HomeMy WebLinkAboutOctober 22, 2997 MINUTES A meeting of the Pickering Advisory Committee on Race Relations and Equity was held in the Pickering Civic Complex on Wednesday, October 22, 1997 at 7:00 p.m. Present: Roland Rutland, (Co-Chair) Ted Dionne, Durham Regional Police Service Fred Gibson, Pickering Carib Canadian Cultural Association Roger Beckett, Community Appointee Victoria George, Pickering High School Ian Weber, Community Appointee Jacqui Steer, Durham Board of Education Philip Matsushita, Pine Ridge Secondary School Abou Nabe, Community Appointee Donna Bovolaneas, Community Appointee Stephen Reynolds, Town of Pickering Margaret Donaldson, Recording Secretary Regrets: Councillor Dave Ryan(Co-Chair) Mobeen Khaja, Community Appointee Jane Kiyonaga, Durham Separate School Board Dr. Phebe-Jane Poole,Ajax-Pickering Board of Trade Norm Powers, Durham Board of Education 1. Welcome Mr. Roland Rutland welcomed all Committee Members and introduced Mr. Philip Matsushita, Vice Principal from Pine Ridge Secondary School who will be is a new representative from the Board of Education. 2. Approve the Minutes of the Previous Meetings Motion: Moved by: Mr. Abou Nabe Seconded by: Ms. Jacquie Steer That the May 7, 1997 and September 23, 1997 Minutes be accepted as presented. Carried • • 2 3. Business Arising from Minutes of the September 23, 1997 Meeting MCOD Showcase Staff Sergeant Dionne stated that the Showcase went very well. Mr. Rutland felt that the number of visitors that attended were higher than the previous year. He thought people stayed longer. He recommended more publicity for this event. Ms. Bovolaneas asked if there was a reason why only 12 groups participated, the year before 20 groups participated. Mr. Dionne stated that many of the groups that participated last year had other commitments on this day. Mr. Matsushita asked if schools were contacted to set-up booths. Mr. Dionne advised that the Board of Education had another commitment for this date. Mr. Dionne advised that the Bahai Group had an excellent display of dolls from around the world and this was an excellent attraction for members of the public. Mr. Weber felt that the event was very well organized. Mr. Dionne advised he was recommending MCOD start planning for the 1998 event in January. Identify existing activities taking place for 1998 Black History Month Mr. Reynolds explained this item brought forward from the last meeting so that the Race Relations & Equity Committee could identify that events are planned in the community for Black History Month(February 1998). Ms. Bovolaneas explained to new Committee Members that the Committee would not be participating in Heritage Day this year due to the lack of participants in previous years. Mr. Rutland stated that he had heard that Pine Ridge Secondary School would be having a guest speaker, Almeta Speaks and she is excellent. (Information attached to minutes with respect to Ms. Speaks). Mr. Matsushita advised that the exact date has not been confirmed for this event. 3 Mr. Rutland suggested that Committee may want to extend an invitation to her to perform at the Civic Complex for the General Public. Mr. Reynolds asked if Pine Ridge was offering this event to members of the public. Mr. Matsushita advised that if it was a daytime event, then the focus would be on students participation. If it was held in the evening then members of the public and students would be invited. Ms. Steer advised that Mr. Gary Ranalli had stated that the invitation was open to students at elementary schools as well as secondary. Mr. Rutland suggested that since she is coming to Pine Ridge, maybe we could make it available to the whole community, the Town could co-sponsor with the Durham Board of Education and Pine Ridge Secondary School for Black History Month. Ms. Bovolaneas said that apart from the black community people may not know her. Mr. Weber suggested that we wait until we get confirmation and more information before the Committee makes any decision. Ms. Steer suggested that the Committee ask Mr. Ranalli to come to our next meeting so that he can give more information. Ms. Bovolaneas suggested that the Committee let Pine Ridge Secondary School run this event their way for Black History Month, and possibly the Committee could find a way to co-sponsor and find funds for this event. Then plan a similar event for the following year. Ms. Steer agreed maybe this Committee could make a financial commitment to assist Pine Ridge. Mr. Matsushita stated that he liked Ms. Bovolaneas suggestion. Mr. Rutland asked Mr. Matsushita if he could liaise with Mr. Ranalli to attend our next meeting. Display Locations for Murals Mr. Reynolds advised that Murals will have some frames put around them for moving to various locations. He stated that the Durham Board of Education would like to have the Murals for the month of February. 4 4. 1998 RACE RELATIONS FORUM Ms. Bovolaneas explained to new Committee Members the on the structure of the Sub-Committee and why this was done, she then reviewed the direction from the Forum Sub-Committee Meeting. The 1998 Forum program will focus on and develop the three themes of 1997 (Stereotyping, Cross Cultural Awareness and Bi-Cultural). The sub-committee would like to open up the forum to include the community - the focus can still be youth but the intent is to involve more community groups and organizations. Instead of having 3 speakers, have 3 panel discussions involving different community groups, organizations e.g. Police, Teachers, Students and Older Adults. Single panel to explore youth questions on all three topics with questions pre- planned and put to show current ability to respond effectively and to identify where needed additional training or program development is required. The Forum could include the following groups: -Ethnocultural - Town of Pickering -Artistic - Older Adults -Education - Youth -Police Services - Sports Ms. Bovolaneas recommended that the Sub-Committee contact either Tracy McGrady (Toronto Raptors) or Juliette Powell and invite them to be the keynote speaker for this event. Mr. Matsushita stated that the Forum would be taking place during the Basketball season. Scheduling maybe a problem he suggested asking someone from Baseball. Mr. Rutland asked for the panel concept to be explained. Ms. Bovolaneas stated that if we have representatives from social Development, Police, Boards of Education etc. to be available for discussions. A suggestion was put forward that maybe we could have a representative from the media on the panel. 5 Committee members discussed the participation of media in detail at the Forum and an active member of the Committee. Mr. Nabe stated that media are not into social experiments and that it is our responsibility to educate the media. After further discussions the final decision of Committee Members was not to invite media to be a member of the Race Relations & Equity Committee at this time. Participation of media on the panel was forwarded to the Sub-committee. 5. SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL OF AJAX-PICKERING - CRITICAL PATH Copies of the minutes of this meeting will be attached to these minutes for Committee Members review. 6. OTHER BUSINESS Stakeholders Forum on Immigration & Refugee Issues Ms. Bovolaneas advised that she had attended the above forum for one day. She gave a brief overview of the portion she attended and the following are some of her points: • PANEL DISCUSSION • slide show • Education support • Health needs • upcoming generations • upcoming Mega City - support system exists now She noted that Toronto is lower strata and these groups will have no assistance Mr. Nabe advised that he had participated on Workshop on Education Adult/Child. Because of cut backs major issue for immigrants when arriving parents are not educated in English so therefore, they cannot assist their children at home. Mr. Nabe felt that there was difficulties in the current system and they were given very little time to discuss major issues. He felt that they were overwhelmed with all kinds of issues and the plan of action never materialized. • 6 Mr. Rutland asked if a report was to be prepared what ramifications would have to be considered. Mr. Abou stated that Education was a big issue. How will the Boards of Education put into practice the sensitive needs of special needs students. Ms Bovolaneas asked if the data could be made available to the community for comments. Mr. Rutland advised that the minutes from the GTA Race Relations Committee were very interesting. The GTA Committee is working on planning and key issues. Mr. Rutland recommended that this Committee reconsider its position and decide to be an active member on the GTA Race Relation Committee. Committee members asked for more information along with the minutes of past meetings. They have not been distributed. This item was tabled to the next meeting so that minutes from the GTA could be made available. 7. NEW BUSINESS Mr. Rutland distributed copies of an invitation that the Social Development Council was hosting a "Race Relations Network" Luncheon Meeting - special guest speaker The Honourable Roy McMurtry, Chief Justice of Ontario. This event is being held on Saturday, November 15, 1997 at the Waterfront Bistro - 12:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. Ms. Steer advised that the Star Camp was held two weeks ago, the students had a great time and came back very positive. Mr. Nabe advised of an upcoming Diversity Forum which was being held on November 1 -4, 1997 the topic was Aboriginal People, Visible Minorities. 8. MEETING ADJOURNED - 9:30 p.m. 9. NEXT MEETING Tuesday,November 18th- 7:00 p.m.