HomeMy WebLinkAboutJuly 4, 1995 ;, - t • so — • • . • ,pick • Pickeiing' . . Zo::a irdi r Comernrion.afdvkioryCdrrsra try MINUTES A meeting of the Local.Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee was held on Tuesday, July 4, 1995 at 7:00 p.m. in the Pickering Civic Complex, Committee Room. PRESENT: Henry Gawman Andrew Cobean . Kimberly Thompson Dennis Mann Frank Williamson Louise Wiersma Enrico Pistritto(arrived at 8:30 p.m.) STAFF: Debbie Kearns, Secretary LACAC REGRETS: - ,- - - Dave Pickles 1. Minutes of Previous Meeting • Moved by Dennis Mann • Seconded by Andy Cobean That the minutes of the June 6, 1995 meeting be approved. CARRIED • . 2. Post Cemetery The Secretary advised that upon speaking with the Ministry of Culture and Communications she was advised that they will assist the Committee only with their knowledge of how to restore the stones but will not assist in the labour or financially. Dennis Mann and Louise Wiersma agreed to investigate other means (Cemetary • Committee) of fiancially assisting with the restoration of the cemetery. • 3. Tours Kim Thompson advised that she was in receipt of numerous pamphlets on walking tours from various municipalities. • -2 - 4. Heritage Plagues Dennis Mann stated that he would install the heritage plaques on the Phillips home and the Cherrywood Blacksmith Shop. bM 5. Summer Students Frank Williamson advised that he had been speaking with Tom Melymuk who suggested that the Committee have a meeting with the Director of Planning to request the assistance of the Planning Department. Tom advised Frank that Planning may be in a position to assist the Committee is hiring a student for 1996. The Secretary will forward a letter to the Director of Planning requesting a meeting to be held in September. 6. Toronto Historical Society Frank Williamson will visit the Toronto Historical Society to acquire information available to Heritage Committees. 7. Dunbarton Community Frank Williamson advised that a Mr. Balsdon approached him concerning having the community of Dunbarton designated. 8. Markham Heritage Estates Frank Williamson advised that he visited the Markham Heritage Estates and he distributed copies of their Walking Tour. The following motion was approved by the Committee. Moved by Dennis Mann Seconded by Henry Gawman WHEREAS the proposed Official Plan includes Reference to Historic Structures of Pickering; and WHEREAS said Plan requires some documentation be available to the Planning Department for Heritage Pickering; and WHEREAS Heritage Pickering has concerns regarding the above items (Documentation and Official Zoning, etc.); NOW THEREFORE Heritage Pickering deems it necessary to hold a meeting with the Planning Department with the intent of solving some of the problems of limited resources; and . -3 Further that the Planning Department designate immediately appropriate lands as Heritage Estates similar to those in Markham, and that Greenwood Village may suite this type of designation. 9. McPherson House (Lynn Heights) Frank Williamson will prepare and forward a letter to the Mayor concerning the demolition of the McPherson House. Kim Thompson declared a conflict of interest due to being a member of staff. 10.Monica Cook Estate The Secretary advised that Mr. Paul Dilse of the Architectural Conservancy has informed her that the information concerning the Monica Cook Estate is being forwarded immediately to the Committee. 11.New Business a. Kim Thompson outlined the Whitevale Church Heritage Permit Application for a new roof on the Whitevale Band Platform. Moved by Frank Williamson Seconded by Louise Wiersma - That the .application of the Whitevale Church for a replacement roof on the Whitevale Band Platform be approved; and That the Committee strongly suggests that cedar shingles be used. CARRIED b. Kim Thompson advised that she had a meeting with Margaret Cronn-Wells who advised that the Bentley House was designated some time ago. Kim also advised that she requested that Ms. Cronn-Wells forward all pertinent information to the Committee. Kim Thompson will forward a letter to Mr. Dan McTeague requesting assistance in acquiring information from other levels of government. c. The Committee discussed the time frame on requests from the Planning Department for comments on applications. -4 - Moved by Enrico Pistritto Seconded by Frank Williamson That the Planning Director consider the needs of the Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee and allow them a minimum of two months to comment on applications. CARRIED 12. Next Meeting The next meeting is scheduled for August 1st, 1995 at 7 p.m. 13.Adiournment The meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m. Wayne Arthurs, B.A. , B.Ed. , Mayor, Town of Pickering. Dear Mr. Arthurs, During the regular monthly meeting of Heritage Pickering on July 4, 1995 the Resolution of Council, dated June 20th, 1995 to authorize the demolition and disposition of the McPherson House in Lynn Park was discussed at some length. The committee studied a number of reports that had been submitted regarding the possibility of preserving or moving this building, all of which except one recommended the demolition of the house because of deterioration caused by vandalism and neglect. This is one of the earliest surviving buildings in the Town of Pickering, dating back to 1823, built for one of the first families to live in Pickering and it is one of the very few buildings remaining from that period in the area. The Town of Pickering obtained the house in 1983, over ten years ago and presumably accepted responsibility for its condition and maintenance. Heritage Pickering has from time to time inspected the exterior and interior of the house and has seen it gradually fall into the present state of neglect. It has been visited within the last month and it appears that some of the stones have been pried from the front near the steps and that the roof needs immediate attention. The Town Council have obviously ignored the extremely dangerous condition that the structure has gradually deteriorated into. The committee feels very strongly that the Council has neglected to care for this property which was in reasonably good condition in 1983 and must be held responsible for the cost of putting it bach into the condition that it was in in 1983. In the Draft Official Plan recently submitted by the Planning Department under the heading "Town Policy, Cultural Heritage Objectives" the Town is advised to "Prevent the demolition, destruction or inappropriate alteration of cultural heritage resources. " and "Restore, rehabilitate, maintain and enhance the cultural resources owned by the Town. " This does not appear to be the case with the McPherson house. It is one of the few, if not the only building of heritage significance owned by the Town and Heritage Pickering must assume that the present and past Council is not interested in preserving significant heritage buildings such as this. The committee is investigating possible uses for the house and in the meantime we feel that the Town Council should assume the responsibility of preventing further damage to the building, making immediate repairs to the roof to make it leakproof and prevent damage to the interior, at the same time taking steps to prevent further damage from vandalism. Frank Williamson, Vice-Chairman, Heritage Pickering.