HomeMy WebLinkAboutNovember 19, 1996 MINUTES A meeting of the Pickering Advisory Committee on Race Relations and Equity was held in the Pickering Civic Complex on Tuesday,November 19, 1996 at 7:00 p.m. Present: Councillor Dave Ryan(Co-Chair) Roland Rutland, Social Development(Co-Chair) Jane Kiyonaga, Durham Separate School Board Ian Weber, Community Appointee Donna Bovolaneas, Community Appointee Olivia Rose, St. Mary High School Phebe-Jane Poole,Ajax-Pickering Board of Trade Stephen Reynolds, Town of Pickering Margaret Donaldson, Recording Secretary Regrets: Abou Nabe, Community Appointee Jack Gardner, Durham Board of Education Staff Sergeant Gord McKechnie, Durham Regional Police Angie Littlefield, Member at Large Victoria George, Pickering High School Roger Beckett, Community Appointee 1. Welcome Roland Rutland welcomed all in attendance and introduced Phebe-Jane Poole representing Ajax-Pickering Board of Trade. Stephen Reynolds made committee members aware that Jack Gardner will be retiring from the Durham Board of Education in December. 2. Omissions from the October 22, 1996 Meeting The following items should have been noted in the October 22, 1996 Meeting Jane Kiyonaga advised about the Spirit Walk - Educating for Diversity. Schools did receive the Town Harassment Brochure and distributed to students. A letter went to each Principal with the brochures. Roland Rutland advised about the Violence Free Family - Strike a Committee (Building Block for a Peaceful Civilization). • 2 3. Approve Minutes of The Last Meeting The minutes of the last meeting were approved with the above omissions being noted. 4. March 21, 1997 - International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination Roland Rutland reviewed the 1996 Forum - Launched the Brochure and Community Speakers. It was well advertised and attended. 20,000 copies of the Brochure have been printed and distributed. Olivia Rose advised that the four schools have had two meetings and brainstormed for ideas for this day. The following are some of their ideas: paint a mural (race relations theme) guest speakers for youth and possibly a social afterwards an art display (exhibition) Olivia advised that once they had an International Cafe' as the theme and sold desserts from all countries (the students served in cultural dress). Mr. Reynolds advised that he had met with a student from Pine Ridge Secondary School and she had advised of this idea for a Mural. The youth would like to video tape the progress of the Mural, then show it at the Forum. The only problem is finding a location that is visible and available. Jane Kiyonaga stated that it sounds good but what kind of wall indoor or outdoor, and Roland Rutland asked if it was going to be a permanent Mural. Olivia advised that they feel a large canvass could be used and moved around to facilities is what the students are aiming toward. The students were also discussing holding a March for the Elimination of Race Racism Event in March. She also advised that they were considering these ideas to present on March 21st then work towards it being complete by May. Mr. Reynolds stated that he would pursue locations and suggested that portability be part of this Mural. Olivia advised that with regards to the March that the students had not proceeded further with this, but thought that Marching down the Esplanade to meet at the Civic Complex would be an excellent idea. 3 V Councillor Ryan liked the idea of an Art Exhibition and the focus could be on race relations. The art work could be moved around to various locations. Roland Rutland stated that if we as a Committee can orchestrate this idea of an Art Exhibition we should contact the schools and market our size, theme and advise the schools that art that will be put on display will be to commemorate March 21st. Jane Kiyonaga felt that it was a good idea but guidelines would have to be put in place. Roland asked members if we would want to have performing arts as well. Mr. Weber stated that we could put a damper of the event if the performances did not meet the needs people could be disappointed. Ms. Bovolaneas stated that we have just held a Multicultural Event at the Town Centre and Heritage Day is in February. We will be using the same talent. Ms. Kiyonaga felt that we should keep with visual arts. You can have a lot of art on display. Mr. Rutland stated that we should decide on the theme then get the schools involved. Ms. Kiyonaga asked Olivia if the Youth initiative was interested in Multicultural or Race Relations. Olivia advised that Race Relations is their main focus. Mr. Rutland stated that the March could be held in the morning and finish by early afternoon. Then there could be an evening event. Councillor Ryan stated that networking will occur with the March originating from the schools to meet at a central location to unveil the Mural and parents could come at night. Mr. Reynolds feels the Art Exhibition will be a good draw for the evening. Ms. Bovolaneas stated that according to last years suggestions and reactions we owe it to the community to carry on what we begun last year. 4 i Ms. Kiyonaga stated that the point is well taken and the facilitator's notes did target Youth. Ms. Bovolaneas said we need some linkage from the 1996 Forum. Ms. Kiyonaga asked if it could not be incorporated into the theme and art work. Mr. Weber stated that we could get successful people to talk to the youth. Speakers could address most of these comments from the Forum Olivia Rose stated that she feels students could relate to young guest speakers that are successful and probably more appealing. Councillor Ryan stated that this would give us an opportunity to combine 2 items 1. focus on Youth and 2. young people to talk about youth experiences and how they managed to deal with challenges and opportunities. Ms. Bovolaneas suggested a name for the theme `TAKING OUR PLACE". Definition of success is very different,pick things that the kids tell us. Mr. Rutland stated that his motto is YOUTH CAN MOVE THE WORLD, and suggested the performance of skits or a drama presentation. Schools are preparing for Black History month - we could work with schools to give a concept. Ms. Poole stated that she liked what we are trying to do and she is thinking how to involve businesses. A discussion took place on where the location of this event should take place, Mr. Reynolds felt that the Civic Complex would be a good venue for the Art Exhibition. Council Chambers, lower and upper concourses, are good spaces for presenting in a central location. It is a community gathering place and art work could be left on display. Councillor Ryan agreed but stated that guidelines would have to be put in place in case offensive art is submitted. Mr. Reynolds stated that if we do a Juried Art Show then we can choose what can be exhibited. He also stated that it may be beneficial to ask Pine Ridge Arts Council to assist. • . 5 r Councillor Ryan reviewed what had been decided for the event: MARCH MURAL VISUAL ART DISPLAY EVENING EVENT Ms. Kiyonaga stated that it sounds great but are we biting off more than we can handle. Ms. Rose stated that she would take it back to her team. Councillor Ryan stated that we could contact Pine Ridge Arts Council for assistance. Ms. Poole will ask the Board of Trade for a donation of $200 to support this project. Councillor Ryan gave a breakdown on what committee members were following up on: Jane Kiyonaga will contact the Separate School Board Councillor Ryan will contact Pine Ridge Arts Council Roland Rutland will contact his Drama people Phebe-Jane Poole will contact the Board of Trade Mr. Reynolds will contact Angie Littlefield and Jack Gardner from the Durham Board of Education and Inspector Pugh. March 26, 1997 was the date set up for this event. The press will have to be advised to promote this event. 5. Other Business Mr. Rutland distributed copies of Standing Firm Against Race. Mr. Reynolds advised that we had received a complaint with regards to the graphic on our Brochure. The Committee decided when we reprint we will change the graphic on the front page of the brochure. 6. NEXT MEETING December 10, 1996 - 7:00 p.m.