HomeMy WebLinkAboutFIN 05-99� �NOFp� 245 10 � REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Gillis A. Palcrson DATE: June 17,1999 DirectorofFinancc & Treasurcr REPORT NUMBER: FIN OS-99 SUBJECT: Statcment of the Treasurer Respecting 1998 Remuneration and Expcnse Paymenls to Members of Cuuncil and Council Appointees RECOMMENDATION: It is recommcnded Ihat Council rcceivc for infomiation thc Slatcment of thc Trcasurcr for the year 1998. ORIGIN: Dircelor of Financc & Trcasurcr AUTHORITY: Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1990, as amcndcd, Scction 247(I). FINANCIAL [MPUCATIONS: Not applicable EXECUTIVE SUMMARY; Not npplicablc BACKGROUND: Section 247(t) of Ihe Municipal Act stales in part lhat the Trcnsurer of evcry municipality shall, in cach ycar, submi► to Ihc Council of the municipality, an itcmizcJ slntemcnt of tlic remuncralion nnd cxpcnscs puid to cacl� Member of Council. Thc statemant must also includc rcmuncrntion and expenses puid to any other person who hns bcen Council uppointeJ to scrvc us a member of a local board, cxcluding a hydro cicctric commission. Pnymcnts for cxpenses include a claim fur milcagc, confcrcnces and mculs. ' 24 Rcport to Council FINOS•99 Junc 17,1999 Subject: Stntement of the Trcasurer Rcspecting Rcmuncrntion Prgc 2 nnd Expense Payments to Members of Council nnd Council Appoinlecs AT"fACHMHNTS: Slatement of Trcasurcr and Notes Prcparcd By: Approved / Endorscd By: . / / K. Senior G,A. Patcrson Munagcr of Accounting Director of Financc &'freasurcr GAP:ks Attuchmcnt Recommendcd for thc considcration of Pickcring To«�n Council � .� ,,.,-� M.1 C �i .. . . h masJ. ' n. icfA 'nistmliv iccr ATTACHMENT k�TO REPORTN�ort ' • ' � 1998 STATEMENT OF TREASL'RF.R REMUNERATION AND EXP6NSES MEMBERS OF COUNCIL & COUNCIL APPOINTF.ES 297 Remuneration Rxoeneee (51 Tala ulhnri Mcmbers of Council Mnyor Notes 1,4 W. Arthurs 40•741 � Ob3 44.803 40•741 4.062 �.flQ} Councillors M. Brenncr 15,479 4,024 19,503 D. Dickerson 15,479 5,457 20,93G M. Holland 15,479 4,175 19,G54 R.Johnson 15,479 5,114 20,593 D. Pickles 15,479 3,971 19,450 D.Ryan �5.4Z 79 IS.SSR 92.874 �.�,1Q 115.G94 Council Appointces Committee of Adjustment Notes 2,4 K.Ashc 1,095 SG I,I51 M. F{olland 1,310 - 1,310 R.Johnson 1,150 137 1,287 P. Whitc 1,230 56 1,2RG � C.Young �07U �i! I,20i 5.855 �$4 _{Ll� Fenceviewers Notes 2,4 A.Burtncy IGO 18 178 M.O'Connor 160 14 174 P. Scott _,.L � �4 �S4 �.4 �4 Livestock Valucrs M. Amold - - - J. Laidcr 800 58 858 S. Widcman _� � � 850 _�j �' Z Property Standards Notcs 3,4 Comiticc G. femanJes 560 - SGO T. Middlcton 520 - 520 ' D. Mohr � _ GO � _ � STATCMENf OF TREASURER NOTES: (I) Aulhorily: f3yLawC•1 - Scclion2140.1d The Municipal Act - Scclion 247(I) R.S.O. 1990 ns amcnJcd (2) Aulhority: DyLaw C-I • Scclian 2140,15 The Municipal Act - Scclian 244.1 (3) Aulhority: By-Law 18J4184 - Scclion 178 Ruilding CoJc Act - Scctian IS.G (4) Aulhority; DyLawC-I - Section2140,i7&IS 1'hc Municipul Acl - Scction 245 (5) Includcs milcogc, confcrcnccs nnd mcals