HomeMy WebLinkAboutApril 4, 1995 • O • sz da er •e • * ea, gick, • . ziltai,"Irarica conierrethen.,,ideidory..COM•Nslit?e■ MINUTES A meeting of the Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee was held on Tuesday, April 4, 1995 at 7:00 p.m. in the Pickering Civic Complex, Committee Room. PRESENT: Henry Lawman Louise Wiersma . Kimberly Thompson Andrew Cobean Frank Williamson STAFF: - Debbie Kearns, Secretary LACAC ABSENT: . Enrico Pistritto Dennis Mann ' • •• .. ' ' • Dave Pickles • 1. Post Cemetery The Secretary will contact the Ministry of Culture and Communications concerning the • upkeep of the stones in Post Cemetery.. 2. Conference The Community Heritage Ontario Conference 1995 entitled "Papers to Parapets" will be held at the Huron College in London, Ontario on May 26-28, 1995. Frank Williamson will be the Committees voting delegate. 3. Heritage Plaques The Secretary advised that the Heritage Pickering Plaques have been ordered. 4. Inventory • Frank Williamson will distribute revised forms for inventory of heritage properties. • • • • • -2- 5. Minutes of Previous Meeting Moved by Kim Thompson Seconded by Frank Williamson "That the Minutes of the Meeting of March 7, 1995 be approved. CARRIED 6. Elections Moved by Henry Gawman Seconded by Louise Wiersma That the following members be elected to office. Chair-Kim Thompson Vice-Chair-Frank Williamson Treasurer-Dennis Mann CARRIED 7. Constitution The the Constitution be approved as amended. (attached) - CARRIED 8. Committee Structure The Committee Structure will be discussed next meeting with sub-committees being formed. 9. Future Goals a) Arranging of Inventory. b) Airport properties looked into. c) Kim Thompson will investigate the designation of the Bentley House. d) Inquire with Dan McTeague of his interest in LACAC. e) Investigation into acquiring a Summer Student. 10. Criteria For Designation The Committee stated that criteria for property designation should be outlined. - 3 - 11.The Pickering Storv, Kim Thompson advised that Rev. McKay, author of`The Pickering Story' will be at the , Pickering Central Library on April 25th at 7 p.m. to autograph his book. Moved by Kim Thompson Seconded by Frank Williamson That Heritage Pickering purchase two copies of`The Pickering Story' at a cost of$25.00. CARRIED 12.Whitevale Heritage Properties The Secretary will inquire with the Town Manager as to whom has shown an interest in having their home included in the Whitevale Heritage Designation. 13.Heritage Grant Kim Thompson will contact Mr. & Mrs. Miller concerning a 1995 Heritage Grant for "Thistle Ha". 14. LACAC Area Conference Kim Thompson recommended Heritage Pickering hosting a LACAC Area Conference sometime in September or October. The Conference would include a guest speaker and discussion regarding projects area LACAC groups are involved in. 15. Monica Cook Estate Moved by Kim Thompson Seconded by Henry Gawman That the Architectural Conservancy be retained at a cost of $150.00 to advise if the building on the Estate of Monica Cook is a "Tunker House", and to carry out historical research on the property; and That this amount be charged to Account 2743-2392 (Consultive&Professional). CARRIED -16.Brock Road/Concession 5 A workshop is being held in the Pickering Central Library on April 5, 1995 from 1:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. by R.V. Anderson Associates Ltd. concerning the proposed design for the Brock Road/Concession 5 intersection improvement. Frank Williamson will attend this meeting on behalf of the Committee. 15.Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m. LOCAL ARCHr1'ECTURAL CONSERVATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE Constitution Article 1 -NAME (a) the official name of this group shall be - Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee-Pickering. (b) the working name of this group shall be-Heritage Pickering. Article 2-BOUNDARIES (a) the boundaries of the interests of this group shall include all lands and buildings within the borders of the Town of Pickering. Article 3-AIMS AND OBJECTIVES (a) it shall be the objective of Heritage Pickering to do all within its power to preserve and protect all buildings of historical and architectural interest, and associated property. (b) to stand as a first defence against any developments that may encroach, damage or destroy any historical building, and keep free of commercial developments lands of historical importance. (c) to increase public awareness of the history of Pickering, and such buildings or lands associated with that history. (d) to solicit the full support of Pickering Council, and the Ontario Government in furthering the aims and objectives of Heritage Pickering. Article 4-MEMBERSHIP Membership shall consist of: (a) Chair (b) Vice-Chair (c) Treasurer • (d) Recording-Secretary -2 - (e) As many members-at-large as are required to complete the aims and objectives of Heritage Pickering. Article S-DUTIES OF MEMBERS (a) Chair: to call and conduct meetings, to set the agenda, direct and guide the other members,vote, and have liaison with Council. (b) Vice-Chair: conduct meetings in the absence of the Chair, and have all the powers of Chair while conducting such meetings. (c) Treasurer shall give periodic accounts to the members of money spent and money available. Take care of out-of-pocket expenses of members, such as gas mileage and films. (d) Recording-Secretary: take minutes of meetings, take care of correspondence and mailings. (e) Members-at-large shall form committees and sub-committees to further aims and objectives, advise, and vote. Article 6- QUORUM (a) A quorum at any meeting shall consist of 3 members.