HomeMy WebLinkAboutMay 11, 1994 PICKERING MUSEUM ADVISORY COMMITTEE A General Meeting of the Pickering Museum Advisory Committee was held on May 11, 1994 on site at the Pickering Museum Village Present: L. Drake D. Henderson C. Elrick M. Cook W. Biernacki W. Weston A. Ross D. Fan Councillor E. Higdon S. Reynolds, Director of Culture & Recreation L. Winterstein, Superintendent of Museum Operations D. Marlowe M. Donaldson, Recording Secretary Regrets: G. Wideman Absent: K. Page 1. WELCOME Mr. Reynolds welcomed Committee Members. A tour of the Museum commenced. The following was reported during the site tour; Log Cabin - drainage has now been completed, the roof requires replacement sometime over the next few years. Collins House - over the past 3 years various projects have been completed - new chimney, roof was shingled, and interior was completed in 1993. Overall this building is in really good shape. During 1993 the Doctor's Cart was restored by Robert Todd. In 1994 the Buckboard is being restored. Trenching was being completed for electrical services to all buildings. General Store - the new look of the interior of the n Ge eral Store is credited to the Volunteers and staff. The interior and exterior will be painted during 1994. Oddfellows Hall - this is a multi-purpose building, it is used for weddings, filming and during Grassroots an Art Exhibit will be on display. The exterior requires restoration and painting next year. Miller Cole House- Major restoration has been completed on this building over the past few years. -2- After the site tour was completed Committee members and staff continued with a meeting in the Administration building. Mr. Reynolds advised that on May 1, 1994 Town Council approved dividing the Department of Community Services & Facilities into two Departments, the Department of Culture & Recreation and the Department of Parks & Facilities. Mr. Everett Buntsma, is the Director of Parks & Facilities and Mr. Reynolds, the Director of Culture& Recreation. 2. ADOPTION OF MINUTES FROM PREVIOUS MEETING - February 16, 1994 MOTION: Moved by Councillor E. Higdon Seconded by Mr. W. Weston That the minutes of the meeting February 16, 1994 be accepted as presented. Carried 3. BUSINESS ARISING Mr. Reynolds advised that the Superintendent is working with M.T.R.C.A. to establish a partnership. With regards to using Mr. Mason's articles again, the Newspaper felt that this was not new information and was not worth printing. It was stated that all promotional material for the Museum has to be given to Tina Scholl, Recreation Co-ordinator who is responsible for promotion of the Museum. The Superintendent advised that the Museum has 7 pages in the upcoming Town Brochure. This will give the Museum great publicity for our upcoming Special Events. Mr. Biernacki advised that the date for Steam-Up and Opening conflicts with other shows (Ottawa, Mount Hope, Guelph). He also stated that the boiler will not be inspected until the weather warms up. 4. SUB COMMITTEE REPORTS Special Events Ms. Henderson advised that she will be contacting all committee members with respect to upcoming events. She has forwarded letters to other Artists to promote the Museum Special Events. The Chairperson advised that the Philharmonic will be playing on the Bandstand and the String Quartet will be playing in the Church. A letter has been forwarded to the Fire Chief inviting the Fire Department to attend Steam-up. -3- Special Events (continued) Grassroots-the Arts Council grant proposal was submitted. This is the Year of the Family and the Museum's theme will be geared to Family activities. History in Action-the Craft letters have been mailed and we are still receiving calls from people interested in attending. Camera Day -release forms have to signed by all staff and volunteers. Gas & Steam Barn Mr. Biernacki advised that log posts 10', 12' or 14' in length are required. He asked if a commemorative sign could be made in memory of Bert McArthur. Fundraising The Chairperson asked if we should proceed with the Herongate Dinner Theatre fundraiser. Mr. Farr asked if we felt that people would purchase tickets two months in advance. The general consensus was to proceed and that all Committee Members will commit and support this Special Event. Mr. Reynolds stated that last year we made a substantial dollar amount on the quilt raffle. Various other suggestions were made: Bingo Dream Auction Giant Raffle Raffle a Car Auction time and talent(e.g. donate babysitting services) Community Events Ms. Cook asked for Volunteers for upcoming events. The Superintendent advised that our Volunteers have other commitments to our own Special Events. Mr. Weston volunteered from 12:00 - 3:00 p.m. to attend Community Day. Ms. Drake volunteered to assist on Canada Day. Mr. Reynolds feels that both these events will be good times to sell Museum Memberships as Fund Raiser. 5. SUPERINTENDENT'S UPDATE -Media Kits have been mailed -Flyers distributed to all schools -Loeb-Glendale will distribute flyers -Steam-Up posters have been posted at various locations -Program details are being finalized -4- SUPERINTENDENT'S UPDATE (continued) The paint has been ordered for painting the Gazebo this summer. Ms. Drake asked if anyone was interested in assisting with painting to contact her. The start date will be May 18, 1994. 6. OTHER BUSINESS Ms. Drake attended the Provincial Volunteer Night and was delighted to be in attendance. The Philharmonic will advise when they will be practicing on site. Ms. Elrick stated that Black Creek Pioneer Village has an excellent Halloween Theme. They have approximately 1,000 children attend this program. 7. NEXT MEETING October 26, 1994 - Council Committee Room 7:00 p.m. 8. MOTION: Moved by W. Biernacki Seconded by W. Weston That the meeting be adjourned Carried •