HomeMy WebLinkAboutCL 22/98�� � . I . ' ' . . - . . � .. . . . .. . . . . . . io� �� OF p� . . . . . . � ~ REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Bruce Taylor, AMCT, CMM DATE: June I, 1998 Town Clerk REPORT NUMBER: CL 22-98 SUBJECI': Appoint Director of Finance as Acting Clerk RECOMMENDATION: That tha draft byla�v to appoint Gillis Paterson as an Acting Clerk be fonvarded tu Council for enactment. ORIGIN: Request af the General Manager AUTHORITY: Section 73(3) of the Municipal Act FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Nat Applicable BACKGROUND: Please find attached to this Report a dreR by-law to appoint Gil Paterson, Director oF Finance, as an Acting Clerk. The reason for this appointment is thet the Town Clerk and the two existing Acting Clerks, Tom Quinn and Penny Wyger, will be on vecation during the week of August 10, t998 and ihis appaintment will allow for corporate documents to be signed during this period. [t is important to note that at any given time during the absence of the Town Clerk that there cen oniy be one Acting Cierk. The ettached by-law allows for the General Manager to act first, the Town Solicitor to act second and the Director of Finance to act third. ATTACHMENTS: I. Dreft By-law : Prepared B : ` /—' � l._.% Bruce Taylor, Town Clerk � 1 O S TIIE CORPOR�TiON OF THE TOWN OF PICKERINQ pY-I.AW NUMBER Being a by-law to emend Bylaw S 112/97 to appolnt Gillie A. Patarson as an Acting Clerk in tho absenca of Thomae 1, Qulnn and Penny L. Wyger. WHEReAS pursuent to Section 73(3) of Ihe Municipel Act, R,S.O. 1990, chapter M.45, es amended, when Ihe o�ica af the clerk is vecant or iha clerk is unuble to carry out his or hor duties through illness or othenvisa, ihe Council may appoint an acling clerk who shall hava all tho powers end duties of the clerk under this end every other Act; and WHEREAS Council enacted By-law 5112/97 on Seplember I5, 1997 to eppoint Thomas 7. Quinn as an Acting Clerk and in his ebsence eppointed Penny L. Wyger as en Acting Clerk; NOW THEREFORE TIIB COIJNCIL OF THH CORPORATION OF TFiE TOWN OR PICKERING HEREEiY ENACTS AS FOLLOWS: i, Seclian 2 of Dylaw Number 5112/98 is hcreby amended by adding ihcrelo ihe following senlence; "In the event that Penny L. Wyger is unable to carry out her duties es an Acling Clerk through illness or othenvise, Gillis A. Peterson is hereby appointed lo ect es ihe altemate Acting Clark." BY-LAW RHAD A FIR3T SECONU AND THIRD TIME AND FINALLY PASSED THIS 15Tt1 DAY OF JUNG, 1998. Meyor — ,,� Clerk