HomeMy WebLinkAboutPPL 01/982 �,N�� ♦ � REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: A. Cemeron 9 March 1998 CEO, Pickering Public Librery SUHJECT: Endorsement of Pickering Public Library Boud motion respecting the replacement of Gbrary urvices at the Bay Ridga Brench library with reduced servias. RECOIvIIvfENDATION: That Coun�til approve the teplacement of the curtent urvice at the Bay Ridges Branch library with Reading Readiness programs at their curtent level, end book rotum, et whichever is the earlier of: the date when the Branch space in the Eest Shore Community Centre is required for renovation or re•allocation; or 30 June 1998. ORIGIN: Library Board directive consequent on perticipetion on the Eest Shore Communiry Centre Building Committa end ongoing review of activity levels at ell library sites. AU1'HORITY: Onterio Public Libraries Act, 1984, 19.—(1)(d) "A boerd may, with Ihe consent of the appointing council..., sell, leate or othenvise dispose of any land or building that is no longer required for the boazd's purposes," and 20.(a) "A board, shdl seek to provide..,a comprehensive and e�icient public librery service..." FINANC[AL �LICATIONS: The service reduction will substantially reduce the cost of construction required to meet increasing demand for space at the East Shore Community Centre, and there will be e reduction in the Pickering Public Library Board's 1998 operating budget which will vary depending on how early in the year the reduction of service takes place. EXEC[TfIVE S[�IARY: Not applicable ;.� ,: j . t' • Report to Council PPL Ol•98 . 16 Merch 1998 $ Subjecc: Endonemmt of Pickering Public Librery Boerd motion Page 2 BACKGROUND: The Pickering PubGc Librery Houd hea meinteined urvice et its Hay Ridges Branch with Council'e budgetary support, for some yeara despite uu leveis wnsistendy belaw those acperienced by the librery system as e whole. Recently the Bovd Iw ban made ewere that space at the Eest Shore Communiry Centre, whero the Bey Ridga Brench is located, is in incressingly high demand by other tenents of that facility. In view of the over•erching demend for high-use spaa, with the aswciated high capital costs, the Boerd resolved at ite mating on 26 FebNery 1998 to roplace the current servia et the Bay Ridges Branch by mainteining only Reading Readiness progrema (pro-xhoalers' story-times) at the present &equency, end book mcum service. The motion, as amended and attached, wes carried unanimously and is now forwerded to Council for its endorsement. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Library Boerd Chairman's letter to Bay Ridges branch users 2. Library Boerd motion, 26 February 1998 3. MisceUeneous librery site data and comparisons 4. Exarpt from Library Boud hfinuta 5. System collection fund allocations 1994 -1998 6. Bey Ridges collection funds/circulatian graph 7. Library site circulation ber grephs 1993 -1997 S. System circuletion 1993 -1997 end circulalion by site 1997. Prepared By: Approved / Endorsed By: A. Cameron, C.E.O. AAC:ec: Attachments Copy: Crenerel Manager .� I � ;. " , . ;` ` � : �: . _: _ � _� = ._ ..._ - _-'_"'`4.--�._ ._ . . - � 4 � -- _ ' _ . . ' I11pIWI�irNLTOa�voKra,p,�( oi 9& PICKERING PUBLIC LIBRARY _ __ ._..__ ..._ _ �,,n��•�•a�. • Plekain{, Onitrlo LIV 6K7 TdeQlace (90!) e]1�6261 Fu (90S) 83t�879! 27 Febn,uy t99a To dl Uun of t6e Hay Aldga Brane6 Library I am writing on behalf of the Pic�ering PubGc Ir'brary Board to inform you af some receat developments end dxisions wluch wiil6ave a major impact on I�b:ary secvice to Hay Ridga waa. Mmy of you aze aware thet Pickering Pubiic Lbnry Baerds (both cutrent and pest) have bem wppo�tive of maintainu►g branch Gbrery aavice rcflx6ng Pickaing's community valua by ddivering service to adsting neig6bowhood�. As many of you also Imow, that support we� roaintained in diffiailt tima through budget aUocsaoa� &om Council, end in apite of the fact that certein of our brenchd, including Bay Ridge�, wae unda-used. Titi� year thae has baa e signi6cant chenge in circumstances which hes caused the Boerd to re-assas its po�ition on the Bay Ridges Hranch Aa you probably know, a wmmittce of usero of tha Eut Shoro Cortununity Ceaue (ESCC), chaired by Ward 2 Regionel Couacillor poug Dickerwn, ia evaluatin6 the possibilitia of expending space end facilitia at the Cenue. T6is expension is necGSary in orda to accommodate considerabla pressure Eom a variery of user group�, but mori notably Pickering senion, a group which we �naw wi►I inc�ease dramatically in t6e future. Council will soon be facing a dceision ro dthv reorgeniu: the Centre'� adsting space or to consttuce a cosUy addition. In consideradon of this, the Boerd hes been requated to re-evaluate its decision to continue library secvice et the branch, sina the wmersion of Gbrary spaco to other use would ttsult in iaajor u�st savings to the taxpayec At iu 26 February 1998 Board mating, Ward CounciLoro Doug Dickerson and Mark Holland outlined the diffialt choicw faciag Pickerin& with Prasure for community urvices increasing and provincial revenues decreasing. � The Boasd haa loag recognized thst the Bay Ridga Branch hes low uu compered with otha c:iw and the rystem as a whole; end rxmt survry data shows that the mejority of users drive to the branc6, which is less then 2 km. from t6e Central Library. These facts have not altaed ova the years, end by themselves would not have caused the Board to changa itt position an the Branch. However, iathe face of the dilemma confronting the MilWig Mdrai Poc Csntnl L@rery and Bnucha: P.O. Ho�c 368, Piekain& ON Gnde LI V IR6 ' ' I \ ,t���wll��' .��y� 5 Towq the Boerd feele thet it mun allow Couacii to lWly coneider the community end Hnenciet isaua affecdng Pic�aing taxpayere ae a whole, by agraing to cease operating the Hranch IF Cowal determina that thi� ie the bwt uu of rwourca for the ovaaU community. It would be irraponsible for the Board to insist on maintaining the Branch at the acpmse of other goupr. thie decision must be mada by Council which reprexnu the community at large. Coasequently, the Board at ita 26 F�bruary meeting passed a motion to tha foUowing e@'ect: • thet t6e Board recommend tn Council for approvel the replacement of the Bay Ridgq Branch with modi6ed sateWta service including book retum and Reading Readinaa programs Cor pre-schoolen, at whichever time is the earlier of: the date when the branch spna in the Community Cenue is required for renovation or ra allocation; or 30 June 1998. • and that the community be given the opportunity for input to Council on the metter ova the next few waks. The Board hes artived et thie decision with wnsiderable regret, having fought varioua budget challenges ova the years to maintain Branch servicea. We understand that those usero who value the Branch wiU be disappointed. But we must recognize that the Board's overall responsibility ia to the communiry u a whole and for that reason, Council must be Gee to make a dxision based on the best uu of tax ead othu resourca. Thero will be an opportunity for Bay Ridges usen to shere their views with Council, and I urge all of you to take that opportunity, Pleau alw caU dther me or the Chief Librarian Sandy Cemeron at 831- 6265, Ext. 236 if you would like further infortnadon. A package of data (stetistica, etcJ which the Board considered when maldng its decision is available. Please ask Bay Ridge� staPFifyou wieh to obtain a copy. Youn �( Q Till Foster Chairmen cc. Mayor Wayne Mhuro end Council President, PESCA r � i i . . .; ` ` ' ' ` t,.•,. 6 �iMMNTM�TO�cpORT^ �i�.0 dl-9f PICIQRD�i6 PU1LG iDR�9Y BO�lo9 MOiION �: BAY I��L9 BR!NCH: � W6erw tbe eomm(tta of uten pl�min� lbe reaovuioa ot the Eut Shon Commuatty Cmtro hu m�de tbe Wel�erin� Poblie Libnry Boud �wue t6at lde inten�tty of tommunhy dem�ad for ip�ee in lhat Ceatrc t� �uch tlut tde Town ot Pickeria` murt cowtruet w �ddiUon lo the buildin� rou`hly equiv�kat to the �p�u tilcea by the Bry Rid`a Bnneh Libruy; and WAereae, io order !o ueommod�te rapomibly, wilhia �dded fued co�utninb, tAe prwnro ot currcnt usen �nd the peni�tent ind ioercuinQ nad tor addiNonv ip�u iu t6at faeWty, every av�ilabk meuure for aanamy murt be implemented; �nd Whercu the di�tina from t6e B�y Ridea Bnned Libnry to t6e Cmtrd Libnry b ku than B reeomrtKaded ta t6e °Guideliaa u�d criterir, � piaaainQ modd tor tde tuturc" e6ipkr in Ux PiekerinQ Public Libnry Bo�rd't F7ve YcarP(an 1997-100/; �nd W6erw Ux findinw of the �urvey ot libruy usen coaduded in the I�te wiater/euly iprin` of 1998 indiate that the majority of Bey RidQa Bnnch rapondenb live �rit6iu N�Ikin� d'utana of tde Bruud and come to lhe Libnry by ear; �nd Wherw, dapite ataReRorh to inercax public use �t the Bay R3dQa Bnnch-:uch u iuer•foeuud eollection devetopmcnt �nd auQmented urvica includinQ CD-ROM actai wd pre-u600len' RadinQ Radinae pro�nm� -�nd We etfort� o(� eommunity Gbnry committee atebliihed by tAe Picke�InQ Eut Shorc Community A»oeiiNoa (PESC��, activity leveu thtre h�ve betn fillinQ stadily over the put uven ye�n both Nhen meuured in Uol�tian md u compved Mith the Libr�ry �yetem u � whole; and Wherw tha PiekerinQ Public Libnry Bo�rd i� ehuQed by the Publtc Lf6rariu Ad, l98/ �rit6 the provi�ton ot "eRicient pubRe libnry service" (See. 20.(�)►; NoM t6ereforc be it moved th�t the Coqrontion ohhe Town of PickerinQ Poblic Libr�ry Bard recommend to the Couneil of Ihe ToMn of Picke�inQ for �pprovd, the repluement of the B�y Rldea Bnnch �ith modified �ateliite service includ(nY book rctum wd Re�diaQ Readinaa proQrune, �t �h(chever time is the arller ot, lhe d�te when !he Bnnch ip�ce in the Eut Shore Community Cenlrc u rcqutrcd for naontion or re-dioatton; or 30Juae 1998; �nd Thit an information p�ekaQe be m�de tmmedi�tely ivul�ble to the public in the B�y Ridan Bru�eh and Central Libnry, with copin to Council �nd the Piekerina Eut S6orc Community A»oeiatian (PFSCA) outlininQ the i�mes eoncernina the Eut Shore Communily Cmtn, apecially the potentid dternative we and eo�t uvinQs; �nd That �t upcominQ public matin� of Counal, d�ta �� be confirmed, the eommunity be Qivm tull opportuniry to m�ke thar vierv� an thL m�tter known to Council tor coroider�Uon in ib dai�ioa on lhe Eut Shoro Community Centrc. ,. i! � I u 1 �n�:K 3 rn��ol•y P[CIQRING PUBL[C L�AARY MI6CiLLANI0ll9 3fIZ DATA AND COINPARISONB 1. CollaY,�m wdoon-u�e (u of 31 Deeember 199� In any collecdon a number of items � circulate, namely the refuence coAxtion. That coUection ie a much smaller Eaction of a brench wllaKion then it ia oCthe system wllecdon es a whole because a lerge fraction of the Cenval colladon ia non- circulatinng, The foUowing statistics are indicadve of the use, but that use mey be effected by the quality of the spxi&c coUection. Sy�tem: 34•/. of collation uouaed from 1 July to 31 December Rouga HIO: 34'/. of coileetioa uouud from 1 July to 31 Daember Bay Rldga: 58•/. of eoileedoa uouud from 1 Jul� to 31 December 2. Saving� and rrdiroeNon of Bay Ridga Bnnch budget ailoaHom if Breucd is closed (enimated 1998 costs) Thi� info�madon was provided in las detail at the January Boerd meeting, showing a total of 562,100 reallocated. The bronch collection budget has been incrcaud by 53,100 from the amount shown at that time. (See •• bdow.) • This amount would be re-ellocated to the new Watem Branch; esdmated use levels now indicate the nad for extra houn and wllection funde which, if the BR Branch wero closed, could be re-deployed as a future cost avoidance rather then being the subject of a budget requert for new dollen when the Westem Branch opens, •' Internel staff allocation, subjcet to approval of 1998 Operadng and Cepital budgets in their curtent emounts. •'� Thesa wsta wouid still need to be pdd by the Town, but not &om the Library's budget. A7�Bord���99vBa�r. „ _ i: � ; i : � � ,l �I�R�TO.REM7A�+d�!!:�ir''� -O/ - �'/' � Excapt 6om the Minuta of the Pickeriog PubUc Libruy Bard Cancniuee of the Whole Moaing tkW Wodoaday, l t Febnury 1998 The CEO reviavad'wtul 8nd'u� of the user aurvey fran quatiaaa�i�a fillad in tt tho &y Rtdgd 8tsnc6. Ooly 29 oanpletcd qut�tiomaira 6ad baa tv�ilable 6om w6ich to luro t6o SOLS etaffproa� data tn dme for the mating, elthoug6 s mu!I aumber moro wero imowu w haw been canpleted sinco. 7Le CEO emp6uized that the mbuluioa+ wae thaefoce very muc6 pnliminary� eod dut no croea-tabulatiaa� wae avei4ble ya. Data which he teported included tLe fouowing: • 78Yo &male rcapondentr, 22°/a msle . • 40%belKaa 23 and 39 yuct of age; 30% 60 years af age or olda • l0 mpa�deati rcportai no childrrn; l3 rcported cLildaa laa tvan 6 yr. old; 6. reported ebildrea 6- l2 yr, old; 4 repo�tad childim 13 - l9 yr. old (IUo cawltant ooted that thie u a lower reporting tlun u uaw! in t6e GTA.) • 71%tnartitd . all wited tho Brmch twica per maath or moro frtqutatlY •� .. • 3976 camo by car _....._ . .. .. . 63YeGvedaithinwa0dogdist�na�oflheBrxnch.._ ....... . .. .. .. . Tla cauultmt expaud @an ihae fmdings that the cate6ment ara for the Broxh would be w mull a� W be diffiailt w map � ` ' � • • , �� ;, �,�., � � i �' ` � i ;;c i � � :a �r � .� . 3 r f ..� � 1 . . . .. rS.� y � �gk4� �� t � . � . r �� _. . . . , 1 ..� .. � .. � . . . c ti<,u ) 9 �tr�o�rrN.�lq�o�ra.p��;�J,:9� sy���m �ou«aoo moa,n«.aa� i��. i�e The Library'a collxdon funds (Operating Budget acc, 5310 md Capital Budgec acc, 6178) are divided emong the six sitw by en intemal naff budgeting process which allocata � in emouat� which cortapand roughly to each site's share of total circuladon in the previous yar. Northem Branchcs ua so Gttle circulntion that it ia nece�ary to exceed that guideline in order to provide a reasonable level of service. Tha additionel thnding comw from, eadthereforo reducw, the Cenual Library's. Vartence from that modd occurs for two reasons: l. unplanned, by the feilure of all mataida ordued with a speci6c annual ellocation to be rccaved within the eppGcable year. Thero ie a nortnal leg between orda and receipt of up to three months for boolc� (and occuioneUy longu), which mea�u that items ordaed towerds the eod of a calendar year may not be received in that year. 2, plemed, by steh; s daasion to focus resourca on a speci6c site'e wllectione. The Bay Rtdges cltildrea's callectiom particululy were focused an ia 1994, and staff have budgeted to coacenuate on the adult wllectioro in 1998. As with the case of Northem brancha, the imbalance in funding is wrrected by rcducing the Central Library's allocation. The foUowing table compares each site'� c'vculadon with its budget alloca6oa a� percmtaga of tbe respective rystem totale. (The Northern Hrenchea have been groupedJ 1994 wa� the first fWl year in which the Dynix automated acquisidons module wa� ftilly operadonal; 6nencial data from prcvioua yean is dit5cult to acces�. 1'he "Spike yea�' refas to the 1996 total cirailatio� which exceeded 1,000,000 item�. Circuladon t6en feU in 1997, but 1997's was still higher ttun 1995's, and the general rystem vend 'w circulation conti�nues upward. The Gne greph showa the same information for Bay Ridges in piaoriel fortn. � � ABBordu��99tkmcb�doo . � � � . . . . . . . . . 1 . i ;, J ID .A0�3AOT.+a1N3Mi]�ATTA • , • ' 199� • 9{ 1991- 93 1995 -% 1996 - 97 1997 • 9B � S Ike ar BRMtytu 50,1l0 47,4SS 46,789 /8,90! �],617 clrer4tla� BRflrrtyar S,39SL J.14lG 3,0745 4.87Y� 4.SM�i elrc u SS of total BR retoad S.O7 SL 6.OS Y. 3.19 X l.12 SL 3.43 Y. yeu'�Laf (f17,261 (520,229 (SI6,609 (SIS,BY6 (520.093 collteNoe Actual) Actuaq Aduaq Actual) budgeted) bad 1997 • 94 I994 • 9S (993 - 96 1996 - 9'! 1997 • 98 S xa n�e re.r I14,674 121.69] 114,873 124,99� 129,462 d�,� IlHflfrt�pt 11.]47G 1).19'Y. 12.46Y� 12.47Ye 13.36Ye d�s u yG of ttes toul RH KCOOd 17.34 5G 16.J6'h 14.4 Ye 12.77 % IO Y� (S36,R53 yar•Aaf (f46,488 (f54,461 (ft6,1�7.77 (5�9.391 Budgeted) eoUatlao Attual) Acnul) Actuaq pctuaq bad 1993 - 94 1994 • 91 I993 - 96 1996 - 97 1997 - 98 S ike N Hr tl�ri ]7,]40 )1,729 38,999 25,225 26,236 7w' d�,a� N Br in year 7.599L 3.�4Y. ].I�tY. 2.32Yo 2.71% drcu74of rtem tohl NBrSndyw 3.295L S.OIY• �,I6Y. 4.63Ye 4.SYa(S16,SSd '�Gof (518,179 (516,695 (f17,709 (514,231 BudgNed) eollatlan Actual) Actual) Actual) Actual) bud t997 • 94 1994 • 93 199! • 96 1996 • 97 1997 • 98 S ike cnnr�creu 731,162 721,641 7�1.624 80],082 769,593 dmJ,don CN ltt yeu' 78.67Si 78.21Y. 79.77Y� 80.13% 79.43% tirc af'h of ttem lotd CN 2nd ytar 76.14'�i 72.33 Y� 76.14 Y. 77.J8 X 80.03 °/. M.oftolke- (S261,493 (5241,338 (f247.788 (f2�8.96) (f29S,000 doo 6ad Aaual Actual Actual Actual Bud aed �tl���+4arbµdm ' . . . � .� . . ., � , . � .. B+y Rtdpu Circulttlon tf9i • 97 s�000 s0000 �e000 �e000 �raoo �eaoo �s000 awoo u000 �2000 �i000 �0000 +ow �oa �eca �eae �aa� Whitevok Clreulatlon 199� • 9T moo e000 s000 �000 a000 saoo t000 0 �� �ow �cas ��ne �� Ctaremont Clrculetlon 199� - 9T t+000 �xoo t0000 eaoo eaoo 4000 moo 0 �� ioa ��s �see �ar� Roupe Hill Circulatlon 199� - 87 Orwnwood Clrculatlon 199� - 97 ta0000 �as000 i20000 t ts000 �i0000 �osaoo �em �e�x �eoa ��ae �ce� Central Clroulallon 199�-97 ta5oo . ,n � s 1.� t e�a000 � ,. ;r'' {� �' 4 f,� E00000 '" 14000 ; ' � t� x���t 780000 t � °� i x ` � b ' "� � .: i �� d 780000 r 11500 f��� x a� ': 7WOW � a� , �.; 720000 � q�a t, ` , �s s *�* 700000 '� -��h '` F 1J000 �,��;� f� . G� � Epi)ppp . .z s i ���� ,� ; � �� ; '�' 880000 'i F .: �j ; � T�s ..� ii'� � ..�� � f3M �� � -� ilsao ° { . � f � g a°°°° ` �� , �: �:� � ' r�- � r�� � e�0000 �, + ° � �.' � > ` � : #;, , ,�`s t2000 �ea� " toa taea .,'� `%'�. � � � � a . ATTAGIMH�tTp�rO��.C..�,C ' 0/'S'o ' � , � �11� . . • T .n i�+9MN��►'.'�J1 ��� 6 TOREPOATl�,�.0 •O/' E � �� � y �� �l�l� o TT � U � a � � .. m r � � � a e � m a e 0 u m 9 a o ma °f e 9 � u Try m m � E m a N r. O m � L � w m � � � � � 3 0 t � � s a s � s s � m � � � � � � � � a � � N m � � � � � �, �� a d ,� ,� � � � � � � � � � � Synem Circulatlon 199� - 97 . , ,�, ,� ,� ,� ,� Circuladon By Site 1997 wv ea c� ox �x �x �,. 80% IR % �R= Bay Ridgn CE =Cen.rel CI = Cleremont GR=Greemvood RH=Rouge HIII WV=WhRevale 13