HomeMy WebLinkAboutMay 26, 1992 Aka . + .rt MINUTES A meeting of the Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee was held on Tuesday, May 26th, 1992 at 7:00 p.m. in the Committee Room at the Pickering Civic Complex. PRESENT: Celia Bronkhorst Brian Hern Kim Thompson Anna Willson Konrad Zeh Frank Williamson Enrico Pistritto ALSO PRESENT: Gail Sussman, Ministry of Culture & Communications STAFF: Debbie Kearns, Councillors' Secretary • 1. Adoption of Minutes Moved by Celia Bronkhorst, seconded by Konrad Zeh that the Minutes of the Meeting of April 27, 1992 be adopted with the following amendments: Number 2 on Page 1 to include 'A Celebration of Our Heritage' as follows: "After discussion, and a report from Konrad, the committee did not trr consider it worthwhile or beneficial to invest in the book entitled Ontario - A Celebration of Our Heritage, but it felt it would be appropriate as a library reference." The second paragraph on Page 3 to include the word 'designation' as follows: "Anna spoke to the trustees of the Mt. Zion Church regarding Heritage Designation and suggested that they consider designating the church and left information with them with regards to this." Carried . . . .Continued Page 2 i - 2 - 2. Building Permit Applications in Heritage Conservation Areas Konrad reported that he read through Markham's implementation procedures and found them excellent to hand out to applicant, also felt that Brampton's application could be used. Kim, Konrad and Celia to prepare documents to be presented at next meeting. 3. Grave Stone Restoration at the Mennonite Cemetary Brian Hern invited Gail Sussman of the Ministry of Culture and Communications to speak at this meeting concerning the Mennonite Cemetary. Gail stated that she has had numerous conversations with Mr. Nighswander and Kathy McKay concerning this situation over that past four years. It was her feeling that it is time to reassess this situation and set priorities. A covering letter along with the application and a copy of the report of 1988 will be sent to Gail Sussman for her comments. 4. Other Business a) There was discussion concerning the defeat of the Whitevale Heritage Designation by-law, May 25, 1992, Enrico will address this situation the week of June 1st and bring it before Council June 8th. b) Enrico requested that a letter be sent to Noel Marshall suggesting that appropriate members of staff attend conferences or workshops on Heritage Conservation in order that they be better prepared to answer related questions raised by residents. c) Enrico will bring forward a motion to Council to transfer $500.00 from the committee's Consultative & Professional Account to their Conventions and Seminar Account in order to cover the cost of members attending the LACAC conference in June. 6. Next Meeting The next meeting to be confirmed at a later date. 7. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 9:40 p.m. • • Ci"."..7.6...\\\\ Ogg& March 17 , 1992 . APR- 6 1992► R tD iE C 5 TOWN OF PICKERING Clerk ' s Department, CLERKS DEPT. Town .)r Pickering. One The Esplanade . APR C 61992 w N Pickering, Ontario . L1V 6K7 TOWN CP ?;C,,c,:;::,.` PICKP^Ir, . • Mr. Bruce Taylor , We received your March 6th . letter regarding our application for a designated property grant for grave stone restoration. We were disappointed that LACAC did not recommend our project to council . Regarding the use of volunteer rather than paid labour ; as I am sure you are aware . the village of Altona is within the federally expropriated airport area . I am a life—long resident of Altona. There are only three other families within the village that are original residents , the remainder of the residents are transient . During the times we have had commemorative services at the church and announced our need for volunteers and funds, we have not had local volunteers step forward . We have investigated this possibility over the last number of years, since designation. -We have also asked for volunteers from the relatives of those buried in the cemetery . If volunteer labour had been a possibility we would have utilized it in our original application. Does LACAC know of any other group that is interested in the preservation of history in Pickering township? Would any LACAC members interested in this worthwhile project be willing to assist us as volunteers? We have previously applied for a smaller grant with a smaller program of works and were turned down because the amount of work was not enough. Now we are being turned down because we want to do more wor k, but have to pay to have it done . What can we apply for that will have a favourable outcome? The trustee board, as you know, is a volunteer committee . We are selling commemorative plates to try to raise money . We have approached other Mennonite churches yearly, foundations , the CBC, relatives of those buried in the cemetery, a local women ' s group and local residents for donations . We have been turned down by most groups and exist on very limited funds . The grave stones continue to deteriorate . I have asked Kathy McKay about Pickering ' s care of abandoned cemeteries . It would seem that they are at least taken care of each year . • We are the only designated church and cemetery in Pickering and since January 10 . 1989 we have been trying to get permission to do work in the cemetery . We continue to slightly alter our application according to what we eel are LACAC or Ministry recommendations, but as yet we have not been allowed to proceed . Where do we go from here? I hope to hear from you soon regarding this matter . The summer is quickly approaching, and the work needs to be done . We will be discussing the application at the ne_-t trustee meeting . Sincerely, • ...4.MAOL,XZ) Lynda Williams copies to : J .Nighswander K.Nighswander E. Pistritto