HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD 30-02 Ciú¡ ()~ REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Neil Carroll Director, Planning & Development DATE: June 12,2002 - REPORT NUMBER: PD 30-02 SUBJECT: Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2002-01 Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 01/02 Marshall Homes (Dunbarton) Limited Lots 111, 112, 113, Part of Lots 114 and 115, Plan 1051 (East side of Fairport Road, north ofWelrus Street) City of Pickering RECOMMENDATION: 1. That Draft Plan of Subdivision Application SP-2002-01 submitted by Marshall Homes (Dunbarton) Limited on behalf of Joe Guzzo-Folario in trust, on lands being Lots 111, 112, 113, Part of Lots 114 and 115, Plan 1051, City of Pickering, to permit the development of a plan of subdivision, be APPROVED, subject to the conditions outlined in Appendix I to Planning Report Number PD 30-02. 2. That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 01/02 submitted by Marshall Homes (Dunbarton) Limited on behalf of Joe Guzzo-Folario in trust, on lands being Lots 111, 112, 113, Part of Lots 114 and 115, Plan 1051, City of Pickering, to establish performance standards to allow the implementation of draft plan of subdivision SP-2002-01, be APPROVED, subject to the conditions outlined in Appendix II to Planning Report Number PD 30-02. - 3. That staff be directed to complete informational reVISIons to the Urban Neighbourhood - Neighbourhood 7: Dunbarton, of the Pickering Official Plan and the Dunbarton Neighbourhood Design Guidelines to reflect the revised road network created through approval of Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2002-01. ORIGIN: Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2002-01 and Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 1/02 submitted to the City of Pickering. AUTHORITY: The Planning Act, RS.O. 1990, chapter P.13 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: - No direct costs to the City are anticipated as a result of the proposed development. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The applicant proposes to develop a draft plan of subdivision consisting of 20 detached dwellings on lots with ITontages ranging from 13.5 metres to 18.0 metres, on new roads extending east from Fairport Road. The associated rezoning will introduce standards similar to those that have been implemented in other residential subdivisions in the Dunbarton Neighbourhood in recent years. Report to Council PD 30-02 Date: June 12, 2002 Subject: Draft Plan of Subdivision Application SP-2002-01 Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 01/02 Page 2 The applicant's proposal includes amendments to the road pattern illustrated in the Council approved Dunbarton Neighbourhood Design Guidelines and Neighbourhood Plan in the Pickering Official Plan. A new location is proposed for vehicular access onto Fairport Road and the north road extension beyond the north limit of the subject lands is deleted. - The proposed plan of subdivision represents appropriate residential infill that is desirable and efficient. The proposal conforms to the policies of the Pickering Official Plan for lands designated "Urban Residential - Low Density Area". All interests of the City will be appropriately addressed through an associated subdivision agreement. BACKGROUND: 1.0 Introduction The subject lands are comprised of 3 full lots and the rear portions of two additional lots, located on the east side of Fairport Road, north of Welrus Street. The subject lands currently support 3 detached dwellings that are in poor condition. A property location map is provided for reference (see Location Map - Attachment #1). The original draft plan of subdivision that was submitted proposed 23 detached dwelling units on lots with a minimum frontage of 12.0 metres. The original proposal was presented at the public meeting and described in the public meeting information report (see Applicant's Original Submitted Plan - Attachment #2). Since the public meeting the applicant has revised the draft plan of subdivision. The frontage of the proposed lots on "Street A" have been widened from 12.0 metres to 13.5 metres. The lot frontages were increased to 13.5 metres or greater, providing additional area for amenity space, . setback requirements, and greater opportunities for architectural treatments such as large front porches, additional windows, and will assist in minimizing garage projections. The increase in the proposed lot frontages has resulted in a reduction in the total number of lots proposed from 23 to 20 (see Applicant's Revised Submitted Plan\ Staff Recommended Plan - Attachment #3). - The following is background information on the subject applications: Proposed Development Detail Gross area of draft plan Net residential area of draft plan N umber of residential lots Net residential density Detached dwelling lot frontages - minimum 12.0 metres - minimum 13.5 metres - minimum 13.95 metres - minimum 14.25 metres - minimum 15.0 metres - minimum 18.0 metres - 2.0 Information Meeting Original Plan (Attachment 2) - 1.04 ha - 0.68 ha - 23 - 33.8 unitslha Revised Plan (Attachment 3) - 1.04 ha - 0.68 ha - 20 - 29.4 units/ha - 23 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 0 - 10 - 3 - 4 - 2 - 1 A Public Information Meeting for the subject applications was held on April 18, 2002. Information Report No. 11-02, which summarizes the applicant's original proposal and outlines the issues and comments identified to that date through circulation of the application, was prepared for that meeting. . The text of the Information Report is provided for reference (see Attachment #5). Report to Council PD 30-02 Date: June 12,2002 Subject: Draft Plan of Subdivision Application SP-2002-01 Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 01/02 Page 3 At the Public Information Meeting, one area resident and one representative fÌom the Liverpool West Community Association commented on the applicant's proposal. Comments included: - . support for the residential development; . that attention to the flankage treatments of lots 13 and 14 (on the applicant's original submission) be given special attention; . that fencing be installed along the east and south sides of 1801 Fairport Road; . that the grading and drainage ofthe subject property be maintained on-site; Minutes of the April 18, 2002 Statutory Public Information Meeting are provided for reference (see Attachment #6). 2.1 Public Comment Since the public meeting three written comments have been received fÌom area residents. Mrs. Vivian VandenHazel, of 1757 Fairport Road, expressed her support for the application, however she did express concerns with, the proposed alignment of Street B and its impacts on future developments to the. south, the large lot depths on the west side of Street B, and with the architectural design of the two lots flanking onto Fairport Road (see Attachment #7). F. Silva & J. Brisebois, of 1774 Fairport Road, stated their opposition to the applications citing concerns with the potential for high traffic volumes (see Attachment #8). -- Bob Martindale of Martindale Planning Services on behalf of Mr. Anthony Debruin, 1792 Fairport Road, requested that the location of the proposed intersection be reviewed in relation to the future development potential on the west side of Fairport Road (see Attachment #9). 2.2 Comments from Other Agencies Hydro One Networks Inc. has advised that they have no objections to the applications. Veridian Connections has advised that they have no objection to this proposal, and request a copy of the proposed civil design plans to prepare a preliminary design and estimate to service the proposed subdivision and has advised of certain responsibilities the applicant will have to satisfy (see Attachment #10). Canada Post has advised that this subdivision will receive door-to-door mail service and that a mail receptacle be provided at each address, which shall be numbered and clearly visible from the street. Enbridge Consumers Gas has advised that they have no objection to this proposal, and requested that specific conditions be added to the subdivision agreement to address the location and design ofthe natural gas distribution system (see Attachment #11). - Bell Canada has advised that they have no objection to the proposed subdivision and have requested that provisions be included in the subdivision agreement to address easements that may be required (see Attachment # 12). Heritage Pickering has advised that they have no objection to the applications but would like to see the maintenance of as many of the existing trees as possible. The Durham District School Board has advised that they have no objection to the applications. Report to Council PD 30-02 Date: June 12, 2002 Subject: Draft Plan of Subdivision Application SP-2002-0l Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 01/02 Page 4 Durham Catholic District School Board has advised that they have no objection to the applications. - Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) has advised that based on the completion of a site walk and the review of detailed survey infonnation, the top of bank and valley feature are located to the east of the subject property. The TRCA has indicated their support for the proposed draft plan subject to the submission and approval of a detailed report which is to contain infonnation respecting the stonn drainage system for the proposed development, prior to registration of the proposed subdivision. In addition, the TRCA has requested certain conditions be incorporated into the conditions of approval and subdivision agreement (see Attachment #13). Region of Durham Planning Department has advised that Durham Regional Official Plan designates the subject lands as Living Area, where development is intended to be predominantly for housing purposes. The applications have been screened in accordance with the tenns of the provincial plan review responsibilities and a noise and vibration study as well as an archaeological study are required. Matters related to Regional servicing and financing will be addressed in a required agreement between the developer and the Region. In summary, the Region has no objection to the application and has requested certain conditions be incorporated into the conditions of approval (see Attachment # 14). 2.4 Comments from City Departments The Municipal Property & Engineering Division has advised ofthe following: - . The well and septic system servicing the existing home is in the future right-of-way and that the City will require certification of their proper removal and abandonment to pennit road construction. . A 16 metre right of way is not a recognized/recommended standard. . The Street "B" right-of -way width at 16.0 metres does not allow a temporary turning circle to be constructed without creating blocks out of lots 1 and 2. . The applicant will be required to submit a report to address the separation of the proposed intersection ITom Welrus Street and to examine anticipated traffic. The Supervisor, Development Control has advised of the following: - . Street A & B are to be named "Golden Ridge Road" as it will connect in the future with a street being constructed by the City northward from Dunbarton Road. . Sidewalks are to be installed on the south and west side of the streets to connect with the sidewalk on the City's portion of this road. . The applicant's proposal to establish a 16.0 metre right of way will require the submission of preliminary grading plan demonstrating that a 1.75 metre wide boulevard will provide suitable area to accommodate road and servicing construction, snow storage and suitable grades until future development occurs on the east side of Street "B" to provide the full 18.5 metre right of way. . The additional 2.5 metres for the road allowance will be acquired upon development of the lands on the east side of Street "B". . The applicant will be required to install a temporary, pennanent sized, turning circle at the south limit of Street "B". .' The Geotechnical report received with the submission appears sufficient for the works required on-site. . The applicant will be required to submit a stonn water management report to confirm that the system proposed will confonn to the Dunbarton Creek Master Stonnwater Management Plan, that the stonn sewers are to be appropriately sized to accommodate future development. . A 0.3 metre reserve block is required along the east limit of Street "B" to control access to this area. Report to Council PD 30-02 Date: June 12, 2002 Subject: Draft Plan of Subdivision Application SP-2002-0l Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 01/02 Page 5 - . The applicant will be required to enter into a subdivision agreement with the City to address matters such as but not limited to, the provision for engineering drawings for City services, roads, storm sewers, sidewalks, street lighting, fencing, lot grading, tree planting, etc. and financial obligations with respect to securities for services to be installed and maintained, all to the satisfaction of the City. . A construction management plan will be required and must address such items as road cleaning, mud\dust control, sedimentation and erosion controls, hours of operation, vehicle parking during both the servicing and house construction stage, equipment and material storage during both servicing and house construction stage, top soil stockpile location, etc. 3.0 Discussion The subject lands are located within the Dunbarton Neighbourhood for which development guidelines have been established and adopted by Council. The Development Guidelines contain provisions pertaining to such matters as, lot ftontages, dwelling types, park locations, and future road patterns. To ensure that development occurs in a manner that is appealing, orderly, and consistent with the character of the neighbourhood, new development proposals must comply with the design guidelines described in the accompanying chart and mapping (see Dunbarton Neighbourhood Design Guidelines - Attachment #4). The Dunbarton Neighbourhood Design Guidelines anticipated a residential subdivision development of the subject lands, including a north-south road along the rear of the subject lands to facilitate future residential development on adjacent lands. The applicant's proposal includes amendments to the road patterns outlined in the Dunbarton Neighbourhood Design Guiddines with respect to access onto Fairport Road and the deletion of the north-south connection beyond the north limit of the subject lands. - This development, with revisions as illustrated on the Staff Recommended Plan, and subject to the conditions recommended in Appendices I and II to this Report, constitutes an appropriate residential infill subdivision which provides desirable and efficient development. Some of the particular issues which staff have examined to arrive at this position are explained in the following subsections. 3.1 Road Patterns North-South Road (Street "B") The Dunbarton Neighbourhood Development and Design Guidelines illustrate a proposed new road extending from Dunbarton Road to a point beyond the north limit of the subject lands. The applicant is proposing an amendment to the future road pattern by deleting the northern extension of the new internal road beyond the subject lands and a realignment of this road beyond the south limit ofthe subject lands. - The justification for the deletion of the northern extension is based on the impacts of the Dunbarton Creek located to the north and east of the subject lands. A site walk with staff from the Planning & Development and from the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) was conducted to survey the top of bank feature and investigate the impacts of this feature on the future northerly extension of Street "B". The detailed information gathered from the site walk and survey illustrate that the future northerly road extension proposed in the Dunbarton Neighbourhood Design Guidelines is not feasible due to the location of the top of bank ofDunbarton Creek and the relevant polices of the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority which require a 10 metre development setback from top of bank. The implementation of the 10 metre setback would result in a westward relocation of the proposed road creating a condition that is not conducive for rear lot development of the abutting properties to the north as initially anticipated in the Dunbarton Neighbourhood Guidelines. Based on the above noted information, it is recommended that Street "B" terminate as illustrated on the Staff Recommended Plan. Report to Council PD 30-02 Date: June 12, 2002 Subject: Draft Plan of Subdivision Application SP-2002-01 Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 01/02 Page 6 - The Dunbarton N eighbourhood Guidelines illustrate the north-south road extending ITom Dunbarton Road along the west lot lines of the lots ITonting Appleview Road. The applicant is proposing to shift location of this north-south road onto the east side of the subject lands with the intent to initiate a gradual eastward shift of Street "B" in order to ensure that the connection to Dunbarton Road is feasible. The Staff Recommended Plan includes revisions which include this gradual shift in road location at the south limit of the applicant's plan. The location and degree of shift for this north-south road will be reviewed in detail through future applications to develop lands to the south. East- West Road (Street "A") As a result of the deletion of the northward extension of Street "B" a new access point from Fairport Road is required. The applicant's proposal includes a new access point to Fairport Road in a location further south than was initially contemplated by the guidelines. Due to the proposed location of Street "A" with respect to the existing intersection at Welrus Street and Fairport Road and future intersections on the west side of Fairport Road, the applicant commissioned a study of the intersection spacing in order to examine the capacity, safety, and efficiency aspects of locating a new intersection on Fairport Road. The report prepared by SRM Associates, examined the location of existing intersections, future intersections, sightlines on Fairport Road, and existing and future traffic volumes. The conclusions of the report were favourable with respect to the proposed location of Street "A". The Municipal Property and Engineering Division has reviewed the report and concurs with the conclusion in support of the proposed intersection location. - 3.2 Architectural Design Considerations All of the proposed lots are of a size which will facilitate dwelling designs which are compatible with the existing sUlTounding neighbourhood and with other newer subdivisions in the Dunbarton Neighbourhood.The applicant has provided a conceptual building envelope for the wide-shallow lots, ffonting onto Street "A", confirming that appropriate dwelling designs can be achieved in compliance with the recommended zoning provisions ofthe Dunbarton Neighbourhood Design Guidelines while providing an appropriate amenity area for the homeowners. Through the circulation of the application, concerns were expressed by area residents respecting the design of the dwellings to be located on the lots abutting Fairport Road. The applicant will be required to address the design of these units, as well as other flankage conditions within the subdivision, to provide architectural upgrades such as entrance doors on the flankage side, wrap around porches~ roof treatments, and the use of alternating building materials. It is recommended that prior to the issuance of any permits, the applicant prepare a report to the satisfaction of the Director, Planning & Development, outlining siting and architectural design objectives for the draft plan of subdivision that includes streetscape/architectural guidelines. These guidelines will include restriction of garage projections, flankage elevation treatments and model types at certain locations. - 3.3 Appropriateness of the Proposed Development The twenty lots identified on the Staff Recommended Plan constitute an appropriate lotting pattern which meets and exceeds the Dunbarton Neighbourhood Development and Design Guidelines requirements that minimum lot ITontages of 12.0 metres be required on internal roads. Report to Council PD 30-02 Date: June 12, 2002 Subject: Draft Plan of Subdivision Application SP-2002-01 Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 01/02 Page 7 The Staff Recommended Plan includes a development block and road pattern which provides for future development of the abutting lands to the east. In addition, the proposed lotting and road pattern provides opportunities for future development of the lands to the south. - Conditions of Approval recommended in Appendix I to this Report include provisions to appropriately address the interests ofthe City. 3.4 Zoning Requirements The zoning standards proposed to implement this draft plan are the same standards used in other newer subdivisions in the Dunbarton neighbourhoQd. These standards, which are outlined in Appendix II to this report, include provisions such as maximum building heights of9.0 metres, and minimized garage,projections from the front of the dwellings. It is anticipated that the amending zoning by-law will be brought forward to Council after the submission of an acceptable draft 40M plan. 3.5 Technical Matters Fencing This subdivision is an infill situation where new residential development is being introduced into an older established neighbourhood. The design of the plan is such that it introduces several rear yard conditions onto existing neighbouring lots. The issue of the developers requirement for fencing was raised at the statutory public meeting for this application. -. In order to lessen the impact of new residential development on existing residents, it is recommended that the developer be required to install fencing along the rear portion of Lots 7-11 that abut 1787 Fairport Road, and the rear portion of Lots 12-16 that abut 1801 Fairport Road to the satisfaction of the Director, Planning & Development. The design\materials for this fencing may be influenced by the noise and vibration study required as a condition of development. Tree Preservation The applicant will be required to provide a tree preservation plan to examine opportunities to preserve the existing vegetation where possible. A number of individual specimens exist on the subject property, however with required grading, road and servicing installation, and ground disturbance within the building envelope, any significant tree preservation will be difficult. Approval of a tree preservation plan will be required as a condition of approval of the subdivision. Subdivision Agreement - A future subdivision agreement between the City and the owner of the lands will be required to ensure that all matters of interest to the City are protected. This required agreement, and several other development implementation matters, are incorporated into the recommended conditions of approval for this proposal found in Appendix I to this Report. Parkland As no park blocks fonn part of the draft plan, the City will accept cash-in lieu from the subdivider in order to satisfy Section 42(1) of the Planning Act. - - - Report to Council PD 30-02 Date: June 12, 2002 Subject: Draft Plan of Subdivision Application SP-2002-01 Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 01/02 Page 8 4.0 Applicant's Comments The applicant is aware of the content of this Report, and generally concurs with the recommendations. The applicant will be addressing Committee respecting the fencing detailed requested. APPENDICES: APPENDIX I: APPENDIX II: Recommended Conditions of Approval for SP-2001-01 Recommended Conditions of Approval for A 1/02 ATTACHMENTS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. II. 12. 13. 14. Property Location Map Applicant's Original Submitted Plan Applicant's Revised Submitted Plan\ Staff Recommended Plan Dunbarton Neighbourhood Guidelines Information Report No. 11-02 Minutes of the April 18, 2002 Statutory Public Meeting Resident Comment - Vivian VandenHazel, 1757 Fairport Road Resident Comment - F. Silva & J. Brisebois, 1774 Fairport Road Resident Comment - B. Martindale on behalf of Anthony Debruin, 1792 Fairport Road Agency Comment - Veridian Connections Agency Comment - Enbridge Consumers Gas Agency Comment - Bell Canada Agency Comment - Toronto and Region Conservation Authority Agency Comment - Region of Durham Plamring Department Approved 1 Endorsed by: Lynda D. Taylor, IP, RPP Manager, Devel pment Review TBljf Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer " ,.' APPENDIX I TO REPORT NUMBER PD 30-02 - RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR DRAFT PLANS OF SUBDIVISION SP-2002-01 - - RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION SP-2002-01 1.0 GENERAL CONDITIONS 1.1 That this recommendation apply to the draft plan prepared by ICM Engineering Limited, dated November, 2001, revised June 10,2002 (Drawing Number DP-l), for Draft Plan of Subdivision Application SP-2002-01 submitted by Marshall Homes (Dunbarton) Limited on behalf of Joe Guzzo-Folario in trust, on lands being Lots 111, 112, 113, Part of Lots 114 and 115, Plan 1051, City of Pickering, to permit the development of 20 lots, all for detached dwellings as shown on the Staff Recommended Plan included in the Planning Report Number PD 30-02. - 2.0 PRIOR TO THE REGISTRATION OF THE PLAN: 2.1.1 That the owners submit a Draft 40M-Plan to be approved by the City Planning & Development Department that includes the modifications to the plan as outlined the Planning Report Number PD 30-02. 2.1.2 That the implementing by-law for Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 1/02 become final and binding. 2.3 That the owner enter into a subdivision agreement with and to the satisfaction of the City of Pickering to ensure the fulfillment of the City's requirements, financial and otherwise, which shall include, but not necessarily be limited to the following: 2.3.1 Stonn Drainage - (a) satisfaction of the Director, Planning & Development Department respecting a stonnwater drainage and management system to service all the lands in the subdivision, and any provisions regarding easements. 2.3.2 Grading Control and Soils (a) satisfaction of the Director, Planning & Development Department respecting submission and approval of a grading and control plan; (b) satisfaction of the Director, Planning and Development Department respecting the submission and approval of a geotechnical soils analysis. 2.3.3 Road Allowances (a) satisfaction of the Director, Planning & Development Department respecting construction of internal roads with curbs, stonn sewers, sidewalks and boulevard designs to maximize front yard space without impeding services or the safe operation of the streets; (b) satisfaction of the Director, Planning & Development Department respecting the construction of a pennanently sized temporary turning circle at the southern end of Street "A"; and, - (c) That all streets be named to the satisfaction of the City of Pickering. 2.3.4 Sidewalks (a) That the owner construct a sidewalk along the south and west side of the new public street to the satisfaction ofthe Director, Planning & Development Department. 2.3.5 Construction 1 Installation of City Works & Services - 2 - (a) satisfaction of the City respecting arrangements for the provision of all services req aired by the City; (b) satisfaction of the appropriate authorities respecting arrangements for the provision of underground wiring, street lighting, cable television, natural gas and other similar servIces; (c) that the cost of any relocation, extension, alteration or extraordinary maintenance of existing services necessitated by this development shall be the responsibility of the subdivider. - 2.3.6 Dedications 1 Transfers 1 Conveyances (a) the dedication of all road allowances with the proper comer roundings and sight triangles to the City; (b) that the owner convey to the City, at no costs: (i) (ii) (iii) Block 21, on the Staff Recommended Plan being a three (3) metre wide road widening on Fairport Road; any easements as required; and, any reserves as required by the City. (c) that the subdivider convey any easement to any utility to facilitate the installation of their services in a location(s) to the satisfaction ofthe City and the utility. 2.3.7 Construction Management Plan - (a) that the owners make satisfactory arrangements with the City respecting a construction management plan, such Plan to contain, among other things: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) details of erosion and sedimentation controls during all phases of construction and provide maintenance requirements to maintain these controls; addressing the parking of vehicles and the storage of construction and building materials during servicing and house construction, and ensuring that such locations will not impede the flow of traffic or emergency vehicles on either existing streets or the proposed public street; ensurance that the City's Noise By-law will be adhered to and that all contractors, trades and suppliers are advised of this By-law; . the provision of mud and dust control on all roads within and adjacent to the site. type and timing of construction fencing location of construction trailers 2.3.8 Development Charges (a) satisfaction of the City financially with respect to the Development Charges Act. 2.3.9 Co-ordinated Development - (a) satisfaction of the City with respect to arrangements necessary to provide for co-ordination of services and roads with adjacent lands and any phasing of development that may be required; (b) That Block 24, on the Staff Recommended Plan, be developed for residential purposes in conjunction with the abutting easterly lands and that this Block be maintained to the satisfaction of the City until such time as it is developed with the abutting lands. 2.3.10 Fencing - 3 - (a) satisfaction of the City with respect to the provision of temporary fencing around the entire perimeter of the subject lands during construction, prior to the commencement of any works; (b) satisfaction of the City with respect to the installation of fencing, along the rear lot line of Lots 7-11 that abut 1787 Fairport Road, and rear lot line of Lots 12-16 that abut 1801 Fairport Road. - ( c) satisfaction of the City with respect to the provision of noise attenuation fencing as per a noise report approved by the City of Pickering. 2.3.11 Street Tree Planting (a) the submission of a street tree planting plan to the satisfaction of the City. 2.3.12 Tree Preservation (a) that the owner prepare and submit a detailed tree preservation program to the City for approval with emphasis on minimizing lot grading, and agree that no trees be removed until such time as the tree preservation program has been approved by the City's Director, Planning & Development and the Director, Operations & Emergency Services. 2.3.13 Design Planning - (a) the satisfaction of the Director, Planning & Development Department respecting a report outlining siting and architectural design objectives for the development, and the submission of site plans and architectural drawings identifying how each unit meets the objectives of the report, prior to the issuance of any building permit for the construction of a residential unit on the lands; (b) the report outlining siting and architectural design objectives for the development must address building envelopes, house designs, siting, and streetscapes as well as garage designs, locations, massing, width, and projection from the main dwelling; (c) the report outlining siting and architectural design objectives for the development must address driveway placement and curb cut location on the proposed public road to ensure adequate room is maintained to accommodate street furniture and boulevard landscaping; 2.3.14 Noise Attenuation (a) that the owners satisfy the requirements of the Ministry of the Environment regarding the approval of a noise study recommending noise control features satisfactory to the Region of Durham, and the City of Pickering. 2.3.15 Engineering Drawings - (a) that the owner satisfy the City respecting the submission of appropriate engineering drawings that detail, among other things, City services, roads, storm sewers, sidewalks, lot grading, streetlights, fencing and tree planting, and financially-secure such works. (b) that the engineering plans be co-ordinated with the architectural design objectives and further the engineering plans shall co-ordinate the driveway width, street hardware and street trees in order to ensure that conflicts do not exist, asphalt is minimized and street trees are accommodated. 2.3.16 Other Approval Agencies (a) that the subdivider satisfy all the requirements ofthe Region of Durham; -4- (b) that the subdivider satisfy all the requirements of the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority; and, (c) that any approvals which are required from the Region of Durham or the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority for the development of this plan be obtained by the subdivider, and upon request written confirmation be provided to the City of Pickering as verification of these approvals. - 2.3.17 Parkland Dedication (a) that the subdivider provide to the City cash-in-lieu of parkland dedications, to the satisfaction of the Director, Planning & Development, in order to satisfy Section 42(1) of the Planning Act. 2.3.18 Existing Buildings (a) that the owner make satisfactory arrangements with the City regarding the removal and\or demolition ofthe existing buildings on the subject property. -- - - - - APPENDIX II TO REPORT NUMBER PD 30-02 RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 1/02 1. That the implementing zoning by-law: (a) pennit the establishment of detached dwellings in accordance with the following prOVISIOns: minimum lot area of 350 square metres; minimum lot frontage of 12.0 metres; minimum front yard depth of 4.5 metres; minimum rear yard depth of 7.5 metres; minimum side yard width of 1.2 metres on one side and 0.6 metres on the other side; (vi) minimum flankage side yard width of 2.7 metres on internal roads, and 4.5 metres for lots flanking onto Fairport Road; (vii) maximum building height of9.0 metres; (viii) minimum gross floor area of 100 square metres; (ix) maximum of one dwelling unit per lot; (x) maximum lot coverage of38 percent; (xi) minimum one private garage per lot, any vehicular entrance of which shall be located not less than 6.0 metres from the front lot line and not less than 6.0 metres from any side lot line immediately adjoining a street or abutting on a reserve on the opposite side of which is a street; (xi) special provisions to minimize garage projections from the front of dwellings, and; (xii) special provisions for detached garages in the side and rear yards. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) tHTt\CHMENT # J TO HE paRT ii PO,,-,~"-O - 0 êÀ. - -- ::J I~ 0 ð II: STREET 40'\ \-A~~'< \-A\G City of Pickering Planning & Development Department PROPERTY DESCRIPTION LOTS 111, 112, 113 AND PART OF LOTS 114 AND.115, PLAN 1051 OWNER GUZZO-FOLIARO DATE MAR. 22, 2002 DRAWN BY RC APPLICATION No. SP-2002-01; A 01/02 FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY PN-7 SCALE 1 :7500 CHECKED BY T8 l' PA- - -- --); , C> ~ J WELRUS ROAD ~ - I I l ATTACHMENT II .;;< TO REPORT # PO 3ò ~ 0;;;' APPLICANT'S ORIGINAL SUBMITTED PLAN SP-2002-01; A 01/02 LOT I I ix 67.06 _,_,_,_,_,_,_,-. 109 ~ O~ c¡¡¡¡ et:§ ~! Go ~I 1 N72'51'30"E ---------------~iI'_I_'_I_'_'- ¡:iï d - LOT 1 1 0 ~ï I --- I \J4r~ I ~~ I .J N72'51'30"E 57.91 Z I -.0.,,-, 1_'_'_'_'_' -~., ¡""-'r I I 181 ~ 19 ß /'" t I :=~ "120 - -;;;- - --;-2~ 140 14.0 ~ LOT 112 ~ r-;;-] STREET 'A' ; J - - ~ BLOCK 25 - " "..,-" . '!III' 11 ,"'- ---------------""""""'SERVer- 12.0 12.0 1.2.0 12.0 120 1?0 12.0 12.0'\ l- e ...J ~ b' ,~ LO- 112 ~. ~ -;! ~ co 10 ~I "{.>- ~ ; If ,.~ ì ~i 14 '!f. 1<1-°T '" ¡ ~ 17111 16 20 21 22 ß 23 - 12.0'" 12.0 12.0 ~ <Ii ~ N72'51'3o@'"'- I .... 3.05 ..)" II 11 ](12.9 ~~ (II 13", ~ÎC1< [;¡ p-ð ~-O ~-ã5 -' -. r:-rv--- - .~~_~_'~'~I_'_'_'~ ..~ --, 60.91 I - -' L 4-'¡'-> ; í cl-'? 118 ~ LOT -I" 12 11-t.- -:;4 ~ ø...:9 r:f '" ¡:¡ r-. 10 16.0 ----- LOT 9 113 6 7 5 ~ '- ----J I- 9 51.0 '" ~ fa 4 I I l Iìi r------ I . 114 ~ ¥. I I 3 '" en ~ . ~ ï~ - I -;: - - - - - - - \ ~~ - - ~~ - - f - - --,: - ~ - - - -- ¡ - - - T zï ~ 51.0 ,~--:-- -----------------111,_,_,_,_,_,_,-,-,_,_,_,_,_" I ¡ IDJ 00 N72'51'30"E 67.06 ! 1 = I ,:g 1--" ~ I b I .. ...J L__J_- ----~~~~;;---------------~--------~ ResldentlalLols (Lots 1-23) 1.04 I to 10 I- 9 LOT 116 Reserve (Block 24) Road Widening (Block 25) Roads TOTAL 0.01 0.01 0.34 1.40 ha UNITS 12.0m SINGLE l' 23 units ROADS 16.0m RO.W. 18.5m RO.W. 55.0m 115.0m THIS MAP WAS PRODUCED BY THE CITY OF PICKERING PlANNING &' DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT, INFORMATION &' SUPPORT SERVICEs, JUNE 13. 2002. - ATTACHMENT I REPORT' PO 3 TO 3D" 0 ~ APPLICANTS REVISED SUBMITTED PLAN/STAFF RECOMMENDED PLAN SP-2002-01; A 01/02 - --)i . , 0 ~ J WElRUS ROAD ~ - lOT I I is 109 I I l N72°S1'3QOE 67.06 ---'-------------iI'-I-'-'-I-'_'_II!III_'_' _'-'-'~. 1801 Fairport Rd, gjï ~ - lOT 11 0 ~ï ... I \JAm I ~ï r .J N72'S1'30oE 57.91 Z. ¡:¡ -.~:: '_I_I_'_'_M_M.lí"'I':'~ LOT .112~. !J¡ Qi ~. I .-;~ ~ ~¡ ~ 12 'I! 1~OT 14 In ~ L6 "17 18 19 g 20 . t ~I N ____N..J::¡¡ 14.25 :' ~BLOCK24 æ~ I , II-"/:' M ~ vi ;~,; 13.95 13.5 13.5 13.5 13.5 14.25 14.25 ~ !i1 !i is. ~J '" m ,1 ' ~ ~ï WI - ~ STR~ET'A' ;)-1 N72°S1'3(1"E"'; . - . BLOCK I 3.05 .~~ II " " Il""-':--" ..." 1"-" --_":"'_------:-----"¡II:3IJIII"RE~_: ~1(13.95 13.5 13.5 13.5 13.5 13.5 .13.5 13.98'\ -I J-~ t~ 15.0 "l---- ;~ 11 ~ 10 ~. 'II' 8 LOT 7 rS 6 1135 4 ~ x I ¡; ~ 0=-=-" 10 ~:g . . "I ~-~ 8M> - ~_..- J I - .~!_~_~"""~'_'_'_I~ ---~. I- ,.- ~ --, 6~91, 51.0 " I 9 -.-. LII! "'o?#Lo'T ;.ï ~ 3 ~ i t,----- 1787 Fairport Rd. -I~ 't" - 114 ~ J '" I I ~~ - ï 2 ~ ~f ----------------I----------------~f . ç: ~~ q i I 1781 Fairport Rd'l! LOT ~~ . 115 1 ~ . ~ I - - - - 51.0 15 a "t\'ç I;¡: -----------------"1_'_'_'_'_'_'_1_'_"'\- _,_- I. ID g] 00 N72°51'3Q'E ' 7.06 i I = I ~:g . . . BLOCK 23 --'\!f LOT 116 ID."""RESERVE) \ \ ~ 9 \ \ ~ -----------_-L_~-l--- :; .$ '.; IX) 10 9 :g I I l b ..J ÀREA TABLE ResldenUal Lois (lois 1-20) 1.03 ---- Road Widening (Block 21) 0.01 ReselVss (Block 22 & 23) 0.01 FultJreDevelopmenl (Block24) 0.01 Black Roads 0.34 TOTAL 1.40 ha UNITS 13.50m SINGLE 10 unils 13.95m SINGLE 3unlls 14.2Sm SINGLE 4 unlls 15.00m SINGLE 2 unlls 18.00m SINGLE 1 unils ROADS 16.0m R.O.W. 85.0m 16.Sm R.O.W. IIS.Om l' 71I1S MAP WAS PRODUCED BY 711£ CI7Y OF PICKERING PlANNING ct D£VE1.0PAlENT DEPARTMENT. INFORAIATION ct SUPPORT SÐMC£S; JUNE: 1.]. 2002. . ) '. DUNBARTON NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT & DESIGN GUIDELINES r-o-----------' I ! Existing Roads ---- -'------'--.l-'-'~----' -.---'-- ---. -_._-~--_..._----_. '----T-"'-'--'-~~--=---:---~"--l New Internal Roads 1 NelghboLJrilOod Park Dunbarton Creek: General (JuldellrH:~s I '------.,--. ,--.--.-.---------..-.---..........--- .-----------..-1-.--. ----.--. ..~ . permit only detached dwellings . require minimum lot frontages of 15.0 metres, except: 0 on Dunbarton Rd., where minimum frontages may be 12.0 metres; and on Fairport Rd. north of the creek, where minimum frontages may be 13.5 metres (with larger than minimum frontages encouraged in the vicinity of Bonita Ave.) . on Fairport Road south of the treek, maintain larger lot depths (approximately 40 metres), and larger building setbacks (front yard 7.5 metres; side yards 1.5 metres; flankage yard 4.5 metres) 0 . permit only detached dwellings . require minimum lot frontages of 12.0 metres . consideration will be given to minimum 10.0 metre lot frontages at the ends of cul-de-sac and other significant street curvatures . maintain building setbacks consistent with recent subdivision standards (front yard minimums of 4.5 metres; side yard minimums of 0.6/1.2 metres) . . encourage new roads to connect with existing streets to minimize dead ends, in locations as generally shown on neighbourhood concept plan . locate on east side of Fairport Road, south of Bonita Ave, as generally shown on the neighbourhood concept plan . ensure at least 0.5 hectare in area . provide opportunity to expand to incorporate lands at the southeast corner of Fairport Road and Bonita Ave. . integrate with the open space corridor surrounding Dunbarton Creek . consider establishing pedestrian/bicycle paths, connected to other paths in neighbourhood . establ ish natural buffer adjacent to the creek . consider establishing pedestrian/bicycle paths, connected to other paths in neighbourhood (to be explored through the review of development applications) . encourage continued "renaturalization" of the creek valley . establish maximum dwelling height of 9.0 metres (calculated from the average grade at front of dwelling) . minimize garage projections from front wall of dwellings to ensure high quality residential streetscapes . permit detached garages in side or rear yards where appropriate . provide sidewalks on at least one side of each street . discourage reverse frontage lots, except where necessary due to grading constraints or 'for other technical reasons . encourage preservation and planting of trees ) ~ 0 "'d ...;¡ tri ~~ gg~ «') ~~ tí(') O~ Zo ~Z ~~ pgJ v;ê ~~' 0\ . ...... \.0 ~~ °> :c C') ..... :t: ....~ .., z 0..... .. !~ \.3J ' ~ () -, -t t-'° ...... \.0 \.0 0\ ~ ---1;-- " ~œ¡--- '! . t==t- Þ ---1 ==- ~ - -~~ -----¡ -0- ù j; --0- ù_L- --!r l::_~ ====~- ñ-A- , ~- ~ HELM. , : AVE.~,BONrrA ..~ ~ .r-. . STREET: : : : I===: 0 -------.. -' 0 ~ . .. . . Q. ------ "-- « ,.{ : \......._.......~ .', Q:; - -0- 0 -{ ,I~~_u~~ :---....) íi - ê g == oc -'-<0-- : . 3- ~ . . z JfJ,~.,... . STROUDS ¡ ¡ JIJ =§-:- ~.~. = . «'_""M"".""""- ~ w - -l1.. ¡- ~._". ~~ ~r....un..--. ;-~== - 0- ,~I-- 11 "I- - . . oc=== \ II 15== I ~ I-- I 11 t 1 ~ . ~ I' W 1 ""... 1 . I , "'...# -,---.,-----.-'--- - - ATTACHMENT #_f ~TO REPORT # PO 10" 0 ;).. . -- ...---.------, « 0 oc I- Z W U -(J) w æ --uIlì -- B I I I I R I ~ . , . , . . . , . , . .. . , I , . , I . . ~ . . . . I I . ~='- ~~~:: - :dl; « ~ DUNBARTON RD. lL.. ---- City of Pickering' Plan_ning & Development Department DUNBARTON NEIGHBOURHOOD DESIGN GUIDELINES CONCEPTUAL ROADS ~ ~f-- -. -------. -k--:J '. I . ---¡ ~r- -'/-' ¡ . -..¡:-- ~-r--- c& w- -~u- ; :J -. ,- oc - r Q. ~ (J) ~ -- - "" SHAD WESTER 11 11 D IV( 11 11 ~ I " II . I I. I I: I . I I I I . . I . . . I I I I I I I I I I I . I I . I I I I I. I. ~ . I . I I I I . I: . I I I . I I. ., " I I I I I I I. I I '" . I '.'. :: "". '..... '.......- ,. . fo.""-i .------- l \~ . . '~.".'" I "110 I . ., I I 1 t 1 . 1 ...............~ 1 1 I ' I , \ 1 t 1 1 , . ~ ----- - 0 « 0 oc WELRUS STREET SUBJEC I . . I ~ DUNBARTON NEIGHBOURHOOD BOUNDARY .......- CONCEPTUAL .....- RMDS ~ DATE APR. 9. 2002 ATTACHMENT I 5 TO REPORT # PO ~ð - ð 2 CiÚf D~ INFORMATION REPORT NO. 11-02 - FOR PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING OF April 18,2002 IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PUBLIC MEETING REQUIREMENTS OF THE PLANNING ACT, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13 SUBJECT: Draft Plan of Subdivision SP-2002-01 Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 01/02 Marshall Homes (Dunbarton) Limited Lots 111, 112, 113, Part of Lots 114 and 115, Plan 1051 (East side of Fairport Road, north ofWelrus Street) City of Pickering 1.0 PROPERTY LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION the subject lands are comprised of 3 lots along with the rear portions oftwo additional lots, located on the east side of Fairport Road, north of Welrus Street, and currently supports 3 detached dwellings; a property location map is provided for reference (see Attachment #1); the subject lands are surrounded by existing detached residential dwellings; - 2.0 APPLICANT'S PROPOSAL the applicant proposes to establish 23 detached dwellings on lots with minimum lot frontages of 12 metres fronting onto two new public streets with access from Fairport Road; the applicant's proposed subdivision plan is provided for reference (see Attachment #2); the majority of the proposed lots on "Street A" as labelled on the applicant's submitted plan are proposed to be "wide-shallow" lots with lot frontages of 12 metres, lot depths of 27.6 metres and lot areas of approximately 331 square metres; the proposed lots fronting onto "Street B" as labelled on the applicant's submitted plan are proposed to provide lot frontages of 12 metres, lot depths of 51 metres and lot areas of approximately 612 metres; the proposed zoning by-law amendment would permit the 23 detached dwellings to be constructed, and would establish specific zoning standards for that development to adhere to. 3.0 OFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING 3.1 Durham Re!!ional Official Plan - identifies the subject lands as being within a "Living Area", where development is intended to be predominantly for housing purposes; the proposal appears to conform to this designation. 3.2 Pickerin!! Official Plan identifies the subject lands as being located within an "Urban Residential - Low Density Area" within the Dunbarton Neighbourhood; permissible uses within this designation include residential uses; the Plan establishes a density range for residential development within this designation of up to 30 units per net hectare; - 3.4 - 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 - Information Report No. 11-02 ATTACHMENT' 5 TO REPORT' PD .38 .. 0 ôt Page 2 the proposed development would provide a net site density of approximately 23 units per hectare (based on the proposed 23 lots being developed on approximately 1.04 hectares of land); the applicant's proposal confonns to the policies of the Plan; 3.3 Dunbarton Nei2:hbourhood Desi2:n Guidelines the Dunbarton Neighbourhood Development and Design Guidelines, which are Council adopted policies intended to guide new development in the area in a manner which is compatible with the existing neighbourhood, state that, on new internal roads, (such as the two streets proposed by Marshall Homes) only detached dwellings be pennitted with minimum lot frontages of 12 metres; the Dunbarton Neighbourhood Development and Design Guidelines indicate that new developments shall maintain building setbacks consistent with recent subdivision standards such as front yard depths of 4.5 metres, side yards widths of 1.2 metres and 0.6 metres the guidelines provide additional infonnation with respect to the proposed road patterns for the Dunbarton Neighbourhood (see Attachment #3); the applicant is proposing an amendment to the future road pattern in the Dunbarton Neighbourhood by providing an access point to Fairport Road in a location further south than was contemplated by the guidelines and is proposing to delete the future northern extension ofthe new internal road beyond the subject lands; Zonin2: Bv-Iaw 3036. as amended the subject lands are currently zoned "R3" - Detached Residential Dwelling Zone, by Zoning By-law 3036, as amended; the existing zoning pennits detached dwellings with minimum lot frontages of 18 metres and minimum lot areas of 55 square metres; an amendment to the zoning by-law is required to allow the development of 23 detached dwelling units on lots with minimum lot frontages of 12 metres; additional zoning provisions may be required to address the proposed "wide-shallow" lots. RESULTS OF CIRCULATION Resident Comments no resident comments have been received to-date; A2:encv Comments No Objections or Concerns: - Ontario Power Generation, Le Conseil Scolaire Catholique de District centre-Sud. Staff Comments in reviewing the application to-date, the following matters have been identified by staff for further review and consideration: . ensuring that the proposed development is compatible with, and sensitive to, surrounding existing residential development; . ensuring that the proposed street, and lotting pattern does not prejudice the future development of other lots within the Dunbarton Neighbourhood; . ens~ng .that the proposed access from Fairport Road will function appropriately for thIS sIte and future developments on Fairport Road; . reviewing supporting technical submissions and reports to ensure that adequate infonnation is provided, that technical requirements are met; and, - - 6.0 6.1 6.2 - Information Report No. 11-02 ATTACHMENT # :2 TO REPORT # PD__..2ð -" ð~ Page 3 . reviewing the implications of "wide-shallow" lots, including the treatment of associated amenity areas, the impact of dwellings on these lots located close to abutting rear yards of other properties, and determining their impact on the resultant streetscape. 5.0 PROCEDURAL INFORMATION written comments regarding this proposal should be directed to the Planning & Development Department; oral comments may be made at the Public Information Meeting; all comments received will be noted and used as input in a Planning Report prepared by the Planning & Development Department for a subsequent meeting of Councilor a Committee of Council; if you wish to be notified of Council's decision regarding either the proposed plan of subdivision or zoning by-law amendment application, you must request such in writing to the City Clerk; if a person or public body that files an appeal of a decision of the City of Pickering in respect of the proposed draft plan of subdivision does not make oral submissions at the public meeting or make written submissions to the City of Pickering before the application is considered, the Ontario Municipal Board may dismiss all or part of the appeal; if a person or public body that files a notice of appeal of a decision of the City of Pickering in respect of the zoning by-law amendment does not make oral submission at the public meeting, or make a written submission to the City of Pickering before the zoning by-law is passed, the Ontario Municipal Board may dismiss all or part of the appeal. if you wish to reserve the option to appeal Council's decision of the proposed zoning by-law amendment application, you must provide comments to the City before Council adopts any by-law for this proposal. OTHERINFO~TION Appendices Appendix I - list of neighbourhood residents, community associations, agencies and City Departments that have commented on the applications at the time of writing this report; Information Received full scale copies of the Applicant's submitted plan are available for viewing at the offices of the City of Pickering Planning & Development Department; the City of Pickering is in receipt of the following reports, which contain the following technical information for the draft plan of subdivision SP-2002-01: . an Intersection Spacing Review, prepared by SRM Associates, and dated February 19,2002; a Servicing and Environmental Brief prepared by ICM Engineering Ltd., dated February 21,2002; a Geotechnical Investigation prepared by INSPEC-SOL INC., dated December, 5, 2001; and, a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment prepared by INSPEC-SOL INC., dated November 30,2001. . . . Infonnation Report No. 11-02 .e-" ATTACHMENT # .J TO REPORT # PO .?lð" o~ Page 4 the need for additional infonnation and/or addendums to these reports will be detennined through the review and circulatÍ<;m of the applicant's current proposal. 6.3 Company Principal -- the principal of Marshall Homes (Dunbarton) Limited is Mr. Craig Marshall. ORIGINAL SIGNED BY ORIGINAL SIGNED BY Tyler Barnett Planner II Lynda Taylor, MCIP, RPP Manager, Development Review TBljf Copy: Director, Planning & Development Department -- - - -. - ATTACHMENT I _-5---" TO REPORT # PD.", 3ð'-~__,-",._...._,. APPENDIX I TO INFORMATION REPORT NO. 11-02 COMMENTING RESIDENTS AND LANDOWNERS (1) none to date COMMENTING AGENCIES (1) (2) Ontario Power Generation Le Conseil Scolaire Catholique de District Centre-Sud COMMENTING CITY DEPARTMENTS (1) Planning & Development Department - - 4. - / I""':"^' , Excerpts from the Statutory Public Information Meeting Minutes , Pursuant to the Planning Act .. ,f:, "" "'~ h~".""",,...,,--_..! U n::::U¡n ty PÓ,,_._.,,2Ð.::.~__...-.",- Thursday, April 18, 2002 7:00 P.M. Chair: Councillor McLean The Manager, Development Review, provided an overview of the requirements of the Planning Act and the Ontario Municipal Board respecting this meeting and matters under consideration there at. (I) DRAFT PLAN OF SUBDIVISION SP-2002-01 ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 01/02 MARSHALL HOMES (DUNBARTON) LIMITED LOTS 111, 112, 113, PART OF LOTS 114 AND 115, PLAN 1050 [EAST SIDE OF ~AIRPORT RO~. NORT~ OF 'YELRUS STRm') 1. Tyler Barnett, Planner II, provided an explanation of the application, as outlined in Information Report #11-02. . 2. Joyce Herzog, representing Liverpool West Community Association, stated that the Association is pleased to see that the majority of the housing frontages are in accordance with the Official Plan but are concerned with Lots 13 and 14, requesting consideration be given to street frontages, landscaping and architectural design. She further stated their concern with the accuracy of the creek on the map and requested that the internal roadway be maintained. 3. Sue Pelletier, 1801 Fairport Road, stated her concern with respect to grading from the proposed development sloping to her home. She requested that any garbage on their property from this development be cleaned up by the developer and that a wood fence be constructed on the east and south sides of her property prior to construction and if this is not possible that this condition be written into the agreement. Ian McCullough, Marshall Homes, advised that they will work with staff concerning Lots 13 and 14 and also that the construction management plan will address Mrs. Pelletier's concerns. ATTACHMENT' 7 TO REPORT I PO .-:¡ ç.. D ;2 Vivian VandenHazel 1757 Fairport Road Pickering, ON L1V lTl April 15, 2002 - Tyler Barnett Planner Planning Department City of Pickering Re:S~bdivision Application SP 2002-01 r am writing in support of the single family residential development proposal by Marshall Homes on Fairport Road at Walrus. However! have three concerns. One is the proposed road on the west side of the Fairport/Appleview property lines. At the south end of this road (at Dunbarton) the City of Pickering is proposing Golden Ridge Road on the east side of the Fairport/ Appleview properties. The second concern is the proposed depth of some lots up to 180 feet. Again. at the south end of this road Maida Developments has an approved subdivision plan with lots 100 feet deep. How will the road and the rear lot lines line up? -. The third concern is that. no houses will front on Fairport Road. The residential streets cape of Fairport Road should be maintained. Additional landscaping in the yards of the houses on Fairport and a front door facing Fairport would help. Sincerely, v~ 1/~ Vivian Va~denHazel '...,' RECEIVED APR 1 5 2002 CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT -- ATTACHMENT #_..15 ..-1-0 REPORT tI PO 30" () ~ ..- - RECEIVED .. "//dL. .. Æ' -'-"~.~It 3crifJ&~"~ ~ ~. ~7'~.~ ..." . ~l~g~r~~~~ '."'.~' .... . ~?t-"~~d ~.... --. ..~ ßß??q~ .ð:j...l<i.~..,_.,.-jfl. --af!. <f..- . ~ .i?ì.. &"&4 .....------- - -pm lx2úð:dü¿I./IAI'J..s:. £~z - (l/ - - c:.tj4~ ,//1 æ¿$"/~ .?Jfflt\£QjlLd:hjl_~- ~ ) -~ ~ - ~ ~...- . .....?bJ. ~j{~~-Cl22~?fd'~~_~/y'S: )?!3 ~ laq~¡2dLI._&--A}v/---__- - - - --- -- -c' - - -.- --- ------ --- -- ------ -- ---------~ sfad_/5ø:J-~-:zi¡4 ~I( -&.e 4dbe&! ~ 1".,:ð:JviJ ilLJ3ck~-i7J1- j~ <in;:: f t«if. ~- -71 ~ ~ a '#L._1!æJ ~&Ø Jb2.( '! -E~¡Ød -~~f;J;5.~::~~~'~:'- -- ---- --/úold£d:2'~~_~".J --~~ d~~. ~ .._t¡"~~k/~..~.~pÇ£é .d&"~.~/~ LJf¿¿;/2u!/.~ .tt¿&2L -pí2ø/if9U1 -if:k..¿L.!7ð:be£2 ~ 4/. . . -:L-i_~-~ )-~Q':¡,¿-6.Jð~-/J,¿ w.dLA-<¿.ðÀ? ~ ,~.:",. m"._.." m..... '."""" ""m... .... '. '." "j,..,.. "'..." m .. ., "'...., .. "',"""'"""" ",",.' '.. """"""'..-.., . ""'",.. .., .. """"".... "'" - "', "'..", """ """"" "'.""'" . .." '" """" . . "" "'" , "" ""', ,, , """"'" ""'-"""-'" """""""""""'" .""" ", ".. "',..."".,.",..",.,." , ' '-. "....,. .. - ,....... '... , ..... ".. ,". , . ""---""""" . .. -_.' " ATTACHMENT' '1 TO 2 'OJ. REPORT # PO...-:... Q - ., ~--,~ - . '-'1"" .A, 1,','" ,'/t , l '".". MARTINDALE PLANNING SERVICES. URBAN PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANTS April 24, 2002 Mr. Neil Carroll Director, Planning & Development City of Pickering . One the Esplanade Pickering, ant. LIV 6K7 RECEIVED APR 2 4 2002 CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Dear Mr. Carroll: Re: Draft Plan of Subdivision SP 2002-01 & Zoning Amendment Application A 01/02 Marshall Homes (Dunbarton) Ltd. East side of Fairport Rd., north of WeIr us Sf., Pickering - ( I represent Mr. Anthony deBruin, owner of lands on the west side of Fairport Rd. north of Welrus St., across the road from the above-noted property. As requested by your staff, on Feb. 22/02 Mr. DeBruin submitted a proposed draft plan for discussion purposes prior to making a formal application for draft plan approval. We have reviewed the Marshall Homes plan for lands on the east side of Fairport Rd. which was considered at the April 18/02 public information meeting, and would suggest that it be closely examined in relation to proposed plans on the west side of Fairport Rd.. as the location of Street 'A' in the Marshall Homes plan could affect the development of the lands on the west side of Fairport Rd. Please advise as to the date of any further meetings on the Marshall plan. It would be appreciated if we could obtain a copy of the staff reports dealing with this application. Thank you for taking these comments into consideration. . Yours very truly, - MARTINDALE PLANNING SERVICES Urb noing and DevelopmentConsultants e, M.c.I.P., RP.P. c.c. T. deBruin 23 ELIZABETH STREET, AJAX, ONTARIO LIT 2X1 PHONE: (905) 427-7574 . FAX: (905) 427-2328 . E-MAIL: MARTPLAN@SYMPATICO.CA -",---,~-------'-'-'----'-'----'-------'-"'-"""'"..............-- ...--.-." . "'-'----'---'-----'- - - G. 7. 8. - 9. 10. 11, 12. ATTACHMENT# (0 TO REPORT # PO JO' ¿) d . VERIDIAN CONNEC~rIONS DEVELOPMENT APPLI CATION REVIEW [PROj"EC'I' NAME: [ADDRESS/PLAN, [ MUN1C1J,3ALJ'I'Y: '8' -. -~. :1 Marshall Hames (Dunbarton) Limited '8' '8' Pattsof 1781 to 1795 Faitport Road (east side (J : i:<'1IÎ:tp<>:tt Road, nol;th o~Wclt'U5 Sttcct) '8' .,,' I Pickering ._, ""'" REF. NO.: S-P-2002-01, A 01/02 SUBMISSION DArE: Match 25. 2002 - '-' 1. Etectrie Service is available on the road an( Wàtll:~(6) to\lc.bÎbg this p,tl!pctty. Se;:tv1dAg wul be ftom the east side or Fairport Reaci. 2. Individual metering for each unit is r~q\litcd, 3. 'The following standard fiXed fee costs will apply (all figures ~j:;c:: apptC'.{lmatc); Sctv:Ìf;c Connection Fee $130.00 per unit 4. E,cisting CotpOtàt.i('Jrt phi.~t ob the C1Lst aide ot Fairport Road tnày hs'\il: to be telocaÞtd at the;: Applkant's cost to accOtnqloðtl.te the proposed Street "A" cw:bing on north sidc'!. ' The Applical:lt must mllke d.ù:ect lI.þplicition to the Corporaüoti to obli1:in specific approval (Jf the dcçt.clcal setVice ettangttnçnts and related wotk fot, this project. T~e applic¡~t:tt is caut1c)tu::d that tcndcts, contracts, or work jnh:il\tc:d prior to obtaining specific 9.þptovsl will be $ub)eçt to ch~.\)gc. 5. A Servicing Agreement must be signed with the Corþoral:!.on in Clxdez: t.:) obtakt SeMc:W.g for this site. . , . AQ work &01\1 the public road 1l1loW'.I.t1cc: to the service enttance and thi) metering a~llt1geö'1l!:t1t.s IDwt comply with the CorporJ.tion'stequkcments and specifications. Prior to energizin.g any Iiew setV.Ì<;:c:, t!lI; Applicant shall apply to the CI)I:po:ral:Ïon's Cust()ìnçr Ca"l:c Dcþatttnent to open an energy .(:(O\1nt. Prior to obtahrlng a building permit, the Apþlieant shall, by agteem.etl':. ,=onf1ttn Qccepta.t1~e r)f the te.tOJs and conclitiol1s of providing electr:ic\Ù. &d.V;Íce. Whete C:t1l.ncs or material handling equipment (,)1: "\11utkC.t5 mUst work in proximity to existing (wctb¡;'1,d wires, with the capability of contact or CÓJtlit1.g witbin the fu:nlts of ap1?roacll,. the dev-elopc:x/buildcr shall pay aU costs for the temporary 1,'dm::ation, but.ia1, ot ptotectiOil of the WÍfe$, ox otb(!J' action deemed: neeessa.xy by V eridi;ih. to provide;: fot wotkct safety and the security of the: do::ct:tical system. Landscaping. specifically- ttc;:es, should be located away from the Coiþœation's polelin.e to avoid interfeteocc with futute growth- toþsided í1ÞPearauce of trees frotrt ttlttrtning ma:,1 .result. Will Qot attend scheduled City ofPkkC;:r1og DART Meeting for this dl!\ ~QPtfJ.c;:nt. .-----.,--.-----.--.-..-.-.--- - - - ------..-.."---..---..--- . ,..--.-.---.---....---...--"---""""----""---'- -_... AJTACHMENT #_LD _:TO REPORT # PO_- ,'3o"'D 7 . --- Page 2 VERIDIAN CONNECTIONS DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW 13 Veridian Connections has no objection to the ptopo5cd development. Please fotwatd a copy of titst submission civil design so dUit 9. preUminaty deslgtll1nd estimate Ca11 .,Ii: completed. Teduúcal Representative - Dave Ben Telephotle 427-9870 Ext. 3233 tlu PP/df F!\Wnfd Dl)cumcn~\V~dia:l1\F.~giMeritlg & Cntl~LfUelion\De~e1nJ1mE:nt ^þpIÎc1u.ÎlJO Re.vj¡':,\Picktring\2002\MIlt¡lnoJI Hot1'l~ (DUt1b¡~~t"t'¡) Linlit<:d - Pw of 1781 to 1795 Fllitport RolIJ.dQ<; RC1T- Date:: NovetI1bet 1, 1999 ~, ,/ / . ",fP J""""",.",.".".""""~~,, '" HfPOBT # PO .10" 0,;( - 2002-04-19 . ",'-'~""-\ ~D.'~(Ç;~~\VI "",/7'~BR'DGE 1002 Consumers Gas APR 2 3.:::.,¡ . RECEIVED" APR 2 3 2002 CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING AND DEVEl.OPMEt-iT DEPARTMENT - CITY OF PICKERING PIOKERING. ONTARIO 500 Elgin Mills Road East . Richmond Hill Ontario L4C 5G1 TYLER BARNETT PLANNING DEPT-CITY OF PICKERING ONE THE ESPLANADE PICKERING ON LIV 6K7 ( Dear Sirs Re: DRAFTPLAN OF SUBDMSION SP-2002-01 ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 01/ 02 MARSHALL mOMES (DUNBARTON) LIMITED -. It is requested that the following conditions be included in the subdivision agreement. The owner is to co-ordinate the preparation of an overall utility distribution plan to the satisfaction of all effected authorities. Streets are to be constructed in accordance with the municipal standards. The owner shall grade all streets to final elevation prior to the installation of the gas lines, and provide the necessary field survey information required for the installation of the gas lines, all to the satisfaction of Enbridge Consumers Gas. All of the natural gas distribution system will be i)1stalled within the proposed road allowances therefore easements will not be required. ' Yours Truly, '();U H:Jilcox - Planning Supervisor (905) 883-2613 HW /swc ATTACHMENT' /::! TO REPORT # PO ;3~) " C> ~ "'" '" .." ,.." ,..' ~~~~~~o~: CITY OF PICKERING PIOKEFUNO, ONtAFiIO Bell Right of Way Floor 5,100 Borough Drive Scarborough, Ontario M1P4W2 " Tel: (416) 296-6291 1-800-748-6284 (416) 296-0520 RECEIVED APR 1 2 2002 Fax: April 9, 2002 CITY OF PICKERING PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENTOEPAATMENi---, - Town of Pickering Planning Department 1 The Esplande, Pickering, Ontario L 1V 6K7 Attention: Tyler Barnett RE: Draft Plan of Subdivision East side of Fairport Rd, north of Welrus Street Joe Guzzo-Foliaro In Trust File No: SP-2002-01 Town of ?¡ciœriny Thank you for your letter of March 20, 2002 concerning the above proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision, Would you please ensure that the following paragraphs are/have been included as conditions of Draft Plan Approval: 1 - The Owner shall agree in the Subdivision Agreement, in words satisfactory to Bell Canada, any easements that may be required for telecommunication services. Easements may be required subject to final servicing decision. 2 - The Owner shall be requested to enter into an agreement (Letter of Understanding) with Bell Canada complying with any underground servicing conditions imposed by the municipality, and if no such conditions are imposed, the owner shall advise the municipality of the arrangement made for such servicing. - If there are any conflicts with existing Bell Canada facilities or easements, the Owner/Developer shall be responsible for re-arrangements or relocation. If you have any questions, please contact Jackie Wilkinson at (416) 296-6430. Yours truly, Qa~ W~, J €fani~e Young ./Tn Manager- Right of Way ") An ACHMENT # - L .3. ..~..TO REPORT # PO -.. :3 D .~.Q, 2_.._,"".". - onservatTon TORONTOANCJ REGION June 3, 2002 rn~~~H\Wœ ~ nJ JUN 1 12002 ~ ;:,) CITY OF PICKERING - PICKEiA1NG. ONiP'Ä,RIO Mr. Tyler Barnett City of Pickering Pickering Civic Centre One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario L1 V 6K7 Re: Plan of SubdivisionS-P-2002-01 Fairport Road at Welrus Road City of Pickering (Joseph Guzzo-Follano) ~ RE~ciri;;¡ËI)\ ;, - JUi\Î J\ '\ 2002 - \ k CITY OF P¡Î~;¡(';~H\í\K) 1- PLI\.Ni'm-:(~.:d-.~ ¡ ,-= 1 PEVEL()_-. PME(::~:l~;:~:~;!;;;-.~"'.- , ..----- -. - Dear Mr. Barnett: - Further to our recent site walk where we staked the top-of-bank on and adjacent to the subject lands, and after receipt of a survey prepared by J D Barnes, drawing D.T.H. Reference 02.;25- 206-01, TRCA staff provide the following comments, The top of bank survey accurately reflects the limit ofthe valley feature as defined in the field. It is evident from the survey that the proposed development is removed from the valley feature which is off the site. In light of the above we are supportive of the draft plan as provided. We would have no objection to approval of the plan subject to the following comments: 1. Prior to the initiation of grading and prior to the registration of this plan or any phase thereof, that the owner shall submit for the review and approval of the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, (TRCA), the following: (A) a detailed report that describes the storm drainage system for the proposed development oOhe subject lands, This report should include: plans illustrating how this. drainage system will tie into surrounding drainage systems, Le. Is it part of an overall drainage scheme? How will external flows be accommodated? What is design capacity of the receiving system? - stormwater management techniques which may be required to control minor or major flows; proposed methods for controlling or minimizing erosion and siltation on- site and in downstream areas during and after construction; location and description of all outlets and other facilities which may require permits under Ontario Regulation 158. - N.B.: It is recommended that the developer or his consultant contact the Authority prior to preparing the above report to clarify the specific requirements of this development. /2... Healthy Rivers ~ Biodiversity and GI"~enspace " fdllcati~n for Suståinable living '-"'~~~~='='~=--~~"""""""'~--"""'~"""" ..~~. ~ -- . .._,- 0""'" 5 Shoreham Drive, Downsview, Ontario M3N_1S4 (416) 661-6600 FAX 661-6898 www.trca.on.ca ~m) ATTACHMENT fiLL-TO REPORT #' PO , :3 0" Ò ¿.- -. Mr. Tylèr Barnett -2- June 3, 2002 2. That the owner agree in the subdivision agreement, in wording acceptable to the TRCA: (A) to carry out, or cause to be carried out, to the satisfaction of the TRCA, the recommendations referred to in the report(s), as required in Condition 1. to obtain a permit for the works described in Condition 1. (B) (C) to erect a chain link fence at the eastlimitof the plan of sùbdivision to the satisfaction of the Toronto and Region Conservation. Authority In order to expedite the clearance of Conditions 1 and 2 above, we would request that a copy of the signed subdivision agreement be forwarded to this Authority. - We trust that this is satisfactory. Russel White. Senior Planner Development Services Section Ex!. 5306 . RW/dl cc: Ian McCollough, Marshall Homes F:\PRS\CORRESP\PICKERIN\2002\SP200201.WPD - A'J."l'J' f' ,.J~ ?':N'r JI I u... 1'0' " !",..Iv;tl ';'-'--'--",..,,1 Y"P O'Al' " PO '2{) ",0 ;;t ;11.; ¡ ïJ -,-,~"~_..._~._._,..,_.." - "RECETv~D'1', APR'3 02002' " 'CITY OF PICKËRING , PLANNING AND :, DEVELOPMENT pEP ~RTMEI'IT " , April 25¡ 2002 , , " ' The Regional , ,Munlcipàllty , ','of Durham, , " ',Neil Carroll, DitetìorbfPlanninø & Òevelopment ", '" Pickering Civic Complex ",,' One the' ,E:splanadè Pickering, ON, , ' ' L1V 6K7 ' , ' Planning', I?epartment, .. , , , . O'earMr:CarröU: ' , , 1615 DUNDAS ST.' E.,' " 4TH FLOORi LANG TOWER: , WESTßUILDING " 'P,O,BQX623 , '," WHITßY' ON L1N 6A3 " ~O~) 728-7731 ' , , AX: (905) 436-6612 ' ' www;region,dúrham,on.ca:' , , Rë':,: '~ëgional Review of å(1 :Applic~t~on for Plan of Subdivision. ' File :No.:,S-P-2002-01' ' , ", ' ' ,', ',' , " : Cross Ref.: AO1/92,', :':', ' " , .. ' '. ' , ' 'Applicant: .MarshaU Hbmes(Ounbartcin) Limited, , "Munic!pality: City 'of Pickeri~g'" ,', 0'" " , ( , " , , " '" , , , Ä.L.Georgieff, MClfi, RPP' ," , , " " ,ComniiSSi,óner of Planning:' 'This' applicÇ:itiön has' been: reviewed by the Region and thà'foUowlng, ' 'èommentá arsoffered with respect to the Durham Regional Official. " , .. " Plari, p'rpvincia1 policies, and.th~ p'~opo~ed tnethod of servicin9: ' , , ' , , ' , , '" ' , , Official Plan "Conformity - , ". , , , " . , TlÌe:~ubje~t.prbp~rty is 19~ât~d \vithinthe ;'LivingAr~a" design~tion ':' within 'the Òt!rhani.Regiònal Official Plan; ,'Landswith,n the'iUving" ,: 'Area"designåtion are,tö be used predomiriantly, for housing purp~~es and ara to:be develbped.tþ jncorporate,thewidestpossible variety of ','" ." h<?usingtyP?s; sizes and tenore... Théþröposai conforms to the pol.ici~s, , , ; of the Durham RegiqnalOfficial Plari~, ',' " ' " " " 'ProvinciaUnterests,imd ~ele~ated ,Review' ~e$POnsibilities" , "',' ",0 , , ,', ' , , , ' , ,,' :This appliçåtiön lias beer{sçre~rled'iri 'ac~ordanë~ with thk ter~s of the" , : 'provincia, 'plan' review respon$ibilit¡(~s. ' The proposed, develópmeht abuts:,Fairport Ro!3d,whibh is ~esignatedaType~G arteria'i road in the' ,DUrham RegÎQnal Official'Plan. Aho'isetepoii must be' submitted to" ", , ,address n~ise' impactsfrömFaii"port Road on the proposed', "'" , ' development,;Ìn atc,örda~'ce with Provincial 'criteria and Regional p~licy. ' , , " , ' "', , ' , , , , , The, proposed lçH:tds to be qeveloped, are situated on lands in proximity' 'to Dunbarton Creek, indicåtihg that the subjectlancfs have ahÎgh" " archaéological p~te¡'fial.', An archaeological assessment wiu be , necessary. There ,areno'futthetprov~ncial interåsts,orgeleQated review re$ponsibHiti~sapplicable tþ this application., ',' ,,' "","ft~& "s'E €ÉÊXCELLENCE ',fi t~~~~f,p'NITY" , " , " 'J'J . ' ,$' "" , 1~O% Post Cç¡r1sùmer .. , , ' AT'T ,ô,CHMENl # -'~11} REPORT 1/ PO 3D ,r 0",1. - pagè2 ,Regional, Services " ¡" , , . ,. , ' , , " ' ' , ,fy1uniçipal water,supply ándsani~ary sE?wer.services,ar~ available to the' " þroPQsed dev~loprrienUrom the existing 375 nim diameter sanitary , ,', ,sewerand the' 300, mm diameter watermain 'Io¿åtéd 6n Fairport Road." , ,The' dëvelopment dm"antíoipáte, a static water pressure of: ' ," ". " approxim~tely 65 psi àt ß 'ground elevation of9~.5 m., " ,,- , TrárÙ;por1ation ~' ':" , , , , " , .. , ' , .. ' , ' -:The 'pr6posåd $iré~t' 'Ä'abÚts Fairport Road, "\II(hi~hjsidøntified as"k . " "" , Ty"pe,-C"arterial in'~he'Durhari1 Regional Official Plah. The proposed T"" " , intersection is !Öèated 'in' proximity. to an ,~xistii}g; T ~iriterseotion for. ',' '"" "'Welrus'street. 1h~ CityofPiokerinQ;sholild have ,regard to the loèatiön" " of thé .intersectionforth,e proposed,de\(eloprnent~ ' " " " ": ",: " , " ' , ",,"," " " - , " ' , ' " " " " The attaçhed ogndltions of approvc;tI" shall becompUed"with priodo cIearance",bythe RegiOn for' registration of t~is.plan:" "'," ',' , ; " '" "-" ':, "' , ,:- ' Rlease call Ray Davies" Planner,it you' have ~any quêstions~" ", ' " ", " " "" " ',' , ' " " , , ' " ,'Yours'truIY,'" ,",~.',', " ""::""":"""""~":"""""'"""".,..""""..., "~""",.."""""",,,, , ",',".' 'i~B~ir"M"c,L~"R,þ,~, ',.', ,,' ,DìreCtor; Current bperations :Branoh ' " , , " .. ,.. ( , ' , , ," , ' ';00:, Marshall Horries (DLinbarton) Limited, ' , ,R.egiönal Works Depàrtnjent, '," MTCR ' ' " , , , , . , ,,- ", , , . , " , . , , ' , " , " - , " ,. , , , ' ',' . -- ATTACHMENT '!Ii !O REPORT # PO () - 0;,;. ¿! #r , , , , , - ';. ' , , , Atta~~nient tolétler dated April,.25~"2Qo'2 -- , ' , " , " :: Rè:, ,'Plå~,of Subdivi~iön's-P-20Ò2-0t : " Marshall Homes (Quríbartonl LImited' , ,: City. of Pic,kering", "":,' " , ' " " , '" , " ' , , ,', , " , Region :of purham Conditiqns of Dr~ft Approv~r " , .. , . , , , ' , "" " " , ' , ' , t' , The OWflØr $h~1! preþarE:dhe fi~a.i plan òhfhe:.Þ~sis ()f'the àpproved' draft pl~nóf"" " , ' , , ' subdivision prèparedby ICMEngineêrihg; identified:,asprbje,cfnumber 0'1-0'91, dated, , November; :20'0'1;, which illustrates 23 ' otsfor siögla~defaqned d'iyèllings,a, re.s~rve, : block,s roádwidel1ingblock"and roadway. ' " ,:." ,..' , ' ",,""', ,'," , " ",' , '. ' '" " , ",' , " 4. " 'The9wnèr ~hall~ubmitÞ.l.aIiS 'showing any propQsed pha~ingtå :the Regióna'~d th'e'" ' City of:,P.ick~ringJor J~view,.andapproval;' if this plan, istd,þedøvelåpedbY'mo.r~ than, ,~rie registration~, ,"" '" ,,' ' " ' , " , ' , " "'",' '" ThØ OWner~h~U'~.ubinitto the RëgiohaiMuni6ipality ofD~'rham f~:r'tevie~'~~d', , 'ap'prov~[,arevise'q n:ois~Ù.eporf :keparèd by anaCûusticerigineer: based ,on,', '" ' ,projepted;ln:iffië volumes provided by theRegi6n'sPI~nning'Departmerit:.'" ,",;~ , ,føcÓmmehding àny' necessary,Í'1oise atlenuatiòn'méasLJres, TheO,#ner shall., provide: ":,," " , 'theRag(bnWith:a copy "of thesubd¡v¡~ion,agreeni~ht contEiining ,sUCH, provisions priÓr ,', ,'~~th~fin~lé;1pp~ÖV~I"~ftheÞlä~.,:""",:,-':"':,,, """'",.".,';,, ,', " ,,6~' ' ,""Priòrto~nJeringinto~ suÞdjyisionagree~elÍt.,~the Regiqnal Municipality of Durhan\ ,,' shall be satisfied ,that àdequate'.water pqilutior:l contròl,plant an,d 'water supply plant' , 'capé:1citiesaré.'ßvai,laþletQfofthe pr~þösedS?ubdivisi<?n,.,," ,',,"-:, ',:-'",", ' ' ,', "" " 2, ........ " \ , , ( , ' -' '. , 3; The'Ownèr $~åJI name ro~d'allowahc~s inclu,ded::withiri this'planto ih~ satisfaction of ' the; RegionaJ M~njcipalityÖfDurham andthe'City of P,ckering~ ';' "", ,', ':,' ,', , '~he qw~er !Shall'g;ant:~d ther:{egi~'n¡ 'é1n~ ~a$ements~e~~¡red; to'provide Regional ',:. " ,servicesf6r'thisdeveiöpmenta,nd'these;ea~e¡;'ents shç¡1I be inloçatiQnsandof such , widthsasc:f'eÍt3ttnined'bY,theRegion.," : """; '. '," , ' , " '5. 7~' , " ',,' , '" , The Owner shall, prbvi~e'fo'rthe ~xtehsiolÍ; bf: s'uèh '!SanitarY ,sew~rarl.d,wåier' supply:,' , facilities 'which are exte rnà I tþ, ås w(311 a~ withTh:, the limits': ofthìs plån,'thar are,' " ", , , ',requi.rødto service t~is,plan. In'additldn;the Own~rshall-pr(;>vidéfor the':extension of , , 'sanitary, sewer and wâter' sUpply facílitiesWithin,th~ ,Iimit$ of the plan which ,arE~ ' , ' , requiredtb:s8Jiiice other developments eXternal to this subdivisioq, Such sanitary " sewer and \yater supply. facilities are tç)' be 'designed,and ;con~tn..,lc;ted, according to.' the, . ' , stailqärds, and,re,qürrem~nts:oftheRegiÇ)naIMunicipaJityöf Durh~n': All,' , "", arrange/1lents, financial 'and, otherWise, for gait! ~xt~nsiöns are to~ be.tp the" ", ,, ,s:atisfaction ofthe Regional MÚhicipalityof Durham and are to be completed prior.to , the r~lease~ of th~ fi.rial approval ,of this plé~.ri., ,,' " " "', ' ' , , - .' , ' , . , , , , # ,~",.¿"'i~_,_._l 0 ,..,r'I"U'Y¡' JJ P D ~D" tJ,;)... l1,Cr n '/1' ~,-'w - " fage2 , , " "" .. , 8. " ", " ' , ' " ' , .. , , " ' Th~ -oWnershEtll satisfy~1I reqùirememts¡ fhlaiiÓial:and-,öth~~ise, of th'e Regional' ~ , Municipality of Durham.-Thls shall'¡nclLidé; among others, the ;exêcütion,' of ~',' , , ',sÜbdivision"agre$m~rlt b¡atWeen the'Ownerand,theRegiC;m"cåncerning the ptovisiq,n: " and ,iDs,tallati9n ofsa,nit~ry sewers,water~uPPIy.~:'road~'ånd oth~rregiOn~I'serViCe$:' ',," 9." ',Th~ 9wnershåll::c~rry '~ut a,'culturål' nerita'g'e' r~s'oúrcè' ass~ssméhto(thë SUbj~ct ',,' :', , property and-mitigatio i, arid/or saivage ex,cåv~tionofài1y significan,theritage " ",,' ,", 'resoÜr~es to fhe$éltis,faction'of the Regulatory 'ahd Operations GroÙp: üfthe' Ministry,' of T OUrls.m, C~lt~~egnd Ré,Greatic;m.' Nq'graqirig o'r .6ther~oil diSturbance $haJl take " place on:the subjt?ct property priorto a lett~r'ofclearâ.nce from thè"Regulátory, and , OperatiQnsGrôupof the ¥,inistry ~fTburism; Cult~r~:,andRecreation." ':, ',' " , , ",,; " " :, ,;" , , , , '.. "" " " "",.' ,'," " , " , , '10. ' The 'subdivision agreeme~t befwf3,erÜhe' Q~ner and the :Cityofpickedng shall' :', , :cOntain"é}mong?tÌ1er,rT1atters~~h~'fo"Q~ingptov.i~i,~n:":,' ",' , ',' ", "; :,: " , , ", " , ',a) rheOwh~r:agrees,tolmplemehftho,st;:l.r1Oise:cÓntr~ll1l~aSQre~,recibrhniend~ iri: ' , 'the'NoiseReþortréquirèdin,'Gbriçfitiollf? ',~':,' .. '; ,',', " ,'... '", ,Y "", ",', "':',' ": " ',', ,'" '. ,:', ,".. ," '.. ',' " ' . ,,: ' ' " ,,' :', "', " " ' " , " In order to fadlitate 'the cI~arancé:ôfthis Óorid.itiQ~; thèOwn~ri,~' requiredto:forwård ~',: cópyôf th~ ~xecLJt~d t;ity, c){PickEîrïrïg~subd vi$ioh agreem~ntJothe Commissioner of.' ," ',Plamling,;Hegj9n~I,"~,uni~iP:~Hty',ofDqrh~~,.,:,'" ',' 'c'," ", ",,' " , , , , :', , . , . ',' ' " , -. J - " " ..,' ",: ',' , ,:' , ' " " ': ,', ", ' ',' , ,,'; .. , ' '" , , . , .. " " ".' ," , ,,: ' , , " . " , ' " , " " " , ',.. , , , ",'" . ',',' , ' '( , ' ,':," , ' , .',,' " ,: " ,,' ,," :',' ,,' , , , i , .. '.: , , " " , , 'c,: , ' , , " ' ',' , ,.. . .. " .. '; , ',' .. ,,' " " , '" " " '" ,- " . " , , ' ',:'" . , , , . " ' " '", , '. , , , " " , , , ", "" " " . " " , '.. ;, . . ~ ' ' , ,