HomeMy WebLinkAboutFebruary 13, 2001 it 1(' PICKERING MUSEUM ADVISORY CLtq°0 COMMITTEE A general meeting of the Pickering Advisory Committee was held on Tuesday, February 13, 2001 at the Pickering Civic Complex, Tower Committee Room Present: Laura Drake (Chairperson) Terry James Pat Dunnill Lynn Vickers Bill Weston Rose Ann Cowan Bill Utton Wally Biernacki Stephen Reynolds, Division Head, Culture and Recreation Sharon Milton, Supervisor,Facility Programs Dave Marlowe, Education&Collections Officer Gerry van der Valk, Complex Secretary Regrets: Councillor Bill McLean Tom Mohr Charles Stinson 1. WELCOME Steve Reynolds welcomed the new term of the Pickering Museum Advisory Committee, Introductions by members &new member Terry James 2. Adoption of Minutes Moved by Bill Weston Seconded by Terry James That the Minutes of the October 5, 2000 meeting be approved CARRIED 3. Committee Chair-Election Moved by Bill Weston Seconded by Bill Utton Laura Drake to remain Chairperson for the Pickering Advisory Committee of another term CARRIED • 4. Overview—Committee Structure/Function • Laura discussed duties of Chairperson and Sub Committees • List of committee members and contact numbers will be included with minutes Page 2 5.Overview of Pickering Museum Village Operations a) Special Events • Sharon discussed the 2001 Events Schedule with the following dates: > Steam Up & Opening—May 26 &27 ➢ Walking Through Thyme—June 10 > Antique & Classic Car Show—June 24 > Murder Mystery Evening (proposed)—July 7 > Pastimes of Past Times—August 12 ➢ History in Action—September 8 & 9 > A Spirit Walk—September 14, 15, 21 &22 > Fall Family Festival—October 14 > Christmas in the Village—December 2 &9 • Sharon mentioned Christmas in the Village very successful in 2000. The Collins House will be heated for this years event • Katrina Pyke & Dave Marlowe are working on a Murder Mystery Night fundraiser and will present package to the Foundation • Volunteer Training courses in place now, as per yellow handout sheet • Sharon informed us any volunteer wanting to participate in the Christmas in the Village Event,must take the Christmas in the Village Training • No questions on the special events from the committee members b) Education Programs • Dave Marlowe informed us last years Brochure is to be updated slightly • Programs for schools are all hands on, Tours are provided - %2 day and full day programs, up to 3 &4 day full programs • Overnight camping available for Cub/Girl Guide groups etc. • Hands on activity at site—very strong program is offered in Region • New program, adaption of 1837 Rebellion for Grade 7 students • Wordsmith Program actual occurrence in history with games and activities c) Community Outreach • Laura stressed committee members can assist in promoting the Museum to the Community Re: activities in the Malls, Schools, Library & Municipal Buildings, need to look at public relations in this area • Heritage Week is taking place in the Town Centre, Sharon informed we will participate - display will be manned by 2 educational staff and several volunteers. Display to include knitting,wool work etc.- February 24, 2001 • Laura asked for Dave and Sharon to be informed of any new opportunities for outreach to community d) Gas and Steambarn • Wally Biernacki said opening will depend on weather conditions and if he can get his people out • Extremely short of volunteers to run all activities • Need lots of wood to continue with activities this year • No new projects, repairs or activities at this time • Page 3 e) Foundation • Pat Dunnill has put forth submissions for the Hotel Restoration • A review of the Brougham Central Hotel revealed that part of the hotel may have been built by Peter Matthews. Pat suggested that we have professionals carefully assess the reconstruction necessary to restore the Hotel • Pat has put forth two Grant Submissions as of Jan. 31/01. $116,300 from the Ontario Heritage Foundation and $100,000 from Canadian Pacific. (Had to show relationship to Canadian Pacific to receive the grant) • Both C.P. and Heritage Foundation will announce the grant commitments around Mar. 31/01 • Last years fundraising realized $65,000 in revenue, approximately $45,000 was from the very successful Bingo mornings. Pat has excellent volunteers but needs more • Monies have to be collected over a two year period to meet grant requirements • Foundation looking to do fundraising kick off weekend during the anniversary of the hanging of Peter Matthews • Pat handed out a budget for the Hotel Restoration • Benjamin Moore has committed $5,000 and $1,000 worth of paint (Bill Utton to Chair and oversee)to do work in Chapel—through grant applied for last fall • Dave Marlowe mentioned Rogers Cable want to do a promo on the Chapel • Laura requested that repairs to the doors of the Bible Church be completed, this money will come from the 2000 Capital carryover • Foundation requires people on both committees to keep continuity, Pat has draft of duties for Foundation and Advisory Members. Pat request members to examine to ensure we have same goals. Would like to include new members at $25.00 a year • Bill Weston requested we add an agenda item to discuss the relationship of both committees at our next meeting • Advisory Members and community are invited to the Foundation meeting on June 14/01. Directors meet every 2 months or more frequently as necessary. • Laurie McCullough indicated he was concerned that the Windmill (Variable Pitch) was not being acknowledged for its importance. Wally Biernacki informed us the Windmill is to be moved to the pad, currently holding a tractor • Terry James asked if we do not receive either of the Grants, would we still continue with the restorations. Pat assured us the Foundation has some money and the City has also stressed an interest • The Bingo and GIC accounts have approximately $80,000 to $85,000 which can be used for the Hotel Restoration. • Laura asked status on business left over from School House. Tom Munson is sending in final bill. Cost of heating system lower than original due to introduction of new company, thanks to information supplied by City staff 6. 2001 - 2004 Subcommittees • Agenda item for next meeting Other Business • Dave Marlowe has Lynn McCowan working on visual check for records and Leila Persaud working on back log of donations to be collect • Sharon's update on Computer situation- original computer suggested by Pat was not compatible with our I.S. Department. Jon Storms of our I.S. Dept. is going to advise us on supplies and software necessary Page 4 ' • We have a $5,000 limit, which includes printer, scanner & digital camera from Foundation • Sharon to request order through I.S. 7. Budget Update • 2001 Operation and Capital Budgets submitted, but not approved. Budgets are currently under review by Council. Waiting for announcement from Province which will affect Mill Rate. Steve hopes to have confirmation by April's meeting • Dave Marlowe's position was made full time as of November 2000 • Dave Marlowe will be assuming the day to day duties at the Museum with Sharon acting as liaison with Museum operations and Committees. Sharon will continue in this position for 2001 to ensure continuity. • Additional monies have been approved for part time hours for Education Staff and for staff training • Capital Budget item of$30,000 has been proposed for New Entrance. Director of Operations & Emergency Services has confirmed, work can be done by City staff, to save money by not using outside contractors. Costs will not be partially offset by Foundation. The Foundation has a reserve of approximately $5,000 which they would like use to improve the entrance signage, as apposed to the road improvement. Advisory Committee and Staff are looking for ideas. Information to be provided at next meeting on the status of land off#7 at front of Museum. Laura would like to involve the community in the design and expense of improved entrance, i.e. Buy a Brick, Landscaping or artefacts. • Staff to look at Front Entrance, temporary procedure needed for traffic flow due to potential problems caused by School House repairs. • Programs start mid April, we require sign to slow down traffic around the entrance of Museum Other Business • Laura asked if food services we use for Special Events has been chosen • No groups have confirmed yet • Sharon has staff working on Bands for Steam up weekend • Laura wants our focus to be the Hotel Restoration, to put proposal together for Council. Fred Kane to facilitate. • Pat Dunnill looking to have bids in before March 30/01, Foundation and Advisory Committee of have decision by Mid April Fred Kane to look at RFP's • Laura mentioned the long range plan to include all Heritage groups. Steve to follow up with Dave Marlowe who has contact, session to take place early in May. • Pat Dunnill has meeting with O.P.G., who are contributing $5,000 to the Foundation, for the support of summer special events • Steve took orders for 8 Heritage Books The Next Meeting is scheduled for April 26, 2001 at the Pickering Museum Village The Meeting Adjourned at 9:00 p.m. 1:\MUSEUM\MJNUTES\Feb0 I mints.doc