HomeMy WebLinkAboutJune 6, 1995 . . Ij 'J&11t • • iâPkke14ing/ . • • „„ory.,0„z7 re MINUTES A meeting of the Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee was held on Tuesday, June 6, 1995 at 7:00 p.m. in the Pickering Civic Complex, Committee Room. PRESENT: Henry Gawman Andrew Cobean • Kimberly Thompson Dennis Mann Frank Williamson Dave Pickles Enrico Pistritto (left at 7:40 p.m.) STAFF: Debbie Kearns, Secretary LACAC ABSENT: Louise Wiersma • 1. Minutes of Previous Meeting Moved by Frank Williamson • Seconded by Henry Gawman • That the minutes of the previous meeting be accepted. CARRIED • 2. Post Cemetery The Secretary will continue to try and reach the Ministry of Culture and Communications concerning the upkeep of the stones in Post Cemetery. • 3. Inventory • The inventory forms were distributed which were updated by Dennis Mann. • • • • -2 - 4. Tours Dave Pickles will prepare a letter to be forwarded to various LACAC's to request a copy of any brochures or information they may have on tours they may carry out. Enrico Pistritto will contact Norah Stoner concerning previous Pickering house tours. The Secretary will contact Anna Willson to request a dozen copies of the Whitevale Brochure. 5. Summer Students Dave Pickles advised that, through speaking with Human Resources and the Ministry of Culture and Communications, two problems seem to exist with regards to hiring a student. With the possibility of a new government there may not be any such programs and any present programs are usually matched funds. Dave has requested that the Ministry send a copy of a job criteria to give LACAC an idea of what is required. 6. McPherson House Enrico Pistritto requested that the Secretary inquire with the Executive Director of Operations what the Town is planning to do with this house. 7. Pickering Heritage Estates Henry Gawman discussed the possibility of creating a Pickering Heritage Estates which would include heritage homes that would be moved by their owners to the location. He advised that he had been speaking with Dan McTeague who should interest in the idea. The Committee concurred with Henry that it was an excellent idea. 8. Criteria for Property Designation Kim Thompson advised that she had acquired information on eight homes within Claremont and is attempting to get the names of the owners and their addresses. 9. Inventory Dennis Mann prepared an inventory list of Brougham. 10. 1995 Grants Kim Thompson advised that when speaking with the Millers she was advised that they would not be applying for a 1995 Heritage Grant. - 3 - 11.Monica Cook Estate The Secretary will contact the Architectural Conservancy concerning their investigation of the Monica Cook Estate. 12.Northern Hamlet Tour The tour of the northern hamlets went well. 13. Conference Summary, Frank Williamson distributed copies of his summary of the Community Heritage Ontario Conference which he attended May 26-28, 1995. 14. Other Business a. Kim Thompson advised that she will be applying for a 1995 Heritage Grant. Kim Thompson declared an interest in this item. Moved by Dennis Mann Seconded by Andy Cobean That the application by Kim Thompson for a 1995 Heritage Grant be approved upon investigation by Frank Williamson. CARRIED b. A tour of the southern area properties will take place in the fall of 1995. c. Kim Thompson advised that nothing is taking place yet concerning the Cherry Downs Development. She will investigate applications for the property of Woodruff Tavern and the 23rd and 9th Conc. d. Kim Thompson advised that she was in receipt of information from The Ivy Network concerning a seminar being held in Oshawa on June 19th at 2 p.m. This seminar is regarding a heritage automation project. Anyone interested in attending this seminar may obtain the information from the Secretary. The Secretary was requested to contact the Planning Department concerning our computer system. e. The Secretary was requested to get information from the Planning Department concerning the plans for Greenwood Estates. f. The Secretary was requested to get copies of the 1972 Surveys of the Airport Lands and Provincial Lands. -4 - g. Frank Williamson advised that he has been requested by the Committee of the Frenchman's Bay Festival to set up a heritage display at the festival. h. Kim Thompson stated that the Committee should work to improve relations with the Council of the Town of Pickering over the next year. 15.Next Meeting The next meeting is scheduled for July 4th, 1995 at 7 p.m. 11.Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m. oRacHAt.. COMMUNITY HERITAGE ONTARIO CONFERENCE, 1995 . PAPERS TO PARAPETS Huron College, University of Western Ontario, London May 26, 27 and 28, 1995 SATURDAY, May 27th Keynote Speaker - Herb Stovel, recipient of Heritage Canada's National Heritage Achievement Award in 1993 . Heritage Identifi- cation, Preservation, Presentation and Use. Role of LACACS. Educate the politicians . A . Identification, Local and Regional Scott James, Toronto Historical Board . Criteria manual available to LACACS. Research well. Ken Doherty, Peterborough. Bill 163 . Cultural and Heritage Board includes LACAC . Kay Manderville, Association of Municipalities of Ontario. New Planning Act encompasses parts of Bill 163 . Planning Act requires inventory of possible heritage subjects. LACACs will be part of municipal planning. Federation of Canadian Municipalities . Ahead of AMO in developing P g policies for heritage preservation. Ontario Historical Society. Role of historical societies. B. Working with Your Municipality Peter Aucella ,Lowell Planning Commission. Slides of before and after of Lowell, Massachusetts, a nineteenth century textile mill town taken over by the U .S . Federal Parks Commission. $500 million facelift by private developers, municipality and Parks Commission. Mike Wagner, Regional Council Member, Kitchener. Possible formation of Province of Ontario Heritage Inventory. Peter Carruthers, MCTR. Representing Waterfront Regeneration Trust - Trenton to Hamilton C . CHO Provincial Policy Land trusts, land severance, easements, Federal and Provincial property including Pickering Airport lands and the Provincial Seaton project. Communication with other National and International heritage organisations . Longer conference next year. CHO helps smaller LACACS with information on how to organise seminars and other meetings and workshops. Question and answer period . D. New Techniigue�s for Comprehensive Data Mapping ( inventory) Donald Desc enh es of "Centre Franco-Ontarien de Folklore." Catalogue Of Franco-Ontarian heritage resources. How it was grade up. Alain Cohen of Bagh Technologies . Integrated GIS-CAD computer data- base inventory system of Old Montreal. Cost $250,000. Fantastic. Greg Baeker , University of Waterloo. Inventory of Blair Village near Cambridge, on computer with maps, photos, histories, data , and other useful information. Suitable for small towns and villages. Estimated cost of program $400.00. Local information and pictures have to inserted . oL E. Community Interpretation Opportunities Eric Connolly, Halton Hills LACAC . Identifying heritage projects around the Niagara Escarpment . Maps, photos, archives, storytelling, information from local residents. Volunteers given disposable cameras to take photos in specific areas . Workshops of community residents held to assist LACAC . Peter Aucella , Lowell, Massachusetts enlarges on interpretation of heritage possibilities. Stephen Lauer, Heritage Canada . Case study of Kenora . Citizens forum held on heritage possibilities, economic development , business interests . Discussion of impressions, culture, built heritage, natural heritage, personal values, strategy, inventory, management . F. CHO Provincial Policy continued . Sunday, May 28th Copies of the new Heritage Bill 163 will be sent to all LACACS within a couple of weeks. Regulations have still to be made up. Depends on the new government? Policy statement and minutes of this and previous conferences will be distributed in the near future we hope. CHO affirms that they have an open policy development . A system for heritage identification and inventory was discussed. An education policy was mentioned . G. Annual General Meeting. New members for the Board are being sought from the middle west and the middle east of Ontario. CHO would like representatives from all regions of Ontario. AGM lasted about fifteen minutes. H. Bus Tours of Heritage Areas of London including heritage industrial areas. Very comprehensive tour despite the rain which was heavy at times . I . Dinner was held in the old courthouse and gaol of Middlesex County which is now used for offices and council chamber of the county and is a designated heritage building. There are many designated heritage buildings in London. Recently there has been some reorganisation of LACAC and the historical society in London. Thoughts on the conference Many LACACS have the same problems as Heritage Pickering. Council support is not there in many small LACACS. There is difficulty in making up inventories because of lack of manpower. However many LACACS work closely with and receive a lot of help from their municipal planning departments . Others are able to hire a student for the summer to work for them. The larger communities have full or part time municipal employees to do the work for them. There is a tendency to amalgamate with other organisations such as historical societies and to broaden their mandate, change their name and so on. A good councillor is a big help. Toronto LACAC offer assistance to other LACACs by giving them copies of their manuals, regulations etc . Halton LACAC hasa very good well organised system. Large heritage buildings are a problem with heating, maintenance/safety. CHO will help small LACACS with advice.