HomeMy WebLinkAboutApril 14, 1999. � � . . � �M�� � MINUTES of fde Sih mcetiag of Ihe Committee of AdJuetment 4eld in the Committee Room ot t6e Pickerlog Civic Comple: on Wednaday, April 14,1999.. f''' �, �i�.: PRESENT: Mr. C. Young (C6airperoon) Mr. K. A�6e Mr. M. Holland Mr. R. Jo6nson Mr. P. W6itc ALSO PRESENT: Mr. J. Cole, Ass�itaot Secretary-Treasurer Mro. F. Niro, Secretnry-Trea�urcr (Acting) The meeting convened at 7:00 p.m. in the MAin Committee Room of the Clvic Complcx. l. MATTENS ARISING FROM THF. MINUTF.S � There were no mattero ariaing Gom the minuta. ;;•. 2. ADOPTION OF MINUTES MOTION: Moved by Mr. Johnsan, aecondeJ by Mr. HollAnd and carried unanimoualy - That the minute� of ihe 4th meeNng ot the Committee of Adjustment 6eld March 24,1999, be adopted. 3. OTHER MATTERS Mr. Aahe , oo behal[ ot the Committee, e:pressed 61s coadolencea to Mr. Johnson and his family. ir, 4. P/CA 13/99 - Victory Estates Ltd. '' PArt Lof 33, Range 3, B.F.C. �;, (We�t aide of Altona Road, NoM6 of Kingston Road) Town ot Pickeriog Tde aubject property i� currentiy being developed tor a 38 un(t condominium torvnhouse complex. The applicant requeet� reliet from SecNon 5.(1)(b)(i)A(I) of amendinq By-I�w 5374/98 to Zon(ng By-law 3036, to conetruct walk-out deck� at fhe rear ot epch condominfum townhouae uoit otthe eubJect property w61c6 would project 2.3 metrcs frum Ihe nor ot the unita and which would encroacd Inb the required seth�ck area�, rceuldng in aetbacke rAnging from 3.7 metrea to 7.6 metrea. `:; � 21 � i� T6e Aaatitant Secretary-Treaeurer outlineJ commenta received from Ihe Town of Pickering Planaing DepArtmenf, Public Worka DepaMment and Ihc Toronto & Regton ConeervAtion Authorlty. Mr. Craig Elltof, agent, waa pre�ent to represent the applicAfion. No fuHher repreeentation waa preacnt in fwvour otor in objectlon to the applicatlon. Mr. Elliot atated that the un(ts in Iilock 1 would not hsve decks that would esceed 0.6 of e metre in heig6t and that fhe variancc� for ihe deck� are required due to the grading. DECISION: MoveJ by Mr. flolland, �econded by Mr. Aehe and carricd unanimoualy that- tbis appitcatton P/CA 13/99, by Victory Estatei Ltd„ as autUned, be APPROVED on the grounds ihat the propoeed variance to permit deck� at the rcar ot individual townhouse un(!s on the subject property which provide minimum aetbacks of 3.7 metres from the �ubject property line� ere mtnor in nature, deeirablc for ihc appropriate dcvclopment of the land, and in kceping wilh the gencral purnose and intent of ihe Ofticial Plan and the zoning by-law, subject to the following conJittons: 1. Thal thcee vertances apply only fo decla which are no morc than 2.2 mclres in height above grade with maximum dimen�ions of 2.3 mcires deep by 2.4 metre� wfde, aa gencrally illu�tratcd on Ihc plans submitled with th(s application. 2. That theae variances apply only to Ihc 38 unit lownhousc complex in thc dc�ign illuetrateJ on the plan� �ubmitted with iht� applicatlon. 3. That ihc appl(cant rcccivc all ncca�ary approvals und permfis and construct ihc propo�ed decic� wtthin hvo yean of ihe date of Ihis decision, ar the approval of ihese varisnce� ehell6ccome null and void. MOTION: Moved by Mr. Johnsan, acconded by Atr.11ollanJ ihat - P/CA 14/99, by tlalloway floldinga LtJ. 6c Tablcd. MOTION CARRIED 5. P/CA 15/99 - Leopard Developmenta Inc. (In Trust) PaN Block 56, Plan 40M-1480 (IYarth sidc of Kingston Road, south atStecplc flill) Town of Pickcring The applicant requests the establishment of a revised building envelopc location as illuetrated on the applicant'� �ubmitted plan�, whcrea� Sectton 5.(2)(c)A esteblishes a building envelope which all buildings, part of buildinga, atrucfures or part of structures muat be erectcd wi►hin. � SecNon 5.(2)(c)C of amending Dy-law 4121/92 to Zoning Bylaw 3036, aa amcaded, to permit a propoaed porch w(th �tairo, eerving the propased aouth unit of condominium lownhouae Dlock 7, to encroach a ma:imum ot 2.57 mefrc� bcyond the limit of thc propoaed varied building envelope located 8.82 metrce back from K(ng�ton Road, whcreas the zaning by-law permifa balconles, decka and porchc�, whcthcr cavcred or uncovcrcd, to proJect a mas(mum ot2.0 metre� bcyond thc Iimita of the estAblinhed build(ng cnvelopc; 22 SecHon S.(2)(�)B ot rmeadtag By-Ipw 4121/92 to Zoning By-low 3036, oe AmenJed, to permit ide at�bit�hment of ■ mailmum of 40 dwellin� unita on Ihc xubject property, whercr� tde zoning by-Irw limib the num6er of dwell(ng unila to be estwbliehed on ihc aubject praperty to a ma:imum of36; SecNoo S.(2)(a)C otamending By-law 4121/92 to Zoning Bylaw 3036, a� amended, to allow A mr:imum ot 2 dwelling unita to provide main front entrancca which facc Jfrectly onlo King�too Road, whereae thc zoning by-law rcquirei a minimum of 6 dwelling unita to provide main front entrancw which face onto Kingitnn Road. The rpplicant requeeh approval of the�e variancei in arder to obtain building permits anJ �ile plan approval to conatruct a propo�eJ 40-unit condominium townhouse devclopmcnt on the subject properfy. The A�ei�tant Sccretary-Trea�urcr outlined commcnb received from the Tawn of Pickcring Planning Dcpartment and thc Public Worlc� Depariment. Mr. Rick Nana, agent, was present to represent the applicallon. �.Iso present wcrc Mr. Tom Rapoe of 580 Rainy Day Drivc, Mr. Jeftrey Kope of �i8 Rainy Day Drive, Mr. Ross af 576 Rainy Day Drivc nnd Mr. Ronald Edwards of S:,U Rainy Day Drlvc, all In objectton to the epplication. Mr. Elans approachcJ thc Cammiltcc wilh an illusiratfon af ihe site plun. flc oullined rcason� as to why the variances are requtred. Mr. Rapo� staled that hc object� lo ihc (ncrca�c ot unita. ile cxpresacd conccrns with increaeed tra(fic problem� and �uggc�teJ Ihal thcrc �hould be more ihan one entrancc into the development. Mr. Kope commented on ihe ineufticicnt number af viiiton parktng spnccs proposed for the development adding ihat addiltonAl can will bc u�ing Rainy Duy Drivc for parking their vehicica. Mr. Flan� replted that thcre are 10 �pacc� availablc for viailors parkfng. Mr. Ross also espressed traflic conccrn� and a�ked why lhcre wa� nol an cntrancc proposcJ from Kingston RoeJ as opposed lo Siceplc llfll. M11r. Ilans repifed ihat during thc initial site plan d(scu�sion� an entrancc Gom Stecple flill wa� alwey� meont to scrvice Ihc new devclopment. Mr. Ross stated ihat adJittonal traflic gencratcd from Ihc ncarby plaza wa� nat constdered at the time of aite plan approval. Mr. White aeked M1ir. Colc (f there was a plen to access ihc devclopmcnt fram King�lon Road. Mr. Colc replfed ihat it would be dif(icult to gcl accesa fram King�ton Road due fo the speed on Highway 2, traffic lighis, etc. and wauld not be appropriatc. Mr. Ashe askcd Mr. Cole what are the future lands to the west of ihe subJcct praperty and if thcrc ia a stap sign ot the intcrsectton of Ra(ny Day Drive and Stceple Hill. Mr. Cole responded that thc lands to the west is parklend and that a stop sign is situated at Rainy Day Drive on to Steeple Hill. Mr. Rapo� stafed that hc has lived in ihe arca far many ycaro and Ihat a lraftic study which ahowed an ineignificant increase in traftic was determined during oftpeak hours. Mr. EdwerJe feare Ihat reeidente wtahing to accese Shcppard Avenuc will travcl Ihrough Ralny Day Drive causing a aubstantial incrcaec of fraf(ic elnng thaf road. Mr. While commenfed that the rcaidente in allendancc have Icgitimatc conccrna but should be addrea�ed through the Worlcs Deperlment and not ihe Commiltcc of Adjualment. A proper forum to addrea� thcir concerne would be morc appropriatc, 23 Mr. Cole ti�lvised th�t he would pao� iheir commenb over to ttie Site Plon Advbory Com,�utttee. Mr. Cole outlined ihe Sife Plpn Advi�ory Committee'a function. DE(;ISION: Moved by Mr. HollAnd, �econded by Mr. White And cArrled unanimoualy Ihot- thi� applicANon P/CA IS/99, by LeopArd Development� lnc., as outUned, bc APPROVED on the ground� thot the propo�ed buildine snvelope lacation, porch encroachment, maximum 40-urtit dwelling caunt and minimum two front enlrances facing Kingston Road vAriances are minor in nature, dc�irable far ihe Appropriate devclopment of ihe land, and in keeping with the general infent and put�oie of the Oflicial Plan anJ ihe Zoning By-law, subject to the following condition�: 1. That iheie variancea apply only to the propoaed 40•unit condam(nium townhome devciopment ei illu9fratcd on ihe applicanf� submittcd plans with thi� appl(cation. 2. That thc applicant obtain final �ile plan approval for the praposcd development within one year ot the date of thii deciilon, or thc approval of thesc varianccs ahall becamc null anJ votd. 3. That thc applicant obtain building permit�, and conslruct, thc proposed devclopment within three yean of ihe date of Ihi� decision, or the appraval of these variancei ahall become null and void. 4. Thwt ihe building envelope locwtfon be voried to 8.82 mclres back from Kingeton Road only (n ihat lacation Affectin� proposed lilocks 6 and 7, 3.21 metrc� back from that portlon of the narlh•we�t praperty Iine as it aftects propoacd filock 4, anJ 4.53 met�e� back from Ihat portion af lhc south-casf praperty linc aa tt affect� propo�ed Dlack 8. S. That the propmed porch with �tain permiltcd to encroach 2,57 metres bcyond the varicJ builJing cnvelape locatcd 8,82 metre� back from Ktng�ton Road bc permilted only on Ihe �outh unif ot propo�eJ Illock 7 a� oullined on the appitcants submilted plaro with thi� applicalion. 6. That traftic conccrn� 6c addre�sed at the Sile Plan Advieory Committcc and residenb bc conlacted. 6. P/CA 16/99 - R. & D. Martel Lat 24, Plan 316 also known aa t631 Finch Avenue Town of Pfckering The applicant requesle reliet from Section 9.23 ot Dy-law 3036, as amended, to permit the establishment of a minimum 1.0 metre west atde yard width to be provided by a proposed Iiving apace addition to thc west aide af ihe e:i�tfng detached dwelling on the subjcct property, wherea� the zontng bylaw requires minimum side yard w(dlhs of 1.8 mcfres on ane aidc and 3,0 metres on thc ather eide to be provided by a dwcll(ng on a lot aupporting a defachcd or no garagc. SecNon 9.2.5 ot IIylaw 3036, ae amended, to permit the cafablishmcnt of a minimum lotal grosa tioor area ot 101.2 squarc metree to bc providcJ by thc exiating dwclling with proposed addllion'on the aubject property, whcrea� thc zoning by-law rcqufrca e minimum dwelling unit iloor arca ot 110 equare metrea to bc pravidcd. 24 The wp�.��:ant reque�ta approval of tde�e varipnces (n orJer to abtatn a bullding permil to coaatruct a propoaed addiNon, pppro:imwtely 25.0 aquare metrea in aize, to Ihe wcat a(de of thc exWtlng detACded dwclllnQ on the aubject property. The A��i�faot Secretary-Trcasurcr autlined commenb rcceived trom the Tawn of Pickering Plenning Department. Mr. Martel, owner, wa� pre�cat to rcpre�ent the application. No furthcr repre�entation waa praent in tavour of or in obJecllon to the application. Mr. Martel cipressed frustratfon that he ii requlreJ to apply for a minor varience ouce again. He had appited for a minor varlance In 1994 end aasumed Ihat all �ituation� of non-compliance were addreeacd at that time. Due to ihe zoning chengc initiatcd by thc Town, he teels tt is unfair that he should pay for anothcr minor variance application for the eddition. Mr. Manhall aaked lhat fhe Committee con�(der changing the zoning requirements of ihc �ubject property so Mr. Martcl ii not 6ack again ne:t ycar. INr. Colc responJed that it can only be done through a rczon(ng applicatton. The Town cou1J in(tiatc ils orvn rezoning, but it Is not a high priority at thb t(me. Mr. Jahnson stated that he t� familfar with the area and hc can sympathize with the applicant faceJ with the problems creatcJ by ihe zoning change in the arca. DECISION: Moved by Mr. John�on, ecconded by Mr. A�hc and carrfed unanimously ihat- fhta application P/CA 16/99, by R. & D. Maricl, as outlined, bc APPROVED an Ihc grounda that thc propo�cd minimum 1.0 mefrc wc�l �idc yard r�ddth and minimum (01.2 equarc mclrc dwclling ilaor arca vArtanccs orc mfnor in nwturc, desirablc for thc appropriate devclopment ot ihe IanJ�, and in kecping wilh ihc gcneral inlenl and purposc of thc Zoning tiylaw and O(liclal PIAn, �ubject to thc tollowinR conJitions: That Iheee variancc� apply only to Ihc proposcd adJilion providing a minimum west �IJc yard widlh of I.0 metre a� gcncrally oullincd on Ihc applicant's submittcd plan� with thi� appl(cation. 2. That ihe applicant ablatn a building permit, and con�truct, Ihe proposed adJifion within hvo yean ot thc datc ot this decision, or Ihe approval af ihesc variances �hall become null and vaid. 3. Thaf ihe proposed addlt(on bc limited !o onc-�torcy in hcight, and not excced 25.0 sq�•are metres in size. MOTION: Moved by Mr. Johnson, scconded by Mr. Ashe that - There be a recommendaHon that Council cansider the refund otS175.00 to the applicant. MOTION LO5T Mr. White expres�cd concern that �efunding an appllcant's fce wilhout special circum�fancee may sct a Jangcrous precedent. Also, ihe applicant did not a�k for Ihe refund. MOTION: MovcJ by Mr. Johnaon Ihet thc thcrc bc a recommcndaHon fo Cauncil to conaider emending thc applicanta fec fo S300.00. No eeconder, MOTION LOST 25 7. P/CA 18/99 & P/CA 19/99 - Manhall Hamci Corporation PaH Lot 26, Plan 410 PArt 1& Part 2, Plan 40R-18445 Alea known a� 1668 & 1670 Valleyridge Cre�cent Town of Pickertng � The applicant requab reNetfrom the following provi�ion� of By-lew 3036, as amenJcd: Sectian 10.2.3 to permit the esteblbhment ot minimum frant yard depths of 6.0 metres to be provlded by propo�ed dwelUngs on the �ubject properttea, whereas the zoning by-law require� a minimum front yard depih of 7.5 metrea; 5ectiop 10.2.6 to permit a mazimum lot cove�age ot 38% to be provided by each of Ihe propoaed dwelling� on ihe subject properHc�, whcreai the zoning by-law permifs a mazimum lot coverage ot33% to be provided. The applicant requeeta approval of ihese vartanccs in arcler fo obtatn a building permit for the propo�eJ dwellinga on ihe aubject propeMice. Thc Assi�tant Secrefary-Trenaurcr outOncd comment� received from thc Torvn of Pickering Planning DcpaNmenf. Mr. Craig Manhall, owner, wa� prescnt ta rcprc�cnt thc appUcation. No furlher representatiun wa� present in favaur of or in objcctian to thc applicution. Mr. Murshull atated that hc concurred with Ihe Planning Dcpartmenl� report. DECISION: Moved by Mr. fiollanJ, acconJcd by Afr. Whftc anU carricd unanimously that- this applicalfon P/CA 18/99 & F/CA 19/99, hy Manhall tfomes Corporulion, as outlineJ, be APPROVF,D an the grounda that ihe propo�eJ 6.0 metrc minimum frant yard depth, and propo�cd me:imum 38% lot cavcragc variance� arc minor in nature, dcsirablc for Ihc appropriate devclopment of the land, and In kccping wilh Ihe gencral purposc and inlent nf the Ofiiciai Plan end thc zoning by-law, subjcct lo thc following conditions: 1. That these vartances apply only lo thc propased two•starey detacheJ dwcllings as gencrally sited and outlineJ on lhc applicants ��lans subm(tted with Ihis applicafton. 2. That ihe applicant obtain a buildi�g permit, and construct, ihe propose� dwelUn� within 2 ycan of the date af this decision, or ihc approval of Ihese variances shall become null and voiJ. MOTION: Moved by Mr. Ashe, secondeJ by Mr. Flolland that - P/CA 14/99, by }lalloway }Ioldings LtJ. be lifted from the table. MOTION CARRIED MOTION: Maved by Mr. Holland, aecondeJ by Mr. Johneon that - The reading of P/CA 14/99, by Halloway }ioldings Lid. be dlapen�cd with. MOTION CARRIED 26 8. P/CA 14/99 • liallowey Holding� Ltd. Part ot Lat 29, Concesalon I al�o known a� 1822 Whitea Rowd (Amberlea Shopping Plaza) Town otPickering A& P Properties I.imited have submifted thi� appUcation to allow the SavA•Ccntre storc in the Amberlca Plaza to eatabli�h an outdaor storage and display area tor a seaeonal gardening centre, whcrea� Ihc zonine by-law requirei ali uses, including storage, display and sales, ta be located within an encloicJ building. The appl(cant requeats approval ot Ihis variance in orJer to permit the outdoor garden centre for the temporary pertod from May 4,1999, to July 15,1999. The Asatstant Secretary-Treaeurer outlined commenta reccived from ihe Torvn of P(ckcring Planning Department. Mr. Fred McMillan, atore manager for Aominion Sav-A-Centre, was prescnt to represcnt ihe applfcalian. Nn further rcprcaentatian wa� prcacnt in favour of or in objection to thc applicaHon. Mr. Johnson neked Mr. Cole why thb variancc i� 6efore thc Commitlec agatn. Mr. Colc replicd ihat the applicani'� have eu6miltr.cl a rczaning applicallon to permit thc requested ouldoor garJen ccntres. Thc rczoning applicslion hae bcen put on hold pending discuseions 6efween thc owncr ot lhe plaza and the tenants. Thc rezoning applicatlon rvill not be considered by Cauncil in t(mc tar ihc 1999 gardening season, thcrcfore ihc appllcallon Is beforc the Camm(tlec oncc again. DECISION: Mnved by Mr. Whitc, �ccondcd by Mr. Ashe and carr(ed ihal- ihis applicat(on P/CA 14/99, by IlAlloway Ifoldinge Ltd., as oullined, bc APPROVF,D on the grounda thet thc proposcd vartance to permit ouldoor slorage and displuy nrca for a garden centre on the subject property t� minor in naturc, deeirahle for thc appropriate development of ihe land, and in keeping with the gencrai intent and purpose of the Officiul Plan anJ ihe Zoning By-law, subject to the following cond(tions: 1. That this variance epply anly fo a 92 squarc metre seasonnl garJen centrc localed along the sidewalk on Ihe south side of the SavA-Cenlrc Storc, with a design that Icaves a mtnimum of 0.9 ota metre of sidewalk unobstrueteJ. 2. That the fenctng surraunding thc garden centre NOT bc orangc vinyl or plastic, and that any other de�ign mattcrs deemcd appropriale by thc Commiftee be Implemented. 3. Tha! ihe vartence is in e(fect from the period from Mey 4, 1949 to July 15,1999, aftcr which tfmc any outdoor atoragc and di�play shall hc removcd. 4. That Ihc granl(ng of Ihia variance ehall not bc conetrucJ n� prcccdcnt for any a(milar minor variancc appllcation at a futurc date. � 27 ��, 1, 'l� .. 9. , OTHER BUSINESS Mr. Cole Advieed the mem6en ot information reccived in regerda to thc reaaseeament of � :N1tlr�� � � � . .. . 10. ADJOURNM�NT � MOTION: Moved by Mr. Whtte, seconded by Mr. Aahe and carried unanimoualy Ihat- The Std meeNng of !hc Committee ot Adjuitment 6e adjourned at 8:05 p.m, and ihe nect regular meeting of the Commiltee of Adjuetment 6e hcid on Wednesday, May 5,1999. �'�S,I��� DATE , � AIRM ���, . SECRETARY-TREASURER (AC'I'INC) �j 28 �,. ._ ::,: