HomeMy WebLinkAboutGM 08/98% :'.��:: ��1 ,' r•: � ' 1�1:2 � � o,,,;;oF�, � � �� � FROM: Thamas J. Quinn General Tteneger . REPORT TO COUNCIL DATE; ]uly 2, 1998 REPORT NUMBER; GM 08-98 SUBJECT: Westem Likrary Branch and Multi•Funclional Communily Facility - Existing Buildings (East Woodlands Site) - File: PF 2030 RECOMMENDATION� I. Report to Council GM 08-98, including attachments, dcaling with tha East Woodlands Site for the Westem Library Branch and Multi•Functional Communily Facility and the exisling buildings on sitc should bc received. 2. Given the fact ihat therc is no practical usc for the regency wttege or the bWler sryla building, and given thc financial constraints wa are curcently facing, it is simply unrealistic at this time Io undertake the prescrvation oFthcse buildings. Council should consider ihe demolition of the axisting regency cottage and buNer sryla building at tha East Woodlends site, at the eppropriate timc, either when dispensing with the lands and or with the canstruction ofa ncw building. 3. Funhermora, it is recommendcd that any disposition of thc land in question be addressed aRer the Durhnm Doard of Education has formally clarified to the Town its intentions with regards to the Woodlands Park School site, expected in October ar November, 1998. ORIGIN: Council Resolulion 95/96 passed on May 19, 1998, AUTHORITY: Mnnlci�xd Acl, R.S.O. 1990, s,^.ction 207; Council Resolutions 375/97, 30/98 and 95/98 F[NANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Pravision for the demolition and removai of all existing stiuctures �n site (regency cottage and butler style building) is estimated at S 10,000, aad is included in the 1998 Capital Budget (Account 2745). There has been no budgetary provision for any altemative selective demolition and/or n storation costs, which could be as high as 5365,000.00. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Sinw the designatian of the Eest Woodlands Pe�k as the site for the new Westem Library Branch and Multi-Functional Community Centre, it was requested that we detertnine if tha regency cottage wuld be incorporated into the new facility to best meei the needs of the Pickering Public Library and the communiry, After a thorough review and verious consultations, it has become quite evident that wa hevc no prectical use for the regency wttege or the buUer sryle building located at thet sita S; ,. �., '� Report to Council GM OS-98-98 • Datc: July 2, 1998 1}.� Western Librery Branch and Multi•Functional Communiry Pacility - Existing Buildings (East �Voodlanda Site) Page 2 Without tnking into consideration at this time the financial impact of euch an undertaking, it should be noted that both the architectural and consulting firtn were in concurrence with ihe Pickering Public Library CEO's professional opinion that there was no justifiable reason to inwrporate the regency cottage that would be beneficiel for the Iibrary's use, while maintaining tha architectural integriry or authanticity. in addition to ihis, the butler style building must also be removed in order to make the best use of the existing site. lt should be noteJ, that staff continue to work within the community ta find a suitable location for the re•location of Ihe food bank which is curtently housed in this building. Council is respectfully reminded that further architcctural work on ihe design phese of the Westem Brunch has been halted, pending Council's direction on the disposition of the regency cottage. In addition, we must keep in mind that in the evant the location of the proposed facility is changed, and it is later determined to ofler a portion of this property for sale, it would be necessary to remove the existing structures on site in order to receive the meximun dollar value for this existing site. BACKGROIUID: Since Council endorsed thc East Woodlands Park as thc sitc for the new Westem Library Branch and Multi-Funclional Communiry Facilily thcre have bcen three community issues that required subslantial revicw and consideralion: 1. relocation of thc soflball diamond at East Woodlands Park; • 2, remaval of the butler style building which currently houses the Pickering Food Bank; and 3. the slalus of the regency cottage. At its meeting of February 2, 1998, Council passed Resolution 30/98 endorsing the resolution of the Pickering Public Library Board to contract with the firm Stephen Teepla Architect lne. for the design of tha new Western Library Dranch. Subsequently, Resolution 95/98 was passed on Mey 19, 1998 directing stafi to procecd wilh design, development and construction drawings for a 10,000 square foot Ifbrary, plus a I,500 square foot community room (tolal I 1,500 square feet); and that ste(fbe directed to report back wilh a recommended design for Ihe selected option. Report GM 04-98 (attached for your information) identified 4 options for Council's consideration for the design and development of this facility. All options called for the demolition of the existing building on site (referred to as the regency cattage). Heritege Pickering was consulted, and in their preliminary report dated May 13, 1998 (attached) suggested varied uses if the building was restored. Subsequently meetings were held with the CEO of Pickering Public Library, Chairman of Heritage Pickering, along with a representative Gom the erchitectural firm and the Chief Building Officiel to discuss the preservation of the regency cottege. Further meetings wera held with the CEO of Pickering Public Library and representatives from the architecturel firm to review their original opinion that the continuing presence on the sile would cause a massing and design challenge which would seriously limit the etCectiveness of the site for the purposes of the proposed librery/community fecility. Furthertnore, tha firm was asked to conduct an informal review to detcrmine if there was any realistic way of incorporating the cottage in the design of the new building, however, upon f�rther roview their initiel opinion remained unchanged. in the report from the CEO of Pickering Publie Library dated June 24, 1998 (ettached), it was wnfirmed that the tegency cottage, whether fully or panialty resrored, could not ba operated in any menner which would be bsne(icial to the librery's functioning, while maintaining erchitecturel integrity or authenticity. It ahould also be staled that the Direclor of Cultura and Recreation has � ��}��port to Council GM 08-98•98 � Date: July 2,1998 Westem Library Brench end Multi•Functional Community Facility - Existing Buildings (Eest Woodlands Site) Page 3 indicated that the regency cottage and butler building would not be appropriate for programming purposes. In eddition to this, thc butler stylc building must elso be removed in order to make the best usc of the existing site. It should be noted again, that stafTcontinue to work within the community to find a suitable altemate fecility for the relocation of ihe food bank which is currently housed in tha ewsting building and as already stated, perhaps wilh the Woodlands School Site all these concems can be realized. The following summarizes the operalionai effects of retaining the existing regency cottege and tha removal of ihe butlar style building at the East Woodlands site; a) significant operational di�iculty end inefiiciency if the cottage is to house any portion of the library function or recreational programming; b) total additional capitai cast of more thnn approximatcly 5365,000; c) additional sta�'costs, depending on the function, of no less than 58,000 per annum; d) additional operating plant costs estimated at 3G,000 per annum; and e) exact costs for the removal of the buller style have yet to be eslablished, however esdmated costs are included in the 1998 budget provision to remove all structures on site. The Town oP Pickering has always supported preservation of our heritage which is quite evident by the operation of Pickering Museum Village in Grecnwood. While we recognize the significance of preserving our heritage, we must carefully review Ihe merits of each municipal preservation/rostaration project, taking into consideration the aperational and financial impact on the undertaking of a project of this magnituda. Given the fact that there is no practical use for the regency cottage, and the financiel constraints we are cunently facing, it is simply unrealistic at this time to undertake the preservatian/restoralion of this building. ATTACHMENTS: I. Council Resolution 95/98 2. Iteport GM 04•98 and supporting documentation 3. Report from the CEO, Pickering Public Library (dated )une 24, 1998) end supporting doaimentation 4. Letter from Durham Board of Education (dated July I5, I998) ��, • i ! _._ . 'G om s J. Quinn TIQ:jh:kr - Attachments Copy; CEO, Pickering Public Library Chairperson Pickering Public Library Director of Parka and Fecilities Director of Culture and Recreation Director of Planning Director of Public Works Executive Coordinetor ,. � 115 . �MNNTN.LTO REPORTp�'(L4t'�r� INTER-DEPARTMENTAL ME1bIORANDUM CLERK'S DCPARTMCNT DATE: Mny 21,1998 T0: • T.J. Quinn, General Menagcr • S. Cameron, Chicf Executivc Omcer, Library • G.A.Paterson,DireclorofFinance FROM: Bruce Taylor, Town Clcrk Please ba edvised thel the Council of Ilie Town of f'ickering passeJ Resolutlon N95/98 al a Regular Council Meeting of May l9, 1998. That Repart to Council GM1f U4-98, iucluding Altnclunent No, t, Jenling wflh lhe watern librnry nuJ mulli-fuucl(uual cauuuunity fncilily nl lhe Enat WoadlnnJs Perk, be receivcJ; nnd Thal atnff be direcled lo prutad wflh design Jevelopment nnJ conrirucUon drawings for n 10,00U sq, ft. libr�iry; �ilus I,SUU sq. fl, comwunily raom �latal 11,500 sq. f1.J; nnd � That a pro-buJget expeudilure fur prufesstunal servica rclnled lu q�e Jesigu developmmt nnd canelruclion drmvings fur Ilie eelected uplion (e hereby eulhariud; and That etnlT be JirecteJ lo repurl bnck lu Council i�� Ju�re 1998 wilh a recoromended design for ihe selecled oplimi. 'Ihis resolution is sent to u for your informalian. Bruce Taylor, Town Clerk � , �. � � � _ 4 : l a s o,�N OF P,� ��� � ��� M�NiN�TO RSPORT ft �im •�+� RTPORT TO COUNCIL PROM; Thamns J. Quinn �ATIs: April 21,1978 Oencral Mnnngcr RfPOR'f NUMDGR: Ghi 0d•98 SUDICCT: 1Vcslcrn l.ilttnry nnd Mulli-�unclinnnl Canummily �acility - Rcqucsl lo procccd to dcsi�n devclapment nnd cor.slniGinn drmvings - i�ile: Pf 203n RfCOM1MIiNDATION: 1. Report lo Council (1h104-9R, including Atlnchmenl Nn. I, dcaling willi lhc wcslcm librnry nnd mulli-functionnl cnmmunily fnciflry nt tlic I:asl 14ondinnds Park, shmild he reccivcd, ?, Town Crnmcil shmdd dccidc on onc of Ilic following courscs of nction; �Cmmcil In ulecl nn npllnn frmn cll6cr A, II, nr C� A. Tn dircct slnff lo pmcccd tvilh dcsign dcvclnpmcnl nnd cnnslniclion dratvin�s far; �Conncll lu sclecl nn opllmi frmn ellher �I), pi►, plp nt (Iv)� (i) In,nnn sq. n, libmry (II) 10,000 sq. Il. IiMrnry; plus I,snn S�i. n. �m»n,����iiy r���» �Inlnl I I,500 sq. Il.� ((U) IO,nnn 5��. n, ri,����y; pins I,snn s��. n, cnmmunity ronm; plus 2,nnn s�. n. rcnlnl spncc (lolnl la,snn s�. n.� (iv) 10,000 sq. Il. librnry; phis I,500 sq. Il. comnumiry ronm; plus fi,50tl sq. ft. cmnmunily ccntro (wliich cnn inchidc renlnl spncc) (Inlol 18,non Sq. n.� 13, Tn direG stnff lo procced wilh design dcvclopmcnt nnd rnnslniclian dra�vings for snmc olhcr cnmhinmion of spncc nnd flonr arcu for Ihc wcstcm li6rnry anJ muhi• ' functinnnl cnmmmiily fncilfly Ihnn scl out in A nhovc. �Cnnncfl �n ipeclfy 16e ipnce and Ilnnr area combinnllnn� C. To dcfer n dccision on Iliis mnticr unlil nOcr ronsidcralion of Aic Town's 199R hndsel. 3. Should Cmmcil decidc �o pmcced In design devclopment nnd conslniclinn Jrawings, Cmmcil shmdd; n) nnlhnrizc n prc-budgel expendiluro fnr prnfessionnl scrvices rclnlcJ In Ihc Jesi�n dcvclnpmcnl nnd consiniclinn drnwings for Ihc scicctcd aplion; b) duccl stnff In repml bnck In Cmmctl in Jimc 197A wili� n reconunended dcs�gn for Ihe sclecicd oplinn; nnd : c) d(rcet slnff lo (niliulc nny rcquircd rernning, nnd issuc n requcsl for proposnls for 1hc usc nf thc renlnl spncc, If Ilie scicetcQ npifmi Inclodes Ihe provisim� of rentnl spnce, '- s ,-.Itepo�llo Council (itv104•9N Dnlc: April 21, 1998 • SubJccl; \Voslem I.Ibrnry nnd M�dli•runclinnnl Commmilly Irnciliry I'agc ?' � 117 ORIdIN; Cnunci) ResnluHon 11 J75197, Ilcm 113 supporling Ihc Librnry Onard Duilding Commillec in i�s iNention lo prnceeJ lo thc cmiccplunl dcsign phnsc for a mulli-fimclinnal community facility an Iha Cnst Woadlands Park silc, Iho elcments lo indudc librnry, scninrs, youlh anJ cmm�wniiy Sra��. isxecutiva Commiuee pre•mccting of April 14, 1998, requcsling tlmt slnff providc morc detail an Ihc rycslem librnry and conununily Giciliry. AUTI IORITY: Tlie Municipnl Acl fiNANC1Al. IMPI.ICA1'IONS: 'fhc fiillmving Inble summnrizes Ihe cnpilnl rnsls fnr Ihc fmv nptions idciNificd in item A of thc rccommcndnlion. II nlso prmidcs nn eslimnlc of Ihc Profcssinnnl fecs for dcsign dcvelopment nnd cons�n�clinn drmvings. At Ihis lintc, should Council wish lo procced lo design dc��clnpmcni and cnnstniclim� drawin�;s, prc•hudgct nutl�nriznlim� wmdd bc necdcd only lo covcr thc Pmfessinnal Scrvicc fccs, whid� nrc hnscd nn n perceningc nf Ihc rnnstniGinn cost of Ihe fncility. funds lo cover ony pmfessimmi scrvice fecs wnuld be chnr6ed In Accaunt 3?O•0090. Tlic foregoing hns becn discusscd wilh Ihc DircGnr of �innnce, �vho cnncurs wilh Ihc Rcport and ils recommendnlions. r:xr:cuTivr: suMMnrzr Slnff necd Jircclion from Cnuncil m� whether lo procccd lo dcsign devclopmcnt and conslniclinn drmvings for ihe weslcrn libmry and cmnmunity fncilily, Council mny nlso �vish to defer u decisinn on Ihis mnller un�il nllcr cnnsidcrmion of Ihe 'I'own's 199A budgcl. Sho�dd Council agrec Io prncced, dircclion is nlsn ncedcd on Ihc sizc nnd scnpc of ihe fncilily. four options arc pmvided, beginning tvllh n Hhrnry nnly (lotnl size IO,nnn S�, p.) up lo and including a fall lihrnry nnd rnmmunity cenlrc (Inlnl sirs I8,onn s�. n.�, Cmmci) mny nlsn tvish In scicct somc athcr cnmliinal(on of spncc nnd Onnr nrrn fnr Ihc flicility. � Report In Cmmcil ClM 04-9R Daie: April 21, 1998 ` ' Suhjecl: Westcm l.ihrary nnd Mulli•funcl(nnnl Communily fncilily I'agc 7 118 Shnnld Cmmcil decidv tn procced, prc-bndgct nulhorizatinn waidd bc nccdeJ lo rnvcr thc cnst of Ihc professinnnl service fces fnr dcsign devclnpmcnt anJ cnnslniclion drawings. 'flicsc fces wnuld vary dcpenJing nn Ihc oplion sciccicd (scc finnncinl implicnlions seclinn). As well, should Cmmcil wish In prncccd, it is suggcsled Ihnl slaff bc dirccicd to repnrt back lo Cmmcil in lune 1998 with n recnmmended clesign fiir Ihe selecled nplinn. furthennore, shnulJ Ihe selecled optinn indudc rentnl spnce, slaff should I�c direcicd In inilinlc nny rcquired rezoning, and issue a rcquesl fnr proposnls for Ihe usc of Ihc rcnlnl spnce. U shnuld also i�e noted tlmt nll tl�e idenlified oplinns cnll fnr Ihe demolilion of Iha exis�ing I�rick huilJing on ihe property, Ilcriingc Pickcring, limvcver, Is cnnsidcring Ihe merils of liovin� Ihe existing brick huilding nn silc prescrved nnd restorcd ns pnrt oF Ihe redevclnpmenl. Anmher oulsmnding issue rclnicd lo Ihis projcct conccros Ihe rclacnlimi of Ihc food bank currently on site. (IACKOROUND; Sincc 199J, Ihc Pickcring I.ibrory flnnrJ hns considcred Ihc nccd In rcplacc Ihe Rousc Ifill i.ilirary Ornncli with n new fncilily. ln 1997, Town Crnmcil nppmvcd ihc Tnwn•mvneJ fasl IVnodlnnds Pnrk nn Kingslon Ron�l ns Ihc dcsircd locminn (nr n ncw hrnnch, nnd in Dcccmbcr of Ihal ycar, apprmed Ihe scleclinn of nrchilecl Stephen'feeplc, lnc„ tn devclop conccptual dcsiEns fnr a lil�rnry hrnncli mid cmnmunily spncc. Altnched to Ihis Itcpnrl i� n backgronnd dncumcnl prcpnrcd by Ihc Cf0 • I'ickcrins Puhlic I.ibrnry, Direclnr nf Pnrks nnd fncililies nnd Ihe Direcinr of Cuhure nnd Recrentimi. That documcnl provides dclnilcd informmimi nn vnrinus issncs rclnlcd In Ihc librnry nnd comnumity fncility, inchiding infimnntion on Ihc fnllmving: • cslimntcd nren m�d populntinn to hc scrvcd • Ifhrnry spncc rcquirenunls • communiry spncc considcmlimis • finnncinl considcrnlions, includin� rnnslruction cosl cslimmcs Tlic pmccss hns rcachcd Ihc singc whcrc il is nmv npproprinlc In obinin Cmmcil's direclinn on tvheiher or not Ihe nrchilcct shmdd he inslnicted In pmcced lo Ihe design dcvelopment stage nnd Ihe preparalinn of conslrnctinn drnwings. Should Cotmcil �vish lo procccd, a decision is nlso needed nn Ihe sizc ond scopc nf Ihc fncilily. �our choices nrc providcd fnr Cmmcil's considerntinn: (i) Libmry only (lolnl I O,nnn S�. n.� (ii) I.ihrnry nnd Comm�roiry Romn pMnl 1 I,500 sq, li.) (iii) Lihrnry, Communily Ramm �nd Reninl Space (lotnl 1),snn s�. n.> (iv) I.ibrary, Con;munily Raom, nnd Cmnmunily Ccnlrc including rcnlal spacc (Inlol I B,onn 5�. n.� All oplinns cnll for Ihc dcmnlition of Ihc cxisling brick buiiding on Ihc silc. Ilcritage Pickering hns heen consulled, and mny be recmnmending Ihat Ihc cxisting �uilding bc prmccicJ and reslored as pnrt of Ihe prqjceL Il should bc nnted, howcvcr, Ihat pmtecting and rcstoring the existing huilding will incrcosc Ihc Inlnl cost nf Ihc pmjcet nnd mny complicatc and constrnin sitc developmcnl. furlher infiirninlion may 6c fnrlhcmning frnm I Icriinge i'ickcring on tliis mnUer. Anolher oidslnnding issuc which is bcing dcnll wilh liy slnff conccros tiic fnnd hank Ihnt is currenlly on silc, Slnff nrc wnrking witl� Ihc fnod hnnk ta find nn ncccpinhic nllcmnti��e lacolion williin Ihc Town. �,.�,�n�wwUmu vi�iui••rn ' 11d1u: r1p�11'dlj1l7'JS � � SuhJect: \Veslcm Gil��nry mid Midli-FunrQnnnl Comnttutlly I�ncilUy , I'nge 4 �" � � +_�� 9. ; {, ATTACIIMI?NTS; 1,� I' � � :, �� ' i, I. Aockgroimd Report frnm 16e CI?0, Pickcring Pnblle I.ibrary, Dircclar of Culmre aiid Recrenlion nnd Ihc Dircclor of Pnrks nnd �ncllilics, Preparcd T3Y� Appmved / P.mlorsed I3yt r � :� . 9'h nns �. elyn k ' lmmas J. Q i in ; TJQ/fM Allachment Copy : CCO - Pickcring Puhlic 1.ibra�y DireGor of Culliuc nnd Itcercntion Direclor of Parks mid �ncililies . - . ;1,��- - � ,F -.� � . t ;': �; -. . `.y.� . ',-f ` � . t i_ SG' i� ' ��2 t .. .'. : . � � . ,'� 20 ATTACIiMENT N�TO REPOKT/�;�`.�' `� ti Rcpart un: I?IISI iY11111III1111I9 IIC�IIOI'l'llll'lll I.ibrnry Ike�icl� &( muG16I NUikIANAO�R RGCEIVEO: �� 1'rcparc�l tnrs 1'Ickcring Public I.Ibrury Umv�l :lulldiug Conunlll iLE NO.: , 'I'. Quluu; Pnwu of IMckcring Ccucrni Nuungcr ,,,,�� r„• Preparcd by: A. Cmncron, C.13,0,, Piciccring Puhlic I.il�rnry S. Itcyunlds, blrcclor, I)cparlmenl of Collurc nud 1i.14uulsmn, Ulreclor, Pnrl�s & Irncillllcs Uales 23 A��rll I'J'JN Itenlnremen11.l6rnrv Itrm�cli The iniliul impelus fur this project is Ihe ncc4 lo crcule u rcp6icemenl Urnncl� fnr thc exislfng Itmige Ilill Oranch. Tlie pranch hns I�cen Identified us neciling rephicement siuce I))J, becouse of its age, coudilion und size, whicli cnmbine lo moke it 6mJequale la serve eilher Ihe currcnt or fulure wes�em popula�ion. 7'hese resiJenls Jrive past Itooge Ilill lu obluiu scrvice ul Ihe Cenlnd I.ibrnry. Uccnuse of Council's nnJ Ihe Li6rnry Bonrd's desire lo ctente tnulli-purpose fncililics, ihe Unard is cu-opernliug with'Powu peparlmenls tu find the most ecunnmiGnl nnd usefnl fncilily fnr Ilie'fown. I luwevcr, the rcplaccmcN uf Ihe Umnch is behind Ihe c;igimd schcdula becuuse of Ihc effuil la find p��riners. 'fhe Ilmnch must be a building priority, Ingcihcr will� Ihc repincement uf Ilw current Cammunily (Scniors') Ilaam. A design �o uccoimnoJNe laler nJJi�imis, ns weU ns cumwerci�d spuce is recnnunended, sn Ihal tlie Lilirary ph7se is nM Qelaycd. h is noted Ihnt tno mnny pminets will cruwd Ihe sile, especi�dly in tenns uf p�nking. The new Librury Imilding cannul I�e Iess 16�m 10,(NNI5.1�. if il is In provide ndequule scrviccs lo wcslem rosiJnms. A1 10,000 SJ�. it is nlre:idy Icss spaciuus Ilrw li6rnry slnn�L•uds requirc, nnd than odicr similur lihraries in Ihe dTA. Cnuncil tnusl idso decide au Ihu disposilion nf Ihc lirick Imildiug on Ihcsilc, which if rtsloreJ, will udJ io Ihe projeci cus�, nnd cnnstrnin tlic fnncliannlily n( the siie. Opiians prescmed ihus far hnve neillier Included nar costcd Ihe reslornlinn of Ihe brick BailJiug. I'rojcct casls, nl 5125.OIlIS.1�„ orc comparablc lo Ihc wst of alhcr rccent'Pnwu huildiugs. I Ind Ihc projcci becn suir�cJ ns planucd in t991, Ihe cnsl wuulJ uhnosl certninly have iken Iess. It c�m be buill for Icss, bul wilh a Iess altraclive Jesign which �hu Ila;uJ fecls Ihe'Pawn wuuld uut fiuJ ucccpl�iblc. Cnnnnunllv I�nrllllv Wiih Ihc luss af ihc czisling buildings (npprnx, A,INNI xqmirc fecq m thc lius� Wuudlunds I'aik site onJ Ihe rnmmuniry romn (npprnx. 2,INNl squ;uc fccQ �d Ihc Iluugc Ilill Librnry Ifrnuch, Ihcrc is nn iumicdiale necd for a I,500 sqimrc fonl connnunily ranm. AppenJix IC is n samp�e schcilule fnr Ihe proposeJ cmnmunily room. There is olsu un inuncJiulc nced fnr �� YuulhlSeninrs Ronm far'I'cens (wilh'1'V, P���� P���6�P���6 olher I:ihle sporls nr gnmes) nnd Seninrs ('I'V, cntds mid games, elc.). Appendix IC is n s;unple sc6edule fur ihe prupuscd YnulldSeniors Itaom tlmt reflecls i6e duvclupmem mid impicwcumiion, wilh Cnuunuuily padners, of ncw youlh progrmns nnd scrvices In ensurc Ihc rccrcnlionnl nccds af Pickerins youlh nre mcl. Tlmre is an oppmUmity lu caplorc n pa�Uicrship wllh n locul scrvicc club lo lukc n tunjur rolc in Ihe capilal fundmising anJ operntions nl lhc ncw Cmmmmity I�nciliry. 7'hcrc is oiso an oppmtmiiry lu plan r�,� o ia�i�u�n>���p�� ra��„«5iai, c���������r�i��i ��5�� r„� �i�� ���t����i ��:� ��r �����i��•i,��q,o:� S�acc (npprox. 2,fN10 squure fect), The rccaounendallon of Ilic Dwud, nnd Tnwn sWff, Is for Ihc approvnl of Ihe following: • Ihc consln�clion nf Ihe rcpl�icewent Lilrcnry Urnnch miJ Communily Raom (1 I,SQO S.hJ slarting in fall, 1998; wllh Ilie oplion, nt Cauncil's discrcliun, la ndd 2,INN1 aJJilional sq.ft. of conuncrcial rental spacc; • iTlhe cnnunercinl rental sp;�ce uplion is npproved, Town sleff lo prepure n repurt un potenlial reulors, nnJ nny necessory re•zoning; • Ilic Jesign lu include Uie Ilcxihility lo expunJ hodzanlnlly in order lo nJd G�IUrc lilirary unJ commmiily spoce arrive a! n maxinwm of IR,(NNl sq.h. for Ihe enlire prajecl; • Ihe archilecl Io prncecJ l01he desigu devclo�micnl anJ conslrnclion dorumenl phuses for 16e muUi• funclianal facility, bascJ oo Ihc schcnmlic dcsigu cnnslnictlon csiimmc far ihc opiinn npprovcd; I.i6rury Uui�ding Commillw mid 'fown slnff In lepnrl lo Crnmcll nn q AUgnsl 1998 (or approval of working drnwings, finmicing nnd proccaHng In Icndcr for conslmcdnu. (Scc Appcudiz 8) � _ . � ,:. . . . V . . • 4 L�� 1. IlacHg�uund lu i'racess uf Itepinc��ig Raugc Ilill i{nmch • licplacement of Ilio Umnch luis bccn hichidcd In Ihc Oourd'a l�lve 1'mr Plrui since ' 1995, mid lu Ihe I�ivc Ycnr Cnpiinl Irnrecnsl siucu �9)3; • In 1996, Council npprovc�i n cnpimi nOnculion nf SI(III,OOII lo providc for Ihe invesliguiicni uf n pnssiblc siic (tlic Siccplc Ilill Church propc�iy� 1VIIICII µpSIICCI11CtI lua cxpensivc for pnrchusu I�y Ihc'Pown); • In 1997, Council npproved Ihe'I'owu-nwucd 1?ust Wuoillnnds Ihirk, us Ihe JesireJ loration for Ihc Unmclr , • In 1997, Council niso npprovcJ im nllocmion af SG09,as�� r�� m� r�5� nnli5� or,i,� builJfug, ns wcll us mi nllocnlion af SS(1,0(NI (ar Ilic firsl phusc af uu enlurged coUccliun lo mccl Uic pnpulmiou's nccds, 'lliis phusc wns dcluyeJ Juc lo tlic complcxily of finding suitublc purlucrs far Ihc silc m�J re-loculiug existing user gronps; • 6i Decem6er, 19J7 Cauncil approved Ihe scleclian o( urchi�ecl Stephen'I'ecple, Inc., la Jevelop concepluol design for n lilirnry brnncli und cannmmily space. 2. Eslfmaled Arca an�l Pupu6Ulau'Pn Ilc Scrved Ilo�mdaries: The nssumed cmchmeni aren fnr Ihe new librury brauch nnd conmiuniry fucilily is Ihe nren lying wesl of �uirpori Rd, nud west of Ihc wcsl shorc of Frenchmm�'s Uoy; easl of the Tnwn's wesleru border; sowh uf i6e CI'It trncks in i6c uonh; und nonh af Ilie lake shnrc In Ilte soutli. (Sec mnp, pppendix 4)� T6c 7�o�v�,�g ri���������b u��. i�:�s ��„�����i i�»r� c���s��s �inln lo pruviJc bnih Ilic nnmircrs, and Ihe nge/ sex chamclerislics of thnsc living wilhin ihuse baundurics. In Icrms o( Ihc Offidnl I'L•u�'s Uihan Arei Ncighbourhuod desiguulians, Ihc nrri cnrrespomis �o Roschank, \Vest Shi�rc, llnugcmounl, Woudlands, ludf of pun6a�lon, I lighlmsh, Ambcrlen, nnJ Rougc Pnrk. • 1996 papul;uinn u(nren: 72,2d5 (Slnlislics Cmwd;q • 19)) populntiun nf nrcn: 12,822 �I'I;umiug I)pl,) • sun2 �����i��i����� ��r,�«r�: ��,54d (I'Immfng i)pt J • zni�� i,�,���imt�,�� ��r,�«,�: ai�6G6 (Ihiill oul figurc, Gom I9nnniug Dpl.) ICcy uscr groups lu nren: • Tliere is evfJencu of n mini•bnby6�xnn, demugrnpher fnute�'s "Lcho" nf Ihe firsl I)aby [laotn; lu 19)6 maro tlmn n qunrlcr, 2696 iu fncl, of Ihosc resiJenl In tlie culcluucnt nrcii wero luss Ihnn fificen yenrs of nga WhHe il wfll nol lie possible lo • Appemlla A depicls btdlding nrens for Ihis recnmmendnllun, ' � Poule, �ilcliocl. ,flnom, biul m�J crl��r, hmr fn pn�l Jnnn tlie rmnLig Jemagraphfc ili{/1, Tornnla, 19J6. , I �' 1�z �� cstimalc from ccnsus didn un111 Ihu wiui-census in 21N11 whethcr Ihnt IrcnJ is com linuhig, slrenglhcofng, ur wenkeniug, Ihcro is avidcncc lo iuJinde tluil ft is nut � fnlling n(f wllh nny acvcdly. �ur ouc �Idug , Ihc nvcrngc fnmlly aiw In 1'ickedng, �.28 persnns, IS 611IISIIIIIIIIIIIy IIIf6C( (IIIIII �IIC RC6IOIIIII IIVCt116C O� IC59 III411 � �1C(50115 per huuschold. And Ihe I.ilimry's �lcading Itendfuusx prngrnms for ymmg chllJrcn (slorylimcs for hdnn�s, loddlcra, nuJ pranchuulcrs) cuntiuuc lo bc ovcrsubsciibcd. • In 197G, Ihnse hMwecn qll und A) ycnrs nf ugc, whn wcrc bain in Ihc I JSlls, couslllulcd I')76 of tlio nrcn's populnlinn, uud Ilm sizc uf Iluu ngc bnickcl tvill remain slolic aver thc fullowlug dccnQc, � Uu� in 1996 Ihosc in Ihcir Slls cmislilulcd 1117'0 of tlic populnlion, uud Ihut ugc 6mckel will nenrly Jouhlc lu 197u (n 2011G, � AnJ Iliase in lheir GOs tivill alsu duulile, Gow 5'�, in I))b l0 10^�, in 2(N16. � The age graup AO - G9 ycars of ngc in 1196 nmJc up a Ihird (]470) of Ilie arca's po���i�uo�,; by 200616cy wfll mnkc up ncurly 6ulf (4R"%). Thc demogrnphic picturc by ngc, Ihcn in I J9G, of Ihe weslern p;irt of 1'ickcring shows a largc propurtion af 6imilics: cliilQrcn mid Iccnngcrs m;ikc up 3375, anJ anolhcr 2)%0( pcoplc 30 - 4d ycnrs presunmbly includcs Ilic p�irenls of thosc chHilrcn. Thcte nrc relulively few pcoplu in Ihcir lwenlies (12'X�), nud Ihc temaiuing 2G7u ure nged 45 and nWcr, mnny of Ilicm nenriug icliremenl nnd cndy rcliremew. We cnunol know uulil thc mini-ccusus in 2001 whclhcr IDe new houscholJs muving inlo Ihe culchmenl nren cnNinue Ihnl p�Uleru of prcdmninmitly young fnmilics. We con rcasonably conjcclurc Ihnl 16c numlxr of Iliosc undcr IS ycars uf ngc �vill cunlinue lo bc a lurga part of Ihc pnpulnlion, nnJ will ucc4lhc wcsicm hrimch's scrviccs for sc6nul miJ personal infarmulinn nceds. Aud wc cun 6c nssurcd Ihnt Ihcre tvill cou�inuc lo bc largc nuw6crs of rendcrs born bcfotu Ihc udvcnl uf thc persnunl campuler fur whnm rcading is Impodunl, and 16c book is Ihc prcfcrral funual, uud fur whom scniurs' scrvices tvill bc iucrcnsiugly improlnul,. J. I.lhrnry currcul nud Polurc nccds, lucludlug spncc rc��ulremculs 3J ScrvlccSlmidnr�ls m�d (Juldclincs `Tlia l'ickcring Ihiblic i.ibrary Ilunrd cslublishcd its spncc pinnning crilcrin nnJ scrvfcc lovels in Us �ive•1'rur 17m� 1 JJ7 - 21N11 Dn�ed on couununly nceepled slnndarJs unJ guidclines. '11icsc nre scl mtl in (hdlding IiGrrirics; guiJclincrjurpid,lic librurict bi Ontrutn� nud nppcnr iu n nuudicr nf alhcr snurces�. 'I'hc variuus slnndanls nnd uonns ngrcc an thc minimum 6�isis fur pnrviding libr�uy spacc and a�llcclions: � U.G S(�IIAfL` �L'l`I (S.L) 0( IIIIIIIn' �ll'f L'i1�11I;� • 3 cnllccliun itcros per cupiia far liliruics scrving Icss Ih�w IIIII,0110 pnpulaliuu; �ar fncilily dcsign �iurpnscs, Iho 1'ickcring I'ublic t,ibrnry Oonrd has npp�ovcil 16c usc of Ilie Pickering hislaric slnnQnnl (1979 - 19N7) of 0.64 s.f per cnpiln, nnJ I)evelopmenl C6arges nre cullccicd In suppo�l thc cnpilul cosl of scrvice for new populalious nt Ihut rnle. Pnr colleclion mulcrinls Ihe'Puwn's bcvclopmcnl Chnrges Uyluw eslu6lisheJ Ihe mle o(2,25 ilcros per cnpitu.. Occmise Ihc Libmry operulcs Ihc "Cenlrnl•and•Dmnches" model, it npplics 16e spucc und collcclion stnndnrds in Ihc fallowing roauncr. • 0.32 s.L, or h�ilf af ilie slnudarJ nrcn per petsnn, is provided ut th� Cenlml Librury; and • O.J2 s.L,16c olhcr half of Ihc slnndnr4 nrcn per person, is proviJcd at ihc locul bronch. Sintilody it providcs colleclions ut Ihc nUc of: •:ipproximntely 1.125 ilcros per person n1 the Ceniml Lilirnry; nnd • appraximalely 1.125 ilcros per persou id Ihc locnl bmnch 31 Currenl Ruugc 11111 Ilrancli 9'6c linugc I lfll Ifrnnch I�as n numbcr nf operulionnl nnd iroildiug deficicncics whirh are dcscdbeJ in Ihc Uonrd'a l�lre 1'enr 17m� iJJ7 • 2fN11. Uuscd ou Ihc plamilug ctUcria for Ilm pmjecled populnlion in 21N12 nf Ihe cnlcluucut nrcn to be serveJ by n weslern hrunch, Ihc bididing slmu�d I,c 12,311� s.f. in grnss iucn (38,54�1 pop, X O.J2 s.L =12,�Jd). � �Ilnislry af Clll:cnship anQ Culuuc,'Poranlu, I)HX � Tl�e CnnoJlan Lll�rnry Aiaorialfon nppllcs Iho Amcdcnn I.16mry AsaiK6iduu (AI.A) etnudntdx nnd gulJelina aud no lungcr publfshw he uwn, 'llia lulernallunnl I'eJemNnn nf I.Ihrwy Aua:iminns pul�ll�hci pnndarJr, which nrc gcncrnlly cumpnliblo wNh Ihc AI.A'�, 'Itio Wlscnnsin 1'uhlic Lfbrodc� Mi, hne n��n pu611:1uJ uandnn�� cumpmllda Ihesu (Pu61fc 116rnry tpnre ntaJr, 1988) nnJ all are cnmpnlll�lo witli 6rnndly ncceplcd Onludu Provincinl nntms, t. , . Alluwing fur 211^,4 nnn•nssigiu�6lu spncc nnd 1076 hln�f spucu, Ihn1 shnuld givc u uc� apucc far lilirury scrvices of B,G)S s.L, Allhongh ihc Rougo IUII (lnwch is anmc 7,35p a,f. in gross uren, II nllows anly d,3110 �,f. Bi usublu librnry apncc. Norcmi Ihc Ilrunch houm ihc Onse collcclinn fur Ihc populwiun; hcncc uscrs �Irivc lu Ihc Cenlml Librnry for srrvicc. AdJeJ lo duficioucics noled nlrovc, Ihc Iluiigc I IIII Ilrmich is Ihcrcfarc lou snrdl lu cantinue serving Il�e weslan �mrt of I'ickerin�, nnd becmise ils sile 6oundnries have been severcly curlailcQ by Ilic anlc uf Innd la Ihc M'I'0 in 199fi fur Ihe tviJcn6ig of 1 Avy, qpl and Ilic wnslmcliou of n ucw briJgc, ncil6crnu cffeclivu nddiliun nnr n ncw builJing af snfficienl siza can be prnvided W Ihe currenl likndon. Di ndJitinn, ihe propeny Is feli lo he uf signircnnl v,due for snle 6y Ilie Town fur n:dcve�npmeut. Rezonlug hns becn unJenakcn lo assurc 16e Town of Ihe bcsl pdcc possiblu when Ihc silc is sold, 3.J Prnposed Sixc of Ihc Ilcpincancul Itruncl� The pnard has uot 6icrcased Il�c sizc af ils pmposed ucw brmich building shice firsl natlns il in aipilul forecusis in 199d, recomnicudiny n building same�eliul snwller (u�, IO,OINI s,L gmss nrcn) Ihan pinnning crilcrin woulJ demaud, for n nund�cr af rcasons: • Tlic nssumeJ scrvicc populntion m;iy bc ioo Inrgc; Ihc trnffic paucrns of uscrs will define Ihe cnlclunenl nrcn af nny uew brnucli, nnd somu of Iliose living �vesl af \Vhilds Rd. mxy prcfcr lo canlinuc tn tmvcl lo Ihc Ccnlrnl Librnry. • New Infonn�Uiuu Ieclumingy mny nllow n rcduceJ sp;ice sluudnrQ; sa fur in Ihe ne�v 'infonnnlimi ngc' this h�is uol provcd l0 6016c cnsc 6u1 uccds will hecumc cicarcr as c6nuging socinl, ccanrnnic nud educ;iliuwil cnnditions iuuluic. • Thc buill•oW popnlulion (in Ihc ycar 201G) of Ihc cnlcluucul nrcn is projecleJ nl A1,66G, wbich woul�l cnll for nn iiddilional J,J511 s.L, liringing grnss builJiug sizc Iu 17,75D s.L Wiili growlh in u16cr paus uf w6xn I'ickcring acccicmiing.. noluldy ai prescnt nlong Ihikk RJ. -- wilh Ihc Sunlnn conuumiily u cnnlinuing possibility, rmd wilh thc urdvnl uf Ilwy. d111 cxpccicd in Ihc uuxt few ycars, which wiU idso cffcct growlh anJ Irnffic pnllcios, Ilicrc will bc Ihc necd fur ndJilinnul libmry hrnuches in localions which mny pruvidc rc:isouublc ullcrnnlivcs fur Ihnsc in Ihc proposed weslem brnnc6 cnichmcut iucn, • 1?connmic condiliuns nl pmsenl Qemnud n respunsi6le degrec nf fiscnl restruiut. '1'Oc Unnnl Il�crefarc rccnwmcnds n repinccmcul wcslcru 6rancl� buliding nf IU,011f1 s,L (tlm mininuun sizc of ucw fncilily c�dled for in iis piunning crilcrin, fnr rcasons of cupilnl nnd operoliunnl efficicncy), nhhough Ihat is snrdlcr thun ils guidclincs call for lo scrve t6c Inrgcl pn�ndnlion, '1'6c Iloord �urlhcr rccammcnds Ihnl Ilic building hc designc0lu nccept, willi n miuinmm nf disruplinn nud enpllnl cosl, n future adillllnn lo scrvc Ihc prnaccic�l Imlll•oul pupulnllun I� Ilmi nccd Is renllzcd. (A cnmpprisnn wilh simil;u lihuiry 6uilJings is in A�ipcndix J) 1Vilhin Ihc IO,OqO s.f., spacc wnuW bc all�knlcd npproxiumlcly ns shnwn In Appendix I A. II is imparinnl to nolc Iha1 weslcrn residcnls will capccl Io ubiniu Ihe muxinmui uuud�cr uf serviccs at Ihcir ncighliomhooJ lunnch, rnlhcr 16an conlinuc lu drive pusl i11u Ihc Ccnlrul Librnty. J.d impuct of I.Ibrnry Scrvicc'I'rcuds Tha Wcslcm [lrnnch �vill res�ioud lo n uumbcr of irends in librnry scrviccs 6y scrving users in Ihc fallawing wnys: J.S Ilnnks & Olhcr I'riuled fllnlcriuls The decline uf print Iws I�ecu oversl�ucd, A rcceul I'I'L survey JemouslrmeJ Ihat Ihc tnajarily of uscrs cumc lo Ihe Lihrury lo scicct books. Dooks urc and cmuinuc lo bc in demanJ for Ihc fulluwitig tensnns; • Ihc gcncrulion uf Uuhy Uoumcrs hns grown up wilh priutcd tnulcrials as Ihe prinmry Infonnalion sourcc nnJ fonnnl, nuJ Ilicy rcmuin to a Inrgc cxlcnl tuost camWrtnble wilh print. Tlicy will wnlinuc lo �iummid priul fnr mimlicr Iwo lo Ihrce decnJes for Ihcir owu rending, mid for renJing In children In Ihcir fmnilics. � I'raschnol chlldren rcqniro booka (nnl compulcrs) In urdcr lo renJ mid Icnm. Prr schouler acrvice rcmnBis nne of Ilic Uunnl's kcy rnles, nuQ mic for wldcii diere is cm�slmil demnnd. (91ie reccnt survcy shuwcd Ihnl 2776 of Ituugc I lill users felt morc rcuJing tendiucsa prngnum wcrc uccuysnry), • Caniculum suppur� fnr school-nge chi�Jreu in expecleJ by residenis, miJ 6onks rewnin Ihe corc of prnjecl resenrch. 'I'wo higli sclinnis und ns mm�y as Ien clancnUiry sclmols Ilu within Ihc auchment orcn. Wilh Ihis In mind, Ihc Uoatd's ntmidn�c fnr GKUSed collecllun dovclopiucnl ond sc�viees (nr Ihe �eeslcm brnnch Ims 1�3 � . 124 , � , bcen cxlcnded In Includc ClruJa I11, (Ilcyund Ilml I�vcl, gencrnl udull cullec�ious nl Ilm 6rnuch will bu nvnilnblu Di Ilic CcWrnl I.fbmry callecliuns.) •� Spncc recpiircmenls fur bnoks ma nol likciy I�i diminish: n� Ihc Insl gencrulion ruiseJ enlircly an bonk raidin6 grows old, physicnl IBniluiiaus und Giiling cyrsight will residl in n nced fur shclving urnmgemculs wliich ulluw fur cusicr pliysicnl nccess, unA fawcr buaks per sq. il, J.fi In�onnutlou'Peclmulo�;y/lulcrncl ' Itesidcnts usiug Ihc I.i6rnry now rely on ils prnvlsum of compulcrizeJ inforumlfon. 1Veslcm residcnls will expcct 16n1 n new limnci� scrving Ihem �vill inchidc simiJurJ compo�cr informuiinn scrvices for Ihc follnwiiig reasons; • 7'he pu6lic lihrnry hns nuw i�ecomc Ihe Iruiucr in infonmuinn lileracy for nll uges. �ur Ihosc not in sdinul ur jubs wherc Irnining in the usu of J;Uubases is provideJ — nnJ for mauy whn nru —thu public librnry is cmnmonly nn essenliul Icamiug poinl. • Thc Uuby ftunmcrs s6arc wiih ihc fullawing gencrmions nn apprccimion of campulcrizcJ ncccss lo iufunnnlian. AnJ far somc fonus of infurumdon Ihcrc will bc nu choicc; alrcndy guvcrnmcnt infunn�dlon smuces nrc mnkiug snmc infonumion uvailui,ic ii� digiinl fonmit ouly, xucli us ccusus matcrinl ftum Slulislics Cmmda. •'Phe cmrvcrgcuce of cmnpulers, digilimd infornudion nud Icleconuuunicalions weans Ihal6dornu�linn Jnlubases cnu be provide4 economicnlly ut �dl new service sites. • USCfS fC1j111fL` (IIL` I.Illfflfy, indndiug ihc hrmichcs, lo o(fcr whnl is nal avail;ihlc nl homc or woik: n galew��y In rcliubW ar capcnsivc infunnmlon resnurccs nnd for inslniclinn liy Indned infonwuion s�icci�disls, Cumpulcr ncccss slill rcquircs dic pmvisiuu uf udcquulc spncc fur on•linc s�udy. 14hile Ihctc urc nn slnnd�uds ycl nv��ilnblc, iho shif� uw;!y fram bouk m;ucrinls nnd Uic spacc nceded fur Ihcm, hns liccn m;iic6cQ uppiuxiurudy Iry ihc Iluur spncc nccJcd (or cnmpulcr �vurkslnlluus. 39 Sludy apuce Occnusu of Ihc switch lu knowlcdgc•6�ised uud lifcluug Icuruing, 51111IY S�IiICC IS GI 0 premimn in modem libriries. Uscrs necd eiiher quicl +puce tn wuik, ur siuJy spuce 71CCCSSIIIIC IO IIIL• IU(I�S (IICY ���115I 1150. III IIIC Il'l'l`III SIIfVI'j', 2J",6 uf Rougu IIiI� uscrs suid Il�cy nccded mnre sludy spncc. d. Sllc & building rc��ulrcmcnts & Itmtlnlinns (scc AppenJix 6) d.l Public Iibrary cnusidcrntloue I�rom Ihc pu6lic librnry's poiid nf vicw Ihc silc mccls to n grcal cxlcnl Ilic dcsign . fCf�111fCI11CI11511�fI511C1'CSS�III I1f7101'II Illtfilfy, in Icrms nf acttssiliilily, locnlion nnd parking. Ucsign und slniclur�d cicmcnls which mnkc �i 6uililing opernlinnnlly e(ficicnl as � 71 III)fAfY I14VL• Ifl•L'O l'OIIIIIIIIIIIGIIMI IU IIIC ilfl'IIIICCI. OIIL' 11� lllCll115 IIIIII� IICCq111C IIIC fulure rolc nf li6turics is uot as certalu ns il hns bccn for Ihc pnsl cenlury, Ihe li6rary sliauiJ 6e designcd sn Ih�il couvcrsinn In oihcr uscs in Uic fwure shmdJ lie rcl+divcly simple. d.2 Conuuunily spnce cousldcrnllons, currcul m�d lalurc Thc ncw Librory nnd Cmnmm�ily I�ncilily will cnlmucc mid ciuich the �ivcs of cammm�ily residenls by cmeling nud supparling nppuilnnilius fur life•Inng Ieorning nnd Icisure. 7'lic ceulrc will I�c m m�jor fcxus uf aclivity fur cnnnnuuily resi�culs. h will be open, inviting nnd nccessible ta nll. Thc Eusl WuadlnuQs Pnrk alle appraved for Ilic new Weslem Librury and Conununity Cenlre presenlly nccnnunadntes fuur functions; • a I�uHding in n pnor simc duc io ngc nnd constniclinn lype is uscd for rocclings by seninrs, lhc Rc6cccn Lalgc, nud Ihc I'ickcring I,ians Club � a building used by Ihu SI. I'nul's on Ihc I lill Food Unnk � n Iiglded linscbnll dimunnd • n Tald.ol (pinygronnil) ticnlar Clllzcuat 'fliu Raugc IIIII Sctdura' Clul� is Ilw longesl cslnhiishcd Scninrs' Club in Ihe Town af Pickerh ;;. 'I'ho Scniurs' Club mcc�s lu o'1'own Ilullding ot Ilic l:nst Woodlands i'u�k, 'Ific c���ii currcully Ims n uwmbcrsl�ip of 78 mid woulJ rcquirc n moUi- purposc rmm� wldch cmdd nccmwn�Nlula nl Icust 75 pcoplo nlluhlc�. 4 , ,. _ _ _ __ _ -- -- ,; �; - � . :l ?..5. The Seniurs woidd u�ilizc 16e mnm la a�x�mlu tlic folluwlu�j calsling progrums: � Tucsdny (oncc n woulip Lauchin� Ont Progrnm I II:O(1 • J;(Nl p.m, WednesJuY f?uchm 12:IN1 • d:(Nl p.m. Tlmrsdny (ance a monlh) MecliugslCnrd Omucs I I:00 - J:INI p.m, Thursdny (nncc n monll�) MeclinglPoi Luck Lunch I I;110 • q:00 p.m, fridnY I�ooll)oclar H:10-11:311am. rridnY I?ucP�rc 7:30 - I(1:30 p.m. Of pnrliculnr vahic nnd rolevnncr. In Iho cammunity is Ihc monlhly Lunching Oul I'ragrum, which prnviilcs wculs tu ovcr411 individnnl�, WIIII �IIIYSIGII ilOQ CIII11110118I CIIUI• Icnges, orgnnizcii by Ihc Itougo I4ill Seniors Clul� in purincrship wilh Conmwnfly Carc. To ensure Ihe conlinunlion of Ilds progrnm, Ihe Rouge Ilill Senior's Clab woulJ rcquire Ihe usc of a hugc scrving ki�chcn. A IOfbC IIIIIIII•USC f00111 WUIIIiI III511 IIIIl11V Sl'llluf3 (U O�1CfI11C progrums lo ussist 16em physically ag, p�ness, lni-chi, squnre dunciug, liuc dmiciug, eic, IucrcuseJ progrununing woidJ encouragc Scniors iu bmh pussivc �md nclivc pnrsails. Seniors fonn the dcmogrnphie group wldch will srnw most in Ihc nexl JecaJes as Ilic Iluby Oaomcrs nge. '1'he necd for uddilinnnl f:icililics lo mecl tlicir curtcut nnJ fuuita nee�s hus becn recogni�xd in Ihc'fnwn's cnpiud forccusls o( Ihe Putks nnd racflilies pepurUueut s6ice I1'JI, nnd Ihe Town's cmrenl five-ycnr cnpii�d forecasl incluJes One Alillion unJ Thidy ThrnisnnJ Dallnrs �o bc mndc uvnilublu in 199H. Inmicdime nceds rcrpiire n Mnhi-Usu Ronm lo nccouunud;de 75 silling ut lables, (fur gro�vlh porpmes lublc sailinti fur IINI hns becn eslimale�l) wilh a Inrge scrving kilchen eqidpped wllh Iwo lurge sluves, one I,irge ra6igendnq cuunler space, Ihree sinks, cupbourds, drnwcrs m�d sion�go sp;icc, Ynullu Ovcr Ilic pnsl four yc;us'I'own Conncil h�i��c idculil'icd uud supparlcQ Ihc nceJ In L•icililnlo muro ycnr ruund yonlh prn6nnwnin6. Cmicnity, Yuulh Ihop•In prngnuus nre prm�idcd frcc•of-chnrgc lu yautli 11.17 ycius uf ugc. 'I'hesc Yuwh prap•In prngrnms mc hcld Ihruughuul Ihc wcck ;U I'iuc Itidgc Sccund�iry Schoul, 51. Mnry's Sccandary Cnlholic Schonl, laisl Shurc Cnnunuuily CcuUc, Ilrouglmm Ilnll nnd Clnrcmanl Cmm�umily Cenlro. Thcsc pragrnms nrc vcry wcll nllcuded by ynulh wilh nn uvcrngu uf 511•GII you�b NlenJiug Ihe Soulh Pickering Iiwnlions nnd 216111 yomh ullcnding Ihc Nurlh I'ickcring IocNions. Thu progmm conlcnl mul slmclnro wiry dcpcndiug npon Ihc inlcresls and nceds nf Ilw ynnih nncudiug Ihc prugnuns. 'I'ypind aclivilics includo baskci6all, flnur hockey, puol, cnrds, sncializing, Iislcning lu music und Inblc Icnnis. Allliough Ihcrc uro nu�nemus youth Ihap-lu progrun lucnlious, Ihcru is n nccd In operalc a Ymilh Drapdn prngrant in Westcrn I'ickedng, Numcrnus youlh woidJ benefil frum a Youlh Dropdn Prngrwi bcing upernlcJ nl Ihc Wcslcrn l.ibr+iry uud Conmwnily Ccnlre as many youll� Jo nnl pntlicipnlc iu cxisling progmms ns trnnxporlalion lo Ilic olhcr Dtopdn programs Is a 6anicr. Slalislics Cunadn repnrtcJ in 1991 Ihal I'icAering liad �� «i��;��iy i,;sn �r�po���a�� „r youlh compnred wilh othcr parls of Ilm counlry nnd 16c pruvincc. Mucli of Ihe gmwth in Ihc Town consisls of young fmnilics und Ihc avcrngc fumily sizc in Pickering is 16e Inrgesl in Do�hom Itegian, 'flms Ihc yaulh af I'ickcriug, like Ihc scniurs, form a significanlly axpnnding group whose pressuro nu fncililics nn4 scrvices will inctease in fulurc years. Town Cmmcil hns cicndy idculificd youlh nud Iceus ns an areu uf priorily. In orJer lo opemtc n Yoiuh Ihnp•In prognnn u1 i6c I?nsi Noodlnnds silc, n pennancnt ranm is requircJ. This Ynull� Roatn shuidd inclndc furnishings nnd n�ui�nncul such ns snfas, ping•pnng Inides, chairs, icicvisinn, g�imes, pnnl Inblex, cic. nnd would pruvid� spnce In tvllich yuung penpie cuuld sikinlizu uud piny nun-nlhletic gnmes. The Drop•In Itoam would bc simred wifh Ihe Sen(ors nnd olhcr cmnmm�ily grnup uscrs IncludD�g Scrvire Clubs. Yonlli pmgrnms (anch ns: min4 and Oudy, cooking anJ empinynxnl caursca, cic, wiih n:suurcu suppu�l Crnm Ihc I.ibrnry) woulJ ulso militc omltf•pur�iosc apncc. . ' �12.fi 011�cr Comm�mlly Uscra: Curn:ully rnmnwnily grnups hnvu ncccss lo the cmnnwnity f001tl 01 IIIC I(UU60 Ilill Libtnry fur memingy und la opernie pn�grums. '1'hcte are mimcrous commm0ly gmups nnd nrgmdrntiona, inclmling Ilic Town, �hul frequenlly requiro ihe uso of n multl•purposc romn In fucililnie communily meeifugs, worksliops or programs. Thew fa nu opporUwiiy for mlditlonul cmm�umiiy grmips nnd orynni:uiinns requlriug apacc fur pragrmns In ulflize Ihe ucw Wcslern 1'Ickuring Commm�i�y Cenlre. SI. 1'uids•nudhc•IIIII I�uud Dnul�: 'I'hc I7uod Unnk prescully orcupics upproximaicly J�01) sq. fecl of spnce will�in Ihe fonner I'ickering dymnnslics CeWCr un the G�sl Woadlunds sita Tho'f��wu luis Ixcn scnrching fnr a nc�v willing hust for Ihc I�nod Dank la reloculc lo. As of �Ids dnlc wc h�ivc nol bcen successfui iu our scarch. Wc urc, however, following up on Iwn IeaJs G�r n possiblc "pcnanncul" homc for �hu I�ouJ pank. II is un!icip;�icJ Ihnt we will hnvc sume responsc io our senrcli I,y Ihe first wcck of Atay. • 1Vc will conlinuc lo opdalc Town Cnmicil on Ihc I�oud Omik muucr. 1'ork� Locul «sWenls shauld nul Ix dcpriveQ of pnrk space. Itclucutim� of Ihc pceseN Tal-Lo� lo analhcr pa�t of tlic siic, nnd Qevclupment of Ilic rcmniniug liigh laee) os pnssive park InnJ (uces, benches, cic,) nre secn us impoilaul Jesfgn clemenls Itepluremcnt at Ihc Uiucbidl Ilinmimd: Iixisling lighling u1 Gisl \VaodlanJs I'ark is being reloculed to un exisling di;m�ond. d.3 Munldpnl Plnnning consl�lcrntlaus Any public Imildiug is ucn lu cxcmplify Ihc dcsign dircclinn mid qu;ditics desiicd by ils munfcipalily.'fhat Ilic'I'uwn hus uaJcilnkcn �i Kingslon Rd. bcaulificutiun projcct, mnkes mnre emphulic Ihe necd fur Ihis building •• which will smnd pruminenlly on u hcighl nnd un n curvc fn Kingslon RJ. •- lo cxem�ilify ils civic funclion nnd struurc. Thc mass or volmnc uf 16c Imildiug, lhu qu;ilily of finishcs, cla shmdd Ilicrcforc lie uppropdmc. 'I71C KIII�'S11111 KIL �lfu�l`L'1 61111ICIIIIC%il`I�IIIf0II11I1C IIIIIIlI1116 (IIIIIa116111I1Cf CIL•IIItIlIS� il IIVIPSIUfL`Y �lfl`5l'IIL'L`� il Illllllan ralhcr Ibnn munmucnUd sc;ilc, nnd a presencc an Il:c strccl wldch fs nnt ubsimcicd ur dixumrcd by p;ukiug, 4.d 511c spcefOc consl�lcrntlous • Thc silc is n cunmumi�y paik, nnJ piuk cicmenls nnis� bc relafncd, Jcspitc Ihc changcd Nucliou�ilfly o( Ihc I�k�iliun. 'I'hc existiug lol lat will hc relucnicd on Ihc silc nad Ihe polcnlinl fur dcvclu�nucnt uf Ihc (IoiNl plaln ��s murc ncccssiblc jiaik is a cnnsidcraiiun, If Ihe silc is slmiucd by lo�i uumy fmiclinus, p;uking nccds ia;iy avcnvhchn Ihc paik sctling. • Turonlo licgiun Cnnscrvidiou Muhurily resuiclinns npply In usc af Ihc sitc far ncw cnnslniclinn nnd nlhcr silc devclupmcul. 'llic Aulhorily Ir,is hccu iuvnh�cd iu progtcss In Q�ilc. • Thc lil safl6nll dimnond currcutly on Ilic silc will nced l0 6c icl�unleJ. 7'he nssumed canstmcdnn schcJulc will nllow nclivilics nn ihc Jinmand lo coNinuc unlil lhc cnd of Ihc regidnr bnscb:ill schcJulc in ScplcmlKr 197N. 'll�c 1)pl, nf 1'uiks mid I�ucililics has includcd eslimalcd cnsls for icLknlion af Ihc di;nunuJ, in Ihc 199ft Capilul budgct. . • RNIOOVAI O�IIIC III50(I�iIII 1II01I10111I IIIIIY IIC 110 BIIIIICIIIflIC fCIIC�IU fCSIIICII15I1V1116 6cside the park, 6u1 a bnffcr mnst bc provided bcl�vccn proposcd paiking nrcas on Ihc silc mid ncighbuudug residcnccs. • Thc brick building on Ihc sitc hns Ixen nf samc inlcrcsl lo I'ickcring's LACAC, anJ u resolullun is bcing smigirt fmm Ihnl nrgnniudian. 'flro nrcliilecCs opinion on relulnin�llic b�dldiug us pnrl af Ilm new fncili�y Is 16u1 f1 would cnmpromise Ihe design 6� n numbcr of wnys, includiog pmvisinn nhidcqnn�c p.uking wilhnul laking ovcr dre enlirc p�nk, mid Ihc ubilily �n mcet Ihe'Ibwu's Jcsign guidelines. '1'he buililing Is used by u seninrs' group anQ uccouuuodnlion for tlicir nceJs has been included in Ihis repurl's rccouunemhuiuns. Incnrpornl6ig nnd restnring Ihe lmilding ��in a�w ����«,x, 5210,INN1(nu b;isemcnl wotk) or (wllh bnsemenl work) 5752,O�U io �hc prajecl rns�s. • Currca�ly n fuod irunk is houxcd on 16u silc, nnJ n new locmion is nrifvcly bcing suughl fnr fl. S. I�Inunclal cnnslilendlnu� S.I Cmulnicllnn cn�l cslltnalca • Using almiJiml cnsllug I�xds (I lnnscomlx'a ISirJid�•Ar jnr coilJng, 1993 anJ fcdlowLig) the Libnvy Ilnnrd es�hnuled ihc cunsbucdun cosl nf n III,(NNl squnre Wut 6 127 single•slurcy libmry buildiug ul SIlNI1SIi for n cunslnicliun Imdgcl �if SI,(IfN1,INA) whicli has np�knred In ils copllni forcaisls from 1994 Ic� dalc. • Tlio locnlion nnJ iuUUro of Iliu fulure silc Herc nnt knuwn, (initlolly a IenscholJ upgrmlu in a tclufl pli�zn wna cunsfdcrcd) uud u simplc, functlunul, alub•umgmdc slmclure wns cnsied; it wns recngnirxd Ih�U any grculer design Jemnuds wuulJ neccssudly udd lo cosls. � hi Ihc Uaird's Itcqucsl fur i'rupnsal Ilic urchiiccls wcrc uskeJ lo cummcnl mi ihu Imdget of S I,INNI,INw. 'I'hrce of Ihe four shorl-IixlrJ unJ iNCrvicwed in Uclo6er 1997 werc uhlc lo prnviJn Ilic mqidred cicmcN3 wilhin thul budgcl. • A numbcr uf fnclors hns Icd lu n mcuusidcrnlion of prujccl costs: � Receut incrcase in cnnslmcliun cosls. 9'Iw urchilecl's cnst consullunt, T.1.A1.Umwn, reports an incrcuse of 1076 in consimciinn cosis for projecis sindhir h� scope in ihe western bronch between Ucc. 1J97 nnd April 1978 nud Ihere is no inJicnliun Ihm ihe rate of escalalimi is slowing (see Appcudix 7). � Town Officiul 1'luu dcsign guiJclines require n more subsuuuial Ircauncnt Ihan eslimated for. • for Ihase rensons curreul cunsuuciion cuslr fnr ihe fucilily lu�ve been eslimaleJ n1 SIZS �ll`f S(�IIAfL• (Ol�l Illl'IIIIIIIIS OR'Illll'l'I's fces. At� eslinuucd projccl bndgcl is inchidcd in Ap�xndia 5. 5.2, Cosh Flnw prnJccllons Tlic praject sl;ul in Scplcmlkr 199H will mcun Ilwl nppiuxiin�UCly d5"fi nf projccl cnsls �vill bc botn iu :97H, SSSn in 1999. 1998 cnsl� (Intiv rcquitcmenl: 5 NSII,J11 ((lptiuu Itl 1991 cns6 Iluw rcquinmcul: }1,111� j S I,HH'),6?5 S.J. Opernllug cosls for libmries� dic m�iin operuliug cosis mc sWffing� plaW upc�aiiun� nud collccifon. • Sl�dfiug Ihc new libuuy hranch far �6c smuc wcckly haurs ns nre curreuUy prnvidcJ ul Ihe Rnuge Ilill Ilumch (d6 houtx p^r week) c:m 6u �iecummoda�ed witl� nn nddi�iomd xnlnry cosls. � If public demand is snfficicnl �n �equire it, fuuds tn auppoil w� incicase iu npcu hmirs up l0 6) per weck (ihe s;mic ns Ihe Ceulml I.ibniry, unl iucludiug SunJuy upenings) would bc rcqucsled in 1999, mid Ik bmlgcled f��,r in fiscnl ycnr 21NN1. • II is eslimmed Ihnt Ihu building maintenance cusls af Ihe ne�v brmch �vill bo fully nffsel liy snviugs rcnlitcd fmm Ihc clusmc uf Ihc Ruugc Ilill rmd I)ay I2iJgcs Orpnclics,l6e fanucr bcing pailical�uly inc(ficicut lu hcal nnd cuoi. • Collcclinn ilems mc prescntly Omdcd 6nm Iroih n�xraiiug nnd cnpitnl hudycls, pcvclopmcnl Clrirges pay for il�c ncquixiliun of itcros nl Ihe rutc uf 2.25 per cupiiu�. tn cnver Ibe cosl nf udding colleclinn fnr new �iupul�itions. Thasc udJilinns lo Ihc cullcclinu IKCUmc Ihc new b�isc which umsl bc m;dnlaincJ. A numlxr of guidclines eais� ai culcnime mmunl replucemew nucs, uud dicrefoie cns�s. Thc I'ickeiiug 1'ublic I.ibrnry has Ixcn nblc lo muinlain n rensnnu6ly effcclive colieclion, and nJJ nun-priid nm�crinls, despim fnlling I,udgcls, bul uscr anlisf�iclion tvidi thc colleclions is dcciining. A SSII,(NNI �xr tmnnm col{ecliou expansian Gm4 hns been rccpiesteJ specificnlly (nr Ihe Westcrn Urnnch in tl�e ycnrs 1997, 191R, 1999 nnd 2(NIII. 5.�1 Sclieilulc o� ProJccl Progrese nnd Apprnv�d (scc Appendix R) Res��eclfully 5nhmilled I � 1 � � �'f� � d��rticJ'cl„kz. Slephen teynold� �vcrcll Ilunlsnm A, Cumcrmi, C.fi.Q. Dircclnr of Callurc & liccrcnlinn �(,� h6cclnr of I'mks 3c I§icililics Pickcring Ihi6Uc Li6mry �� � 14ll6 new Uevdnpmenl Qmrgci legi�lntlnn,l6e ml¢ n1 whicli collecifon Ileu� rnsu ma cullecled has Ircen uJuecJ frum 11NI761n �NI7G. 128 API'IsNU1X Ir1: 1VliS'I'I:IiN I{ItANCII SI'ACI: It6:QUIIt14AlIdN'I:S U1' fUNCI'IQN I�UNC'I'ION RGQUIItt'sU ARIsA NO'1'1'sS Sf = sqnnro fi.tit (rrnmdal) I'UIII.IC r111GAS: � Gilp� 8 Clicck•oul 3fi11 SI7 ' 'I'wo chcck•oul slnlions � ucuc s iacc I Itofeinicn nrca AJull culleclions Childicu's Silenl shid Ihiblic scal rrogramm�ccuug raom l O'fAl, l'1II11.IC SP�ICL S'fAl�l� rUU?AS; Wntk toom O(lice I.mic6 taroi \1'ashronm Ihop bm rnom Compulcr 1Vn�kroam 7'O'I'AI. iICNAlII.I: is icc room clnscl 2; IIIO SI� 2,21111 SI 2UD SI� 71I0 SI� 7, I 75 S I , � � , crus i spncc fi�r slrollcrs, cic. Crnubincd cliilJrcn's K aJull cefcrcnce dcsk; �I librnry cnlnloguc compu�cr slations; 3 public lidcmct / CI)•IlOAI slalions 'falnl collccliau for pop, iu 211112 = I'opulnlion X 1.125 ilcros = 38,54A X 1.125 = d]; inn ii����: Adnll collcclion: (0;�, 26,1011 ilcros n I I ucr S1� = 2,375 Sf Cliildren's collcc�iau: -011",6, 17,JI10 n RperS1�=2,Ifi5Sf 5c;din�t fur 12 �� cancls, lablcs J9 nl cnncls, tnblcs 19 lonupc scnls SR (iq IS SI� = A711 SI� I'or daily cliildren's & alhcr piugrams,fiu rni! by puhlic tvhcn libiary closcJ 'fu Scal 511. uhis slnrane 21111 SI� Cnuch, Inhlc .0 d chairs for 6mch rnnm, counlcr, f�id4c, cic. �I) til' �U Si� QJ Sf 'fu h�nisc nmlcr, cic. ns reqniicd. ISO SI� Slfi SI� 12 fixlurcs maldfcnmla, �eilh I�arricr Gc IIIR SI� (icucnd slorogu 71 SF Map siuk, shclres 1611 SI� — IIIR SI� 51G SI� Itc�nired hy OIIC Jd0 SI� 1Vnlls n J.5°� 111,075 S I+ 1?9 ' AI'I'ISNIIIX III GOAIAIUNI'i'Y FACII.I'1'Y SI'ACIi It1iQlIIItI:AII:N'i'S It1' I+UNCI'ION I+IINCI'ION ItIsQIIIItISU AItI�:A NO'I'Ii5 Connuuuily Itauw '. • I�ur Scniurs ur Coummuity (wili� scrviug kilchcn) . I,51111 pro�rnms or mccliugs, Wr �ent by public In scnl IIIII Alulli•pwposc Ruam Commm�ily Louugc to suil 'fccns (YouIIJScniors Iloam) 2,11011 ('I'V, pool, piug•pong, othcr tablc sporl or gnmcs) nnd Scuiurs (fV, cards and �mncs� cic.) Alulli•�nu�insc lioom Mccliug Iloom fiir conmiuniq• (Stuall Alecting Itoam I,tlllll or�miiznlions (Scrviw Cluhs, ���ilh O(ficc) �ps) 'fhcrapcnlidCom�sclliu�; Conuuuuily oWceach scssions, Raom R011 crnwscllin�! sessinns nud mcclinga Mulli•purposc Room 2 parl room, divisiblc by fulJiug (cxpausion of Comnwuiry 2,0110 ncouslic walls, primnrily fur social Room) cvcnls, induding rcccplions, dinncrs nnd dmicing, All or poilinus of Ihu toom may a�so 6c uscd fur filncss classcs, nrls anJ crnR classcs mul olhcr ui�rposcs Scrviup I:ilchcu �C Slorngc Ihcpnrin� nf liglil mcals und 71111 snacks, ca�kiuu classcs, mid for calcicrs stn�inb. Slorn�c af Inblcs mid chaits and misccllaucous cquipmcnl fi�r Atulli• nu inso Room ,, .. 130 n��ri:NUix ic � 1VCS'I'I'sltN 1'ICICI31tWC COh1AlUNl'I'1' CIiN'I'ttl, Snmulc 1Ycekiv Scliedule! ��q�ii��ii��llv Ronm / f I51111 R�i,� Snm��1c \Yceklv Schedide I 1'nulh / tieninr'c knum /( IRIIII nn fll 131 nrri:NUix z CUAIPAIUSON 01� ItOUCI; UII.I, DRANCII St 1'ItOPOSI:U NI'sW WI'sS'I'IiliN IIIIANCII SI'ACti USIi ItUNCI'ION I10UCti IIII.I, IIItANCII WI'sS'I'IiIIN ItItANCII Collrctian space raj d. b,y slmiJ�ud fur Inrpcl Currcnl'wllcclion uf 22;127 ilcmg 4,dJ11 pap. (d),SIIII ilaus) nmximizca nvnilnbla sp�cu 1'ublic sealiug aica rcq'd by slnudnnl for Inrucl Adcqmdu spncc unt nvnilnblu: 8711 Sf pop.117 suiJy, 191ouugc) currailly 14 shidy, 6 Inuugc scnls SilClll SIIIIIY pIL`fl IU SC1l IZ No nppmprimu sp;icc nvnilublu 211U SI� I'iogrmn ioom lo scat 5(1(rcnln6lc lo public) Ap�nox. 2,111111 SI�, nllmvcd 7UU SI� scnliug: 12t1 011ior Public Scrvice Spacc N25 SI� Nc1 I'ublic scrvicn s��acc d,71111 SI� 7,195 SI� Ne1 sla(fs�iaw I,�50 Sf I,ISU SI� NOiI•U5516118I1I0S�l�l'L` 1,725 SI° 1,656 SI� Gross builJiug nica 7,775 SP III,IIIIII Sf AI'I'1?NI►IX 3 � 1lnugc Ilill Ilighlnnd Crccic Courlirc 'I'nnscy 1Yaods I'rapused Ilrnucli Urnnch Ihmich 11'eslcrn .... .........._.._. _. . .Scnrburungh.�.'_� t.. . Clnringlnn.l� I,. . Dm linginn I:.�a. ......Ilrnncli...... ._.. �. _ . _.�.....�__.......__.... . .....�_... . 1'ulal I]uil�ling Si:c in 7,]'JS III,111111 6,111111 III,111111 III,IIIIII Sf (will� dcsipncd (wilh pwsihlc addilion of cxpansimi of fi,llllll 5,1111f1) Towl populaiion served � 72,4UD�� �16,11111 � I5,01111� � 711•�10,000 �]8,5•W (I )'I6) (IlJfi) (�qry�) Area/pnp .62 SI' per cnp I SI� .d SI� .25-.] SI� .2fi Sf per (Imlf of per c�p, per cap per cop• cap guidcliuc) (htlf of puidclinc) , 132 nri�i:rvuia a � w �� � ati �U u �i a�q �� � � 5 AI'1'IiNI)IX S 133 a � 0 � •q l4 l � LI � � O .� „ � � � 3 � �� a° � • � 0 � �'' L A '�. � e p t � E o �'� � '� .a � � .� 3�� w c ^ gsg � � �� �� � � • � o. � �'d� A=� � @� o �i.� � � C' •� .� 5 ���� ���� � � o� a a ^ � � ' � a ry o 0 ;�3sF �''°,E�i��-. ���Q ��-�. A s �g � a aao� �°`��i ��b`n ���.. � :���� �seF� 'g " �, s '$ �0 3 = E :a��•` aa""�� �st ;��,yr� �' � ��r� ������s� �9 �o .��a�o p ��N{ � � �,._ �, �y �� � � C 0 � � u � � � � � g�� ��pa;� ga� a � .� _ ��������� - , 1�� 1 .�� ...�....� \ i� , 1,.._. � f // / t ♦ �1 J� 1 \ 1� ' � � , 1 \/ 1 �f 1 ,� 1 l � � 11 '�� � 1 �"' 1 ���� � I �� ' '�' • � �� ,�, � nrritNUix r, \ .. . ___�,_______. � OLD FORE9T FiOAn // / '_,. I LIBItAl1Y i Io,0o09.F.1 Y701.11 2 CO�.II,IUNINR001.1 I500 9 F, I IlOhlt 7 RETAIL 91'ACE 7000 0 F./ ies �,ii 1 C01,161UNITYCEIITRE 1000 9 F. J 1]DIA1 E lI1.IITOFP�RNIt10 Ff,p ppOIECT OF IiBA15 1, 2. E LILIITOFP�fIKI110 � FoR PROJECi OF ITEA19 I, 2, ] � T 1I1.11T OF PMRQIC FOfi ppOJECT OF 1� ITEIA91,7,),/ WESTERN BRANCN LIBRARY pICKRflINO PUBLIC LIBqARY UOARD 81T� PLAN • PROP09E0 PHASE6 1;800 17 0l oe • BTEPHEIIT6HPL9A11CNITFCTYICOIIPOptiTEU ' . �, ,i �. IIIIIi�J I� ��I � �': •ii II��II� i �N TEEI'lE � � � I I t t t � � t � �)..�..A i � D 1 Aprll 17, 1BB0 . -1�� AI'I'IiN1►1X 7 . fdr. Alexander Cemeron CEO, Plckerinp Publlc Llbrery 9uofd �04 I(inpdon Road Plckodnp, Onlerlo L1V 1A4 Ra: Wa�Um Bnnch Llhr�ry ProJeel No. 98•101 Doer 9andy, We have been InlormeJ by our coel coneuilonl, h1r. Tont Oiown ol T,J.M. Brnwn, A,R.I.C.S., M.C.I.q.S,, Ihel Ihe 7oroNo Reel Glele Ooerd hae cheiled e 18.9°'.Increeae In Iho coel of conalrucllon for o sfmiler ecnpe ol proJer.l lo Ilie Weelern 9rench Llhrery, aver a perind Irom Uecember 1009 to Decemlior IL'07. In eddlllon, �dr. Owwn hne chwlud upproximuloly a 10°: Increaoo In panernl eonslrur,lion r.nele elnce OecemherlUUT. Wa hope Ihie Informpllon I� ol hetp. Your� Iruly, STEPHEhI TEEPLE AftCHITECT INCORPORATFD �� Jefl Lallo, Aeeor,lalo ,. . . . � - �� r �� � � .: . � - - lltphentit�1�1.1.f,1,4tk,Mlt.l.br(�.��IC '.��� 111 Nln� Sh�N \Y.. Sle. J00 � a�waluo � .. .....A1 .1 ; n 1 V� C � n � d� 1 R 1 CbrryleiUmmllSJAnh,WA . -tll,llt.f4t�nlSl � hNImolAnh.,MAith -:11� IIA�•�411�.1701 . . _ � .fhd�q�4pnll.lt.�.Nth� .. im�ll I�yd��lh�.�.11num . 1R& � AI'I'I:NUIX A SCI IfiUlll,l: 01+ I'I10J1?CI' 1'IlQCIlI+,SS llic scliedulo ossmnce npprovnls nt uwh einga 27 Apri; 1'J98 Qcucrnl Mm�n�cr's Itcporl lo Council lixeculivc Conmiillce , Consi�lcrnlian uf schcumlic dcsign Cnusidernlion nf scnpc of prnjccl d Alay 1998 5 Dlay • 14 Jwic 1998 IS June 1998 72 Juue 1998 lJ Jmic - J Augusl 199fl 4 Augusl 1798 5 Augusl - W Scpl, 1998 i4 Seplemher 1'J'J8 22 Seplembcr 177A 23 SeplemLer I978 - JII play 1999 Cnuncil mcGiug: Apprnvnl af schemnlic dcsigu Apprnvnl nf scnpc af prnject Dcsign Duvclopmcnl stngc Duildinp Commitico mecliugs ns rcquircd Cnuucil mccliug Ilcsign presculcd ns cYeculivc Ilc:u Comicil mccling Apprnvnl of design Appravnl lo prncce�l lo cnnlrncl drmrings Cunlrncl ducumcnl slegc Cuwceil mcclin� Apprnvnl (if requi.� �i) uf cunbncl dntumcnls, ' �u•ncccdiug lo Icudcr I liddiup pci iiNl Council lixcculivc Conmiillcc oiccliug 'I'cndcr retutnmcudnlinn presculcd (if requ6•ed) Council mccliu� Apprnvnl nf Icndcr Consltnclinn (8 moulhs cslimatrd firc Option I or 2; 10 moiuhs fi�r oplion 3 or 4J ;:, . ' k � �. t . . � , . , � - �j J' . . • . , � . . . :i� , `4 S t � . , � , . . _ . . . , . . . , . , . ATTACHMENTq�. �.`�% Report on: EQect of retaining rcgency cottage on Eaet Woodlnnds Park site af We�tern Dranch/Commuoity epace facility Prepared for: Pickering Public Librory Donrd cc: General Manager, Town of Pickering ✓ Director, DepaAment of Culture & Recreation Director, Department of Parks and Fecilities ' ChiefBuilding O�icial, Town ofPickering Prepered by: A. Cameron, C.E.O. Date: 24 June 1998 1. Baekground At the Board's 16 June 1996 Committee of the Whole moeting the CEO wes directed to prepare a report on the operetionei end finencial effects of reteining the regency cottage which stends on the Eest Woodlends Park site and incorporating it into !he Western Branch/Community space facility design, This question had 6een asked of each of the architectural firms interviewed far the westem branch commission. Thc response of each was that mainteining the building posed serioua design difficulties, The selected architectural firtn, Stephen Teepie Architecte Inc., also addressed the question et two subsequent steges. First was their design concept to retain the older building, as requested by the Westem Branch Duilding Committee (WBDC). To do so and provide the restored residence with even minimal prominence on the site caused the Kingston Roed face of the new building to be located so fer north that it limited the effectiveness of the site, failed to meet ihe design requirements of the Town's Kingston Road design guidelines, and posed other problems. Second, efter receiving copies of en Architectural Conservancy of Ontario repon, on the building at a meeting with Heritage Pickering Chairtnan 7, Sabean and steff, the architect was roquested egain to consider including the rogency cottage in thn design. The reaponse, which wae consistent with previous reviews, is summerized in a 12 June memorendum to the WBBC from the C.E.O. (Appendix 1.) 2. Operntional opttnn� The regency cottage — whether fully or pertially restored — could not be opented in any manner which would be beneficial to Pickering Public Library's functioning, while meinteining erchitecturel integriry or euthenticiry. Furthertnore, wo aro infortned by the architat thet to avoid demege to the cottege due to aettling, ihq new building could not be const►ucted closer than eight feet from the old one so lhet it wou�d either atand alone, or be joined by an ebove ground cortidor Io the new elructure. if it wero jolned in thet fa�hion, ei� conditioning and heeting errongements would add s degree of complicaHon. ,' � �unvawwctuaeocotx� 1 , + „ 138 openings and roof, tfie entry to the cottage basement from tha prefabricated building, and other elements -- is estimated at S37,000 (plus GST). • Renovation of the building end complience with building code regulations is estimated at 5190,880 (plus GST), This is in the order of previous estimates from Teeple Architects end from tlie OAC report. • EMerior wods to the cottage (cedar shingle roof, window and door replace- ments, bri;�Y.�rrork ropairs, etc,) is estimated at S38,000 (plus GS'1�. • The coniractor's (or wntractors') profit line far the abovc work is estimated at 525,000 (plus GS'17. These estimates — totaling some 5312,00 with GST -- do not include the cost of air conditioning and a one-storey link between the cottege and the new building, which would add en estimated 553,000 (plus GST), nor the cost of window coveringe, or eny legal and design fees, 4. Summnty in summary, the aperetional end financiel eflect of reteining ihe existing regency cottage on the library site is: (i.) significant operationel difliculty and ineffciency if the cottage is to house any portion of the library function. (ii.) additionel steficosts, depending on function, ofno less then 58,000 per ennum; (iii.) total additional capital casts of morc than 5365,000; (iv.) additionel operating plant costs estimated at 56,000 per annum; 0 A. Gnmeron, C,E.0. � unvua�v+civaeaco�ra► _ : 3': ' ,; ;: � 1 ag . . : 1� P,P t. t�����" � ................. :;�sm�u;� om�e or ' '��Sandy Camaron T0: Watern Brnnch Duilding Committm cc:. Generel Menager Chairtnen, Heritage Pickering � Director, Parks & Cacilties Dpt, Director, Culture and Recroation Dpt. DA7'E; 12 June 199R SUDJECT: Regency cottage on Enet Woodlnnd Pnrk site On 4 Juno 1 met wilh John Sabean, Chairman of Horitage Pickering (LACAC), Jefl'latto of Stephrn Taple Arch, lnc„ and Tim Mooro of 1he Duilding Committa. We discussed the matter of Ihe rcgrncy eottage on Eest Woodland Park and John IeR us with copies of the Architeetural � Conservancy of Ontario (ACO) report commiseioned 6y LACAC, which 1 have copied for you. 'I�e rcport supporte prcservatian. Aa part of hi� responso to lhe Request for Proposal, our architectb initial wnsideration of Ihe cottage had been lhat ite continuing presrnce on the site would cause a massing and design ehallrnge whieh would seriously limit Ihe effectiveness of thc sile for ihe purposa of ihe proposed li6rary/community faciliry. After thc mating last wak 1 askai lefiLatto to review that opinion wilh Mr. Taple, ro sa if Ihero ie any rcalistic way of inwrporating the cottage and the proposed new 6uilding. I have mmmariud the response as follows; • It i� not feasible to preserve lhe old building's archilectural integriry and incorporate it closely in e new building. • If it wero to be preserved and joined to the new building, mahanical and dectricai rcquia- mrnts would be expected to add to tha 5220,000 - 5300,000 wst which the ACO report eslimata for interior and exterior restoration. • if the aeparrte 1,200 squaro foot (s.f.) floor arca of the older building were to be counted es part of the I0,000 s.f. proposed library spaa, whether joinal to the library or standing apart, it would pose subetamial and costly operatfonal difficulties, • 71�e 1,200 e,f. building might be used as iho cammunity spaca in tho new building, but it would not be possible to provjde ifio full I,S00 s.f. requircment in any usable fashian, and it would artainly not be possiblc to ndd to it at a later alage, 6i ahort, the infortnal rovicw f rcquested has onty confirtnal tho architect's initinl opinion. 1 have not asked Por a formal rcport to that ef%ct, but this infortnation may be of intercst as the b�rnch libmry/wmmunity faciliry projeM progrosew, A, C�meron, C.E,O. P(ckedna Publie Libr�ry , i , r, ! � �j _ � . A 7P. '- 140 : --"' 7.J.M. BROWN, A.R.I.C.S., M.C.I.Q.S. �s�9ROwN9 uNE, L�fo�CO�ce, oNTMIO MaW aTO •(41E) �Ob6219 Stcphea Teeple Mc6ltec! Inc., June 23rd,1998 Sll King SA Weet, Sultc �300, Toronto, Onla�lo, M5V-1K4. • Re,: Renovattons to the Palmer Regency Cottase on A�e Eest Woodland Park Slte, Pickering, Ontario. Deer Mr. Latto, We vixited the site on June 22nd,1998, and met with Mr. T. Moore from Plckertng Township. Yt is aur opinion that: 1)• the Demolition ond Removal o[ the �net Lean-To, the North addition, the e�clet(ng doore and 11�ame�, windows, existing basement atuir, ch(maeys, dormer, end asphalt stiingles would coet 37 800 plue GST� 2)• to comply with 1998 building code regulutions and provide n 19th century Heritage style cottage bullding, the renovntlon o[ the exleting Pnlmer Regency Cottage would cost 190 880.00 plua G9T. 3)• t�e exterior work would coat 38 000.00 plue GST� � bemolillon & RemovoLss Renovalion of Cottege: � Additional Exterfor Woek: Conetructor'e Fee; Sab•total: GST; Totnl Coet: $37,800.00 $190,880,00 538,000�00 25 .00 . $291,680.00 20 17. a312,097.60 =aa����= ote #: The abova Budget Cost �stimate le for Hard Cosfr On1y and ie exclusive o�The Link' elr conditlonin�, drapes and drape trucke, furniture, appliaacea, and legel and dee gn [eee. ote #1s Coet o[ the one•etorey link plus air conditloniag: ,SS'3,000,00 plus GST. ' �%l1��, � q^vt er!�robsO:Y 9�v iNv:� �vu�a�n os�n: frvv. aa �•�'•7^� ' ' R�c���vEO ��1 Mnr � 3 �ssu ' CLERkS DEPARTMEN7 UGRITAOE PICKERING PRELIMINARY RGPORT on the ROUGG HILL SCNIOR CITIZCNS IIALL ulso Iwowo as lhe PALMER IIOUSC I] May 199R To: Ilrucc J. Taylor, Town Clcrk cc: Jill Foster Tim hloore , �� ! . °�E: ; Y _ l�,- J }e � . i i ; �. ••���e flill Senior Citizcns I1alUPalmer fluuse 464 Ktngston Road Dtuken Front, Rango ), Lot 31 Plan 816, pnrt lot 163 Heritnge P(ckering Preliminary Report 13 Mny 1998 , Prcpared by Ihe fteritogc Pickering Commiuee Pm�icla AmoIJ Peter Uuerschnper Knren Emmink Isa,Jnmes ]nnet hiehak lohn Sa6eun, Clmir Suson Shewan Gail WlJeman THE LAND AND THE DUILDING ' Oroken Front, Range 3, Lot 31 wns originally n Ciergy Reserve. Appnrently, Juring We 1820s it was accupied by one Zephaniah Jones (Thomas Ridout mup of 182J), who wns an eariy township opicer (Ueers Atlas, p. ix). On 20 October 1846, the lot �vas patented by Seneca Palmer. The Pnlmer family, however, had probn6ly been on the land since tiie early 1830s. The lot is variously described as 200 acres nnd 198 ncres; tliis is probn6ly duc to 1he canfiguration of Ihe lot, and especiully lo Ilic fact tlint Ilie lot was bisected by Kingslon RoaJ. In his will, drawn up in 18G6, Seneca Palmer lell all 100 ncres (ar 198 ac) to his widow Janc, and a(tcr her Jecease it wus to go to licr sons. Whcn Jane dicJ Ilie narlh 120 actes went lo their son George anJ Ihe south 80 acres to iheir son Jnmes. Georgc Pnlmer sold his portion in nvo lots in 1879; tlic 92 acres north of Kings�an Itaad i�c solJ !o Ti�omns Tripp, lhc 27 acres soud� of Kingslon Rond he solJ to DaviJ Ormislon. Tiie nonliern most 9? acres is Ilic ponian with which �ve arc herc cunccrned. This properry rcmained in the hmids of lha Tripp family forjust over 50 yeors, wlien it wns sald in 1932 to 7'homas hlcClure. blcClure ImmeJiately sold la Dertrnim Realty, and about 30 ycars laler (19fi0) it wns purchascd by thc Corporation of Ilie Town of Pickcring. The Palmer Flausc is a briek, single•storey Regcncy-style couagc. 7'lic Rcgency perioJ in archileclure insted from about 18J0 tu about 1860. Since Iltc Palmer's occupicd tl�e land from the enrly IB30s Ihe house may dale from Ihc early part of die perioJ. The only direct evidence we have at present, however, sl�ows Iliat it was in placc at least by 1851 (1851 cansus). TIIE PEOPLE Seneca Palmer was bom about 1790 in Ihe UniteJ States, A brother Jolin was born about Caur years Inler. Shenvood, Ihe ne:ct bra�her, however, wos bom in Scarboraugli, probably about 1800. Thc inference (s Ihat somctime Juring Ihe I�te 1790e tiin family immigr�icd to Upper , t �4R � A � CanaJ� end setlled in Scarborough. WooJ (Pu.rf Yeurr fn Plchartng, p. 278), eay� Ibat Shenvood was bom (n Scnrborougi� fn 1797, but Uw Julc ntust bc wrong since Searboruugli's first pertnonent setders, lha Thompson�, caroc to Scorborough only in 1799, put the Polmers werc cenalnly (n Swrborough by 1802, ae a committce repon(ng on the conJidon of Aea Denforlh's road in Ihot year, mentiuncd Ihat therc were ihrec settlers "in Uie firot thfrty miles east of Yo�k••Palmer at �he IOqi mile post, Joncs at Ilic l2th anJ Munger near dw 23rd " Scarborough was Seneca Palme�'s home Gom about 1800 until probably about 1830-]1. Four children were bom to him and h1s wife lane, eil of wliom bore his name: Jnmes Seneca Palmer, John Seneca Paimer, George Seneca Palmer, und William Senecu Palmer. Tiie frst two, born about 1820 nnd 1825 respectively, were bom in Scarborough, t6e U�ird son wns born in Pickering, so it seems likely Ihat sometime between 1825 anJ IS72 the Palmer Camily moved to Pickering. Allhougl� the crown grant Cor Lot ]I of the Droken Front was not made until 134G, it seems cenain Iliat Ilie family accupied thot lot kam the beginning of their move to Pickering. A small amount of the property moy have been cleared beforc tlie Palmers camc to il; nnJ even at the end of hfs life over lialf remained wooJeJ, no Joubt because of its siluation on the Petticoat Creek. Dy 1851, 50 acres haJ been clearcd anJ 20 years Intcr anotlier 40 ncres haJ been clearcd. Palmer fnrmed Ihese IanJs with the I�clp of his sons. Fram Ihe dam recordeJ in the agricultural censuses of 1851 and 1871 it appears Ihnt the Palmers mnde a goaJ living from their toil: Oy the 1861 census, Paimec was 71 ycors oIJ, and probnbly rctired as his occupation is described tlicre as "gentlemnn". Ilis sans cattied on tlie work, On IS Ocioher 1873, Senec� Palmer Jied. Dy liis will (in �lic Copy Douks for Pickcring in Ihc LonJ Regislry Office), drawn up in 1866, anJ regislereJ 7 November 1873, his widow Janc receiveJ not only tlie entire 200 (198) ncres oC Pickcring IanJ but also 3 parcels of IanJ in ' Scarborough nmounting to another I19 acres. When shc JicJ sometime in thc next five yenrs, the (ands were divided umong Ihcir children. George, umm�rricJ at Ihe time of Ihe Jrnwiug up of Ihe will, received the norlh 120 acrcs, James and his wife f{elen (or Gllen) receiveJ ihe sauth SU acres. lobn (and his wifc Sarah) anJ Wlilimn (ond his wife Annie) JivideJ Ihc Scarhorough properties. Among the esecutors af Seneca's will were his nepliews, Jolm's son Westcm Pelmer, nnJ ShenvooJ's son )ames Lamoreaux Palmer, While the histori�ns liuve bcen silent about Seneca, they hnve lold us consiJerable nboul James Lamoreaux. The Dcers Atlas of 1877 (Patron's Directory, p. 64) places James on Concession 2, Lot 20, granteJ originolly to IOs fadur Slienvood. There James was occupied ns o fnrmer and a9 a lumber manufncturer. fiis rcsidence i� picmrcd on p. 36. Thc Rev. Wood odJ� lu th(s tlmt Jomes for mm�y years � opernted a sawmill on Ihe property, anJ tliat lie scrved the townsliip ns councillor nnd depmy reeve. Woad elso tells a story thal he probnbly got directly Gom James or from liis wife (wlio was still on the property when Wood compiled his history) tliat lamcs "when a boy attenJed school far some years in Ohio, wlicrc one of hie companions was James Gar(ield, a(lenvards Presidenl [of �he UnileJ SlatesJ " � 143 � J•���.I L. Pnlmct was olso "onc of Iho most prominent mcmbcrs uf �hc Disclplc churcii on the Kingslon RoaJ," nccording to Wood. Oqier mcmbcro of tlie Palmcr fomfly werc also Discipics os we�e the Tr(pps who purchascd tlie nonli part af Lot 91, Df, Gom Senecn Palmer's eon. Seneca's brothers John and SherwooJ arc buried In Ihc Post cemetery (corncr of Kingston anJ Orock Roods), n cemetery bclonging to thc Disctplc church. Seneca, howcver, from lhc evidence we have, never claimeJ membersliip in that churcl�. (n Ili� census of I S51 he Jescribes himself as of no religion; but by 1871 he claimed membersliip in Ihc Dible Chrislien church. [�e may well have been buded in the Post ccmetery but Ihcrc (s no rcwrd there ar elsewhere of his budaL Sources: , To�vnship Plan of Pickering, Thomas Ridout, Surveyor, 1823. Censuses of 1851, I861, 1871. Will of Seneca Pulmer, N1600, registered 7 November I873. Tiemnine'r ,1/ap ojdie Cmin�y oj0ularin, Upper Canada. Taronlo: Gcorgc C. Tremaine, 1860. /Ifuarrored f!lrrorica! Arlar oj�he Cuunry ujOn�ario, OnL Toronto:l.11. Decrs & Co„ 1877. Map oC the Township of Pickering, Onlnrio Counry, ca��Au�. rime 2 or ci�o�t�5 c. cona, d�fut ojOnrario Cvnnry, Province of Onrarlo. Toromo: Chos. E. GoaJ, 1895. WooJ, �Villiam R, Par� Years ln Pickcring. 7'oronto: William Driggs, 191I. AlcKny, William A. Tlie Pickering Sfury. Pickering: Townsliip of Pickcring Ilisloricnl Socicty, 196 L I �C t � �: r . i. �i � =.;;�; ;. , • 1� ' . �'�� :,:�� }` `i1 � �� � �t" � � -;,�� . ,� � � ;;� . �1 J SUGGESTIONS FOR USES Of A RCSTORCD PALMGR IIOUSC: I. The large crnlml room woulJ scrvc vcry well as n corofortnblc und relaxing reading ond/or meciing room, complcte �vilh resloreJ fireplace. 2. The house ilself m(ght scrve es a Jramatic entryway or rcceplion nrca. 3. Given the IocaUon of Ihe Iwuse olong Kingston Road aud overlaoking die Petticoat Creek vnlley the house could serve adndrubly as n nalure interprelation ccnlro ei�hcr now or in die fumrc when a namro trail is built along Qie creck, 4. Lacated foirly close to tlie westem entry oC tlic town, the liouse migin also serve as a tourist informalion centrc. S. It seems cenain Ihat a new archival room wiil became necessary in tl�e very near Cuturc. Fleriinge Pickering wns approached over a year ogo to find a localion Cor the copy books pertaining to Pickering that will soon be removeJ Gom the LanJ Registry Oflice (n Whitby. We will nat know exactly how tnuch space will be required to liouse tliese books unlil at least about the mfJJic of June. Wlien you consiJer tiint the 19 Abs�ract InJexes alone lake up a spoce Ihat is a foot higl� by n foot deep by 90 inches wiJe, you can well imngine that Ihc copy baoks Ihemselves which cantnin 3 or 4 p�ges or more for every line in tlie indexcs will IoY.e up u very considerable space indeeJ. Tiie Palmer house is one of very Cew existing Regency style coltages in Pickering and one of Ihe very few lieritoge builJings existin� olang Ilte Kingston RoaJ in Pickering. Tlie mcmbers of Herilage Pickcring nre unanimous in believing Ihat the Palmcr house is a strucWrally sound builJing, is worth rcstoring, unJ woulJ be an asset Bolh to the new librory nnd to q�e town ns a wliole. We see it especialiy as playing somc liistoric role: as a placc to dispiny some of Pickering's herimge, as a storoge oren fur ils archives, as an interpreiive cenlrc bmh for i�s human and for ils nawrol heritage. 7'lie builJing itselC stands as u rcndnJer of Ihe family Ihot devaloped ond formeJ the lond. Il is u finc example of a parliculur orchitectural stylc, emphasizins as it Joes one oC the chnrocteristics oC Ihc Regency slyle to loc�lc in a dramalic setting. Restoration of Ihe Palmer housc can bc a leaming experience for �s all. It would give us a chonce to learn nbout aur pust: abuut tlie people wi�o moveJ here, about the IunJ they bolh useJ and protecleJ, nbout Ihe stylc of builJing Ihey chosc nnJ how it fits so nnlurally wilh ils surtoundings, about chnnges to Ihe land and transfers of ownership. An arcltives would document not only Uiis properry, but eli of Pickering's Innd. AnJ if the builJing werc to become a heritagc centre, tl�e 1lorticultural Soclety miglrt help to suggest pinnls that are boU� nalive lo �he area anJ hnve some historic nt�ochment to our pioneers. In short a restored Palmer housa woulJ be en usset to Uu library nnd to tl�e town aeslhetically, erchitecturally, and historically. 145 . •��s rcECOh�nicNUnrioNS: A library ia nn cducadonal instiludon. ConsiJcr Ihc negndvc impact of bcginn(ng Ihc lifc of iids new Iibmry by tearing Jown a houae tlmt is bu�li slrucl��rolly sounJ anJ af 6is�oric anJ archilecmrol value, We •,+ould be sending aut a m:ssnge ihat Pickering'e herimge le not imponam, anJ �hm rcc,ycling is only fur sclioul cliilJrcn not for aJults in thc real world. When faced wilh a simiinr question of wlull�er to tcar Jown anJ rebuilJ or to restare an older housc, Nefer LeParJ, CEO of the Fire Deparlment Employeee CreJit Union chose Ihe latter course. As she explained to Ileritnge Pickering: "We are in llie financial business; we wanteJ lo create a warm, Cdendly almosphere Cor our cliems." She hersdC Jrew up the plans for Ihe testored Credit Union building on Deyly Strect in Pickering, ond directeJ die restoration project. The fireplece is not yet (n working order, but sl�e assures us it will be by next wfnter. The cost oC testorntfon: between S95 000 and S 100 000. Ms LaPard is Jus�ifiably prouJ of 1he coropleled projecl. She may be reached by plione via tlie lacal office. There ere progroms such as the Cultural Facility Improvement Program Uiat might be used for a restoralion proJect, and lhereby eosc tlic financfal burJai of the luwn. Ilerilage Pickering has asked Ihe Architecwral Conscrvancy of Onmriu to comment on ihe Palmer house. They senl out one of their bourd member�, Phil Carler, who IoureJ Ihe house insiJe and out ond will shartly be submitling liis report. We ask that no irrevocable decision 6e made 6efote hfs report reaciiee tiie Town Council. , THE \ DURHAM DISTRICT SCHOOL BOAftD 400 Tauitm Rw�d Ent Orxario u '�ca rerpc.r: �vos� �ssoo Fxc �90;� GGbdq74 ��� L�� { InGematlonal Reclpient Car! Bertelsmann Plira i� ��r��w� � ���i���d s�«MS, xhievnl thrwgh Ihe Jevclqmrnl ol a xhool sysicm dedicmeJ lo �he improvrmrnl d yvilily and offering oplimal i�� orp�,�i:,u� lo ihe Indivfdu�l uhouls, �hus enabling studrnts lo derclop io �n��� r�u Pamu,i. July 15,1998 Thamos J. Quinn, Qe�cml Mnnager Thc Corporotion of the Town of Pickering Pickcring Civic Complex Onc thc Esplunadc ('ickcring, Onlarin LI V GK7 Dcur Tum Quinn: . 1 am in rcccipt of your Icttcr of Junc 30, 1998 inJicaling Ihut thc'fown uf Pickcring is intcrcslcJ in the possiblc ucyuisitiun uf WuuJlands Glcmcntary School. ��a-�..TO�o�r�'— �e 147 I As you nrc msarc, Ihc Durlium Uistrict 5chcwl UonrJ unnounceJ its ! AccommoJution and Sshuol improvement plun ahich would nsult in Ihe closure of somc schiwls, thc rcno��a�ing unJ cnhancing uf otlurs anJ thc building of ncw schuois over Ihe next Ilucc ycars. As Ihis process procecds, schools iJentificd fur clasure necJ to lx offcrcd in «Tiling to our colcmiinuus schuol IwurJ, if Ihcy arc nut imeresled ihe schools then Ixcome avuiluble lo the Onlurio Itcolily CorEwrntion and thus lu municipulilics. 77�is proccss will conlinuc in Ihc foll. I K•iil notc your intcresl in Ihis property und will bc plcuscJ lu Jis�uss Ihc pruress for Jispuwl as it mifulJs in Octolxr- Nu��emlxr 1998. If you hnve any yucslions wilh rcspcct io Ihis malter, pleasc Jo not hesilulc to call mc nt ?OS•66fi•G31 Z. Sinccrcly, �ra��r �c,�. Gronl Y�b, Direclor of Cducalion. c.c. Ruth Ann Schcdlich, Chnirperson Ron Trbovich, Superintendent of Gducnlion/13usincss GY:kpm