc of Ihc Rccrcation Complcx far Gcc stanJing artifacts display and a gifi shop 6noih is not u viable option; and (iii) Rccognizc that thc ONario Sports Lcgcnd I lull of Pamc is n privatc scctor initintivc und udvisc lhem that future markcling initiatives will be Iheir solc responsibiliry. ORIGIN: Council Resolution 377/97 AUTFIORITY: Onlnrio Municipal Act, R.S.O, section I 13 (I) PINANCIAL IMPL[CATIONSt Contingent upon approval of recommendutions. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Not applicublc BACKGROUND: At its tnceting of Octobcr G,1997 Council passcd Rcsolutian 377/97; I, Endorsing thc Civic Complex Gsplanadc Park ns n Icmpomry locntion far thc Ontnrio Sport Lcgends Hail of �amc Inductcc Plaqucs, for a icrm not to cxcccd thrcc ycnrs; � Report to Council �M 07-98 ! pnlc: Junc 7,1998 8`9 Subject: Ontario Sport Legends fiull of Pnmc Pubc 2 Authoriting lhc Gencral Managcr to devclop an ngrecmcnt with ihe Chairman of OSLI U' with regnrd to: (ii) the temporary location of thc inductce pinques within the Gsplunadc Park (ii) the viability of encompassing a tempomry Gee standing artifacts Jispluy nrca and a giQ shop booth at thc Pickering Rccreatian Complex; The Onlurio Spoct Legends Hall of Pamc be nllowed to continue to operate within thc rctiring room at the Civic Complex for o further period of six months from Octoter I, 1997 - Mnrch 31, 1998. While the benefits of such u venture would havc had n positive economic multiplir: uffcct on Pickering's Downtown Core, as wcll ns on lourism and Jevclopment ut:i � i:i:e �uving an ovcrall benefit to our community, we anticipated that Ihis venturc tvould provide an opportunity to work hand in hand �vith the private sector in a mu�ually bcneficial rclationship. We fully rccognizcd that that this was u privutc sector initiativc and nt no timc Jid wc cnvision any public owncrship. Membcrs of Council displaycJ thcir confidcncc in this iniliativc by providing suppod during thc stari-up proccss of thc ovcrall plan for thc I lall of Pnmc. Ho�ecvcr, it was only ngrced to nssist in ihis vcnture by providing office spacc, equipment und a degrce of aJministrative assislnnce on an intcrim basis during thc past two ycars. GfTcctivc Junc 1, 1998 OSLI IF vncutcd the ol7icc spacc locuted within ihc Pickcrin6 Civic Complcx and huvc rc•locntcd Io thc'Po�m of Ajux. Furthcr to subscqucnt meetings with the parties, report from the General Manager dated May 29, 1998 including pertincnt documentation; und a presentation by representntivcs from thc OSLIi� at thc Council mceting of Junc I, 199R Council shoulJ bc aJviscJ of thc following: Thc Espinnadc Park is not u viablc option as n Iocntion fix Ihc inductcc plaqucs. lio«�evcr, us indicatcd in thc progress report from ihc Omnrio Sporls Lcgcnd llall of Famc nn allcmntc and much prefcrrcd sitc couW bc Drock RiJgc Communiry Pnrk, whcrc a pathway is alrcaJy in placc. Othcr polential locations may bc considcrcJ subjcct to I'urthcr rcvicw. Purthcmiorc, thc Rccrcalion Complcx is not considcreJ an approprialc localion for displaying nrtifacls nnd u gill shop 600th. Due lo numerous recent circumstnnccs, it was quitc cviJent during Ihe prescntation by the Chairmnn of thc Ontario Sport Legends Hall of rnmc, that thcrc arc too many qucstions that remain unanswered to the sntisfaction of Council. It is thereforc recommended ihat we confirm aur intentions in writing with mspect to our association with OSLI�� ond the Icvel of suppon we intcnd to providc. ATTACHMENTS: I, Council Resolutian 377/97 Approved / Gndorscd By: �. i , • __. 11 amas J, Qi' m TJQ:jh; Atwchment Copy; Dircclor of Parks and Facilitics Town Clcrk Mnnagcr of Gconomic Dcvclopmcnl .. � '90 ���N OF p/C�� 9 H ��� � RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL #377/97 DATE: OC7'OliER 6.1997 MOVED UY: Councillor Johnson SECONDED DY: Councillor Dickerson I. Endorsc thc Civic Complex Espl�nadc Park us ihc tempornry locntion for thc Ontnrio Sport Legends Hall of Fame Inductee Plaques, for a icrm not lo excced three years. 2. AWhorize ihe Gencrnl Manager to devclop an agrcement with the Chairman of thc Ontario Sport Legends Flall of Fame with regnrd to: , (i) lhe tempornry location of the inductec plaques wilhin ihe Esplanade Pnrk. (ii) lhe viability of encompassing a temporary free standing arlifncts dispiny area nnd a ' gift shop booth at ihe I'ickering Recreation Complex. 3. That tha Ontnrio Spon Legends Hall of Fame be allowed to continuc to operate within thc Retiring Room at the Civic Complcx for o furthcr period of six months from October I s�, 1997 to March 31 sl, 1998. ISiened) Wnvnc Arihurs ' CARRIED MAYOR :