HomeMy WebLinkAboutIDT 04/99rr l,�,,,, � ac: � .. ' �; � �N OF P� �, REPORT TO COUNCIL �ROM: IntcrdepartmcNul Tcum DATE: Septembcr 24,1997 Weslem Libmry and Community Ccntre REPORT NUAIOGR: ID'f 04•99 SUE3IGCT: Westem Library nnJ Communily CcNre RECOMMENDATION: 'fhat Report IDT 04-99 bc reccivcd by Council and lhat: 1. the presentation by Stephen Tecple, Archilect an Ihe \1'estern Library nnd Community Cenlre be rcccivcd. 2. stniTbc dircctcJ ro procced �vith dcsign anJ cunstruction dra���ings for onc of thc following Options: �Councll lo seler� A or Il� A. 10,000 sq. Il. libmry, plus I,500 sq. fl. communi�y room (Io�ai I I,500 sy. R.) OR I3 10,00� sq. li, library, plus I,500 sy. fl. community room plus G,100 sq. il. communiry ccnuc (total 17,6U0 sy. fl.) 3. thc fallowing sourccs of financing bc appro��eJ: (a) thc procceds from thc sale of thc Rougc I lill I.ibr�ry, curtcntly cstimalcd at 5350,000, bc applicd tu thc financing of thc tolal cust of lhc Wcstem I.ibrary� and Community Ccntrc (b) transfers from the Dcvelopment Chargcs Reservc �unJs: OPTION A OP'I'ION I3 Libmry Pacilitics 5 3G,000 S 3G,000 Mujor Recrcation facilitics Seniors � 50,000 $ 50,000 Community Centres ••----- E220,000 Parklnnd Development 5142,000 5162,000 4. Pinancing in the amount of $429,500 (Oplion A) or SI,257,900 (Option [3) bc approvcd with thc source of finnncing to bc reporled on by thc Dircctor of finance anJ Trcasurcr at thc timc oFthe 2000 Dud�et deli6crntions but no latcr thun when the tendcr for thiy projcct is submiltcJ to Council for wnsidcrnlion. 5. 7he approprinte of(icials of thc Town of Pickcring be given nuthariry to givic effcct thcrcto. ' Report to Council CR 04•99 Datc; Scptcmbcr 34, 1�199 Subject: Wcstem Library and Commuuity Centrc Pugc 2 OR[GIN: Resolution N165/99, pnsscd August 3rd,1999 AUTFIORITY: Municipal Acl fINANCIAL IMPLIl;A7'IONS: OPTION A OPTION B Library and Cammunity Library & Community Room Centre (11,500 s . ft.) (17,600 SQ. FT.) Total Const�uctfon Coats $2,323,000 $3,391,400 Thc Dircctar of financc h��s idcnlificd ihc fnllowing lin;mcin� sourccs litt Option A(1 I,SOU sy. R.) nnJ Option 13 (17,G00 sq. Il.). Undcr Options A and �, finuncing is to bc detcrmincd for 5429,500 nnd E1,257,900 in cxpcnditures. Thc 7'rcasurcr will bc rcporting on oplions availahlc Io Council in lhis rcganl Juring thc 2000 I3udget dclibcrutions but no lalcr than whcn thc tcndcr is submittcd lo Council, Council must nppravc this final portion of Ihc financing priar to thc start of actuul constructirni. Report lo Council CR 04•99 Datc: Scplcmbcr 24, 1999 Subjcct: Westcm Libmry unJ Community Centrc 1'agc 3 HXECUTIVG SUMMARY: Stnff need direction from Council on whelher to proceeJ with preparing design and construction dmwings for a I I,500 sq. il. or 17,600 sq. ll. Wcstcm Librury and Community Cenlrc. Council approvul is also requircd on the finuncing recommenJalians of the sclected oplion. DACKGROUND: At its mceting oF August 3, 1999, Council passcd Rcsolution H165199 directing statT lo procecd with thc proposcd Wcstem Libmry Drnnch lo Ihc detailcd design cost st�gc for ihc 10,000 squarc foot library plus 1500 square foot community room as the base project. 'I'hc resolution Jirected sinff to providc costing for u 6,000 unJ 10,000 squarc foot communiry sp�cc option and contimi Ihe need for additionul communily space wilhin the catchment arca for ihe Westem Brnnch. I. Community Cenlre Currcnt und FuWrc NceJs '17iere is currently nn unJer•supply of communiry space I'or ihe cnlchment arca for the Nestcm Omnch (1999 papulation af 3?,822). Wilh ihe loss of Ihe existing buildings (upproxim:uely 4,000 squarc fccQ at Ihc I:us1 Woodlunds I'urk sitc und thc community room (approximulcly 2,000 squnrc fcct) ul ihc Rougc ilill Library Branch, Ihcrc is nn imnudiatc nceJ liir addilional communily spacc. Senior C(tizens: 'fhe Raugc Ilill Scniors' Club is Ihc longest csluhlisheJ Scniors' Club in thc Town of Pickcring. Thc Scninrs' Cluh mccts in a'I'o�en IIuilJing at Ihc fast �VoodlanJs 1'ivk. The club curccnlly hus u mcmbcrship af 38 �md �coulJ rcyuirc a m�dli•pur�isc room �vhich could nccommodatc nt Icasl 75 pcoplc ut tuhlcs. Thc Scniors would utiliic thc room to o�xratc thc tidlo���ing existing programs: Tucsday (oncc a monih) Lunching Out Progrnm 10:00 - 3:00 p.m. Wednesdny Guchre I?:00 - 4:00 p.m. ThursJay (oncc n month) �Iwtings/Card (iumcs I I:00 - 4:00 p.m. Tlmrsday (oncc u monih) Mceting/I'ol Luck Lunch I I:00 - 4:f1D p.m. Priday fnot Dnctor H;30 - I 1:30 a.m. Priday C:uchrc 7:3D - 10:30 p,m. Of particulnr valuc nnd relcvuncc lo thc commwtiry is Ihc monthly Lunching Out Progmm which providcs mcals to ovcr 40 individuals with physicnl nnd cmotional chullcnges, organizcd by thc Rougc Hill Scniors' Club in parincrship wilh Communiry Carc. To rnsurc thc continualion of this program, the Rougc Hill Seniots' Club would requirc thc usc of n largc scrving kitchen. A largc mulli-usc room would allow Scniors to operalc progrnms to assist them physicnlly c.g. fitness, lui•chi, squarc Jancing, linc dancing, ctc. IncrcuscJ programming ���ould cncoumgc Seniors in bolh passivc nnd ..ctivc pursuits. Seniors fortn Qie dcmographic group which will grow most in ihc ncxt dcrudcs ns thc Oaby Doomcrs agc. 'fhc necd for ndditionul community facilitics to mcet their currcnt nnd futurc nccds has bccn rccogniud in Ihc To�m's cnpital forccasts of thc Parks and racilitics Dcpartment sincc 1991. Thc Town's curtent fivc•ycar cnpilal forecast includcs capitnl fncility devclopmcnl in 2003. Immedinte necds rcquirc u Multi-Usc Room ta accammodatc 75 sit��u� at lablcs, (fo� growlh purposcs labic scnting for 100 has bcen estimatcd) with a Inrgc scrving kitchen cquippcd with two Inrgc stovcs, one large reGigcmtor, countcr space, thrce sinks, cupboards, drn���crs nnd slarngc spacc. Report to Council CR 04•99 Dn�c: September 24, 1999 Subjcct: Westcm Librury nnd Communiry Ccntrc Pagc 4 Youth: Ovcr ihc pnst fivc ycurs Town Council hus identificd anJ supponed thc nced to facilitutc morc ycnr round youth progrumming. Cumznlly, Youth Drop-In programs nrc providcd Gcc•of• chargc to youth 13-19 ycars of agc. Thcsc Youth Dropdn progrums arc held throughoullhc wcek ut Pinc Ridgc }ligh School, Sl. Mnry's 5ccondary Catholic School, Gast Shorc Communily C,:ntrc, Broughnm F(all unJ Clnremont Community Ccnirc. These progrnms are very well attendcd by youth with an irverage of 50•GO youth atlending thc Soulh Pickering locations and 20-30 youth altending Ihc Norlh Pickering Iocalions. 'Phe program cvntent nnd slruclurc vury depcndiny upon thc intcrests and necds of the youth attending Ihc programs. 7'ypical nclivilics includc baskctball, Ooor hockcy, pool, cnrJs, so:ializing, listcning to music unJ tablc tennis. In a 1999 stuJy of Pickcring youth, thc most common rcason youth Jid not participatc in '1'own Icisurc progrmns wcrc progmm location (20%) and Inck of transportation (33%). It is cicar Ihat fucility sites Ihat havc a geographical proximity plays n determining rolc in thcir Ievcl of participation. In n 1995 Study of Pickcring Yauth, thc numbcr onc mcthoJ of travcl I'or yauth wns wulking. Although thcrc nrc numcrous youlh Drop-In progmm localions, thcrc is a nccJ lo operatc n :'outh Drop-In program in Westcm Pickcring. Numcrous ��oulh �could benetit tiom a Youth Dropdn Progmm bcing opernteJ at thc 1Vcsicm I.ihrnp� ,md Communily Ccntre ae mnny youth Jo not parlicipulc in cxisling programs as Iransportatimi to ihc othcr Drop-In programs is a barricr. Statistics Canadu reported in 1991 that Pickering had o rclati�•ely high proporlion of youth comparcd with olhcr parts of thc country anJ ihc provincc. �luch af thc gro�elh in Ihc 'I�own consisls of young fnmilics imd thc a��cr�gc I'amily sizc in I'ickcring is �hc largcst in Durham Rcgiun. Thus thc youth of Pickcring, likc Ihc seniors, fann a significanAy c�cpanJing group whosc pressure nn fncilitics unJ scrviccs «ill incrcasc in I'ulurc ycars. 'I'o���n Council lias dcurly idcnlificd yoWb miJ Iccns as an nrca of priority. in orJer to operale a Youth Dropdn program nt Ihe liast 1Voodlands sile, a permanent room is rcquircd. This Youth Room should includc fumishinbs anJ cquipmcnl such as sofas, ping•pong tnbles, chairs, lelevision, bames, pool tables, ctc. anJ ��oulJ proviJe space in �vhich young pcople could socializc nnd pluy non•athlctic games. Thc Drop-in Room would bc sharcd with thc 5cniors and othcr rommuniry group uscrs incluJing Service Clubs, Youth progratns (such as: minJ and body, cooking und employment courses, cic. with resourcc support Gom Ihc Librnry) «�ould also utilize multi-purposc spacc. Othcr Communily Uscrs: Currcntly community groups hnvc access to thc communily room ut ihc Rougc Hill Library for mectings and to operatc programs. 'fhcrc nrc numcrous community groups nnd orgunimtions, including thc Town, Ihat GequcnAy requirc Ihe usc of a multi•purposc room to fucilitatc community mectings, workshops or progmms. Thcrc is an opportuniry for udditionnl communily groups and organizations rcquiring spacc for programs lo utili•r.c thc new Weslcm Community Ccnlrc. One of thc most immediatc challenges facing Ihe Town of Pickering is to providc ndditionnl facility space to mect the incrensing recrention and Icisure demands of our cammunily. Acwrding lo n 1999 survcy of Pickcring residcnts, lhcrc is n strong intcrest among both adulls and youth for thc'Pown of Pickcring to providc additional sporl, Jancc, hobby nnd icchnicnl typc progmms. 8oth District School Doards hnvc indicutcd that thc multi•usc spacc at ihc local Iligh Schools und Elcmcntary Public 5chools in thc cutchmcnt urcu, arc utiliud to 100°/a cnpaciry from Septcmber • Junc of cach ycna Thcre is n huge dcmand from community groups for morc mulli- � Report to Council CR 04-99 Dute: Sepicmbcr 24, 1999 SubjecU Westem Library and Communiry Centrc I'ogc 5 usc space thut is not being met. Community groups u►ilizc thc schaols on u Jaily basis from 6:00 - 9:00 p.m. Groups includc Scouts, Girl Guides, Dcavcrs, Ilro�mics, 'I'own of I'ickcring progrums elc. Additional Community Space Comnonenta A now Library nnd Community Centre will enhance und enrich Qie livcs of community residcnts by crenting and supporling opportunilies for life long leaming und Ieisure. The centre will bc a major focus of activiry for communiry residents. It will be open, inviling nnd nccessible to nll. Stuft' proposes the following aJditionnl communiry space componenls Io provide improved facilities to nccommodate the nceds of various community users in the westcm part of Pickcring including Seniors, Youth, Community Groups and Servicc Clubs. An aJditiona12050 square feet is required for non•�.ssignabic shared spacc (includes washroom, mechanical, clectricul, custoJial anJ public .vpaces) by the l.ibrary unJ Community Centre. The additional community spacc componeNs (4,050 sq. fi.) anJ thc udditional non•assignablc sharcd spnce (2,050) ndded to the base project ( IO,OOD sq. fl. Librnry anJ I,500 sq. It. community room) requircs a 17,600 sq, ft. faciliry. Coatin� OpHons: We hnve reviewcd construction wsts in dctail with Stephen Tecple. Plcnse find altnched Ictter dntcd Septcmber 23, 1999 from Stephen Tecple identifying the lotal canstruction costs for the base project (I1,500 sq. ft.) ns 52,323,047, and for the option of n 17,600 sq. il. Library and Commuuiry Centrc ns $3,391,415. Thc oplion of n 20,OOD squarc foot facilily was reviewed. It was dctcrtnined Ihot Ihe impnct of this option on the sitc would bc too greuL Thc requircJ numbcr of parking spaccs �ti�ou1J scvcrcly limit Ihc grcen spncc availablc to thc local community and would cut ofT public access to thc mvinc. ProJect Timeltne: Stcphcn Tecplc has provided n new construcdon schedule for thc project (see attuchcd). This schcdulc rcllccts occupancy in Novembcr, 2000. • � Report to Councii CR 04•99 SubjecL• Westem Libmry and Communiry Ccnlrc ATTACFIMENTS; 1, Leuer from Stcphcn Tecple, datcJ Scptember 23,1999 2. Projcct Timclinc 3. Rcsolution 165/99 Approvcd by: bm'-1.,S�la�� Lindu Linton Acling Chicf Executive OfTicer Pickering Public Library Date: Scptcmbcr 24, 1999 Approved : tephen R nold , Direclor of Cu turc & Recreatian A by ApprovcJ by: �vcrett [)unlsma (iillis A. I'ulcrson Dircclor of Parks R �acilitics Dircctor of financc &'frcnsurcr SR:fh Atlnchmcnts Copy: Thomns J. Quinn Chief AJministrativc Officcr Recommcnded for thc consideration of ;t Pickcring To�m Council Tho Q inn, '•fAdmidistralio Officcr t Pagc G •h�! �;�: .(':., IJ',1+ :��. , . �,� �tF�����,�iM6N TFFPL! i�. ! IN (1;�; d: i r i c, �'iir�y.;, ti!r n �°n i i n' --. _.._.. _. .��..� :i�'•:�I�.. �._ . VIA FACSIMILE 905.420,2588 SeplemDer 24,1999 Mr, Stephen ReynoMe, Dlrecfor Tawn ol Plckering OapaAmenl of Cullure b Recreauon One tho Eeplenade Plcketlnp, Onleda L1V BK7 Dear Mr. Reynolds: Re: Wul�m 8rench Llbnry �nd Community Centro, Plekednp Pu611e Llbnry 8ard Our Prolx! No. ot•101 We heve revie�w0lhe conatnicuan casts for nvo ecenerio� lor Ihe revlsed progrom lor the Pkkednp liCrary and Community Centre. The co�t5lor IAese scenedoe ara aa lolbv�s: $c°n°rio 1 � 11,500 �q.M. 51,552,500 115,000 20,000 174.750 51,822,250 132,635 8,500 1fl4.444 Subtolal 57,265,3&5 GST (net 3%) §j,g� Totd i��7�,0/T conatruclbn �ilo development demolifbn 10'6 wn�npenry p�ofeubnal laef disburoements Nmllura end equipmanl 8een�rlo 1-1J,E00 �q.k. S$�76,000 cansln�tlon 200,000 aMe devobpmant 20,000 demoildon ?,iQ.QQQ 10%cnnUnqency 32,855,800 181,036 protessionallees 10,000 duburoemenle �Q,QQQ bmlture end equlpmenl Sublolel i9,Y92,A38 GST(ne1376) ��,]]Q ToGI S7,�B1,416 It Ihe proJecl le pha�ed, lhere would be e pha�rc�g premlum of 5100,OD0. }ryihm hpMl.t.S. II Mrh, M.k.1.U. WA. MIUH; Mwcuin �rl Nlmwn II.f.S., l.NOh.. ta1A IM (iXO tlAnh., M.Arch C.hN Wdlyn 0 [.S. B.AM si ��i�� su..i w., vr. �na tu�nn�n, C�n�da M 1 V 1 N 1 IeI.�IR.191•IISS� 1+� 116.SYl.170! tmdl Ietyle0lAe•wlit,eom b�� 30�d SOL�865916 pyV 373331 N3Hl319 65��� 118l1 d6. 6L d39 ;; ;, ,�j Mr, Slephen Reynolds �. ! Seqembar24,1B99 Pape 2 The folowinp wA cosb a�e ral Included: • �ai rB�, • hazardoue metedeu ebelement • buqdlrp permit lees • ptlnllrg coete. Th ImYpact of�lhl opibn on Ihe tAe�s/e� lo be �oo p et for INe opt o la be rrocommend d Thelrepu ed numberol pe�tinp specoy (110) wouW severety IMIt Ihe yreen spue availab�e m the bcel wmmunily, ard wvulO cu! otl public acce�e lo the reNne. We �ope IN� Informalbn Is hetpful. We belleve Nal the communiry roome in Scener�o 2 are at Ihe mlMmum area required fo 6e Nnclionel. Glven Ihel Ne deslgn lor Iho faclliry is ezUemely emclenl, no area reduclbn can be made wil�oul reduclrp Ihe area ol Ihe proqramme rooms. We Iherolore bel!eve thaf Scenario 2 represeNe Ihe minlmum poeeible erea required to echleve Ihe objeclive� M Ihe Tawn. We look lorvrard lo Iha auaeeeful roalhalbn o11N� exdllnp pm�en. Youn INIy, STEPHEN TEEPLEARCHITECTINCORPORATED i� ���t' / � Staphen Teepte, OAA, FRAIC EncL b:L'30vi 5GL1855911 � �. JBV 3�d331 N3Nd3t9 u]'II IIYl1 66, bL d33 � � EXCERPT FROM THE AUGUST 3RD,1999 COUNCIL MEF,TINC Resolutton N165/99 Movcd by Cauncillor Ryan Seconded by Councillor Pickles WHERGAS by Rcsolution N183/97 passcJ an May 20, 1997, ihc Council of Ihc Corporution of thc Town of Pickcring confirmcd thc Gast WooJlunJs Pnrk as thc preferced sitc for the wcstcm Library Branch; und WIiGRGAS by Resolution #375197, Itcm H3 pnssed on Ocrober G, 1997, Council supporteJ the Library �onrd's Westem Iirunch Eiuilding Commiltee in its inlention Io proceed to lhe conceplual design phnse for a multidunclionnl communily facility on thc F.asi Woodlands Purk sitc, the clements to incluJc library, scniors, yoWh unJ communily spacr,and W118RGAS by Resolution N95198 pasxJ on Mny 19, 199R, Council Jirccicd sla�l' �o procced with design devclopmcnt und coaclruction druwings for a 10.000 sc{. Il. librury; plus I,500 sq. (t. communily room (total I I,500 sy, il J in u rtwnncr Ihat would ullow fqr the fuwrc expnnsion ofcommunily space as und when reyuireJ; unJ WIIEREAS somc dclny in thc project has occurrcd as thc resuh of Ihc invcstigution of a po�cntial altcrnativc sitc, which has not provcn fruitful; anJ Wf1CRLAS by 13y-luw 5499199 pusud on hlny 31. 1999, Council diJ approvc fimding in the 199R Capital Rudget for the construction of Ihe westem I.ihrury 13runch; und WfIGREAS in n prescnmtion nmdc to Council nt i�s mceting of July 20, 1999, thc Chair of ihc Libmry DourJ slated ihnt the [3ourd is now prcpared to procccd lo the dcsign phnse of thc westcm Librury Ilrunch; NOW TlIEREfORB thc Council of lhc Corpomtion of thc Town of Pickcring hcrcby directs stuff to procccd with thc proposed westem Library Dranch to the dctailcd design cost stagc for ihe 10,000 sq. foot library plus I,500 sq. foot communiry room us thc basc project and provide costing for a 6,000 and 10,000 squnrc foot community spncc option; and That nced for udditionnl spncc be conflrtned ihrough the Recrcation and Cultuml Mastcr Plan for Town fncilities within the cutchment nren for thc westem Branch. CARRIED