HomeMy WebLinkAboutIDT 08/98ti��.. 2 ��OFP� y4�� i) F REPORT TO COUNCIL PROM: Interdeparimenlal Development Team DA7'E: Octobcr 30,1998 REPORT NUMDER: IDT O8•98 SUBJECT: Mayor's Task Force on tha Pickering Wnterfront -- Final Report - Staff Comments nnd Recommendntians RECOMMENDAT[ONS: 1. That Town Council ihank all thc members of thc Mayor's Task �orcc on the Pickering Waterfront and commend ihem for their hncd work and vnluable contribution to estnblishing n vision for the Town's wnterfront, as described in th.^. Tesk Force's Final Report of June 1998. 2. That Town Council reccive Rcport ro Council IDT 08-98 nnd direct stu�'to initinlc thc estnblishmcnt of n"Waterfront Coordinating Committee" as sct out in that Rcport. 3. That a copy of Rcport to Council IDT 08•98 bc fonvardcd to Mr. David Stccic, chair of the Mnyor's Task Forcc on the WatcrGont, thc Toronto and Rcgion L'onscrvnlion Aulhority, thc Wntcrfront Regencmlion Trust, Ontnrio Hydro, the Pic!;cring Hnrbour Compuny, and nny othcrs thnt may hove nn intercst in this mattcr. OR1GM: Council Resolution #134/98 passcd on lunc 29, 1998, rcceiving thc Pinal Reporl of tlic Mayor's 2001 Wuterfront Tusk Force and referring it to smff for comment. AUTHORITY: The PlanningAcf The MunJclpal Acl FINANCiAL IMPLICATIONS; This Report does not make specific recommendations on underteking wnterfront projccts. Consequently, there are no immcdiate financiul implications associuted with thc rcceipt of the Report, nnd the ndoption of thc rccommendations. Waterfront projects will bc brought fonvard for Council's considerntiun either through sepnrnte repods to Council, or lhrough Ihe To��n's budget process in 1999 nnd subsequent yeurs, Reporl to Council IDT 08•98 Date: October 30,1998 Subject: Mayor's Task Force on the Pickering Weterfront •- Final Report Page 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY; In ]une 1998, following more than a year of dedicated work involving hundreds of peaple Gom the communiry as well ns representatives from various agencies, tho Mayor's Tesk Force on thc Yickering Wntcrfront completed its mendete, and released its Final Report, On June 29, 1998, Town Council received the Finnl Repori and referted it to staff for comments. Stuff would like to commend the Tesk Force for un exccllent report. It contuins u cleaz nnd thoughtful vision and action plan for the waterfront, and provides many valuablc recommendations thnt cnn form the besis for future work nnd discussion. The Final Report is pMicularly strong in its analysis of the importnnt environmental issues fncing thc Frcnchman's Bay �vatershed, and in its suggcstions on possible corrective ectians that should be inken. Clearly, a grcat many things need to be done to maintnin nnd cnhance Pickering's wutcrfronl, and in this regurd, tha Tnsk Force's report helps cstablish en appropriate direction nnd focus. Wc arc nlso fortunate thut a number of significant wnterfront projects hnve heen undcrtaken ovcr thc past few yesus by the Town and others, and we necd to build on thesc successcs. } lowevcr, on•going cooperution and coordination is needed, as is a subst�intial funding commitmcnt Gom nll Icvcls of govemmcnt, ns well ns the privntc sector unJ voluntecr funding. To this end (and building on a recommendntion madc by Ihc Task �orcc), staff rccommcnd thul Town Council authorizc thc cstablishmcnt of a"Wutcrfront Coordinnling Committec" madc up of kcy stakcholdcrs involvcd in thc watcrfront, including thc To�m, thc Toronto nnd Region Conservation Authoriry, thc Waterfront Regencmtion T'rust, Ontnrio Flydro, ihc Pickcring Harbour Company, and including thrcc or four community reprcsentntives Gom key groups nnd organiwtions wilh a strong intcrcst in wntcdront projccts. An important functian of thc Watcrfront Coordinuting Committcc would bc to coordin�tc thc implcmcNation of approvcd wnterfront projccts, as well as assist in providing tcchnical advise und ossislunce on wnterfront issucs, prioritics nnd progmms. Thc Wutcrfront CoorJinnting Committcc would also hclp provide u forum for two•wny communication with thc community, to inform and educnte pcople on wntcrGont issucs and involvc thcm in on•going work. E3ACKGROUND: In May 1997, ihc Mnyor's Task Porcc on Pickcring's Waterfront was estublishcd, with Mr. David Steele uppointed as chair, and M�. Craig Damford and Mr. Nick Gylcs as co•chairs. The mandate of the Tosk Forcc wns to develop "an in-deplh vision for the cvolution of thc To�m's wnterfronL" To carry out this mnndate, n stecring cummiUcc wos csWblished, with widc-sprcad rcpresentntian Gom communily ussociations, service clubs, lhe Pickcring Hnrbour Company, Onturio Hydro, the Toronlo and Region Conservntion Aulhority, ihe Watcrfront Rcgcncrution Trust and the Town of Pickering. Over 100 people participuted on vtuious subcommittecs establishcd by the Steering Committee, including subcommittees on the environmcnt, trails, purk design, merinas, and herilege/history/arts. The Meyor's Task Forcc presented an interim report to Council in October 1997. In cnrly 1998, smff held a scries of ineetings wilh Task Forca membcrs to discuss thr, interim report, focusing on environment and stormwuter mnnegement issues; purks, trnils and public ari; and pinnning and cconomic development, The meetings were very useful in providing input to thc Task Forcc's Final Repott. Thay also showcd thnt sWff nnd the Tesk Forcc shnrcd n similar undcrstanding of thc wetcrfront issucs and prioritics fncing thc Town. 'fha Final Report of thc Mayor's Task Forcc was rcccivcd by Council in Junc 1998 nnd fonvarded to staff for comment, Staff comments on lhc Final Report nrc providcd later in Ihis Report, follawing n aummnry of Ihe Task Force's findings, �i� ��_ Report to Council 1DT 08•98 !, ' i Date; Oclober 30, 1998 4 Subject: Mayor's Task Foroe on iho Plckcring Weterfront -- Firu�� �tcport Pagc 3 ,} . i' SUMMARY OF TASK FORCE'S FINDMGS 1. The TAak Forcc'e Walertront Yiaion ]n its Final Report, lhe Task Force suggests a"vision" for thc Pickcring waterfront as follows: The Pieketing Wetedront should crcate e distinct sense of Placc. This sense must be nuAUred by not only our heritage and unique natural setting, but also by whal the wehrfront rcpresents to Fickering residents end visilore of all eges end ebililics. In support of this vision, the Task Foree suggests thet the Town's water&ont must become: • A Plece were public eccess is maximizcd and opportunities exist for visitors to choose sefe waterf'ront activities, compatible wilh the natural environment and adjecent neighbourhoods. • A Pince that is e(fectivcly linkcd to commercinl arcas by spccial design thcmes nlong connector roads. • A Placc whcrc thc waterfronl treil hnrtnonizcs with Ihe cnvironmcnt und links Ihe different landscapes in a way thst minimizes uutomobile use. • A Placc where residents can study nnturc and contributc to its cnhnncement, ns wcll as leam nbout thc early selllomcnt of our communiry and Port Pickcring's hfstoric rolc. • A Plact wherc economic activitics are encouraged to enhnnce the weterfront lendscepe and promote thc weterfront experiencc. � A Plece wherc devclopment mainlains a pedcstrian scale Ihat rcinforces thc waler(ront experience, prolects weterfront vistas, suppoAs the ecosystem nnd rcmains compatible wilh Ihe adjaccnl neighbourhood. � A Place that makes an important contribulion lo thc dcvelopmcnt of a Town•widc inurism strategy and helps attrect future businesscs and residents. • A Place whero landscaping, public ert, anJ othcr enhenccmcnls work togethcr to miligatc the impect of existing land use. • A Place that rccognius and celebrates Pickering's multicultural mosaic. • Above all, a Flace lhet fosters a healthy ecosystem, susteinable for the cnjoyment of futuro generations. The key elcments of the Tesk Forca's waterfront vision are outlined in the Finnl Report as: • Promoting Tourism on the Weterfront + Linking the East and West Spils of Frcnenmen's Bey • Improving the Entrance to Frcnchmen's Bay and Addrcssing thc Problem of Sedimentetion • improving Waterfront Rccrcational Opportunities + Compicting the Pickering Waterfront Troll • Celebreting History, Herilagc and thc Arta • Ensuring an Ecologicelly Sustainable Waterfronl nnd �ny A brief description of eech elcment fallows. Altnchment No. 1 to this Repod is a rcduced copy of the concepl mep for thc wnterfront vision that was included in thc Task Force's �inal Rcport. Report to Cotincil IDT 08•98 Date: October 30,199B SubJect: Mayor's Task Force on the Pickering Wetorfront — i7inal Report Pagc 4 Promoting Touri�m an Ihe Waferfront ❑ A"commerolel / taurism node" should bo developed at Ihe foot of Livcrpool Road, following n planning end design exerciso. In developing tho node, considcretion should bc given Io a vnrious issues including trercc end pazl.ing, signege, Liverpool Road streetscape and closuro south of thc bridgc, trensient boet docking end winter boat sloregc, inlegrating the nodc with thc trail system, public access to the water, end devcloping a pedestrian square end "landmark" ncar the foot of Livcrpool Raed. ❑ A lourism promotion strategy should be eslablished, including a"lourism booth" near f lighwny 401, improved highway signege, a wnterfront logo, and tourism brochures nnd promotianal kits. O A wiJe variely ofactivilios should be availnble along ihe waterfront, including entertninment facilities, commercial facilitias, festivals and spccial events, etc. Bertiers to banting should bc rcmoved, end improvemenls should be made to the channel entrance, public transit and avnilable off- strcet perking. Linking the Eaat and Weat Spits of Frenchman's Day ❑ A scasonal "pontoon boat" should be provided to ferry pedcstrinns und cyclisls bctwecn thc cnst and wcst spils of Frcnchmnn's Day. 7'hc boat should bc cnpablc of holding 12 to I S passcngcrs, as wcll as bicycles, and bc whccl•chair ncccssiblc. 7'hc scrvicc should operatc from May to Octobcr (on wcekends and holiduys in May, Scptember nnd Octobcr, and seven duys a wcek in Junc, July miJ Augusl). Pontoan boat drivers could bc seasonal employccs of Ihe Town, and a voluntnry uscr fcc could bc usc lo deGay cosls. O In the longer lcrm, consideration should be givcn to rcplacing Ihe fcrry scrvice wilh a"IiR•bridge" bciwan ihe eust and wcsl spits. Improving Ihc Entnncc lo Frcnchmen'e Uey and Addressing the Probiem of Sedimenfation O A working group should bc cstablishcd to coordinntc thc rcconstruc�ion of Pickcring's herbaur. Thc Tnsk Force recommends (subject to confimtalion ofn qualificd consullant through approprintr.Ihrcc- dimensionel modcl testing): 0 Widening Ihe anirance channel la at least 80 to 100 feat (it is curtently between 30 ond 50 kel w(de). 0 Rais(ng lhe height of the brcekwaler and relocaling ihe n�vigation Ilghts. 0 ConWll(ng sillalfon at the entrance chennel, and Gom walcrcourses 1lowing into Ihe Day's nonh end (focusfng on Amberlea, Dunbartan and Pine Crccks). Iroproving WaterGont Recreational Opportuaittea Q Petttcoat Crcck Perk should continuc to serve as a rcgional recrcation and conscrvntion nodc, offering femilyoricnted aetivities. The rolc of thc Perk should be revicwed by TRCA in association wilh residcnts, community essocietions and the Tawn. Thc Frenchmen's Bey West Park should be developcd in e way Ihat encouragcs fnmily usc of thc wutcrfront yct prescrves thc neturel environment. The sand spit end wetlends should bc rcgcncrotcd and preservcd, end forest cover should bc improvcd An erbarctum could be crcalcd easl of �uenavista, and demonstretion flowcr/perenniel gardcns could bc cstablishcd wcst of Ducnnvista. Seilboarding should be accommodated, but vchicie eccess to the spits should be Iimiled lo Ihe spring end fall. The TRCA'e 1991 concept plen for tha Frcnchmen's Bay West Perk is generally acceptable, ellhough consideretion sliould be given la locating lhc proposed cducational centre at thc hesd of tho Uay, neer ihe West Shoro Communiry Ccmro. T'ho TRCA shoulJ estnblish a community workiug group lo coordinate futuro park dcvelopment. Report to Council 1DT 08-98 Date, October 30, 1998 �„ �Subject: Meyor's Task Force on the Pickering Weterf�ont •• Final Report Pngc 5 0 Bruce Hendscombe Memorial Perk should bc naturaliud along ihe shoreline to discourage a large goose population from using tha park. O 7T�e West Shorc Community Centre and surtounding eren has the oppoAunity of becoming the hub of a Frcnchman's Bny Interpretive Trail. A major wetland restoration projcct should be considcrcd at ihc mouth of the Amberlea and DunbaAon Crecks, and a series af boardwolks could bc integratcJ into this project. A smell histaric building could elso be relocated to thc erca, and n Town of Pickering tourism booth end display could be locared hare. 0 The Begley Strcet perk should continue tn allu�c panoramic public vicws uf ihe watcrfront. 0 Douglas Park should be re•exemined to improve safety (e.g. edditionel lighting nenr Redom Strcct, opening views inlo Ihe park from the slreet) end n pnrk on the fomter Sandbury lands should be designed to allow the watedront treil to connect to Degley Strect nnd to Drowning Avenue. O The Front Road park (former McKean propcAy) should bc designcd to occommodale small crnfis, such es ennoes, but not motorized boats (iradilionel boat Isunching should be provided nt tlw foot of Sandy Beach Road). Consideretion should bc givcn to having a canoe•club building constructed nt the narih end of Ihc park. ❑ Public space at thc foot of Liverpool Road shauld bc extcnsivcly landscnped to providc n waterGont geteway and tourist nodc. A pcdcstrian promcnodc and public squnrc adjacent to thc wntcr arc desiruble. O Arcas wilhin Alcx Robertson Park should bc rcgcncrntcd to complcment Ihc existing hydro marsh. On remaining lands, new rccreational uses should devclop to complcment aclivitics nt Ihe ndjacent Kinsmen Perk (c.g. a footbnll field soulh of thc cxisling cricket arca). A changc room nnd wnshroom should be establishcd at thc south end of the psrk, whcn this arca is improvcd ns en nccess poinl to ihe bcach. A public boat leunching facility should ulso tx built in Ihis arcn, et thc wcst cnd of Ihc Pickcring Nuclear Station sitc. ❑'flic conccpt of n"Fishcrmun's Wulk" in Gont of ihc Pickcring Nucicar Stution should bc discusscd fuAher wilh Onlario Hydro (Hydro curtcntly rcstricts public usc in lhis nrco bccuusc af sufcry cansideretions). O Any expansion to the York Durhnm Sewagc Trcatment Plan should incorporote a substantiul grcenspncc bu(fcr betwcen Ihc plant, the waterfront trail und thc lakc. Thc patenlial dcvelopment of a public beach in Ihe area east of Ihe trcatmcnt plant (as suggested by ihe Town's Director of Parks and Facilities) would require close coordination with Ajnx. Complettog the P(ckering Waterfront Traii O Certain sections of the watedrant trail rcquiro attention to improve pcdestrinn flow end snfety, including: 0 Trafl heads and entrance sigm et Ihe Rouge River end the Ajax border. 0 A bridge ecros� Petticaat Crcek ebout 100 yards upstream of �he mouth. 0 Stain to ellow beper eccess to Perk Crcscent Gom Penicoat Crcek. 0 A connection Gom Breezy Drive to ihe waterfront through Frcnchmen's Day Wost Perk 0 A pantoon boat Iink ncrose the eut end west spi�s af Frcnchman's Day. 0 A Frcnchman's Bay Interprctive Trail along the perimeter of the Oay, includ(ng en off•road tmil ndJacent to Bayly Street end e boardwalk through the former Snndbury lendn. 0 An elevated boerJwulk Gom Liverpool Road to Alcx Robertson Pazk. 0 A uall Gom Brock Roed Io Montgomery Roed. 0 In designing tha waterfront lreil existing lreil manunis (such as thosc produccd by thc Watcrfront Regcneration Tru�t) ehould bc applicd on a sitc•specffic basis. Thcso msnuals eddrcss various Report to Council IDT OB-98 Date: Oclober 30,1998 Subject; Mayor's Task Force on lhe Pickering Wetedront — Ffnal RepoA Page � pertinent aspocLc of treil design including, surfece meteriels, atgnage, Itghting, and access for thc disebled. ❑ To avsist the implementetion of the ullimnta trail design, property ecquisition should continuc lo bc pursued by the TRCA end/or ihe Town (a.g, south Rosebank area, Feirport Beach erca, end selectivc propenies on thc east side of Frenchman's Bay). Celebrating Nistory, Heritage and the Arts ❑ Visual end performing erts should be incorporated into the waterfront planning proccss in nn accessible manner. Public participetion in the arts should be an intcgral part of the wuterGont, 0 The weterfronl trail concept offers the Town a myriad of oppoAUnitics lo explore and celebrotc Pickering's culture. Givcn its proximiry to Toronro, the Town is in an enviable position lo promote itself as a"musl•see" poAion of the waterfront treil. A living, accessible weterfront enhanccs people's lifestyle and presents thc a marketablc commodily in thc tourist trade. Ensuriag ao Ecologically Suatainable Watcrfront and Bay ❑ Land use chnnges should not impair (and idcnlly should cnhnncc) existing hydrogcological conditions, including thc quality and quantity of weter discharging to locel hendwnlers, cspecinlly in the upper hendwatcr zone of Frenchman's Bay (i.e, lhc Lake Iroquois Shorclinc nren). 7'he hydrogeologicul funclion of the Iroquois Shorclinc and azsociated beach dcposits should bc sludicd. O The upproprietcness and desirubilily of having cf(lucnt from Caldwater Farms (one of Canndn's largest fish fartning operations) entering Frenchmnn's Day nccds to bc dctcrtnincd. ❑ Sources of air, watcr and ground contamination surrounding Prcnchmnn's Einy Gom the Pickcring Nuclear Stntion should be eveluated end addrcsscd. Ontario Hydro should bc encourngcd to nnturaliu portions of its silc and surrounding Iands. O A comprchensive environmental monitoring progrnm is rcquircd for thc Pickering wntcrGont lo identify thc success or othcnvisc of rcmedial actions ond the nced for Nrther nction. ❑ Various specific rehabilitation actions should be Inken in Ihe Frcnchman's Bay watershed, including: 0 The establishment of quality end quentity oIT line ponds in Amberlea Creek and Dunbanon Crcek, and thc rcstaretlon of a wetland In Frcnchmen's Bay at 1he moulh of Amberlea end Dunbarton Creeks. 0 71ie creatfon of two oli line wetland qualiry/quantity ponds, one edJecent to Pine Creek immediately north of Highway 401(on end around property wherc Ihe Ministry of Transporlalion placed substantfnl fill during the wldening of Highwey 40I), and in Douglas Park. 0 Ensuring "environmentally epprop�iete" development in the Whita Raad erea nonh and eazt of Finch Avenue (the upper headweter zone for Dunberton end Pine Crceks). 0 The rcmoval of culverts on Pine Crcek and Amberlea Crceb, end their replacement with open span foatbddge� buflt on plla. 0 SVeam ehannel naturallratlan and plantfng elong e number of ero�fon sites elong crcek channels thraughout the Frenchmen's Bay watershed. 0 The Instellatlon of oiVgrit sepereton at Ihe outfall of smell sewershed� lhet drain lhe immediate mnrgin: of Ihe west and tast Dny. 0 Establishing a program to infortn �he commerctaV(ndusvtal soctor of Ihe need to use good manngement precticee conceming Ihe storege and disposel of chemlcele. 0 7fie o�tebitshment af a community ouueach progrem Inciuding a dawnspout d(econnceiion progmm, siomi drein marking program, edopt-e-alream progrrme, gerbege cican•upe along crcek�, rcductton of lawnlgarden chemicele, rcductlon In roed selt eppllcalion, peUgoose conwl, plenting end namroli�ation of parke, vehlcle meintonence, chemical storage end Improved yard melntenenco by nrea buelnesace. R�poR to Council IDT 08•98 Date: OcWber 30,1998 Subject: Mayor's Tesk Forco on the Pickoring Waterfront •- Finel Report Pngc 7 0 Reducing Iho use of pa�ticides end raed aalt by the Town, and encoureging Ihe Town and Regfon to collect household harudous wsste end rc-atabl(sh e fecilily In Pickering. Thc TA�k Force'a Action Plan The Task Force did not recommend n specific multi-yeur "action plan" for Council's consideration. Ruther, it provided a list of priorities thnt would necd to be pursued by the Town and others, in order to implement the Task Force's vision of Pickering's waterfront. Thesc prioritics ure summarized below. m Rcversing environmenlal demege to restore the long•tertn health of Frcnchmun's pny end its tributaries. m Improving access to the waterfront, particulerly in regerds to: improving uccess to thc water's edge, providing signs to clenrly mnrk north•south vchicle routcs to thc watedront, improving east•west vchicle connections along the waterfront, estn6lishing bus connections lo the walcrGonl, and cnsuring ihe disabled safe acccss to lhc wntcr. m Improving the channcl entrance lo Frenchmnn's Dny. m Dcveloping an economic end tourism strotcgy, focusing on u wcll-designed commcrcial node nt thc foot of Livcrpool Rcad with a distinctivc "promcnadc" along thc wntcrGant. � Mitignting ihc impact ofccrtain cxisling wutcrGont uscs, including Ihc York-Durhnm Sewege Trentmcnt Faciliry and Ihe Pickcring Nudcar Gcncm�ing Slntion. O Establishing guiJclincs for Ihc devolopmcnt of thc wntcrfronl, including thc cammcrciol node et the fool of Liverpool Roed, nnd ihc vnrious pnrks nnd trnils nlong Ihc wntcrfront. � Esleblishing an equilibrium between competing uscs to avoid the potcntial impact of over•dnvelopment on both the scnsilive notural habitat and Aic immediale ncighbourhoods. � Mnintaining public parlicipalion through thc impicmentation proccss. � Elimineling potcntinljurisdictional conllicis, cspccially bctwcen Ihc Town and thc conscrvution aulhorily, and deeling with govcmment funding cuts. � Cupturing the uniqueness of Pickering's wncedront nnd providing ettrections that produce the critical mess necessery to both scrvc the needs of Pickcring rcsidents end meke Pickering e tourist destination. S i AFF COMMENTS: The Mayor's Tnsk Force on the Pickering WnterGont should be congrotulatcd und commendcd for the excellent work they havc done in bringing fonvnrd the community's vision, prioritics nnd issues aoncerning the wuterfront. Yarticulnr thanks should bc cxtended to the chuir, Mr. David Stcele, end the co•chairs, Mr. Creig Bemford end Mr. Nick Eyles, for thcir timc and efi'ort, und for seeking and obtaining brond community involvement in, and support for thc proccss, In genernl, staff concur with the ovemll vision tha Task Force rccommends for thc wutcrfront, including the importw�cc of rchebilitnting the Frcnchman's Dny wctlands and othcr significmit natuml arens, �roviding a:ontinuous watcrFront traii, dcvcloping ucccssiblc wulcrfront pnrks, and crcnting n commerciul / tourist nodc ol the south end of Livcrpool Rund. Stofl'agrce with thc Task Force that Plckedng has a unique oppoduniry to crcnte a distinctive and cxciting wntcrfront thnt scrves thc necds of the Town's rcsidenis nnd to somc cxtent thc broadcr community, including boaters and lourists, while rema(ning ecologicully sustninable as well as socinlly supporlive end compatiblc. Report to Council IDT OB•98 Datc; Octuber 30,1998 Subj�ct: Mayor's Task Force on the Pickering Waterfront -- Finel Raport Page 8�� 8 4 Staffs specific commenis on each of the Tesk Force's ncommendntions ere providcd in Appendix Il! to this Report. There is a great deal of work to be done along thc waterGont, and the Tnsk Forcc's rcport is extremcly helpful in providing focus nnd direction. Future initiatives will build on carlicr accomplishmcnts, including the follawing projects and affarts that huve reccntly bccn camplctcJ, or nrc currently undenvay, • The rccent hiring of an "environmentel coordinetor" under a fedcral grant program (EcoAction 2000), with lhc suppoA of Ihc Town, lhe Toronto end Region Conservution Authority (TRCA) end Canada Trust Friends of the Environment Foundation. 'fliis twa year communiry-ba5ed program will actively focus on rehabilitating Ihe Frcnchmen's Bay watershed lhrough various means, including native vegetation plantings, ripnrian habitat enhancements, purple loosestrife removal, community education nnd nwarencss, community clean•up days end cnvironmental mort:!�ring programs. • 7'he recenl agrecment between Onterio Hydro and the Town to cnler into a 25-year Icnsc to extend ihe Town's waterfront treil approximately I kilometre east from Drock Rond through Ontario Hydro property to the Montgomcry Park Road cul•do-sec, whcrc it will connect with the completed Du�n's Crcek poAion of the trail. • TRCA's Walerfront Environmental Monitoring Program, which exnmincd the environmental conditions ulong selecled arens of the Lakc Onturio shorclinc, including Frcnchman's E3ay. Daselino moniloring typically includes investigations inlo scdimcnt quelity, watcr queliry, sedimcnt deposition rales, fish hnbital ussessmenl, fish anJ wildlifc community assessmcnt, nnd bcnthic invcAcbrntc collcctions. Community outrcach ectivil(cs arc nlso included in this program, as is a�ork in nssociation with Onlario }lydro's biafiversity projcct. • Omgoing watcrfront land ecquisition in Pickcring by Ihc TRCA nnd/or ihc To�m (subJcct to funding availubility). • Annual watcrfront evcnts (including thc Frcnchmnn's Day Fcstivnl and drogon boat races) and ennual waterfront clenn-up duys. • On•going community discussions conccming Ihc submission of an application for millcnnium funding essistance to construct a millennium treil and millcnnium squnrc near the foot of Liverpool Rond. • On•going discussions bctween �he Town end Ihe Pickering Fierbour Company conceming thc potential redevelopment of Part Pickering Marina and olher Harbour Cempany lands. • • On•going discussions between the Town end TRCA ca�ccming the potential redevclopment of the Petticoat Creek Conservation Area. • On-going involvement in tourism and support of lhe Tourist Association of Durham Region (TADR), as well as periicipation in reguler tourism evenls and programs, including the Annual Durhnm Region Visitor's Guide, the Durhem Group Tour Manual, thc Durham Fishing Map, end the Attrections Canade Web Sitc. • The replecemcnt of the Vistula revine bridgc along the Frenchman's Dey watcrfront trail. + The purchese in 1997 of the "McKean" propeAy on Front Strect for Qie purposc of establishing a wetcrGont park, followcd by en initiel sile cican-up end e p�climinary park datgn exeroise. .,, �,10 Report to Councii IDT 08•98 Dete: October 30,1998 Subject: Mayor's Tavk Force on ihe Pickering Watedronl -- Finel Report ['agc 9 • Improvements to the bridgc at the foot of Liverpool Road In 199T, and on•gaing plenning end deslgn work on the adJacant weterfront boardwelk end trail. • The construction in 1997 of u waterfront treil link alang Monlgamcry Purk Roud, noAh and east of the Pickering Nucleaz Stetion. • The completion in 1996 by the TRCA of an Integreted Shoreline Menagcmcnt Plan between Tommy Thompson Park in Toronto, end Frenchmen's Bay in Pickcring. • The construction in 1995/96 of e trail, boardwalk end bridge over Duffin's Creck linking the Town's watedront trail with the waterfront treil in Ajax. •'fhe purchase in 1992 of the "Sandbury" property adjncent to Frenchmen's Bey, noAh of Browning Ave., to protect sensitive wetlends, end for the futurc dcvclopment of a waterfront treil link lhrough this erea. A preliminnry slnff work pragmm for wuterfront projects lhat muy commcnce in 1999 is provided in Appendix I. S�aff aze currcntly reviewing the progrnm, and determining financial implications. 4 final 1999 wnterfront work progmm will bc providcd for Council's considcmtion through thc Town's budget rcvicw proccss. With thc submission of its Finnl Report, the mandate of the Mnyor's Waterfront Task Porcc is complcted, To ensure waterfront activitics and projccts rcmoin a high prioriry with ihc Town, and to facilitate coordinated implemenwtion, it is rccommcnded that Council initialc Ihe eslablishmcnt of a"Walerfront Coordinating Commiltce" (WCC). The WCC would provide a forum for the community nnd thc m�jur stakcholders nlong thc Town's waterfront to coordinate watcrfront nctivities anJ projccts. Suggesled initial pnrlicipants on ihe WCC should includc: • Ihe Town of Pickering • Ihe Toronlo and Rcgion Conscrvntion Authority --•;» �th.-�Vnteriront-Regeneration Trust • Ontario Hydro • Ihc Pickoring Harbaur Company • community rcprcscn�ation The composition of the Wntedront Coardinating Committec could change over timc ns ncw wuterfront agencics and groups nre estublished, or as organi7ational mandnles changc. Thc reprcsentativcs from the community couid be uppointed by Town Council from cxisting cammunity orgnnizntions wd groups having a strong interest in nddressing watcrfront issucs and implementing waterGont projects. Fudhcrmorc (nnd similar to the way the Weterfront Task Force organiud itsel� thc WCC could cstablish ad lioc subcommittees �o address spccific wnterGant issucs in grcntcr dctail. Represcntation on the subcommittees could be drawn from the mcmber organizntions of thc WCC us well ns from ihe broader community, so thet other intercsted groups, ngcncics, businesses, individuals, and technical experts, could be brought into thc process. The WCC primarily could function ns a forum for thc watcrfront stakcholdcr groups to discuss nnd coordinutc watedront implemcntation projects nnd initintivcs. Whcn rcqucsted, thc WCC could also providc technical advisc and assistance to Council nnd others on watcrfront issucs, projects and priorities. It could also help investigete altemative funding saurccs nnJ grunt programs end get involvcd in fundrnising efforts ns rcquircd, ln addition, thc WCC couiJ liclp communicate infortnation on the watcdront to the gcnernl public, businesses nnd otncrs, anJ if requcsled, providc advisc and assistencc wnccming spccial watcrCront cvcnts ond programs. Thc proposcd initial composidon and mandute of thc Wutcrfront Coordinating Committcc is summnriud in Appendix 11 to this Report. Report to Council IDT 08-98 Dete: October 30,1998 Subject: Mayor's Tesk Forcc on the Pickcrtng Waterfront •- Finel Rcport Page l0 11 CONCWSION: [n conclusion, stall rec�mmend ttwt Council thenk all t�e members of tha Mayor's Task Foree on the Pickering Waterfront for their contribution end hard work over the pnst many months. As well, to ensure that on-going consideration is given to the Task Force's vision and nction plan for the waterfront, it is recommended that Council direct stnft' to initiate the csmblishmcnt of a Wetcrfront Coordinating Committee, to fecilitate discussion and coordinate Ihe activities of the various stakeholders involved in implementing waterfront projects xnd pragrams in Pickcring. ATTACHMENTS: I. Attachment No. I: Cancept Plon of Task For�e's Watedront Vision 2. Appendix I: Prcliminary Staff Recommendations,1999 Work Program, Watedront Projccts 3. Appendix II: Watedront Coordinating Committee, Proposed Mandate and Composition 4. Appendix III: Pickering Waterfront 2000, Task Force Recommendntions und Stnff Comments Submitted By: Evcrctt Buntsma Nci Cnrro Direclor of Ptvks and Fncililics Dircctor of mg r /' � " V ' Ric nrd }iolbom '�Stcphen Rcynol s D' cctor of Public Works Dircclor wrc nnd Rccrcation ) i � � ). ; C Cr�', o ;: . �JoanAlfrey-0'Grudy � ThomasMcly uk Manager of Econamic Dev 'mant Executive Coordi tor TM: Attachmenis Copy, Geneml Menager Recommended for the considerntion of Pickcring Town Co ncil � / d, � � o as J. Qui , acne Manag _ • .13 APPENDIX I TO IDT RF.PORT 08•98 PRELIMINARY STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS 1999 WORK PROGRAM WATERFRONT PROJECTS • Montgomery Perk Road to Hydro Landfill • Alex Robertson Purk (asphelt potli) • westem entrance • Rougc Rivcr ercu (design and possible construction) • Park Crcscent erea (esphelt path) • Liverpool Road m(Ilennium boardwnik (design and submit for grant appinval) • Front Roed Park • Petticoat Crcek •joint with TRCA • Livcrpool Road millennium squnre • On•going Frcnchmnn's Uey rchnbilitntion •joint with'fRCA (EcoAclion 2000 progrnm) • OiUgrit scpamtors (vurious locntians -• to Ix dctcrmincd) • Dougins Pnrk culvcrt rcmavel � • Liverpool Road Nadc planning/dcsign study • Subwnlcrshcd sludy for Pinc Crcek / Dougins Ruvinc, including clorifying with Ihc Ministry ofTranspoAntion thc oveilability of Ministry lends ncur Ilighway 401 end Livcrpool RoaJ for stortnwutcr managcmcnt purposes • Dasclinc stortnwnler mnnagement dala collcctfon - joint wilh TRCA • On•going communily owrench progrems -joint with TRCA • On•going cnvironmental monitoring - jaint with TRCA • On•going wetcrGont cican•up days • joint with community end TRCA :` Y •• �.4 APPENDIX II TO IDT REPORT 08A8 �' WATERFRONT CQORDINATING COMMITTEE PROPOSED MANDATE AND INITIAL COMPOSITION Waterfront Caordinrting Commiftee - Propoaed Initial Compoaltion • Mayor(escouncilliaison) • Town Dcpartments (General Manegcr's 011ice, Purks & Facilities, Public Works, und 1'lanning) • Toronto Region Conservation Authority . Waterfront Regeneration Trust . Onlerio Hydro • Pickering Hnrbour Compnny • Community Representntion (3 or 4 individuals appointed by 7'own Council) Waterfront CoordlnaNng Committee - Propaecd Mandate • To providc a forum for on•going discussion amongst thc various groups, ugcncies, interests and individunls involved in projccts und initiatives along the Pickering watcrFront. • To hcip coordinnte thc implemcntation of opproved watcrGont projccts, pnrticulnrly thosc involving morc than onc group, orgnni�ation or intercst. • To provide tcchnical ndvise and assistancc on wuterfront issues, projec�s and prioritics to the member orgunirations nnd othcrs, if rcqucstcd. � To help invcstigutc ultemntivc funding sourccs and grant programs far wotcrGont projccts, and providc ussislnncc in wutcrGont fundraising effons. � To nwsist in providing infortnntion nbout Pickering's wntcdront to thc gencml public, busincsses nnd othcrs, ¢nd if requcstcd, to providc ndvise and assislance to others conceming spccinl cvents und progrnms involving Pickcring's wntcrfront. � 0 8 6 O U � � � O A N � � A v a d B a � ,o �d oa d aw F y � � « °i �a 'O � C y d d W a F S N d yY t+ r 3 d u a ���� � �� � � � � S. g � ' � � � '� � � B � � ��� Y ��. � ����Q ���' �� g�g9 ..��� �� � .� �. � o .� p :g � N �3 '° � � � if �� �� � � a �SS � � .�� �<�e�'�� �" o � `g � � �� 6� sa�.� � a 3 ya= � V �r•� .��� �"d , .3B�ett,� � h � g � �g9 ag+�6 :'3�' ;��v � ��� �� tn N � 7 '��u 8 u �� °' `o o d � � � `0.5 ��� =�� o''$, >�%9 �m�Ty�j ��@ �� � 9 .� i� � u � �`o '� ea 6b '� E F o�� !7 �� �e mE 8.5:g'��� 3�� .� a U � w 9 p q� E� E 9� y � �•�i �'�� ���9 �pg �,�§�ps8� :��� �� °'o � $ � y § '-? 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