HomeMy WebLinkAboutSeptember 17, 1996 MINUTES A meeting of the Pickering Advisory Committee on Race Relations and Equity was held in the Pickering Civic Complex on Tuesday, September 17, 1996 at 7:00 p.m. Present: Roland Rutland, Social Development(Co-Chair) Jack Gardner, Durham Board of Education Jane Kiyonaga, Durham Separate School Board Olivia Rose, St. Mary High School Victoria George, Pickering High School Ian Weber, Community Appointee Donna Bovolaneas, Community Appointee Fred Gibson, Community Appointee Stephen Reynolds, Town of Pickering Margaret Donaldson,Recording Secretary Regrets: Councillor Dave Ryan(Co-Chair) Staff Sergeant Gord, McKechnie, Durham Regional Police Abou Nabe, Community Appointee Angie Littlefield, Member at Large 1. Welcome Roland Rutland welcomed all in attendance. 2. Approve Minutes of The Last Meeting The minutes of the last meeting were approved as presented. 3. Business Arising From Minutes Roger Beckett presented a brief overview of the Website showing committee members the Harassment Hurts All Brochure. Roland Rutland asked if there was a way of finding out the number of individuals who have logged onto our Website. Mr. Beckett advised that at the present time the Durham Free Net does not have this capability, but they are working on a program. After the presentation and discussions discontinued it was decided that committee members would like further items added to the website (e.g. Terms of Reference). Committee members will bring forward some suggestions each month on what they would like to see on the website. Roland Rutland suggested that the Committee's Mandate, Terms of Reference and Upcoming Events would be a good idea. Mr. Gill has now been fully reinstated as Senior Advisor with the Ministry of Citizenship, Culture and Recreation. 4. Preliminary Research into Available Data Donna Bovolaneas met with Karla Rhodie of the Social Development Council and was given some 1994 Immigration information of which she has not had time to fully review all stats. She advised that the 1996 material will be available in another month. Ms. Bovolaneas asked if the Boards of Education and Police Services have materials on hate crime. Jack Gardner advised that the Public Board does collect data on assaults on Grades 7 - 9. This data can be broken down for Pickering to compare to the public information. Basically this data is identified by male and female not racial. Roland Rutland advised that a lot of the information the Social Development Council receive is from the Ministry of Citizenship, Culture and Recreation. Roger Beckett suggested that when the material is compiled it could be put on the website. 5. Upcoming Events Multicultural Council of Oshawa/Durham - are organizing an event to showcase Multicultural groups at the Pickering Town Centre on October 26, 1996. This Showcase is to create awareness and it is tied into United Nations Day. The committee decided that they would like to set up a booth on this day. The Pickering Carib Canadian Cultural Association will be hosting their 16th Annual Dinner/Dance at the Pickering Recreation Complex on October 26, 1996 - cost is $30.00 per person. 1997 Heritage Day Festival - February 15, 1997. The committee decided to proceed with this event and to apply for the nominal grant which is available. Donna Bovolaneas suggested the Committee purchase a banner for events such as this. Stephen Reynolds will investigate the cost of the banner. 6. New Business Olivia Rose advised that St. Mary High School is hosting a Race Relations Conference similar to the one that was held at Pine Ridge Secondary School. Victoria George discussed her concern with regards to the way the Harassment Brochure may be handed out in the schools. The Committee discussed how the brochure could be distributed. Suggestions included holding a school assembly and a school announcement prior to distribution to get students geared up to watch for the new Harassment Brochure which will be distributed soon. Jane Kiyonaga advised that the Durham Region Separate School Board were hosting an Leadership Camp Development Spirit Program on October 23 - 25, 1996. Jane extended invitations to committee members asking if they would be willing to facilitate or if they would like to visit to see how the program was progressing. Donna Bovolaneas and Roland Rutland both expressed an interest in visiting. 7. NEXT MEETING Tuesday, October 22, 1996 - 7:00 p.m. crec\mnin6\cr100