HomeMy WebLinkAboutAugust 1, 1995 MINUTES A meeting of the Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee was held on Tuesday, August 1, 1995 at 7:00 p.m. in the Pickering Civic Complex. Members Attending: Enrico Pistritto Louise Wiersma Frank Williamson (A/Chair) Dennis Mann., Henry Gawman Andy Cobean Dare Pickles(Qee . Absent: Kim Thompson Others Attending: Neil Carroll Catherine Treadway Tim Moore 1. Minutes of Previous Meeting Moved by Henry Seconded by Andy That the minutes of the previous meeting, July 4, 1995, be approved. CARRIED 2. McPherson\Campbell House Catherine Treadway introduced herself and provided naoverview of her findings on the McPherson/Campbell House, and distributed copies of herAreport entitled "Building Evaluation, The Campbell House". She concluded that the house had historical significance and was worthy of preservation. It was noted that the structure required immediate minor work to secure it for the short-term. This work includes patching of the roof securing windows and doors, and removing raccoons and capping the chimney. Discussion of long-term options favoured retaining and restoring the house on its present site. - 2 - Of the options presented in the report, community use, and lease or sale for residential use appeared the more feasible. Community use requires a tenant, may require municipal expense for restoration, and may have associated problems of parking and vandalism. Sale or lease have the benefits of an occupant and the cost of restoration being the responsibility of the occupant. Leasing also provides the additional advantage of the municipality retaining ownership. It was noted that sale or lease would likely be revenue neutral. v,CO 6-1170A Moore are, -}o arat v2 Me, work Win bQ, dorms ao 4 t©cr 44) 4retex--l- leakage o d va,.o1attsyvt . t�1',If c�tso ca. v(ne-vead oak 1.1 appeal bQ- e� CeUhe�l Moved Enrico SeY4 G rr$o ,re9Clvd‘►•g hoSStble use. o l oucQ. Seconded Dennis That the committee recommend designation of the McPherson\Campbell House. CARRIED The committee agreed that the options listed below would be further explored by the noted members. The members would be prepared to discuss their findings at a meeting to be scheduled in August. • Community Use - Louise • Sale - Andy • Lease - David 3. Cook House The report entitled "The Monica Cook Estate, Independent Evaluation" was distributed to members. Moved Enrico Seconded Andy That the report be received for review and further consideration of the Committee. CARRIED Members are to review the report. The report is not to be distributed to others until the committee has reviewed and considered and indicated that it can be distributed. Mai bQ daan9eol Avvsl- 19 ■-Q -tiwa pQm.ctc . - 3 - • 4. Post Cemetery Louise reported that the Ministry of Consumer and Community Relations advised her that the municipality is responsible for the maintenance of cemetery markers. Moved Enrico Seconded Dennis That the matter of the responsibility for the cemetery maintenance of the cemetery and markers be reviewed by the Town Solicitor. CARRIED 5. Plaques It was noted that their has been some problems installing the plaques. A sub-base may be required. This item is deferred to another meeting. Cl.cola �'Q-0014ke., tAQQ )(QS ©rda+Qd 6. Toronto Historical Board Frank noted that he had visited the Toronto Historical Board office and had reviewed some of their materials including the Inventory of Heritage Properties (5000)and Easements Designations (600). The book "Ontario Architecture" by John Blumenon was recommended as a guide to date and identify styles of heritage buildings. It was noted that this book is included in the Pickering Library. 7. Other Business a• A letter on the McPherson house was receive from Bruce Taylor requesting a response to Penny Wyger. Frank will check with her to clarify the timeframe Within which the response is to be provided. be It was noted that Neil Carroll will be attending the next (Sept. 12th) meeting of the committee to discuss planning issue5relevant to the committee. c• Frank has received the "Proceedings of the CHO Conference" held at Trent University, which he attended. Two copies have been provided to the committee for reference. d• An introductory letter was received form The Honourable Marilyn Mushinski, the new Minister of Citizenship, Culture and Recreation. e• It was noted that the improvements to the intersection of Brock and Whitevale Roads were approved with some modifications and work is expected to.proceed shortly. - 4 - f. It was noted that LACACs have been granted permission to search land titles in the Land Registry Office at no charge under certain conditions. g. Kim Thompson is scheduled to meet with Dan McTeague, M.P., on August 14th to discuss heritage properties owned by the federal government. The committee noted that any other members wishing to attend should contact Kim directly regarding arrangements. h. Catherine Rose, Pickering Planning Department, has responded to the committees recommendation for a heritage subdivision in Greenwood. Her letter addresses the provisions in the draft Official Plan and notes the minimal availability of vacant lots in Greenwood. Henry and David offered to review this matter arid prepare a response. Enrico noted that he was aware of a two local land owners who have shown interest in possibly setting aside a portion of a subdivision plans for heritage properties. A robust discussion on public and private role in such a proposal ensued. • Moved Enrico Seconded Henry That Henry and David review this matter and prepare a draft response on the draft Official Plan provision and matter of availability of land in Greenwood for the committee's consideration at the next meeting. CARRIED i. Enrico noted a possible conflict of interest in raising the matter of the consideration of his residence for possible designation. As the house is owned by the province, David offered to look into the prospect of designating provincially owned properties. He has noted that he is considering the option of an addition to the house for more living space. It was noted that future arrangements may be made for members to visit the residence. 8. Future Meetings A special meeting is to be scheduled for August 29, 1995, 7:00pm, to discuss the McPherson House. The Regularly scheduled meeting is confirmed for September 12, 1995, 7:00pm. 9. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 9:55 p.m. From: Frank Williamson, Vice-Chairman, Heritage Pickering. To: Penny Wyger, Town Solicitor. Subject: Heritage Building in Lynn Heights Park. Date: Tuesday, August 8, 1995. The Resolution of Council re the McPherson\Campbell House was discussed at the regular monthly meeting of Heritage Pickering on Tuesday, August 1, 1995. Catherine Treadway, Heritage Consultant, Tim Moore, Pickering Building Department, Neil Carroll, Pickering Planning Department also attended. Catherine Treadway presented a very comprehensive report on the building including possible uses on a long term basis. Discussion by the committee of the long term options favoured retaining and restoring the house on its present site. The options are being further researched by specific members of the committee. A Special Meeting of Heritage Pickering will be held on Tuesday, August 29th, 1995 to discuss the options and make recommendations to Council re the disposition of the house. The committee would like to know the last date on which material and decisions are required by you.