HomeMy WebLinkAboutOctober 7, 1992 MINUTES A meeting of the Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee was held on Wednesday, October 7, 1992 at 7:30 p.m. in the Committee Room, Pickering Civic Complex. PRESENT: Celia Bronkhorst Enrico Pistritto Henry Gawman Kim Thompson Janet Mehak Frank Williamson Dave Pickles Anna Willson STAFF: Debbie Kearns, Councillors' Secretary ABSENT: Janice Waithe Huberty Brian Hern Konrad Zeh VISITORS FROM WHITEVALE: Julia Hayes 1. Adoption of Minutes Moved by Frank Williamson, seconded by Kim Thompson that the Minutes of the Meeting of September 2, 1992 be adopted. Carried Moved by Kim Thompson, seconded by Janet Mehak that the Minutes of tho Meeting of September 16, 1992 be adopted. Carried - 2 - 2. LACAC Pamphlet Frank Williamson discussed with the Committee the information he has accummulated and samples of front covers for the pamphlet. He requested the committee members to share ideas and information which they felt should be included. Anna Willson stated that she liked the information distributed on Waterloo. Kim Thompson stated that she felt that the pamphlet should include information pertaining to the reason LACAC would be contacted. Dave Pickles agreed to work on the organizing of the pamphlet while Frank Williamson is on vacation. The Committee voted on and approved the Bentley House as the front cover for the pamphlet. 3. Mandate Information Anna Willson discussed with the Committee the information received from the Ministry of Culture and Communications concerning the LACAC Mandate. Kim Thompson stated that she felt the Committee should complete their inventory as this seems to be a step to being an effective committee. The Secretary was directed to acquire a copy of Pickering's Heritage Policy. Anna suggested that all members of the Committee should understand their role so their duties can be preformed proficiently. 4. Replacement of Enrico Pistritto Moved by Kim Thompson and seconded by Dave Pickles to table the motion concerning the replacement of Enrico Pistritto on the Heritage Pickering Committee. Carried - 3 - 5. Miller Application Janet Mehak reported that Mr. Devitt has begun the mortar work on the Hugh Miller home. New Business 1. Dave Pickles reported that he had been in touch with the library concerning the appropriate information LACAC should make available in the library for public access. A list was handed out with suggestions which was discussed by the Committee. Moved by Dave Pickles and seconded by Frank Williamson to provide the library with the information requested, to be placed in the Public Library History Room. Carried. 2. Anna Willson reported on the map which has been distributed by the Planning Department concerning the Official Plan Review. She stated that the Planning Department are interested in buildings with Heritage significance. The Committee have been asked to survey the area outlined. The Secretary was directed to inquire with the Planning Department if a 50 year old survey map of the area is available. The areas chosen to be surveyed were distributed as follows: Dave Pickles - Areas 8, 9, and 13, Enrico Pistritto - Area 15, Celia Bronkhorst - Area 1, Kim Thompson - Area 12 and 14, Janet Mehak - Area 7 and Henry Gawman - Area 2. The Secretary will contact the members not in attendance to distribute the areas remaining. 3. The Committee discussed their requirements concerning the 1993 Budget. The budget was amended to provide $800 in Account 2110 (Travel) , $3,000 in Account 2340 (Seminars & Education) , $1,500 in Account 2392 (Consultive & Professional) , $1,500 in Account 2394 (Recpt, Prom. & Sp. Ev. , Gen P/R) , $2,000 in Account 2396 (Photo, Mapping, Printing) and the addition of $3,000 for a Part-Time Student to assist in completing Inventory. e that the Ministry of Culture and Communications It was suggested ry may have a program where they loan an individual to a Committee for summer help. Kim Thompson offered to work on the justifications for the items on the budget. When completed she will give them to the Secretary for preparation. Enrico Pistritto asked the Committee for their support of him arranging two public education seminars. Anna Willson suggested that Enrico prepare and present a report on this proposal. An amount of $1,000 was suggested for Public Education Seminars. Other Business 1. Anna Willson discussed with the Committee a letter which was received from a solicitor's office inquiring if 1931 Fairport Road has heritage significance. 2. Anna Willson reported that a memorandum and plans had been received from the Public Works Department concerning the Mail Kiosk in Whitevale. The Committee approved the adjustment as outlined on the plans concerning the lighting. Moved by Kim Thompson, seconded-by Janet Mehak to accept the plans submitted by Canada Post concerning the Whitevale Mail Kiosk. Carried 3. Anna Willson discussed with the Committee the plans submitted by Mr. Keffer. Moved by Frank Williamson, seconded by Celia Bronkhorst to accept the roof line plans as submitted, on condition that the overall building height does not exceed 25' . Carried 4. Enrico Pistritto suggested that the Committee meet with Council to discuss their ideas and priorities concerning LACAC. He suggested that an outline be prepared for Council to read before the meeting, allowing both parties prior preparation. Moved by Enrico Pistritto, seconded by Kim Thompson to request a meeting with Council prior to a Monday night Council Meeting, to last approximately one hour, for discussion concerning LACAC's Mandate. • - 5 - 5. Kim Thompson discussed the information received from The CRB Foundation,"Heritage Project", and suggested the Committee's involvement with this project. Moved by Kim Thompson, seconded by Dave Pickles to purchase relevant information in co-operation with the Library. Carried 6. Kim Thompson discussed her concerns regarding the attendance at meetings by Committee members. The Secretary was directed to contact by letter those members who have been absent more than three meetings, 7. Dave Pickles commented on the wording of the Peter Matthews plaque. Suggestions for changes were made. Dave will contact Mr. Litt of The Ontario Heritage Foundation with suggested changes. Next Meeting The next meeting shall be held on Thursday, November 5, 1992 at 7:00 p.m. in Meeting Room #1. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 10:45 p.m. r