HomeMy WebLinkAboutDecember 2, 1998 PICKERING MUSEUM ADVISORY COMMITTEE A general meeting of the Pickering Advisory Committee was held on Wednesday, December 2, 1998 at the Civic Complex, Committee Room Present: Ms. Laura Drake (Chairperson) Mr. Bill Weston Mr. Pat Dunhill Mr. Dennis Mann Ms. Gayle Quintilian Mr. Tom Mohr Mr. Bill McLean Ms. Mary Cook Mr. Wally Biernacki Councillor David Pickles Sharon Milton,Program Superintendent Stephen Reynolds,Director of Culture and Recreation Debbie Kearns, Committee Coordinator Regrets: Bill Utton Lynn Vickers 1. WELCOME Laura Drake and Steve Reynolds welcomed the committee members and introduced the new Council representative Councillor David Pickles, and the new recording secretary Debbie Kearns. 2. ADOPTION OF MINUTES Moved by Bill Weston Seconded by Tom Mohr That the minutes of the May 14th, 1998 meeting be approved. CARRIED 3. BUSINESS ARISING FROM MINUTES a) Site damage/cleanup/repairs • the majority of the damage caused by the film crew has been repaired • trees and grass have been replaced • some salt damage is reappearing, Amherst will be back in the spring to make appropriate repairs and will cover the cost • three trees to be replaced in the spring • Happy Christmas Miss King will be televised on December 13th b) Washroom Update • beams have been installed to secure the floor • flooring and heaters installed, drywall finished • drawings completed and on display in the building • Health Dept., Building Dept and Parks & Facilities Dept. are all involved in inspections. Good input received from Committee and Manager of the Building Department. - 2 - c) Dog Policy • Steve advised that this policy will have to be reviewed next year • whatever procedure is approved must be applied to all Town facilities • the approved procedure would have to go before Council d) Grant Information • a grant application has been provided to Tom Mohr for the Pickering Historical Society • grant forms are not yet available to the Pickering Museum Village Foundation 4. REPORTS FROM SUBCOMMITTEES a) Gas& Steam Barn • Wally advised that over 500 hours of work have been done • the saw mill is built and operational Wally was thanked for his participation in the Santa Claus parade. b) Fundraising • Pat distributed a copy of the Fundraising Report • Pat advised that when the application for formal establishment of the Pickering Museum Village Foundation was submitted the name was picked up incorrectly and when returned for approval was not noticed, therefore the name will appear as the Pickering Village Museum Foundation • a discussion took place concerning the fundraising events • • the auction raised approximately$4,000 • horseshoes were very successful, but more pits are required • the cow-plop lottery raised approximately $200. An attempt should be made to sell tickets ahead of time • the read-a-thon was very successful,providing good exposure for the museum • the Super Centre barbecue was attended by most Council members, Janet Ecker and various Committee members and raised a little under$400 c) Appeals for Donations • presentations have been made to various organizations,waiting for response • an order will be placed for a foundation listing and a corporate listing which outlines various organizations who may be approached concerning a donation • a letter addressed to `Friends of Pickering Museum Village' requesting a financial gift was mailed earlier this week d) Grants • an `Advance Funding Program' has been implemented by the Ontario Lottery Corporation. This program allows for distribution of funds to municipalities which organizations may apply for for a specific use. • a start-up grant is available from the Province e) Bingo Application • an application has been submitted - 3 - 1) Finances • Bill Weston distributed a copy of the Statement of Receipts and Disbursements • funds are still coming in • $10,000 has already been spent on the schoolhouse • Pat advised that 80%of what you gave in receipts last year must be spent g) Special Events • Bill McLean distributed a copy of the Minutes of the Special Events Subcommittee dated September 10, 1998 • Pat Dunhill recommended that school choirs be invited to participate in `Steam- Up' on Sunday as well as Saturday • more promotion of events is required 5. 1999 PROPOSED EVENT SCHEDULE • Sharon Milton distributed copies of the Town of Pickering Winter 1998-99 Leisure Guide. Page 46 outlines the events scheduled for the Pickering Museum Village for 1999. Moved by Pat Dunhill Seconded by Dennis Mann That the dates outlined in the Leisure Guide and the names outlined on the event listing be used. CARRIED 6. 1999 CAPITAL & OPERATING BUDGET PROPOSALS • Steve Reynolds distributed and commented on the 1999 Capital and Operating Budget proposals • submissions have been requested by December 14th • Sharon Milton advised that the wiring between the Blacksmith Shop and Gate 2 and the Blacksmith Shop and Chapel required replacement at a cost of$4,000 Moved by Dennis Mann Seconded by Wally Biernacki That the 1999 Operating Budget proposal be approved as submitted. CARRIED • Steve Reynolds and the Committee discussed the proposed matching funds to complete the log school house • Steve Reynolds advised that the final submission date for the Advance Funding is March 15th • Sharon advised that the piers require replacement under the gazebo to eliminate the shifting problem • the drive shed requires ties • the restoration of the entrance door on the Chapel will be carried over to 1999 • there is a problem with rot on the north side of the Collins House • curbing around the buildings requires repair • 6 more picnic tables are required • gas containers are situated around the grounds and need to be stored in a secure place - 4 - Moved by Pat Dunhill Seconded by Dennis Mann That the 1999 Capital Budget proposal be approved as submitted. CARRIED 7. NEW BUSINESS a) Read-A-Thon • a video was shown concerning the Durham-wide Read-A-Thon b) 1998 Community Outreach Report • a copy of the 1998 Community Outreach Report was distributed by Mary Cook • the following recommendations were discussed: • flyers should be delivered to Ajax schools for each event • flyers should be delivered to Whitby in May and August • work on different media for each event • target various libraries is Oshawa, Whitby, Toronto for flyer distribution • target antique dealers to carry Museum material • prepare a booklet for film crews outlining smoking regulations and the procedure to be followed when lifting tables • Dennis suggested that the best means of promotion is through the children living in the area and attend ing the schools and also to continue advertising in the News Advertiser. Laura thanked Mary for all her hard work. c) Collections • a discussion took place concerning the identification and maintenance of the collection • must be set as a priority Moved by Dennis Mann Seconded by Pat Dunhill That a new line identifying an amount of $10,000 be included in the 1999 Operating Budget to be spent towards identification and maintenance of the collection. CARRIED d. Workshops • a discussion took place concerning similar workshops being offered by too many organizations 8. NEXT MEETING The next meeting will be held sometime in April- date to be advised.