HomeMy WebLinkAboutPL 13/99�p OF p� . � REPORT TO COUNCIL rROM: Neil Cercoll DATE; June 21,1999 Director of Planning PLANNING REPORT NUMBER: 13-99 SUBJECT: Proposed Deck Addition to Pickering Driving Rangc Fncility 2510 Brock Rond North Pert of Lot 19, Concession 3 Town of Pickering RECOMMENDATION: 1. That Cuuncil uWhorizc Mr. Dan Lully (1317970 Ontario Ltd.) to upply to thc Pickcring Committcc of Adjus►mcnt for permission lo catend or cnlnrgc a Icgal non-confortning usc, to accommodute the introduction of n dcck having a gross iloor amn not cxcecding 67 squarc metres; 2. That, subjccl to all necessary �pprovnis, Council support the proposed dcck nddition as an ucceptnble Icaschold impravemenl; � 3. Thnt the locution nnd design of the deck reccivc thc appmvnl of Ihc Dircctor of Pnrks and Facililics nnd thc Dircctor of Plnnning; a�d 4. Thnt Council indicntc thnt it hus no objeclion to thc proposul by Mr. Dan Lnlly (1317970 Ontnrio Ltd.) to apply for n liquor license to thc LLDO far thc new deck nrca. ORIGIN: Requ^st by Mr. Dun Lully (1317970 Onturio Ltd.) for Council's permission to pursuc npprovals for a deck addition (6') squarc metrcs) to the exisling golf driving rungc/miniature golf-putting fucility nt 2510,9rock Roud. AUTHORITY: Thc Plannin; Act, R.S.O. 1990, chnpter P.13 The Municipal Act, R.S.0.1990, chupter M.45, section 191(I) FINANCiAL 1MPLICATIONS: No direct costs to thc Town arc unticipntcd through thc approvul of this rcqucst. Potentiul revenue increase to thc Town if rent mtes nrc incrcased, , � 63 , PLANNINd REPORT NUMBER 13•99 Dato: June 21, 1999 �'�4 Subject: Proposed Deck Addition to Pickering Driving Renge Facility Pago 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Town's tenunt at 2510 Brock Rond (Pickering Driving Rangc) requcsts Council's pertnission to conswct a 67 square metre (720 square foot) deck addition to tha west of the existing on-site treiler to provide for the outdoor accommodation of putrons and providc n futurc eien licensed under the LLBO. As the present usc of thc lund for n golf driving mngc andlor golf-putting facility is lawful non•confortning, the proposed expansion muy anly be permitted tivough rcmning or ns nn enlargcmenUcxtension of a lawful non-confarming use through thc Commitice of Adjustment. The prcscnt lense agreement provides Council with ihe final dccision authority to prohibit any lensehold improvement. Staff have considercd the tennnCs request and have no ohjection to the proposed addition, thc licensing of the facility, end the route of the Committee of Adjustment to securc necesssuy land usc npprovals. Council should consider whether the axpansion in usc of the lands warrnnts any chenge in the yearly rent payuble to the Town. BACKGROUND: IA ro sn The Town prcsently Icnscs lands locnted nl 2510 Drock Rond to 1317970 Ontnrio Ltd. for thc purposc of operating a golf driving rangc und/or u gc:� pui!ing fncilily, undcr thc nnmc of thc Pickcring Driving Rongc (scc locotiom m�p, Attachment #1). Thc Icasc commenced on Janunry I, 1999 and expircs on Deccmbcr 31, 2001. Mr. Dan Lally prcscntly operatcs the lucility from an on•sitc tmilcr und has requcsted thc Town's approval for lhe nddition of un outdoor dcck to thc µ•est of thc Imilcr, to accommodnte customcrs imd providc an arca proposcd to bc IiccnscJ undcr thc LLDO. Thc proposed deck has nn uren of 67 squnrc mclrcs (720 squnrc fcct), urd hus dimcnsions of 3.6 m by 18.3 m(12 R, by 60 Il.) A sitc plun and skctch of thc pro{wsed dcck, and n Icticr from Mr. Lally nre includcd ns Attnchment #2, N3, and N4 respcctivcly to ihis repart. 2.0 Discussion The subjcct lunds arc currcntly zoncd 'A'-Agricultural by wning by-Iaw 3037. Golf courses und driving ranges wcrc rcmovcd by Council as permittcd uses undcr thc `Agriculturnl' zoning category in 1989 through wning nmcndment 3154/89. Cancutrently, existing golf courses in Pickering were rccogniud by site specific wning. The Pickering Driving Renge was not recogniud through n site specific mning, considering thc anticipated temporury nnwre of thc faciliry. }:uwcver, as the usc lawfully existcd on thc land prior to the passing of the nmcnding �oning by-Inw, thc prcsent use of the lands is considercd 'Iegul non-confortning'. 71�is provides Icgal sWtus to the use of the land only us it existcd on the day of passnge of Zoning IIy-law 3154/89. Consequently, wning cleurance cannot be granted for the proposcd deck addition. �i order to pcnnit thc deck nddition, the lands must eithcr be rezoned by Council to permit the use, or pertnission grantcd bp thc Commitice of Adjustment ta nllow thc extension and enlargement of the use under Section 45(2) of the Planning Act. The lease agrcement provides Council with the final authority to refuse the addition if it considcrs the dcck to be inappropriate, In view of this control, the Commidec of Adjustment is considercd un appropriate mechenism to expcditiously address the zoning complinnce mattcr. Council's pertnission to npply to the Committee is alco being sought by the tcnnnt. PLANNINd REPORT NUMBGR 13-99 Dale: Junc 21, 1999 Subjcet: Proposed Deck Addition to Pickering Driving Rnngc Facility Pegc 3 65 As noted above, nn ultemativc to the Committcc of Adjustment routc for considcration of the deck addition would be for thc applicant to apply to Town Council far a temporary use zoning by-law for thc deck slructurdusc. The time Gumes for this proccss are longcr then thc Committee of Adjustmcnt process, nnd the dura:ion of the usc is restricted to three years (extensions mquire furthcr by-lew amcndmenls, euch for u mnximum three yeaz period). StutThave considcrcd the tenant's proposnl end have no objection with the deck addition, the proposed licensing under the LLE30, or the raule of Ihe CommiRce of Adjustment to obtain necessary zoning confocmity. Thc tcnant wiU be required to securc all nccessnry npprovals from the Henith Unit and the Auilding Department, and should be rcquired, as a condilion of npprovnl, to obtain npproval from ihe Director of Pazks and racilities and the Director of Planning for the locntion and design of ihe deck. Considering thc increase in Floor area/use of the lands with the dcck oddition, Council should consider whcthcr uny chnnge in thc yenrly rcnt paynblc by thc Tennnt to thc Landlord is nppropriate (current rcnt of S 17,500 per annum). ATTACHMENTS: I. Property Location Map 2. ApplicunCa Submitted Silc Plan 3. ApplicunCs Submitted Dcsign 4. Lcitcr Gom Applicnnt Prepared/Endorsed �y: Nci Carrol Director of I NC/ph Atmchments Endorscd by: % Evcrelt ntsma Dircctor of Parks and Facilitics Recommen3ed for the wnsideration of Pickering Town Cowcil / . �i �� � �..r! �9!/ . . . . orias J. Quinn, � Chicf Administrative Officer ;� AiTACHMENTa,� TO ry , N _ _ PLANNINO REP0f1T N� 6( ,; ;�.. � , ;; > . ATTACHA�jx " - 3 ' . ' ' s$ r�a�i►�i��c i�,.o„� _l3'41 �'� �r iJ ' Fi � �� , � e �� Jf �f r � �_ � �� ' i� ' � f . � . � ,�� ' ,i i/f� r � t YF± �it ! � . . :i� . $,�: � �� �\ \ \� \\�� �\ ' ��`\\\ � � .�e��� � �.. : r;�� � \ \� ��,qlp�m��.�� ;,. ` � . . ••r�('�'. �� � a�a ,�� ` / p � � \ ' �4 �, :. �_ �. - , � ,:: � i t� t'.tt, . .. . , ., : - � . -_ .. . �:'; . � ..._ � l `; , �i'. . a � s" # - , - `{ " � � , � � , _._ , ` �� Y 4 � , pr�posed Deak Detail ' r = e3��,,'- aA :, - :�.}? _ � 3 _ 4 ij , ' i � . � . . . . • ATTACHMENTa�Tq , • PLANNING f1EPOR1 u_J�� 68 f ..'p E�,�`�, ___.—. ' ! IKaYU71��� 10WN OF PV:M � �... . � � . � � � � P�NNINO DEI'n � , i...___ .. 'fhe Town of Pidcaing Plmning Deprtmenl Pldtaing Civlc Canplac One the Esplenade Pickaing, Onterio LI V 6K7 Mry S� 1999 Attentlm: Planning Deputmrnl md Oullding Dcputmml Dear Sk, 'ffie Picktting Ikfving Range wadd like lo I�uild e frce:�ending 12' x 60' deck nd connaled lo the bedc ofaur existing treila, (Pro Shop). We fal it would ciean up �he ara lo meke our faeility lodc end fal mae com faubte fa aur customa's. 'Ihi� wauld aale e plea fa aur climu lo sit uid mJoy a drink, wslch �he minl•�wn or dha clirnb hiufng goif bell�. In Ihe future we walJ elw like to epply fa e liqua lianse, Ihaefae we wald like ta build Ihe dak lo CodespecifiuliamoflheTownof Pickaing. Shaldyau require my furlha infarmetion , plesu fai fra lo eaiud us N your eerliat caivai(rna. Youn Iruly. Du� Lelly 13179700nWio lnc. PICKERfNO DRIVINO RANOB, 2510 DROCK ROAD NORTH, UOX 437, PICKERINO, ONTARIO PIIONE (903�A6�1096 a`