HomeMy WebLinkAboutMay 11, 2000 .00FPj0 9. PICKERING MUSEUM ADVISORY COMMITTEE A general meeting of the Pickering Museum Advisory Committee was held on Thursday May 11,2000 at the Pickering Museum Village. Present: Laura Drake(Chairperson) Mary Cook Lynn Vickers Pat Dunnill Bill Weston Gayle Quintilian Tom Mohr Dennis Mann Stephen Reynolds,Division Head,Culture and Recreation • Sharon Milton,Supervisor,Museum Programs Jane Shaw,Recording Secretary Regrets: Councillor Pickles Wally Bernaki Bill Utton 1. Welcome/Site Tour The committee had a brief walk through the site with the following discussion, a) Approved 2000 Capital Projects and 1999 capital carry-over projects for 2000 to include,the Chapel doors and walls,Beef Ring Barn and Drive Shed Roofs,Drive Shed Beam repair,and Picnic Tables b) The tulip tree in front of the Chapel did not survive the winter and needs to be replaced. Sharon has Amherst coming in to look at-it was one of the trees replaced due to the film accident.All other trees and grass has survived. c) A look at the Bandstand-all repairs look great,including the structure and the steps to be painted. d) Painting is needed this summer-Sandy has already started on the Miller Cole House windows. e) Another look of the drainage on path to the steam barn-remains a problem. f) The Marquis wagon has been moved down by the steam barn- it is in disrepair and is a hazard. 2. Adoption of Minutes Moved by Bill Weston Seconded by Tom Mohr That the Minutes of the February 10th,2000 meeting be approved. CARRIED 3. Business arising from Minutes •Mary requested a cheque for the Bloomers and Britches for the Heritage Garden for Friday or early next week. •Steve explained that cheques now need a paper trail before they can be issued,and therefore will take longer to process. •Security-Sharon reported that new security procedures are in place. The gates have been rekeyed and the keys are non duplicating keys. There will be limited access to the keys. Site Security started May 1,2000. •Sharon reported that a missing wooden bowl has been rediscovered. •Sharon reported that Lelia Persuad,the placement student from Sir Sandford Fleming College started on Monday May 8th and will be with us until August 20. She will be working on collections and will also assist with development of summer camp program. •Sharon reported that we now have 2 new computers and that one old computer was kept and is in Sandy's office. Katrina Pyke is using it for volunteers. •Laura advised that Dave Marlowe has acknowledged the cutlery donated by the Matthews Family. Steve will also get a copy of the Millennium Video for them. Schoolhouse Update Sc pd ate •Sharon reported that the work is coming along well,and that it will be ready for the opening. The floors have been sanded and varnished and look great.The fencing will start soon,and the railing is coming,next weekend. Two weddings will take place May 19`h. •Tom Mohr has a school trustee book from the 1840's belonging to Murray Carstairs and wondered if we wanted it,even though the school is circa 1830.Laura felt that Katrina Pyke(Volunteer Coordinator)would like this. Sharon will have Katrina follow up with Tom,this will be beneficial to volunteers. Moved by Bill Weston Seconded by Dennis Mann That the name of the new school house be: "The Puterbaugh Schoolhouse" CARRIED •The opening of the schoolhouse will be Saturday June 24th,2000 at 1:30 p.m.If you think of anyone to invite please let Mary know.There will be a tent for food,and Sharon will be organizing the food.Reverend George Barkley(Bill Sharp)will be there to talk about teachers and education in the 1830's. The RSVP's will go to Flo. 5. Committee Reports a)Gas&Steam barn •Wally was not back from Waterloo,but he has been working the last couple of weekends. Everything will be ready to go on May 27th&28th. b)Collections Management •Lynn McGowan has done 95% of the servicing check. A lot of the items need cleaning. •Sharon advised that we refer back to the foundation about a new computer. She reported that Jon Storms estimated$4,000-$5,000 for a new system that will go on-line and also do collections,this also includes a digital camera. Tom was asked if we could have access to the Historical Society's camera. We will formalize specifics to the Foundation. •There will be no acquisition of a printing press at this time,but we do have a line on a loom. •We would like to get rid of the piano(located in the Admin.Building Office as current storage). It doesn't work and there is no space for it anywhere.It will be offered back to the family and if they are not interested it will be offered to other museums. *Dennis would like to see an inventory done to see what is in Brougham. Sharon will have Dave do as soon as possible. •Laura advised that she was happy with the way things were going. •The barber would like to donate his chair to the Museum. It is becoming too difficult to transport back and forth. It can be stored in the hotel c)Special Events •Sharon advised that we need volunteers for all special events,please sign up tonight. Most of the entertainment has already been booked. Steve reminded that it will be difficult to get last minute cheques for entertainers. Perhaps we could check with Ontario Place who use a"terms and conditions"agreement for confirmations. •Pat Dunhill advised that if we needed the church group as volunteers that he will get the new contact name for Sharon. d)Fundraising-Foundation •Bill Weston gave the committee an up-date on the financial position of the Foundation. He will have it published before the next meeting. •Account balance$41,614 $5,000 not yet received from bingos •Most of the schoolhouse expenses have been paid. Phase 3 should cost$11,000(not to exceed $15,000) •Pat advised that we will need$5,000 for hotel assessment. •Also will need money for new computer. •Loblaws will not be operating BBQ's this summer •Pat suggested that we see if we can get any Millennium funds. Maybe we could begin a big project with the hotel. •Laura advised that we now have the bell to go on top of the stone cairn for the school house. It is in Sharon's office. Peter Devine will build the cairn. •Laura advised that there has been a very positive response to the call for bells. She has had a great response with people wanting to donate bells. Laura suggested a stylized tree with bells on it. Steve suggested a partnership with the Historical Society and the Pine Ridge Art Group. Maybe we should look into Federal funds. •Laura suggested that we need something more visual from that road,maybe a garden.Steve will look into who to contact about this,and to see who owns the land. Laura suggested that we get the First Families involved. Dennis advised that Hwy#7 will be expanded to 3 lanes from the 16th Concession through to Brooklyn. •The next Annual General Meeting of the Foundation will be in the schoolhouse on June 15th. Tom Murison has been invited to speak. Nominations will be talked about then. •Plaque Inscription Moved by Bill Weston Seconded by Tom Mohr The inscription on the Schoolhouse to read as follows: Puterbaugh Schoolhouse Dedicated June 24,2000 To honour the Pioneer Teachers Of Pickering Township CARRIED •Laura reported that the slate blackboard to be used for the Schoolhouse plaque is in Orillia Being cut to 4'x 6". It was suggested that the rest of the slate be used as bulletin boards on site buildings. e)Community Outreach/Marketing •Mary reported that flyers have gone out for the Steam-Up and Opening.30,000 flyers have been sent to Pickering and Ajax schools.Flyers have also been sent out to the Pickering Town Centre.Information on upcoming events has also been sent to the local newspapers. •Mary expressed concern that we were not listed in the TADRA guide. Sharon reported that the information was sent on time. She has spoken to Patti Watson at the Region, and was informed that this happened not only to us but to others as well and that the information was received on time. A group of short term employees looked after this section and Patti did not have any control. She has apologized on behalf of the Region. Sharon will make sure that Tina Scholl resubmits our information. We are listed in the Durham Region Visitors Guides.We are looking to Toronto.com and Travelinx. 6.Next meeting •The next meeting will be Thursday October 5,2000 at 7:00 p.m. •Steve advised that projected budgets will tentatively be due the first week of October,but perhaps a preliminary request could be ready for September. 7.New Business •Tom wanted to comment on some thoughts after walking through the valley. He felt it was like walking through time and wondered if we could place some signs along path with notes about what might have lived here in times of the past. He suggested that he has access to a computer guided(you can scan in an image)engraving machine at work to make brass or plastic signs. Laura suggested that perhaps the Advisory committee and staff could look at this suggestion down the road.We need to look at keeping our present mandate and create a long range plan for the next 3 -5 years. •Dennis was wondering about using a stone building at the entry off Hwy#7.There is one on the north side of Hwy#7 just down the road.He is wondering if it was an old milk station.We are not sure who's property it is on perhaps part of the Pengally home. Steve will look into who to speak to about this idea. Dennis Mann moved Pat Weston seconded A motion to acquire the building if it is available. CARRIED •Pat Dunill was at a seminar about Board Management and was wondering if there was a letter of understanding about the Advisory Committee.Tom Mohr advised that there was such a letter. •Mary gave master copies of events for the flyers that go to the schools,with the colours they should be printed on to Sharon. Moved by Dennis Mann Seconded by Mary Cook That the meeting be adjourned at 9:30 pm CARRIED J:\CUIDRECNJSEU[.flMU2003\MINU]ES\May-0O.DOC