HomeMy WebLinkAboutSeptember 16, 1997 E F• — • _ — •9 r r•1 r=' M _ : el 2 Fi F - 4_1 • is 1 r • lIefitage Pi.ckelrin i; I..ocal Architectural Conservation Advisory Cyoininittee A meeting of the Local. Architectural-,Conservation Advisory Committee was held on • Tuesday, September 16,, at 7:00 in t.hc Pickering Civic Complex; Public Works • Meeting Room. , Presernt r Kimberley Thompson I Catherine Tredway 'I Enrico Pistritto pave Karen Lmmxnlc I John Sabean : I Isa James' , . • r: . ..„: A brief discussion was held regarding . oltn's attendance at the COO conference" John • j was to get a cheque from'treasury to cover his costs. r John introduced a discussion on certain cemeteries and the peed to protect the stones from+'' .further destruction ' y', y I• I I. 3 laYENT�LBY�J RES.S Catherine demonstrated iise of the inventory ; Catherine explained the .rating system for' • properties and indicated• how.notes could he add.d to files as research became available for properties The corriinittee indicated an interest in having the planning department 1;7:: prepare an invento ma Catherine further explained how the inventory alle and data base'could be linked on a property by property b,isi,s•in report form which would not be alterable by people accessing`the ,system .for information. The committee needs:,to I.; purchase a zip drive to allow information to be downloaded to the Town system and for downloading'to disk for Continued rziairitenanee. Possibly Karen could .maintain the data, • base in the library. Catherine could do a'presentation to Council regarding the inventory. Kim indicated the need to vote on the purchase of the zip drive in this year's budget. If 'Catherine were to be retained to Maintain and:update the database the'cost would have to be included in the 1998 budget" Kim suggested that.part of the;inventory the Towns be included on ' website. I 4. $. $,1,L�0 INFORMATION- P>Fr,S.44,,A114,A.�d I Kim hadn't been able to pursue ideas The Pickering Historical Society .Newsletter w briefly discussed. ,I. S r i` I a I f tz• I• I . .�' ' //.r.-' ` � I' �. ' , i I EF' — � '? — 7 r7GM ? �_� � H F' _ 0 .3 I .v I I. . .' I, I :41 J I pJr'1� I I' I'1.1 I. r Ise showed the epirimittce a drab. of the chapped inventory: South Pickering informiatroci •, had not been'available.to this point Kixtt suggested further liaison with Catherine to bring `} the map to•a more'complete form, a I. b. Et. J!p9�SEp�(IGTOLES c QSt )�T•Kirn'passed t�rrris of reference on o Dave foc,further work'by committee , .: I7. L ., .S Y�QF>F1 .. .CubJ.FiSt.r$. a : Catherine explained the desire for an arx:`hivvcs;in Pickering to store documents released by .'.: : ,:' : ,, Thy Whitby*land Re rst Office: Documents have ' ' . ; .$ ,r'Y already . ij transferred and Council ce ;rl• S n is still looking for groups to keep,infnrmatiot3 safe and in public hands Council rs c interested in having'thet.1 , Ruth Burkholder'will be ctscussing the issue in The Oshawa J Arts Council on October.7th at. 7:30 p.n1 i F °.i ' irrtyv-7�. r • ' I i• 1 I ' , F� •' .1 ^.11C -IiYa'M..b�M , `� Catherine'outlined the history pf the hoicse iutd pas+ed around photos: She suggested that it could be a'possible'location for the archives aid reco mended that the additions bel ,+•.I removed and. that the,house be refurbished, .John reconnmiended t} t :The IIistorical Society support; iientage Pickering on the issue and provide'snore information► on, the ' :-...*•,',:::,;'•,•:::.:::,:,.,-",, I I•Pallmei's and Tripp's, . Kim asked that; a repor g t o prepared' for Council : • Catherine . ;1 ' ;v ' •suggested•that the house be used as a;cornponent of the new proposed hbrarry and would „f.. . rovide a concept drawin�7 It ; i ht also be used as �a tourist information location I ' 9 WGSTWI! '' Isa was to contact the Planning Department to request,•that the coancrnittee be kept informed ini regard to planned changes to the existing. structures. ' ,;�j ' . 10. k1�9 E I• Kim told the, committee that slte haJd paid ` car 'eked plaques that were on order She 'I ' indicated that there was a need tot :'S t standi,crds' for. others such as Westwitid for r ' � consistency tlas,pughout the. flown Catherine .said that she would supply supplier cl ' information and account status on.the plaques•` i I'a.r, , , a 11 L997 8UJ ET �' '' (Kilts told the'committee that the 1998 budget had to in to Council by nest meeting:) Catherine'explained that the budget fnr archives nr��y not be as.hi ;h as;ostrmared, perhaps ..;.:i temporary storage could be Prepared ar�d the could pr'o'vide supplier information for archival needs: We would definitely Want al.,stracty rand some support documents .I£we '', rent storage space it would be an ongoing expennc to be considered In the ircea t budget, ;I Perhaps the history room'could be expanded elsewhere to include the Pickering Archives ,''7 We ineGd to consider to what{'extent wo v ar t to protect the documents.' For instance,' �, 1 would`we purchase archival boxes for'''the abs'tracts7. It would cost' up to $1,000 for 1 're' {ration and shelving.' :1 ,. • . ,, :/3..; ` i'.t .;? . . is ,� j ';�I. �; 1 a 1, ,` i '{ : EF' — . — 9 7 rlCIII '? _ 17-1 7 i1 F. _ E, 5 . I. ,;,?..1, 1 I: r 1 • 'l L 5: a -I 11 s... • • Added costs for the inventory would be apprpxirriately $200 for the Tip drive._There .was '1{ 1, a brief discussion on whether other departments might contribute to the archival costs. ! ,. Enric wawa'sto find p t m Tom Quinn whethu,c or riot there taas any space available, ' ',..';',.• ow much space will be needed aiid prepare information for '. ° 'i;` n4Yt Council meeting o'October 6th CrrthcrEne was'also to firrjii'up the budget and to r '�.,; takea telephone poll of the committee, {' . i , + " ,•) .t!.4.•I .'.',...4:•Conimtttee voted to approve inventory brochures, and CH.O conference costs.ft,s per the ! discussion. ;. •? ;;• r , Catherine was to find out the cost rnvoiv d for two piresentatrons to Council on Palrner . I t:` House and inventory and poll committee nie,rn. t,i;s ;.,•1 1 .• , '• lisp ,• - ".::1;,,.)•• 12 PEAMLTAPPLIC ONS I ' ..,',:''.!....i.',. I Krr outlined the new correspondence regardrn•� the Cherrywood Church and p g Prrtxrr nrty :,:;,..3,,,,. • d u I Ilall. Isa was to prepare cotnrnei is to the Planning Department:; Planning also requires ' t '. '; ; corxnments on the'old Thonipson.Farmhouse a plicatrori vyhich was considered too altered {i ,�.: ,> t' ,• from the original to be of concern.to the �COrnrrirt.tr.e. ,,:, 'I ., '' ;y„1. '1 ,� , I I I' Ni Isa waS sele,ted as interim chair for the r mar ,der of` I Ir 4 �' qp�l the term• '.,,..:,..;$...',...i.',..:' r ' , ;::?,;,';!::.1.,....i...'...... e y' -I T` P I Tuesday Septembr 30, .1997 I.' p , .• Pickering Civic Complex I ., . , 1 Ir I { ;1 ' I 1 ..',:,..i':...•'. I 1'•' .`I n�• t 11•• } •, .I I:!:'''.1'::!•. ,. I• t r . � • I � � : I • lit r . . I 4 I 1 I a'. • , ). t d i ai I,''. I _ ;I' jl� � •I+��II,' I r ;G tt11. I' e ' I .: .I. }.1 y•U;•1 • l.l •. �• +' ,I 'r' •I '1•• • .4' 1.;: +, • I F I• I �4 i' !. k` •1 � 1 j'` i „ ,. ..•, I I' ., I1.. ,.II.' t'• , , , 1,4 1.-.,.:tu.