HomeMy WebLinkAboutOctober 11, 2001 f , PICKERING MUSEUM ADVISORY Cat/ a0 A COMMITTEE 011011 101 A general meeting of the Pickering Advisory Committee was held on Thursday, October 11, 2001 at the Pickering Civic Complex—Tower Room Present: Laura Drake(Chairperson) Pat Dunnill Rose Cowan Charles Stinson Bill Weston Wally Biernacki Stephen Reynolds,Division Head, Culture&Recreation Dave Marlowe, Education&Collections Officer Flo Hockley,Recording Secretary Regrets: Councillor Bill McLean Bill Utton Lynn Vickers Terry James 1. Welcome 2. Adoption of Minutes MOTION Moved by Bill Weston Seconded by Pat Dunnill That the Minutes of the April 26, 2001 meeting be approved. CARRIED 3. Business Arising from Minutes • Laura Drake reported that she attended a positive budget meeting with Councillor Bill McLean, Tom Quinn, Chief Administrative Officer, Everett Buntsma, Director, Operations and Emergency Services and Steve Reynolds to discuss the 2002 Budget process and the role of the Museum Advisory Committee in setting budget priorities. The Museum Advisory Committee's concerns were heard. Steve Reynolds reported that he met with the City Clerk to identify the process for having a Pickering Museum Village Foundation Member designated as a representative on the Museum Advisory Committee. The City Clerk advised that the Museum Committee Secretary should send the Clerk a written request from the Museum Advisory Committee that the Museum Committee Membership include one representative from the Pickering Museum Village Foundation. The Clerk would forward an amended Museum Committee By-law to Council for approval. The same process (written request to the Clerk from the Museum Committee Secretary) is required for adding members to the Committee. Committee appointments require Council approval. Steve Reynolds confirmed that the City's Legal Department is looking at the privately owned land north located north of the Museum entrance to see if the City can acquire the land or make lease arrangements. Steve Reynolds confirmed the City's Municipal Property and Engineering staff is arranging to have the Museum site surveyed in late Fall 2001. Laura Drake advised signage was placed at the entrance to the Museum — "Caution, Children Playing". 4. Committee Reports a) 2001 Special Events Dave Marlowe reviewed 2001 Museum Event attendance and revenue summary (see attached). Committee Members commented on this year's events: Events are worthwhile; weather was good this year. Why are we not getting good attendance? The suggestion was made that there may not be enough advertising. It was suggested that advertising be extended to all of Durham Region, not just Pickering and Ajax. Radio advertising may be a possibility. It was also noted that the Museum sign is down on Highway 7 resulting in people driving by the site or having difficulty locating the Museum entrance. Dave Marlowe reported the"two for one"coupons in Tourism Book produced good results. Steve Reynolds and Dave Marlowe will get together with staff(Jody and Tina) on advertising possibilities and will report back to this Committee at the February Meeting. 2 b) 2002 Special Event Schedule Rose Cowan reviewed the proposed 2002 Museum Event Schedule. Wally Biernacki feels that "History in Action" proposed for October 19/20 was too late for the gas and steam barn operations. It is not possible to schedule on September 29, as there is another steam show set for this date. Therefore, "steam"volunteers would not be available. Each committee member was requested to sign up for at least two events for 2002. A phone call"reminder"will be made two weeks before the events chosen. c) Education Dave Marlowe reported that the Summer Program (Day Camps) — first two sessions were full, the third session had barely enough to run the session. It was suggested that perhaps next year we run just two sessions, one in July and one in August. Dave Marlowe reported that 14,000 — 15,000 children have come through this year's education program. d) Hotel Restoration Project and Foundation Update Pat Dunnill reported that he expects to have a full report by the end of November. Andre Sheinman has been asked to attend a meeting on November 1St to report on his findings and recommendations. The main Committee Room has been booked for November 1st. The suggestion was made to invite the Mayor and Councillors. Invitation will come from Pat Dunnill and Laura Drake. e) Gas & Steam Barn "History in Action" (October 19/20) is not a good date. It was suggested it be combined with "Pastimes of Past Times" and scheduled on Sunday, September 8. The consensus was that Steve Reynolds along with Dave and Katrina look at combining the two events on September 8th . f) Collections Management Laura Drake advised that in order to continue to maintain the annual provincial grant, a lot of work will have to be done on the Collections Management Policy. This work should be completed well in advance, not just before submission. 3 Dave and Laura will get together. We need to know the structure of the site and how it will affect us. 5. Budget Steve Reynolds reviewed the proposed 2002 Operating and Capital Budgets. There are no significant increases in the operating budget, except for promotions which increased by$3,000 MOTION Moved by Wally Biernacki Seconded by Bill Weston That the proposed 2002 Museum Operating Budget be accepted as presented. CARRIED MOTION Moved by Pat Dunnill Seconded by Bill Weston That the proposed 2002 Museum Capital Budget be accepted as presented. CARRIED 6. New Business a) Volunteer Appreciation Event will be held in November and will be a catered event. b) Pickering Heritage Group—Another meeting will be planned in the future. Steve Reynolds to set up. c) November 1 —Andre Sheinman's Report on the Hotel Restoration Research Project to Advisory Committee and Foundation. The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m. Next Meeting February 7, 2002 7:00 p.m. J:\MUSEUM\MINUfES\Oct 11-01 doe 4