HomeMy WebLinkAboutMarch 25, 1992 9 MINUTES A meeting of the Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee was held on Wednesday, March 25, 1992 at 7:00 p.m. in Committee Room I at the Pickering Civic Complex. PRESENT Celia Bronkhorst Janet Mehak Enrico Pistritto Kim Thompson Anna Willson Konrad Zeh STAFF Bruce Taylor, Town Clerk Debbie Kearns, Councillors' Secretary 1 . Adoption of Minutes Moved by Konrad Zeh, seconded by Kim Thompson that the Minutes of the Meeting of February 25, 1992 be adopted with the following 'amendment: The fourth paragraph on Page 2 is to be reworded to read as follows: "Kim Thompson asked if there could be a co-operative effort between the Town, the school board and the developer to save the house while leaving it in private ownership." Carried 2. Heritage Permit Application by C. Keffer Anna Willson reported that the Heritage Permit Application submitted by C. Keffer was tabled by Council at its meeting of March 2, 1992 at the request of both L.A.C.A.C. and Mr. Keffer. Since Mr. Keffer was not in attendance at this meeting, the Committee did not deal with this matter. . . . .Continued Page 2 - - 2 - - 3. Presentation from Publisher of Heritage Publishing House Mr. Bill Koene, Publisher of Heritage Publishing House, was present to tell the Committee about the book entitled Ontario: A Celebration of our Heritage that is being published in two volumes. He stated that there is no chronological or popular history of Ontario and this book fills that void. The first volume has already being sold and the second volume will be ready for distribution in early 1993. He invited the Town to contribute $3,500 per page to a maximum of four pages to have its history in the second volume. For a small fee, the Town can get copies of its entry for its own distribution. The Committee requested that a copy of the first volume be left with the Committee for perusal and that it would make a decision at its next meeting. 4. Community Heritage Ontario Workshop The following members of L.A.C.A.C. agreed to attend the Regional Meeting and Workshop co-sponsored by Community Heritage Ontario and the Caledon Heritage Committee and LACAC in Caledon on April 11 , 1992: Janet Mehak, Enrico Pistritto, Kim Thompson, Anna Willson and Konrad Zeh. The Chair asked that those not present at this meeting be invited to attend this workshop. 5. Building Permit Applications in He ri tage Conservation Areas Konrad Zeh volunteered to prepare a set of procedures for processing building permit applications in Heritage Conservation Areas. To this end, he was copies of the procedures of the City of Brantford, the City of Toronto and the Town of Markham. 6. Other Business a) Konrad Zeh inquired into the preparation of the Property Warning Signs and the Clerk responded that the Town does not paint or prepare signs and that they would have to be purchased from a sign company such as Mechanical Advertising at an approximate cost of $120 each. . . . .Continued Page 3 i e — - 3 - - b) The Clerk distributed copies of a letter from the Federal Department of Justice which indicates that the by-law to designate the Bentley House is ultra vires and Public Works • Canada would be seeking a federal heritage designation for the Bentley House. The Clerk was directed to write to the Department of Justice asking for a copy of the review of the heritage properties that is to be completed by March 31 , 1992 and to keep this Committee informed on what is happening in the Federal airport lands. c) Janet Mehak reported on her visit to the Don house. The basement was not safe to enter and the kitchen needed new flooring and the counter needed to be replaced. The walls and ceiling throughout the house need repair and a 200 amp service should be installed. The porch roof should be removed. The cost to properly upgrade this house would be approximately $10,000 to $15,000 which is much less than the $35,000 estimated by the Ministry of Government Services. Geoff Spring of the Ministry of Government Services would like a report from L.A.C.A.C. on this house. d) Janet Mehak and Kim Thompson reported on their visit to the Williamson House. There is no kitchen and the stairs to the second floor are tilted. The two bathrooms appear to be in good condition. The windows, stair rails, doors and other equipment that were stolen have been recovered and are stored on site. The support beam in the basement has been cut and this should be investigated. The cost to properly upgrade this house would be approximately $10,000 and the Clerk was asked to send a report to Geoff Spring on this. e) Kim Thompson reported that she has a list of people who want heritage information and the Chairperson suggested that these people could be invited to future meetings. f) The Chairperson asked the Clerk to send out information on the 1992 Provincial L.A.C.A.C. Conference in Peterborough to all members. 7. Next Meeting The next meeting is to be held on Monday, April 27, 1992 at 7:00 p.m. in Committee Room II at the Pickering Civic Complex. 8. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 9:03 p.m. ,