HomeMy WebLinkAboutMay 5, 1998 MINUTES A meeting of the Pickering Advisory Committee on Race Relations and Equity was held in the Pickering Civic Complex on Tuesday, May 5, 1998 at 7:00 p.m. Present: Councillor David Ryan Mobeen Khaj a, Muslim Educational Cultural Association Jane Kiyonaga, Durham Catholic District School Board Fred Gibson, Pickering Carib Canadian Cultural Association Dr. Phebe-Jane Poole, Ajax-Pickering Board of Trade Roland Rutland, Ajax/Pickering Social Development Council Aisha Umar, Community Appointee Stephen Reynolds, Director of Culture & Recreation Margaret Donaldson,Recording Secretary Regrets: Ian Weber, Community Appointee Jamie Finan, St. Mary Catholic Secondary School Paul Chiang, Durham Regional Police Service Norm Powers, Durham District School Board Monika Jensen, Community Appointee Jill Foster, Pickering Library Board Alice Carlson, Dunbarton High School Jacqui Steer, William Dunbar Public School Philip Matsushita, Pine Ridge Secondary School 1. Welcome Mr. Reynolds welcomed all in attendance and introduced our new Community Appointee Ms. Aisha Umar. 2. Approve Minutes of Last Meeting MOTION: Moved by: Ms. J. Kiyonaga Seconded by: Mr. M. Khaja That the minutes of the April 4, 1998 meeting be accepted as presented. Carried 2 3. Business Arising from Minutes Youth Representation from High Schools Ms. Kiyonaga advised that the Separate School Board are working on a term of 2 years for youth members to be part of Committee starting in September 1998. Mr. Reynolds will follow-up with Mr. Powers with regard to the Public School Board's participation. Ms. Poole advised that she had not attended the Ajax/Pickering Board of Trade meeting, therefore had not brought up the idea of outreach to the business community. She plans to attend the next meeting and will advise them of this idea. Ms. Poole advised that she had received the information about the event being held at the Durham District School Board offices and had forwarded this to the Directors of the Board of Trade. Mr. Khaja gave a brief overview of the April 20th dinner held at Queens Park. Mr. Rutland stated that Mr. Khaja should be congratulated. It was an excellent event. Mr. Gibson advised that the Pickering Carib Canadian Cultural Association held their annual Seniors Tea Party on Sunday, May 3, 1998. Ms. Janet Ecker, Mayor Arthurs and Councillor Maurice Brenner attended as well as 250 senior citizens. It was an excellent event. 4. Planning 1999 Race Relations Forum Mr. Reynolds stated that the discussion and feedback from the April 7, 1998 meeting will assist the Committee in its plans for 1999. Last year at this time we started thinking about potential speakers and in September the Committee identified existing and future ideas and direction for the Forum. Ms. Kiyonaga stated that every year when we come together in the Fall it is like a fresh start. Maybe we should plan an informal session to collect our thoughts, regroup, and generate new ideas instead of jumping into business. Mr. Gibson stated that we have youth in the community that try to fit in and be seen as a better citizen. Maybe we could ask them to join a meeting and let them be heard. 3 Ms. Umar suggested that the youth be invited, maybe have a mentoring program for youth in a casual setting. We need to invest time and form relationships. Ms. Poole suggested that the Committee have a strategy planning session maybe a barbecue and workshop. Mr. Reynolds stated that bringing people together in an informal setting would be very positive. There is a lot of value in getting youth to a meeting and hearing what they have to say and what direction they want to go. Councillor Ryan stated that he agreed with project planning but we have to get a handle on it. In 1994 we talked openly on what we wanted to accomplish, we could revisit this and make the workshop a full day either on a weekend or 2 meetings in a row. Ms. Kiyonaga likes the idea of leading up and coming together socially maybe meet at 6:00 p.m. and order Pizza. Component individual issues, have a movie theme related,then break into groups to talk. Councillor Ryan suggested that we revisit our mandate. Mr. Rutland stated that he liked the idea of Strategic Planning to go over what we have already completed. We are a Committee that is proactive. We have to review existing Town policy. Councillor Ryan reminded Committee members again that we are only an advisory committee not a program committee. Community issues are not driven or funded by the Town. Mr. Rutland asked Committee members if they wanted to do more programming, Councillor Ryan said remember it takes Town resources to do this and staff do not have any more time to assist. Mr. Rutland stated that we could generate resources to hire someone. Councillor Ryan stated these people still need to be directed and managed. After further discussion Councillor Ryan suggested a Pizza/BBQ Evening starting at 6:00 p.m. Committee were in agreement. Mr. Rutland suggested that a letter be sent to Committee members giving them a history on the Race Relations and Equity Committee. Councillor Ryan advised he will prepare this and forward to Committee members prior to the informal Fall meeting. 4 5. Other Business Mr. Rutland advised that he had received an invoice from Pine Ridge Secondary School and Garry Renalli, Durham District School Board with regard to printing the brochure. Ms. Kiyonaga advised that the Ministry has cut the Language Grant substantially to the School Board. The meeting adjourned.