HomeMy WebLinkAboutCL 08-99. q ��aFp � � � REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Bruce Taylor, AMCT, CMM DATE: February 8, 1999 Town Clerk REPORT NUMBER: CL 8/99 SUBJECT: Support for Centenary Health Centre as the Eastem Regional Site for Cardiac Surgical Services RECOMMENDATION: WHEREAS full cardinc services such as bypass surgery, angioplasty and electrophysiology are only available to residcnts of the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) at the teaching hospitals in downtown Toronto; and WHEREAS these hospitels have limited capacity for fulure growth bul in ihe mcantime waiting lists for major cardiac surgery are increasing; and WFiEREAS the Hospital Restructuring Committcc has decided that full cardiac services could best bc served at hospitals in the westcm and eastern ponions of the GTA; and WHERGAS the Centenary site of the Rouge Valley Flcalth System is positioned to mcet Ilie cardiac care needs in the southeast GTA for a population af I.5 millian; NOW THEREFORE thc Council of thc Corporalion of ihc To�m of I'ickcring hercby strongly supports lhe Centenary Hculth Ccntre Sitc of thc Rougc Vallcy HcaUh System as thc caslern regional site for cardiac surgical services; nnd THAT a copy of lhis resolution be fonvarded ta: I. Cenlenary Health Centre 2. Minister of Health 3. Honourable lanet Ecker, MP, Durham West ORIGIN: Requesl of Mayor AAhurs made at Council Meeting of February 1, 1999 AUTHORITY: Municipal Act FMANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Not Applicable ..,./2 --z-- S BACKGROUND: Mayor Arthurs has requested that Council give support to the campaign of the Rouge Valley Health System to have the Centenary Health Centre site as the eastem regional site for cardiac surgical services. Fuli cardiac services ue only available at the teaching hospitals in downtown Toronto and they are operating at capacily. The Hospitai Restructuring Committee has recommended that cardiac surgical needs could best be served by a site in each of the eastem and western portions of Ihe GTA. Centenary Health Centrc has bcen serving Ihe needs of Scarborough and Durham Region for Ihe past 30 years and throughout ihat time has provided quality cardiec care. in addition, the Centenary Health Centre is geographically positioned ta meet the needs of a population of I.5 million residents in the southenst GTA. Attached to this Report is a letter from the Chair of the Communiry Cardiac Carc Task Porce seeking support to have the Centenary Hcalth Centre site as tha custcm regional sitc for cardiac surgical services. Also atlached are various articles supponing this campaign. ATTACHMENTS: I. Letter from Phil Diamond, Chair, Communiry Cardiec Care Task Force 2. Excerpt Gom the November 10, 1998 issue of the Aledical Past Prepared B : �_ ruce Taylor, AMCT, CMM Town Clerk Recommended for the consideration of Pickering Town �Cnu il • r 8 omas ]. Qul , Chief Administrative 0�icer � � �� . �, � otnceamerRrsioe.�r Tkkplpir: N 161781•7727 Faslmlk 11161 I81•7777 W� NEED YOUR HELP�. ATTACHMENTq � ro�a�o�tr_ �99 Rouge Valley Health System �� Ccnlen�ry IInI1h Cenlrc A)�x and Plcke�inp Hcalth Centrc °; ;" ;°,�"' No, not In a tinanclal senea — but we need your help In the form of your aupport for a epecial proJecl lhal is near and dear lo all o( our heaAs. Cenlenary Health Centre (CHC) has a remarkable Cardiac Care program. All of our communily, as parl of Ihe new Rouge Vailey Heallh System, benefits from lhe excellenl care and advanced diagnosllc services offered al Cenlenary. In facl, CHC has the only community besed cardlac calheterizallon service and one af lhe largest nuclear cardlology servlces �n lhe Province. However, al present, cardlac procedures such as balloon angloplasly end bypess surgery are onty performed in Ceniral Onlario at lhe downtown Taronlo leaching hospitals (such as Sunnybrook Heallh Sclence Cenlre, The Toronlo Hospilal, and SI. Mlchael's Hospflal). 8ut lhls Is changing,... Recenlly, ihe Onlarlo Minlsiry of Health has recommended that cardiac surgl^al services and angiop�asly be provided'close to home' In communilies of su�ic(ent size, Two of lhe largest areas are lhe Weslern and Easlem borders of Ihe Grealer Toronlo Area. The 11rst sile chosen by Ihe Ministry of Health was In lhe West al lhe Mississauga Hospilal. The Eastern reglon Is at least as large. CHC has presented a strong case for an Easlern Reglonal Cenlre al Ihis hospilal. CHC hes many advantages as a surgical site and could be operalin� as a full cardiac care (aclllly within a year wllh Ils existing experlise, equipment and facflilles, The Communily Cardlac Care Task Force was formed to reach out lo our local communllies, to explain lhe need and lo ask lor your help. We musl show Ihe Mlnislry and aur own elecled reprosentaUve Ihal our need is large and thal we wanl a regional cardlac care cenlre al CHC. Here is how you can help, it wil� take very Ilttle of your time and the result can have a terrilic Impact on a maJor decislon. Please cumplete the enclosed CARDIAC CARE CARD. Dislr�bute the extra coplee and ask your friends and nelgh6ours to do the same. Then mall, iax and/or drop In your completed CARDIAC CARE CARDS to lhe addreas or numbors provided. If you have any quesllons, please call us at � One olher lhing, CHC has conlacled Ihe Ministry of Health about Ihe need for en MRI (Magnelic Resonance Imaging), al an eastern sife of the GTA. The MRI Is a very etfeclive dlagnostic tool, used In Ihe dlagnosis of cancer, Joinl problems and dlseases of Ihe �euraloglcal systems, CHC • has proposed a special type oi MRI scanner, a Iirsl in Onlarfo, Ihat woutd accommodale children and palienls who suffer from clauslrophob�a and who at this time cannol be Irealed in Ihis pravince. You witl note a spot on Ihe CARDIAC CARE CARD for you lo Indicale your support for ' CHC lo obtaln lhis very Importanl and necessary medicai dlagnastic equipmenl, Togelher, we can make thls happen - Ihanks for your asslslance, Youra lruly, , Phil Diamond Chalr, CommuNty Cardiac Care Task Force � � Cenlrn�q Itmllh Cenln 1867 Eilrsmtrc A�aTurnma.ONatlo hl IE 109 Tc1:11161281�8U1 j, ���; ; .;i,f i -. '; t �� �1':. . � : f i, ,i� � ' ��i : � . - �. �i�t . .��,�. � � � . . '.t:i; � � . � � Y'� .'ii� ' � .' � ;, � . � ,. .�. ..., �r • . �. :�'.., � •i' . •..i�+; ' � . . .�,...:+:.' �� . . :;�'��� ' ' � . � �t+ ' ` .. ; . :t. � � . ti . :1 • ' 't�, � .,�� � . .i. , . � � ' ATTACHMENTN_LTOBEPOIITN«89q ROUGE VALLEY HEALTH SYSTEM CENTENARY SITE PR FI E � Full service,acute care community hospital 30 yeurs serving Scarborougli and Durliam rogions Recently amalgamated witl� Ajax Pickering Hospital to form Rouge Valley Health System Cillin� lhe I�ospital needs in ll�e Soutlieast GTA For a population of I.5 million Committed to cardiac care since 1967 , Since 1987 has becn providing cardiac services except for nrtery coronnry by-pass surgery, a�igioplasty and electrophysiology � Cardiac rehab facility launched in February 1997 Hospital staff nrc Icadcrs in qunliry csuc mnnugemeiU Strang ties to lhe community through thc Cmnmuniry Cardiac Care Advisory Committee. ,` t � ",• . � • :i ,+�t'• . ''li • r �. , .. . �`f . . . . . � !�'S�F r}' . .. . . .t' . :)'�'� - :r .. . � f . . . . .'SI . . . . u� . . � J� . � . . . . . .•8 m � , ATTACHMENTq_._(_TOREPOItTN « s 9� CURRENT SITUATION • Waiting lists for major cardiac surgery are increasing. • Full cardiac services (bypass surgery, angioplasty and electrophysiology) are only available at downtown tcacl�ing hospitals. • These hospituls have iimited capacity for future growth. • Hospital Restructuring Committee decided that needs best served by Western and Eastern GTA sites. • • This committee chose MississAUga Hospitul as the Western GTA sile wilh no dccision in thc Custcrn CTA. • As a result,l,5 million residents in the Eastern GTA are not adequately served. We will wuit longer and travel further for surgery, ' . ;; . . :� :;: , ! , ;. , ; , „ ,t, : � 44� : . .i. � .. � . ,�.i.� , � � .. ' •,i i•. !� . ..•��t . . �4. . ..�:' . ' . - . t . . � �.� . �� . . ' I f �:YI' _ . . , `t.' . . .. i �. . " ,,i4 � � i.. '�� , . 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