HomeMy WebLinkAboutCL 43/98. Q•4 �N�F°� � � REPORT TO COUNCIL fROM: Brucc Taylor, AMCT, CMM DATE: Octobcr 20, i998 Town Clcrk REPORT NUMBER: CL 43/98 SUBJECT: Winterfest RECOMMENDATION: That the Director of Finance be instructed to set up a separatc "WinterfesP' account to receive monies raised in connection with the Winterfest celebratians and to dispense payments upon the written authorization of the Chair of the Winterfest Committee, being Councillor Holland, as established by Resolution N12/98 passed by Council on January 19, 1998. ORIGIN: Request of Councillor Hollnnd as Chair of the Wimcrfcst Committee AUTHORITY: Municipal Acl FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Not Applicable EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: To allow Councillor Halland to authorizc expenditures on behalf of the Winterfest Committcc BACKGROUND: At its regular mceting of]anuary 19, 1998, Council passed a resolution to, amongst othcr mauers, establish a Festival of Lights Committee which shall have as its objective fundraising for and planning and preparation of a Festival of Lights for the Town of Pickering and other events ta cclebrate the holiday season and that it shall be chaired by Councillor Holland. This Committee, which is now known as the Winterfest Coinmittee, is now active under tlic Chairmanship of Councillor Holland. In order for the Committcc to operate etTectivcly, it is imperativa that Councillor Holland be given authority to accept donations and authorize invaices for payment as it pertains ro expenditures related to the Winterfest Committee. The recommendation in this repon will allow the Director of Pinence to recognize Councillor Holland as an epproving authoriry for the Winterfest Account far auditing purposes. ..,./2 . Report to Council CL 43/98 Datc: October 20, 1998 Subject: Winterfest Pagc 2 Qg Prepared By rucc Taylor, AMCT, CMM ,,_ ' Town Clerk I Recommended for the consideralion of Pickering Tow� Council 1 � �.� � h as J. nn, eneral a er cc: Direclor of Finnncc S ": ';. L F{ a; _ �� ; _ , k ;�� F z � at S ; _ �- .., c , - . � ,' , , ... �_. � r' t t:. Y'