HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD 13-02 .. 046 Ciú/ o~ REPORT TO COUNCIL FROM: Neil Carroll Director, Planning & Development DATE: January 29,2002 .IÞ REPORT NUMBER: PD 13-02 SUBJECT: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 41/00 John Moniz on behalf of 1094511 Ontario Inc. Part Lots 6 and 7, Plan 489 Northwest corner of Kingston Road and Walnut Lane City of Pickering RECOMMENDATION: 1. That Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 41/00, submitted by John Moniz on behalf of 1094511 Ontario Inc., on lands being Part Lots 6 and 7, Plan 489, City of Pickering, to amend the zoning on the subject lands to permit the establishment of a two-storey office building, for professional and business offices (excluding medical offices), with associated personal services and accessory uses, be APPROVED, subject to the conditions outlined in Appendix I to Report Number PD 13-02. ORIGIN: - Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 41/00 submitted to the City of Pickering. AUTHORITY: The Planning Act, RS.O. 1990, chapter P.B . FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: No direct costs to the City are anticipated as a result of the proposed development. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: This application to amend the zoning by-law will permit a two-storey building of approximately 1380 square metres gross floor area to be constructed on the subject lands. The permitted uses in the building would include both business and professional offices, excluding medical offices, with associated personal services and accessory uses. The proposed site design will provide an "urban face" by locating the building on the Kingston Road frontage with parking located behind the building. The parking lot will be appropriately buffered and screened from abutting residential land uses. The irregular shape of the property has resulted in some difficult site design concerns that have, and will continue to be, addressed through the site plan approval process. - The design of the proposed development will establish a building massing and location that is anticipated to be followed as adjacent properties to the west redevelop. The revised conceptual site plan provided by the applicant provides sufficient detail to enable the preparation of an implementing zoning by-law that establishes appropriate development standards, ensures compliance with the Kingston Road guidelines, and provides suitable buffers to adjacent development. Details of site design will be determined through the site plan review process. Report to Council PD 13-02 Date: January 29,2002 047 Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 41/00 Page 2 It has been concluded that the lands are appropriate for the development of office uses, generally as proposed by the applicant, but subject to requirements that may be undertaken through the Site Plan Approval process. ........ This application is recommended for approval, subject to conditions. BACKGROUND: 1.0 Introduction The subject property is located on the northwest comer of Walnut Lane and Kingston Road. A property location map is provided for reference (see Attachment #1). The subject property is approximately 0.28 of a hectare in size, and is currently vacant. Residential land uses sUITound the subject property to the west, north and east, and commercial uses are located directly south of the subject lands across Kingston Road. The applicant proposes to construct a two-storey building, originally 1422 square metres in size. The proposed building is intended to support primarily business and professional offices, and associated personal service, retail and cafeteria uses. A reduction of the applicant's original site plan is provided for reference (see Attachment #2). The proposed two-storey building is intended to be located to the front of the subject lands (in close proximity to Kingston Road). The parking area supporting the proposed building would be located to the rear (north) of the building, and would be accessed from Walnut Lane. Since the public meeting the applicant has worked with staff to address many of the site design issues that were present in the original design ofthe property. This has resulted in a revised plan being submitted for consideration (see Attachment #3). - The following is background information on the subject application. Proposed Development Detail Site Area Frontage on Kingston Road Frontage on Walnut Lane Proposed Gross Floor Area Parking Provided Parking Required at a ratio of 4.5 spaces per 100m2 Parking Lot Landscape Buffer Strip East Side West side North Side 2.0 Information Meeting Original Plan (Attachment # 2) - 2872 m2 - 40.1 m - 77.8 m - 1422m2 - 55 - 64 Revised Plan (Attachment # 3) - 2872 ml - 40.1 m - 77.8 m - 1380ml - 61 - 62 - 1.5m - 1.5m - 1.5m - 23m 1.3m 2.0m A Public Information Meeting for this development proposal was held on April 19, 2001. Information Report No. 13-01, which summarizes the applicant's proposal and outlines the issues and comments identified to that date through circulation of the application, was prepared for that meeting. The text of that Information Report is provided for reference (see Attachment #4). - No written comments were received from surrounding landowners or agencies at the time of writing of the Information Report. .. 0 48 Report to Council PD 13-02 Date: January 29,2002 Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 41/00 Page 3 At the Public Information Meeting six area resident commented on the application's proposal. Comments included: . - . Concern with the height and massing of the building; . Range of commercial uses proposed; . Question on the available space for planting around the parking lot; . Questions on parking lot lighting; . Noise associated with the parking lot; . Questions if the proposal would become a hangout and loitering; . Concerns that the proposed development would have an impact on surrounding property values; and, . Impact ofthe proposed devèlopment on traffic flows and traffic speed on Walnut Lane. Minutes of the April 19, 2001 Statuary Public Information Meeting are provided for reference (see Attachment #5). 2.1 Public Comment Two written comments have been received on the original design for the application. David Finnegan, 1711 Wollaston Court - advises that in principle he is in favour of the proposed application, however has some concerns related to: building design/massing; need for a shadow study; the proposed gross floor area is over development given the size of the site; ensuring required parking is provided on site; access issues off of Walnut Lane; need for a noise study; type of proposed landscaping on the north and west side of the property; site lighting; landscaping for the Kingston Road frontage; appropriateness of the proposed uses and their operation; and, construction impacts (see Attachment #6). - Mr. and Mrs. Wagner, 1134 Kingston Road - advises that their concerns relate to providing future right-of-way access onto Walnut Lane from the properties located west of the subject property (see Attachment #7). 2.2 Comments from Other Agencies The following agencies have advised they have no objection or no objection subject to satisfying some technical/administrative conditions related to construction. . Veridian Connections (see Attachment #8) Canada Post (see Attachment #9) Bell Canada (see Attachment #10) Durham District School Board (see Attachment # 11) - The Region of Durham Planning Department noted that the subject lands are designated "Living Area" within the Durham Region Official Plan, which permits limited office development and limited retailing of goods and services, in appropriate locations. These limited uses are permitted provided that Community and Local Central Areas are designated in the area municipal official plan, and the functions and characteristics of such Central Areas are not adversely affected. The proposed application is in conformity with the Durham Regional Official Plan. In terms of services, the subject property is currently serviced with municipal water and sanitary sewer service. They further noted the application has been screened in accordance with the provincial plan review responsibilities and no interests would appear to be affected (see Attachment #12). 2.2 Comments from City Departments The Development Control Section has advised of the following: . lands at the northeast comer of the property should be conveyed to the City to permit the existing sidewalk to be located on City property; - ..... Report to Council PD 13-02 Date: January 29,2002 049 Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 41/00 Page 4 - . to provide land at the northeast comer ofthe property to the owner of 1736 Walnut Lane to permit the existing driveway to remain and to give the property owner full access to the road allowance; . urbanization of Kingston Road fronting the subject property should be done at the time the subject property is developed, including the placement of a sidewalk; . fencing along the west and north property line is required; . drainage will need to be self contained on the property and a Stormwater Management Report will need to be submitted that addresses water quality, water quantity and outfall; . a soils report must be submitted: . a construction management plan will be required; and, . modification to the property entrance may be required (Attachment #13). 3.0 Discussion 3.1 Permitted Uses The existing zoning applicable to the subject lands permits one detached dwelling unit per lot. The existing zoning is not consistent with the Official Plan designation of "Mixed Use Area - Mixed Corridor" within the Town Centre Neighbourhood. The proposed uses are more in keeping with the designation. However it is noted that the subject site is small and there is not ample parking provided. The subject site can be designed to meet the minimum parking requirement for a professional and business offices. However the site, with the proposed building cannot meet the minimum parking requirement for a medical office, retail store or a restaurant. It is recommended that the future implementing zoning by-law permit all business and/or professional office (excluding medical offices) uses on the subject lands as well as personal services and accessory uses (see Appendix I). Applying the standard office definitions to the subject lands will allow a broader range of business and/or professional office (excluding medical offices) uses to be permitted on the subject lands, as well as associated personal services and accessory uses. The resultant office uses are appropriate, can be made to be sensitive and compatible with surrounding established land uses, and in keeping with the City's "Mixed Use Area - Mixed Corridor" Official Plan designation applicable to the subject lands, that encourages mixed uses to serve a broader area at a community scale and intensity. 3.2 Coordinated Development The subject property is the first application to come before Council for the redevelopment of the Kingston Road frontage between Walnut Lane and the Glen Eden Court residential area to the west. It is anticipated the five (5) existing residential properties will all be redeveloped over time. Given the fact that access from Kingston Road may not be available to all of these properties it is recommended that the subject land accommodate, in their site design, the possibility for future right-of-way access across their property to the landowners to the west to allow for future access onto Walnut Lane. The urbanization of this portion of Kingston Road will begin with this property and be extended west as properties redevelop. 3.3 Parking Requirements The current site plan indicates a supply of 61 parking spaces. Considering the proposed uses, professional and business offices (excluding medical offices), with associated personal services and accessory uses, a parking ratio of 4.5 parking spaces per 100 square metres of gross floor area is considered the minimum parking standard for such uses. Other commercial uses, such as medical offices, retail stores and restaurants (high parking demand generator) would result in a high parking ratio being required which can not be supported on this property. 050 .-. ."..... ,.....,. " Report to Council PD 13-02 Date: January 29,2002 Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 41/00 Page 5 The proposed building of 1,380 square metres would require 62 parking spaces at a ratio of 4.5 parking spaces per 100 square metres of gross floor area. This is one parking space more than currently show on the site plan. The parking layout on the proposed site plan is serviced by a parking aisle width of 6.0 metres. This is below the municipal standard of 6.5 metres for a two-way parking aisle that services parking spaces at a 90 degree angle to the parking aisle. It is recommended that a minimum of 4.5 parking spaces per 100 square metres of building gross leasable floor area be required for this development (see Appendix I). This standard should ensure an adequate supply of parking. It is further recommended that the parking aisle width be increased to 6.5 metres in width for two-way traffic to ensure adequate space is provided for appropriate manoeuvring within the parking lot. 3.4 Building Size Limitations The applicant proposes a building of 1,380 square metres gross floor area. The ultimate size of the building will be limited by the amount of parking that the subject site can support. As indicated in Section 3.3 of this report, the parking layout proposed by the applicant already has insufficient parking, and insufficient parking aisle widths. A minor redesign of the parking layout is required which is expected to result in the need for the building to be slightly reduced in order to accommodate appropriate on-site parking for the proposed development. 3.5 Site Design Matters The subject lands are located within the "Town Centre West" precinct as outlined in the Kingston Road Corridor Urban Design and Development Guidelines. This precinct is recognized as a transition zone between the Whites Road Corridor precinct and the Downtown Core precinct. The Town Centre West precinct is encouraged to evolve over the long term into a pedestrian- mendly, mixed use neighbourhood that will act as an extension to the Downtown Core, especially east of Walnut Lane. Development of the site will have to have regard to these Guidelines. Through review of the associated site plan application, staff will assess the proposed development based on the detailed design considerations outlined in the Pickering Official Plan. The design and building materials used for the proposed development and landscaped features will be reviewed through the site plan approval process to ensure that they complement surrounding development and maintain an appropriate design standard along Kingston Road. The applicant and City staff having been working co-operatively on the site design. The applicant has responded to many of the staff suggestions that have resulted in an improved design compared to the original design. However, there are certain fundamental design elements that still need to be addressed. The first is the creation of an appropriate landscape buffer strip along the north property line where the proposed commercial property will abut an existing residential property. Whenever there is conflicting land uses, such as commercial abutting residential, an adequate landscape strip is required to separate, screen and buffer the conflicting land uses. This landscape strip should have sufficient width so that fencing can be erected to provide the screening as well as sufficient space for planting of landscape stock that will help buffer the two land uses. This landscape strip also provides room for snow storage on site. The recommended minimum width is 3.0 metres. While this landscape width should also be a normal requirement for both the east and west side of the proposed parking lot, this Department recognizes that the lands to the west are anticipated to be redeveloped for possible commercial/office uses therefore, a landscape strip will not be required in this location. Along the eastern property line the proposed 2.3 metre landscape stripe will be acceptable given it abuts a flanking lot line. However, it is still expected that a high quality landscape package be implemented into this flanking landscape strip (see Appendix I). The other significant site redesign that will need to be addressed is the parking lot layout. The parking lot should be reconfigured, as indicated in Section 3.3 of this report, to ensure adequate parking has been achieved on site (supplying parking at a ratio of 4.5 spaces per 100 square metres of gross leasable floor area) and providing parking aisle widths of a minimum of 6.5 metres. (see Appendix I). Report to Council PD 13-02 Date: January 29,2002 051 Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 41/00 Page 6 ~ ¡1180. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. In tenns of the building design, the building should present a 'face' onto the Kingston Road façade. There should be a high level of architectural presence to the portion of the building that fronts onto the public roads, including an entrance and appropriate glazing. The revised conceptual site plan provided by the applicant provides sufficient detail to enable the preparation of an implementing zoning by-law that establishes appropriate development standards, ensures compliance with the Kingston Road guidelines, and provides suitable buffers to adjacent development. Details of site design will be detennined through the site plan review process. It has been concluded that the lands are appropriate for the development of office uses, generally as proposed by the applicant, but subject to requirements that may be undertaken through the Site Plan Approval process. 4.0 Applicant's Comments The applicant has provided their rational for their proposed site design as outlined in Attachment # 14, and does not support increasing the landscape strip along the north property line to 3.0 metre and any resultant building size reduction. ATTACHMENTS: Property Location Map Original Site Plan Revised Site Plan Infonnation Report No. 13-01 Minutes of April 19, 2001 Statutory Public Meeting Resident Comment - David Finnegan Resident Comment - Mr. and Mrs. Wagner Agency Comment - Veridian Connections Agency Comment - Canada Post Agency Comment - Bell Canada Agency Comment - Durham District School Board Agency Comment - Region of Durham Planning Department Staff Comments - Development Control Section Applicants Comments Prepared By: R~P~. Ross Pym, MCIP, RPV Principal Planner - Development Review Nell Carroll, I P Director, Planning & Development Lynda Ta or, MCIP, RPP Manager, Development eview ~ RP/LDT/jf Attachments Copy: Chief Administrative Officer Recommended for the consideration of Pickering City Council -. 052~ .-. ..-... ~ APPENDIX I TO REPORT NUMBER PD 13-02 RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 41/00 1. That the implementing zoning by-law: (a) pennit professional and business offices (excluding medical offices), with associated personal services and accessory uses to be established within the proposed building to be constructed on the subj ect lands. (b) establish a comprehensive set of perfonnance standards applicable to the subject lands including, but not be limited to, the following provisions: (i) a minimum two-storey building height with two functional floors; (ii) a minimum parking setback of3.0 metres from the north property line; (iii) a minimum parking setback of2.3 metres from the east property line; (iv) a minimum front yard building set back of 1.5 metres; (v) a minimum flanking side yard building set back of 1.5 metres; (vi) a minimum interior side yard building set back of 1.5 metres; (vii) a minimum parking standard of 4.5 parking spaces per 100 square metres of building gross leasable floor area; (viii) a minimum parking spaces size of 2.6 metres by 5.3 metres serviced by a parking aisle of 6.5 metres (ix) appropriate 'build-to' zones and building envelope restrictions to require building location adj acent to the Kingston Road frontage and to ensure appropriate separation of buildings from the northerly abutting residential area. 2. That prior to the forwarding of an implementing zoning by-law to City Council for consideration: (a) The owner provide the City with a written undertaking that they will agree to provide right-of-way access across the subject property from the lands to the west and will not object to this matter being fonnalized in a site plan agreement or other fonnal agreements as required. (b) The owner provide the City with a written undertaking that they will agree to convey to the City lands at the northeast comer of the property to pennit the existing sidewalk to be located on City property and to address the northerly abutting property owner's driveway encroachment. - ATTACHMENT' / TO REPORT I PO l.-) ~ ð:2 053 ,""'" - c « 0 oc -- - - I....- GlE r- -- "..... c « a oc ~ ~ ? --- ¡~ > :¡ '-- ~ -...... ~:=1 E .....,.. - City of Pickering Planning & Development Department PROPERTY DESCRIPTION LOT 7 AND PART OF LOT 6, PLAN 489 OWNER 1094511 ONTARIO INC. DATE MAR 16,2001 DRAWN BY RC APPLICATION No. A 41/00 FOR DEPARTMENT USE ONLY SCALE 1 :7500 CHECKED BY RT .1' It¡ PN-8 PA- 054 ATTACHMENT # ~ TO REPORT # PO /.q - D ;;;... - INFORMATION COMPILED FROM APPLICANTS SUBMITTED SITE PLAN A 41/00 . 1094511 ONTARIO INC. ~:: :: r~.~=.- ,,0 . ~'i.~ ,,' .,;:" - ~ ~ ~ § - ~ ~ ,\o~ ~\G~ ~\~ I , \ I I I I I I I I i I , I , I :EI »: r Z, c' -11 I r' »1 z: fT1 I . , I I I \ \ \ \\, '\, \ \ \ . \ I \ . . \ I , \ \ I I \ ~ 'iic- 0 \^\) ~ SITE STATISTICS: LOT DESCRJPTION: PARTS OF LOTS 6 AND 7 REGISTERED PLAN 489 CITY OF PICKERING. REG. IIUN. OF. DURHAM PROPOSED ZONING: CI + USES LOT AREA- .2872 HA (2872.2 1.42) .709 AC (30,914 SF) BUILDING COVERAGE: 33:1: MAX OFA: 1422 1.12 (15.305 SF) SElBACKS: . fRONT YARD: 1.5 1.4 (5 FY) SIDE YARD: INTERNAL 1.514 (5FT) fLANKAGE 1.514 (5 fT) REAR YARD: 35.0 1/ (114.82 fT) HEIGHT: 15.25 1/ (50 FT) LANDSCAPED OPEN SPACE: AISlES; 790.71 112 (8.512 SF) PARKING sPACES: 822.35 1/2 (8.852 SF) LO.s.: 548.30 1/2 (5.902 SF) (L.O.S. INClUDES WALJ<WAYS) RATIO: 19:1: PARKING: NO. OF SPACES: 55 RATIO SPACES PER 93 1/2: 3.59 .1' /ì¡ THIS IMP IIIU' PRODIJCé1J BY TIlE CITY OF PICKEHING Pl..ANNJNC .t D£I£I.OPJlEIIT D£PN/T/JENT, INFrJRUATION .. SUPPORT SG/1IICES. AIA!ICH 16. 2001. 055 j"" ATTACHMENT I 5 TO REPORT # PO / ::s - D ;L APPLICANT'S REVISED CONCEPTUAL SITE PLAN - INFORMATION COMPILED FROM APPLICANT'S SUBMITTED SITE PLAN A 41/00 1094511 ONTARIO INC. ¡¡1ft 41 . LJ í 5J"" ~1.. "/^~N (. pJIt 'ETP-I ~O prAN~. ~ . ~ . ~,t,p1 ",..'>, ?" ~s(~ ~ .,.'I',,~ ~ 81 \\~ ~ ~ õ:I'.'r-~ 4:( ~ ~~ ?/ 'é ~ lo'>q.~ ,þI' .-t~"'" =' . ... ~" 1031 ~/ 146 ,Of æ- l-- ..,.. p~,A~ pJ.~' 006' ~6j4~~ - I - I ~ - ')'\ 1 pJ.~' 00°~ ~6j4~~ OBC: GROUP 0 OCCUPIINCY SfCllON 3.2.2 (56) ..'" l' THIS U4P Jt4S PROOtIC£D BY THE CnY OF PICKERiNG PlANNING .. D£VE:LOPM£NT УPARTM£NT; INFDRUATION .. SUPPOHr S£RV/CEs. JANUARY 30. 2002. 056 ATTACHMENT # -"'t TO REPORT # PO.- (3~ 0 ^ - Ciú¡ o~ INFORMATION REPORT NO. 13-01 - FOR PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING OF April 19, 2001 . IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PUBLIC MEETING REQUIREMENTS OF THE PLANNING ACT, R.S.O. 1990, chapter P.13 SUBJECT: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 41/00 1094511 Ontario me. (fonnerly Estate ofR. Swartz) Part of Lots 6 and 7, Plan 489 (Northwest comer of Walnut Lanoe and Kingston Road) City of Pickering . 1.0 PROPERTY LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION - the subject property is located on the northwest comer of Walnut Lane and Kingston Road; .' a property location map is provided for reference (see Attachment #1); the subject property is approximately 0.28 of a hectare in size, and is currently vacant; residential land uses surround the subject property to the west, north and east, and commercial uses are located directly south of the subject lands across Kingston Road. 2.0 APPLICANT'S PROPOSAL the applicant proposes to construct a two-storey building, approximately 1422 square metres in size; . the proposed building is intended to support primarily business and professional offices, and associated personal service, retail and cafeteria uses; a reduction of the applicant's submitted site plan is provided for reference (see Attachment #2); . the proposed two-storey building is intended to be located to the front of the subject lands (in close proximity to Kingston Road); the parking area supporting the proposed building would be located to the rear of the property (and proposed building), and would be accessed from Walnut Lane through both one-way and two-way traffic aisles; approximately 55 parking spaces are proposed to support the proposed development (resulting in a proposed parking ratio of approximately 3.8 parking spaces per 100 square metres of building gross floor area). 3.0 .oFFICIAL PLAN AND ZONING 3.1 Durham Regional Official Plan - the subje~t .lands fall within the "Living Area" designation, whf!re development is intended to be predominantly for housing purposes; in addition, limited office development and limited retailing of goods and services is pennitted in appropriate locations, as components of mixed use developments, provided that Community and Local Central areas are designated in the area municipal official plan, and the functions and characteristics of such Central Areas are not adversely affected; . . Information Report No. 13-01 ATTACHMENT# Lf REPORT # PO / 3 . c _TO -~ ---~-- 057 Page 2 when considering development applicàtions within "Living Areas", regard shall be had to, among other things, - . the achievement of compact urban form, including intensive residential, office, retail, service and mixed uses along arterial roads and in conjunction with present and potential transit facilities; and, . ' the use of good urban design principles including, but not limited to, the consolidation of special purpose commercial uses into nodes, with particular emphasis on common internal traffic circulation and restricted access to arterial roads by means 'of service or collector roads, wherever possible; 3.2 Pickerill!! Official Plan designates the subject 'lands "Mixed Use Area - Mixed Conidor" within the Town Centre Neighbourhood; , permissible uses within this designation include residential, the retailing of goods and services, office restaurants, community, cultural and recreational uses, and special purpose commercial uses; this designation encourages uses to serve a broader area at a community scale and intensity; , when establishing performance standards, restrictions and provisions for Mixed Use Areas, City Council shall have particular regard to encouraging development in an integrated manner for a wide variety of uses and purposes, and encourage intensification over time, up to the maximum floor space indices outlined in the Plan; Council shall ensure that Mixed Uses Areas are designated and developed consistent with the community design provisions of the Official Plan (Chapters Nine and Thirteen), and any development guidelines that may be established in the Town Centre Neighbourhood; "'~"" - the subject property falls within a "Detailed Review Area" that identifies areas within a specific neighbourhood as priorities for the preparation of detailed land use, transportation, design or other development guidelines; in undertaking a review, City Council may; among other things, examine the specific land use mix and arrangement, the scale and intensity of use, the transportation network, community design requirements, and any other matters Council deems necessary; Kingston Road is identified as a "Type-B Arterial Road", designed to carry moderate volumes of traffic at moderate speeds with some access restrictions; Kingston Roadis further identified as a "transit spme", where a: higher level of transit serVice is encouraged within the City's Urban Area; Walnut Lane is identified as a "Collector Road", designed to provide access to individual properties, to local roads, and to other collector and arterial roads; 3.3 Kin!!ston Road Corridor Urban Desi!!n and Development Guidelines - the subject property falls within the "Town Centre West" precinct as outlined in the Kingston Road Corridor Urban Design &nd Development Guidelines; this precinct is recognized as a transition zone between the Whites Road Conidor precinct and the Downtown Core precinct; the Town Centre West precinct is encouraged to evolve over the long term into a pedestrian-mendly, mixed use neighbourhood that will act as an extension to the Downtown Core, especially east of Walnut Lane; objectives for development within this precinct include: . creating a mainstreet character along Kingston Road; . encouraging low rise buildings on both the north and south side of Kingston Road; , 058 Infonnation Report No. 13-01 ATTACHMENT ,- ¥ - TO REPORT # PO 1.3 -0 :;L Page 3 - . generally encouraging residential uses, and retail and community uses may be pennitted (particularly on the ground floor of buildings fronting Kingston Road); . promoting this precinct as the downtown west neighbourhood, offering varied business and residential opportunities, and other land uses that benefit from being in close proximity to the downtown; . encouraging cO1mnercial intensification at intersections; and, . providing strong north-south pedestrian links at Walnut Lane; 3.4 Zonin!! By-law 3036 the subject property is currently zoned "R3" - Residential Detached Dwelling Zone, by Zoning By-law 3036, as amended; . this zoning currently pennits one detached dwelling to be established on the subject lands; an amendment to the Zoning By-law is required to implement the applicant's proposed development. 4.0 RESULTS OF CIRCULATION 4.1 Resident Comments no resident comments have been received to-date; 4.2 Å!!ency Comments - No Objections or Concerns: - Durham District School Board. - 4.3 Staff Comments in reviewing the application to-date, the following matters have been identified by staff for further review and consideration: 4.3.1 Integrated Developm~nt ensuring that the proposed development is compatible with surrOlmding existing land uses; . ensuring that development on the subject lands does not prejudice the appropriate future development of lands to the west, considering property access (both shared and individual), grading and servicing, and development design; . reviewing future- shared ac.cess opportunities 'for lands to the west through the subject lands, where appropriate; and, . . reviewing the intensity and nature of proposed uses to ensure that resultant development is sensitive to existing residential uses surrol.mdingthe subject lands; 4.3.2 Site Plan Matters - determining the appropriate amount of on-site parking needed to serve the proposed building; reviewing opportunities for upgraded design and landscaping features, considering plantings, fe~estration, site lighting, building design and materials and other enhancements and features; and, ensuring the provision of appropriate vehicular and pedestrian access arrangements; . hlformation Report No. 13-01 An ACHMENT # t¡ TO REPORT 11 PO I ~- 0 ;L 059 ., Page 4 4.3.3 Technical Matters - examining the planned alignment for Walnut Lane, including the potential need for future road widening;. .' determining the extent of any "surplus" land from the Kingston Road road allowance available to be acquired by the owner of the subject lands; and, encouraging the urbanization of the Kingston Road frontage in consultation with the. Region of Durham. 5.0' PROCEDURALINFO~TION written comments regardirtg this proposal should be directed to the Planning & Development Department; ( oral comments may be made at the Public Information Meeting; all comments received will be noted and used as input in a Planning Report prepared by the Planning & Development Department for a subsequent meeting of Councilor a Committee of Council; . if you wish to reserve the option to appeal Council's decision, you must provide comments to the City before Council adopts any by-law for this proposal; if you wish to be notified of Council's decision regarding this proposal, you must request such in writing to the CitY Clerk. . OTHER INFORMATION 6.0 6.1 Appendix No. I - list of neighbourhood residents, community associations, agencies and City Departments that have commented on the applications at the time of writing the report; 6.2 Information Received full-scale copies of the Applicant's submitted plan are available for viewing at the offices of the City of Pickering Planning & Development Department; 6.3 Company Principal applicant advises that tþe principals of 1094511 Ontario Inc. are Mr. John Moniz, Mr. Ron Gordon and Mr. Brian O'Donaghue. cWr' Lynda Taylor, CIP, RPP Manager, CuITent Operations RT/jf - Copy: Director, Planning & Development 060 . þa. ATTACHMENT # ,5 TO REPORT # PD. /3 - 0 '",;l Excerpts.ofStatutory Public Information Meeting Minutes of Thursday, April 19, 2001 STATUTORY PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING MINUTES A Statutory Public Information Meeting was held on Thursday, April 19, 2001 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers. The Manager, Current Operations Division, provided an overview of the requirements of the Planning Act and the Ontario Municipal Board respecting this meeting and matters under consideration thereat. ,..,. .-. (I) ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT APPLICATION A 41/00 1094511 ONTARIO INC. (FORMERLY ESTATE OF R. SWARTZ) PART OF LOTS 6 & 7, PLAN 489 ORTH-WEST CORNER OF WALNUT LANE & KINGSTON ROAD 1. Ron Taylor, Planner II, provided an explanation of the application, as outlined in Information Report #13-01. 2. Vincent Santamora, representing the applicant, advised that 1094511 Ontario Inc. is actually Remax Realty and the proposed building will be their Corporate Office. They have made every effort to stick with the C1 zoning and to follow urban guidelines. This structure will be a high quality professional tenant building. 3. David Finnigan; 1711 Wollastcin Crt., stated his 'support for a two storey commercial building but concern for the height and massing of the proposed structure. Renderings should be provided and elevations and shadowing made available. He questioned if all parking will remain on site, if there is a possibility of underground parking, if landscaping will be done on the north and west sides of the property and will there be sufficient lighting on site for security. He stated that if this building is sold for medièal purposes, size should be limited. He also questioned if a restaurant use is permitted. 4. Charlene Vienneau, 1736 Walnut Lane, stated her concern with the parking lot being placed in front of her house and the driveway beside her property. She also stated her concern with the noise and that this location could become a hang out. 5. Rob Wyers, 1128 Kingston Road, representing 1291553 Ont. Ltd., stated his concern that the value of his lands will depreciate. He questioned what will occur with sewer main access from Walnut Lane. 6. Leah-Ann Lymer, 1735 Walnut Lane, Unit 36, stated her concern with respect to traffic flow on Walnut Lane' as well as noise and loitering. .-.. .-.. '.~- ..... --2-- it.5,p ...".""..."-,.~-"",,... ! U # PO /3 - 0 ~~ 061 7. Wade Cruise, 1743 Walnut Lane, stated his concern with speed and traffic flow along with safety of children. He requested that the proposed entrance be moved to another part of the property. 8. Martin Herzog, Liverpool West Community Assoc., advised of their concern with respect to the range of uses, site of building, off street parking on Walnut Lane and traffic flow problems. He stated that commercial uses should be delineated, urban design needs to be reviewed and driveway location should be examined. He suggested using brick and wood rather than flat concrete wall. 9. Vincent Santamora, representing the applicant, advised that a two storey building of 50' is allowed but their building will only be 25' to 30'. The density and coverage will be less than the townhouses located across Walnut Lane. A single dwelling could have the same coverage as the proposed building. Some of the uses proposed for this building are an office supply business and cafeteria for those working in the building. A study was carried out and it is not anticipated that more than 20 people will arrive at the building in the morning. A material can be used on the parking lot to create a bumpy surface to deter skate boarders. 062 ATTACHMENT # t. TO-" REPORT # PD- /.3 - Q 2... " - David H. Finnegan 1711 Wollaston Court, Pickering, Ontario, -L1 V 2W9 - Tel: (905)-837-1280 April 7, 2001 Mr. Ron Taylor Planner Planning & Development Department City of Pickering Pickering Civi~ Complex One the Esplanade Pickering, Ontario L1V 6K7 --.. Re: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 41/00- 1094511 Ontario Inc. Parts of Lots 6 and 7, Plan 489 (Northwest corner of Walnut Lane and Kingston Road) . Dear Mr. Taylor, I live at 1711 Wollaston Court, which is located behind the abovementioned proposed development. I received recently a copy of the Public Notice for this proposal. I also picked up a copy of Information Report No. 13-01 and met with Ms. Lynda Taylor, Manager Current Operations and discussed soJ11e concerns I have with this development proposal. I would like to state up front that I am in principal in favour of the Developers proposed rezoning oftms property to a two-storey office building. . I do however have some comments, questions and concerns relative to this proposal and respectfully submit the following recognising that some of the following issues have been raised in the Planning and Development Department's Information Report: """"' 1. I understand the building is to be limited to 2 storeys, which I believe to be reasonable provided that the owner provides exact design details of the building including information on height by means of building elevation drawings and a rendering including the. roof pitch (if any). - 2. Will the developer be requested to provide a shadowing impact study? 3. The proposed Gross Floor Area ofthe building is 1422 sq. ill or 15,306 sq. ft. Given that the entire property is only 0.69 of an acre (under 30,000 sq. ft.) and at present is zoned R3 permitting a single family residential home I respectfully submit that the Developer's proposal is a significant over development of this site. Can the G.F.A. be reduced to a more compatible and appropriate size? 4. Is an on site parking study to be provided to ensure the site's ability to keep all ofthe parking demands on the site and not spilling over on to the abutting residential streets? ATTACHMENT #- t, _TO REPORT # PO I 3 - () J... 063 - David H. Finnegan 1711 WolIaston Court, Pickering, Ontario, L1 V 2W9 Tel: (905)-837-1280 -- 5. Access to the site is going to create traffic issues along Walnut lane that will also impact . Kingston rd particularly when traffic lines up to access this property. I trust that the Developer will provide a traffic impact study. Will then~ be a need for road widening on Walnut lane? If a future shared access to tills site is obtained in cooperation with any development to the west will the Walnut lane access be closed? 6. I believe that some discus~ion sþould take place with area residents on the massing of the proposed building and its proposed lo.cation on the site. . . 7. Ifthere are any external on site uses proposed will there be a requirement for a noise study? . 8. What type of landscaping will be provided to the west and north of the property? 9. Site lighting from a neighbourhood safety point of view should be addressed. Lighting should also be contained on the site. . 10. Will the Developer be required to make any improvements to the Kingston road ITontage such as sidewaIk/landscaping improvements? 11. If medical offices are a pennitted use what is the propose size of this space? This is an important question as it relates to traffic and use of the site. 12. What will be the hours of operation for the proposed building? 13. If a restaurant use is proposed will the neighbourhood be subjected to cooking odours? 14. Where will municipal site services come in to the site? Ifftom Walnut what disruption will there be and for how long? 15. During construction I trust there will be hoarding around the property, a dust control program and daily road clean up. 16. A site-specific list of proposed uses should be reviewed with the community and should be built into any new zoning By-law on a site-specific basis. I will be in attendance on April 19th 2001 at 7.0Opm Public Meeting in Council Chambers and would appreciate it if you would keep me apprised of any new developments relative to this proposal. Thank you in advance for assistance and your consideration of the above matters. Yours sincerely, -- ~~J~. David H. Finnegan. co. MayorWayne Arthurs Regional Councillor Mark Holland Councillor Bill McLean 064 - -. ) -. ATTACHMENT ,I_. 7 TO REPORT fI PO J 3 - 0 2- ~~~~~~o~= CITY OF PICKERING PICKERING, ONTARIO Aprill1~ 2001~ Dear Mr. Taylor, I am writing in response to our phone conversation. We are concerned about the construction at the North west comer of Walnut Lane and Kingston Rd. Since the city of Pickering wishes to limit access to Kingston Rd we are concerned that construction on the lot in question will block any access to Walnut Lane ftom our property for future development. This would lower the value of our property. ill our recent phone conversation you assured me.that the town is being careful not to allow this to happen and is very aware of this potential problem for the remaining properties between the townhouses and this new development. I feel confident ftom our conversation that I can rely on you to take care of this matter for us and t9 notifY us of any infonnation that would be important to us. If we are left in a predicament where our properties, in the future, are not able to have access appropriate to a commercial zoning, is the city willing to modify their restrictions concerning the access to Kingston Rd. Thank you so much. ,....--...".. Yours truly, ~----- ~ ¿:;MIs. Wagner, 1134 Kingston Rd., Pickering, Ontario, L1V 1B4. RECEiVED A~K 1 9 lOOl CITY OF PìGi'\:¡;;H!NG PLANNING AND DEVELO¡='/"NT O:PARTMENT 905-839-3230. - ATTACHMENT # - 8' TO REPORT # PD__1 3...: ():,..;). 065 ~PR , 1 'LOm PICK~R\NG orr" ~N\'I\MGG~"n~El'lí o~ELOPME\'Ií D FAX NO. 905 619 02.10 . . . P, 02 /)/ ~ F ~/? RECEIVED /~ ~ CITY OF PICKERiNG AÞR 0 92001 ¡¡- ., 1 f APR-09-2001 MON 03:44 PM VERIDIAN .--~-;:t~:~c'v7';o'~'"l i ,.", ' '1 , 1 \ "; \ - -- E RID I A N CON NEe T ION s:;)LERI{'S DIVISION EVELOPMENT APPLICATION REVIEW PRO]EC'T NAME: "1094511 Ontario Inc. (fonnf.:¡:}y Estate ofR. SwartZ) ADDRESS/PLAN; Parts oELat 6 & 7, Plan 489 N.W, Comer of Walnut Lane and Kingsron Rd. ~ MUNICIPALJ'TY: PicJ:erirlg - :: -- I REF. NO.: Amendmc:nt i\pplication A 4.1/00 SUBMISSION DATE: Matd:\ 29, 2001 Rt;:cdvcd March 30, 2001 1. ElectIk $t;rviçc. is availab1e on the r(¡ad allowance touching-this property. Servicing ",ill be ftom north side of Kingston Road. " 2. An extell6íon of the Corporation's plant is rcqtúred on the road allowance in order [0 s~çc; this project. Owner's cost - Tt) bt; de[crmil1ed. }ill such eXtt;flsions are 110nn:.-Jly tmdt;rground. 3. 'fht; applicant must p.ovid~aççommodatiQn on.¡¡:Ïft;: fot" the Corporarion's.ttam,formcr. . oUtdoor padmount in a 5m X 6m dt::a:r arca 4. A sep-4t"oitc room with outsidt:: acc;e~~ is required to accommodate: the Corpornrion'š mt;tCIS. 5. The Applicant must providc a concrete encased Imdcrgro\1nd duct system from a supply point at the north side of Kingston Road to a tr:msformer location on the property. 6" The l\.pplicf1nt mu!.>t pay the Corporation'~ costs to supply ~d Í-n$t:111 underf>,;:tonnd servkt;: cables ~llollg dle roUte of 5. abovc- Estirnat.çd range of costs - To be dCrC1".O.1ined. i. The following standard fuœd fee costs~} apply: Service Connection Fee $130.00 pcr unit 8. Existing Corpo: :'.!tion plant on Kingston Road may have it) be; rq:>lac.ed/ relocatéd at tht; Applicant's cost to accomm04at¡: the proposed pow<:.c service. 9. The Applic:\nt must make dittcr application to the Corporation to obtain spedfic approval of the r:1t<:tncal se,rvice art:1ng<:.ments and :tdat~d work for dlÌs pr(1.Ît;ct. An electrical CQp.<¡u!tant or electrician i.!; 5tmngly recommendt;d to co-ordinátè: 5cI;VÌCC details. 'rhl:: applicant is cautionc:d that renders, cûntl::,¡cj:¡¡, or work initiated pùor to obtaining spédfic approval "Willbé i¡ubjcct to change. 066 ) 1 - ATTACHMENT #- 3 TO REPORT # PO I.~ ~ 0 '2- APR-O9-2001 MON 03:45 PM VERIDIAN 12. 13. -. 14. 15. 16. -- FAX NO. 905 619 0210 P. OJ Page 2 VERlDIi\.N CONNECTIONS DEVßL(WHENT APPLICl\ TION REVIEW 10. .>\U work from the public road allowance to the 5em¡.:e entrance .:tnd the metering arrangements must comply with the Corporàtiol1'$ requireI1}ò1ts wid specifications. 11. Prior co enerf,';Í2ing any new service, the i\pplicant shall âpply to [he Corpùtation's Customer Care Department to opcn an c:nt:rgy account. An energy deposit must be posted and m:lintained on accOI.uHa[ all times - .-\mount to be detcrmind. Prior to obtaining a b1.1Ílding pennie. die Applicam shall, by agrcCffi(;f t, confirm acceptance of dle tenus and conditions of providing dcctdcal 5crv:kt;:. WIllert C!ânes or material handling equipment or workt;:t$.mùst work in proximity to existing o\'crhcad wires, w:ith tht: capability of contact or eoming widún the limits or appwilch, tht: developer/builder shall pay all costs for tne tcmpOr'4ty relocation, b"riäl, or protection of the wires, or other action qe:eInëd nëCeSS\l1)' by Veridi.'I11 to provide for worker 5afcty ápd ~ht: ;;ëcurity of rhó electrical sysrcm. Landscaping, specifically trees and shrubs should be relocated away froin the Corporation's transformer tC) ~I\'ojd .Înterfi:rellce \'\,-ith equipmem access. \Vill not attend the scheduled CitY ofPicktrirlg DART Meeting for tIus development. Other: Servicing details will depend on loading det;ùt$ ptD~'ided by the ,1pplic3.m. Technical Representative";' Don Bamet Telephone 427-9870 E.'tt. 3253 .:~ Rev. Date: Novcmher 1, 1999 067 01 .'1'0 # _.~l.......-- ""'TO Ai. -Ii PO ) 3 - 0 ;).. ;'ìì;P . fi ----, - ...,,-.--. ...",...."""u......_,."",,,.,--,_._-- DELIVERY PLANNING C A MAD A PO S T \: S (416)285-5385(1') L'" , U'"", ~"..,.".._,--_. (416)285 7624(F) 1860 MIDLAND AVE 2NDF. :'. PO5cT";"¡-"r';CANAUA.- - SCARBOROUGH ON MIP SAt Apri13,2001 õ}t~~œDlWœ~ 111 APR - 5 2001 -J' ..=J CITY OF PICKERING PICKERING. ONTARIO Mr. R. Taylor Planner City of Pickering 1 The Esplanade Pickering On LIV 6K7 -- RE: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 41/00 1094511 Ontario Inc. (formerly Estate ofR. Swartz) Part of Lots 6 and 7, Plan 489 (Northwest corner of Walnut Lane and Kingston Road) City of Pickering RECEIVEb-1 J APR '" 5 2001 1 CITY o9f...f.'.Ç~~RING ï -;:..~.:.::.'.:..;':..:.~"'::,:.~..7';,i:...,, Dear Mr. Taylor, Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the above noted application. For office complexes our mail delivery service options include lockbox assembly (wall mounted mailboxes) or mailroom. The developer/ownèr must supply, install and maintain the mail delivery equipment to Canada Post specifications. If you have any questions, please call me at 416-285-5385. Sincerely, , ¡{2~ ~J Debbie Greenwood' -- Delivery Planner 0'6-8 , ATTACHMENT I /0 TO REPORT # PO / 3 - 1) :2-- - 12;(- ~ ~ Dì/EiGi/En\W/E 1'" 1lJ JUN - B 2001 1 CITY OF PICKERING PICKERING, ONTARIO Right of Way FI 5 - 100 Borough Drive Scarborough, Ontario M1P 4W2 Tel: 416 296-6291 Fax: 416 296-0520 - -RECEIVED JUN 1 J 2001 May 29/ 2001 City of Pickering Administration Department Pickering Civic Complex One The Esplanade J?icke,:d ng ¡ Ontario L1V 6K7 ATTENTION:~ If\' 0;= ?IC'K¿f.iNG C ?LANNING A~~TM"NT DEVELO?VENT D~~ - - RECEIVED OITY OF PICKERING JU N 0 82001 - , CLERK'S DIVISION - RE: Zoning By-Law Amendment File No: A 41/00 Northwest corner of Walnut 1094511 Ontario Inc. , City of Pickering Thank you for your letter of March 29, 2001 concerning the above proposed Subdivision. Lane and Kingston Road Please be advised: 1 - Bell Canada requires one or more conduits of sufficient size from each unit to the electrical room and one or more conduits of sufficient size from the electrical room to street line. '-" If there are any conflicts with existing Bell Canada facilities or easements, the Owner/Developer shall be responsible for re- arrangements or relocation. If you have any questions, please contact: 905 433-3066. Heather Rivet at "" 't "'~, , ., i ,J_"">,, ~"'> h " (. - THE D'URHAM DISTRICT SCI100L BOARD Facilities Services 400 Taunton Road East Whitby, Ontario - LlR 2K6 Telep =: (9051666-5500 1-800-265-3968 "Fax: (905) 666-6439 ~' ~1 ...~i ~7 w ~~ - ATTACHMENT #~-13 TO REPORT # PO ---=-Q-~"- 069 +"-' .-,.-- C'-"':', ~', ,j 1 R ~ ,'" :~,',: ;1 ': 1 ," 1 I!;;, ",' ',,<, Apri12,2001 Ah\ 4 iuUl " ".., ¡'lCi - ~~v~¿,~{~~;:,~" .".~;.~TMENT The COlporation of the City of Pickering Planning Department Pickering Civic Centre One The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario LIV 6K7 Attention: Mr. Ron Taylor Dear Mr. Taylor, BE: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A41/00 1094511 Ontario Inc. (formerly Estate ofR. Swartz) Part of Lots 6 and 7, Plan 489 (Northwest comer ofWa/nnt Laue and Kingston Road) Ci of Picker in Staff has reviewed the ÏnfulD1ation On the above noted appHcation and under the mandate of the Durham District School Board, has no objections. Yours truly, ('.^ L, ' L ",' FJ n () "-1 UUìQ/LW~ Christine NancekiveI1, Planner CN:em f:IPROPLAN\DA T AIPLNG\ZBL\A41/00 n70 - The R~gional : , Municipality :ofDurhåm , Plamiing " ' , Department Box 623 , ' 1615 Dundas st. E. ' 4th Floor Lang To~er, , We'ßt Builäing , Whitby. Ontario' Canada UN 6A3 T~O5)'72B-7731 r:, ,~O5) 436-6612 'K:.L,.Georgieff, McIP.:¡RPP Commissioner of Planning " ,- - ,QTTACHMENT¡L.J.? ~ _TO }iEPORT # PO ' 1:3 - 0 :l.. June 5. 2001' , , RECEJ,lED, JUN"~B-20nl' Ron Taylor, Planner Planning'Department Pickering Givic Complex" One The Esplanade' ' Pic~erin~', Ontario L 1 V 6K7 Dear Mr. TaylÖr: , crl"(~.JF ¡:>J(;¡'C::~HNG . 'lANNI"~ " ."0 DEVElOPMENTDEPÀAIMENT " ", ,.b. , Re: , , , , ',Zoning AmendmentApplicátion A 41/00 , Applicant ,1094511 OntarioJnc; ': , ' , , , Former Estate of R. Swartz ,Location: Part of Lotse &7, Plan 489 ", , ' , Northwest Comer Walnut Lane andKin~stòn Hqad " Municipality: City of PickerÎllg , ,," , " , ,","'" ' , ", , , , ' , We have revi~wed this application and the f6I1ov.;i~g c6mmerits are, öff~reciwith', " respect to cÇ>mpliance, with the Durham. Regioné:H Official Plan" the proposed" " method of serVicing and delegated prOvinCial. plan review responsibilitìeE¡., The purpÖseof thf?application' is to,permit the development of: a two storey building for personal service,busÎll6SS lprofessionarofficeand limited retail uses., ' " " ' , , , ' .. ' ' , ' ' , The subject property is designated "Living Area" in the 'Durham Hégional'Official- , ' ,'Plan. Lands within this designation-shall beus~d prec.fominantly'for housing', -' , purposes; however, the limiteçi retáilingof gopds and servicës is also permitted: ,,' , , , ,These services,: are'permitteq in appropriate loc~tions" provided, that Community ~ ' and Local Central Areas atedesigriåteçl in, the area .municipalÇ>fficial plan. and \ the functions,and characteristics of such Central Areas are not adverselý '" " affected; 'The p~oposed amendment is in' conformity with the' Durham Regional, " Official Plan; , ,," ",',d,", "" .. , , " .. , , " ,',,' , " , " , , 'The Regiónal Works Dep'artment has advised thafthesite is serviced,with " , municipal water and sanita,ry sewer ~eivice'.::':, ' - . " " 'd ' This application has bee:n'scr~ened in accòrdance with the t~rmsof the, ' ',', provincialþlan..review responsibilities and no provincral int~rest$ wouldappeår to ,,' be affected. , "", ,', ','," , , " ," , , '" , Ifyo~'ha:veany questiori$ or require additibnallnformation, please call me. :' Yours truly; ,', lduá " , '- Cele$t~Terry, Plan r , Current Operations, ranch , - , , , , cc. , , , Region of Durham Works Dep,art~ent, Åttn..R.Roy N:\pim\Ct\zoriing\p^a41.00.doc 100% PO~I ConsUmer' ATIACHMENT# /3 TO REPORT # PO / 3 ~o;L 071 - PLANNING & D EVELO PMENT D EP AR TMENT MEMORANDUM April 19, 2001 To: Ron Taylor Planner 1 From: Robert Starr Supervisor, Development Control - Subject: Zoning By-law Amendment Application A 41/00 1094511 Ontario Inc. (Formally Estate ofR. Swartz) Part of Lots 6 and 7, Plan 489 . (Northwest corner of Walnut Lane and Kingston Road) City of Pìckering . I We have reviewed the above-noted application and provide the following comments. 1) Providing the Plan is an accurate reflection of existing conclitìons, property will be required from the northeast corner of this site. . a) To permit the existing sidewalk location and .9m boulevard (west of the sidewalk) to be contained within a City road allowance. b) Toprovide sufficient property to the owner of # 1736 Walnut Lane to permit the existing driveway to remain in place and giving the owner full access to the road allowance. . 2) Urbanization of Kingston Road fronting this property should be completed at the time this property is developed. This will allow placement of a sidewalk on Kingston Road which is needed: - a) To continue the program to install urbanizatìon along Kingston Road. b) To provide a more suitable and safe access to the existing bus stop on Kingston Road fronting this development. 3) Fencing should be required along the west and north lot line of this development. The fencing should provide suitable screening from vehicle lights and noise fròm the parking lot area. An existing hedge, probably placed by owner of # 1736 Walnut Lane is located too far into the property to allow it to be saved, as per the existing design.. This matter may need to be addressed. continued.. . 072 - -- .......... -- - #__i3"~""",...,,..rü )iEPOfH It PD_¿LP ~--"=~"" Ron Taylor April 19,2001 Page 2 4) Drainage will need to be self contained and a Stonnwater Management Report will be required to address such matters, as quality control, quantity control and proposed outfall. The stonn sewer may need to be sized to accommodate upstream development. (Note: The existing storm sewer on Walnut Lane was not originally designed to accommodate this property). Drainage :trom the property to the west must also be accommodated by this development. 5) A Soils Report should be submitted with any Site Plan Application. " 6) A Construction Management Plan will be required prior to the development of this property to address such matters as, material removal and/or storage, storage of " building material, location of access, silt and sedimentation controls, hours of work, mud and dust controls, protection of adjacent properties, vehicle parking for all labour and equipment during all phases of construction, etc. 7) The two way aisle should end at the first one way aisle (east side) otherwise it could create confusion if a vehicle entering does not find a location or park in any of the northerly parking spots. ' 8) To accommodate turning movements and delivery vehicles the' access should be wider than 6.5 m and suitable entrance radius provided. All above ground hardware will need to have a minimum of 1.0 m clearance trom the entrance. The proposed entrance as indicated will interfere with an existing double catch basin in the road. As this becomes a continuous maintenance problem for the City We would suggest relocating the entrance away :trom the catch basin. ~- Robert Stan- RS/jf m IDtlbablmanolA41-OORT,doc; Copy: Development Approvals Coordinator ATTACHMENT # I If TO REPORT I PO 13. 0 )... 073 - TURNER FLEISCHER Architects Inc. 953A EglintonAvenue East Toronto, Ontario M4G 4B5 Tel. No.: (416) 425-2222 Fax No.: (416) 425-6717 claudio@tfai.com January 28,2002 Job #: 01.112 City of Pickering Pickering Civic Complex I The Esplanade Pickering, Ontario LIV 6K7 Att: Mr. Ross Pym - Dear Sir: Re: Proposed Commercial Development - 1154 Kingston Road, Pickering Ontario . The attached proposal for the above property was designed to achieve maximum density and exposure in response to our Clients economic needs. At the saine time, the City's requirements must be considered. We feel that this proposal is practical and meets the intent of the City requirements without damaging the needs of the Developer. The physical shape and topography of the property does hot allow for efficient coverage. For this project to materialize in its proposed usage, both the developer and the City must loosen their requiremen~s. - To address the various issues and City concerns, we list below our design criteria. . 1. Access to the property is back from Kingston Road avoiding congestion at the Kingston and Walnut intersection. Setbacks have been squeezed but enough space remains that creative landscaping can result in acceptable buffers to adjoining properties and Streets. Creative landscaping will also be required to .address the Kingston andW alnut comer, which is on City land. The City requires 4.5 parking spaces per 100sq.m. or 62 spaces with our proposal. Our proposal shows 61 spaces. The entrance to the building is located at the comer of Kingston Road and Walnut Lane. Given the shape of the building, which is the result of an odd shaped property, an architectural feature at this comer will give the building a good urban anchor. This allows for an efficient floor plate using a tight comer as the lobby. It is also accessible to the fire department without the fire truck entering the site, which would not be possible. 2. 3. 4. Principals: Peter Turner B. Arch., M.C.P.(U.D.), OAA, MRAIC, MCIP B. Arch., OAA, AANB, MRAIC B. Arch Senior Associates: Jeremy Pope B.Arch., OAA Claudio Rabaglino OM, MRAiC Associates: Kojo La-Anyane David McConnell M.Sc.(Arch.), OM A.A. Dip!., OAA Russell Fleischer John Chow n7ìI - - - ATTACHMENT#__í¡f TO REPORT # PO /3- o;l. TURNER FLEISCHER Architects Inc. -2- To conclude, we feel that this proposal responds fairly to both the Developer needs and the. City requirements. We hope this letter accurately describes our design methodology and that you find this acceptable. Should you have any questions, please feel free to call m. .. Yours truly, Claudio Rabaglino OAA MRAIC cc John Moniz First Realty Ltd. C:\Documents and SetlingslJpymILocal SetlingslTemporary Internet FileslOLK2lAuthOLdoc p~A~ :\ \-a~ ,'0 'vo"' <::> I It p.~~~ ~~ "a"' ro ~X' \-0"' 1 'vo"'- b. H 1:1 IWTJ !I -- I 1WT4l i 'I; "! ~ IOJ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ 0: 1 ~\ ..- '" þ 10)1 ~/ of 1,fB ,- ~ :::iE- r- '" '" ",---"'Ì>' . =--~:: ._~ .' '" ....~ ,- - w ,. <,. ~~. 1 -....L Z ",......" ~D ~~~" ~ 1:1" :5 1 ;. "f". '.."'. ...1- L::/:-.. 11 = -0-4- 11 ~¡ ~ ~ ¡ ~- - ,,", .,!~ "..... I' $ ",---'v~ ~ I ... . - ---"'- I I - - ~ ... -/X'D ~lt!1 '";~ ' .. ..-", ,- - - -- ... - 1/' I ., ... I p.~tI- ,¡Ø , ., '" °=- '" ~-, IWT2 þ Working STATISTICS SlTEÞI'JiA: 2.1!72.56m'2 GROSSFlOORÞI'JiA(GFA): 1.38Dm'2 UIÐERGROOND: 292.51 m"Z CRQIH) FLOOR: 67535 m"Z SEDJII) fI.OŒ! : 7OJ.15 .."Z PMK!NG: - : 4.5 "" 100 .."2 . 62 SPIaS F'RIMDED : 61 SPIaS PARII1NG SIZE: IIECWI!: 2.6m' 5.Jm I\IIOCIP : 4.5m , 5.Jm eel:; GROUP D OCQJPI/CY 5£CI1ON l2.2 (56) Survey Cropped.tif ----- þ , -----,,_....... ""'~-"---- ..---..-- ::=-...:::=::.-::::.:::.. -"-- --"""'- "-""-""-" ----- --...--... ----- -..- ---...--.. -,,--- "----"'- -...----.. -""'-""-- ---..- ~ 5:::J ð 6 :0 --'. 'I}- "'\J C' -- ;;;;;¡;;;;;;¡;; ~ ,.;, ~~ " . \) :y...d I I , ~ TURNER FLEISCHER Architects Inc. ---- ... ,..,- ---- ...""'- - PROPOSED COIIIIBRCW. BUILDING 11M KINGSTON ROAD l'II:DIIKG. -..... -- SITE PLAN -.. - "Oo 01.112 ~- -~ .... " .- -':. ...- ø- ='=~ ~.:. ""'..... , '" -- A-1 -- .--, '-Ì Ql ) ) ¡ I I 1 I ! 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