HomeMy WebLinkAboutJanuary 20, 1998 MINUTES A meeting of the Pickering Advisory Committee on Race Relations and Equity was held in the Pickering Civic Complex on Tuesday, January 20, 1998 at 7:00 p.m. Present: Councillor Dave Ryan(Co-Chair) Roland Rutland, Ajax-Pickering Social Development Council Ted Dionne, Durham Regional Police Service Philip Matsushita, Pine Ridge Secondary School Jane Kiyonaga, Durham Separate School Board Alice Carlson, Dunbarton High School Monika B. Jensen, Community Appointee Mobeen Khaj a, Muslim Educational Cultural Association Stephen Reynolds, Director of Culture&Recreation Lynn Winterstein, Town of Pickering Margaret Donaldson, Recording Secretary Regrets: Dr. Phebe-Jane Poole, Ajax-Pickering Board of Trade Norm Powers, Durham Board of Education Fred Gibson, Pickering Carib Canadian Cultural Association Jacqui Steer, William Dunbar Public School Victoria George, Pickering High School Olivia Rose, St. Mary Secondary School Ian Weber, Community Appointee Beth Lo Bello, Community Appointee Roger Beckett, Community Appointee 1. WELCOME Councillor Ryan welcomed all in attendance to the first meeting of the new Race Relations & Equity Committee for the new Council term. He gave a brief overview of the work and projects that previous committees had accomplished. 2. INTRODUCTIONS OF NEW COMMITTEE MEMBERS Introductions of new and existing committee members were made. Councillor Ryan advised that Committee members were planning an upcoming event in March and that Youth play a key role in this event with the Committee. 2 Mr. Reynolds gave an overview of the Committee Mandate and Terms of Reference. He explained that the Committee works through Councillor Ryan who advises Mayor and Members of the Council with respect to matters involving race relations and equity issues within the community. Councillor Ryan indicated the Committee's role is one of analysis for incidents and developing recommendations not mediation or conflict resolution. Mr. Reynolds advised that the position of the Co-chair of the Committee is reviewed at the beginning each new term. The appointment of co-chair can either be one or three year term. This item will be placed on the February Agenda for recommendations. 3. APPROVE MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 18, 1997 MEETING MOTION: Moved by: Mr. T. Dionne Seconded by: Mr. Roland Rutland That the Minutes of the November 18, 1997 meeting be accepted as presented. Carried 4. BUSINESS ARISING FROM MINUTES Black History Month Pine Ridge Secondary School Update Mr. Matsushita advised that at the last meeting it was decided that the Race Relations and Equity Committee would not be involved in this event, due to the fact that we have our 98 Forum upcoming in March. Mr. Matsushita advised that Ms. Speaks would be performing in six schools in the Durham Region, during the last week of February. Pine Ridge Secondary School will be hosting this event on February 26th commencing 9:15 a.m. It is a 50 minute performance. Each school has been subsidized by the Durham Board of Education. Pine Ridge has offered all Grades 9 through O.A.C. History classes the opportunity to attend. There are still 100 seats available and the World Issue classes will be asked if they wish to attend each student will be charged a nominal fee. If there are any funds remaining after this event Pine Ridge will purchase books on Black History. 3 Ms. Carlson advised that Dunbarton will be having their performance on Thursday, February 26, 1998 in the afternoon. Mr. Reynolds asked if it would be possible for Committee Members to attend. Ms. Carlson advised that we should contact either herself of Sarah McDonald to reserve seats. Mr. Matsushita is the contact for seats for the performance at Pine Ridge. S.D.C. Critical Path Race Relations Project Mr. Rutland gave Committee Members a brief overview of what this Social Development Council project is and why this project had been initiated. 5. 1998 RACE RELATIONS FORUM Sub-Committee Update Mr. Rutland distributed and reviewed the minutes from the Sub-Committee's last meeting. Mr. Rutland advised that the evening had been formulated on showcasing Youth. It is a similar format as the 1997 Forum. We are using song, dance and drama presentations followed by a Youth/Adult Panel question-answer session. The following individuals have confirmed they will be participants on the panel: Stephen Reynolds, Town of Pickering Gary Renalli, Durham Board of Education Ted Dionne confirmed a member of the Durham Regional Police Mr. Rutland asked what Committee members thought of the idea of having two keynote speakers. The consensus was only one keynote speaker. The decision of the Committee was that the keynote speaker should be youth oriented. The Committee decided that the first choice should be Tracy Melchor. Mr. Reynolds asked if a deadline had been established for poetry and essays to be submitted. 4 Ms. Winterstein stated that March 23rd was the date for the Art to be brought to the Town for mounting. She asked if she could be advised in advance of the numbers being submitted as room dividers would have to be rented and if the item was 3 dimensional or wall mounted. She asked if the Town was going to be responsible for producing the booklet. Mr. Rutland felt that the sub-committee should discuss these items and that a proper schedule be prepared and what involvement the Town would have. Ms. Winterstein reviewed the size and structure of the Council Chambers and foyer. She advised that space was limited and refreshments would be served in the foyer. The Sub-Committee planned their next meeting for Thursday, January 29, 1998 in the Civic Complex. 6. DATES OF FUTURE RACE RELATIONS & EQUITY MEETINGS February 10, 1998 - 7:00 p.m. March 10, 1998 - 7:00 p.m. April 14, 1998 - 7:00 p.m. May 12, 1998 - 7:00 p.m. June 9, 1998 - 7:00 p.m. 7. NEW BUSINESS Ms. Winterstein advised that the Murals have been removed from the Council Chambers and that Parks Division staff were installing a rod to make them easy to be hung collectively. The Durham Board of Education have already reserved the Murals for the month of February. Ms. Kiyonaga asked if the Separate School Board could reserve them after the Forum. Mr. Rutland commented that Isabel Bassett new Minister of Citizenship, Culture & Recreation had been extended an invitation to attend a Durham Region Strategy Conference on Race Relations. Ajax will be hosting their Race Relations Festival on April 5th at the McLean Centre. Mr. Khaja advised that he has organized the Eid-ul Fitr Dinner on February 4th at the House of Commons in Ottawa. 250 people will be attending including Members of Parliament, Senators and Ambassadors. Mr. Dan McTeague MP is the Master of Ceremonies. 8S 5 Mr. Reynolds stated that Councillor Ryan had suggested that someone from the Aboriginal Community be invited to join the Committee, Committee Members agreed. Mr. Rutland requested that thank you letters should be sent to Ms. Bovolaneas and Mr.Nabe for their assistance on the previous Committee. MEETING ADJOURNED -8:40 p.m.