HomeMy WebLinkAboutSeptember 16, 1992 MINUTES A meeting of the Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee was held on Wednesday, September 16, 1992 at 7:30 p.m. in the Committee Room, Pickering Civic Complex. PRESENT: Celia Bronkhorst Enrico Pistritto Janis H. Waithe Huberty Kim Thompson Dave Pickles Frank Williamson STAFF: Debbie Kearns, Councillors' Secretary ABSENT: Henry Gawman Brian Hern Janet Mehak Anna Willson Konrad Zeh VISITORS FROM WHITEVALE: Carolyn Freemont Julia Hayes Sarah Roberts 1. ICOMOS Conference Kim Thompson announced the upcoming ICOMOS Conference being held November 6-8, 1992. 7'7.- 2. Availability of Heritage Pickering Information It was suggested that Heritage Pickering Meetings Minutes and related information be made available for public reference in the Pickering Library. 0 OPIA4/1. elfrAP411<-4 , c - 2 - 3. Heritage Pickering Kim Thompson stated that a number of months ago the Committee selected Heritage Pickering as its name and she suggested that they be consistent in the use of this name. 4. Heritage Week Kim Thompson reported that Heritage Week will be February 15-21, 1992. She suggested that -the Committee should start making arrangements for this event by November. 5. Miller Application Kim Thompson reported that Mr. Devitt will be conducting a mortar test by the end of the week on the mortar he intends to use for the masonry repointing on the Miller home. 6. Federal Lands Kim Thompson suggested that a sub-committee be set up to study the lands being released by the Federal Government. Celia Bronkhorst, Janet Mehak and Dave Pickles will carry out the study. Moved by Frank Williamson and seconded by Celia Bronkhorst that a sub-committee of Celia Bronkhorst, Janet Mehak and Dave Pickles be set up to survey the lands ing sold back by the Federal Government and to take photoi4Ki.s. of properties and report back to the Committee. An amendment to the above motion was made to highlight fieldstone homes, with a description of each home to be written on the back of each photograph. CARRIED The Secretary was directed to have copies of the map showing the lands to be released and to locate the 1972 Survey for the Committee to study. Moved by Enrico Pistritto and seconded by Frank Williamson to inquire of the Town Manager whether or not the house at the corner of Brock Road and Hwy. #7 will be available for purchase by the Town. CARRIED The Secretary was directed to inquire of the Town Manager the process in which the properties are to be distributed by the Federal Government. • - 3 - 7. Peter Matthews Historical Plaque A letter received from the Ontario Heritage Foundation concerning the placement of an historical plaque to commemorate Peter Matthews was distributed. Moved by Enrico Pistritto and seconded by Celia Bronkhorst that the plaque to commemorate Peter Matthews be erected in the Brougham Parkette. CARRIED Dave Pickles requested a copy of the wording that will be used on the plaque. • Other Business 1. A motion was made by Enrico Pistritto and seconded by Janice Waithe Huberty that LACAC information received by the Secretary be forwarded to the Committee members before their next meeting. CARRIED 2. Frank Williamson reported his progress on the LACAC pamphlet he is preparing. The Secretary was directed to take photocopies of all information gathered and distribute to the Committee members for their comments at the next meeting. 3. A motion was made by Enrico Pistritto and seconded by Dave Pickles that the Committee use the Roberts Rules of Order. CARRIED 4. Enrico Pistritto stated that the Motion to have him replaced on LACAC will be coming before Council on September 28. He -�- confirmed, that anyone wishing to speak on this item before Council, must phone the Clerk's Department to have their name placed on the list of delegations. Moved by Dave Pickles and seconded by Janis Waithe Huberty that at present no action be taken with regards to the motion of July 29th requesting Enrico Pistritto's removal from the Committee. CARRIED Moved by Dave Pickles and seconded by Enrico Pistritto that the Secretary requests clarification from the Ministry of Culture and Communications and the Town of Pickering regarding the Committee Mandate and the role of the Council Representative. CARRIED - 4 - 5) Next Meeting The next meeting shall be held on Wednesday, October 7, 1992 at 7:30 p.m. in the Committee Room. 6. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m. • .:02 ' ' :�?_--- —E_ .-- _ - - -- - W1002 . .—v% \ fli)S - C4Avii.)(c)r+ 7 u•-1 b PETER MATTHEWS 1786-1838 / armed the lands northeast of here in the early nineteenth century. Peter Matthew f / on December ., 183-.4464#11404rs asked him to lead men from the Pickering area to join an uprising pla nned by William Lyon Mackenzie near Toronto. Matthews supported'4 // reforms, was prominent and popular in his community, and had served in _War of 1812. He agreed to the request and played an important military sole in . the confused events of the Rebellion of 1837• M el"2i eseepC,e lI e rebellion failed, but Matthew was captured by to alist fo es. H and another" prominent ,.,) -) rebel, Samuel Lou t)were convicted of tre son and hanged. Matthews left behind his wife, eight ch ldren, and a reputation s a martyr to the reform cause. . (5114 7 / , ,0,.., 1 >\\o' • • . 151,v . OQIQati \c(2/ 2,/- p k 0G