HomeMy WebLinkAboutFebruary 2, 1993 • „ aN OF pt.' • 4e2!/ • * Walk lt; LPkke ring' zeraurdirzersailcomerration.4deiclory.committke, MINUTES A meeting of the Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee was held on Tuesday, February 2, 1993 at 7:00 p.m. in Meeting Room #1, Pickering Civic Complex. PRESENT: Dave Pickles Anna Willson Frank Williamson STAFF: Debbie. Kearns, Coordinator of Council- Services . ABSENT: Brian Hern Konrad Zeh Enrico Pistritto Celia Bronkhorst Kim Thompson Janice Waithe-Huberty Henry Gawman Janet Mehak VISITORS FROM WHITEVALE: Julia Hayes Sarah Roberts The committee held an informal meeting due to the lack of quorum. I 1 ..y - 2 - r `f' 1. Frank Williamson gave a report on the progress of the arrangements for Heritage Week, February 15-21, 1993. He stated that two meetings had been held and it was, decided that Kim Thompson would take care of the display at thelRecreation Complex and that he would look after the display being placed in the corridor leading to Eatons at the Pickering Town Centre. Frank also stated that Dave Marlowe would be bringing items from the museum which would depict the life of the indians and these items will be placed in the glass cabinet at the Recreation Complex. Frank requested that members of the Committee be on hand at the display in the mall for periods of time during the week to answer questions of the public. The secretary was directed to correspond with the members asking them for a time they would be available. 2. Anna Willson commented on the time of coffee and desserts with the Members of Council and Department Heads. The purpose of this meeting is to familiarize the Members of Council with the Members of LACAC as well as to inform them of what LACAC has accomplished and what their objectives are. This meeting will be held on February 15th from 6 pm. to 7 p.m in the Councillors' Lounge. 3. Anna Willson stated that she had received correspondence from Historic Research who are concerned with Oak Ridges Moraine. They are requesting information on designated properties and if we have plaques. Anna stated that she referred their planning questions to the Planning Department. 4. Anna Willson reported that the Whitevale Citizens Committee will be making a presentation to the Community Association on February 17, 1993 at 8 p.m. in the Community Centre and will make a presentation to LACAC at a later date. 5. Anna Willson reported that LACAC had received an invitation to participate in the Whitevale Spring Festival being held the last weekend of May. •E - 3 - 6. Anna Willson reported that the barn foundation south of Whitevale is now being taken down and that she has spoken. to Mr. Wiersma's office on what steps should be taken. Mr. e ma suggested sending a letter to the M.P.P. requesting a study be carried out quickly. Anna stated that this land has been designated agricultural preserve. 7. Anna Willson reported that she was in receipt of two letters from the Ministry of Government Services concerning the demolition of two properties in Squires Beach. Dave Pickles offered to go to the properties and decide if they are of heritage significance and make a report. Next Meeting The next meeting shall be held on Wednesday, March 3, 1993 at 7:00 p.m. in Meeting Room #1. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.