HomeMy WebLinkAboutSeptember 29, 1999 �N°F p% PICKERING MUSEUM ADVISORY ° COMMITTEE A general meeting of the Pickering Advisory Committee was held on Wednesday, September 29, 1999 at the Pickering Civic Complex, Main Committee Room Present: Laura Drake (Chairperson) Pat Dunnill Gayle Quintilian Tom Mohr Bill McLean Mary Cook Lynn Vickers Bill Weston Sharon Milton, Program Superintendent Stephen Reynolds, Director of Culture and Recreation Debbie Kearns, Committee Co-ordinator Regrets: Councillor David Pickles Dennis Mann Wally Biernacki Bill Utton 1. Adoption of Minutes Moved by Bill Weston Seconded by Tom Mohr That the Minutes of the May 13th, August 5th and September 8th, 1999 meetings be approved. CARRIED 2. Review of 1999 Museum Operation a) Program and Events • a 1999 Event Attendance Summary was distributed • numbers comparable to last year • `The Word Is Out' - 240 attended • Steam-Up Opening event will be reviewed - consider the inclusion of quilting at this event • `Kids Day' -more traditional games to be added • over half way to meeting admissions goal for the education program • `Fall Family Festival' - Sunday, October 3, 1999 • `Christmas In The Village' - December 3 & 10, 1999 • copy of the Event Schedule for 2000 was distributed • August 6th event - `Past times of Past Times' moved to August 13th • this event was moved to coincide with the Summer Games - museum would be linked in promotional material for summer games • August 20th event - `01' Fashioned Hymn Sing and Afternoon Tea' moved to August 27th • Museum Superintendent to review two day events - 2 - • if the `Fall Family Festival' is not a major fund raiser, should it be run again • Pat advised that the Pickering Town Centre have requested the Museum to prepare a display, event, etc. at the mall for a weekend in the spring • recommendation that advertising be placed in the Toronto market 1 • a suggestion was made that the October 1st Fall Family Festival event be removed and that the museum become involved in the Town's Fall Family Festival - Committee agreed • t : e are a number of collector'. .ld items % • Picke It was :in gest- that an . em. be made o ocate thes- •' duals . d -quest • a or donation be made to the . - .• . tons b) Collectors Update • the Program Superintendent provided an update • location files continue to be updated • stabilization and cleaning of artifacts taking place • visual inventory has been done • collectionron oing wa, c) 1999 Museum Capital Update • leveling of the bandstand should be completed within the next couple of weeks • Tom Murison will work on Chapel doors and entrance way • temporary lighting has been installed at the front entrance • the drive shed work still to be completed d) School House Update • the roof has been finished and the house has been raised with beams being placed underneath • 10 days behind schedule • Phase 1 is complete - final invoices forwarded to Pat • Phase 2 - has commenced rt,,-r i 5°n • Sharon will facilitate a meeting with Dennis,Bill and Tom re: technical information on heating system 3. 2000 Operating & Capital Budget Proposals Copies of the 2000 Operating & Capital Budget proposals were distributed by the Director of Culture &Recreation. Moved by Pat Dunhill Seconded by Bill Weston That the 2000 Operating Budget be approved as proposed. CARRIED Capital Budget • Sharon advised that $20,000 has been budgeted for Phase III of the School House Restoration. • the budget does not reflect cost sharing of the school house project. • Public Works Department will be sending a crew to the museum to survey site for drainage problems. • a new entrance to the site must be considered. • firm commitment from the foundation received for$10,000. • the budget should reflect $10,000 for school house and $10,000 for drainage.Leto( o n 5 e, - 3 - Moved by Pat Dunhill Seconded by Bill McLean That the 2000 Capital Budget be approved as amended. CARRIED I aoM M . tt „Ls ra_5e.e) io PION 1.S0ry • the site restoration account has$5,953.56 in it which should be used up in 2000. 5choo t ho c.c.s e 4. Foundation Update '^da troy spa° Prt • school house restoration costs have been covered by bingo events • the Foundation has put forward a resolution advising that they are willing to pay the cost of having a study undertaken on the hotel. Unanimous vote in favour. • the Foundation would like to approach Tom Murison to carry out the work but would like Town staff and resources made available. • the study carried out on the hotel would be the property of the Foundation. It would be forwarded to the Advisory Committee for review and discussion. 5. Other Business a) Tom Mohr advised that the Pickering Historical Society owns a CD Burner and digital camera which may be used by the Museum. b) Tom Mohr advised that a Durham Region Heritage Festival will be held at the Pickering Public Library on October 15th and 16th. Guest Speaker on Friday will be Ron Williamson who will be lecturing on Archaeology. c) Tom Mohr advised that he has been contacted by a Greenwood resident who wishes to sell photos of Diefenbaker. Tom will investigate. d) Steve Reynolds advised the Committee that the Department would be initiated long term planning. e) It was suggested that a thank you letter be sent to all those who worked on the Spirit Walk. 6. Next Meeting The next meeting has been scheduled for February 10th at 7:30 p.m. The Meeting Adjourned at 9:10 p.m.