HomeMy WebLinkAboutMarch 6, 1997 r MINUTES A meeting of the Pickering Advisory Committee on Race Relations and Equity was held in the Pickering Civic Complex on Thursday, March 6, 1997 at 7:00 p.m. Present: Councillor Dave Ryan(Co-Chair) Roland Rutland, (Co-Chair) Jane Kiyonaga, Durham Separate School Board Olivia Rose, St. Mary High School Dr. Phebe-Jane Poole, Ajax-Pickering Board of Trade Fred Gibson, Pickering Carib Canadian Cultural Association Roger Beckett, Community Appointee Staff Sergeant Gord McKechnie, Durham Regional Police Victoria George, Pickering High School Ian Weber, Community Appointee Mobeen Khaja, Community Appointee Stephen Reynolds, Town of Pickering Lynn Winterstein, Town of Pickering Margaret Donaldson, Recording Secretary Regrets: Abou Nabe, Community Appointee Angie Littlefield, Pine Ridge Secondary School Norm Powers, Durham Board of Education Donna Bovolaneas, Community Appointee 1. Welcome Councillor Ryan welcomed committee members. 2. Approve Minutes of Last Meeting MOTION: Moved by: Dr. Phebe-Jane Poole Seconded by: Mr. Mobeen Khaja That the Minutes of the February 17, 1997 meeting be approved as presented. Carried 2 3. Finalize Plans for the March 26, 1997"Through Our Eyes" Forum Ms. Winterstein advised that she had been in contact with Patty Roche, the Mural was progressing well. Nancy Hull Sheridan's assistance has been very helpful. She has offered to pick-up the Mural and deliver it to the Civic Complex on March 25, 1997. Ms. Littlefield has requested confirmation for the Pine Ridge Steppers. Ms. Winterstein advised her that the steppers were required and asked her if they required any special requirements. Refreshments have been ordered for 175 people. They will be served upstairs in the staff lounge area. Ms. Rose advised that the mural was progressing well. Ms. Winterstein stated that the News Advertiser will do an interview with Olivia and one of the artists the week prior to the Forum. Ms. George stated that Pickering High School's portion of the mural was progressing well and they felt that it would be completed over the next two weeks. Mr. Reynolds advised that St. Mary's Improv Team would be participating and that St. Mary's Jazz Group and Pine Ridge Secondary Gospel Singers were unavailable to participate. Mr. Reynolds confirmed that Mr. Dan McTeague would be the keynote speaker and that Ms. Bovolaneas had met with the three youth speakers and everything is going well. The Recording Secretary advised that the Department of Culture & Recreation was contacted by a parent of one of the students from St. Anthony Daniel Catholic School who would like to participate in the forum by singing "It's a Wonderful World" in sign language. After various discussions, the committee agreed that these students should participate. Mr. Reynolds advised that flyers had been distributed to all Pickering schools. Dr. Poole stated that flyers and posters had been distributed at the Board of Trade meeting and an item will be in the upcoming Trade Talk Magazine. Councillor Ryan advised that the Proclamation was read at the Council meeting. 3 Ms. Winterstein advised that the Department of Culture & Recreation was participating at the Pickering Town Centre on Thursday, Friday and Saturday of this week to promote Registration and that flyers for the forum were available on the Department's table. Mr. Gibson stated that he would take some flyers to Sarah McDonald building to have on display. Staff Sergeant McKechnie asked if Rogers Cable could be invited to attend the Forum. Ms. Winterstein advised that they were invited (as part of the media package). He stated that for the program that it should be similar to last year's program and that he will be running the print job on March 24th. Will print 200. Ms. Winterstein asked if the committee had thought of ideas for gifts. She advised that the Library had for sale the Robert McKay's book "The History of Pickering". The cost is $35 each and the Library is willing to sell them to us and bill us later. The consensus of the Committee was to purchase four, (keynote speaker and the three youth speakers). Various discussions continued with regards to the time frame for the Program. Councillor Ryan suggested we go into Council Chambers to review the layout and location for the Mural. He will give an overview of the Mural Exhibition. He asked if the students have been invited to attend. Ms. Winterstein stated that at this point we did not have a list of students who were painting the Mural or who were exhibitors. Mr. Reynolds advised that Ms. Bovolaneas had met with the youth speakers and the skits and speakers will lead into each other. Mr. Rutland advised he was still waiting for names from Pickering High School. Ms. Winterstein advised that if the Program was ready for Monday then we can promote it in the Community Page for 2 weeks. After various discussions with regards to the singing of the National Anthem, Councillor Ryan requested that we extend an invitation to St. Anthony Daniel to have the students from that school sing it. Mr. Rutland and Ms. Winterstein are meeting on Tuesday, March 25th at 4:00 p.m. to complete a sound check and technical requirements. • 4 Mr. Reynolds requested that roles be established for Committee Members for the evening ( e.g. to greet Dan McTeague). It was suggested that Committee Members arrive at 6:15 p.m. on the evening. Ms. Winterstein asked if any Committee Members were available on Monday, March 24, 1997 to assist with receiving various pieces of art from 12 noon to 6:00 p.m. Mr. Weber volunteered from 12 noon- 2:00 p.m. Mr. Rutland 2:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. and Mr. Gibson from 4:30 - 6:00 p.m. Mr. Reynolds advised that the Town will look after purchasing the gifts. The meeting continued in the Council Chambers where Ms. Winterstein gave a brief overview of the Council Chambers where each group would be participating. Mr. Beckett will be the sound person and Mr. Rutland advised that he would make name tags. 4. Next Meeting Tuesday, April 15, 1997 - 7:00 p.m. Council Committee Room cre e\rminmarc\racer 1000